Miscellaneous Questions

Don’t big financial backers from the military industrial complex control the Republican Party and so they really control the government, not the people, and therefore present a danger to the country by really being in control?

The Democratic Party has big financial backers too. The Red Chinese People’s Liberation Army donated 6 million dollars to Clinton’s reelection campaign. Clinton was caught “Red”-handed and had to give it back. So likewise, the businesses that paid to elect Bush are doing so to further their agenda. That agenda is capitalism, where the profits made by American corporations are distributed to all the little US citizen stockholders of those companies. Sounds like a legitimate agenda to me.

I wonder why the Democrats would want to further the PLA agenda. The Red Army wants to engage us in a war of extermination. Did you miss Col. Timothy L. Thomas on CSPAN? He testified before a congressional committee showing all the latest secret Red Chinese military journals that had been acquired in China which detailed how they plan to start and win a war with us very soon. CSPAN carried the US China Security Review Commission Hearing on Security Issues on Friday, August 03, 2001 in Washington, DC. It was chaired by Congressman Richard D’Amato.


Witnesses included Michael Pillsbury, Professor, National Defense University and Timothy Thomas (retired Lt. Col.), Foreign Military Studies Office, US Army. After seeing what the Chinese had planned for us I think I like the Republican and US corporation’s agenda better then the Democrat’s Chinese agenda.


Our industry is what made America the greatest country in the world with the highest standard of living. If you think the commie agenda will be beneficial to us look at how they live under their system. They don’t have freedom either. How important is that? And they want us all dead. Remember, the only ones who benefit from human wars are the Reptoids. We need American industry to build a defense force to save ourselves.


The Reds have been trying to undermine us by infiltrating the Democratic Party and our university system. Communism has always been a good source of protein for the Reptoids. Stalin had 10 million of his own people murdered. The Reptoids have had a presence among the Chinese for a long, long time. To this day, the name the Chinese people call themselves is “The People Of The Dragon.” That statement of ownership goes so far back that they don’t realize what it actually means anymore. The Communists and Democrats are just pawns in the big game now.


The Reptoids are apparently using electronic mind control on top Chinese military personnel to push them into a war with us. We need to get the Chinese involved in a joint defense against our mutual enemy. I believe the most recent estimates were that Communism has caused the deaths of nearly 150 million people worldwide. Workers of the world unite. The Reptoids drool for muscular slaves of the state. Have any engineers ever explained how the propulsion system on alien spacecraft works?

There is a book written by Paul Hill, a respected chief scientist at NASA’s Langley Research Center that explains the principles that saucer type spacecraft (that may be alien) use for antigravity field propulsion. It is titled, “Unconventional Flying Objects.”


You can easily obtain this book at your local library or bookstore. Mr. Hill’s credentials are impeccable. He writes so that the layman can understand the subject too. I have read the book and highly recommend it to all of you. Below is a site where you will find a synopsis of the book that touches on all the topics in it.


Mr. Hill even analyzed a magnesium artifact taken from a crashed flying saucer. It was determined to be an isotope of magnesium that could have only been separated from regular magnesium by means similar to a uranium separation process like we use to separate U235 from U238. No separation plants or technology to do that exist on Earth.

Enjoy the book. The synopsis of it on-line at: http //www.mufon.com/unconventional1.html

Guess what used to eat Australian Aborigines? Their legends say it was an eight-foot tall two-legged reptilian creature. Looks like some Reptoids missed their ride home a few thousand years ago.

Are there any good web sites where I can get up to date information about UFO sightings and general UFO information?

Yes. Probably the best one is Filer’s Files. You can even sign up and have updates sent to you by Email automatically. I know they provide very good information. I got written up in Filer’s Files myself.


Here it is:

Subj: Filer’s Files #7 New Scientific Discoveries Date: 2/13/01 5:49:45
PM Eastern Standard Time

Filer’s Files #7 — 2001,

MUFON Skywatch Investigations

George A. Filer, Director, Mutual UFO Network Eastern February 12, 2001, Sponsored by Electronic Arts

Webmaster Chuck Warren



Donald Ratsch writes, according to a Larry King Show, Shirley Maclaine revealed that former President Carter told her about UFO crashes and alien bodies. The transcript of this exchange started with a caller from Cocoa, Florida. Larry King says, “Cocoa Florida with Shirley Maclaine, hello.


Caller responds,

“Hello, Good evening Larry and Shirley, About two weeks ago, Nicholas Cage was on the Letterman Show and said Shirley had told him that President Carter had told her he had seen recovered alien spacecraft and aliens in a hanger. Can you tell me exactly what President Carter said?”

Shirley Maclaine replied,

“He didn’t tell me that, but he told me many times that when I first wrote “Out On A Limb” that he would support me, that it was true, that there were crafts, that he believed there were occupants, why should we be the only people in the universe. He wanted to shine the sunshine laws on intelligence, to expose it, to see how the people would react, but he didn’t and wouldn’t and couldn’t as he explained to me.”

King: back with our remaining moments with Shirley Maclaine right after this. (Larry King Show, May 1995)

Filer’s Files #9 — 2001, 2nd Part MUFON Skywatch Investigations George A. Filer, Director, Mutual UFO Network Eastern February 26, 2001, Sponsored by Electronic Arts; Majorstar@aol.com. Webmaster
Chuck Warren http://www.filersfiles.com,



Art Greenfield writes, “In your Filer’s Files # 7 on 2/13/01 is the report of the call to Larry King’s show where Shirley MacLaine was asked about what President Carter had told her about UFOs? I was that caller.”

The story of this is in my soon to be printed book. Additionally, when I first called in to the show and told the call screener what I was going to ask Shirley, the screener said: “Larry is going to love this!!!” I followed up with a letter to President Carter himself, asking him to reveal what he knew to the public, but I have not had a response.


A year of so later when President Carter was a guest on the Larry King Show, I called in and told the call screener I wanted to ask the President what he had told Shirley MacLaine about the government knowing about aliens and recovered UFOs was true?


The screener said that President Carter had told them he would only answer questions about his new book. But that was not the end of the story. Just a few months before Art Bell retired, he read a news wire item at the beginning of his show. Art said that former President Jimmy Carter had been at a bookstore in Oregon for a book signing on his new book.


A man in line to get his book autographed, asked President Carter about his campaign promise that if elected, he would look into what the government knew about UFOs and aliens. Art Bell said, “President Carter just looked at the man and did not answer in words. “Tears sprang from his eyes.”


Thanks to Art

Greenfield Cocoa, FL 32926

Do you have any independent evidence of the Roswell crash?

Yes. Sometimes you can find the most valuable information when you least expect it. This is like finding the “Holy Grail” of Ufology by dumb luck. I encountered someone who had some very interesting inside information. I had to contact customer service of my Internet service provider to take care of a minor problem.


Molly, the customer service representative I got, asked me what my screen name was. When I told her “Antigray,” she asked if that meant I was against the Gray Panthers or old people. I told her it was against the Gray aliens. I said I was about to publish a book about it. She said “wow.” She said her mother had told her a ton of stuff about that. She said her mother had been a civilian employee in the Air Force and had been the top assistant to every base commander at Wright-Patterson AFB from 1944 to 1980. That is where the famous “Foreign Technology Division” is located.


They analyzed the Roswell UFO. Her mother saw the remains of the craft and the Gray alien bodies. Anything the base commanders knew, she knew. Anything they saw, she saw. It was her job to do the paperwork on everything they got in. She documented everything that they did. She had top security clearance. Molly gave me her home phone number. I called her later to see about talking to her mom. Needless to say, I was thrilled about all of this. This is the kind of stuff that can make nationwide headlines.

Nobody that well connected at Wright-Pat had ever talked before. When I called Molly we talked about a variety of things. During our talk she mentioned that her ex-husband had been stationed at Fort Campbell, Kentucky. He had gone through paratrooper jump school. Molly was a skydiver and had made 1200 jumps herself by that time.


The commanding officer was a friend of her husband and asked Molly if she wanted to go through basic training and jump school, even though she was a civilian. She said yes. She completed the assault course and did very well. She graduated fourth in a class of 968 soldiers. Her husband graduated 965 in the same class.


She was a favorite of the CO (commanding officer). I had asked her if she ever saw the black helicopters based there that had advanced propulsion systems. I did not explain exactly what that was. She said she was on base one day and the CO told her he was going to show her something, but she couldn’t talk about it. He had her watch as he took off in a black helicopter. She said it rose straight up till it was almost a black dot in the sky.


Then it accelerated so fast that it looked like it just vanished. This description of their flight capabilities confirmed what I wrote about elsewhere in this book. I said that black helicopters were showing up at many abduction sites all over the country hours before the abductions occurred. The only way that they could show up at so many far-flung places is if they were capable of inordinate speeds.


There had also been reports of people seeing helicopters vanish instantaneously before their eyes, just like UFOs do. Since there were no weapons visible externally on those craft, I figured the craft had to have advanced energy weapons, internally powered by the same onboard reactor that powered the craft’s advanced propulsion system. As I said earlier, even the Coast Guard does not go into a “situation” unarmed. Usually three to five helicopters would show up at abduction sites.


You also don’t need five helicopters for reconnaissance. So it looks like the US Army has some advanced protection available if hostile alien craft get through any outer defenses. We have become more alert. AWACS planes now patrol over the US because of the terrorist attack on Sept. 11, 2001. Molly’s niece and nephew were killed by the terrorist hijacked airliner that slammed into the Pentagon. Both were in the military and stationed at the Pentagon. They were veterans of Desert Storm.

Over the next few months it may be possible to get some details about the Roswell craft that have never been released to the public through the normal channel of leaks, etc. I’ll evaluate the information carefully, maybe even touching base with Col. Corso’s son to get his opinion on whether he thinks it would be safe or prudent to release certain items. He and his former business partners have already come under fire (literally) for trying to release similar information on their now closed website. If it looks like I will be in danger, I won’t release it.


Col. Corso already stated specifically which new technology was derived from back-engineering the Roswell craft. I will make an educated guess that the things Col. Corso did not release have to do with very advanced weapons or other technology that has a military application. The pressure applied to Col. Corso’s son to remain silent was probably due to the need to keep military secrets under wraps. I will keep them secret too. They are being kept secret so they won’t be used by our enemies against us. There is no against nuclear weapons that have a speed of light advanced propulsion delivery system.

Abductees mainly see three different type aliens. Who is in charge?

Humanity is regularly exposed to three types of extraterrestrial beings during abductions: Grays, Reptoids, and Mantis types. Consider the fact that three vastly different creatures are working together harmoniously. They are able to live together, communicate with each other, and work efficiently together to accomplish the task of breeding, raising, and harvesting human food resources.


What we are witnessing is analogous to what humanity does. We also live with, work with, and communicate with many different species of animals to provide ourselves with food resources, clothing, shelter, security, and raw materials. We get along quite well with those “workers” from other species. Examples abound. We use dogs for protection, sheep herding, rescue, war, food (Chow dogs were used by the Chinese for war and food), rat catching, transportation (sled dogs), guiding the blind, and a lot more.


That’s why there is a category of “working dogs.” There is a wide variety of hunting dogs and retrievers. Does the expression, “Working like a dog,” ring a bell?

Horses work with us in transportation, war, sports, farming, cattle drives and herding, etc. Cats have been used throughout recorded history to control rodent populations. Then there are pack and draft animals. This includes horses, donkeys, mules, camels, llamas, oxen, reindeer, and more. The Egyptians used monkeys to grease the inclined ramps that stone blocks were being dragged up to build the pyramids (yes, they were grease monkeys).


We use falcons and cheetahs to catch game. We use bees for honey, and the Praying Mantis is raised and sold commercially to farmers to control insect pests. Porpoises are used to find anti-ship mines and enemy frogmen. We can communicate with all of those species except the bees and mantis.


We don’t use ants because they are too small, but I can see that their built-in work ethic would make them desirable to another species that was advanced enough to genetically increase their size and turn them into tireless methodical workers. Ever watch “worker ants?” Native Americans for generations have called the Grays, “Ant People.” A multiple abductee I know says the Grays and Mantis types smell “buggy.”

As you can see, many capable creatures work for other species, mainly in the food resource producing industries. Like us and our animal friends, there is a “working relationship” going on between an ET reptilian and two ET insect species in the form of the Gray, Reptoid, Mantis ranching consortium. As close as I can figure, the Reptoids dominate the Mantis types, who outrank the Grays.


All of this leads me to theorize that an advanced space-faring race has visited Earth over the millennia, gathered up and transplanted to another star system, Reptoid, and Mantis types we see today. There is a possibility the Reps, Grays, and Mantis types learned to work together like we did with our animals. Maybe those “Ancient Ones” taught humanity and the Reptoid, Gray, and Mantis groups to “help each other” on our respective worlds as part of a master plan of animal species domestication. The Mantid family goes back 360 million years on Earth.


The Earth variety now grows up to 10 inches long. Millions of years ago, dragonflies were 3 feet long. I believe the Mantid were comparably large back then too, which would have made their potential uses stand out to the “Ancient Ones” that relocated them elsewhere with the ancestors of the Reptoids and Grays. Abductees who have encountered the Mantis beings report that they range in size from 3 feet to 7 feet tall, and up to 6 feet long.

The bottom line is we need to know who is in charge so we can negotiate with them. I have no solid evidence that our government knows what ET species is in charge. I am sure that we would have tried to negotiate with them if they could. Whatever did or didn’t happen, the abductions continue unabated. There is even a possibility that the ultimate boss/bosses are creatures seldom seen here, but faithfully portrayed by ancient artists.


We may need to negotiate with the humanoids with birdlike or doglike heads that were the gods of the ancient Egyptians. Maybe the boss is one of the winged Reptilian gods seen by various other ancient Earth cultures. We must find out who is yanking the food chain here, and make arrangements for some rearrangements.

After a recall, abduction or hypnotic regression, after just ‘thinking’ about the subject, I get headaches. They are so bad that they require pain medication.

Many abductees experience headaches when they try to remember their abduction experiences or talk about them to others. Sorry about your pain. They get it because the aliens have installed mental blocks in their head that trigger pain when they try to access abduction memories that were too deep to erase.


Since there are no pain nerves in your brain, what they have probably done is rewire the brain so that when you try to remember what is stored in the forbidden area, it triggers nerve impulses to muscles in your neck that will twist your neck vertebrae out of position and pinch the nerves that pass through the intervertebral foramina between the vertebrae.


Trust me, 90% of all headaches are caused by those nerves being pinched between any or all of the 4 upper cervical vertebrae. Additionally, when they are pinched, they send a pain signal directly to the blood vessels supplying blood and oxygen to the brain causing them to constrict, resulting in diminished mental capacity. It is almost like a mini-stroke. The bad part about this is that when those vertebrae are dislocated, they will take a set where they have moved to and the problem will continue. It is a real pain in the neck.


To relieve your suffering, you will need to go to a chiropractor that will manually adjust the vertebrae back into place. MDs are not trained to do that. All they can do is prescribe painkillers. I have personally talked to abductees on the phone and on-line who were stricken by terrible migraines when they tried to tell me about their abduction experiences. Talk about painful memories.


I am a victim of migraines. These days I am going to an osteopathy doctor who also deals with craniosacral. My cervical is really bad and when he saw my radiography he claimed: “How is it possible you are a student, you must have such a migraine!” He told me that after a cure I will probably have better memory and that this is a situation that creates interference with my perception of the world around. I discovered that almost ALL the abductees have problems with vertebrae, for example, cervical ones and I don’t understand if this is from our own fear that “twists” our body, or is this some way the aliens use to alter our perception? (Bones are deeply connected with our emotions). Can you help me more on this?

The best possible advice I can offer to help you is to find a good chiropractor in your area and get your cervical vertebrae adjusted back into place. They are the experts on doing that. I am speaking from experience. The guy you went to was right about your brain working better after proper treatment.


What causes the problem when the nerves are pinched in your neck is because the nervous system is a double feedback system. That means when you pinch a nerve in the middle, it sends a pain signal in both directions. It will activate whatever muscle or structure it is attached to, in an attempt to allow the body to pull away from what is causing the pain.


When you touch a hot stove with your hand and feel pain, part of that pain signal goes to activate your arm muscle before the pain signal going up the other section of the nerve ever reaches the brain. Then there is the famous knee jerk reaction. Your thinking and memory get messed up when nerves are pinched in your neck, and it sends a pain signal to the specific muscles that cause the blood vessels feeding the brain to constrict, drastically reducing the blood flow and oxygen to the brain.


It is like having a mini-stroke. If you restrict the flow of air and gasoline going into your car engine, it does not put out as much horsepower. In the case of a person, they are losing brainpower. If you cut down the electric power to a light bulb, it will grow dimmer. Yes, it can turn you into a dimwit. When you pinch the sciatic nerve in your leg it makes your leg go to sleep.


Pinched nerves cause big trouble. That lack of oxygen can slow down your thinking and reaction time too, which can be fatal driving in traffic. So get checked out by a chiropractor as soon as you can. We don’t want to lose anyone.

I understand that massage can benefit the abductee but, as for myself, I would be climbing up the walls if someone were to touch me in that same way. The thought of it makes me cringe. I need to feel in control of my situation when physical contact is involved, otherwise, the situation begins to feel way too much like an abduction to me.

Many abductees have phobias against doctors after their abductions. Think of it this way. Going to a chiropractor to have your neck and back adjusted is a voluntary action on your part. The doctor is not handling you against your will as in an abduction. They are doing it because you want it and know it will make you feel better when he fixes what’s out of alignment pinching off the nerve supply that controls important organs in your body including your brain. They do the opposite of hurting you.

They take the pressure off the nerves that were causing pain and causing the organs and brain to not work at peak efficiency. It is like you are taking your car to the mechanic for a tune-up cause your car was backfiring and stalling out in traffic.


You developed an aversion to being touched because the aliens did bad things to you against your will. Just tell yourself that the touching the doctor does will reverse the damage the aliens did. Chiropractors good. Aliens bad. This therapy session is now over. Please pay my receptionist. Now go to a chiropractor before your body gets worse.


My father was a chiropractor. I remember he showed me an old Life magazine from the 1930s that showed that several mental institutions in the Midwest had asked chiropractors to come in to adjust their mental patients whose backs and necks were all twisted up and they were in excruciating pain.


Over the course of a few months, the pain was alleviated and “miraculously” most of the mental patients became normal again and were discharged from the mental hospitals. That damn near put the mental hospitals out of business and they never invited the chiropractors back again. What had happened was that when the bodies were given a chance to function properly and restore full blood flow to the brain again, all of the brain problems that were caused by the brain having insufficient oxygen were cured.


Think about it. If you depress the oxygen level to the brain you get “depression.” So what is depression? It means something is working at way below where it should be. Your brain, the economy, when they are working way below where they should be, you have depression. See how it works now? Would you put up with depressed performance in your car? OK, you know the cure now. Time for a tune-up.

Alien Induced Male Pregnancy?

I heard that if the Grays want to use a woman as a temporary host for a hybrid fetus and the woman has already had a hysterectomy, they would attach the fetus to the outside wall of her intestines. This way the intestines feed digested food directly to the fetus.


Then at 2 months or so the aliens will re-abduct her, remove the hybrid fetus, and raise it themselves in a tank of nutrients because the hybrid’s ability to absorb nutrition through their skin has developed at that stage. Based on this information, I believe I have figured out some of the reasons that the aliens are doing certain procedures that up till now made no sense to us. Here we go.


The reason for all of that ANAL PROBING is to attach A FETUS to the intestines of ALL of those abductees who get probed, even men. This is especially worrisome in light of there being men who get sympathetic pregnancy symptoms when their wives are pregnant.


Is it really because they are pregnant too?


To determine the truth of this, I looked up information on sympathetic pregnancy in men, and information to see if males could carry a fetus.

Male pregnancy roller coaster. The developing fetus drives hormone changes. Men accompany the mother of their child on a nine-month hormonal roller coaster, it has been discovered. (Males can actually go through the changes like a female.)

See the entire story at: http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/sci/tech/592025.stm

If the fetus were removed by anal probing wouldn’t the probe have to cut through the intestine to the fetus if it were on the outside of its wall? Or are you saying the fetus is inside of the intestine itself? Bacteria from feces would kill the fetus if inside of it. But, if the fetus would be outside the wall of the intestine the probe would have to cut the intestine to get to it, so would there be a lot of deaths in those males? Wouldn’t this procedure cause sepsis, which is infection throughout the body, or internal bleeding?

With the capabilities the aliens have, the fetus can be very easily attached and later removed without nicking the intestinal wall and causing sepsis.

They can move an abductee’s entire body through solid walls, so passing a fetus through the wall of an intestine would be nothing. I suspect that they use a probe that has a laser cutting tool built in. It would probably make the incision, implant the fetus, then reseal the incision. There is also the chance that the fetus could be attached to the inside of the intestine in the following manner. Tapeworms live inside intestines, attached to the intestinal wall from which they suck nutrient rich blood like a little vampire.


They have a skin that is resistant to being dissolved by any digestive juices it may come in contact with. This started me thinking. How could a human embryo be protected if it were attached on the inside of the intestine? The answer is it would have to be encased inside of a sac made of a type of living tissue that would protect it like a tapeworm. So I asked myself, what kind of tissue is designed to stand up to surviving inside of an intestine?


The answer was, the intestinal lining itself. It resists digestive acids. So, where do you get the intestinal tissue material to encase, feed, and protect the fetus? The intestinal material would have to be taken from either people, or an animal whose blood supply was close to humans. There are signposts pointing to the tissue coming from the cows that are being mutilated and have their reproductive organs and lengths of their intestines removed.


Those parts would supply all the basic materials that would be needed to build a little cocoon for the fetus to grow in. A section of the intestine could be cut into a small patch, which would then be used as an outer protective cover for a patch of the uterine lining material. It would then be wrapped and sealed around the fetus, coming out looking like a tiny Chef Boyardee ravioli. The meat inside this ravioli is the fetus.


Then all that is required is to use the alien anal probe to insert the fetal ravioli patch into the abductee and attach it to his intestinal wall. I would think this system would function without rejection by the host abductee’s body because cow blood is supposed to be so compatible with human blood that it can be used for transfusions in an emergency. Then there is the question of intestinal blockage if the fetus got too large.


The aliens return routinely when the fetus is two months old and remove them from host abductee females. If they implanted a fetus in both a husband and wife at the same time, they would retrieve a fetus from both during the next abduction go around. I checked to see if a two-month-old fetus was big enough to cause intestinal blockage, and just how well developed it would be. At the end of the second month, the embryo will has all of its major organs. The embryo has eyelids (sealed shut), ankles, ears, and wrists.


All of the fingers and toes are formed. The facial features are human like. The embryo is a little over 1 inch long and weighs less than 1 ounce. The embryo has a beating heart, arms, and legs. Fingers and toes are completely formed and the embryo can move around. It is only about the size of the first segment of your little finger. So, blockage is not going to be a problem. Having a beating heart may help in keeping it alive during the removal from the host until it can be transferred to whatever is next. I thought of another possibility too.


The fetus that is implanted into a specific male abductee, could quite possibly be created from the male abductees own sperm and a donor egg from a female abductee. His blood stream would be feeding the right type blood into the fetus, just like the mother would. The fetal tissue is also compatible with him because it is his child, so there would be no rejection..

I found out that home pregnancy tests would work on men too. The pregnancy test won’t discriminate as to sex of the person offering the urine sample. It determines if there is HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) in the urine above a predetermined threshold.


This shows up in urine only if the person is pregnant. I’d suggest that male abductees that remember an anal probing during an abduction take a pregnancy test two weeks after the event to see if they are pregnant. This program of using men and women as hosts does make sense if you are trying to breed as many hybrids as possible. By using both men and women to carry hybrids, the aliens can breed twice as many.


One other disturbing possibility is that since they abduct children too, they are probably also routinely implanting a fetus into them. I do remember hearing of accounts of many young girl abductees reporting pregnancy symptoms.

The impregnation of entire families would yield far greater numbers of hybrids. There is also the possibility they implant several fetuses into each abductee. If they implanted 10 fetuses into each member of a family of four abductees, it would yield 40 viable hybrids when the aliens returned in two months to collect them. Now for the most disturbing news of all. There is no doubt from a preponderance of evidence, that the Reptoid aliens use us as a food resource. Life feeds on life. Do not cry. Those little ravioli fetuses.........

We eat ravioli too. But when your own children, your own “flesh and blood” is being eaten by carnivores, it can be extremely traumatic to think about. Another procedure that previously made no sense was probes through the navel. I believe now that when abductees are probed through their navel, that the aliens are injecting multiple fetal implants into their abdomens and attaching them to internal organs like the liver.


Fortunately, the aliens return and harvest the hybrid fetus after 2 months, when it is only the size of the last inch of your pinky finger. So, the lucky pregnant men won’t have to buy maternity clothes (one male abductee I know did get morning sickness). Another abductee thinks hybrids were inserted inside the walls of her uterus. Her gynecologist said there were so many incisions in her cervix, it looked like it had been used for bayonet practice.

As for a hysterectomized woman (or a normal man) being able to carry a child AT ALL, unless I see some scientific proof that attaching a fetus to intestines would work, I don’t even consider that a hypothetical possibility. Is there proof?

It’s already been medically recorded. Back in 1979 or 1980, 2 women gave birth after having gotten hysterectomies. The fetuses did attach them selves to the outer wall of their intestines. It was the first time in recorded medical history this ever happened, and it was 2 women and not one. In reality, we all, male and female, have the peritoneal sac which would make an ideal womb should there be a method for feeding. I suppose that the hook up could happen with manipulation.


This sac is used by the medical field for kidney dialysis patients who do not undergo hemodialysis. In the 1980s I read an article where they were considering impregnating a man using this sac to see if a man could successfully endure a pregnancy. Do I detect the nervous laughter of an anal probed pregnant male abductee in denial? How does it feel to be knocked up dude?


The medical experts agree. Pregnancy in men is possible. Alien anal probing could really be turning men into pregnant hosts for a hybrid fetus, maybe even triplets.


Even famous MDs agree it is possible. From: http://www.upenn.edu/gazette/0900/0900gaz1.html


Some brief quotes:

One of the most interesting developments while I was in Britain was the announcement of an “intestinal pregnancy,” which happened when a woman’s fetus attached itself to the lining of her intestines and was successfully sustained by placental tissue that grew there.


A prominent British researcher interested in male pregnancy seized that and other developments to really push the idea of getting men pregnant. I found that fascinating and had a great opportunity to interview men who were potential candidates for such a procedure.


Male pregnancy, when it happens, will not be the offspring of some crackpot British biologist. No less a scholar and scientist than the head of Britain’s prestigious Hammersmith Hospital, Lord Robert Winston, a prominent reproductive endocrinologist who conducted some of the most important early experiments in in-vitro fertilization, is pushing the idea along.

Pregnancy is possible in male abductees, so what? They don’t have beakers on alien ships? Seems rather a lot of trouble to go through when they could probably use an artificial device or a rabbit. We transport herds of beef cattle fetuses in rabbit’s wombs. How advanced can they be if they need human male intestines?

It’s actually a pretty good racket they got going. This way on their craft they don’t have to provide life support for the fetuses (food, water, oxygen, plumbing, heat, extra space and weight, mass, for all that extra equipment, etc.). The fetuses get a two-month free ride in the host abductees until it’s harvest time.

Virtually all ectopic pregnancies are considered surgical emergencies that must be removed. So, wouldn’t it kill the host?

These pregnancies never reach an “emergency stage” because the aliens remove them after 2 months of growth, when they are the size of the last joint of your little finger. Not big enough to damage or burst anything. It is my opinion that the little hybrid fetuses and small hybrid children that are bred are used to feed the Reptoid children that are being migrated with their parents.


Do we feed babies and toddlers adult food? No, we feed them food items that are small and easily consumed by them. I’m sure a Reptoid baby, much like a baby crocodile, has to start out eating small prey. A fetus would be the ideal size.

Reptoid mother: “Would my little baby Lizzie like a yummy little fetus snack today?”

Again, you seem to not understand the difference! Anecdote does NOT constitute proof, and my request is, as always, a valid citation of scientific research to support your claims of alien life and UFOs.

I agree anecdotal evidence is not scientific proof. You may not realize that there are economic and legal factors that make showing scientifically gathered evidence an impossibility.

A. Scientists are employees of companies that pay them to perform work within their job description.

B. There are no private companies in business seeking profits from the study of alien abductions, UFO propulsion, etc., because in order to run a business to make profits, you need a market for the product that you produce.

C. There is no public “demand” for a “supply” of basic research, information, or products which would motivate investors to finance a start-up company whose business plan showed the company goal was to employ scientists to accumulate hard data, back-engineer, and produce goods from alien technology. There are currently no “scientists” employed anywhere that can supply you with the “scientific proof” you seek.

D. The only “scientists” who are “employed” in doing work with anything having to do with alien equipment or alien corpses, are working under security clearance and restrictions directly for the military or intelligence agencies, or in top secret projects done by defense contractors. It is illegal for them to disclose anything to the public from their work.

E. Due to this lack of “scientific proof” in the public domain, I had to take a different tack in my book to prove that several different “products” that are on the market had an alien origin. I backtracked those product’s research & development and found they were sourced out of military and government top secret type labs. I looked up all the patents, researchers, “inventors,” etc., and showed that what had been patented was not based on any previously existing equipment or known process. Its like the ideas just fell out of the sky. (They did.)

Have you ever heard of thought control avionics? That is a prime example. It was “developed” secretly by an Air Force research lab. It lets a pilot control a plane or spacecraft by thought. When the AF released the information about it, they claimed that they had adapted EEG technology to do it. I had it checked out by an electrical engineer who had worked 25 years for a company that made EEG machines.


He said that there is NO WAY the thought control equipment was based on EEG tech at all. He referred me to articles in scientific journals about how the best engineering minds had been trying to adapt EEG machines to help paralyzed people use computers to communicate, operate appliances, etc.


The current state of the art in real EEG derived equipment had not gotten any further than allowing a paraplegic test subject to type 20 letters on a computer monitor in 5 hours. It was a great struggle to even get that much done. That’s not quite fast enough for fighter pilots. If you want to see the alien influence, your only choice is to find unlikely great leaps in technology and see where they came from.


Do you understand now why there are no scientists standing around waiting to analyze alien phenomena as it happens and tell the world? It’s not their job. This is much like a crime where the only evidence that can be presented to a jury is eyewitness testimony, because the perpetrators take all of the physical evidence, and the government and military hides any other evidence that is germane, in the name of national security, with severe criminal penalties for any government or military personnel that “testify.”


What type of evidence would be acceptable to you, and how do you think anyone can obtain it and talk about it?

If we’re going to speculate, why not suggest that aliens simply “vacuum up” live cattle, implant them with fetuses, and harvest them later? A bovine uterus is MUCH larger than a humans, and one could certainly pack in many more such fetuses, couldn’t they?

There are a few reasons they don’t implant hybrid fetuses in the cattle. The cows are subject to being impregnated by bulls. That womb sharing would create several serious problems. Also, cows are sent to slaughter on a schedule unknown to the aliens. Humans are sent to slaughter on the alien’s schedule.


They can never get cows to slaughter themselves en masse at conveniently located battlefields. It would be much easier simply to “beam up” herds of African wildlife to feed these carnivores. Creating hybrid fetuses to grow as food, even for infant Reptoids, is an almost laughable suggestion.

Running a meat packing operation requires a big factory and major transportation facilities to bring all the cattle in. The Reptoids have gotten us to round ourselves up and slaughter ourselves to order. I worked as a meat cutter for 2 years. I know the drill. If you were traveling on an enclosed ocean liner (or star ship), would you want a major slaughterhouse for large cattle going on inside? Have you ever smelled a slaughterhouse? Or seen the mess?


The Reptoids would say: “Not on OUR star ship!” There is a high probability too that many of the hybrid fetuses won’t be consumed in flight, but will be transported to the new worlds the Reptoids are migrating to and will be used as a food resource there, just like our forefathers here were.

Wouldn’t the aliens be able to make more bite size food for their younger ones on board their mother ship? We feed infants and toddlers exactly the same foodstuffs we eat, simply in a modified format, either as liquids, suspensions, or semisolids.

Again, you are talking about food processing on a scale that requires a major processing facility which the Reptoids do not want to carry on their ships, or work at on their ship, and they have no wish to build food processing plants on Earth that would sit idle for 50 year intervals. So they grow and harvest the small stuff, and get us to assemble armies en masse to slaughter ourselves for them for the larger cuts of meat.

Can’t you get definitive scientific evidence from MUFON and other such groups? The programs that The History Channel has been offering all week seem to suggest that there are indeed folks whose entire job is to investigate alien accounts of all sorts.

You hit the nail on the head. They “investigate accounts.” That means their “job description” is to go out in the field and interview eyewitnesses who have viewed aliens or UFOs, or been abducted by aliens. According to you, an “account” is not credible evidence, so they are wasting their time, right?


None of the “groups” have rapid response teams that can beat the military to UFO crash sites to scoop up hard evidence, or facilities to analyze such hard evidence. The closest thing to the type of evidence you seek may come out of the televised archeological survey done at the Roswell UFO crash site. (Not quite a rapid response, it was 50 years after the crash.)


They took out about 70 bags full of evidence and will tell us later what they found after it is analyzed. Did you see that show?

From: http://www.virtuallystrange.net/ufo/updates/2002/nov/m01-015.shtml

SCI FI Channel Sponsors Landmark Archeological Excavation At 1947 Roswell Crash Site — Ground breaking Scientific Investigation To Be Chronicled In SCI FI Documentary “THE ROSWELL CRASH: STARTLING NEW EVIDENCE”

However, lack of disclosure is NOT evidence of activity.... And absence of evidence is not evidence of absence. The military and government suppresses the evidence to extremes. Check the testimony of the mil/gov witnesses that have “come out of the secrecy closet” at the Disclosure Project.


Document Gallery: http://www.disclosureproject.org/writings.htm


Have any real scientists who worked for the government on secret projects to find out how equipment on alien spacecraft works ever offered any hard evidence or even “accounts” of their work to the public?

On June 6, 2002 Bob Lazar appeared on the Art Bell Show. He went into great detail about certain things he had seen when he worked at Area 51 back-engineering the propulsion systems of alien spacecraft. He told about how the interior of one 52-foot diameter saucer shaped craft had the look of being mass-produced.


The interior was seamless and it was all made entirely of the same dull silver material. It looked as if it had been formed in an injection mold. There were no sharp edges or angles anywhere inside. Bob said that there were about a dozen alien spacecraft in the S-4 hangar.


All of the craft were of different body configurations and sizes. Bob said an interesting fact about these craft was that they all were powered by identically manufactured reactors and gravity wave propulsion systems. Bob said that apparently all the propulsion systems used on those different craft from the alien’s home world are made by one subcontractor.


My take on that is this is very similar to aircraft engine production in the US. General Electric and Pratt & Whitney manufacture jet engines and supply them to all of the airframe manufacturers like Boeing, Lockheed, McDonnell-Douglas, etc.. This allows the highest quality standards of engine production to be maintained so that the reliability of the propulsion systems is 100%. The reliability of an antigravity flying machine’s propulsion systems is mandatory as if they fail, the craft cannot glide down to the ground as an aircraft can.


The alien’s use of these obvious mass production manufacturing techniques and subcontractor specialized propulsion component manufacturing shows they are geared up to produce spacecraft by the millions. When you have an advanced society like theirs that has a 65 million year head start on us, and a huge population, it is quite obvious that they need to have the capacity to turn out millions of those vehicles to meet the transportation needs of their citizens.


All the auto, truck, and motorcycle makers on Earth build about 100 million motor vehicles per year to meet the transportation needs of humanity. I’d guess that the Reptoids turn out about one billion saucers per year, mainly because a lot of them are transported with and for their migrating populations to use on the frontier worlds they are settling. Those mass migrations occur about every 50 years. Now you know why I am advocating that we rein in our military from any plans of a head to head armed confrontation.


At best, we may have produced 50 very large space-going war craft with advanced weapons systems. They have been seen. The Reptoids have the facilities and the production lead time to already have millions of war craft in their inventory. It is a battle we can never win. That is why I advocating in this book that we have to actively plan on negotiating a trade deal with the Reptoids from a position of strength. Instead of the Reptoids just taking what they want, we will supply their needs in exchange for trade goods.


Bob Lazar said he had no information about alien or US military motives, so I am filling you in on their motives in this book. Bob Lazar told of some interesting things he was shown by engineers when they bench tested an alien engine that had been removed from one of the craft. Bob said that the gravity wave was focused by the propulsion system to a point that could be varied. It was like a spotlight that could focus its beam.


At the focal point, a black area about 6 inches in diameter would appear because all the light that would normally be there was bent around the area by the power of the system. Bob said that when the system was running at full power with the proper focus, it would create those gravity wells in the direction it was traveling and pull the craft ahead. He said the system was totally silent while in operation.


Bob said the only noise he ever heard made by a craft he saw in operation was when he saw the “Sport Model” hovering about 30 feet in the air. It made a hissing sound like high power overhead electric lines. Bob Lazar said the alien craft were very impressive.

I have uncovered some distressing information that makes it imperative for the alien’s program of abduction and impregnation of abductees to be stopped. The early abortion of hybrid fetuses greatly increases the chance of a woman getting breast cancer. Dr. Karla Turner is an example of an abductee who died of breast cancer, and there are many others.

“She wanted us to fight back—with the same courage that she herself showed when, after a period of struggle, she succumbed to a particularly virulent form of breast cancer, on Jan. 9, 1996.”

That is from: http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Crete/9923/karla.html 

So how did I discover this tie-in? I had heard on the radio that the leftist state government in California was not telling women, who were seeking counseling about getting an abortion, that abortion greatly increased their risk of breast cancer. They told them nothing. A concerned coalition is now trying to get the word out about this risk and the liberal news media nationwide has been suppressing the information.

I put two and two together and realized that the aliens that abduct, impregnate, and then abort hybrid fetuses from women, were setting these women up for breast cancer too. Especially since they abort many women multiple times, multiplying the damage. They don’t warn women of the risk either. This is an extremely serious situation. We are having a breast cancer epidemic as a result of abortions from both Earthly and unearthly sources. I am blowing the whistle. Listen up.


There is an organization that is trying to publicize that there is a proven connection between abortion and breast cancer. They are fighting the pro-abortion leftist liberal media that has been suppressing the truth. Here is the whole truth.


From: http://www.abortionbreastcancer.com/



The coalition was organized in 1999 by a group that includes cancer survivors, women who’ve had abortions and others whose family members have had the disease. We came together because of our deep concern that women haven’t been informed about strong biological evidence and epidemiological research published since 1957 which provide overwhelming support for a cause and effect relationship between abortion and breast cancer. More than two dozen peer-reviewed studies conducted in different parts of the world report increased risk.


Most of these studies were conducted by scientists describing themselves as abortion supporters. Many physicians, however, are unaware of the research because they’ve not been educated by the “gatekeepers” in organized medicine. Other physicians may be aware of the research, but refuse to acknowledge the preponderance of the evidence because of personal ideology or their own involvement in performing or referring patients for abortions.


Regardless of personally ideology, physicians who fail to inform their abortion-bound patients of the breast cancer risk, violate their legal duty to obtain informed consent and expose themselves to the risk of medical malpractice lawsuits. Only a few decades ago, breast cancer was known to be a grandmother’s disease.


Because of abortion, it has become a young woman’s disease, and breast cancer rates have skyrocketed over 40% since the surgical procedure was legalized in the US in 1973. Observing that breast cancer has emerged as a young woman’s illness only in recent decades, New Jersey breast cancer surgeon, Angela Lanfranchi, M.D., F.A.C.S., declared under oath in a California lawsuit that she has discussed the research with many physicians and encouraged them to get reproductive histories from their patients.


Among the doctors who have obtained these histories, they’ve “found as I did that ... cases of breast cancer in young women are associated with an abortion history.” [Agnes Bernardo, Pamela Colip, and Saundra Duffy-Hawkins v. Planned Parenthood Federation of America and Planned Parenthood of San Diego and Riverside Counties; Superior Court of the State of California, County of San Diego, August 15, 2001]


Our purpose is to educate women about abortion as a risk factor for breast cancer, help preserve their health and save lives. Women have the exclusive right to be decision-makers where their own health care is concerned. This is why we’ve provided a comprehensive listing all of the research in order to give women the opportunity to review it and decide for themselves whether or not abortion causes breast cancer.

Biological Explanation for the Link
The explanation for the independent link makes good biological sense. It remains unrefuted and unchallenged by scientists because it is physiologically correct. A never-pregnant woman has a network of primitive, immature and cancer-vulnerable breast cells that make up her milk glands.


It is only in the third trimester of pregnancy - after 32 weeks gestation -that her cells start to mature and are fashioned into milk producing tissue whose cells are cancer resistant. When a woman becomes pregnant, her breasts enlarge. This occurs because a hormone called estradiol, a type of estrogen, causes both the normal and precancerous cells in the breast to multiply terrifically. This process is called “proliferation.”


By 7 to 8 weeks gestation, the estradiol level has increased by 500% over what it was at the time of conception. If the pregnancy is carried to term, a second process called “differentiation” takes place. Differentiation is the shaping of cells into milk producing tissue. It shuts off the cell multiplication process. This takes place at approximately 32 weeks gestation. If the pregnancy is aborted, the woman is left with more undifferentiated—and therefore cancer vulnerable cells—than she had before she was pregnant.


On the other hand, a full term pregnancy leaves a woman with more milk producing differentiated cells, which means that she has fewer cancer-vulnerable cells in her breasts than she did before the pregnancy. In contrast, research has shown that most miscarriages do not raise breast cancer risk. This is due to a lack of estrogen overexposure.


Miscarriages are frequently precipitated by a decline in the production of progesterone, which is needed to maintain a pregnancy. Estrogen is made from progesterone, so the levels of each hormone rise and fall together during pregnancy.

For a thorough biological explanation of the abortion-breast cancer link, see this second website for the Breast Cancer Prevention Institute, www.BCPInstitute.org and click on its online booklet, “Breast Cancer Risks and Prevention.”

In summary, it is quite simple. Medical researchers have found that abortions greatly increase the probability of breast cancer. Medical doctors perform abortions. Gray aliens perform abortions on abductees to retrieve hybrids they implanted. Gray aliens perform multiple abortions on many abductees.


Some multiple abductees have had more than a dozen alien induced abortions. All of those abortions increase the probability of breast cancer. So while at first glance this might look like a typical conspiracy theory rant, it is based on very basic peer reviewed medical research, and the standard alien abduction procedures of impregnation and abortion that are not theoretical in any way. I personally know way too many abductees who were aborted and had “missing pregnancies.”


Earlier in his section I referred abductees to chiropractors to relieve another alien caused health problem. As you can see, I am not the type of person who writes horror stories to scare people. I am trying to provide useful information that will help abductees who have been harmed by the abduction experience and the invasive procedures of the aliens. When I first started telling people about the abduction-abortion-breast cancer link, a few people got the impression that I was saying,

“All of that breast cancer is caused by them darn aliens.”

I was just warning female abductees that medical researchers have found that early term abortions can lead to a greater chance of breast cancer. Both doctors and aliens perform abortions on women.

Therefore it is important for ANY woman who has received abortions from either source to get breast examinations regularly. It’s not a joke or conspiracy rant. Dr. Karla Turner died of breast cancer.


Quotes From Famous People

John Glenn Finally Reveals the Truth

“Back in those glory days, I was very uncomfortable when they asked us to say things we didn’t want to say and deny other things. Some people asked, you know, were you alone out there? We never gave the real answer, and yet we see things out there, strange things, but we know what we saw out there. And we couldn’t really say anything. The bosses were really afraid of this, they were afraid of the War of the Worlds type stuff, and about panic in the streets. So we had to keep quiet. And now we only see these things in our nightmares or maybe in the movies, and some of them are pretty close to being the truth.”

Senator John Glenn from NBC TV

President Ronald Reagan went on national television and told the world he was going to build a defensive shield called the Strategic Defensive Initiative (SDI), generally called Star Wars. Its mission was to protect us all. We were going to share it with everybody including our enemy the Soviet Union. A few years later, we became allies with the Russians and now we fly together aboard the International Space Station. We now jointly run a HAARP facility in Russia itself. Reagan told the Russians the truth and it brought us together.


President Reagan came close to revealing the truth to the rest of the world in his speech to the UN. This is Reagan’s remarks made to the 42nd General Assembly of the United Nations on Sept. 21, 1987. In light of what I have been telling you, there is much to worry about when you read his words. Society is not ready for the truth.


Reagan stated,

In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us realize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world.



Stanton Friedman writes,

“Although the case for the flying saucer reality is far better than the case against most convicted criminals. If you do it on an evidential basis, you can look at things like Ted Phillips’ collected information on over 4,400 physical trace cases from 66 countries. These are cases where the saucer is seen on or near the ground, and after it leaves, one finds clear physical changes such as burn circles and burn rings, landing gear marks, swirled vegetation, dried out soil, and so forth. People say there is no physical evidence.


Well, if a footprint and a fingerprint are physical evidence, then the physical trace cases are certainly physical evidence. In addition, the same things keep happening all over the world. The problem is most people are unaware of the evidence, even though there is a preponderance of evidence.


Given the physical trace cases, the radar sightings, the photographs and the eyewitness testimony from people all over the world, we have quite sufficient evidence to conclude that our planet is being visited by manufactured objects behaving in ways that we Earthlings cannot yet duplicate, and that therefore were produced someplace else.”

Stanton Friedman is a nuclear physicist and has done a tremendous amount of research into UFOs, primarily digging into classified archives. He has come around to my way of thinking that the aliens may be using us as a food resource.


When I talked to him in person a few years ago, he was very squeamish and evasive about the food resource topic. He had a list of possible reasons why the aliens interacted with us. He has now quietly added food resource to his list. Maybe my influence is spreading, or maybe he found something in the archives.

This is an interesting premise written by Charles Fort in 1931.

Fort was one of the first ufologists and a paranormal investigator extraordinaire and wrote extensively on the subject in the 1920s and 30s:

“I think we are property. I should say we belong to something; that once upon a time this Earth was no-man’s land, that other worlds explored and colonized here and fought among themselves for possession, but now it’s owned by something; that something owns this Earth—all others warned off.”
Charles Hoy Fort in 1931

Another troubling statement of Charles Fort:

 “I believe we are fished for. It may be we’re highly esteemed by super-epicures somewhere.”

Epicure-a person who has cultivated tastes, as in food or wine; a connoisseur. The Reptoids living amongst the Maya had a taste for fresh human hearts. We need to take action to insure they will no longer come here for a hearty meal.

“There exists a shadowy Government with its own Air Force, its own Navy, its own fund raising mechanism, and the ability to pursue its own ideas of the national interest, free from all checks and balances, and free from the law itself.”
US Senator Daniel K. Inouye


“I know other astronauts share my feelings....And we know the government is sitting on hard evidence of UFOs. I had a good friend at Roswell, a fellow officer. He had to be careful about what he said. He made it clear to me that what crashed was a craft of alien origin, and members of the crew were recovered. It wasn’t a weather balloon, like the Air Force cover story.”


“Every day in the U.S.A., our radar instruments capture objects of form and composition unknown to us.”
Colonel L. Gordon Cooper,

Mercury/Astronaut, address to the UN in 1985

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