With the data that we have reviewed in this book in hand, the proof for the
existence of an “aether” medium throughout free space is essentially
irrefutable. The new view of inertia and gravity as seen in Dr. DePalma’s
“Spinning Ball Drop” experiment and other related designs supports this
concept, and these principles have been actively used to create anti-gravity
and free energy. And, Prof. Shnoll’s findings, which were mentioned in
Chapter Three, completely change our ideas about the nature of the atoms and
molecules that are at the root of matter itself. Shnoll showed that somehow,
molecules are very intimately connected with their surroundings, showing
perfect synchronization of their reaction rates with planetary and celestial
movements. This lends credence to the notion of the universe existing as an
Ultimate Conscious Being.
Such an “information transfer” process between atoms and molecules leaves
the door wide open for many other “action-at-a-distance” phenomena such as
the Backster effect, as seen between many different forms of life including
plants, bacteria and human cells, and forces us to seriously re-evaluate our
current ideas of quantum mechanics. In this book we will propose a new
solution to the quantum physics puzzle that is based entirely on
electromagnetic fields; and the fundamental, underlying structure that they
maintain when emerging from the aether into a “pure” and balanced form is
that known as the spherical torus. Evidence already exists that
energy naturally assumes this formation in different sizes, which we will
now review.
The spherical torus is different than a sphere, in the sense that it has an
axis of rotation that runs through its center. This formation allows it to
rotate horizontally while also flowing vertically with vortexual motion at
the same time. Many different researchers have studied the properties of
energy in this form and come up with fascinating results. We have numerous
pieces of evidence from Dr. Dmitriev that show that these formations are far
more than the occasional, anomalous “ball lightning” phenomenon: they are
constantly being released by the Sun, interacting in and around the Earth
and solar system, and striking our ionosphere 30 times a second. They appear
to have been encountered and photographed on numerous NASA missions,
especially on STS-75, which conducted the “Tethered Satellite” experiment.
Under certain circumstances that usually involve high-speed rotation, they
can take up “polarized” forms that will absorb aetheric energy in its
gravitational form and transform it into electromagnetic energy and light.
There are a number of documented cases of large-scale “natural self-luminous
formations” that have either levitated objects or made them far heavier,
much to the surprise of the observers, and the tornado phenomena has an
impressive number of anomalies that support this new model.
Researchers such as Professor John Searl, Drs. Roschin and Godin and
Austrian scientist Viktor Schauberger have all been able to create the
necessary vortexual motion that is required to harness the forces of
anti-gravity and free energy; and we know that in the case of Searl and
Roschin / Godin, the liberated energy actually became visible to the eye as
a luminous spherical torus. Furthermore, in the Roschin / Godin study, we
learned that a series of “spheres within spheres” of decreased temperature
and heightened magnetism was formed around their machine while it was
running, suggesting that the creation of the central field in the machine
has a rippling, fluidlike effect on the aetheric energy surrounding it. This
was also seen in Dr. Vadim Chernobrov’s study of electromagnetic propulsion
devices where he described “nested spherical envelopes” in a form that he
labeled as being similar to “mastrioshka,” which are the Russian toy dolls
where many are nested inside of each other. We also should remember that
Chernobrov detected minute changes in the passage of time in these
experiments. And in Dmitriev’s data on tornadoes, we can see similar “nested
spherical energy fields” occurring with the one or more rotating spherical
“cascades” that have been seen to surround a funnel cloud.
In the cases of tornadoes and natural Earth energy upwellings such as the
Oregon Vortex and the infamous Bermuda Triangle, we see that these
formations are not only changing gravity, but they are also releasing huge
amounts of visible electromagnetic energy and actually changing the state of
physical matter. In the Oregon Vortex we can have people’s height clearly
change depending on where they stand, and in a tornado there are numerous
scientific observations of matter entering into a permeable state where it
can “fuse” together with other matter, such that a flimsy stick of pine wood
can penetrate a 1.5-inch thick gate made of solid iron. In the case of the
Bermuda Triangle, it appears that some of the matter goes beyond this
apparent “blending” threshold completely and thus disappears from our
reality; giant ships such as the USS Cyclops have vanished without a trace
of wreckage or flotsam despite intensive searches. In other cases there
appears to be an effect that causes human beings to selectively move out of
our reality, without dematerializing the craft that they are in. This
obviously calls for new physics theories in order to be properly explained,
or else our collective ignorance of these natural principles will continue.
Up until the last chapter, we had primarily focused on how the effects of
the “consciousness unit” could be seen in matter and in space. And as we
looked more deeply into the properties of these units, it was revealed that
they appear to be inter-dimensional structures as well. Matter can be seen
to disappear altogether into some unseen “n-space,” and the rate of time’s
passage can be completely changed. As we discussed, within the Oregon Vortex
the passage of time is measured as being altered by a quarter-second. And in
Berlitz’s book The Bermuda Triangle, we have already mentioned the report of
a National Airlines 727 passenger plane which “disappeared” from the radar
screen for ten minutes while flying into the Miami airport. When they
reappeared they had no idea that anything unusual had happened. After they
landed and were informed of what had occurred, they checked all their
watches and time indicators and found that they were uniformly ten minutes
slower than the real time that had been recorded by everyone else; it was as
if they simply did not exist in our own plane of space and time for those
ten minutes.
At this point it is wise for us to remember that the core premise of this
book is that:
All space, all time and all “dimensional levels” are simply different forms
of one unified vibrating aetheric energy source, which is truly the energy
body of an Ultimate Being.
The state of matter is obviously affected directly by aetheric energies, and
under certain conditions such as those found in a tornado, where there is
high rotation and high electromagnetic activity, matter can be seen to make
dramatic changes. So again, what we should ultimately expect to see in our
studies is that different states of matter, different “dimensions” and
different rates for the passage of time are all dependent upon one thing,
and one thing only: the speed at which the aether is vibrating in that area.
Since the basic structure of the “consciousness unit”
is a sphere, it seems
worthwhile to study the sphere of the Earth in order to try to understand
more about how these higher-vibrational aetheric energies are able to “bleed
through” and interface with our own space-time. In Ivan Sanderson’s article
“The Twelve Devil’s Graveyards Around the World” that was published in Saga
magazine in 1972, we have learned that there are twelve different areas
where these types of changes in space and time have occurred throughout the
Earth, and they are all symmetrically spaced from each other. This obviously
makes the strong suggestion that a heretofore-unknown energetic field is at
work. As we mentioned in the last chapter and in greater detail in
The Shift
of the Ages, when we connect these twelve points together we get the basic
three-dimensional geometric solid known as the icosahedron, which is roughly
sphere-shaped and has twenty different faces. Each face of the icosahedron
is a perfect equilateral triangle where every internal angle is 60 degrees.
Within a sphere such as the Earth, the points of the icosahedron are located
between 30 and 40 degrees latitude above and below the equator. Each point
is spaced at 72-degree intervals from the neighboring points, and except for
the two at the poles, their exact geometric center is at 36 degrees North or
South latitude. All together, there are five points in the Northern
Hemisphere, five in the Southern Hemisphere and two at the poles.

We have already seen that a “polarized consciousness unit” energy formation
would not work as an energy field to sustain the Earth; if all the aetheric
energy was flowing, say, in the north pole and out the south pole, then the
Earth would be like a tornado and matter would never be able to hold
together and avoid annihilation. Somehow, the consciousness-unit must be
able to spread the energy out in a much more even fashion throughout its
spherical surface in order to avoid this problem. So, it could well be that
these twelve vortices are somehow relieving the “pressure” of the
higher-density aetheric energy fields, and allowing this higher-density
energy to temporarily bleed through to our own space and time. In Berlitz’
book we are given a greater description of the properties of these areas,
both in terms of Earth’s physical processes as well as the electromagnetic
time-warp anomalies:
These areas… represent the
nodal points where the surface ocean currents
turn one way and the subsurface currents turn in another direction. The
great subsurface tidal currents sweeping tangentially, and influenced by
different temperatures, set up magnetic vortices, affecting radio
communication, magnetism – perhaps even gravity – and eventually, in special
conditions, causing air and surface craft to vanish – sailing or flying off
into a different point in time and space. An interesting sidelight on the
erratic behavior of these areas is underlined by Sanderson in describing the
astonishing “early arrivals” of carefully clocked-in air flights where
planes have arrived so far ahead of schedule that the only possible
explanation would be that they had a tidal wind behind them blowing, for
example, at 500 miles per hour. [Note: Let’s remember that this kind of wind
speed is usually only seen in the worst hurricanes.] Such incidents may be
the result of unrecorded winds but they seem to occur most frequently within
the Bermuda Triangle and other vortex areas, as if these particular planes
had encountered the anomaly but had skirted or been propelled safely through
the “hole in the sky” that had cost so many travelers their lives.
In the article “The Planetary Grid: A New Synthesis” by Drs. William Becker
and Bethe Hagens, featured in the book Anti-Gravity and the World Grid, we
have a time-based anomaly reported at the Hawaii vortex of the
where an hour or more was spent in a time-warp zone. This anomalous event
was already mentioned in The Shift of the Ages:
A pilot flying with passengers near the Hawaii zone [of the
icosahedron of
energy points on the Earth] suddenly found himself in a “dead zone” without
[the use of his electromagnetic] instruments and unable to communicate
beyond the cockpit. After flying some 350 miles, [which most likely took an
hour or more,] the “phenomenon” lifted and the pilot found that tower
officials could find no measurable time that had elapsed between the
beginning of his “dead zone” experience and its end.
So, it would appear that on the Earth, these twelve points of the icosahedron are crucial to our understanding of the energetic phenomena that
are at work. Somehow, changes in time are also occurring along with changes
in space at these points; it seems possible for a person to phase out of our
known “three-space” reality entirely and merge into a “higher dimension,” if
you will, for a short time before returning, and in other cases they do not
return even though their ship does. However, in cases where the energy is
even stronger, then the entire ship or aircraft simply makes a complete
transition into some other time and space.
As previously stated, the case of Charles Wakeley in the last chapter is
probably the best example of someone passing very close to, or perhaps
through the “threshold” point without getting lost in it; we remember that
his entire plane ended up glowing with blindingly white light that seemed to
come “from everywhere at once” before the effect wore off and he could again
gain control of the aircraft. It is very likely that the tremendous light
that he saw around himself would not have been visible to those on the
ground; it was a visual consequence of his own body moving into a more
energetic area. To an outside observer there would be no change, as his body
moves into an area of higher-vibrational energy that is outside of the time
and space that the ground-based observer would see. If he did not return,
his plane would simply disappear from view, and if he did return then
nothing would appear to have happened to an outside observer; they would
only see his plane as a seamless continuity.
In Richard Pasichnyk’s website at
http://www.livingcosmos.com/earth.htm, we
see the result of a far more rigorous scientific investigation into these
same twelve vortex areas, providing us with new information that we had not
yet located when writing The Shift of the Ages. Pasichnyk’s concepts are
known overall as the “Field-dynamical model,” and he too has concluded that
similar forms of spherical energy fields are being seen at every level of
complexity in the Cosmos, from quantum to universal. His concepts include
the idea that these fields act as “particle accelerators.” This idea will
not be covered very much in this book, since nuclear reactions seem to be
only one part of the aetheric puzzle, but we have included them here so as
not to disrupt the continuity of the writing. He suggests that the energy
between the points on the sphere forms a curving S-shape, indicating the
path of spiraling vortex movement, which we will discuss later. For our
purposes here, we will break down Pasichnyk’s statements into a list:
The Fields (time-varying particle accelerators), which are situated just
above the bulge along the equator at about the 30 to 40-degree latitudes in
both hemispheres and also the poles, are associated with other phenomena. Each forms a sinusoidal or S-shaped relationship to another Field. Each is
on the exact opposite end of the Earth from another, so that if a rod were
put in one and through the center of the Earth, it would come out in the
middle of another Field.
1. Terrestrial electricity spirals, strange sounds, and magnetic and gravity
anomalies occur in each [area.] 2. The deepest parts of the ocean floor [are at these points.]
3. [The] ocean current patterns [flow around these points.] [And we know
from Sanderson’s data that this is a counter-rotational movement.]
4. Strong storms deep on the ocean floor [are seen at these points.]
5. Some of the highest values of ocean surface salinity [are seen at these
points.] 6. The most plentiful locations for bursting bubbles, producing stronger
atmospheric charge and other associations [are seen at these points.]
7. These same areas are high and low pressure systems in weather and storm
centers. 8. Spiraling gaseous nebulae have been observed from space centering in each
Field. 9. The Earth’s surface layer (lithosphere) and the physical aspects of plate
tectonics (subduction zones, plate boundaries, rises, rifts, stress
patterns, earthquake-wave anomalies, etc.) are related to the Fields’
locations (further discussion is in section 3.4). [Note: This information
regarding the “Global Grid” is well covered in
The Shift of the Ages,
discussing how the Grid is responsible for the structure and placement of
the continents on the Earth.] 10. Lighted displays (ionized particles) and dark masses (neutrons) have
been observed repeatedly. 11. Patterns and changes in the upper atmosphere, radiation belts, and the
magnetosphere show relationships to the Fields. 12. Eels, iron-precipitating bacteria, and electric fishes are
geographically located in these areas. 13. More than 70 percent of all life on Earth is situated in relation to
Fields (between the 40-degree latitudes), which is ideal for the generation
of electrical energy by life.
We can clearly see that this is a wide-open frontier of science that is
almost totally unexplored in the present, and Pasichnyk’s book The Vital
Vastness will have over 5000 references once published in summer 2001; every
statement made in the above list is rigorously documented. There is no doubt
that these fields are a very fundamental aspect of the Earth’s functioning
on all layers; the structure of the continents themselves, the oceans, the
weather processes in the atmosphere, auroras in the ionosphere and life
itself all clusters at these locations. More importantly, these fields
appear to be a fundamental property of the “consciousness unit” as well. Pasichnyk’s list only hints at the possibility of time-related anomalies at
these points, but in this book it will be very important for us to explore
Sanderson’s original research did indicate that at these powerful geometric
node points on the Earth, the surface ocean currents turn one way and the
subsurface currents turn in another direction. And of course, such
counter-rotational movement seems to be what is responsible for the
formation of a tornado in the atmosphere, at least as far as it is
understood in the conventional Brooks theory. We have already made the
strong suggestion that tornadoes, vortexes and other phenomena are only
possible because of rotations in the Earth’s atmospheric layer combining
with rotations in the Earth’s mantle. We know that this uniform system of
rotation is holding true in the oceans as well, and therefore appears to be
truly occurring throughout all the layers of the Earth. So, it may well be
that at least on the Earth, the counter-rotating movement that we are seeing
in the oceans at these twelve vortex points is also duplicated in the mantle
by counter-rotating areas of hot liquid magma.
However, if this is so, should it simply stop in the magma? Have we yet
understood exactly what is causing all this energetic movement? We still
haven’t answered the question of why this rather complex “icosahedron” shape
with counter-rotating vortexes would exist in the Earth, or anywhere else
for that matter. If this shape is so important, showing us the location of
interdimensional gateways, then what have our scientists missed in trying to
understand this?
With the work of Richard Pasichnyk the case for the Earth being a
“consciousness unit” in its own right is truly made complete. Briefly, let’s
remember the Texas tornado sighting in 1951 that was mentioned by Dr. Dmitriev. In the center, a brilliant cloud of light was seen; and this is
but one of a variety of findings that we have covered, which show us that at
the center of a spherical “consciousness unit” energy field, pure
energy will be seen as a form of brilliant glowing magnetism, just as
Schappeller was able to create with his rotating spherical device. Up until
now, we have erroneously assumed that the Earth had a solid core of iron,
and Pasichnyk’s data poses a serious challenge to this argument. Just as
Schappeller, Nordberg and many others have believed, it appears that:
The core of the Earth is truly made of “glowing magnetism,”
“undifferentiated solar matter” or “precipitated” aetheric energy, which we
have called Loving, Conscious Light.
The heart of Mother Earth, then, is composed of pure Light / Love aetheric
energy, and as we move further from the center, the energy cools and forms
into matter as is now seen. The push-pull of gravity and levity continually
supports the molecular structures inside the Earth, as well as actively
creating new matter. All the basic flow properties of the “consciousness
unit” apply as well, including the north-south vortex movements at the axis.
Furthermore, it turns out that almost every planet in the Solar System shows
key signs of these same fields. For the purposes of keeping this book brief,
we can only just begin to cover some of Pasichnyk’s vast amount of data, but
here we will try to outline some of the most significant highlights.
The simple fact that we must remember is that our scientists do not
understand how magnetism is formed. If we have a solid, tangible bar magnet
in front of us, then they know that magnetism will flow through it, and that
the magnetism is half of the electromagnetic wave. However, we must remember
that the idea of magnetism forming by itself as a glowing ball, without the
use of a metal to conduct it, is simply not seen. Most likely, the reason
for this is simply lack of information and theoretical knowledge. In this
respect, Dr. Dmitriev’s research, as well as Schappeller, Nordberg,
and many others, has given us a valuable new understanding:
Magnetism may form a spherical-torus
“standing wave” without needing to move through any other materials
At the center of this wave there will be an intense source of light and energy
Since the idea of a free-standing magnetic wave is not currently conceived
of, it is believed that the Earth’s center must have a core of iron and
nickel in order to conduct the electromagnetic energy. Based on this logic,
the idea of a “dynamo” is used to explain how the Earth is able to maintain
a magnetic field under this system. Simply put, a dynamo is a mechanical
device that looks like a disc or the two hands of a clock, with two parts
that counter-rotate at two different speeds. When an electromagnetic field
is introduced to the dynamo machine, its counter-rotational movement can
cause those fields to be strengthened and reinforced. It is believed that
the Earth works the same way at its core, through processes of rotation.
However, Pasichnyk points out that the dynamo, in and of itself, cannot
create a magnetic field; it can only reinforce a field that was already
introduced to it. The “dynamo” theory does nothing to explain where the
original magnetic field came from. Furthermore, the Earth’s core does not
have the disc shape that is required for a dynamo to form; the effect is
believed to occur solely by the difference in movement between the Earth’s
core and the other layers.
How do we “know” what the interior of the Earth looks like if we haven’t
directly observed it? Obviously, no one has ever actually “drilled a hole to
China;” the farthest down into the Earth’s surface that we have ever drilled
is approximately twelve miles. The answer is that we have no direct proof;
we only have indirect methods of measurement. Most of what we know comes
from studying earthquakes. Each time that an earthquake occurs, its
vibrations pass through the Earth, and various stations all over the world
can then measure the result. As any geology student knows, our earthquake
studies have revealed that there are two main types of waves, known as
“P-waves” and “S-waves:”
1. P-waves. The “P” stands for “primary” and also stands for “push-pull.”
These waves essentially move in a straight line, pushing and pulling forward
and backward as they move ahead. There is no sideways movement in these
2. S-waves. The “S” stands for “secondary” and also for “shake,” and these
waves move side-to-side as they travel but do not have the forward-backward
movement of the P waves. Thus they are distinctly different in form than the
As these two types of waves encounter different materials in the Earth’s
surface, they change both their speed and direction. From this data our
scientists have determined that there are three main divisions inside of the
1. The outer crust,
extending down approximately 32 kilometers or 20 miles 2. The
mantle, extending down to 2,900 kilometers or about
1,800 miles 3. The core, comprising the remaining distance in the center
The mantle is believed to be a super-compressed liquid that behaves like a
solid, and the core is believed to be a complete solid. This conclusion
comes from simulated laboratory studies of P-waves and S-waves, which have
suggested that:
S-waves are not capable of moving through solid objects, unlike P-waves.
S-waves do not move through the Earth’s core. Therefore the Earth’s core
must be solid.
However, the S-waves also could not pass through the Earth’s
core if it were
composed of purely energetic plasma material such as the “glowing magnetism”
seen in the Sun.
So, the idea that the Earth has a core of “glowing magnetism”
is simply a
different way of analyzing the data, and it explains many things that the
current accepted model does not.
The main problem for conventional scientists with the idea that the Earth
could have a form of luminous energy in its core is that the energy does not
appear to have any means of being replenished; it would appear that it
should “burn out” quickly. However, in Pasichnyk’s model he points out that
the energy from the solar wind appears to be entering and exiting the poles
and thus renewing the energy in the core. Though this might seem impossible
to many, now that we have studied Dr. Dmitriev’s first property of “vacuum
domains,” where the energy of “vacuum domains” can penetrate solid matter,
it is just as we would expect. One recent observation of earthquake waves
that supports this idea is the fact that:
Earthquake waves will travel faster when moving from north to south than
they will when traveling from east to west.
And of course, we already expect that the rotational axis of a
“consciousness unit” would have the greatest degree of vortex movement. With
the earthquake waves traveling at a faster rate from north to south, we see
exactly what we would expect in this model – a greater velocity of movement
at the central axis of the spherical torus, as the aetheric energy streams

1. Auroral activity associated with magnetism and solar activity. The
is a luminous energy formation usually seen over the poles. It increases
with solar activity and varies in direct proportion with the Earth’s
magnetic field. This solar-magnetic link suggests that the aurora shows us
where the plasma energy from the solar wind is being accelerated into the
Earth’s energetic interior, through the spiraling vortexual motion of the
CU. Normally the aurora is not seen as interacting with the inside of the
Earth in any form, and certainly should not be powerful enough to affect an
alleged dynamo action of the core. And yet, the magnetic anomalies are there
for anyone to measure.
2. Curtain-shaped auroras at the poles. From studying the formations of the
aurora, we also know that a curtain-shaped, sheet-like beam of energetic
electrons is spiraling down into the polar regions at a high level of
intensity. This forms a helix-shaped vortex of electrons and protons, like a
super-elongated funnel. As Pasichnyk explains, “[this funnel vortex]
produces the magnetic field as would the wire wrapped around an electric
magnet or the antenna in a radio; only here there is no wire. Consequently,
there would be no need for an iron-nickel core, complex fluid motions, or
for that matter, a dynamo theory to explain the geomagnetic field.”
3. Earth’s core is too hot for metallic magnetism. If the
Earth’s inner core
was truly composed of iron and nickel, then we know from the research into
magnetism that above a certain temperature in these metals known as the
Curie point, they will no longer maintain their magnetic field. However, the
temperatures inside the Earth rise very quickly as we drill down, and if we
continue this smooth increase by extrapolation, then at only 100 kilometers
or 62 miles, the temperatures would be too high for metals to conduct a
magnetic field.
4. Eclipse anomalies of magnetism. During an
eclipse, the earth’s magnetic
fields are weakened, and this effect is significant enough to confuse
migrating birds. If the Earth’s core was truly a solid dynamo of iron and
nickel, then the amount of extra gravitational pull from the Sun and
coming together in the eclipse would be nowhere near strong enough to cause
such dynamic changes. However, if the mass of the Moon was shielding off
some of the energy from the Sun that the Earth’s luminous core was normally
absorbing through the poles, then this becomes much easier to understand.
5. Eclipse anomalies of gravity. Gravity has been shown to change during
eclipses as well, through the use of pendulum studies, and this also is
explainable in the new model; gravity, we remember, is caused by the aetheric energy streaming into the Earth. If you cut off the streaming
energy by putting the Moon in front of the Sun, then you should expect
gravitational changes.
6. Tilt of Earth’s magnetic field. The Earth’s magnetic field is tilted
approximately eleven degrees away from the Earth’s rotational axis; and
again, this would create an inherent weakness that would not support the
dynamo action as it is now believed to occur.
7. Changes of the length of the day with solar activity. When the
activity increases, the speed of Earth’s rotation changes. This means that
the actual time that it takes for the Earth to rotate once on its axis,
which is what we call a day, makes a measurable change in length. The dynamo
model cannot account for this. However, if the solar energy that streams
into Earth’s spherical-torus field of glowing magnetism is actually
responsible for the Earth’s rotation, then it would make sense that the
rotation would change slightly as the amount of instreaming energy changes;
the entire CU would be affected.
8. Changes in magnetism with solar activity. As the Sun’s activity reaches a
peak, we have observed that there will be shifts in the direction and
intensity of the magnetic fields. In a dynamo model, these changes in solar
activity should not be strong enough to produce any noticeable effect on the
inner rotating movements of the Earth.
9. Polar reversals, wanders and jerks. The
Earth’s magnetic field
periodically reverses, as history shows. We know that the magnetic poles are
currently drifting from true Rotational North and also tracing slow circular
patterns known as “Chandler’s Wobble.” They can make sudden “jerks” as well,
and such a jerk was seen and recorded in 1969. In polar reversals of the
past, the traveling movement of the magnetic poles has been so rapid that it
has gone more than 110 kilometers or 70 miles in a single day. Furthermore,
the Earth’s magnetic reversals occur in “corridors” that remain the same
throughout time, showing the geometric effect of the fields at work. All of
these phenomena are inexplicable by the dynamo model but easily seen in the
Field-dynamical model.
10. Icosahedral magnetic anomalies. The Earth’s energy field, as we have
already mentioned, shows too many gravitational and magnetic discontinuities
surrounding the icosahedron shape to be accounted for in the dynamo model.
The Earth should have very smooth “spherical harmonics” in the dynamo model,
and we would not expect to see such sudden changes.
11. Gravity’s role as a formative force. In the new model we can see that
gravity is actually a push and pull between two forces that creates matter
and energy at its center, in a similar fashion as seen in the sonoluminescence
experiment. As we go deeper than 2,700 kilometers or 1,678
miles, the force is directed away from the center more than towards the
center, showing this “breath of life” in effect. This also casts serious
doubts on the dynamo model and opens us up for a new interpretation.
12. Plasma wind coming up from the Earth.
NASA’s Dynamics Explorer space
probe determined that a plasma wind like that seen to emanate from the Sun
was also coming up from the Earth at the poles. This shows us how the poles
serve as both points of entry and exit for aetheric energy, and also
demonstrate how the Earth’s core has a Sun-like energetic structure. Truly,
the streaming energy can be measured as flowing both ways.
As we can see, Pasichnyk’s research is truly one-of-a-kind, and gives us
valuable insight into the true energetic processes that are at work in the
Earth. All twelve of the above points, as well as many other anomalies,
clearly show us that the “consciousness unit” formation is at work in the
Earth in every possible way. All of our expectations about vortex movement
through the poles, a glowing core and magnetic fields are explained by the
observations, whereas the current models do not explain these phenomena.
Many anomalies, including the connection between aurora and
magnetism and
eclipses and magnetism, find straightforward explanations.
So, if the Earth is truly a gigantic “cosnciosuness unit” whose outside has
cooled off enough to form hard physical matter, then we can learn more about
consciousness units by studying its energy patterns. When we add in the fact
that geometrically-centered vortex areas are seen on the Earth, we become
aware of the complex processes that actually occur within the CU when it is
not directly “polarized” on the rotational axis. Aetheric energy of higher
density seems to be flowing in and out of these points as the Earth moves in
relationship to its surroundings. At certain times, such as during a solar
eclipse, there can be noticeable changes in Earth’s gravitational and
magnetic fields, as some of the Sun’s instreaming energy is shielded off
from the Earth’s core of glowing magnetism.
In the next chapter we will explore this question of how planetary geometry
and consciousness units fit together more closely. However, there is still
another area of Earth’s behavior that we have not explored, which gives us a
very important CU property that we must keep in mind:
The earth is expanding.
Another major blow to the conventional models regarding Earth’s internal
structure can be found in the science of “Global Expansion Tectonics.” This
science was originally pioneered by Christopher Otto Hilgenberg in 1933, who
showed that that the continents on Earth can be seamlessly fitted together
like a jigsaw puzzle if the Earth’s size is reduced by 55 to 60 percent. In
this scenario, as the continents move away from their original arrangement,
they show clear signs of following spiraling, “radial” patterns. From this
behavior, Hilgenberg concluded that an internal expansion of the Earth was
actually responsible for the continents’ movement. An article by James Maxlow
that discusses this unforeseen concept with scientific rigor is located again on
Millennium Group website.
This idea of Earth expanding has certainly not met with a great deal of
respect from the mainstream scientific community, but it has grown in
popularity in recent years. A major event in increasing the knowledge and
publicity of this model occurred in 1981 at the Expanding Earth Symposium
held in Sydney, Australia. And in July 1989, the Smithsonian Institution
held a discussion meeting where numerous arguments were aired regarding new
concepts in global tectonic models. However, it took the Internet for the
model to catch on. As Maxlow writes,
These arguments [at the Smithsonian meeting] indicated that there seems to
be something questionable with the plate tectonic theory as it is currently
presented (Kremp, 1992,) and that present concepts of plate tectonics /
continental drift / polar wandering may need to be re-evaluated, revised or
rejected (Smiley, 1992.)
11.10.1 CURRENT UNDERSTANDINGS As almost everyone is aware, the current theory of how our continents are
arranged is known as “Plate Tectonics.” A series of plates exist across the
Earth’s surface, it is believed, which underlie and support the continents.
These plates interact and collide with each other, forming earthquake fault
lines such as the San Andreas Fault in California and volcanic areas such as
the Ring of Fire in the Pacific Ocean. Undersea ridges of volcanoes have
continual eruptions, which release new lava that pushes these plates farther
and farther apart from each other, primarily originating in the Atlantic
Ocean region. Since the Earth is obviously not seen as expanding by these
researchers, they now have to get rid of all the extra matter that pushed
apart the continents. Therefore, they insist that there are “subduction
zones” at the edges of continents where the spreading floors of lava from
the undersea ridges are directed back down into the Earth’s core.
Originally there is believed to have been one single mega-continent known as
Pangaea, which was surrounded by the oceans, and then volcanic activity
caused this continent to break up and begin drifting apart. As the undersea
ranges of volcanoes continue erupting, they produce new lava deposits which
in turn widen the distance between the continents and the ridges. Then, at
the boundaries between the undersea areas and the continents themselves,
this volcanic material is supposedly pushed back down into the Earth’s
mantle at the alleged “subduction zones,” where it is melted and converted
back into the molten material of the mantle once again. In this way, it is
believed that the continual flow of lava, in fluid and solid forms, is
responsible for pushing the continents apart without increasing the Earth’s
physical size in the process.
Everything seems to make sense to the average college student, geologist and
scientist at this point. The subduction zones are required in order for the
Earth to have maintained its current size; every movement of expansion must
be compensated for by a movement of subduction. Otherwise, the action that
pushes South America and Africa away from each other, for example, would be
an expansion of the Earth’s surface. However, we now know that:
No definitive evidence for “subduction zones” has ever been found on Earth.
The areas where subduction zones may exist are far fewer than the model
Or, to put it more simply,
We can easily demonstrate the
Earth’s expansion with the observed data, but
we have no means of proving that the alleged subduction is occurring at the
same time.
Furthermore, as Maxlow writes in his excellent new study, the conclusions of
the “plate tectonics” model were based on an incomplete set of data:
In presenting Global Expansion Tectonics it must be realized that the
global, geological and geophysical database has only now reached the stage
where any global tectonic hypotheses can be confidently quantified,
challenged, and / or discarded.
According to Maxlow and other sources that have written on “Global Expansion
Tectonics,” the reasons for why our mainstream scientific and geological
community has not wanted to accept an Earth expansion theory are essentially
Matter is not “supposed to” be able to expand in our current quantum
understandings. There appears to be a lack of supportive evidence to accurately reproduce an
Earth expansion process with mathematical models over time.
However, as Maxlow so eloquently and technically explains in this paper, all
the most recent, cutting-edge knowledge only supports the Earth Expansion
theory. The model of “plate tectonics” was formed before all the facts were
in. And now,
The mathematical equations derived from
crustal data represent a
confirmation and refinement of earlier modeling studies by Hilgenberg (1933)
and Vogel (1983), enabling the kinematics [or movements] of an Earth
undergoing an exponential expansion, from the Archean [period] to the
present, to be readily determined.
Maxlow’s calculations, using the most recent data to determine the growth of
the ocean basins across time, project that the Earth should be expanding at
approximately 21 millimeters per year in size. And if you ask a
knowledgeable scientist or geologist, they will tell you that we do know
that the Earth is indeed growing larger at a steady rate! This is normally
assumed to be caused by dust particles and meteorites that stream into
Earth’s atmosphere, but in light of the new evidence this idea is highly
unlikely to be accountable for the changes that we have observed:
Carey in 1986 used satellite laser ranging measurements to calculate that
the Earth’s radius was expanding by 24 millimeters per year, plus or minus
eight millimeters.
Robaudo and Harrison in 1993 used VLBI and SLR geodetic measurements to
conclude that the Earth was expanding at 18 millimeters per year.
So, we can see that the expansion of the Earth that has already been
measured as occurring now fits in very nicely with Maxlow’s mathematical
calculations for Earth’s expansion from within. The minute discrepancies in
the numbers are expected when making such long-range calculations, but we
also feel that there is evidence that the Earth makes sudden, spontaneous
increases in size as well as the long-term, year-by-year expansion. This
will be addressed later.
Our next obvious problem would be that if something like this were true,
then every area that we now see as “ocean” did not exist at one time. The
technical word for the Earth’s entire layer of oceans is known as the
“hydrosphere.” So, if the idea of “Global Expansion Tectonics” is true, then
where would the hydrosphere have been when the continents were united? There
had to have been oceans of some kind if they would have formed in this
manner as the Earth had increased. Maxlow explains that:
In later chapters we will give concrete evidence from
Dr. Dmitriev that
shows that:
Such spontaneous changes in atmosphere are indeed occurring right now
throughout the Solar System at a measurable rate, not just on the Earth.
Maxlow summarizes his argument with the following points, which are phrased
in highly technical language. It is not important for us to explain every
detail of the following statements, so we ask the reader not to be
frustrated in reading this excerpt; we include these points for those
readers who are familiar with the data. As Maxlow indicates, Global
Expansion Tectonics involves a number of interdependent and interactive
processes, such that:
- Generation of
post-Early Jurassic oceanic lithosphere along mid-oceanic spreading
centers is commensurate with an expansion of the Earth
- Mid-oceanic spreading centers are tensional and / or transtensional
regimes, [continually spreading new tension out from side to side,]
with oceanic lithosphere generated in response to a separation of
plate margins in sympathy with an expansion of the Earth
- New oceanic lithosphere, generated along mid-oceanic spreading centers, is
cumulative with time, with no requirement for removal of older lithosphere
by subduction processes
- The total surface area of oceanic
lithosphere accumulated in a given time interval is a reflection of
the increase in [Earth’s] radius during that time interval, and is
therefore a measurable quantity
- [Ocean] basin development and
orogenesis [new land emerging upward] are natural
consequences of an expanding Earth, as continental and oceanic
lithosphere re-equilibrate to a changing surface curvature
Hydrospheric and atmospheric accumulation has been increasing with time,
in sympathy with an accumulation of the lithosphere
From extensive modeling of the Earth’s surface,
Vogel’s study in 1993
concluded that if you reduce the Earth’s radius to 55 to 60 percent of its
present size,
1. The
continental outlines can be fitted together to form a closed crust
2. The positions of the different continents with respect to
each other remain generally constant, with their separation caused
by a “radial expansion of the Earth”
3. The cause of the movements of continents resulted from an accelerating
increase in radius with time, in accordance with sea-floor spreading
Regarding these three points, he went on to say that:
An accordance of these three phenomena cannot be accidental, [but are due
to] processes operating from within the interior of the Earth resulting in
Earth expansion.
So, once again we have a “new” scientific discovery regarding Earth’s
internal processes that has not yet caught on with the mainstream; however,
with the rise in popularity of the Internet, it is becoming far more
well-known. All in all, with our idea of the Earth’s core being a luminous
form of energy, this expansion phenomena becomes much more sensible.
Furthermore, the idea of geometry again plays a factor here. We remember
that all studies concluded that the continents expanded in a radial, or
spiraling pattern. It is interesting to note here that in cartographic or
map-related work conducted for the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Association, established government scientist Dr. Athelstan Spilhaus showed
that these expansions occurred along geometric outlines. Although he
performed his studies under the idea that the Earth was not increasing in
physical size, his results are still very compelling. (Interestingly, Dr. Spilhaus was also interviewed in government attempts to “debunk”
the Roswell
incident, and the tape of his testimony was “mysteriously” wiped out
Tetrahedron: The original breakup of the Earth, from what is conventionally
called the “continent” of Pangaea, occurred along equidistant lines that
formed the outline of a tetrahedron, the continents then radiating away from
their original center.
Cub-octahedron: The next major stage of continental separation occurred
along the combined shapes of the cube and octahedron. Again, we see the
spiraling, “radial” expansion.
Icosa-dodecahedron: The current stage of continental expansion fits with the
shape of the icosahedron and dodecahedron interspersed with each other. This
stage was also reached by a spiraling, radial expansion.
In the next image from the original NOAA paper, we can see Dr. Spilhaus’
final stage of Earth’s geometric expansion, which has led to it being the
shape that we now have. The pentagonal face would be from the dodecahedron
and the triangular faces would be from the icosahedron. Obviously the dotted
lines represent undersea ridges and mountain ranges:

Dr. Spilhaus’ final geometric expansion of Earth’s continents, from NOAA
The Shift of the Ages we have shown how
Sanderson’s view of the Earth’s
energy vortexes as being only an icosahedron is in error; the study of
Russian scientists Goncharov, Morozov and Makarov showed that if we combine
an icosahedron and dodecahedron together on the Earth’s surface, it is much
easier to model the Earth’s structure and lines of energetic force. This is
what we see in the following map. It is important to remember here that a
relatively similar formation was also seen in the study of Earth’s expansion
by Dr. Spilhaus as the most recent configuration:

Goncharov, Morozov and Makarov’s icosa-dodeca grid.
If we look closely, when we add the pentagon-faced
dodecahedron shape into
the picture we might see why Pasichnyk concluded that there were sinusoidal
or S-shaped waves between the fields of the icosahedron. If you look at the
area between North / South America and Europe / Africa, you can see that the
dodecahedron models the exact placement of the Mid-Atlantic Ridge.
Furthermore, you can see that it does indeed curve and weave around the
triangular lines of the icosahedron like an S-shape, crossing over at the
midpoints of each line in the triangle.
In short, when we add this
dodecahedron shape into the picture, we get a
much firmer model of the arrangement of the continents, and we also find
that almost all ancient sites of stone buildings and ceremonial centers are
located along these lines as well.
The Grid is simply not complete without
the additional geometry being considered, as we make clear in The Shift of
the Ages.
For those who are more interested in the details of how the Earth’s grid
structures the arrangement of the continents, and how ancient civilizations
worked with the grid, we have covered this subject in The Shift of the Ages.
In order that we keep this book short and not repeat very much material,
many of our discoveries will be cross-referenced from this text only.
Suffice it to say that Drs. William Becker and Bethe Hagens have created the
ideal pattern for the Global Grid, which is very similar to the
grid, only in this case they followed the work of Buckminster Fuller and
superimposed two icosahedra over each other. Later we’ll see why.
From this grid design, we can see that the current structure of continents,
island chains, mountain ranges, oceanic ridges and much more all follow this
pattern. By slowly and carefully studying this map, as we have documented in
The Shift of the Ages, we can see that it looks as if the Earth itself is a
flexible balloon that is surrounded by this grid. If the grid is akin to a
set of wires, and the wires are exerting force on the balloon, then we can
see how they are pushing the landmasses into their current formation.

The Becker-Hagens Grid, inspired by the work of Chris Bird.
The South American and Australian continents, if studied individually in
relation to the fields, clearly show how they have been affected by the
Grid, as they are both fitted perfectly within the lines. The bottom of
South America is pushed aside by node 58, whereas node 49 is clearly pushing
in on the coast of Sao Paulo. Node 27 creates a circular area at the top of
Australia, which appears to be perfectly “stretched out” between points 43
and 45 in a curving shape.
Some of the Earth’s most important expansion movements can only be seen if
we change this map so that it is focused on the Pacific Ocean. In the next
image, we have shown how successive circle-shaped expansions of land can be
observed in this area. One tremendously large, curving mountain range, which
borders Asia and has no single name, shows the biggest circle most clearly.
At the upper left corner of the larger ellipse, between points 12, 4 and 5,
we have added in a crude set of lines to illustrate the smooth curve up
through Pakistan and Afghanistan, the western edge of China, the border of
Russia and Mongolia and then the border of Russia and northeast China,
continuing right along until the ocean coastline. This mountain range can be
easily seen on any topographic map, and by looking at the great circle that
it defines, which we had not seen when writing The Shift of the Ages, the
grid connections are totally clear. The inner circle was already mentioned
in Shift, and in both of these cases it is important to see how nicely they
fit the points of the Grid as well as showing the structure of the
continents themselves:

Wilcock’s “Great Circle” Discoveries in Asia / Pacific Ocean area of Earth’s
Once we know what we are looking for, the other vortexes aren’t hard to spot
either. For example, we can see that on the lower left-hand side of the
inner circle, a clear chain of islands is formed around the circle that
includes Taiwan, the Philippines, New Guinea and the Solomon Islands; and
these islands are most certainly being formed by undersea volcanic activity.
Another obvious curving formation that is harmonized with the Grid but not
indicated on either circle in this image can be seen immediately below and
to the left of the first, and this is defined by the bottom peninsula of
Myanmar (Burma,) Thailand and Malaysia, and most specifically the primary
island chain of Indonesia.
Another discovery that we did not make until after
The Shift of the Ages was
published is seen in the next image. This concerns the mountain ranges on
the Asian continent, specifically the Ural mountains in Russia, seen on the
left hand side of the outer circle, the Himalayan mountains that cross
through Pakistan, Kashmir, India, Nepal, Bhutan and Tibet, (which we have
only shown with a very thin line to emphasize the circular formation,) and
the Japanese island archipelago. All three areas seem to show a spiraling
formation that centers on point number four, which is the center of the
Siberian magnetic anomalies that Dr. Dmitriev has obviously studied in great
detail and formed conclusions from. Let us also remember that because we are
seeing a map projection, the upper portion of the circle is obviously
distorted somewhat, and in reality is hugging the upper Russian coastline
far more directly than this image suggests:

Wilcock’s spiraling “vortex” formation incorporating Ural Mountains,
Himalayas and Japan
So, without a doubt the evidence is stacking up that the Earth is a giant
“consciousness unit” as we have defined it, with aetheric energy streaming
in and out through the poles and other vortex areas as well to support a
glowing, luminous core. Both straight-lined and curving formations seem to
be at work in this model. In the last chapter and the beginning of this
chapter, we have made the clear suggestion that at these vortex areas,
aetheric energy of a higher vibrational level is able to stream into our own
reality and cause discrete changes in both space and time, affecting matter
so completely that it may even disappear from us entirely.
We have clearly seen that geometry is at work in all of these processes, but
we haven’t yet explained exactly how or why. We know that as the Earth
expands, Dr. Spilhaus has shown that it is affected by increasingly complex
geometries. However, it should be clear to us that this geometry would not
simply apply to a large-scale object like the Earth; it should equally apply
to “consciousness units” of all sizes. And as we will propose and clearly
show, this geometry is the natural product of vibration.
Before we define exactly how geometric vibration forms, though, we will
begin our next chapter by looking into more recent data that has been
gleaned from observations of apparent artifacts on the
planet Mars, such as
a mountain that appears to be carved into the form of a human face and
pyramids situated nearby. According to controversial frontier researcher
Richard Hoagland and his associates in
The Enterprise Mission, the “formula”
for another geometric object known as a “tetrahedron” can be found in the
mathematical relationships between the various formations seen in the
Cydonia area. Some of this material will be repeated in a similar form as
was seen in The Shift of the Ages. Then, we will proceed to illustrate how
these same energetic and geometric phenomena are literally occurring on
every planet throughout the entire Solar System.
11.13 RECAP
11.1 Matter is an entirely new “entity” in the model we propose in this
book; Shnoll’s findings show its integration with the movements of the
celestial bodies around it.
11.2 The vortex anomalies of the ‘Consciousness Unit’ show themselves in
space and time as we have previously discussed, taking up the form of a
luminous spherical torus.
11.3 All space, all time and all “dimensional levels” are simply different
forms of one unified vibrating aetheric energy source. The icosahedral
formation shows where a majority of these energy “pressures” are emerging on
Earth. Sanderson and Pasichnyk’s work, when combined, shows how truly
all-encompassing the connections are.
11.4 Counter-rotational vortex movement is seen at each point of the icosahedron-shaped energy field in the Earth.
11.5 When the facts are clearly shown, it certainly appears that the core of
the Earth is actually made of “glowing magnetism,” “undifferentiated solar
matter” or “precipitated” aetheric energy, which we have called Loving,
Conscious Light.
11.6 The “dynamo” model for the generation of Earth’s magnetic field at the
core has many obvious flaws. Most importantly, current scientists don’t
realize that magnetism can take up the form of a spherical torus without
having to pass through another material.
11.7 The behavior of the P-waves and S-waves that move through the Earth can
be re-interpreted as passing through a core of luminous energy.
11.8 Energy is seen to flow in and out of the Earth’s polar regions.
Furthermore, earthquake waves will travel faster when moving from north to
south than they will when traveling from east to west, which also supports
the idea that the spiraling, vortex movement of the CU is at work in the
11.9 Twelve different Earth anomalies support the new model: 1) auroral
activity associated with magnetism and solar activity; 2) curtain-shaped
auroras at the poles; 3) Earth’s core being too hot for metallic magnetism;
4) the eclipse anomalies of magnetism; 5) eclipse anomalies of gravity; 6)
tilt of Earth’s magnetic field; 7) changes in the length of the day with
solar activity; 8) changes in magnetism with solar activity; 9) polar
wander, reversals and jerks; 10) icosahedral magnetic anomalies; 11)
gravity’s role as a geometric, structural force; and 12) plasma wind coming
up from the earth’s poles.
11.10 Christopher Otto Hilgenberg showed that that the continents on Earth
can be seamlessly fitted together like a jigsaw puzzle if the Earth’s size
is reduced by 55 to 60 percent. This suggests that the Earth is actually
undergoing a continual rate of expansion.
1. The most popular scientific theory at present is known as “Plate
Tectonics,” which models the continents on an Earth that is unchanging in
its physical size.
2. No definitive evidence of “subduction zones” has ever been found on
Earth. We can easily model Earth’s expansion, but not subduction.
3. The conclusions of the “plate tectonics” model were based on an
incomplete set of data.
4. The mainstream scientific community rejects the new theory because matter
is not “supposed to” expand and they feel that the data to prove this is
5. Maxlow reveals that all the most recent, cutting-edge knowledge only
supports the Earth Expansion theory further.
6. The original oceans were shallow areas that formed on the continents
themselves, and as the Earth expanded in size, so too did the amount of
atmosphere and water increase. Later we will see that according to Dr. Dmitriev’s research, such
spontaneous changes in atmosphere are indeed
occurring right now throughout the Solar System at a measurable rate, not
just on the Earth.
7. A summary statement of the arguments for
Global Expansion Tectonics is
given. Vogel suggests that “An accordance of these three phenomena cannot be
accidental, [but are due to] processes operating from within the interior of
the Earth resulting in Earth expansion.”
11.11 Dr. Spilhaus has shown us that the
Earth’s radial, outward-spiraling
continental expansions have flowered through a series of geometric forms;
the tetrahedron, cub-octahedron and icosa-dodecahedron.
1. Goncharov, Morozov and
Makarov’s icosa-dodeca grid is a more inclusive
means of mapping out the Earth’s surface than just an icosahedron.
2. The Becker-Hagens grid is a further refinement on the design;
shares new discoveries of how this grid is associated with circular
formations on the Earth’s surface, as continent borders, island chains and
mountain ranges.
11.12 By seeing the
Earth as a giant “consciousness unit,” the importance of
geometry and vibration is made very clear. The next chapter will focus on
the connection between the form of the tetrahedron and the Martian Monuments
before going into a detailed description of the icosahedron-based
Field-dynamical Model as seen in the planets.
