We have clearly examined the evidence that suggests that what we are dealing
with is a universal, time-varying energy source that unifies all areas of
“empty space” together as a Oneness. The work of Prof. Shnoll gives us
incontrovertible evidence that a whole hidden dimension exists in the
quantum field that we are completely unaware of, which shows that “all
motion is relative” in ways that we had never before imagined. The studies
with Nina Kulagina and Alla Vinogradova prove that human consciousness can
directly create and / or affect all the known energy fields of science. Our
thoughts will move through all of our cells even if they have been removed
from our body and placed at a distance. For all of these phenomena to occur,
there must be an aetheric energy, and this energy must stream into all
physical matter in order to sustain its existence. So bearing that in mind,
what exactly is gravity in this new model? How does it relate to the
philosophy of Oneness and the “big picture?”
Our fundamental premise for this book is that as human beings, we only have
an illusion of being separate; in reality, there is only one Supreme Being,
one Consciousness, and we are very much like cells in this body – a body
that is evolving. A number of different sources give us a metaphysical
meaning for gravity, the most common being that gravity represents the
tendency for all parts of the Creation to seek Oneness, to seek reunion with
the Center. Furthermore, in the work of Dr. Walter Russell, a truly
multi-talented artist, scientist, architect and musician, we have an
enhancement on this concept for gravity. In the Russellian model, gravity
again is the tendency for all objects in the Universe to seek the center,
but he then goes on to say that once reaching that center, new matter and
energy is radiated outward. As we progress, we will see definite
experimental and observational evidence that this must be true; as one
example that we will cover in later chapters, this could very well explain
the observation of the phenomenon known as “sonoluminescence.” In this
chapter, our focus will be on getting a true understanding of gravity and
the closely related force of inertia, and also show how these forces can be
harnessed to create anti-gravity propulsion technologies.
So begin by asking yourself this: if you have an object in an area with no
air and zero gravity, do you expect to encounter resistance when you try to
move the object through space? It’s empty space, right? There shouldn’t be
any resistance in empty “vacuum” space, should there be?
The answer to this question as well as our understanding of gravity came
about from the work of Isaac Newton. Perhaps the ultimate cliché in all of
science is the image of Newton sitting under a tree and discovering gravity
when an apple fell down and hit him on the head. From this initial
inspiration, Newton composed a series of laws including gravitation and the
“law of inertia,” which everyone remembers from their science classes as,
“An object at rest tends to stay at rest, and an object in motion tends to
stay in motion.” And that means that even in an airless vacuum without
gravity, you will encounter a force that will cause you to have difficulty
moving something through space!
So what exactly is that object moving through? In the conventional models it
is simply a “force” and nothing more is discussed. Here, we will suggest
that this force is caused by the energy of the universe. Therefore, if we
consider the spiritual perspective of our living in One Ultimate Being, then
we can see how this shows us that no matter where we go in the Universe, we
are always moving through the energy “body” of that Being, drawing the
energy of space along with us.
Specifically, inertia is the force that you see being used in the science
fiction movies when a space station is constantly rotating to create
artificial gravity. Thanks to the power of inertia, the rotation of any
object will cause centrifugal force to form, which is what allows you to
spin a bucket of water around your head in circles and have it never spill
out. Centrifugal force will actively push away from the center of any object
that is rotated, whereas centripetal force is created when the force presses
towards the center of a given object or area. The centripetal force is most
easily seen at the center of a whirlpool, where all force is pushing towards
the center.
So, we all know that gravity is very strong, as there’s nothing we can do to
resist it, but inertia doesn’t seem as powerful; we hardly ever notice it or
pay attention to its existence. However, this is not the way it works!
Anyone who studies this information will know that the basic equations for
gravity and inertia work in exactly the same way. This means that if you
have a given object, both gravity and inertia exert the same amount of force
on the objects. Einstein discovered this and referred to it as the
“Principle of Equivalence.” What that means to us is:
Somehow, the forces of gravity and inertia are married together, as though
they were one and the same.
Although science should clearly have suspected that a new universal law was
hiding in the Equivalence Principle, no one in the mainstream truly has a
good explanation for it yet. However, before we look into that part of the
puzzle, we must take a better look at the evolution of the theory of how
gravity works, since the concepts have become more complex since Newton. And
even though gravity has been radically reworked in relativity theory, the
only change in the law of inertia since Newton is the Equivalence Principle,
which simply says that “Gravity and inertia act the same,” without ever
explaining why.
The scientific community essentially remained content with Newtonian physics
right up until the early 20th century, when Einstein created a radical new
design for gravity. By postulating that all the universe is ultimately made
of energy, not particles, he also created the rather bizarre-sounding idea
that space and time are somehow fused together into a “fabric.” On the face
of it, this seems completely ridiculous to the average person, since we
don’t think of time as a tangible thing; it is simply a measurement, and
depending on your mood, your subjective perception of time could be very
different. When you’re in love with someone, the clock could go “a mile a
minute,” but when you’ve got five minutes left at work on a Friday and
you’re watching the clock with anticipation, a minute can seem to take a lot
longer – even the music on the radio could seem to get slower and more
So how does time, something that to the human mind seems nothing more than a
subjective perception of measurement, become a tangible “thing” that creates
a fabric with space? We normally think of as simply being empty nothingness,
certainly not part of a “fabric” that is married with time. It certainly
isn’t easy to think about, and that hasn’t won Einstein a lot of friends in
the arena of philosophy. However, most of the physics community agrees that
the universe must work in this way; neither space nor time is “real” as a
separate entity, but instead they move and flow together. Even more
importantly, a majority of aetheric researchers will quickly and gleefully
point out on their websites that Einstein later admitted that the existence
of an “aether” was not only possible, it was a requirement for this theory
of General Relativity to be correct. Obviously this is not a “popular”
statement and most scientists will try to deny that he said it or make other
types of excuses about it; remember that their favorite theories are at
stake, and they will seemingly spare no expense to discredit the opposition.
Now how does Einstein’s space-time model equate with gravity, you ask?
Einstein said that this space-time fabric curves inward around a planetary
body, thus forcing any traveling object or energy force, including light, to
be attracted by that body. The way that this is explained is generally to
see this “fabric” as if it were a flat sheet of rubber that has been
stretched out between four tacks. A mass such as a planet would be
visualized on a much smaller scale as a marble that has been placed onto the
sheet of rubber. The weight of the marble would cause the rubber to dip down
into a funnel shape, and the more mass that the marble has, the deeper the
funnel would be. Other objects of smaller mass would roll down into the
funnel in the presence of the larger object.
By giving us this model,
Einstein felt content with having come up with a
solely geometric design for gravity. No longer did we need to hypothesize a
“gravity force,” if the simple geometric structure of the space-time fabric
itself, which he believed was simply a form of energy, caused these events
to happen. Simply traveling through space causes you to naturally move
towards the object; the actual space around the object is, as he put it,
Although this is an excellent mathematical model that has been
scientifically proven, up until now there was no clear-cut way to visualize
it. Several problems immediately come to mind. First of all, we are puzzled
by the idea of space as having substance, since “space” by its very
definition is “empty.” However, in the aetheric model we see that
bizarre idea of a "fabric" in space now has a clear identity - the
aetheric energy. As we said, in later years Einstein himself admitted that
the idea of an aether was indeed required for this “space fabric” to exist,
even though he wouldn’t be quick to call it that due to the scornful
opinions of the mainstream scientific community.
The second significant problem in visualizing
Einstein’s gravity model is
that any curvature of space-time would need to surround a spherical object
in three dimensions, which would ultimately form a larger spherical field of
energy that was “curving” into the object. In reality, the word “flowing” is
far more precise than “curving,” since we will suggest that this
gravitational energy is constantly flowing into that planet! The typical
“curved space” diagram is obviously incorrect because it tries to show this
curvature as a flat sheet instead of modeling it in three dimensions.
4.5.2 GRAVITATIONAL LENSING Even though the idea of spacetime being “flat” cannot be correct, the core
idea of objects distorting the space around them is still a good one.
Astronomers are quick to point out that there have been definite
observations of “lensing” effects around stars, so that when one star passes
behind another star, the gravity of the star in front can actually cause the
light from the star behind to flow around it and become visible. And
obviously, this is called “lensing” because it appears as though the gravity
of the object in front is acting just like a lens that reflects light. This
surprising observation has been noted and photographed many times, and in
some cases the light from the reflected star actually emerges in a semi-halo
around the star in front, creating as many as four different images of the
star behind, spaced symmetrically around the star in front. This is about as
much proof as any good scientist needs, and yet there is still a given
segment of the alternative science crew that tries to dismiss these
observations and completely disagrees with Einstein’s new model of gravity.
By looking at the phenomenon of lensing, we can see that there is good
reason to have faith in the basic concept that mass causes a distortion of
the space around it. In the aether models, this has a much deeper meaning
than in conventional thought. Remember that at the beginning of this
chapter, we suggested that gravity is not a “sucking” action coming from any
given object, but rather it is the principle by which all matter in the
Universe seeks the Center, or Oneness. The basic philosophy states that the
entire Universe is one being that is constantly evolving, and gravity is
another way in which that being is growing; it is constantly striving to
reconnect, to gather to Center, to strive once more towards Oneness. Though
some people might feel this is wishy-washy and overly religious-sounding,
the Law of One series illustrates this as a good metaphor of how a
fundamentally conscious “ultimate being” manifests its own desire for Unity.
As we said in Chapter Two, Dr. Hal Puthoff suggested that all parts of an
atom would need to draw off of “zero-point energy” in order to sustain the
atom’s existence. And since all objects in our Universe are made of atoms
and molecules, then:
All objects in our Universe, regardless of their size, are consistently
drawing in aetheric energy to sustain their existence.
Without this ongoing influx of energy to support themselves, they would shed
heat and dissolve back into aether.
So what happens when you have objects of different sizes?
The larger an object is, the more
aether will stream into it to sustain its
This creates a force on other objects, since aether is streaming into them
as well.
So, the aether could be thought of philosophically as the energetic “blood”
of the Universal Being. Planets, stars and galaxies could be thought of as
organs in its body, and they are constantly being refreshed by new
life-force on a moment-to-moment basis. This aetheric force, flowing in and
out, is the father and mother energy of all matter, the very essence of life
itself. This movement can be referred to in spiritual literature, both
ancient and modern, as the “breath of life,” the “breath of the Divine” or
the “breath of the compassionate.” And in Part Two, we will find out that
observational evidence, gathered from the South Pole during the 24-hour days
of sunlight at winter solstice, has proven that the surface of the Sun is
continually heaving in and out in set rhythmic patterns, just as this model
suggests! Neither the Newtonian nor the Einsteinian models of gravity would
be able to account for this un-anticipated movement, which intuitively makes
the Sun feel much more like a living, breathing form of consciousness in its
own right.
So, based on the concept that we have set forth, any object of matter in the
Universe, such as the Earth, becomes akin to an “aether sink,” where the
energy of the aether is constantly flowing into it from all directions
equally. Gravity, far from being a force of attraction, is actually created
by the pressure of the "aether wind" as it continues to flow into the Earth
from all directions moment by moment, pushing down or "curving in" all
objects equally from the space around it. Obviously, this is not the model
of gravity that will be taught in modern universities, but it nevertheless
fits better with the overall picture. We remember that the gravity equations
do not specify which direction the force needs to be coming from; they work
just the same if gravity is a movement of force towards the center of an
object as they do if it is a ‘sucking’ force that reaches from the inside of
an object outwards. Thus, there is no evidence within Newton’s laws that a
skeptic can use to disprove this idea; it is simply a different
interpretation than the one that is currently popular.
So, the Earth is a very large body, and therefore a very large amount of
aether must flow into it moment by moment to sustain its existence. And
since all matter is made of aether, a smaller object will invariably be
caught up in the energy that streams into a larger object. If you were to
accidentally fall into a raging river, the mass of your body would be little
match for the much larger mass of water that you were now moving with.
If we apply this analogy of a powerful river into an aetheric model in
space, we have an easy method of actually visualizing this aetheric energy
flow. When we view gravity in this fashion, we are all like mosquitoes that
get stuck on a screen door as the air blows through it; the ground halts our
downward motion, while the aether slips through the earth’s surface and
continues to flow directly into the center, recreating every atom every
moment. And in Richard Pasichnyk’s book The Vital Vastness, he reports on
experiments that have proven that once you drill more than 2700 kilometers
below the Earth’s surface, a threshold is reached where the force of Earth’s
gravity suddenly begins decreasing rapidly… and by the time you get to the
center it’s theorized that there would be no gravitational force at all.
This is due to the fact that after the force of gravity rushes into the
center, a part of it rushes back out of the center and thus counteracts the
force of gravity. The depth of 2700 kilometers is the point where this
outward movement is neutralized. In deep mines and boreholes, the strength
of gravity is measurably different.
Another "mystery" of gravity is that all objects fall at exactly the same
rate, accelerating at either ten meters per second squared or thirty-two
feet per second squared, depending on whether you use metric or English
measuring systems. This is another scientific fact that is easily overlooked
as being unimportant. Most people will get caught at least once by the
question, “Which weighs more, a pound of lead or a pound of feathers?”
Former NASA consultant Richard C. Hoagland designed an experiment that was
performed by the Apollo astronauts on the Moon, where a feather and a stone
were dropped at the same time. Since there was no atmosphere to disturb the
falling movement of the feather, they both traveled to the ground at exactly
the same speed, just as the model had predicted.
At first, it might not seem that this is possible, since this concept forces
us to admit that the mass of an object has no bearing on how fast it falls
to the Earth. However, the new aether theory explains that the size of the
object will not change its gravitational acceleration speed because the
effect is being caused by the flux (or flow) of aether instreaming into the
earth, not the weight of the object itself. In other words, the speed of
Gravity is only the speed of the flow of aether, and this has nothing to do
with the size of the falling object, since all instreaming Earth energy will
travel at the same speed. If we think back to our analogy of a raging river,
two floating objects will travel on the surface of that river at the same
speed, even though they are of different sizes. The mass of the river is so
much greater than the mass of the objects that the objects’ masses have no
effect on how fast they travel.
Another one of Einstein’s most confusing postulates is that mass will
continue to increase more and more as you approach the speed of light.
Again, most people have heard of this concept since it is frequently used to
“debunk” the idea that UFOs could really exist; in Einstein’s model they
would become infinitely massive as they approached the speed of light.
Although we will have a lot more to say about this issue in future chapters
when we discuss the true meaning of the speed of light, for now we will just
focus on the core concept, which is the idea that when an object moves more
quickly through space, its mass increases. Conventionally, our scientists
don’t understand how or why this is occurring, but in the aetheric model it
is plainly obvious. When we move an object through “space,” we are actually
moving it through the aether. And that aether is a fluidlike substance that
actually creates the object moment-by-moment. Therefore, if we see a given
object as being like a dry sponge, then when we move that object through the
“river” of aether, it will absorb more energy and thus increase its mass.
Now in the Einsteinian model, this is usually only seen as a one-way system:
an object moves faster, its mass increases, and then you must deal with the
consequences of a larger mass. This doesn’t necessarily mean that the size
of the object would increase, just the density of it. However, if an
object’s mass can expand this way in Einstein’s model by moving it faster,
then would it also deflate its mass as it slows back down, like a balloon
releasing the extra air that was once put into it? No scientist has proven
or disproven that this would be true, but it poses an interesting question;
if the aether model is indeed correct, then:
An object’s mass is a measurement that is capable of changing, depending on
how it moves through the aether.
This might not seem possible at first, but it can be visualized easily with
the idea that the atoms and molecules are composed of electromagnetic fields
that could absorb and release the fluid “pressure” of aether energy. In a
natural state of rest, any object would automatically reach a balance
between the pressure of energy inside of itself and the pressure of energy
on the outside, as the energy would be continually flowing in and out at an
even speed. However, if some of the energy pressure was radiated away from
the inside of the object, then during that time it would weigh less. We will
explain how to make the energy radiate away like this in just a moment. For
now, we also need to see that once we did this, a pressure imbalance would
be created in the object similar to a vacuum.
As we know in the case of our atmosphere, once a vacuum is created in the
air, the surrounding air pressure will cause new air to immediately rush
back in. This is easily seen in the case of a thunderstorm. First, a bolt of
lightning causes an area of the atmosphere to be instantly vaporized, and
this forms a vacuum. Then, the surrounding air will immediately rush into
that vacuum, and we hear a clap of thunder as the waves of air crash into
each other. So, in the case of an object radiating away its energy pressure
and forming an “aether vacuum” inside of itself, we know that the only way
we could keep the anti-gravity effect working would be if the object was
being forced to continually radiate away its energy on a constant basis.
Otherwise, it would immediately fill its own “energy vacuum” with new energy
and its weight would return to normal.
So how, then, do we get an object to radiate away some of the pressure of
energy inside of itself?
We rotate the object.
As soon as we rotate the object, centrifugal force kicks in – the same force
that would allow us to spin pails of water in circles around our heads
without losing any water, if we did it fast enough. And as we are about to
see with the DePalma Spinning Ball Experiment and others in the next
chapter, many scientists have accurately measured slight decreases in the
mass of an object when it is rotating. Normally, since this effect is so
small, it is only interpreted as an error in the data if it is even noticed
at all. So, once again,
Centrifugal force causes energy (mass) to fly away from the center, through
Hence, if you only move an object in one direction through the aether, then
like a dry sponge it will soak up more energy into itself. But if you rotate
the object, centrifugal force causes the energy in the object to spray
outwards. If you’ve ever tried to use a blender or a coffee grinder without
putting the lid on top, then you know that when those blades start spinning,
whatever you’ve put inside that machine will very quickly be all over you,
the wall and everything else in the room! This is the power of centrifugal
force to cause any type of substance, either matter or energy, to radiate
away from its center.
So, how does this concept relate to anti-gravity? First, we must remember
what our new definition of gravity really is. All measurements that we could
ever make on Earth are occurring within this ‘river’ of aether,
the very
breath and lifeblood of Mother Earth. No matter where our anti-gravity
laboratory is located on this planet, the aether in and around it will not
“hold still” for us – it will continually be moving downwards. The
gravitational mass of an object is simply caused by the aether that “blows”
it down towards the center of the Earth.
So, the basic concept is that if you can rotate an object at a high enough
number of revolutions per minute, you should be able to cause it to radiate
away some of the aether force that would normally be pushing it down. By
radiating the downward pressure of gravity out to the sides, its weight, or
mass, could lower. Remember that if the earth has a constant stream of aether flowing into it, so does all other matter to a lesser degree.
Rotation simply radiates the energy streaming into an object away from its
typical downward gravitational motion. (Later in the book we will see that
very precise sound vibrations can cause an object to vibrate violently and
radiate energy away from itself as well, thus lowering its mass in a similar
Again, to use a metaphor that involves flowing water, this principle of
defying gravity is just as simple as taking a water hose that is pointing
downwards and bending it so that the water flows out to the side instead.
"Sideways" is not normally considered to be a gravitational motion, but it
clearly does have a force, like when you are riding on a rollercoaster and
feel pressure against your chest. This “sideways” force is inertia! Dr.
Bruce DePalma, a non-conforming MIT graduate, demonstrated this principle
with an extremely simple experiment.
First, he would release two balls from two catapults side-by-side at an
equal angle, and have the catapults put an equal amount of force on each
ball. The only difference would be that one ball would be spinning at the
terrific speed of 27,000 RPM, and the other ball wouldn’t be spinning at
all. In a complete vacuum, he would observe the trajectories of the two
balls and see whether anything changed; their height, their angle, their
speed of travel. And in so doing, DePalma discovered the impossible:
In defiance of all known physical laws, the spinning ball actually traveled
higher, fell faster and moved farther than its non-spinning counterpart.

And as a side note, since skeptics are quick to ascribe all this to a
principle caused by the atmosphere, we are reminded that it works just as
well in a vacuum. The only choice that would remain is to attack the
experiment itself, but as we go along we shall see that others have
replicated this effect in many ways.
And so, we can see that aether exerts force upon matter, such as in the case
of gravity, and this force can actually be tinkered with. Therefore, it
should be no surprise that Dr. Hal Puthoff and others have made the radical
suggestion that the existence of aether or zero-point energy in space is the
real reason for why inertia exists. In an article published in the
scientific journal MERCURY by B. Haisch and A. Rueda that discusses
Dr. Puthoff’s research, we see the following:
“…inertia is an
electromagnetic force that switches on whenever an object
accelerates through space… In our theory, inertia does depend on… an
electromagnetic field (of aether) that pervades the cosmos.”
As we shall see, this new information is vital to overcoming gravity and
harnessing this "energy of the vacuum" to provide limitless free energy
without cost. And time and time again, the efforts of those such as
Tesla have provided this fruit, and it has been vigorously stamped out by
the elite, who simply ask: "And where will the meters be on each house when
we hook up this new energy supply?" When they find out that there is no
profit margin in a limitless energy system, they see their wealth flash
before their eyes and the researcher is silenced or even killed, as is most
likely the case with Dr. Bruce DePalma, who died young and unexpectedly in
1998. Tesla’s career was completely ruined by JP Morgan in the latter years
of his life and his work classified, while Edison took all the credit and
remuneration for Tesla’s innovations such as alternating current, which
powers every electric outlet in the home.
And so, operational gravity-defying craft such as the Searl Levity Disc and
free energy machines such as DePalma’s N-Machine have already been built on
these principles, as we shall see. As we described above with DePalma’s
Spinning Ball Drop experiment, perhaps the most useful relationship between
gravity and aether is seen in rotation.
In the next chapter we will see a new concept of magnetism that gives us yet
another way to harness the aether flow directly. Magnetism and electricity
are very close cousins, enough so that they are defined by modern physics as
being the same field - i.e. electro-magnetism. And when we combine magnetism
with rotation, such as by magnetizing a gyroscope and hooking it up to draw
electric current from it as DePalma has done, you can create anti-gravity
and free energy at the same time! The generation of "free" electricity from
this one-piece "rotating magnet" concept was discovered by Michael Faraday
all the way back on Dec. 26, 1831, even though most physicists would deem it
4.14 RECAP
4.1 Gravity is the tendency for all energy in the Universe to move towards
the Center. Once reaching this center point, energy is re-radiated away from
the center as light, heat and matter.
4.2 Even in an airless vacuum without gravity, you will encounter a force
that will cause you to have difficulty moving something through space. This
is known as “inertia.”
4.3 Centrifugal force will actively push away from the center of any object
that is rotated.
4.4 Gravity and inertia obey the
Principle of Equivalence; they both exert
the exact same degree of force on matter.
4.5 Einstein modeled gravity as a function of geometry.
4.5.1 Einstein saw the space-time fabric as curving. However, it is more
convenient to see this geometry as a three-dimensional flow of energy
streaming into the object.
4.5.2 The “curvature” of space around a celestial object causes
“gravitational lensing” to occur, where the light from a star behind it will
curve around and become visible.
4.6 All objects in our Universe, regardless of their size, are consistently
drawing in aetheric energy to sustain their existence. Without this ongoing
influx of energy to support themselves, they would shed heat and dissolve
back into aether. The larger an object is, the more aether will stream into
it to sustain its existence. This creates a force on other objects, since
aether is streaming into them as well. The “breathing” movement of the Sun
displays this flow of energy in action.
4.7 The equations for gravity do not specify which direction the energy must
be moving in. The idea that energy is moving down into the Earth as
and then radiating away from the core is supported by the finding that
weight rapidly begins decreasing once we drill more than 2,700 kilometers
beneath the Earth’s surface.
4.8 All objects move at the same speed under the influence of gravity
because they are “caught up” in the much more massive “river” of energy that
is flowing into the Earth every moment.
4.9 Einstein proved that when an object moves more quickly through space,
its mass increases. This is actually an increase of “pressure” of aether
inside the object. Similarly, if the object slows back down, we expect that
its mass would decrease in due course, as the pressure of movement would be
relieved. It is also possible to create a “vacuum” of energy in an object,
thereby lowering its mass.
4.10 Rotation of an object causes its
aetheric energy pressure to “spray”
outwards, thus decreasing the object’s mass.
4.11 Rotation of an object can deflect the natural downward movement of
aetheric energy out to the sides of the object and “redirect” gravity in a
sideways direction, to a degree.
4.11.1 Dr. Bruce DePalma showed that simply rotating a steel ball and
launching it off of a catapult through space will cause it to move faster,
fly higher and travel longer than a non-moving ball. The effect works just
as well in an airless vacuum.
4.12 Dr. Hal Puthoff said that “inertia is an electromagnetic force that
switches on when you move an object through space.”
4.13 These effects can be used to
create anti-gravity and free energy at the
same time.
