This is the calm before the storm. Our destiny depends on our
realizing we have a problem, and then going all out in solving it.
Pay careful attention to the information in this book. Then tell
your friends and family the truth. This truth has been hidden from
us for a very long time. Recently so much information has come to
light that the big picture has finally been revealed.
What has been happening is a continuing universal process that has
effected life on Earth to varying degrees since the dawn of man.
Periodically it has a major impact on humanity. The difference is
that now we can recognize what is happening, and take action to
change it.
As you read the facts, theories, and hypothetical illustrative
situations in this book, you will realize the problem we face can be
overcome. The solution requires a great effort on a vast scale to
bring the human race to a state of great strength and readiness.
We keep hearing about aliens, alien abductions, UFOs, and
When I looked into this situation, I found out the human race is in
mortal danger, primarily because we have become aware of this
problem from above. The danger arises from our having discovered how
the aliens have been using us, and them knowing that we know, and
knowing that we have a limited capacity to do something about it. Up
till now, we did not have to be strong to survive in a closed
system. Now that we are a threat, we have to get very strong to face
down those that have been taking advantage of our weakness and
ignorance. There are elements of the US government and military that
know exactly what is coming, but they can not tell you because it is
VERY BAD NEWS. It would devastate society.
Do Neil Armstrong and former President Jimmy Carter know what the
aliens have planned for us? They have both spoken out, but have been
silenced by extreme pressure from intelligence agencies before they
could tell the whole story. This book states exactly what President
Carter has revealed and what Neil Armstrong has said to warn the
public. I will disclose the whole truth from current information and
historical sources.
I hope the truth will incite humanity to take action for
This is real.
Back to
Table of Contents
It is said you can’t tell a book by its cover. With this book you
can. The title of the book is “Warning.” That is exactly what this
book is. A warning. I am warning you of a coming disaster. The time
for secrecy is over. I will reveal everything that’s going on here.
In this book, the abduction experiences of real people and actual
examples of alien treachery will be recounted. I have also included
in this book proven techniques for disabling and capturing small
alien spacecraft. I have included that information in case it
becomes necessary to start an anti-alien civil defense program. YOU
need protection. Few countries are prepared. Even the US military is
insufficiently prepared for what’s coming. I’ll be revealing what I
believe the aliens plans to be, based on five types of evidence:
eyewitness accounts, expert testimony, scientific evidence,
archeological findings, current and historical circumstantial
Think of me as a prosecutor making a case against the
aliens. You are the jury. It is critical that we understand the
serious danger we face. Why do we have to stop the Gray and
aliens? Because it is not an invasion that is coming, it’s a
harvest. Yeah, at first it sounded crazy to me too. Just wait until
you read the whole truth. A few people here in the US have uncovered
the same information that I have. Some of them are making a living,
peddling snippets of information in books, seminars, and videotapes.
Each new book or tape reveals a few more “new” facts to the
information starved public. When I found out the whole truth, I was
truly horrified that anyone would milk this situation for financial
gain. Since our government has refused to talk, these people have
cornered the information market.
I will not withhold any information
from the public. I worked very hard to obtain the information and
write this book. I’m telling everything I found out. I AM PAYING to
publish this book. I am risking my life savings to save our lives. I
believe it is THAT serious. The entire truth is very painful. This
information can’t be covered up, or sold bit by bit. History is
about to repeat itself in a really horrifying way. We must learn
from history, or we will be history.
How do you warn humanity that a major disaster is coming? In 1775,
Paul Revere rode his horse through the countryside to alert the
Minutemen that the British were coming. Today, warnings can be
through mass media: radio, TV, newspapers, books or movies. Which
media is best? Would the news media take my word a problem is
approaching? No. Besides, they only report what’s already happened.
need to reveal what’s going to happen. A book was the only avenue
to me. Several acquaintances that read the first draft of this book
told me
most people wouldn’t read a book that’s not written in the form of
exciting story. They said they want excitement, romance, and
in the books they read, not a history or documentary type books, and
same for a movie.
Moviegoers want an exciting story line, action,
even a happy ending. I want to reach everyone with this message.
been in sales many years and I always listen to customers when they
me what they want. The customer is always right. People buy millions
exciting novels every year. They know what they like. It’s the same
movies. An exciting movie gets it’s underlying message across better
than a dry historical documentary. So, I’ve taken actual events,
and evidence, and written the first part of this book in a semi-fictionalized format that will hold everyone’s interest, and lend
itself to
being made into a movie. My main objective is to warn the greatest
number of people about the alien’s plans, so we can prepare for
coming, and prevent it.
The participation of women is equally
in solving the problem we face. Without the participation of women
the war effort in World War II, it would have lasted longer and cost
many more lives. What we are facing will hit closer to home. Women
will be in the front lines of this effort as a result. I want
everyone to
know the facts. Women need to know that this is not about guys and
science fiction interests. This is reality. There have been dozens
movies made, and books written dealing with the subjects of UFO
sightings, alien visitation, alien abduction of humans, and ancient
contact. Few of these books and movies dealing with “reality” have
reached a large enough audience, or made the public realize there is
The best way to communicate the “problem” to the largest
audience is through a book and a movie that dramatizes the problem,
a dry documentary. Dry documentary films end up on cable TV. If a
movie is popular it will be shown on many movie screens all day long
for weeks. The message reaches more people that way. Next it goes on
HBO and Cinemax, then videotapes that are sold or rented nationwide.
Then on broadcast TV. It will reach a wide audience. More people
will be informed. We will have a better chance for building up
sufficient defenses to meet the threat if the warning gets out now.
If other countries built up their defenses, it would help raise our
chance of survival.
The aliens have had dominion over us for more
than 50,000 years of recorded history. What’s the reason for this
continuing association? That’s what this book will reveal. I have
studied the patterns of the alien’s historical and recent actions.
I’ll fill in the blanks left by other books and movies, to reveal
the big picture. The “movie” section of this book will give you a
good grasp of what the aliens have been doing recently, and show
what information is available to the average person from seminars,
the Internet, etc. Plus this book will reveal proven military
anti-UFO defense measures. The rest of the book contains historical
and current facts about the subject from a variety of sources that
are readily available for you to check out yourself. This book is
based only on facts. The “movie version” is designed to reach the
largest mass audience possible. As for a happy ending, that’s up to
all of us.
I have endeavored to include enough technical information in this
book to satisfy those people who want proof of a type that would
normally only be found in scientific peer reviewed journals. The
only problem with the subjects covered in Ufology is that any alien
hardware that is permanently brought down to earth is quickly
scooped up by military rapid response teams. As a result only
government scientists and engineers ever get to scientifically
examine alien technology, and they are not allowed to publish
anything they find out. As a result, I have had to provide technical
information about alien technology from the other side of the
equation. The output side, where alien technology has already been
back-engineered by government employed engineers. It’s then turned
over to and copied by American industry, patented, and produced.
Detailed patent descriptions of functioning advanced equipment are
close as you can get to scientific articles about how the alien
works. Besides if the equipment is already working, there is no need
test it in a lab and publish findings to prove that it works to
someone who
is skeptical. This advanced equipment is beyond theory, hypothesis
and research and development. Seeing is believing.
Back to Table of Contents
My involvement with this subject started fairly recently. People and
events kind of grabbed me. I learned rather quickly we had a serious
problem facing us. I felt I had to write a book to warn people about
the problem. This book deals with that ongoing problem, a problem
that started many thousands of years before I was born. I wasn’t
aware there was a problem until five years ago. Like Forrest Gump, I
stumbled into situations where I became a participant in shaping
historic events. I came into personal contact with people involved
in doing UFO research, other people who had been abducted, and
Apollo astronauts who had seen the
massive construction work the
aliens have done on the Moon.
I am just an average person. I had only a mild interest in the
subject of
UFOs and aliens. I became hooked on taking a hard look at the
when I saw official NASA photographic evidence. The implications
devastating. Our government had discovered evidence of alien life
had kept it secret. Something had to be horribly wrong. I was
to find all the pieces to the puzzle to find out why. The photos I
clearly show what’s on the Moon. What purpose could these large
structures serve? What did the aliens want with us? I had a very bad
feeling about the whole thing. So much was being hidden from us.
even an average guy like me was able to research the major points in
question and reach a conclusion. The following narrative dramatizes
experiences in uncovering the plans of the aliens. It shows how I
acquired the information, what the aliens have done to some local
abductees, and how the aliens systematically test our defenses. It
is based
on true facts. Everybody talks about aliens and UFOs. I intend to do
something about them. I will try to have this book made into a movie
warn as many people as possible about the problem we face.
We may
have to defend ourselves. The aliens might not care to negotiate.
names of abductees have been changed to protect their privacy. All
my information sources are revealed in later chapters of this book
or in the bibliography. You can look up all the data and see it for
yourself. Well, enjoy the “movie” version of this story. Art
imitates life. Life imitates art. And Art (me) will imitate this
planned movie. Somebody’s got to do something. I may not be able to
complete the plan I outline in the “movie” section due to government
interference, but I am willing to try.
The overall idea is to make a
movie about the alien problem and how to solve it. The money made
from that movie will be used to purchase the electronic equipment
required to disable and capture a UFO and it’s crew. Then I will
attempt to organize an expedition that will actually capture a UFO,
and shoot a second movie (a documentary) of the capture operation as
it happens. The second movie could be used as a training film for
anyone who wanted to copy the capture methods. This information must
be brought out so everyone will see the aliens are real and pose a
real threat. Then maybe world governments will take action, or work
out a solution beneficial to the aliens and us.
We have unknowingly
been the “property” of the Gray and Repilian aliens. Up till now
they could kidnap us individually or harvest us en masse at will.
That’s where I come in. I will tell you what we must do to get out
of this situation. Together we can stop this.
Back to Table of Contents
Preview The Semi-Fictional Movie Here That Will Warn The Public
About The Nonfiction Alien Danger We Face.
See Exciting Actual Events Recreated, Proposed UFO Capture Plan
Carried Out, and Alien Plans Revealed.
Alien abduction, incursion, and other actual recent events are
retold here in movie format, soon to be made into a spectacular
movie, coming to a theater near you to spread the WARNING to
humanity. Am I being presumptuous to expect my book to be made into
a movie? Not hardly, I plan to pay a studio to make it. There’s not
enough time left to do it any other way.
Amber Johnson is a perky, five foot four inch tall, 32 year old
policewoman on the Cocoa Beach, Florida PD. She’s a dead ringer for
Holly Hunter. Amber’s husband is an engineer at the Cape. They live
in a modest condominium in Cocoa Beach. Amber has recurring
nightmares that are all too real. She has experienced multiple alien
abductions. Imagine, a police officer, helpless to stop herself from
being a crime victim. But even a human kidnapper risks apprehension
if they commit the exact same crime at the same location six times.
However, abduction isn’t the crime she needs to fear. It is mass
murder. That is where the alien program reaches its conclusion, with
unwitting human assistance.
It started out as a typical abduction. An American deep space
surveillance satellite detected a fast-moving incoming bogey at 3:15
EST on June 29,1996. At 3,550 miles out, it was identified as a
diameter alien saucer by NORAD computers. NORAD plotted the craft’s
course, determined it was heading to a previous abduction site, and
relayed an alert to the nearest Air Force radar station, Patrick Air
Base, Florida. Two airmen on radar duty in the base control tower
jumped when the alarm buzzer sounded. Their computer screens flashed
a warning message from NORAD. It scrolled down the status monitor
screens also.
STANDBY, FASTWALKER STANDBY in bright yellow letters. The monitors
went to split screen, with print on the left and real time
surveillance satellite video feed on the right. The satellite camera
locked on and tracked the saucer. A computer generated yellow
overlay on one screen projected its path. The airmen watched the
monitor as the UFO came to a stop. The senior airman said, “Call the
UFO officer!” The junior airman replied, “Can’t. He transferred out
two weeks ago.” The status screen “target elevation” numbers dropped
rapidly as the UFO’s flight path curved down. Instantly the UFO and
“elevation” reading stopped.
The saucer’s position read 44 miles off
the Florida coast at 66.5 miles altitude. Both airmen were now glued
to the big monitor screen, a look of awe on their faces. The
surveillance satellite’s video picture was in brilliant, sharp
color. The silvery craft hovered for twenty seconds, the outline of
Florida visible below. The Atlantic Ocean and Gulf of Mexico could
be clearly seen shimmering in the moonlight.
Streetlights in the biggest cities twinkled like thousands of pale
diamonds. The craft accelerated rapidly toward Central Florida. As
entered the atmosphere, a bright electric orange glow played over
surface. In a few seconds it had descended to 200 feet over the
and came to a stop. It hovered briefly one mile off the coast.
westward, it took 4 seconds to cover the last mile to the shoreline.
craft slowed smartly as it crossed the beach. All indoor and outdoor
lights for blocks in all directions quickly faded and went out.
airmen had been viewing all of this from the overhead viewpoint of
satellite. Bright yellow letters popped up on their big monitor as
picture faded out. The words read “FEED TERMINATED.” “Just
another alien abduction,” the senior airman said, “you’ll get used
them.” The junior airman said sarcastically, “Yeah, right.” They
sighed in relief and settled back in their chairs.
Meanwhile, the
had come to a stop about 30 feet above the fifth floor balcony of a
apartment at the Cocoa Beach Towers Condominium. A bright column
of blue-white light snapped on at the bottom of the craft, shining
on the balcony below. Two “Grays” in standing position floated down
the beam to the balcony. They walked right through the pane of the
sliding glass door, as if it were a hologram, entered the bedroom,
and approached the bed. Amber Johnson was sleeping soundly. The tall
“Gray” pointed a silver pencil size device at Amber. It hummed
faintly. The short “Gray” lifted Amber to a standing position, as if
she were weightless.
The aliens held Amber up by her elbows and
departed back through the pane of the sliding glass door. As they
passed through the glass, it made the sound of crackling static
electricity. On the balcony, a mild sea breeze blew Amber’s sheer
pale blue nightgown gently against her body. The aliens floated her
straight ahead, into the beam of light. Then they were all lifted up
by this invisible elevator, into an off center portal on the bottom
side of the craft. The light beam shut off, and a hatch dropped down
silently, sealing the opening. The ship started to glow a dull red
color and silently lifted up 100 feet into the air. It moved slowly
toward the east, cleared the shoreline, and accelerated rapidly over
the horizon. Lights in the area then came back on.
On board the alien craft, the two aliens floated along about a foot
off the deck, carrying Amber by her arms into the circular center
room of the craft. They sat her on a gray metal bench in an alcove
set into the wall. Every interior surface of the craft was a pewter
silver color. Only the buttons, knobs and gauges pulsed in different
colors, atop three center control consoles. Amber felt really out of
it. She had a little muscle control.
She thought to herself, “This
is different. Usually I’m paralyzed.” She flopped back against the
wall and was able to get a good look at two other women next to her
on the bench. Amber noticed that they were both about 25 years old
and nude. Clothing was piled on the floor at their feet. While
looking down, Amber saw two pairs of human feet protruding out onto
the floor from the alcove next to hers. She could not see the people
as a support beam blocked the view. Amber thought, “Looks like they
got five of us.” Amber directed her next thought at the aliens and
said, “if we weren’t in a stupor, we could kick your ass.” She took
a good look at them and noticed the “Grays” didn’t seem to have an
ass. Amber suddenly realized that she had much better mental control
than on previous abductions. She tried to stand up but felt a little
She thought, “If I fall down it would attract too much attention.”
She was
quite determined to look around and try to remember all the details
“Grays” had routinely suppressed after her 6 previous abductions.
Amber saw that the women next to her were both wearing wedding
rings. She looked at them and said, “Do your husbands know you’re
running around naked with a bunch of aliens?” They gave no response.
Amber thought, “Wow, am I in a good mood or what? The aliens must
have zapped me with laughing gas.” Two aliens came over and helped
Amber to her feet.
They lifted her nightgown off and dropped it to the deck. Her white
nylon panties quickly followed. The aliens helped the other four
to their feet and had them stand in a line. Amber saw there were
women and one man. The aliens walked each person to a separate
examination table and laid them all out, face up. Four “Grays”
a complete physical on each in turn. Amber was the last. They probed
took samples from every bodily orifice. They scanned her body from
head to toe with a beam of light from an overhead machine. After her
exam, a “Gray” jabbed a metal probe into her leg. Amber flinched in
pain. A tall “Gray” told Amber telepathically it wouldn’t hurt. It
hurting. She tried to squirm from the pain but couldn’t control her
muscles now.
Next they performed a fateful gynecological procedure
her. The tall alien poked a thin metal tube into her. Amber said, “I
thought so. You’re just interested in me for my body.” The pressure
became almost unbearable. Amber said, “Please stop.” The tall alien
moved to her side, gently touched her arm, and said telepathically,
are almost done.” When it was over, a short alien helped Amber sit
up on
the table. He told her telepathically, “Now we are pregnant.” He
Amber, “Would you like to see the Earth?” She said, “Yes.” The alien
walked over and sat at one of three consoles in the center of the
room. He touched a small panel on the console.
The wall in the
eight-foot wide alcove Amber had sat in became transparent, revealing a
magnificent panoramic view of Earth. The “Gray” touched a button,
causing a five-foot by one-foot vertical holographic panel to appear
floating projected just to the right of the viewing arch. Strange
symbols scrolled down its pale blue length. Amber noticed a device
resembling a small portable radio on a side table next to her. She
it up. It had been held on the table magnetically. Amber touched a
control square with an alien symbol on it.
The square started to
glow a
pale blue, and she felt a tingling spread over her body. The tall
suddenly appeared at her side. He gently removed the apparatus from
her hand and turned it off. Amber asked, “What was that?” The alien
told her telepathically, that it controlled time by doing certain
things. She couldn’t grasp the concepts. She got the impression he
was trying to make her feel stupid so she wouldn’t bother him. The
small aliens helped each person get dressed and sat them back in two
different alcoves.
Amber told the lady next to her, “My hubby will
be happy to know I’m pregnant. Alien technology found out before I
even knew it. You can call it ET-EPT.” All Amber got from her
neighbor was a blank stare. Amber said, “Hello.” No response. “The
light’s on, but no one’s home,” Amber said jokingly. The aliens
returned Amber to her home and departed. Amber tried to wake her
husband to tell him the good news. He was out. She realized the
aliens had zonked him good. She cuddled up next to him in bed, put
her arm around him, and fell asleep. Amber didn’t realize the aliens
had made her pregnant. She thought they were telling her she was
already pregnant.
Her ignorance of their two-part program would
eventually lead to the capture of the aliens when they would
routinely return before three months passed to remove the fetus.
Their imminent return would become known to Art Greenfield, a man
interested in stopping them. He’d arrange things so they’d walk into
a trap. The aliens and their ship would be captured and revealed to
the entire world.
Commentary: When this is made into a movie, I know Hollywood will
make it more “commercially viable” by adding things that may be a
distraction from the main point of the story. I am referring to
typical formulaic Hollywood techniques like adding graphic elements
to the story. The “typical” working script would describe Amber
during the abduction, being floated up to the alien craft with a
phrase like, “the breeze blew Amber’s sheer nightgown against her,
uh,....womanly features.” The studios want to make the film more
memorable by making it, shall we say, titillating.
I don’t want to
distract from the message here, but that’s Hollywood. They want to
sell the product, and sex sells. Humor sells too. Madison Avenue ads
have used sex and humor for years. It should have the same effect
here by grabbing people’s attention so they will remember the
Back to Table of Contents
Close encounters with alien ideas and human abductees.
Amber Johnson spoke at a MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) meeting on the
July Fourth weekend in 1996. The MUFON meetings were routinely held
at the Cocoa, Florida public library. This was no routine meeting
though. A news crew from WFTV Channel 9 Eyewitness News had come to
videotape her as she related her abduction experiences. The small
library conference room was crowded with about 150 people. Joe
Jordan, the local MUFON president introduced Amber. The news crew
turned on their camera and lights and started taping.
Amber said,
have been abducted six times in the last four years. The last time I
was abducted was one week ago. I don’t know why they chose me. After
my fourth abduction, I started remembering nearly everything that
happened during the abductions. Under “normal” circumstances (she
chuckled), you remember very little of the experience because the
aliens always do something electronically to your brain to wipe out
the abduction memories. Two years ago I started taking allergy
medicine for my hay fever, and from that time on, the memories were
not erased. I know the box the medicine comes in says not to drive,
or operate heavy machinery.
It makes you dopey. I guess it slowed down my nerve function enough
that my nerves did not react normally to the alien’s memory erasing
techniques. I can remember about 95 per cent of what happened very
clearly. During my abduction last week, the “Grays” took muscle
samples from my legs.”
She showed two deep depressions on the front
her legs where the tissue samples had been taken. The TV cameraman
moved in for a close-up of the hemispherical shaped scoop marks in
leg. Each hole was big enough to stick your little finger in up to
the first
joint. Amber said,
“There are no scars left after the procedure,
though deep holes were made. A highly skilled surgeon can’t even do
this. They did an extensive gynecological exam on me next.”
cameraman started to pan the camera back up to Amber’s face. As the
camera and spotlight were panning up and passing over her
midsection, she quickly put her hand over her private area and with
a wink said, “Sorry guys, I can’t let you take any pictures of
that.” Everyone at the meeting broke up laughing. For some reason
they cut that part out of the tape on the Eleven O’clock news. Amber
“When they did the gynecological exam, they said, ‘Now we’re
pregnant.’ I said, What do you mean we, paleface? ... I was the one
who was pregnant.”
In the audience was Art Greenfield, a local
business owner. Art turned to a man sitting next to him who was
wearing a MUFON nametag and said, “That was real cute.”
member said to Art, “That means they impregnated her during the
abduction. They do this as part of their hybrid-breeding program. In
three months they’ll re-abduct her, take the fetus, and raise it
themselves.” Art said, “How do you know this?”
He handed Art a list
of recommended reading and a MUFON membership form. “Read the books
on this list,” he said. “You’ll find out the aliens are conducting a
massive breeding program. As I said, they abduct, impregnate, return
in 3 months, take the fetus. They repeat this over and over. Some
women have been through this cycle six times.” Art asked, “How long
has this been going on?” The man said,
“it started about 50 years
ago on a small scale but it’s expanded into a huge operation.
They’ve bred millions of hybrids so far.” Art asked, “So they’ll
Amber up in 3 months and take the hybrid she’s carrying?” The MUFON
man said, “Yeah,” with a look of resignation on his face. Art said,
gives me an idea.” The MUFON man said, “What?” Art said, “I’ll get
back to you when I put it together.”
Amber answered a lot of
from the audience. She concluded by saying her husband was an
engineer at Rocketdyne at the Cape. She said,
“He told me he had
attended a briefing, given by three engineers at his company. Rocketdyne
had loaned the engineers to the government.
They had secretly
the US Air Force, at Wright-Patterson AFB, in reverse engineering
very latest model alien flying saucer that had been captured intact.
were able to take it apart, copy it, and make 3 perfectly
functioning craft
themselves. They said the technology found on the craft was so very
advanced it was frightening. The engineers said the government
to reveal this technology to the public over the next thirty years.
By so
doing, its true source would not have to be revealed.”
The next
speaker at the seminar was Art Greenfield himself. Art had brought a
videotape he had made of a “Larry King Live” show. Art had called in
a question for the guest on the show, and had gotten a stunning
answer. Art had come to the meeting to share the information with
the MUFON people. Art introduced himself. He put the tape in the VCR
and said, “This will be self-explanatory.” The guest on Larry King
was Shirley MacLaine. On the videotape, Mr. Greenfield was heard
calling in to the show. He asked Shirley,
“Exactly what did former
President Jimmy Carter tell you about what the US government knew
about crashed alien spacecraft and recovered alien bodies?” (Art had
learned three weeks earlier that President Carter had told Shirley
about it in confidence).
After a few seconds of stunned silence,
Shirley answered,
“It is true, Jimmy Carter had told me the US
government was in possession of crashed alien spacecraft and alien
bodies, and that he had tried to use the US “sunshine” laws to bring
the information out to the public, but the intelligence community
would not let him talk about it, and so as a result, he could not.”
Art stopped the tape and said to the MUFON audience,
"This is the
first time any president has confirmed the government has actual
knowledge of the existence of alien life and spacecraft and that
they have hard evidence.”
Several people came up to Art at the end
of the meeting. A man asked Art if he worked at NASA. Art said, “No,
I own the Mr. Arcade store at Clearlake and Dixon in Cocoa.” The
conversation turned into a discussion about the US government having
something to hide that was so bad, a former president was not
allowed to talk about it. Art told this small group,
“Keep your eyes
and ears open for any information on anyone else locally being
abducted. I have an idea how we can capture a UFO and it’s crew. I
need to know where they’re going for repeat abductions.”
Commentary: OK, so I used a little humor to get the point across.
I’m “going Hollywood” myself. At least these events really happened,
news coverage and all. Most of the dialogue is paraphrased. It is
close though. I didn’t start taping conversations until I started
interviewing astronauts and abductees. The Larry King Live segment
just read was repeated verbatim. That I had videotaped. The exact
wording of the statement President Carter had made, that the
government had recovered aliens and their spacecraft, was too
important to leave to memory.
Besides, I needed that original
videotape to use in the movie. Hiring the participants to recreate
their roles in the movie would have been expensive. The original
tape is dramatic enough. These commentary sections are also here to
steer any movie companies into staying on track and making sure the
right things are filmed to get the message across.
Back to Table of Contents
True eyewitness account of low altitude
incursion into KSC’s restricted air space.
Soon to be an exciting movie scene.
One month later, a 52-foot diameter alien saucer paid a surprise
visit to
Kennedy Space Center. The craft cruised slowly into the shuttle
complex in broad daylight. It skimmed in from the Atlantic Ocean,
the Cape’s radar, at 100-foot altitude. It circled slowly around the
pad area, following the pad perimeter fence all the way around, and
glided back out over the Atlantic. The shuttle stood on the launch
that beautiful Florida morning.
The dull silver colored saucer moved
at a
slow speed to a position two miles off shore at 7000-foot elevation.
hovered there, motionless. It shimmered brightly in the sunlight.
shimmering had a pulsing effect to it. It was like a strobe light
continuously at one-second intervals. Twenty minutes later, a pair
of Air
Force F-16 fighters, bristling with missiles, came burning in from
south at 900 knots.
They were at 600-foot altitude, flying just off
shoreline. Banking inland south of the Space Center, they flew
around its
western boundary and banked to the east, heading out to sea. Slowing
200 knots, they circled the still hovering alien craft at a distance
of about
two miles. Five minute later, two Navy FA-18 fighters arrived from
north and joined the Air Force planes in circling. The four planes
flew in
a “defensive wheel” pattern, keeping the UFO pinned in the middle.
standoff continued for 15 minutes.
One Navy FA-18 began flying an
course that took it steadily closer to the alien intruder. On the
third pass,
the FA-18 pilot flew directly at the alien craft, veered off at the
second, and just missed it by 100 feet. The alien craft accelerated
miles out to sea in an instant. It came to a sudden stop. As the
hovered there, the fighters all turned and went to full afterburners
pursuit. The saucer accelerated straight up, out of the atmosphere,
it’s reconnaissance mission completed.
Commentary: This really happened. I have included all of the details
from two eyewitnesses I interviewed who saw the entire event from
two different locations. It was also witnessed by 50 NASA employees
at Kennedy Space Center, all of whom were interviewed by Joe Jordan,
the president of the local MUFON chapter.
Back to
Table of Contents
Art Greenfield phoned Joe Jordan, the local MUFON chapter president.
Art said,
“I’ve figured out how the government is able to capture
intact saucers. It is so simple even we could do it. First, they use
plain old Radar to fry the avionics on the saucer. When it is
brought down, the soldiers sent in to capture it are wearing a piece
of equipment that shields them from the electronic device the aliens
use to knock us out. I have been searching diligently for a class of
people who don’t get abducted. In all of the recorded abduction
cases I’ve researched, there has never been a single report of a
motorcyclist wearing a fiberglass crash helmet having been abducted.
All other types of drivers, boaters, campers, etc., have been
abducted. Most states enacted mandatory motorcycle helmet laws over
twenty years ago. During this time period motorcyclists have been
abduction free. It seems the helmets protect against more than
crashes. The helmets must shield the brain from whatever type of
electromagnetic field that aliens use to render people unconscious.
The US military switched to Kevlar helmets over ten years ago. The
aliens have always snooped at US military bases to test our
defenses. A military police unit probably overpowered some aliens,
on one of those ground incursions because the MPs wore Kevlar
helmets. I bet the MPs were then able to capture the saucer.”
Jordan told Art he was not personally interested in being involved
in a capture attempt. Art then called his ex-wife to tell her of his
helmet theory and proposed capture plans. He was treated to much
laughter and ridicule for his efforts. His ex-wife said,
“Now let me
get this straight. If you wear a motorcycle helmet and sneak up on
these aliens, you can overpower them and take over their saucer?”
She laughed hysterically and dropped the phone. She picked up the
phone and said, “Here, tell Nate about it.” She handed the phone to
their son.
Art said, “Nate, tell her I’m also working on a way to neutralize
ships. I’m not going to jump a bunch of aliens cause I think I will
magically protected by a motorcycle helmet.” There was more
laughter. Art then called his daughter Jenny in Ohio. She was a
psychology major in college. Art told her about the entire UFO
problem and what he planned to do about it. Jenny said,
“You know,
it’s really funny you’re getting involved with that. I’ve been
studying about PAS, that’s Post Abduction Syndrome, in my psych
class. I was starting to get worried because of two pock marks on my
legs that I hadn’t noticed before.”
Art was horrified. He said,
“Jenny, I will do whatever I can to make sure they don’t abduct you
again. I’m going to try to get some people to help me capture a UFO
and the aliens in the act of trying to abduct someone. When the
media exposes them to the world, we can get the government to do
something to stop them everywhere.”
Art found out months later, that
Jenny had only been kidding. She had inadvertently lit a fire under
Art getting him to take action to solve the abduction problem. Art
began to gather information with a vengeance. He wasn’t obsessed,
just very determined to protect his kids. This is all true.
Back to
Table of Contents
Art read an advertisement in Florida Today newspaper for a seminar
to be held at Brevard Community College. The seminar was about the
“Face on Mars.” The day of the meeting Art closed his store two
hours early to attend the seminar. When he arrived on the college
campus, he saw a crowd of about 250 people standing in front of the
school auditorium. Banners hung from every lamppost on campus
announcing the seminar, which was called “About Face.” Amber Johnson
stood at the top of the auditorium front steps, encircled by a group
of about 12 MUFON members. Art Greenfield walked up the steps to
where Amber was talking to the very attentive group.
She said to the
“I wish I could remember what the “Gray” told me about that
time control device that I looked at during my last abduction. I
plan to undergo hypnotic regression to bring out all the details. It
was the only time I’d ever seen any equipment on their craft that
wasn’t hooked permanently to a wall or ceiling. I think I vaguely
remember it’s a gyroscope based device that slows time.”
Art told
“I may be able to help. I’ve figured out a way to capture your
“little friends” and you can ask them personally.”
Amber said,
you do, we could polygraph them at my PD station to see if we get a
reaction. There are a lot of questions I want answered too, like
what they want with us. Since they only communicate telepathically,
the right to remain silent won’t mean shit to them.” Art said, “They
will know what we’re thinking and that could cause physiological
reactions at the wrong time. I guess it’s still worth a try.”
The start of the seminar was announced, and the crowd filed into the
auditorium. On the auditorium stage were two large 20-foot high rear
projection screens with a podium located between them. Two men
walked out on the stage, welcomed everybody, and introduced
themselves as
Richard Hoagland and Ken Johnston. Ken stated that he
had worked for NASA as an engineer, and he had been a test pilot on
the Space Shuttle.
He said prior to that he had been a test pilot
for a large aircraft company and had served as a fighter pilot in
the Marine Corps. Next Mr. Hoagland summarized his background as an
author, science writer, and former scientific advisor to NASA and
newsman Walter Chronkite. Both men proceeded to show on the big
screens, copies of their service records, NASA employment
documentation, etc. Their professional credentials and awards were
most impressive. Richard stepped up to the podium at center stage
and said, “NASA is covering up what they’ve found on the Moon and
On the big screens Richard showed official NASA photographs
taken on the Moon during the first Apollo landing. “All of these
photos have been recently enhanced by a computer enhancement system
at NASA,” he said. He clicked up a picture of Buzz Aldrin on the
Moon. “Neil Armstrong took this picture.” It showed Buzz Aldrin
standing with the American flag and Lunar Excursion Module visible
in the background.
Richard said,
“Older engineers at the Cape have
been saying for years, ‘if you want to see what’s really on the
Moon, look in the reflection of the astronaut’s helmet visor.’”
Richard clicked up a close-up shot of Aldrin’s helmet, showing the
highly reflective gold tinted visor. Richard pointed out that the
reflection in the visor showed Neil Armstrong holding the camera as
he shot the picture. There is also a “structure” visible behind
Armstrong to the right.

Then he clicked up a photo of Alan Bean on
the Moon.
“Everything we brought to the Moon is visible half a mile behind
Bean, so nothing artificial should be behind Pete Conrad, whose
reflection you can see in Bean’s visor. We see reflected in the
visor a
structure of some sort that can be seen over the top of a 15 foot
glass wall.”
Richard then clicked up an enhanced blowup shot of
much larger image of a structure taken from the Apollo 11 Command
Module as it was orbiting 15 miles above the Moon. “We call it ‘The
Castle.’” It looked like three large glass cylindrical towers side
by side,
with a tall spire extending up from the center tower. The next two
of “The Castle” were taken by a forward looking 16 MM movie camera
mounted on the Command Module as it was flying over the Moon at 15
miles altitude.
Richard said he recently used NASA computers and
determined that from the change in position of the structure in the
time between two movie frames, it’s size was 1 mile high, 1 mile
wide and it was on top of a black cone shaped base that was nine
miles high itself. “When we ran the helmet visor reflection data
through the computer, it gave us the same size and location.”
Richard stepped through a series of 16 MM movie frames, backward and
forward on the big screen, taken from the Command Module, showing
the Earth rising over the Lunar horizon. The Earth’s image was
shining through and backlighting a long horizontal glass structure
that stood above the edge of the horizon.
“Computer enhancement shows it to be made up of many glass tubes
laying sideways, stacked one atop the other. Each glass tube is
miles in diameter. It measures 20 miles high and 60 miles long. The
remnants of a glass dome are visible. The dome once covered the
structure. This last Apollo photo shows a white triangle positioned
of a gray crater. It’s exactly 16 miles on each side of the
triangle. It’s
located dead center on the Moon as it faces the Earth, positioned so
can’t be missed.”
Richard clicked up another Moon picture taken in
near infrared by the “Clementine” satellite. Richard said,
shows the
heat signature of a large underground complex. It is made up of long tubelike structures that are parallel to each other, and cross other
tubes going in different directions on three different levels.
between 40 and 60 miles in length. This picture came from the NASA
Select Channel in a live feed as the satellite took them. When we
saw it, we called NASA to get some follow-up shots. NASA pulled the
plug on the live feed and reported they had lost control of the
and lost all pictures due to a computer glitch. There were other
Clementine photos supplied to us by an aerospace engineer involved
the project. When we asked him to get more photos of certain areas,
was told by the project system operator that all the online photo
files had
been erased and permanently lost due to an error of some kind, and
the server was gone. Of the two million photos taken by Clementine,
only a handful have been released to the public.”
Richard said,
“Isn’t it
strange they named the satellite Clementine, after a song about a
who is permanently lost?” Richard sang the entire “Clementine” song
effect. He put special emphasis on the fateful line, “You are lost
and gone forever, oh my darling Clementine.” Richard next ran a
videotape from CSPAN, made on July 20, 1994. It showed Neil
Armstrong making a short speech at the twenty-fifth anniversary
celebration for the Apollo 11 Moon landing, held at the White House
by Pres. Clinton.
When it was Neil’s turn to speak, he said,
Wright once noted that the only bird that could talk was the parrot,
and he didn’t fly very well. This week, America has been recalling
the Apollo program and reliving the memories of those friends in
which so many of us here, colleagues here in the first rows, were
immersed. Our old astrogeology mentor, Gene Shoemaker, even called
in one of his comets to mark the occasion with spectacular Jovian
fireworks and reminding us once again of the power and consequences
of celestial extracurricular activities.
Many Americans were part of
Apollo, about one or two in each thousand citizens all across the
country, they were asked by their county to do the impossible, to
envisage, to design, and to build a method of breaking the bonds of
Earth’s gravity and then sally forth and visit another heavenly
body. The principal elements being direct navigation in space and
sending men to a planet not encumbered with runways and traffic
controls which includes the major requirements necessary for a spacefaring people. Today, the Space Shuttle flies overhead with an
international crew and a number of country’s international space
During the space age we have increased the knowledge of
our universe a thousand fold. Today we have with us a group of
students who are among America’s best. To you we say, we have only
completed a beginning. We leave you much that is undone. There are
great ideas undiscovered, breakthroughs available to those who can
remove one of truth’s protective layers. There are places to go
beyond belief. These challenges are yours, In many fields, not the
least of which is space, because there lies human destiny.”
Hoagland said,
“Very interesting, because if you will notice Neil
began his speech by comparing himself and the other astronauts to
What do parrots do? Parrots mimic. They repeat precisely what they
told. And then what did he tell the students at the end of the
speech? He
told them that this was merely a beginning. That there are truths
there for
those who can remove one of truth’s protective layers. Now what in
world’s protective layers have been assembled around truths? In
words, what our suspicions are, and this is obviously not confirming
compelling evidence, but what our suspicions are is that Neil
Armstrong and a number of the crews have now begun a process where
they are trying to communicate between the lines; that there are
things that we need to pay attention to. And what we are gonna try
to do tonight is to show you some of those things that we have paid
attention to and to see if in fact that our suspicions are correct.”
Richard did not take note of something that was very obvious to
those of us watching the videotape. Neil Armstrong must have been
under a lot of pressure when he delivered his speech. His body
language and voice gave it away. He was shaking when he started to
give the speech, and he gave it in a quavering voice. Richard
Hoagland continued,
“Recently astronomers, who book time on the
Hubble Space Telescope to study the Moon, have been stopped from
using it. They aren’t told in advance that they can’t look at the
Moon. When their scheduled time arrives, they get a computer message
stating the Hubble can not be pointed at the Moon as it is too
bright and will cause damage. That is false. When the Hubble was
first put in orbit, it’s systems had to be color aligned. It was
pointed at a cloud-covered area of Earth for 3 days for white color
alignment. The glare given off by the white fluffy clouds was 50
times brighter than the Moon at it’s brightest.”
Richard next ran
another videotape taken from the NASA Select Channel. It came from a
1991 shuffle mission, STS-48.
It showed a saucer shaped UFO rising at a 45 degree angle from the
Earth. In a fraction of a second it changed direction 145 degrees
literally streaked away. It jumped from about 17,000 M.P.H. to
M.P.H. About a second after it had changed course, a concentrated
energy burst came up from the Earth and passed right through the
exact position the saucer had just occupied before it’s course
change. It was spectacular on the big screen.
Richard next talked about the “face” on Mars. Richard clicked up a
picture of the face taken by the Viking probe. Richard said,
computer enhanced the picture of the face and compared it to the
face of
the Sphinx in Giza, Egypt and got an exact match. The Martian face
located in an immense pyramid complex that is laid out in the shape
of a

The most startling thing about this, is that the
on Mars
with its pyramid complex, the three structure sites on the Moon, and
Sphinx-pyramid complex on Earth, are all located at 19.47 degrees
latitude on their respective worlds.”
Richard continued,
“Around the
time the pyramids were completed, half of the world’s population
died off or vanished. The last satellite sent to photograph Mars,
disappeared when it was three days away from it’s destination. I
have been informed by two people from JPL and two people from
none of whom know each other, that the Mars Observer satellite was
taken into the black.”
Richard said that he had no answer to what
all this meant, but he thought the top people at NASA are covering
up the truth in a conspiracy directed by the Masons. He said,
the top NASA people are Masons. It was these Masons that originated
the Orion mission patch for the first Apollo missions.”
He clicked
up a picture of the original Apollo mission shoulder patch on one
big screen, and a picture of some Masonic logos on the other big
screen. Richard pointed out they both had the Orion star
constellation on them. Next Richard displayed another picture on one
big screen showing that the pyramids in the Giza complex were laid
out in the shape of the belt in the Orion constellation.

said he was a Mason himself, and knew that the Masonic organization
was more than 5,000 years old. This was the ultimate conspiracy
theory, with Richard presenting hard evidence that there was at
least a chance that some “group” was calling the shots.
Richard said
most NASA launches and landings coincided with the times of the
rising and setting of the Orion constellation, with no need for
launch windows at those particular times. Was someone exercising
their power of scheduling for ritual reasons? After the seminar
ended, Art Greenfield went down to the stage area of the auditorium.
He asked Ken Johnston if anyone had analyzed the heat signature of
the complex in the Clementine photo to determine if it was hot
enough to show it was an active alien base. Ken said, “That’s a very
good idea.”
An older man came down the aisle to where Art and Ken
were talking. He introduced himself as a doctor (Ph.D.) from NASA.
He asked Ken, “Would you like to know what really happened to the
missing Mars probe?”
Ken said, “Sure.” The doctor said,
“The probe
was controlled by JPL in Pasadena, Cal. They thought they had sole
control of the mission. The Cape had a second set of controls, but
kept hands off.
When the probe was three days out from Mars, a distressing event
occurred. Telemetry showed magnetic anomalies on the probe’s blind
side. JPL sent a command to the probe to swing around and point the
TV camera at the cause of the disturbance. The controllers at the
Cape quickly sent a command to the probe to change its command and
telemetry frequencies.
At that point JPL “lost” all control and
contact. The Cape controllers then turned the probe around. They saw
a cylindrical spacecraft that was at least two miles long. They
taped it for a few minutes before sending a command to shut down.
The Cape tried to reacquire contact the next day after JPL had
packed it in. Nothing. It was really lost. They tried for five days.
No luck. Do you know how we found it?”
Ken said, “No. How?” The
doctor said,
“We have a string of distant early warning satellites
out between the orbit of Mars and the asteroid belt. We turned one
of them around, pointed it toward Mars and reacquired the probe.
Then it was taken into the black.”
The doctor made several more
statements that can’t be repeated here, regarding how he knew what
he knew.
Ken asked, “What are the early warning satellites for?” The
doctor said, “They’re used to watch for incoming mother ships.” Ken
asked, “Why?” The doctor said, “Because of what the aliens have
planned for us.” With dread in his voice, Ken asked, “What do they
have planned for us?” The doctor said, “I’m not allowed to tell
you.” “Does NASA know what the aliens have planned?”- Ken asked.
doctor said, “Yes,” adding quickly,
“Let me tell you something. When
I was in the military in combat, I came close to death and I was
scared. A few years ago, I was in a hospital very close to death and
I was even more scared. But what the aliens have planned for us,
literally scares the shit out of me.” Ken asked, “Can I have your
phone number?” The doctor said, “Just give me your card.”
All three
men left the auditorium. As they were about to go out the front
door, Art asked the doctor if he’d give even a hint about the alien
plans. The doctor said,
“No, sorry I can’t.
I will tell you one thing, (he said rather emotionally), it is so
scary, I
can’t even tell my wife.”
Now this meant something to us local
people. It
is a known fact around here that engineers at the Cape tell their
everything! That’s how sensitive information about
the Challenger
accident got out. The same for Amber’s husband telling her about the
three engineers back-engineering the saucer, and that getting out to
media, etc. This has been a common occurrence, with quite a bit of
NASA information becoming local gossip. This means what’s coming is
BAD. You can be sure that if the few NASA people who know the alien
plans talked, it could result in their death. Specific details would
hang them. They are the only ones who know the exact details. Fear
of punishment keeps those that know the truth silent and desperate.
That is a minor problem compared to the disaster we face. WE, as in
ALL of us. YOU are in grave danger. I’m writing this book because
from all indications, I believe we are about 1 to 3 years away from
the arrival of the aliens. We know too much about them and what they
have been doing to mankind since man began, and they know we now
pose a military threat to them. When the energy weapon seen being
used in the STS-48 video missed, that gave the aliens on that craft
the information on what we had. They most surely would have reported
it to their military. This could very well be the last roundup. In
the last 50 years we have advanced our level of other military
technology too, posing a big threat to the alien agenda of recurring
mass harvesting and processing. Some of the sheep are armed and
aware! The aliens can’t allow their cattle to revolt.
Commentary: When the movie is made, I would like to hire the
original participants to recreate their part in history. Trust me,
Richard Hoagland and Ken Johnston can do a credible job of
presenting the information from their seminars in the movie. They
are good.
Back to
Table of Contents
Our military really did this. That
is why it will be in the movie.
Art called his cousin Bob Hardy, a retired engineer, to discuss the
best method of crippling the electronic controls of a UFO so that it
could be captured. They concluded the best way was to use surplus
aircraft radar transmitter units at close range to overload the
saucer’s electronics. Art said,
“How much money are we talking about
here, a mil? I don’t have that much ready cash and no banker in
their right mind would give me a loan for a flying saucer capturing
expedition. Any ideas? Know anybody with a lot of money to back
Bob said,
“Why don’t you write a book and a movie script
about all of this. A book could make a decent amount of money. And
you could sell the script to Hollywood. They’re always looking for
exciting blockbuster science fiction stories. This is kind of like
‘Indiana Jones and the Alien Saucer.’ You should contact some movie
studios and see if any of them are interested. Just the money
advanced from the sale of the script should be more than enough to
buy the equipment. We need twelve surplus radar transmitters, two
generators, and two used motor homes to mount them in. You could buy
all that for about 350K A good movie script might sell for close to
Art said,
“That’s a good idea. When I write the book, first I’ll
write in all
of the facts I’ve uncovered. Then I’ll add in the plans for the
capturing expedition, as if it were a done deal. This would show the
producer to whom we submit the script, the exciting things that will
result from a completed expedition. In the book I’ll call our
movie producer, “Steven Spielwood.”
Also I’ll be sure to tell the
reading the book that where the “Steven Spielwood” section starts,
there on anything having to do with the “capture expedition” is just
blueprint for how we are trying to get this problem to play out.”
TO READERS: from this point on the proposed movie version of our
plans is written into this book).
Bob asked Art, “What makes you
think “Spielwood” will go for the idea that radar can disable a UFO?
He will probably want proof it would work. He wouldn’t want to make
a movie based on a flimsy premise.” Art cited 3 examples showing
radar’s potential.
“In the book ‘Close Encounter of The Fourth
Kind,’ by C.D.B. Bryan, several experts stated the saucer that
crashed in Roswell, New Mexico in 1947, had an encounter with radar.
The craft had flown right in front of the radar tower at a nearby
Army Air Force base and the radar pulses had fried the saucer’s
navigational system. It coasted on for several more miles before
impacting into the ground.
Example two is when a nuclear explosion
occurs, the electromagnetic pulse will fry aircraft avionics at a
great distance,” Art said, “and I intend to use EM pulses from the
radar at a short distance. I also recently heard the military wanted
to test some of their electronic components and had a contractor
build them a device that put out strong EMP signals to use in the
It worked so well they decided to develop the device as an EMP
to be used against the avionics of enemy aircraft.”
Art told Bob
when he
was a young boy living in Miami, he’d gone to an air show at
Air Force Base. Art said,
“A Miami Herald news photographer stepped
in front of a jet fighter that had started to taxi out to the
runway. The jet
was a good hundred yards away. As the photographer started to take a
picture, the pilot switched on his radar. Every flash bulb the
photographer was carrying exploded, setting his camera bag on fire
causing him to jump and yelp, since a bulb went off in his back
pocket. Radar works!”
Art said,
“Remember, we’re working under a
deadline. The window of opportunity closes in three months when the
aliens return to abduct Amber again and snatch the hybrid kid.”
“Write up a good movie script and if you can’t find a studio that’s
interested, let me know. I may be able to take out a loan against my
rental property. We could hire actors and a film crew and shoot the
movie ourselves. People make independent films all the time. I’ll
try to
get the money for you within a few weeks after you finish the
script. If
you made a professional movie that showed a real abduction, it would
make a fortune in the theaters! Plus you wouldn’t have to pay for
effects because you would be filming the real thing. The money you
make from the movie would be more than enough to buy the equipment,
and hire all the helpers you needed to do a real capture.”
Art said,
“You’re right. I’ll write! Is this what they mean about the pen
being mightier than the sword? I’m going to bring down a UFO with a
word processor!”
The plan was set. Everything was coming together. Then
Art had an
opportunity to interview Buzz Aldrin, the Apollo 11 astronaut who
had set foot on the Moon with Neil Armstrong. Art intended to ask
Buzz about what Neil had said regarding what they really found on
the Moon.
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