Chapter 13

Briefly summarized, the confused tangle regarding the Moon consists of five major aspects or situations:

(1) The traditional mainstream description of the Moon as a dead, airless, natural satellite of Earth, formed at the same time Earth was.
(2) Modern scientific technology has revealed that the Moon is nothing of the kind.
(3) The modern mainstreams (scientific, military, political, cultural) continue to insist that the Moon is a dead, natural satellite of Earth.
(4) The dimensions of the dissembling propaganda needed to maintain (3) in the face of (2) is huge, so huge as to be unbelievable.
(5) For (3) to continue to exist, and for (4) to be implemented and enforced, something VERY BIG must indeed be at stake.

As of 1975 and my encounter with Mr. Axelrod, I did not know much more about the Moon than any other average person. However, in the years that followed I took a deep interest in it (for reasons now somewhat obvious.) Others did also, especially when more and more information began to be scientifically discovered and confirmed about the satellite's utter radical nature. This radical nature is sufficient enough to seriously crack not only the egg-shells of conventional Earth-side  knowledge of the Moon, but many other Space-side factors as well.

By reviewing but a few of the radical Moon factors, we will encounter a rather sordid mystery, some few elements of which might not be noticed unless they are pointed up. A first element is that the strange Moon factors that have been discovered to date are NOT exactly covered up, since a good portion of them have been revealed in published scientific papers. A second element involves not the radical factors which have seen the light of day in print, but rather their direct implications. In this sense it is quite clear that the direct implications ARE covered up.

The exact nature of this cover-up is entirely difficult to pin down. But whatever its intimate details, all such cover-ups gain their awesome efficiency because most people are entirely ignorant about what REALLY is involved. And where widespread ignorance exists, a knowledgeable elite can form whose spin doctors can set about erecting webs of disinformation, which are accepted as information by the uninformed.

If it chances that “official secrecy" needs to be factored into the cover-up, then an elite can form within the elite, and so a cover-up can involve the workings of several elitist strata - to the degree that few can grow from where the core of the cover-up is being managed. It is because of all this entwining of cover-ups, each of which can have different motives and purposes, that difficulties arise regarding penetrating what’s involved. In this case, the general ignorance involves knowledge about moons in general. Few have any interest in them to begin with. Those who do are limited by material considerations involving telescopes as we will see ahead. But if one doesn’t know something about moons in general, then one will have no basis for recognizing something that might not be a moon to begin with.

The very basic and widely taught mainstream assumptions regarding moons are in four parts:

(1) that planets have them, because they do
(2) that the moons are solid natural formations, as are the planets
(3) that the planets and their moons are made of stellar matter, the matter being in the form of compacted elements pulled together into a ball by gravitational forces
(4) that the moons are formed when the planets are formed, unless the strong gravity of a planet somehow “captures” an asteroid that comes racing by and then goes into a safe orbit around the planet. This possibility, however, would certainly be a delicate business

The two inferior planets (Mercury and Venus) of our own star system have no moons. Earth has one, and each of the superior planets (Mars, Jupiter, etc.) have one or more. Since the advent of modern scientific times, the formation of the Earth-Moon system is dated at 4.5 billion years ago. There has never been any doubt about the assumption that Earth’s Moon is a natural satellite formed when Earth was formed, and hence formed from the same general materials.

So far, so good, right?

When Earth-siders began dreaming of going to the Moon, it was clear that they would have to do so by being encased in a spaceship. Further dreaming involved the concept of artificial satellites that might orbit planets.

Out of this arose a small necessity to distinguish between a natural and an artificial satellite. This distinction was logical and incorporated the idea that an artificial satellite needed to be hollow in order to be useful - whereas a natural satellite, such as a moon, obviously would be solid. In this regard, and as began to be noted during the 1960s and 1970s, scientific discoveries about Earth’s Moon produced some rather confusing data about its physical characteristics. As to Moon’s physical characteristics prior to the space age, all official sources of information were based on telescope and photographic studies of its surface. After the American and Soviet missions to the Moon, the instruments carried by unmanned and manned vehicles made it possible to extend more intimate knowledge about the natural satellite.

As will be discussed later, knowledge about the Moon acquired in THIS way was to prove difficult to grasp. The Moon probes were of several kinds, the multitudes of them commencing after the Soviet Union established in Earth orbit the artificial satellite Sputnik 1 in October, 1957. This was a scientific and/or military coup by the Soviet Union, a Cold Mar upsmanship which embarrassed the United States.

The United States made up for this affront when, in 1961, President Kennedy committed the United States to the goal of landing men on the Moon, and bringing them safely back. As is often stated, the resulting Apollo program then became the largest scientific and technological undertaking in history. But the general Cold War idea regarding the Moon was that the first Earth-side  superpower to colonize it could rule Earth from this Space-side natural satellite. That nothing of the kind happened now is a factoid that has to be carried in mind from this point on.

With the goals of lunar conquest and scientific advancement now firmly in hand, the United States began by launching a quite large number of Moon orbiting satellites that preceded the landings on the lunar surface. Reported numbers of such satellites vary between fifty and 450, but most specify that the majority of them had military purposes, the truth of which can be imagined with some degree of certainty.

As the Earth-side  nascent space age developed, probes to the Moon were in the form of fly-bys and unmanned landers: the Soviet Luna crafts, the American Pioneer, Ranger, and Surveyor vehicles. The first landers were designed to crash on the Moon, but shortly soft-landings succeeded. In August, 1966, the United States successfully launched the first Lunar Orbiter, which took pictures of both sides of the Moon, as well as the first pictures of Earth from the Moon’s vicinity.
The primary mission of the Orbiter crafts was to locate suitable landing sites for Apollo, the American manned spacecraft program.

Between 1966 and 1968, more American Surveyors were launched, as well as more Soviet Luna Orbiters.

The ultimate goal, of course, was to put men on the Moon. Twenty Apollo missions were planned in order to achieve this goal, the first six being unmanned checkouts of the delicate equipment. The principal objective was finally achieved in July, 1969, when Apollo 11 was the first to land men on the Moon, while in July, 1971, Apollo 15 marked the first use of the Lunar Rover. In December, 1972, Apollo 17 was the LAST American craft to the Moon. At that point, American Moon visits abruptly ceased for reasons that were never adequately explained. The remaining three Apollo crafts which were already built at enormous expense, were left to rot.

It was not until 1995, some twenty-three years later, that the Clementine craft was sent to the Moon. This, however, was a U.S. Army project, not a NASA effort.
Luna 21 of January 1973 seemed to be the last Soviet craft, but in August 1976, Luna 24 landed on the lunar surface - after which the Soviets, too, desisted from tackling the Moon. Thus, the great and very expensive race of the two Earth-side  superpowers to colonize the Moon came to an ignominious end - and for reasons which were not clear at all.

All things considered, especially the enormous advantages of Moon colonization, the reasons must have been quite impressive. Instead, in 1972, a change of emphasis came about regarding Space Exploration. After a decade of hot and exceedingly competitive and exceedingly expensive interest in the Moon (and which included the idea of setting up Moonbases there), the Americans and the Soviets decided TO JOIN UP and attempt to erect not a Moonbase, but an Earth-orbiting Skylab. Thereafter, Moon interest faded into official and popular obscurity - even though the Moon itself IS an Earth-orbiting thing. If one thinks about it, this is somewhat strange.

Additionally, most sources, such as the Columbia Encyclopedia, regarding Space Exploration indicate that Moon missions produced “increasingly large amounts of scientific data.” Even so, until 1997, official scientific descriptions of the nature of the Moon remained more or less the same as they had been offered up in 1957 some forty-five years earlier.

The Moon remained a dead satellite, airless, with high mountains, craters and dry, dusty, glassy and stony plains (called Mares - Seas) estimated to be formed from magma, breccias, and glassy melt resulting from molten sprays of superheated meteorite impacts.

The Moon’s age was still given as 4,5 billion old, dating from the time that the rest of the solar system was formed.

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Chapter 14

There is a rather sprightly category of information about the Moon called anomalies - the common definitions of this term referring to an irregularity or a deviation from the common rule. However, a more precise definition refers to something that prevailing wisdom is quite certain cannot exist or is impossible - but which is found to be existing anyway and is therefore not impossible.

In this sense, an anomaly is something that is discovered to exist and which thus tends to disestablish the comfort zones of prevailing wisdom. It is quite difficult to integrate the discovery of anomalies into the knowledge systems that have vigorously established their impossibility. This is an especially embarrassing prospect with regard to the sciences which have somewhat of a vested interest in being correct so as to justify the funds pumped into them.

So, as might be anticipated, the scientific solution to anomalies is to cover them up on the one hand, and on the other to prevent their implications from dribbling down into broader interest and appreciation. The scientific disinterest in anomalies works quite neatly for the purposes, for example, of elitist spin doctors who are interested in secrecy and want to manage certain kinds of information away from public cognizance. Here, it is useful to emphasize that an anomaly is not a mere speculation, but something that has been shown to exist.

It is easy enough to comprehend that if there are very good reasons to ensure and to continue to ensure that the Moon is a dead, dry, desolate, NATURAL satellite, then the dribbling down of Moon anomaly factoids that more or less suggest other wise really would need to be covered up. Thus, one can expect to find at least tacit cooperation between the sciences (which are embarrassed by anomalies) and secretive enclaves (which desire to keep the anomaly implications from public cognizance). Since the science systems and the secretive systems reinforce each other along these lines, it is difficult to grasp the end of the thread that might help unravel the resulting cover-ups. It is now helpful to reprise the main structure of the cover-up confusions.

Between 1957 to roughly the present, the official descriptions of the Moon underwent hardly any change. Meanwhile, beginning in 1961, the Moon was subjected to the most extensive and most expensive technological effort in history. Most official sources published after, say, 1975, indicated that the technological effort provided “increasing amounts of data” - AFTER WHICH, the official descriptions remained roughly the same as in 1957. Anyone who has an interest in tracking the existence of anomalies will realize that most of them have rather amusing factors that go along with them.

This is certainly the case in the amusing matter of Earth rocks and Moon rocks. It is scientifically accepted today that Earth and accompanying Moon are as old as the solar system, whose age is dated back to 4.5 billion years.

Due to admittedly wonderful scientific advances, the age of rocks can scientifically be dated by examining tracks burned into them by cosmic rays. By this technique of measuring, the oldest Earth rocks found so far date only to 3.5 billion years ago. The Moon missions returned some 900 pounds of rocks and soil samples. From these, a curious factoid was ultimately revealed in 1973: some of the Moon rocks dated back to 5.3 billion years ago. Thus, between Earth and Moon, this factoid leaves an amusing discrepancy of some 2 billion years, with the errant Moon rocks existing some 1 billion or so years before the solar system was formed.

Then there is the matter of the Moon dust in which the errant Moon rocks were found. The dust proved to be a billion years older than the rocks themselves. If one is INTERESTED in this kind of situation, here is a conundrum of no small magnitude - in that one has to wonder about two possibilities:

(1) where the rocks and dust came from
(2) where the Moon was BEFORE our lovely solar system was formed, and HOW the Moon got to the solar system and into such a comfortable orbit around Earth

As will be mentioned ahead, in spite of the now abundant data, the fundamental anomalies of Moon geology remain somewhat confusing.

Generally speaking, the Moon has three distinct layers of rock, all three combined reaching down to a depth of 150 miles. If the Moon and Earth were formed at the same time, then the material composition of the layers of both should somewhat match. However, iron is abundant regarding the Earth, but quite rare on the Moon. As the writer, Earl Ubell, noted (in The New York Times Magazine of April 16, 1972), the differences suggest that Earth and Moon came into being far from each other, and presumably under different formative circumstances.

The important significance of Ubell’s published consideration is that the anomalous differences were established and accepted scientifically, otherwise they would not have been published in the venerable newspaper. This anomaly confuses conventional astro-physicists with regard to explaining exactly how the Moon became a satellite of Earth - and so there has not been much mention of this upsetting factoid since 1972. The sum of all these factoids seems to add up as: that Moon and Earth were formed neither at the same time nor in the same place, meaning that the Moon “came" from somewhere else.

Moving on from rocks, the Moon’s mean density is 3.34 grams per cubic centimeter - as contrasted to the Earth’s mean density of 5.5 grams per cubic centimeter. The meaning of this is a little difficult to grasp, so I'll try to simplify. If Moon and Earth were formed at the same time, and of relatively the same materials, then their mean densities should be somewhat similar. Furthermore, the differences in the mean density imply that the Moon probably has no solid core, as does Earth, and it is the absence of the core which accounts for the density differences.

If this prospect is pursued to its logical conclusion, then the deep interior of the Moon is along the lines of being hollow.

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Chapter 15

The probability that the lunar satellite was NOT solid was first mentioned in 1962, and was of course immediately challenged as being based in “faulty data." So several new studies were undertaken. But these new studies ended up with much the same result. Finally, Dr. Sean C. Solomon of MIT reported (in Astronautics, February 1962) that,

“The Lunar Orbiter experiments vastly improved our knowledge of the moon’s gravitational field ... indicating the frightening possibility that the moon might be hollow.”

Frightening? What, indeed, is the significance of that word?

The significance was mentioned by no less a figure than the late and great astronomer Carl Sagan in his book Intelligent Life in the Universe (1966). According to Dr. Sagan, who surely would have known what he was talking about, “A natural satellite cannot be a hollow object.” For clarity here, a hollow satellite cannot be a natural satellite. But a hollow satellite could be an artificial satellite. “Artificial” means made or constructed.

It is suitable to recall here that the decision to put a man on the Moon manifested as the 1961 Apollo program. The decision at that point would have been based on all earlier available information about the Moon. By 1962-1963, this information would have included the confirmed possibility that the Moon was either hollow, or at least contained significant “negative mascons."


Negative mascons" translates as large areas inside the Moon where there is either matter much less dense than the rest of the Moon, or empty cavities much larger and deeper than Earth-side Mammoth Caves, etc. But, squarely stated, this unquestionably means that the Soviets and the Americans fully anticipated arriving at the Moon which was already known to be more or less hollow. By extension, it was therefore KNOWN to be a satellite NOT of natural origin. It would have also been clear that the two Earth-side superpowers fully expected to utilize the Lunar cavities as opportunistic Moonbase habitation.

This “plan" however, seems not to have been fulfilled. One is forced to wonder WHY. It certainly seems an easy enough project, all NORMAL things considered.
Additional, and more dramatic confirmation, of the hollow Moon possibility came in November, 1969, when the crew of Apollo 12 sent the ascent stage of their lift-off module crashing back to the Lunar surface. The impact caused an artificial Moonquake.

Ultra-sensitive seismic equipment installed on the Moon’s surface recorded that the entire Moon reverberated like a bell for nearly and hour. As one scientist (among a number of others) indicated, he would rather “not make an interpretation right now.” The evaded “interpretation” could only have been that the Moon was ringing like a bell, and that like a bell it was significantly hollow - not merely having a few negative mascons.

Later, other significant experiments were undertaken to determine whether the Moon was hollow or not. The important aspect of these later experiments is that their results have NOT been made public. It does not take all that much intuition to conclude that the Moon is hollow, or something along those lines. What is not really understood, very broadly at least, is that this factoid was finally known at least by the late 1950s.

As Carl Sagan indicated, if a natural Moon satellite cannot be hollow, then the Moon is NOT a natural satellite. Even though this phenomenon was amazing, it seems that it could have been taken in stride and that the two superpowers would have proceeded to colonize and to inhabit the Moon’s cavities. It is now publicly known that great plans WERE prepared for Moonbases, which included installing Moonbased missile defense/attack systems. Yet, this great scheme to colonize and inhabit the Moon did NOT take place. Since this kind of thing would have been cheaper than trying to build a Skylab, one is stimulated to wonder why.

We must leave this wonderment open for a while, but only to avoid becoming mired in mere speculation. There are additional anomalies that will help to avoid speculative conundrums. To enter into the additional anomalies, we first have to examine the matter of telescopes and high resolution photos.

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Chapter 16

The multiple factors of this chapter altogether represent one of those quagmires one can unsuspectingly get sucked into with regard to the topics of this book. So it is perhaps the better part of valor here to simply state what this chapter expands upon. High-resolution evidence of the Moon showing small details of its surface can be acquired only by very expensive and sensitive equipment. Because of its costs, none of this equipment is affordable at the public level. The equipment does exist, but it is under official control.

It is abundantly clear that high-resolution evidence about the Moon has been acquired officially, but none of it has been provided to the public. Instead, the official sources continue to release only low-resolution evidence, none of which shows smaller details of the lunar surface. The low-resolution evidence is apparently in keeping with the Dead Moon Dictum - while it is almost certain that high-resolution evidence wound present an entirely different understanding of the Moon.

The details of all of this are not without their interest, since one of the principal conclusions to be made from them is that the official Earth-side  cover-up of Space-side activity (obviously going on) could NOT be maintained if high-resolution evidence of the Moon was released. To get into the details, the concept that the Moon is a dead, airless satellite has been widely established, but only because all of the AVAILABLE hard evidence is accepted as confirming it.


The hard evidence exists in two forms:

  • what can be seen through telescopes

  • what can be identified from photographs acquired by space vehicles orbiting or landing on the lunar surface

The AVAILABLE low-resolution evidence is so massive and so evidential that altogether it represents a form of logical certitude that gives an unquestioned basis to the accepted logic of the dead Moon idea.

It is always quite difficult to inquire into matters that have achieved strong degrees of logical certitude. There is a particular reason for this, albeit one not usually recognized. The reason is that anything that conflicts with the established logical certitude is automatically taken to be illogical, and is ultimately treated in a “can’t be” way. Thus, anything along these lines is fraught with difficulties - because what is at stake is no longer only the evidence per se, but the logical certitude derived from it.

As many sociologists have observed, this is almost the same as saying that conflicting evidence will NOT be admitted as evidence, and will be stigmatized as illogical - especially if there is an official advantage in doing so. It is therefore quite surprising to discover that the overall situation regarding the Moon constitutes a clear-cut example of this kind of quagmire. “Clear cut” because there are TWO kinds of EVIDENCE. The first can be referred to as law-resolution (logical) evidence, the second as high-resolution (illogical) evidence. The important distinctions between the two are not all that hard to sort out.

Ever since telescopes were developed in the early seventeenth century (during the time of Galileo), there has been much enthusiasm for developing increasingly refined equipment to make visible on the Moon what is invisible to the unaided human eye. Earth-siders can of course see the Moon with their eyes. And on a clear night Earth-side  eyes can even vaguely resolve the outlines of some of the larger lunar geography. But one needs telescopes of higher magnification to clearly see more detail - to see smaller and smaller aspects of the lunar surface.

Roughly speaking, higher magnification equates to higher resolution, and which renders visible smaller and smaller things. And with this in mind, we now come upon the matter of Earth-side  equipment the capabilities of which MIGHT make visible small details of the lunar surface. As everyone knows, a lot of photographs of the Moon have come into existence, especially with the advent of the Space Age and the initial Earth-side intents to colonize it. Some of the earlier photos were achieved via telescopes, but later ones by cameras aboard lunar craft. One can examine these numerous photographs, and see the Moon - see its “dead” surface all pockmarked with craters and barren deserts called Seas. Many photos show rills, valleys, canyons, mountains, things that stick up and cast long shadows, and large and small “domes” (which sometimes appear and disappear.)

And most people are content in seeing the Moon via such photos, for THERE indeed IS the Moonscape almost exactly as it logically conforms to the Dead Moon Dictum. If, however, one introduces the question of what can be seen of the Moon via WHAT EQUIPMENT, one slowly but surely will become involved in officially-endorsed information distortions that smell of some kind of fortuitous cover-up. This odiferous issue revolves around the distinction between high-resolution and lo w-resolution evidence regarding the Moon -coupled with the fact that all officially available photo-visual evidence of the lunar surface is consistently of rather low-resolution.

That this should NOT be the case is abundantly clear. Prior to the 1950s, most Earth-side  telescopes had a resolution of only about one to two miles - which meant that something the width of a mile would be seen as something not much larger than a dot.

But during the 1950s and early 1960s a number of scientific and popular science sources referred to higher-resolution telescopes under development - telescopes so sensitive that one would be able to identify a basketball or a dime on the Moon. There can be no doubt that such telescopes were developed. To help ensure clarity, it is useful to summarize what high-resolution might consist of - either via telescopic or camera equipment. After all, through the years the lunar surface has been viewed via both.

As but one example of HIGH-RESOLUTION, various media sources have referred to the existence of the so-called Spy-In-The-Sky satellites. These are said to carry different types of “monitoring equipment,” some of which are cameras so sensitive and of such high resolution that they can zoom in and read auto license plates and bubble-gum wrappers in gutters. To complete the picture here, it is meaningful to consider the elevation from which this high resolution can be achieved. Earth-orbiting satellites have to be higher than 200 miles, because if not then atmospheric drag will slow them down and cause them to fall back to Earth.

Thus, there are satellites orbiting Earth at elevations between 400 miles to 22,000 miles. The exact orbits of SkySpy satellites are closely guarded secrets. But any reading of bubble-gum wrappers from above 200 miles is marvelous, of course, and a definite kudos for science and technology. The Moon has a mean distance from Earth of about 238,857 miles. Across that distance, lunar features can be somewhat magnified by average telescopes commercially available to amateur observers.

Astronomy magazines and catalogs advertise what kinds of telescopes are commercially available - and affordable. These range from 3-inch to 14-inch telescopes, but much will depend on whatever resolution factors are built into them. Generally speaking, however, only very large lunar features will come into resolution (or into focus), but smaller features will not, all depending on the equipment involved, Something the size of a large baseball stadium may or may not be seen, but is so would look like a dot. Something also depends on Earth-side  viewing conditions, such as air clarity, lack of smog, clouds or light pollution, and so forth.

Beyond the public capability, however, most of the sources I’ve consulted indicate that high-resolution telescopes MERE secretly utilized at the beginning of the Space Age in the late 1950s. The telescopes usually referred to are those of the Naval Observatory and Mt. Wilson, and Mt. Palomar. The large 200-inch reflecting telescope at Hale Observatories at Mt. Palomar became operational in 1948. But prior to that, Mt. Palomar also possessed 40-inch, 100-inch and 150-inch telescopes. The 120-inch telescope at Lick Observatory became operational in 1959. (The largest commercially available telescope is about 8-inches to 14-inches.)

It may be true that the large reflector telescopes might be a bit unwieldy regarding the closeness of the Moon, But the suggestive situation here is that if one was planning to go to the Moon, and if one had these government-funded, large telescopes at hand, would not one try to utilize them to spy on the Moon in order to anticipate what would be encountered there?

It is quite well known that “secret government” work has gone on at both of these and other esteemed observatories, and without doubt at others as well. And it requires no great leap to understand that inspection of the Moon would certainly have taken place by any and all means possible. Thus, there can be no question at all that at least some of the much higher-resolution telescopes were utilized to, spy the Moon.

Indeed, if Moongazing via these larger telescopes was not undertaken, then the failure to do so is so gross as to bring the concept of human intelligence into question. As it has turned out, though, between 1948 and the present no high-resolution information has been released. With regard to cameras, this of course refers to television apparatus sent to the Moon aboard spacecraft. But once at the Moon, cameras themselves have different resolution capabilities, depending on their focal length and depth and how distant or close they are to the lunar surface - or to what is being photographed. There are different technical definitions for high- and low-resolution. A general understanding, however, is that low-resolution does not make smaller things visible, and that high-resolution does.

Now we come to the quagmire situation that rotates around three factors:

(1) high-resolution equipment

(2) the Moon

(3) the complete absence of high resolution evidence regarding the lunar surface

Clementine's mission was successful, and the world awaited higher-resolution looks at the Moon via Clementine’s sophisticated equipment. The world awaited in vain - and thus we don’t know what kind of bubble-gum wrappers are on the Moon. And so we will now turn our attention to the topic of what are referred to as “lunar anomalies.”

By way of reference, one William H. Corliss set up an activity in 1974 called The Sourcebook Project with the goal of compiling “strange phenomena." In 1985, he published a substantial compilation entitled The Moon and the Planets: A Catalog of Astronomical Anomalies, which included 108 pages descriptive of Moon anomalies.

In this compendium, Corliss broke down the anomalies into eight major categories:

  • The Moon’s orbital anomalies

  • Lunar geology problems

  • Lunar luminous phenomena

  • The motion of lunar satellites

  • Anomalous telescopic and visual observations

  • Lunar “weather”

  • Lunar eclipse and occultation phenomena

  • The enigma of lunar magnetism

Most of the categories listed above can be further subdivided. For example, lunar weather implies the existence on the Moon of an atmosphere. Lunar luminous phenomena includes anomalies referred to as lunar transient phenomena (LTP) - lights that come and go, and move around, and to green patches suggestive of vegetation, etc.

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Chapter 17

In briefly turning to the matter of lights on the Moon, we encounter a situation that, simply put, is absolutely hilarious. To get into this, the compendium by William H. Corliss entitled The Moon and the Planets has been referred to in the preceding chapter. This compendium contains a section entitled “Lunar Luminous Phenomena,” and begins with a brief Introduction. In it Corliss points up in that while the Moon has long been considered to be a “dead world,” it nonetheless “exhibits a surprising variety of luminous phenomena.”

He goes on to briefly discuss the Dead Moon Dictum long held by scientists, and indicates “that luminous phenomena were seldom reported in the scientific literature” because “they couldn’t exist" according to that scientific Dictum. Corliss then points up that the “arrival of the Space Age brought the moon under detailed scrutiny; and both professional and amateur astronomers began reporting flashes of light, transient color phenomena...” and so forth, To begin making the point of this chapter, it is necessary to elucidate the fact that the lunar light phenomena are NOT rare. They number in the thousands and some of them have been so robust as to have been observed by the naked eye.

Well, the arrival of the Space Age and the arrival in the vicinity of the Moon by Orbiters and later by manned Apollo missions ought to have brought further enlightenment about the nature of lunar light phenomena - especially those which have been reported as having motion and as moving about in definite ways. Yet, the official silence since 1968 until today has been thunderous on this particular matter. The year 1968 seems to have some kind of relevancy to all the matters discussed so far in this section. What that relevancy consists of, however, is hard to pin down. But that there is some kind of important tale in this regard can be clearly demonstrated.

The history of observations of lights on the Moon is rather long and, throughout it, accounts of the luminous phenomena were consistently logged in. In large part, the accounts were ignored by various branches of the developing sciences. But even so, up until the advent of the Space Age the luminosities could continue to be seen at rather frequent intervals.

Now, if one intended to colonize the Moon, which was publicized as the primary first goal of the Space Age, one certainly would like to know more about the lunar lights even if the mainstream sciences ignored them by clinging to the Dead Moon Dictum. This factor really does need to be emphasized, because it IS a factor that has consistently been made invisible. If you were planning to send manned spacecraft to the Moon with the intention of building Moonbases, and if there were thousands of reports of sometimes awesome Moonlights, wouldn’t you want to have some idea of what they were BEFORE sending your guys to the Moon? At the very least, the larger telescopes might in some manner have been pressed into service. To think that something along those lines was NOT undertaken is just plain silly.

That the Space Age decision-makers were aware from the get-go of the lights was clearly established by NASA itself. In 1968, a document was published entitled Chronological Catalog of Reported Lunar Events (NASA Technical Report R-277.J) The catalog documented 579 lunar events between 1540 and 1967, about 75 per cent of which referred to lunar “luminous phenomena." The remaining 25 per cent referred to phenomena consisting of Moon hazes, mists, fogs and clouds that sometimes obstructed good telescope viewing of the lights, unless the lights moved beyond the foggy obscurations.

The authorship of the report was attributed to the joint efforts of four researchers, one each from the University of Arizona, the Goddard Space Flight Center, the Armagh Planetarium, and the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory. Here it should be remembered that an “event” is actually a happening - i.e. something going on - in this case, going on with regard to the Dead Moon where “events" are not supposed to happen. As indicated in its Introduction,

“The purpose of this catalog is to provide a listing of historical and modern records that may be useful investigations of possible activity on the moon.”


A few lines later it states that “The catalog contains all information available to us through October 1967.”

While this may be true as far as the documents four authors are concerned, the catalog most certainly DOES NOT contain all available information. Even after subtracting hundreds of reports known to be spurious, many more than 2,600 or so events rather then 579 events might have been included with complete justification. For example, during the latter part of the nineteenth century, the Royal Astronomical Society in Britain recorded 1,600 lunar events over a mere two-year period by utilizing a 13-inch at the Royal Observatory at Greenwich.

So, the NASA catalog DID NOT contain all available information, but merely a selection of certain types of events from among it. In this sense, the NASA catalog contained data sifted from a great quantity of it. The Introduction to the catalog also contains a section titled “Reports Omitted from the Catalog.” The first paragraph begins with the sentence “We attempted to eliminate all doubtful reports from this catalog." This presumes that the authors DID inspect a larger number of reports. However, the first paragraph ends with the sentence “Careless reporting has been discovered in one case only." (This is identified as involving one “John Hammes and friends" of Iowa who reported seeing a lunar “volcano” on 12 November, 1878.)

If these two conflicting sentences contained in the same paragraph of the catalog seem at odds, it is because they ARE at odds. One can only wonder why the NASA catalog was limited to only 579 events. And if this is considered, one might wish to wonder what kinds of historically documented reports WERE OMITTED from the NASA catalog. Since the NASA catalog DID NOT include vast numbers of quite authentic lunar-event reports that could, even should have been included, the stated purpose of the catalog can be called into question. Certainly, the whole lunar truth, so to speak, is not reflected by the mere 579 events contained in the catalog.

And that leads us back to the subject of telescopes, The ordinary person with proper interest and some spare bucks can shop around for a very good 6-inch to 16-inch telescope which are commercially available. Such a telescope can offer good information, provided Earth’s atmosphere does not blur things too much, and that other night conditions are reasonably ideal. If one now takes this particular factoid and compares it with the 597 lunar events listed in the 1968 NASA catalog, then it is revealed that the catalog contains not much more than those events that can be^spied via an 8-inch, or at most a 16-inch telescope.

THIS particular factor is NOT mentioned in the introductory materials to the NASA catalog. The catalog thus seems to have the rather strange function of dealing only with lunar anomalies that can be seen from Earth-side  by smaller telescopes. In any event, the publication in 1968 by NASA of the catalog of lunar events could easily lead one to expect that there would be a follow on document AFTER the Moon was thoroughly examined up close by Orbiters and manned landings.

Certain craters on the Moon are rather notable for profusions of lights, and other anomalous phenomena as well. Among these, and as duly noted in the NASA catalog, major among the craters exhibiting various kinds of lights are Plato, Aristarcus and Timocharis, to identify but a few. Plato is famous for lights. It is about sixty miles across and has a floor that changes color. Its walls are quite high, but sometimes obscured by fogs and mists that bellow up and over them.

Many of the self-luminous “objects” are seen to move about, Others of them form geometric patterns, such as circles, squares, and triangles. Sometimes lights have been seen emerging from smaller or near-by craters and moving to Plato, then descending the crater walls. In 1966, there were numerous reddish glowing spots shining out from Plato. Beams and long-distance rays of light have also been observed. Space here does not permit further enumeration, and the interested reader might consult the bibliography for more detailed reading.

There is one other situation that should be noted. It regards where the Moon lights are most profuse and constantly reported versus where the manned Apollo missions landed. If it were up to me, I’d probably set down one Apollo craft square into the middle of crater Plato. After all, it is sixty miles wide, and there appears to be a lot going on in it. As it was to turn out, none of the American or Soviet spacecraft sent to the Moon landed anywhere near those special Moon locations.

Instead, all the landers were sat down in areas near the lunar Equator and into environments not noted for much except their lack of lunar activity. The observation above of course can only refer to craft publicly admitted as having been sent to the Moon.

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Chapter 18

During the spring of 1998, scientists announced their surprise at discovering water on the Moon. The news was spread far and wide not only in all major print media, but throughout the electronic bytes of the Internet. However, as anyone familiar with the long history of Moon observations will realize, the 1998 discovery was not a discovery, but a very tardy admission of what had most certainly been known decades ago by official insiders. One of the subtle importances of this is that where water is, an atmosphere can’t be far behind. And where atmosphere is, sufficient gravity must be present to hold it down.

We are now somewhat far from the Dead Moon Dictum, which itself might be said to be dead. But from the point of view of examining the dimensions of the lunar cover-up, it is worthwhile reprising certain aspects of the Dead Moon charade officially promulgated and maintained for so long. As announced back in 1961, the major Space Age goal was to get to the Moon and colonize it for the purposes of erecting Moonbases as a step toward penetrating deeper into outer space. This obviously was a scientific and military goal.

Another major goal (now completely forgotten) consisted of economic opportunism. The Moon probably had useful resources that could be mined for the benefits of Earth-side capitalistic ventures. These two major goals were impressive ones that could, and did, arouse much enthusiasm for the lunar objectives, and which were extraordinarily costly. Another factor needs to be considered. Once having gotten to the Moon, the conditions of habitat would be important. It seems logical to assume that any lunar factor that might help ease lunar habitat problems would have officially been emphasized - in order, at least, to further increase the enthusiasm of taxpayers who were the ones actually funding the costly lunar expeditions.

For example, the lunar water “discovered” in 1998 was certainly present back in 1961 at the start up of the lunar expeditions. The undeniable presence of the lunar atmosphere had been discovered, and confirmed, several decades before the advent of the lunar expeditions. Indeed, beginning in the late nineteenth century, there came into existence a continuity of very competent observations about the Moon that clearly indicated any number of helpful lunar conditions that would ease the ultimate habitat concerns.

Simply put, water, atmosphere, voluminous caves (i.e., the negative mascons) to reside in, minerals, etc., what could be more wonderful at hand with regard resolving at least some of the lunar habitat problems?

Beyond all this, then, and considering the excellence of human genius and ingenuity, the only remaining REAL problem, if there WAS one, would consist of what might be called “occupational hazards” of a kind Earth-side  genius and ingenuity might have REAL problems dealing with. There now remain two additional factors to be carried in mind.

  1. First of all, with the advent in 1961 of the active measures segment of the lunar expeditions, the official stance regarding the Moon elected to reinforce the negative Dead Moon Dictum. Doing so broke the continuity of earlier observations about the Moon, observations that positively foreshadowed relatively easy colonization overtures.


  2. Second, the lunar fly-bys, Orbiters, Landers and manned Apollo landings lasted approximately eleven years - after which the two great Earth-side  superpowers, the United States and the Soviet Union, completely abandoned treks to the lunar satellite. After this abandonment, official propagandizing sought to stimulate scientific and public enthusiasm for the proposed wonders of space stations that were to orbit Earth, not the Moon.

All things considered, it is possible that the combined genius and ingenuity of the two superpowers encountered certain lunar occupational hazards that were difficult to deal with - deterrents which must have been of such impressive quality that they disrupted the best laid plans for the projected lunar conquests. So, the two superpowers, technically still in Cold Mar with each other, decided to cooperate, of all things, on building an Earth-orbiting space station. Whatever the combined and undoubtedly enormous costs of this particular effort, orbiting space stations will always be quite fragile as compared with Moonbases - and which might have been routinely achieved by the early 1980s.

In order to help construct some kind of format regarding the lunar cover-up, we can benefit from backtracking to the beginning of the twentieth century to W. H. Pickering, a Harvard professor and an accepted authority on the Moon. As he noted in his highly professional book The Moon (1903), the view that the Moon is a dead unchanging world is so widespread and firmly rooted in minds that not only the general public, but the astronomical world as well, are united in this unanimous opinion. He goes on to state that the unanimous opinion is based on the most inadequate negative evidence.

He refers to hundreds (or thousands) of telescopically observed Moon changes, and indicates that the only plausible explanations of the changes is that they involve the presence of air and water. He then went on to identify a situation that most are not aware of, and which involves selenographers - those who scientifically study the physical features of the Moon.

“The arguments on the two sides of the case are extremely simple. The astronomers who are not selenographers declare that there is no atmosphere or water on the Moon, and that, therefore, changes are impossible. The selenographers' reply is simply that they have seen the changes take place"

However, in spite of many great selenographers, the Moon thereafter officially remained without atmosphere for about ten decades - even though two noted and competent astronomers published evidence to the contrary. Both astronomers were able to conclusively document the existence of the lunar atmosphere based on 150 years of scientific records and telescopic studies.

One of those astronomers was M.K. Jessup, who had taught astronomy and mathematics at the University of Michigan, and went on to build the largest refracting telescope in the southern hemisphere. His book about the Moon was published in 1957 (please note the date) under the title, believe it or not, The Expanding Case for the UFO - and which presumably got him in deep do-do with several layers of Earth-side  cryptocracy. The other courageous writer was V.A. Firsoff who was acknowledged at the time to be the top scientist and authority on the Moon. His 1959 book (please note the date) was entitled Strange World of the Moon.

Both of these books presented evidence (not easy to contradict scientifically) of a lunar atmosphere and the high probability of regional water and vegetation. The only real result of these two books was that they were quickly caused to be out of print, etc., and became hard to locate - as they still are today. The existence of the atmosphere, however, could be determined by the way stars are “occulted” when the Moon passes over them. If the Moon had no atmosphere, they would simply vanish instantaneously as the lunar body moved in front of them. However, if there is a gaseous layer, an atmosphere, then the stars begin to flicker before they pass behind the Moon.

Stars flicker as they become occulted by the Moon - leading to the general conclusion that the lunar atmosphere is about three miles thick, and more dense near the lunar surface. The lunar atmosphere also provides sufficient friction for “flashes” as small meteors become incandescent upon passing through it. When the first manned mission (Apollo 11) landed, the astronauts planted a flag and filmed this triumphant event.

Shortly after the astronauts planted the flag, and while the on-site TV camera was running, an errant gust of wind came along and billowed the flag outward,
William Brian, author of Moongate: Suppressed Findings of the U.S. Space Program (1982), obtained a copy of the film. It showed that the astronauts were not close to the flag when it started waving. Being nearer the camera, both ran to block its lens with their arms and hands.

NASA could not be encouraged to comment. But when flags were thereafter planted on the Moon, they were rigged with wires and mesh so that they stayed rigid at all times. This incident was ultimately forgotten. But wind needs the presence of atmosphere in order to blow flags this way and that...

The presence of an atmosphere on the Moon “permitted" the real existence of the lunar mists, fogs and clouds which many hundreds of viewers began to notice after about 1733 (when proper telescopes began to be invented.)

The nineteenth century was particularly rich regarding lunar atmospheric phenomena when the art of building large refracting telescopes reached a zenith benchmark. In any event, all lunar phenomena that couldn’t be fitted into the dead Moon dictum were excluded from mainstream scientific workings. With the dawn of the Space Age, however, something along the lines of a governmental space agency was required. In the United States, this need evolved into the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) which came into official existence on October 1, 1958.

In official literature, NASA is described as a civilian agency of the U. S. Federal government with the mission of conducting research and developing operational programs in space exploration, satellites and rocketry. One of the first major objectives of NASA’s space exploration mandate was in two parts:

(1) to get to the Dead Moon

(2) to take possession of it and colonize it with Moonbases before the fearsome Soviets did

Now, this Dead Airless Moon target was the same Moon that was KNOWN by 1953 to have mists, fogs and clouds. Mists, fogs and clouds clearly refer to some kind of lunar weather, even if it is not akin to Earth-side  weather. It thus needs to be emphasized that before 1958, thousands of historical reports existed regarding lunar anomalies (including weather phenomena.) The sum of these thousands of reports clearly established that the Moon was NOT dead and deprived of activity.

It is, of course, quite ridiculous to think that NASA personnel did not examine in excruciating detail this mass of historical reports.

As it was, the existence of a weak lunar atmosphere was finally “discovered” in 1997. But there was little commentary about what the atmosphere permitted - such as the vegetation here and there on the lunar surface, to say nothing of the clouds, etc.

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Chapter 19

It is to be expected, one can suppose, that layers of secrecy might be employed regarding lunar matters, military or economic. After all, it is rather a permanent aspect of human nature to secretly strive for advantages in both arenas. An analysis of the official secrecy regarding the Moon reveals that covert methods were employed to hide the existence of lunar water, atmosphere and several other ameliorative phenomena made possible by them. One of these additional phenomena is that seeds sprout and grow quite well in lunar soil which is rich in nutrients. This indicates the possibility that lunar colonizers from Earth-side  might somehow grow their own food supplies on the Moon.

All of these are benign phenomena, suggestive of easier habitat factors than if the lunar satellite WAS actually dead, dry, airless, and formidable. In this regard, efforts have been undertaken to assess these lunar conditions outside of the officially maintained cover-up. These estimates more or less conclude that dwelling on the Moon would resemble dwelling in the higher Andes or Himalayan mountains, but that healthy and vibrant Earth-siders would acclimate quite well to such conditions.

In a push, natives born in the high Andes or in Tibet could be recruited for Moon habitation and trained for military or economic purposes. What an analysis of the official secrecy thus reveals is that the secrecy was never really necessary in the first place - if only the elements discussed above were involved. Indeed, those benign elements would have benefited the Moon missions if they had been publicly disclosed. For one thing, venture capitalists certainly would have invested in stratospheric funding.

Coming directly to the point, the cover-up secrecy does not itself reveal why the two Earth-side superpowers abandoned the Moon after having instituted such a vigorous, costly and highly publicized start to get there. On October 12, 1954, about six years before President Kennedy announced the great American effort to place a man on the Moon, an astronomer was utilizing the telescope at the Edinburgh Observatory to examine the Moon.

He was able to observe “a dark sphere travel in a straight line from the crater Tycho to the crater Aristarchus” - both of these craters otherwise demonstrating numerous light phenomena of one kind or another. The distance covered by the sphere took “a period of twenty minutes, and this roughly calculated to a speed of nearly 6,000 miles per hour.”

In September of the same year, a similar object had been sighted by two men using a 6-inch telescope. For over forty minutes they watched it leave the northern area of Mare Humboldtianum and move upward out of the lunar atmosphere into space. It is important here to recall that small-scale telescopic resolution requires lunar objects to be very large scale in order to be perceived. The spherical objects must have been quite large, say about one to four or five miles in dimension. Indeed, many reports of “anomalous black bodies” crossing the surface of the Moon are on historical record, some of them casting their shadows on the lunar surface as they expeditiously move along in what can only imply directed flight. Additionally, similar but much smaller self-glowing objects have been espied flying in formation in and out of this or that crater.

None of these objects was included among the 579 anomalous phenomena listed in NASA’s 1968 Chronological Catalog of Reported Lunar Events. Even so, such craft may have had something to do with why the Americans and Soviets decided to cease putting their men on the Moon, and transfer their efforts to space stations closer to Earth.

For all their dramatic excellence, manned lunar Landers must be considered as quite wimpy compared to a rather stalwart craft of about four miles wide and capable of achieving 6/000 miles per hour. Indeed, such craft, or at least their personnel, might constitute something of a lunar occupational hazard - at least in terms of occupying the Moon. Two NASA photos showing extraordinary crafts seem to have escaped censorship and air-brushing. The first of these comes from Apollo 11, when, in July, 1969, its camera inadvertently captured a really neat and clear photo of a glowing, cigar-shaped object close to the lunar surface. Since the photo reveals a vapor trail, the craft must have been traveling somewhat within the lunar atmosphere. (NASA photo No. 11-37-5438.)

In July, 1972, the Hasselblad camera of Apollo 16 recorded yet another cigar-shaped object. This object was quite large. It seems to have been somewhat glowing white (ionizing the atmosphere directly next to it), but was close enough to the lunar surface to cast its equally elongated shadow. (NASA photo No. 16-19238.)

Even after the two Earth-side superpowers did not return to the Moon, telescope enthusiasts around the world have continued to observe and document airborne vehicles traveling in proximity to the lunar surface, above its atmosphere, or departing or arriving from space. Especially impressive in this regard are the Japanese enthusiasts who have captured telescopic TV footage of the “anomalous" phenomena, which has been viewed world-wide.

There are multitudes of reports of this kind. And interested readers should consult the bibliography for sources that review the structures more in-depth. The bigger question is, WHAT the larger, official objective of the Earth-side cover-up seems to be preoccupied with covering up. It is apparently of such a nature as to make secretive Earth-side  powers think twice about colonizing the Moon, or perhaps even returning to it until things get better sorted out.

Whatever it is, it is not lunar water, atmosphere, minerals, or lights per se. Why would anyone want to cover up water on the Moon. But there might be “hazards” utilizing the water there, and the “hazards" might need to be covered up - especially if Earth-side powers didn’t know how to deal with them. One possible speculation about the real nature of the cover-up is that someone on the Moon kicked Earth-side ass and seems to have “suggested” that it not come back. Any reader truly interested in the actuality of the cover-up might wish to track down a book which by now is truly rare.

It was first published in 1978 in France, then translated into English. It was written by one Maurice Chatelian, who in 1955 came to the United States from (then) French Morocco. His book was entitled Our Ancestors Came from Outer Space, but it includes quite a number of factoids such as:

“When Apollo 11 made the first landing on the Sea of Tranquility, and, only moments before Armstrong stepped down the ladder to set foot on the moon, two UFOs hovered overhead.”

Chatelain later commented that:

“The astronauts were not limited to equipment troubles. They saw things during their missions that could not be discussed with anybody outside NASA. It is very difficult to obtain any specific information from NASA, which still exercises a very strict control over any disclosure of these events."

While many have laughed, or remained mute, regarding Chatelain, he constitutes a particular problem against which the cover-up cryptocracy can do little else than say “No comment.”

For Maurice Chatelain have been placed in charge of designing and building the Apollo communication and data-processing system for NASA. Earlier, he had been in charge of engineering new radar and Communications systems for Ryan Electronics in the late 1950s, He had received eleven patents, including an automatic radar landing system used in the Ranger and Surveyor Moon flights. In other words, Maurice Chatelain was a cryptocracy INSIDER, and to some degree at least he must have known what he was talking about.

Two more secrecy tidbits from Chatelain:

It seems that all Apollo and Gemini flights were followed space vehicles of extraterrestrial origin.

Rumors within NASA were that Apollo 13 carried a small nuclear charge. It was designed to be set off on the Moon for seismic testing. But the craft barely managed to return to Earth - after being disabled by a UFO that seemed intent on protecting some Moonbase “established there by extraterrestrials.” There is much more that could be said regarding the Moon.


But I'll end this section with the observation that back in 1975 when Mr. Axelrod first contacted me, he knew all of this - and probably MUCH more.

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Chapter 20

It can easily be established that some kind of official cover-up regarding the Moon was put in place long ago and has been maintained all along. But the nature and dimensions of the cover-up are a lot less clear, and it is this lack of clarity that introduces confusion into the situation. Contributing to the confusion is that when some kind of penetration into the cover-up does take place, the official organizations involved simply march on anyway, and the cover-up remains largely undisturbed. There have been very many penetrations of this kind, with the information downloading from them ending up in books. Some of the books, of course, are somewhat over-baked or slightly hysterical. But many of them are calmly organized and quite well documented.

The revelations by Maurice Chatelain earlier referred to are but one example. Chatelain was a strategic NASA insider, and must be accepted as having been well-informed. Encounters with Space-siders must therefore be accepted as factual, and those who can tolerate the implications have done so. It is helpful along these lines to briefly turn attention away from what is being covered up, and to give some attention to how cover-ups are made to work. Of course, the best possible kind of cover-up has to do with installing very tight secrecy around something. This can be successful, to the degree that outsiders have no awareness that anything is going on.

But the Moon cannot be surrounded within such tight secrecy, because there it is, in the sky for everyone to see. So, the Moon itself can’t be covered up. But activities on it can. This is to say that if there are lunar activities, and if the cover-up involves those activities, then the best way to institute the cover-up is to establish the Dead Moon Dictum, to give the Dictum cultural and scientific authenticity, and to teach the Dictum in schools. Then when people look up at the Moon, there it is - and perceptions of it are surrounded in the disarming glory of the Dead Moon Dictum. Aside from an occasional light on the lunar surface, people can’t see anything else.

However, some people purchase telescopes. These are not very high-resolution telescopes, to be sure. But through them, many of them report seeing things that can’t exactly be fitted into the Dead Moon Dictum. And so the problems of managing the cover-up become a little more intricate. In the first instance of this, however, there is an easy solution at hand. This simply consists of officially trashing those telescopic observations of the Moon that can’t be fitted into the Dictum.

Thus, outsiders who purchase telescopes can see whatever they do, but this really doesn’t matter because the big fists of mainstream officialdom are what count. In the second instance of managing the cover-up, various lunar activities espied outside of official auspices can either be explained away or simply, and expediently, ignored. For example, most of the books listed in the bibliography are simply ignored - at official, mainstream levels, anyway. Returning to the bigger picture of the lunar cover-up, if one patiently sifts through all available information, it might appear that the cover-up has only to do with natural phenomena of the Moon - with the existence of lunar atmosphere, water, vegetation, etc., however minimal those might be.

Indeed, in the face of evidence to the contrary, the existence of lunar atmosphere and water (only recently admitted as existing) were denied for a long time, while the denial itself was clearly part of the complicated cover-up. But one might wonder WHY natural lunar phenomena needed to be covered up, or denied. Under usual circumstances, the world would have been enchanted to find that the Moon was not Dead. Further, this wonderment needs to be compared to the intensity of the cover-up - for official denials of anything strange or surprising about the Moon have been enormous and enduring, almost in an over-kill way.

As a general rule of thumb, natural phenomena are not usually covered up (at least for very long) unless there is a very good reason for doing so. And so, many have wondered if something beyond natural lunar phenomena is the actual objective of the cover-up. In the light of the above, cover-ups do benefit from confusions proliferated and maintained at official levels, in that the on-going efficiency of the cover-up can be maintained by proliferating the confusions. Indeed, disinformation experts have evolved elaborate and efficient methods for concealing something by surrounding it with confusions.

One way to help maintain confusions is to keep separated various kinds of information packages that are entirely relevant and even necessary to each other. Such information packages need to be combined, or juxtaposed, in order to make sense out of what otherwise remains a confusion that can be capitalized upon for the delightful benefit of cover-up.

One method of digging into the nature and dimensions of a cover-up is somehow to simplify the confusions in order to see what can be seen beyond them. This helps different, information packages to become somewhat visible, or to stand out more clearly. It also helps in the process of discovering what information packages are remaining invisible or untouched, and which are not being factored into consideration. Sometimes erecting a simple chronology of events and developments is useful along these lines. Doing so helps things fall into consecutive place.

Although some books downloading good, even provable information relevant to the cover-up contain a wealth of meaningful factoids, the whole of the downloading is none the less heaped and twisted together in such a way as to convolute the facts rather than aligning them. The New Columbia Encyclopedia (Fourth Edition, 1975) has a rather nice entry for “Space Exploration,” and from it I have derived the brief chronology that follows. I have laced the chronology with certain Comments that belong with it time-wise, but which of course are not mentioned in the Encyclopedia.

The entry begins with a definition of space exploration, which consists of the investigation of physical conditions in space and of stars, planets, and their moons through the use of artificial satellites, space probes, and manned spacecraft. It is further indicated that although studies from Earth using optical and radio telescopes had accumulated much data on the nature of celestial bodies, it was not until after World War II that the development of powerful rockets made direct exploration a technical possibility. It now needs to be pointed up that the Encyclopedia refers to optical telescopes via which it can be presumed various kinds of information packages (about the Moon, for example) were acquired.

However, as has been outlined in Chapter 16, the matter of the telescopes has never surfaced as a straightforward one - in that the larger telescopes have been sequestered under official control, and this on a world-wide basis.


COMMENT: Common sense tells us that large telescopes were utilized to spy on the Moon as early as the 1920s. Yet, it should be noted that no downloading of information from these telescopes has ever descended into public cognizance. It is therefore possible to assume that elements of the cover-up had emerged as early as the 1920s.

What was discovered and determined via the larger optical telescopes has become a permanently missing information package.


October 4, 1957. The USSR launched the first Earth-orbiting artificial satellite, Sputnik I. The dormant U.S. program is thereby spurred into action, leading to international competition, popularly known as the “space race.”

COMMENT: The “space race” for what? As early as 1961, it had been clearly established in the open media as consisting of who was to be the first to acquire supremacy in space, with particular emphasis on colonizing the Moon. In fact, the American effort was galvanized into feverish activity because of the fear that the Soviets would acquire the supremacy. This particular factoid is omitted from the Encyclopedia - and is likewise omitted from all materials published AFTER the United States desisted from further Moon explorations in December, 1972.

January 31, 1958. Explorer I, the first Earth-orbiting American satellite is launched. Having indicated this much, the Encyclopedia goes on: Although Earth-orbiting satellites have by far accounted for the great majority of launches in the space program, even more information on the Moon and other planets, and the Sun, has been acquired by unmanned space probes and manned spacecraft. In the decade following Sputnik I, the United States and the Soviet Union between them launched about 50 unmanned space probes to explore the MOON. The first probes were intended either to pass by close to the Moon (flyby), or to crash into it (hard landing.)

September, 1959- The USSR Luna 2 made a hard lunar landing. November, 1959. Luna 3 took pictures, for the first time ever, of the Moon’s far side.
February 1966- Luna 9 achieved the first lunar soft landing.

April 1966. Luna 10 orbited the Moon. Both Luna 9 and 10 sent back many television pictures to Earth.

The Encyclopedia goes on to state that American successes generally lagged behind Soviet accomplishments by several months, but provided more detailed scientific information.

COMMENT: A rather strange factor now needs to be interjected regarding the “more detailed scientific information.” It is permissible to assume that at least some detailed information might vastly change the stereotyped Dead Moon picture. And indeed many scientists not only acknowledged the existence of such information, but wrote and published papers regarding it. Yet nothing that seriously conflicted with the Dead Moon Dictum was officially acknowledged to the public or integrated into standard academic or media sources.

The Encyclopedia continues: In the U.S. program, the early Pioneer launches were largely failures, as were the first five launches of the Ranger series, which attempted semi-hard landings of rugged instruments. Subsequent Rangers carried only television cameras and impacted at full speed. Beginning in July, 1964, Rangers 7, 8 and 9 transmitted thousands of pictures, many taken at altitudes less than 1 mile just before impact and showing craters of only a few feet in diameter.

July, 1966. Surveyor 1 touched down. In addition to television cameras, it carried instruments to measure soil strength and composition.

COMMENT: Public cognizance was duly informed about lunar soil strength and composition. Whatever else the television cameras might have filmed was never commented upon.

August, 1966. The United States successfully launched the first Lunar Orbiter, which took pictures of both sides of the Moon as well as the first pictures of Earth from the Moon’s vicinity. The primary mission of the Orbiter program was to locate suitable landing sites for Apollo, the manned spacecraft program.

COMMENT: The landing sites selected for the Apollo missions turned out to be some of the most featureless, arid, desolate locations on the Moon, and were in proximity to the lunar Equator. There is no publicly available evidence that either the Soviets or the Americans even sent a television camera into, say, the craters Plato or Aristarcus - otherwise known for copious lunar anomalies, some of which are described as being quite lush.

Between May 1966 and November 1968, the United States launched seven Surveyors and five Lunar Orbiters to photograph and map the Moon.

COMMENT: However, it seems that none of the photographing and mapping included any areas noted for their anomalies. Also in 1968, NASA released its Chronological Catalog of Reported Lunar Events. The strangeness of this catalog has already been discussed in Part Two. “Lunar events,” of course, should be read as “lunar anomalies.” The catalog listed multitudes of lights and other phenomena taking place in certain quite large lunar craters.

NASA never published any follow-ups on the lunar anomalies, even though it might have done so by virtue of the enormous amounts of information derived from the Surveyors and Orbiters. When the manned Apollo crafts DID finally arrive at the Moon, all of the locations selected for the touchdowns were far distant from any of the sectors that had always yielded high incidence of anomalous activity.

The following manned Apollo craft landed on the Moon:

  • July 20, 1969: Apollo 11

  • November 19, 1969: Apollo 12

  • February 5, 1971: Apollo 14

  • July 30, 1971: Apollo 15

  • July 30, 1971: Apollo 16

  • December 11, 1972: Apollo 17

The Soviets sent to the Moon the following unmanned Luna crafts:

  • September 20, 1970: Luna 16

  • November 17, 1970: Luna 17

  • February 21, 1972: Luna 20

  • January 16, 1973: Luna 21

  • August 16, 1976: Luna 24

Regarding the line-up above of the American and the Soviet expeditions to the Moon, the Columbia Encyclopedia states:

“Until late 1969, it appeared that the USSR was also working toward a manned lunar landing... After Apollo 11, however, the USSR apparently abandoned the goal of its own manned lunar exploration... After the Apollo program, the United States continued manned space exploration with Skylab, an earth-orbiting space station that served as workshop and living quarters for three astronauts.”

The trusty Encyclopedia does not come directly out and SAY that the United States abandoned its own Moon excursions after Apollo 17 in December 1972. But such is the direct implication. Thereafter, public attention was directed to the awesome potentials of Skylab, and to space craft launched, in 1971, to the planet Mars. The possibility of Moonbase quickly, and too quietly, receded from public cognizance.

Indeed, few were aware that manned excursions to the Moon had ceased. I, myself, until sometime after my encounter with Mr. Axelrod in 1975, did not notice that such excursions had ceased. If the brief chronology outlined above is taken at face value, it appears to hold water. But if one attempts to identify what information packages are missing from it, then the chronology becomes quite wobbly. One of these missing information packages might consist of a companion chronology of UFO activity. As it turns out, the Earth-side space effort is NEVER discussed within the contexts, or the chronology of, UFO activity - and which, to all apparent purposes, is Space-side space activity.

For clarity, the information package of Earth-side excursions into space is never discussed alongside information packages of Space-side excursions into Earth-side  space (i.e., our planet and its Moon.)

I'll now reduce the above Earth-side  space excursions into a quite simple chronology.

  1. As of about 1958, Earth-siders proposed to get to and colonize the Moon with Moonbases

  2. Earth-siders first got to the Moon with TV cameras and sensitive instruments, and between 1969 and 1972 physically landed on it

  3. After achieving this much, Earth-siders shifted focus away from the Moon

  4. The Moon was never officially heard of again until the early 1990s when the U.S. Army launched project Clementine - a lunar orbiter with three kinds of cameras capable of high resolution of the kind that can read from space a bubble-gum wrapper in a New York City gutter

  5. High resolution photos from Clementine’s awesome spy-in-the-sky cameras have not been released - although many photos of lesser resolution have been published.

Why the Moon was abandoned is a reasonable question, especially after the earlier enormous enthusiasm and billions of dollars poured into attempts to get there.

Well, Earth-siders got there. But they never went back.

In the sense of all of the above, then, there are several rather large information packages flopping around. Why we never went back to the Moon is certainly one of them. In this sense, why one does NOT go someplace if one builds the costly equipment to get there is, after all, something to be wondered about.

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Chapter 21

It is quite easy to assume that there is an Earth-side cover-up regarding some kind of Space-side factor that seems to necessitate the cover-up, at least in the minds of those insider officials who might have access to ALL relevant Information packages. On the other hand, just outside the margins of the cover-up an entire counter-cover-up industry has come into existence embodied in thousands of books and articles about WHAT the cover-up is covering up. In this way, a very complicated relationship has developed between the cover-up forces and the counter-cover-up revolutionaries. It is, of course, easy to identify the obvious factors of this complicated relationship.

However, if the issue involved only the obvious factors, then the cover-up could not work for very long. As it has transpired, the cover-up might have had quite fine legs to stand upon during the 1950s. As time went on, though, the cover-up has literally become quite flimsy. But it continues in power anyway. WHY it continues in power is difficult to articulate. One can really begin to wonder if, in its bigger-picture sense, the cover-up is covering up the actuality of Space-side activity of numerous kinds - one kind being the vivid and very frequent appearance of UFOs that are visible world-wide to Earth-siders.

The Earth-siders who chance to witness UFO activity are, of course, outside of direct cover-up control parameters whose insider personnel organize and promulgate intellectual reasons by which the UFO witnesses can not have seen or experienced what they did. The whole of this certainly seems akin to a rather silly but remarkable revolving door which both spits out and chews up information, among other things.

It also seeks to distort and to destabilize the reality confidence factor not only of the thousands of witnesses, but of the general Earth-side  populations as well.
Thus, the counter-cover-up industry seeks to reveal the facts about WHAT the cover-up is covering up - and in this regard copious amounts of delicious data have been presented for those interested in tracking it down.

In this sense then, the counter-cover-up enthusiasts work to demobilize the cover-up by attempting to put the lie to the cover-up. However, this in turn means putting the lie to the official echelons which have promulgated the cover-up - and continue to do so regardless of the availability of counter-cover-up information.
In this way, a powerful dichotomy has come into existence. DICHOTOMY is defined as a division or the process of dividing into two, especially into two mutually exclusive or contradictory groups, or into two contradictory information sets.

Although the great uninitiated masses might not understand it very well, there is a famous dictum along these lines called Divide and Rule. At first sight, one might think this has nothing at all to do with the cover-up and counter-cover-up fiasco, but there are several elements of Divide and Rule that can become apparent if one patiently constructs a larger picture of what is involved. Rulership through dividing requires that the dividing first result in rather hefty and perpetuating confusions - behind which, and through which/ the rulership can be effective.

As it is, the counter-cover-up enthusiasts tend to focus on the extraterrestrial details which are being covered up, many details of which can be completely documented as fact. The cover-up forces continue to “rule” anyway - largely, it might seem, because the facts apparently don't matter on the one hand, while on the other hand the resulting confusions seem to aid and abet the cover-up. This kind of rather astonishing situation suggests that if the cover-up was to be submitted to legal procedures and dragged into court where not insignificant amounts of evidence would be considered, the most probable outcome might be that the cover-up would undergo indictment.

The cover-up, however, is not submitted to legalistic inspection. Instead, it is “submitted" to science, and to scientific oversight - and the whole of which not only pompously comes down with a mainstream bang on the side of the cover-up, but can be seen as giving sustenance and artificial life-support to it. As but one easily accessible example of this, the atmosphere of the Moon had been identified as early as the 1920s, and, as well, identified by prominent scientists of that decade.

With the advent, however, of the Earth-side space race to colonize the Moon, the prevailing wisdom of Science obstinately downloaded into public cognizance the authenticity of the airless Dead Moon Dictum. The airless Dead Moon Dictum was maintained in place by SCIENCE until 1997, when Science thence “discovered” the lunar atmosphere. With this announced 1997 discovery, the direct meaning is that the Apollo astronauts DID NOT land on an airless Moon as vividly proclaimed - for if the lunar atmosphere was there in 1997, it was certainly also there back in 1970, and was certainly there when it was first espied and identified back in 1920, or earlier.

Previous to the 1997 “discovery,” however, the counter-cover-up workers had published in very numerous books enormous quantities of Moon atmosphere evidence, the authenticity of which should automatically reinstate the many authors as having been factual all along.

As it was, an information package regarding the existence of the lunar atmosphere had been available all along. And its existence had been documented well before anyone actually thought of colonizing the Moon before the Soviets did. The existence of the lunar atmosphere information package was scientifically denied, and the scam of the airless Dead Moon Dictum package was, as it now must be said, FOISTED into public cognizance and acceptance. Me could circulate through all of the obvious and subtle issues involved by now. For example, the reason WHY the lunar atmosphere was announced in 1997, when it could have been announced in 1958 when the lunar conquest program got underway.

Since the 1997 announcement clearly downloads not from science per se, but from the from the cover-up strata that incorporate science, there must be a good reason for it. Whatever it is, however, remains opaque. In any event, an effective cover-up scam requires a wide latitude of erected confusions in order to succeed.

The confusions have to do not with facts, but with how Earth-siders think of them, or how they can be encouraged to think of them. Earth-siders, of course, think by processing packaged information rather than by processing random data that has not yet been encapsulated into a packaged form. The distinction between random and packaged information is that the former has not achieved much in the way of meaning, while meaning has been attributed and assigned to the latter. As it is, Earth-siders are not all that interested in data that, to them, do not mean very much.

Thus, more precisely defined, packaged information is meaning-managed information - because of which, and out of which, intellectual phase-locking among biological separate individual can take place. More simply put, if groups of Earth-sider individuals can be brought, one way or another, into agreement about the meaning of something, then their communal intellectual processes will phase-lock with each other. Group-think can then be formed with respect to this or that information package - resulting in that intellectual phenomenon earlier referred to as mindsets.

The most immediate result is a kind of group-mind thing. If one takes time to consider the logical emanations of this, the basic purpose of the Space Age cover-ups has NOT simply been to deny certain factors in the face of evidence that supports to them.


It is far more likely that a concerted, and rather successful, attempt was undertaken with regard to TWO principal functions:

(1) To increase rather than decrease space age confusions, so as better to promulgate and rule via disinformation packages
(2) To erect and reinforce a particular kind of planet-wide intellectual phase-locking that is data deficient with regard to the meaning not of Earth-side affairs, but with regard to the meaning of Space-side activities

Anyone who has read any of the counter-cover-up materials will recognize that the cover-up has been exceedingly successful with regard to (1) above. But although some few might intuitively respond to (2) above, the enormous hubbub of (1) has completely obliterated the MEANING of Space-side activities - and which is so low as to be nil.

The most probable way (2) has been achieved is by keeping separate various kinds of information packages - which, if integrated, might contribute to at least some discovery regarding such meaning. As it is, Earth-siders are completely malleable regarding (2) above, in that by historical habit they intellectually phase-lock on limited numbers of information packages - and eject those that don’t fit into the phase-locking.

Thus, the whole (so to speak) of all possible information packages is kept broken apart. And THIS, of course, is quite convenient to the time-tested Divide and Rule procedure.

It should be pointed up here that this understanding is not novel or original to this writer. Others have similarly identified it, albeit under the different nomenclature of the individual “local realities” versus “non-local realities.” The latter, of course, refers to realities that are larger and more encompassing - even to the degree of being universal in their contexts. This is to say that Earth-siders do not think outside of Earth-side local realities.

This is further to suggest that the realities of Space-siders might not fit into ANY recombination of Earth-side  information packages - and especially so IF Earth-side  intellectual phase-locking is deficient with regard to any Space-side realities except those officially admitted to by Science. And here it must be pointed up that the Earth-side Sciences are focused only on the physical aspects of whatever is in space.

While almost all Space-side realities constitute nothing less than a complete mystery, there is at least one of those realities that can easily intellectually phase-lock with one Earth-side reality.

But in attempting to elaborate on this, we will encounter what amounts to an Earth-side  reality that in itself is deeply mysterious,


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