Chapter 22

My first encounter with Mr. Axelrod in the underground place took place in 1975. This was approximately three years after Apollo 17 had visited the Moon, after which U.S. interest in colonizing the lunar satellite seems to have evaporated. I, however, was not then aware of the evaporation - believing, as most did, that the lunar conquest was somehow on-going. Likewise, I thought the airless dead Moon was in fact just that. I did not begin to accumulate the information in Part Two until the mid-1980s.

It will be recalled that Mr. Axelrod and I discussed telepathy, and that he ultimately asked me to jot down my thoughts in that regard. At the time, I didn’t give this request much thought, more or less thinking that it was just a natural part of discussing ESP in general. I don't remember exactly what I wrote down, but I do remember that Mr. Axelrod’s face lost its perpetual conviviality at this topic, his lips drawing into something of a thin line.

I assumed that the Axelrod affair was completely over and done with until the inadvertent event in Los Angeles which included the overly sensual female, my ultimate goose-bumpish response to her, and the sighting of the twins. Without the sighting of the twins, I would certainly have attributed any ET factor to my imagination - largely because what Earth-siders cannot explain we allocate to that widely-shared intellectual phase-locking called “fantasy.”

The next thing that happened was Mr. Axelrod's telephone call to me in Grand Central station (of all places) - during which Axelrod pumped me for information about whether the female had psyched me out. When thereafter my somewhat overworked synapses had cooled back into some kind of working order, it slowly began to dawn on me that Axelrod was actually in an uproar over what we Earth-siders refer to as telepathy - not on my part, but on the part of the female. The fact that Axelrod was quite serious with his inquiries seemed to imply that the female, or extraterrestrial, had a SERIOUS type of telepathy capable of something dire. A type of telepathy plus, as one might suppose, a type which beyond being a channel for information exchange might also achieve something along the lines of mind bending and fried brains.

However, it was only Mr. Axelrod’s emphatic concern that shifted this into the fact that it was later to become in my own appreciation of things. He knew They existed, that at least some of them were dwelling Earth-side, and that They WERE in possession of telepathy plus. Thereafter, when time permitted, I expended effort to not only understand more about telepathy, but to try to think of it outside of the standard intellectual phase-locking typical of the modern age. Although I don’t remember much of what I noted down for Mr. Axelrod about telepathy in 1975, I would have included certain conclusions I had already concretized.

I would have indicated that telepathy must be inherent in our species, and not simply a matter of certain unique individuals seemingly specially gifted with it, After all, some of the most well-documented cases of telepathy involve spontaneous experiences at the mass level. What I would not have included was an understanding I came to much later. This involves the matter of the nature of consciousness as will be discussed - not individual consciousness, but Consciousness as a universal premise and life force.

As to telepathy plus, I didn’t have much reality on what THIS would consist of - until in 1989 when I began in-depth studies of CHI GONG. THEN I began to have some idea of what telepathy plus WOULD consist of. The fact that telepathy plus IS possible for Earth-siders is the fundamental fact that has caused me to write this book. Although my knowledge about telepathy has a good way yet to go, I now know much more about it - about both what it must consist of, and what it doesn’t consist of.

In accumulating this information package, it became possible for me to make the following and quite basic observation, an observation that is easy enough to substantiate.

Telepathy is the most forbidden element of Earth-side consciousness. Indeed, so forbidden that Science would rather accept reincarnation, the existence of the soul, and life after death - PROVIDED those situations DID NOT include any telepathic possibility.

WHY this is the case is but a small tip of a gigantic iceberg,

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Chapter 23


Whatever may or may not be said regarding telepathy, two very clear and unambiguous statements can be made about it.

  • First, it CAN be said that IF telepathy exists, then it would be of such overreaching and extraordinary importance that all Earth-side institutions would have to be “reorganized" in the face of it.

  • Second, if a wide enough overview is accumulated about telepathy, and about how it is generally treated by Earth-siders, it is one human faculty that has a most excellent chance of being summarily shot down before it has a chance to open and wink its all-seeing eye.

The most visible explanation for this is that telepathy penetrates MINDS - and so its development is definitely cast into troubled waters where any format or element of mental secrecy might be involved. It must be more or less admitted that most Earth-side human activities cannot really get any where unless they are mounted upon this or that format of motivational secrecy or hidden agendas. Using this situation as a simple rule of thumb, one can then easy grasp the extent and nature of the anti-telepathic antipathies that can be generated and exerted from the top of societal pyramids down into the populations beneath them.

I have no hesitation in stating the above, because a full part of it is a fallout based on real experiences of mine. As but one significant example, for fifteen years I was involved in secret developmental Psi work at the prestigious Stanford Research Institute. The work (in developing remote viewing) was largely funded by the U.S. intelligence agencies. Because of this, many Washington types and many noted scientists visited SRI. Very many of them met only with my colleagues, and refused to meet little Moi, so much so that they would not even take lunch with me.

The reason: “Jesús, he can read my mind! I can’t let him get anywhere near me.”


This quote is NOT paraphrased. One of the amusing aspects of this is that IF telepathy is what it is, then one not need to be in the proximity of a telepath in order to have their mind penetrated. Another amusing aspect is that the funding agencies did sponsor the secret developmental work in remote viewing - somewhat on the grounds that it penetrates things, not minds.

This is to say that remote viewing pertains to penetration of “physicals,” not to penetration of “mentals.” In any event, the principal reason why ALL formats of Psi research are marginalized, treated to energetic diminishment, or suppressed altogether is that those formats do include potentials too near the hated and unwanted telepathic faculties. So, the whole barn of psychic research must be burnt down as quickly as possible, making sure that the telepathic horses don’t escape.

There is one notable exception to this, and one utilized for creative cover-up purposes. This exception involves the discovery of approaches to telepathy most noted either for the fact that they DO NOT work, or because they serve to disorient and defeat approaches that MIGHT work. Thus, the concept that telepathy is a mind-to-mind thing involving a sender and a receiver has been given extraordinary publicity - and has in fact become the principal Earth-side cultural model for it.

Intellectual phase-locking into this non-productive model is so intense and so widespread that Earth-siders literally cannot think of telepathy in any other way. With the exception of some few experiments in the former Soviet Union, and in the Peoples Republic of China, the sender-receiver model has not yielded anything more than slightly above-chance results. Even if the slightly above chance statistics are jerked around a little, none of them approach anything like telepathy plus. And yet the sender-receiver model of telepathy has been clung to for a little over a hundred years.

As my own information package about telepathy increased, it was logical enough to first assume that since telepathy could be seen as a threat to all sorts of Earth-side secrecy factors, those same secrecy factors would not, with any sense of humor, look upon the development of truly effective penetrative types of telepathy. This probability still remains paramount, and clearly has an Earth-side basis that can easily be established as such.

But if one approaches the concept that extraterrestrial intelligences might indeed be in possession of telepathy plus, then the Earth-side picture, that seems so certain all by itself, can easily take on some larger and astonishing dimensions. Earth-siders can think that if Space-side entities exist, then they are possessed of intelligence, and the same Earth-siders can indeed assume that alien intelligence to be, as often stated, “superior” to human intelligence. After all, the Space-side entities can build craft exceeding the limits of Earth-side scientific knowledge. And so not only their technology, but their “minds” as well MUST be superior.

Even so, the only mind-models Earth-siders have for "mind" are their own rather limited versions of what mind consists of - and from this Earth-side model has been sanitized all factors that Earth-siders themselves don’t want to consider or put up with. Thus, Earth-siders project THEIR minds as conceptualized upon all potential extraterrestrial entities. In this sense, the intellectual phase-locking regarding mind is planet wide, with the final situation being that the further one moves upward in Earth-side power structures the more constricted that phase-locking becomes.

Thus, there is some pungent and meaningful kind of hidden story here. But whatever it is, it clearly begins with the fact that Earth-side science, philosophy, religion, sociology and psychology DO NOT sponsor research into what can collectively be called Psi - while those same noble institutions are rather noted for condemning it. The modern Space Age facilities need not bother with the existence of extraterrestrial minds because those same facilities insist that nothing of the kind exists - near Earth, anyway.

Most surprisingly, one might think that Ufologists would consider mental processes of extraterrestrials, since they are so energetically involved with extraterrestrial equipment and technology. None of the above will touch the topic of Psi with a ten-foot pole, and all of the above protest any feasible, positive necessity for acting any other way - although some psychologists studying abduction phenomena have begun to notice the telepathic factor. At least two observations can be made relevant to the above.

  • First, one might consider that the Earth-side retreat from Psi is something akin to protesting too much.

  • Second, if I were an ET with highly developed Psi skills (and which might have led in the first place to the evolution of superior technology), I wouldn’t particularly want Earth-siders to develop Psi faculties. And if telepathy was an element in, say, consciousness universal, I'd soon figure out how to telepathically impregnate Earth-side human consciousness with intellectual phase-locking that was detrimental to positive telepathic plus development.

The reason might be very obvious. After all, what ET would want Earth-side telepaths penetrating Space-side affairs, especially, perhaps on the Moon so near to them?

Thus, in this, at least, Space-siders and Earth-siders might have something in common - the Telepathy War, won hands down so far by the Space-siders.

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Chapter 24

In the previous chapter, I pointed up that the modern concept of telepathy has not produced much in the way of evidence for telepathy much above some very low threshold activity. In other words, human telepathic faculties are known to exist. But, with the exception of spontaneous examples of telepathy, it does not function in a high-stage way. There could be any number of reasons for this. But one reason is that the concept is at odds with what telepathy really consists of. Because that concept is assumed to be so correct, it is never questioned - resulting in failure to move beyond it.

This is the same as saying that the concept is so wide-spread that strong intellectual phase-locking of the concept has taken place. During modern scientific times, the standard images of telepathy usually picture two heads or brains facing each other. The two heads or brains are meant to represent two MINDS. But since no one seems to have figured out how to render a mind into a pictorial image, an image of a head or brain stands in for one.

Between the two heads or brains are usually placed something like squiggly lines. The squiggles are meant to be suggestive of vibrations or waves telepathically traveling from one mind to the other mind. Sometimes one of the two heads is indicated as “sender,” the other as “receiver.” Since telepathy is identified with thoughts, the squiggly lines are meant to represent them. The modern idea fundamentally holds that telepathy is MIND-TO-MIND, and that the brain, or at least the head, is assumed to be the Seat of the mind or the mind itself. This fundamental idea seems entirely logical.

However, the above only represents the chief THEORETICAL model of telepathy as envisioned by some early psychical researchers about a hundred years ago.
But because of its apparent logic, the theory was assumed to be the truth of telepathy. Since the theory seemed so logical, the mind-to-mind concept quickly underwent wide-spread intellectual phase-locking to the degree that it soon obtained the planetary-wide status of unquestioned and unchallenged consensus reality.

Whether things are true or not, consensus reality usually casts them into cement. Thereafter, it is very difficult to tamper with a consensus reality - especially one that has “gone planetary" so to speak. But if the modern concept of telepathy is somewhat dispassionately examined, then, as we will shortly see, the first and major problem encountered relates to where and to what the mind is - and to IF it is. Beyond that, we can see that the modern concept of telepathy has hardly any long-term historical tradition which would establish it as a natural constituent of our species.

So one has to rummage around in early history in a kind of archaeological dig in order to discover what there was in the way of antecedents to telepathy. The ancient Romans identified two major terms which apparently referred to two different kinds of thought processes. We continue to use them two today, but in quite different ways.

  • The Latin INTELLECTUS referred to the processes of thinking while in the awake state. The thinking was based on the physical senses, but included the senses of emotional feeling, the will, and decision-making based on perceived evidence.


  • The Latin INTUITOS was taken to refer to anything that did not fit into the parameters of INTELLECTUS, but which anyway influenced persons AND what happened or was to happen to them.

It was considered that INTUITUS was greater than individuals, but that individuals had a kind of intuitive thought processing capability. Some had more of this INTUITUS than others, and so INTUITUS was a Roman extension of the great traditions in antiquity regarding shamans, oracles and seers. This great tradition was world-wide, and far antedated even the ancient Romans and Greeks. In this very ancient tradition, it is quite probable that what we now specify as clairvoyance, intuition and telepathy were all housed within the same concept and not identified separately.

The usefulness of INTUITUS was that it provided information to users, and they didn’t much care how it was gotten, only that it was. We have only to add our contemporary idea of mentally processing information to the concepts of INTELLECTUS and INTUITUS, and we come up with a rather clear picture of the past. But like the ancients, we would have to specify different mental processes for different kinds of information.


We do this by indicating that there is a difference between:

(1) information derived from immediately objective sources
(2) information subjectively derived from sources that are not immediately objective

The only real difference between the ancient and the modern ideas of intellect and intuition is that we today think of them as THINGS -while the ancients considered them as information-acquisition processes or functions. But there is one more quite subtle difference. When we think of intellect and intuition as things, we will then try to use our things as tools to acquire information. In this sense, we first position the tool ahead of the information it is supposed to deal with.

Since we think of intellect and intuition as things, we suppose that the ancients did likewise. But the evidence is quite strong that they first positioned the information to be acquired by whatever means, and didn’t really conceptualize thing-like tools needed to acquire it. This subtle tradition still goes on, albeit outside of modern science and psychology. Many highly functioning people want information - and they still don’t particularly care how they get it as long as they do get it. We well understand that between intellect and intuition quite different thought processes are involved.

However, since in our modern times we don’t know what intuitive thought processing consists of, we attempt to utilize intellectual thought processing to achieve intuitive results. The results achieved by this mismatching are not much better than chance expectation. It was not until the sixteenth century that the concept of clairvoyance made its appearance in France. This commenced the distinction of separate INTUITUS factors. In French, the term was first utilized in the contexts of keen insight, clearness of insight, insight into things beyond the range of ordinary perception. These French definitions are approximate to the early Roman idea of INTUITUS.

The emphasis, of course, was on INSIGHT.

The route of the French CLAIRVOYANCE into English is not clear, but it seems it was not adapted into English usage until about 1847. When it did appear in English, it carried a slightly different definition: a supposed faculty of some persons consisting in the mental perception of objects at a distance or concealed from sight. Unless the difference is pointed up, it probably won’t be noticed. There is a strategic difference between the concept of insight and the concept of perceiving objects at a distance or concealed from sight.

Within the context of this book, the definitions of INSIGHT are somewhat amusing:

  • the power or act of seeing into a situation

  • penetration

  • the act of apprehending and penetrating into the inner nature of things or seeing intuitively

The use, in English, of the term CLAIRVOYANCE served to detach it from insight, and then to establish a special category limited to the “seeing" THINGS. The emphasis thus shifted toward a specialty interest only as regards mental mechanisms via which clairvoyance might function. With the English concept of clairvoyance thus established as seeing THINGS (not seeing insight, as it were) it then becomes obvious that a companion category having to do with penetrating minds was necessary. After all, human experiencing IS involved with things AND mental activities.

This special category already existed when the English concept of clairvoyance came into existence. The category was called THOUGHT-READING, and had a history going back for some centuries. The history was rather wobbly, though, since thought-reading had been used as a form of entertainment, and was thus heavily occupied by frauds.

The only concept of real thought-reading that has survived down unto today is expressed as someone “reading" someone else's “beads” - thereby gaining insight, etc. In any event, the parameters of what might constitute thought-reading were vague - and also carried the disadvantage of being related to the idea that thought-reading could be “picked up” in group kinds of ways. Such spreading about could, by some unknown subliminal means, result in infectious hysteria of what was latter termed “mob psychology."

What was wanted in order to break away from thought-reading was a concept that specifically identified “direct action of one mind on another, independent of the ordinary senses.” No such restrictions could be applied to thought-reading because of its somewhat notorious group-link characteristics. To fulfill the idea of direct action of one mind on another, the concept of THOUGHT-TRANSFERENCE appeared in England between 1876 and 1881. However, this concept was short-lived, because it remained somewhat cluttered with a confusion revolving around the idea that some kind of trance-like rapport was involved regarding the transference of thoughts and emotions. The transfer of emotions was still quite close to group responsiveness via some kind of entrainment.

All of these problems were gotten around (or so it was thought) with the coining, in about 1882, of the term TELEPATHY by the psychical researcher, F.W.H. Myers. One of the most cogent summaries of telepathy is found in the 1920 Encyclopedia of the Occult compiled by Lewis Spence.

Therein we read that,

"The idea of intercommunication between brain and brain, by other means than that of the ordinary sense-channels, is a theory deserving of the most careful consideration.”

Compacted this way for research purposes, “The idea" sounds absolutely great, doesn’t it?

Well, as already mentioned, “The idea” represents the chief horror of all horrors - in that very few humans relish the idea of having their brains penetrated in this way at all. As Lewis Spence (among other of his contemporaries) noted in 1920, inter-communication by means other than that of the ordinary sense-channel is something deserving of careful consideration. But this implies that there would have to be a desire to commence the consideration in the first place. After all, one has to establish the need or willingness to consider something before one can go ahead and “carefully" consider it.

Since the idea of telepathy is somewhat in conflict with preserving the idea of secretive power, the road of telepathy begun in 1882 was to find itself filled with major social blockages. In any event, Myers established a rather precise definition for the new term:

“a coincidence between two person’s thoughts which requires a causal explanation.”

The “causal explanation" was theorized as being like radio broadcasting “waves” which were sent and duplicated by receivers known as radios.

TELEPATHY replaced the earlier term, THOUGHT TRANSFERENCE, largely because the latter did not avail itself of the radio-wave hypothesis as THE causal explanation. Thereafter, the image of telepathy I've outlined at the head of this chapter has held complete sway. However, and as established, since telepathy cannot really exist without its major substance - thoughts - the telepathy situation still revolves around thoughts and their direct transfer from one brain to another. We now encounter the first of the major stumbling blocks. Everyone realizes that a thought contains information. And so here we are in the vicinity of a quite good analogy - a bottle of wine. Thoughts are the wine. But what does the bottle consist of?

THOUGHT is one of those terms that have many definitions - too many to bring any clarity to the issue.

THOUGHT: the action or process of thinking; serious consideration; recollection; reasoning power; the power to imagine; something that is thought; the individual act or process of thinking; intention; plan; the intellectual product of organized views and principles of a period, place, group, or individual; characterized by careful reasoned thinking.

As an addendum to the above definitions of THOUGHT, some, but not all, dictionaries also attach the term MINDFUL, the principle definition of which is “inclined to be aware.” So, one can read all of the eleven definitions of THOUGHT - and observe that thought-activity of any or all of them COULD proceed without any professed inclination to be aware of anything.

In the event of this, however, only the most gross cases might become noticeable. They would be dubbed as MINDLEES - that term referring to “inattentive, destitute of awareness, mind, or consciousness.”

All of the above might seem like extraneous excursions into words. But actually, one might well wonder if someone would telepathically pick up someone else’s mindless thoughts - such as utilizing rather mindless and dull cards of symbols and color shapes to test for telepathy. As it was back in the nineteenth century, most of these definitions for THOUGHT, and the confusions they carried, were easily available. And so Why-O-Why that term was seized upon at all as relative to telepathy is virtually inexplicable.

A vastly more cogent term would have been INFORMATION TRANSFERENCE.

As to TELEPATHY, this was a neologism put together from two terms: TELE meaning across; and EMPATHY traditionally referring NOT to thought, but to “the capacity for participating in another’s feelings or ideas as a result of becoming infused with them.” INFUSE is taken to mean to pour in, to introduce into, to insinuate, inspire, and to animate.

If the reader has found all of the above to be more than a little confusing, well, don’t worry. The concept of telepathy makes perfectly logical sense - IF it is discussed WITHOUT including its attendant difficulties.

If the attendant difficulties are mentioned, then various cognitive problems begin to arise - largely because the assumed logic of the telepathy model DOES NOT consider the “bottle” that contains the wine (thoughts).

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Chapter 25
Earth-side GROUP-THINK

I have outlined the theoretical concept of telepathy as a mind-to-mind thing made possible by something akin to radio broadcasting waves. I have also pointed up that that model is universally accepted even today as THE correct and only model of telepathy. And I have more or less challenged the authenticity of that model - largely because nothing has ever developed out of it. Yet, in spite of its demonstrated unworkability, the model is stubbornly clung to by Earth-side group-think on a world-wide basis.

The reader might assume that my challenge to its authenticity originates with me. But this is not the case at all. The concept of telepathy as mind-to-mind came into existence in 1882, and was quite inspirational. Because of what was involved, it was given a very thorough working over during the following twenty-five years. On the one hand, no real advances were achieved, while on the other hand evidence mounted indicating the theory was neither correct nor applicable.

The latter situation was summarized in 1919 by James Henry Hyslop, a former Professor of Logic and Ethics at Columbia University, and one of the most distinguished American psychical researchers.


Hyslop published a lengthy review of previous telepathy research, and ended up with a six-part statement that “There is no scientific evidence for any of the following conceptions of it":

  1. Telepathy as a process of selecting from the contents of the subconscious of any person in the presence of the percipient

  2. Telepathy as a process of selecting from the contents of the mind of some distant person by the percipient and constructing these acquired facts into a complete simulation of the given personality

  3. Telepathy as a process of selecting memories from any living people to impersonate the dead

  4. Telepathy as implying the transmission of the thoughts of all living people to all others individually, with the selection of the necessary facts for impersonation from one individual by another individual

  5. Telepathy as involving a direct process between agent and percipient

  6. Telepathy as explanatory in any sense whatever, implying [involving] any known cause

Thus, the news that the theory of telepathy didn't work was available in 1919. Why this evidence was trashed, and why Earth-side group-think continued to advocate the unworkable telepathic theory is a question that few have ever considered. It is perhaps unfortunate that Professor Hyslop published the six findings listed above in his 1919 book entitled Contact With The Other World. This topic indeed placed him outside of science and philosophy proper.

At it was, continuing confidence in the unworkable telepathy model was so high that its enthusiasts have simply proceeded advocating it down until the present.
One hypothetical answer as to why Earth-side group-think has continued to be infected with the unworkable model of telepathy is that it DOES NOT work. As long as Earth-siders are intellectually phase-locked into the assumption that an unworkable model is none the less authentic, well, Earth-side secrets will remain unpenetrated by telepathic modalities.

If this is the case, than it is not the failed model of telepathy that is important, but rather the Earth-side group-think that promulgates acceptance of its authenticity. Here, then, is a recognizable case of information package management to defeat the development of Earth-side telepathy. It does so merely by instituting an information package from which telepathy doesn’t stand a chance of being developed. THIS is like placing and reinforcing a mental screen seemingly so logical that it obscures its own illogic.

We can see that this type of screen would be thought of as advantageous to Earth-siders who would not be thrilled if their secretive activities were to be telepathically penetrated. One might hypothetically also consider that the ET might likewise NOT be thrilled for much the same Earth-side reasons. Thus, Earth-side telepathy may be doubly dammed, hypothetically speaking of course.

In any event, the nature of Earth-side group-think is quite interesting, in that really effective management of information packages can take place only if group-think truly exists and that it does have some kind of telepathic basis. Otherwise, attempts to manage information packages on an individual basis would be quite laborious.

Group-think is acknowledged as existing. It can be seen in the way Corporations seek to "condition" their employees on behalf of being enthusiastic about the Corporate structure and its goals. Additionally, the concept of group-think and the concept of intellectual phase-locking seem to have something to do with each other. Both group-think and intellectual phase-locking appear to be extensions of the age-old axiom that birds of a feather flock together - while THIS is assumed to be an active element of human nature.

If the existence of group-think and intellectual phase-locking is accepted, then the only remaining problem, or opportunity, is what information packages are to be inserted into them and thereafter managed for one end or another. However, in the light of the above the existence of group-minds cannot be escaped. And if anyone wants to discover one single topic that is constantly bleeped, avoided and suppressed, you only have to consider the nearly complete absence of this one.

To get into this, even if only partially, it is necessary to start by considering the nature of what Earth-siders have elected to identify as consciousness,

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Chapter 26

If one begins to examine the Earth-side secrecy regarding UFOs that is by now apparent almost on a daily basis, it is appropriate to first focus on exactly what is being kept secret. If one thereafter progresses beyond the obvious, one soon finds that not only is information being kept secret, but that disinformation Is being supplied from very high levels to disable and cover-up information that can’t be kept secret. Thus, the UFO situation is characterized by secrecy barriers and by cover-up stratagems.

There are two factors about this double situation that are remarkable, but which seldom are commented upon. The first factor has to do with the social dimensions involved. It is quite fair to say that the dimensions are world-wide, or, put another way, planetary. This factor leads into the second one, the fact that an enormous cooperation is required to keep the secrecy and the cover-up in place through the decades in which both have been implemented and maintained. The whole of this, of course, is something of a charade in that UFOs have been seen, photographed and video-taped all along. Thus, as this chapter is being written in 1998, the general public dwelling in most nations thoroughly realize that UFOs exist, and that they are operated by intelligence.

If one meditates on all of the above, it can become somewhat clear that the existence of the UFOs is not what is being covered up - because they ARE seen, photographed and video-taped. Additionally, the idea that the craft are the products of an intelligence can’t be covered up - largely because the idea that they are NOT the product of an intelligence is ludicrous.


After wending one’s way through the mysteries involved, one can be left with the rather stunning question:

WHAT IS IT that is actually being clothed in secrecy and cover-up?

After all, the UFOs are visible planet-wide (and actually on a daily basis if one reads the weekly UFO Update now available via the Internet.) Additionally, the secrecy and the cover-up are trenchantly visible, for they have been adequately exposed in a great number of books. In the light of this, about the only place the secrecy and cover-ups are being effective is among those responsible for both. This is to say, among government, military, scientific and media hierarchies - all of which remain quite mum about whatever it is those authoritarian structures are remaining mum about. And what this IS not clear at all.

To emphasize:

Covering up the obvious is an oxymoronic exercise. But covering up something ABOUT the obvious that is not readily apparent via the obvious evidence could make sense out of what is otherwise only a silly charade.

Every aspiring intelligence analyst proposing to work within secret agencies learns that one way to break a mystery that won’t yield to easy explanation is to look around for mysteries that are somehow similar.

In this case, the secrecy and cover-ups are being maintained, rather Big Time, by government, military, science and media collaboration. Therefore, it is useful to look around for another example which those Big Four entities ALSO collaborated in covering up. One example along these lines comes to mind. This involves an issue that is a little difficult to articulate because it is as energetically suppressed and covered-up as is the issue of ET visitations and intelligence.

A tip of this particular iceberg first surfaced in 1957 when the writer Vance Packard published a book entitled Hidden Persuaders. The original meat for Packard’s book is given as follows. In the early 1950s, the owner of a movie theater in New Jersey had apparently learned something about subliminal suggestion. He contrived to briefly flash the words “Drink Coca-Cola" over Kim Novak’s face. This resulted in a 58 per cent increase in Coca-Cola sales over a six-week period.

Packard’s Hidden Persuaders gave depth and substance to this phenomenon, and described how large groups of human minds could be influenced by words or images flashed so quickly that the intellect could not perceive them, but that the subconscious did. Indeed, the fact of subliminal communication and perception was obvious. Even so, the resulting brouhaha was absolutely enormous, and the Big Four cooperated in establishing negative information packages the purpose of which was to condition public awareness away from the reality of subliminal activities.

If the conditioning steps are examined, it can be seen that they were not entirely unlike those being promulgated regarding the UFO cover-up situation. i.e., to deny, discredit, and decrease confidence. There are several ways to assess the Vance Packard situation. Eldon Taylor examined it in his book Subliminal Communication (1988).


As Taylor wrote:

Packard presented a case for persuasion through the art and science of motivational anal y sis, feedback, and psychological manipulation.

“Hidden Persuaders was the first open attempt to inform the general public of a potentially Orwellian means to enslave the mind and to do so surreptitiously.”

It would have seemed that Packard’s book could have been taken culturally in stride since it was no secret,

(1) that minds could be influenced, and

(2) that they were influenced by art, literature, intellectual suggestions, and educational conditioning.

After all, the major goal of any social grouping is to achieve broad intellectual phase-locking, so as to benefit from melded group-mind responses and thereby maintain the contours and workability of the society. As it was, the Big Four carried on in ways that amounted to a rampage against subliminal perception - and the issue was thereby slowly re-submerged beneath the awareness of public cognizance. Big Four outrage surfaced again in the early 1970s when yet another book appeared entitled Subliminal Seduction, authored by one Wilson Bryan Key. This book quickly underwent several printings by various publishing houses.

So an extra-large dose of negative deconditioning response emerged from the Big Four. The general tenor of the Big Four deconditioning responses verged on apoplexy, which may have induced much the same in the public mind - i.e. sudden diminution or loss of consciousness, sensation, and voluntary brain motion. Even so, the Big Four reactions were so large that many began to suspect that where there was so much cover-up smoke that there must be a goodly fire. And so the book became much in demand.

Key’s book provided substantial evidence that subliminal seduction was being utilized by big-time Madison Avenue advertisers in a conscious effort to influence the public mind in order to increase sales of various products through the integration of hidden messages. For example, it had been learned that embedding subliminal “messages" in ad illustrations by way of very subtle images of naked women or the words FUCK, SUCK, TITS or BALLS, indeed increased sales of what was being advertised. The subtle embeds do not work with regard to conscious perception, but rather stimulate activity in the subconscious level where drives or urges for something originate. This results in perception without awareness.

It was ultimately confirmed that subliminal “messages” could induce activation or deadened public responses to just about any issue. In any event, the so-called “controversy" went bananas. It was summed up in a very hefty and scientifically respectable book entitled Subliminal Perception: The Nature of a Controversy (1971), authored by Norman F. Dixon, then at the University College, London. Dixon’s book was never published in the USA as far as I know. Aside from the elite's obvious efficiency in managing the “public mind” this way or that, the issue of subliminal seduction is clearly attached to the issue of the group-mind. For the “public mind" is, after all a group kind of mind.

The public mind, as a group kind of mind, also is referred to as mass consciousness or mob consciousness. If one then expends the time and effort to troll for information about mass consciousness, one will encounter a very strange factor regarding cover-ups of information packages. This must be preceded by mentioning the obvious desire of public managers to understand “human behavior” and how mass human consciousness functions - in order to better mind^control the public mind this way or that.

It is thus unthinkable that no research along these lines has ever been undertaken. My own research into this area revealed that mass consciousness or mob consciousness research came to an abrupt end in about 1933-1935. This is to say, that it came to an end as far as public access to it is considered. It ended because of a set of discovered conclusions. Among them, that mob consciousness responded collectively NOT to rational intellectual perspectives, but to some kind of emotional empathy that was somehow subconsciously TRANSMITTED. This, however, could not be explained unless the concept of telepathy was brought into consideration.

And THAT was the end of THAT kind of research.

But here is a rather remarkable link of some kind. If the existence of developed telepathy is put down and covered up by elitist Earth-side forces, then if there might be a telepathic Space-side connection, the existence of that particular factoid would need to be covered up. It is worth repeating that psychical and parapsychological research more or less bit the dust BECAUSE it proposed to research telepathy - the one human attribute that many Earth-side power structures prefer NOT to be developed. However, in order to get just a bit deeper into this possible issue, it needs to be approached from a slightly different angle. This involves the matter of consciousness.

There are so very many definitions of CONSCIOUSNESS that they altogether assume the guise of a cognitive sump. But even so, there is an official definition of it, and it is this one that the Big Four (government, military, science, media) more or less cling to. This definition, in its several parts, is found in The Encyclopedia of Philosophy, published in 1967. The definition is not obsolete, however, since it remains more or less in force today.

The definition begins with a reference to John Locke (1632-1704), the renowned English philosopher and founder of British empiricism.

Lock defined CONSCIOUSNESS as,

“the perception of what passes in a man’s own mind... [as the process] of a person’s observing or noticing the internal operations of his mind. It is by means of consciousness that a person acquires the ideas of the various operations or mental states, such as the ideas of perceiving, thinking, doubting, reasoning, knowing, and willing and learns of his own mental states at any given time."

The Encyclopedia then goes on to clarify that although the term CONSCIOUSNESS has many definitions, it,

“has a broad use to designate any mental state or whatever it is about a state which makes it mental... It is consciousness which makes a fact a mental tact.”

Considering the many ambiguous and confusing definitions of CONSCIOUSNESS, the above offers a clinical efficiency that can hardly be doubted. Thus, most would take it at its apparent, and important, face value. But the definition establishes a parameter that is quite interesting, once it is pointed up. For the definition consigns the definition of CONSCIOUS to existing within the mechanisms of the individual. This is to say, that although each person has consciousness, it is none the less individual to that person. For increased clarity, each person has consciousness, and thus each is, so to speak, an island of consciousness among multitudes of other islands of the same.

If, then, information is transferred between the islands, it has to be accomplished by objective means. Nowhere in the Encyclopedia entry is there any hint that consciousness is anything other than individual. Thus, but without saying so, telepathy as the melding of consciousness independent of objective means of transfer is forbidden. There is no entry for TELEPATHY in the Encyclopedia. But there is a rather fair synopsis of ESP PHENOMENA, in which telepathy is referred to as a “species of ESP,” but within which nothing is learned about it - except an admission that it exists.

As it is, telepathy cannot exist, much less be explained, IF the parameters of consciousness are limited to the mental equipment of the biological individual. Since information is “exchanged" or “acguired” between human individuals in the absence of any objective methods to do so, and in that the information so exchanged results in mental perception of it, it is obvious that a format of consciousness exists that is independent of each biological human unit.

The Encyclopedia definition thus seems good as far as it goes, but is nonetheless incomplete. And that definition has deficiencies. For example, it stipulates that consciousness is mental awareness. But long before the Encyclopedia was compiled in 1967, the real existence of the subconscious was confirmed. The principal definition of the SUBCONSCIOUS holds that it is aware of information that the mental awareness is not aware of.

Not only that, but that the subconscious causes the bio-mental organism to RESPOND to information that the mental awareness is not aware of. And indeed, THIS is the working hypothesis that leads to the efficiency of subliminal “messages." Additionally, the early mob consciousness research resulted in the considered estimation that information WAS transferred and exchanged at some emotional sub-mental-awareness level. As a result, some kind of sub-mental union or bonding resulted in what could only be thought of as an unknown kind of telepathy that served to induce behavior of a group-mind force.

One of the concepts that can come out of this is that although each individual may be an island of consciousness, all such islands might be residing in a greater ocean of consciousness which exists independently of each human life unit. In this regard, the Encyclopedic definition establishes that consciousness IS only what the individual becomes mentally aware of. But strictly speaking, the definition is describing a FUNCTION of consciousness, not, so to speak, the “substance” of consciousness itself.

And with this, we could now plunge into the intricacies of mysticism whose chief proponents have always held that consciousness is a universal substance, and that each human is only a small manifestation within it.


But I'll shift direction here, in order to get back to the point of this chapter, and indeed this book. If Space-side extraterrestrials do exist, and there is plenty of Earth-side evidence of them, then one has to wonder about THEIR consciousness. For example, is their consciousness the same universal stuff of human consciousness?

We might also have to wonder if THEIR consciousness is more “technically advanced” - say, something along the lines of their “advanced material technology,” so advanced, indeed, that their craft easily disobey the known laws of Newtonian, atomic and quantum knowledge on Earth-side. We might even be inspired to wonder if, in their advanced consciousness technologies, they would remain as klutzy as Earth-siders regarding ESP and telepathy. We might also have to wonder if their telepathy is a developed version of a telepathic “language” that is universal within universal consciousness.

Others before me have indicated that if consciousness exists, then it must have operative “laws,” and cannot possibly consist only of what a given, individual bio-mind Earth-side entity becomes mentally aware of. If this consideration is given enough extrapolation, however, it could increase the possibility that it might be to someone’s benefit to utilize the laws of advanced consciousness technology to ensure:

(1) that Earth-side entities DO NOT become mentally aware of a lot of things
(2) that Earth-side entities DO become conditioned to be mentally aware only of what someone wants them to be aware of

The above two possibilities are only very speculative, of course. But if such Earth-side mental management was indeed factual, then any ostensible success would depend on DELETING (or at least confusing) certain factors from human mental awareness. There may be many of such needed deletions. If I wanted to accomplish (1) and (2) above, I'd delete concepts of consciousness that extend beyond individual functioning.

I'd also delete, or at least suppress, the Earth-side discovery and efficient applications of subliminal messages and suggestions. After all, their relevant techniques are effective toward group-mind management and group-think parameters - and especially with regard to which information packages should or should not be intellectually phase-locked upon.

It would also be useful to ensure that different groups of Earth-siders intellectually phase-lock on different and contrasting information packages. This would not only keep the groups confused by each other, but might even keep them antagonistic. And so the concept of Divide and Rule would then be a piece of cake. All Earth-side efforts toward discovering and developing ANY kind of telepathy would have to be vigorously stunted from the get go - because if Earth-side telepathy can penetrate Earth-side minds, then there is no reason why Space-side “minds" cannot be penetrated as well.

Having established such goals, I’d then have to figure out how to implement them Earth-side , while at the same time ensuring that the goals being implemented Earth-side remain thickly covered up. Fortunately in this regard, Earth-siders intellectually phase-lock quite easily, often in a massive way. If I were a Space-sider doing this, I would have access to telepathy plus. And so all that would really be needed are a few subtle tele-powered messages that enter subliminally into the rather backward order of undeveloped Earth-side consciousness.

As two additional blessings for Space-siders, Earth-sider elites are usually intellectually phase-locked on the thrill of having secrets, and so they keep everything as secret as they can. This automatically leads to the necessity of covering up their secrets. And so, as a general prophylactic measure, they usually cover up everything they can.

The foregoing is, of course, a foray into gross speculation - and has, as it does, many holes in it. But back in Earth-side realities, there runs one consistent theme throughout. This is the perpetuating disenfranchisement of telepathy and all that its penetrating aspects it might imply.


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During 1998, while this book was being produced, two major scientific developments were announced concerning the “discovery" of water and atmosphere on the Moon. It is important to mention these because they are certainly relevant to this book/ and because in some quarters they have again aroused enthusiasm about the possibility of colonizing the lunar satellite. These recent developments are momentous and wonderful, to be sure. The Moon is no longer the dead, arid, airless and uninhabitable satellite that ALL official sources since the 1920s have insisted it was.

Not only is the Dead Moon Dictum now almost magically and abruptly overturned, but these two lunar developments make it seem as though official science is marching onward in some kind of full-disclosure fashion. However, one must keep in mind that this is the same Moon that was the expensive colonizing target of the American and Soviet 1960s Space Age efforts, the same Moon that was frequently orbited, upon which men walked, and the same Moon no one went back to. And if one knows something of the Moon’s many shocking oddities and anomalies, it is clear that there are numerous lunar factors still lingering in the cover-up scenarios.

As we have seen, those factors are not insignificant. Collectively accumulated by numerous unofficial observers utilizing official documents, evidence for them is copious, direct and quite compelling. As to the water, it is said to be in the form of ice, mostly at the poles and buried about half a meter beneath the lunar surface. The estimates are impressive regarding how much of it there is: some six billion metric tons. This is said to be enough to sustain upwards of 100,000 lunar colonists for a century and also provide a fuel source of oxygen and hydrogen for Moonbases and space travel.

While this is exciting news, if the evidence is taken into account for earlier-known lunar clouds and mists clearly visible in some official released photos of the 1960s, then one cannot think that ALL of the lunar water is only in the form of sub-surface ice. As any dictionary or encyclopedia will confirm, a cloud Is defined as “a visible mass of particles of water in the form of fog, mist, or haze suspended at some height in air or atmosphere.” Thus, if the Moon did not have an atmosphere, the mass of water particles would have nothing in which to suspend.

As to the lunar atmosphere, the American Geophysical Union recently indicated that although,

“conventional wisdom says the Moon is devoid of atmosphere, and in layman’s terms this may be close enough to the truth, the space just above the lunar surface is not a total vacuum.”

(See: AGÜ Release No. 98-26, 17 Aug 98)

There is, of course, no doubt that the lunar atmosphere is not like Earth’s. But even if more tenuous and not as thick, the lunar atmosphere now OFFICIALLY exists, as does the lunar water. Thus, the UNOFFICIAL sources of the past that referred to the existence of lunar water and atmosphere have turned out not only to be correct, but ironically vindicate their authors. One of the sardonic fallouts of this is that the materials, including official NASA photography, published by the unofficial sources (see bibliography) might be read with renewed interest. Official NASA photos that clearly show lunar clouds and mists have been available all along - dating especially from the days of the Lunar Orbiters and manned Apollo craft.

The presence of clouds and mists is an undeniable indicator of available water vapor and atmosphere. So one can wonder WHY their existence was unequivocally denied by officialdom in the direct face of the available photos. Only the amounts of the water and atmosphere would have been in question. Yet the official stance held that there was none of either. One can hypothetically deduce, as almost all eagle-eyed unofficial analysts did, that the lunar water and atmosphere cover-up was not in the name of science.

It obviously involved other factors - which, themselves, must have had some kind of strategic importance regarding why a cover-up should exist in the first place and then be maintained for over sixty years. Indeed, if one thinks this through, there was no NEED during the 1960s Space Age to cover-up water and atmosphere, since these would have added a great deal to the enthusiasm to colonize the Moon. Just beneath the surface of the irony, though, are a number of factors that probably will be smoothed over, if not completely erased from lunar history.

The evidence for lunar water was scientifically noted and written about by the early selenographers of the latter part of the nineteenth century and early decades of the twentieth. Later, the analyses of the selenographers were confirmed by official NASA photographs. To emphasize, as most of the unofficial analysts pointed up, lunar clouds and mists drooping over crater rims can be seen in numerous official NASA photographs that were achieved during the 1960s. And so it is to be rapidly conceded (or should have been at least) that where there are clouds, then water and air are not far off. After all, it takes air and water to make clouds.

As but three examples of NASA photos showing clouds, the following have been published in several unofficial sources:

  • An unmistakable Mackerel type cloud bank can easy be identified just off the crater Vitello (NASA Lunar Orbiter V photo, No. MR 168).

  • A very large cloud bank hangs over the rim of a crater in Mare Moscovience on the Moon’s backside (NASA Lunar Orbiter V photo, No. HR 1033).

However, the same photo shows what seem be two cigar-shaped air borne objects casting shadows on the surface. The photo also shows a very large, circular dome - of which the Moon is known to have many, some of which appear and disappear.

Two large cloud banks are seen hugging the edge of crater Lobachavsky (NASA Apollo 16 photo, No. 16-758). But most remarkable and quite clear in this photo is a large, undeniably round object poised near the top of the crater wall, and casting a dark shadow down-slope. This is not a dome that might be a natural formation. It is a round object, or structure, circular in all dimensions. It reminds one of a golf ball sitting neatly on a tee.

Whatever it is, it must be extremely large since it is clearly distinguishable in the rather low-resolution photograph. So one wonders if the higher resolution lenses of the military Clementine craft zoomed onto THIS particular “structure.” After all, it is said that Clementine "mapped" most of the Moon. However, any high resolution lunar evidence of any kind remains absent. Of course, detecting ice BENEATH the lunar surface does represent some kind of high resolution capability, It therefore seems logical to think that what is ON the surface might be detected, too.


And so once again we are brought back to the conflicting nature of the official and unofficial versions of the Moon.

  • The OFFICIAL versions emanated from the combined auspices and gargantuan systems of government, science, academe and major media. The official versions long held that there could not be water (or atmosphere) on the Moon. So all official reports to the public were geared to reinforce the idea of the absence of water.


  • The UNOFFICIAL versions emanated from numerous individuals - some of whom obviously spent considerable research time, effort and money to produce their books and articles.

Among these, for example, was Fred Steckling (see bibliography), whose 1981 book detailed the existence of lunar water (and much more, such as vegetation and artificial structures). The unofficial versions were of course trashed by various and sometimes nefarious activities of officialdom. Now that the existence of lunar water has been confirmed, the better of the unofficial sources are vindicated - at least as far as water and atmosphere are involved. However, if the unofficial eagle-eyes could detect evidence for lunar water as early as 1981, then it is almost certain that the same eyes can detect OTHER lunar factors, too, and draw appropriate conclusions about them.

For example, even official low-resolution photos acquired from NASA show many massive golf ball “things" in the most unlikely lunar places. These and the large domes that appear and disappear, are not as hard to detect in the official photos as is the water. This author is not the first to notice that voyaging to the Moon abruptly ceased some twenty-five years ago - and did so after the utterly enormous expenditures of getting there in the first place. In attempting to identify official explanations for this “loss of interest in the Moon,” the one most frequently encountered is (believe it or not) that THE AMERICAN PUBLIC had become disenchanted with costs and results of the NASA Moon program.

It is true that the American public SOMETIMES can influence major affairs. But the Soviet Union also stopped going to the Moon. In the former Soviet Union what the Soviet public thought about anything did NOT matter at all. Anyway, as it turned out on the American side, NASA stopped its expensive Moon colonizing goal - but promptly undertook even more costly space age projects in different directions. Thus, the Moon disappeared into anonymity behind all of the other space age projects - even though science, NASA and government insiders certainly did know of the water and atmosphere potentials that made the Moon ultra-ripe for colonization. It certainly takes a rather simplistic gullibility to accept that the American efforts to colonize the Moon were abruptly canceled because the public, of all things, had lost interest.

Indeed, during the 1960s twenty manned Apollo craft and launch equipment had been planned, each paid for at great cost, each built and relatively ready to go.
Yet, only seventeen Apollo missions lifted off, while the remaining three were abruptly terminated. So, water and atmosphere on the Moon. We had landed there several times - albeit in locations where nothing more than the soil and rock immediately beneath could be seen. No high-resolution photos of lunar vistas as seen from the lunar surface were ever released. Great footage, though, of the sand in which the Flag was planted, the one which inadvertently started flapping in the lunar breezes.

Buried in the cover-up are THREE unused Apollo crafts. It is perfectly logical to want to find out why they were left to rust and rot, and why a twelve-year, multi-billion dollar effort should abruptly be abandoned - on the rather ridiculous excuse that the public had become disinterested and non-supportive. Indeed, the disinterested public was NEVER informed that we would not go back to the Moon. Instead, the Moon, fully supplied with water and atmosphere, was simply caused to fade away Into official oblivion.

And there the matter would have rested - except for the emergence of unofficial versions of the Moon, its anomalies, and its curiosities, and all of which have turned out to be correct regarding lunar water and atmosphere. If one takes the interest and time to read some of these unofficial sources (perhaps beginning with Fred Steckling’s competent 1981 book), then one possible reason hooves into view.


As but two historical examples that help give reality to this reason, the following photos (acquired during the 1960s and identified here by NASA reference numbers) unambiguously show “ajobóme” objects near the lunar surface:

  • NASA Apollo 11 photo, No. 11-37-5438 - clearly showing a luminous cylindrical-shaped object in flight above the lunar surface and exhibiting an high-altitude contrail.

  • NASA Apollo 16 photo. No. 16-19238 - clearly showing a rather enormous, luminous cigar-shaped or cylindrical object casting its shadow on the lunar surface.

The cylindrical object in the NASA photo takes on added interest for the following reason. During September 1998, the cable station TNT aired a quite good documentary entitled “Secrets of KGB UFO Files"

It contained some especially impressive footage (acquired circa the late 1960s) of Soviet MIGs encountering UFOs. The footage was acquired via nose-cameras of the MIGs sent aloft to intercept unidentified objects intruding into Soviet air space. Among the several UFOs photographed by nose-cameras was a long cylindrical object moving rapidly above an Earth-side cloud formation. When the object sensed it was spotted, it rapidly put on speed and vastly out-distanced the MIGs chasing it. The TNT documentary indicated that the object had to reach speed of MACH-3 in order to do this. MACH-3 is VERY fast, and no Earth-side craft is anywhere capable of it.

The size of the fast-moving cylinder was estimated to be two or three times that of the Soviet MIG craft. It almost exactly matches the one in the earlier NASA photo, but which seems to have been much larger. But we need not lean on historical NASA photos for evidence of this kind, or even on past unofficial versions or books. Turn to the Internet, and especially to the weekly UFO ROUNDUP which provides a day-by-day listing of Earth-side UFO sightings that are reported world-wide to this remarkable Internet publication.

Or access CNI News, a twice-monthly Internet news journal addressing UFO phenomena, space exploration and related issues. These two excellent Internet sources reveal an almost obscenely large number of UFO cylinders, cigar-shapes, triangles, boomerangs, discs some of them luminous, All of them are quite busy doing whatever they are doing in Earth-side ’s atmosphere, and sometimes just above tree tops. After the single, most obvious implication of these Internet sources sinks in, IF it does, one might wonder why luminous UFOs are found in the vicinity of both Earth and the Moon.

Another Internet approach is to access the general topics of MOON or MOON STRUCTURES or MOON BASES in the Internet’s search engines. One an come across, for example, an article entitled “Astonishing Intelligence Artifacts(?) Found On Mysterious Far Side Of The Moon,” authored by Jeff Rense, (with computer enhancements by Liz Edwards of Wonder Productions.)

Indeed, the marvelous search engines of the Internet will lead one thither and yon through all kinds of lunar facts and factoids - of which only one-tenth are needed to help fill out a very probable reason for NOT going back to the Moon. That reason is more awesome than six billion tons of lunar water in the form of sub-surface ice. Apparently that reason has been existing for a long time, was discovered to be existing during the lunar adventures and misadventures of the 1960s, and is still existing today.

And behind all the official scenes and cover-ups, that reason seems to be getting more complicated and extensive than ever before. And it is both ridiculous and hilarious that mainstream officialdom still pretends it doesn’t exist, and still struggles to maintain the cover-up. One of the strangest factors about all of this is that the topics of lunar UFOs and structures are seldom integrated into the overall Earth-side UFO situation and its very many books and discussions. Indeed, in spite of copious lunar UFO evidence, UFOlogists seems to avoid the Moon like the plague-As but one recent example, a new book came out in early 1998, entitled UFO Headquarters: Investigations on Current Extraterrestrial Activity, by Susan Wright.

This book is quite nice because for those not saturated with the UFO information available, it briefly reduces massive amounts of confusion into something easy to read and comprehend. However, it makes no mention of the Moon - even though there are very many available sources regarding it.

It would seem that the phrase EXTRATERRESTRIAL ACTIVITY might include ET lunar activity - in that if ETs do exist then certainly getting to not only to Earth’s skies but to the Moon (and even perhaps colonizing it and its water) would not be impossible for them.

And IF they are loitering in the lunar environment, perhaps they can chase away - well, NASA efforts, of all things.

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NOTES: The topic of Moon anomalies (including convincing evidence for artificial structures) is complicated by cover-up agendas that many do not care to infringe upon. Thus, the topic is shunted aside from larger sectors of inquiry - such as science, space studies, conventional lunar studies, mainstream media and Ufology.

Even so, certain unofficial sources are replete with well-interpreted evidence, documentation, and quite excellent bibliographies that can act as guide to more extensive information. These unofficial sources are indicated by an asterisk (*).

With regard to telepathy, hardly any sources have addressed it in other than superficial ways. Although many abductees have indicated that extraterrestrials communicate via some telepathic form that is non-language dependent, I have decided not to include references to the abductee literature which is quite large and easily available.

A large and vivid vacuum of information exists regarding the phenomena of group mind and subliminal group consciousness management that might be invasively influenced by various means such as forms of super-telepathy as yet unacknowledged as existing.

Selected Internet addresses regarding UFOs and unusual lunar phenomena have been introduced into this bibliography.

  1. Andrews, George C., Extra-Terrestrial Friends and Foes. (Liburn, Georgia: IllumiNet Press, 1993).

  2. Berelson, Bernard, and Steiner, G,A., Human Behavior: An Inventory of Scientific Findings. (New York: Harcourt, Brace, and World, 1964).

  3. *Bergquist, N.O., The Moon Puzzle. (Copenhagen: Grafisk Forlag, 1954).

  4. Berliner, Don, with Marie Galbraith and Antonio Huneeus, Unidentified Flying Objects Briefing Document: The Best Available Evidence (A limited publication presented by CUFOS, FUROR, MUFON, December 1995).

  5. Blum, Howard, Out There. (New York: Simon S Schuster, 1990).

  6. Bourret, Jean-Claude, The Crack in the Universe: What You Have Not Been Told About Flying Saucers. (Suffolk, England: Neville Spearman, 1974).

  7. *Brian, William, Moongate, (Portland, Oregon: Future Science Pub., 1982),

  8. Chatelain, Maurice, Our Ancestors Came From Outer Space, (New York: Doubleday, 1978),

  9. Cherrington, Ernest H., Exploring the Moon Through Binoculars & Small Telescopes. (New York: Dover Publications, 1969).

  10. *Childress, David Hatcher, Extra-Terrestrial Archaeology. (Stelle, Illinois: Adventures Unlimited Press, 1994).

  11. Clark, Jerome, The UFO Encyclopedia [in three volumes. (Detroit: Apogee Books, 1990).

  12. CNI News (Global News on Contac with Non-Human Intelligence). Web address: http //  and http //

  13. Corliss, William, The Moon and the Planets: A Catalogue of Astronomical Anomalies. (Glen Arm, Maryland: The Sourcebook Project, 1985).

  14. *Cornet, Bruce, “Memorándum on Unusual Lunar Features” in CE CHRONICALS, July-August 1994 Issue on Lunar Anomalies (10878 Westheimer, Suite 293, Houston, Texas 77042).

  15. Dixon, Normon F., Subliminal Perception: The Nature of a Controversy. (London: McGraw-Hill, 1971).

  16. Fawcett, Lawrence and Greenwood, Barry, Clear Intent: The Government Cover-up of the UFO Experience. (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1984). Also published as The UFO Cover-Up. (New York: Simon & Schuster, 1992).

  17. *Firsoff, V. A., Strange World of the Moon, (New York: Basic Books, 1959).

  18. Garrett, E. J-, Telepathy. (New York: Creative Age Press, 1941).

  19. Good, Timothy, Above Top Secret. (New York, William Morrow, 1988).

  20. Alien Contact. (New York: William Morrow, 1993).

  21. *Guiley, Rosemary Ellen, Moonscapes. (Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, 1991).

  22. Hamilton, William F., Cosmic Top Secret: America’s Secret UFO Program. (New Brunswick, New Jersey: Inner Light Publications, 1991).

  23. Hill, Harold, A Portfolio of Lunar Drawings. (New York: Cambridge University Press, 1991).

  24. Key, Wilson Bryan, Subliminal Seduction. (New York: New American Library, 1973)

  25. Knapp, George, UFOs; The Best Evidence. (UFO Audio-Video Clearinghouse, P.O. Box 342, Yucaipa, CA 92399).

  26. *Kono, Kenichi, The Moon Has Structures. (Tokyo: Tama Publisher, 1980) (Note: This book has NOT been translated into English, but contains some astounding photographs).

  27. *Leonard, George, Somebody Else Is On The Moon. (New York: Pocket Books, 1975).

  28. Marrs, Jim, Alien Agenda. (New York HaperCollins Publishers, 1997).

  29. McGinnis, Paul, McGinnis Military Secrecy. Web address: http //

  30. *Middlehurst, Barbara M., et al, Chronological Catalog of Reported Lunar Events. NASA Technical Report”: R-227, 1968).

  31. Packard, Vanee, The Hidden Persuaders, New York: David McKay, 1957)

  32. Randles, Jenny, Alien Contact: The First Fifty Years. (New York: Barnes ¿ Noble, 1997).

  33. Ross, Daniel K., UFO’s and the Complete Evidence from Space. (Walnut Creek, California: Pintado Publishers, 1987).

  34. Sagan, Carl, Ed., Communication with Extraterrestrial Intelligence. (Boston: M.I.T. Press, 1963).

  35. *Sullivan, Kalter, We Are Not Alone. (Se» York: McGraw-Hill, 1964).

  36. *Stacy, Denis, “Cosmic Conspiracy: Six Decades of Government UFO Cover-ups.” (OMNI Magazine: Ir. a six-part series, beginning in
    Vol. 16, No. 7, Aprü 1994).

  37. *Steckling, Fred, We Discovered Alien Bases On The Moon. (Los Angeles: GAF PubLishers, 1981).

  38. Taylor, Eldon, Subliminal Communicator.. (Salt Lake City: JAR, 1988).

  39. Thompson, Richard L, Alien Identities. (San Diego: Govardhan Hill Publishing, 1993).

  40. UFO NET. Anthony Chippendale, Ed. web address: http //

  41. UFO ROUNDUP. Joseph Trainor, Ed. Web addresses: http://www.ftech,net/~ufoinfo/roundup.htm

  42. Vallee, Jacques, Dimensions: A Casebook of Alien Contact. (New York: Ballantine, 1989).

  43. Weiner, Tim, Blank Check: The Pentagon’s Black Budget. (New York: Warner, 1990).

  44. Wilkins, Percival H., Our Moon. London: Frederick Muller, 1954).

  45. *Wilson, Don, Our Mysterious Spaceship Moon. (New York: Dell, 1975).

  46. Wright, Susan, UFO Headquarters: Investigations on Current Extraterrestrial Activity. New York, St. Martin's Press, 1998

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