10,500 BC - Who lived on Earth?
Galactic Exchange Univer-City
Alien Mind-A Primer
- The
Main File
Aliens and The Government
Aliens - Star Systems
Ancient and Future Custodial Alien
and the HyperDimensional Symbolic Cryptographic
Munitions Conspiracy
An Overview of the Major Events in the Galaxy
Photograph of an Alien?
Are Extraterrestrial Biological Entities Among Us?
ASTRO-METRICS of Undiscovered Planets
Synthetic Myth - A Synthesis of Visionary Insights
A Voice From Space
Billy Meier y Las Pleyades
- Main
Caracteristicas y Propositos de Los Extraterrestres
Charles Hall and the Tall Whites ETs
- Main
CoEVOLUTION - An Interplanetary Adventure
Confirmaciones de Vida Alienígena
Cosmic Explorers - Different Reptilian Factions on Earth
Earth and Celestial Conflicts
- Main
El Archivo LACERTA
ET Civilizations
Exopolitics and Michael Salla
- Main
Exploradores Cósmicos - Diferentes Facciones Reptiles en
la Tierra
Extraterrestrials Among Us
First Contact -
Gerry Zeitlin Gives an Interview to Karmapolis About the
Plausible Origin of Mankind
Galactic History
Galactic Overview
- A
Journey in Oneness
Gnosticism, Archons/Greys - The Controller Agenda
Grey Aliens Bite The Dust
Inflation -
Theory Implications for Extraterrestrial Visitation
Life Beyond Earth
- An Ocean on Mars. An Earth-like Planet Light Years
Away. The Evidence is Mounting, but...
Los Cassiopaeans y Laura
- Main
Primeros Contactados
- Siempre han habido seres humanos que se relacionaban
con seres...
Lyssa Royal and Galactic
- Main
New Dawn Rising - Formal Extraterrestrial Contact
- the
Ashtar Command
Nuevos Universos
Objetos Voladores En El Arte
- Main
Organic Portals – The “Other” Race
Vivió en La Tierra en 10,500 A.C.?
Soul Technology
Stargates, Ancient Rituals, And
Those Invited Through The Portal
The Andromeda Connection
- Main
The Ancient Astronauts (AA) Theory
- Main
The Anunnaki
- Main
The Big UFOs
Battle Around The Sun
Blue People - Ancient Races, Angels and Hell....
The Creation of Universes and The
- from
'The Day After Roswell"
The Man
Who Fell To Earth
The Release of the
Cooper Material
The Universe According to Kerner
- Short Greys, Robots, Gods and Eugenism
Watchers - Nephilim
- Main
To Catch A Falling Star
UFOs - The Psychic Dimension
Zeta Reticuli Interaction with Earth
- Main
Typologies of Extraterrestrials |
Races Here On Earth - Alien Evolving into the Human Race?
Alien Races - The Gypsies
Typology of the most Significant Extraterrestrial Races
Interacting with Humanity
A-Z of Alien Species active in Earths Evolution
Stone -
and Alien Races
ET Physical Characteristics - Germane through Lyssa Royal
Galactic Federation Members
Los Grises
- version
de los
The Arcturians
The Greys
extracted from 'Matrix II'
The Greys, Rigel and Procyon
- A Tentative Taxonomy of Extra-Terrestrial Humanoids
The Hav-Musuvs
- Legend of the Paiute Indians
The Lyran Beginnings
The Marcabians
The Race of Greys Called the DOW
The Study Of Alien Humanoids
The Various Kinds Of Star Visitors
Typology of Extraterrestrial Races
according to Alex Collier and the Andromedans
Universal Races
Additional Information |
Abductions and Abductees
- Main
About Carol Rosin and the late
Werner Von Braun
Aleister Crowley and the "Sirians"
Alien Autopsy Photographs
Alien China Syndrome
- Legend
Claims Ancient Pyramids Provide Proof Of
Aliens and
Aliens Behind World Government
Ancient Gnostic Disciples of Jesus
Reveal Reasons
for Extraterrestrial Denial in Western...
Argentina - Expedition Seeks To Recover Crashed Saucer
Body - Mind - Soul
Brain Zapping
Channeling, UFOs and The
Positive/Negative Realms Beyond This World
Communicating With Aliens
- The Psychological Dimension of Dialogue
Cosmic Aggressors of Humanity and
Their Murderous Attacks
Cosmic Deception - The Hoaxed Alien
Invasion Scenario
Cosmic Explorers
- Scientific Remote Viewing, Extraterrestrials, and a
Message for Mankind
Cosmic Voyage
- A Scientific Discovery of Extraterrestrials Visiting
Developing a Typology of
Extraterrestrial Activities and Motivations
- The Physics of Extraterrestrial Civilizations
Diseño y Principio Antrópico del
E.T. and God
- Could
Earthly Religions Survive the Discovery of Life
Elsewhere in the Universe?
Ex-China Foreign Ministry Official says
Extraterrestrials Live Among Us
Exopolitics and Global Warming - A
Cosmic Connection
Extra-Terrestrial Exposure Law
- Already Passed By Congress
Extraterrestrial False Flag
Operation to Begin in August, 2007?
- Main
First Contact and The Ederman
From Cthulhu to Cloning
How Old is ET?
Implications for Extraterrestrial Visitation
Intelligent Life in the Universe -
What Role Will It Play in Our Future?
Italy’s Disclosure of Human Looking Aliens
Lear's Aliens
- Original Statement
Messengers of Deception
Modelos Virtuales de Los Grises
Options For
A Planet In Peril
ParaSETI - ET Contact via Subtle Energies
Photo Reveals Star Trek-like Human-posing
Who Visited U.S. Capital in 1957
Precis on the Good, the Bad and
What Curls Up Under a Rock
Principio Antrópico
- Fragmento Historia del Tiempo
Scientific Research - Cherokee
Tales of 'Little People' Give Clues About Our World
Scientist Proposes Telepathic
Communications in the Search for Extraterrestrial
Scientists Confirm
Extraterrestrial Genes in Human DNA
Scientists Find Extraterrestrial Genes in Human DNA
- Do Civilizations of Advanced Human...
Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence
- A New
Empirical Approach - Astro Biological Nonlocality at...
Stargate International's
Disclosure Conference
- Transcript of Interview with Bob Dean
Star Wars or Star Dreams?
Statement of Aspirations and Code
of Conduct for Extraterrestrials Interacting with Earth
The Alien Overlords
The Aliens
of the Golden Dawn
The Allies of Humanity
Andreasson Affair
The Cassiopaeans Logs
Cassiopaeans Transcripts from 1994 to 2000
The Divine and The Manipulative
- Main
The Experiment - The True History
of The Darkness and of The Light
The Gnostic Theory of Alien Intrusion
The Grail Quest and The Destiny of
- Visa to Magonia
The Greatest Story Never Told
- Book Review Of Lana Cantrell's
The Master File
- Main
The Men in Black and their Magical Origins
The Middle East Exopolitical Saga
- Main
The Occult Reptilian Saga
- Main
The Physics of Extraterrestrial
- How
Advanced Could They Possibly Be?
The Search For Extraterrestrial
Artifacts (SETA)
The Study Of Alien Humanoids
The Superpowers of the Human
- Vis-a-vis the Probabilities of Extraterrestrial
The Zeta Reticuli Incident
- Betty and Barney Hill
Top Secret Apotheosis
- Excerpts
Towards a Decade of Contact -
for Re-integration into Universe society
Transmission About The
Social Order and Lifestyle of the Greys and Reptilians
UNCLASSIFIED - Communication with Extraterrestrial
Underwater Bases And Vehicles In
Relation To Cetaceans
U.N. to Debate Contact With
Extraterrestrial Civilizations
Visitors From The Twilight Zone
What Role Will Extraterrestrials
Play In Humanity's Future?
Books-Treaties |
Fingerprints of The Gods
- by Graham Hancock
Los Dioses del Eden
- por William Bramley
Penetration -
The Question of Extraterrestrial & Human Telepathy
- by Ingo Swann
Pyramid of Thoughts
- by
Daniela Giordano and Jan Pajak
The Day After Roswell
- by Phillip Corso
The Gods Of Eden
- by William Bramley
The Mission of The One Star
- Transforming Planet Earth to Planet Star -
by Alloya. N. Huckfield
From Within
- Extraterrestrial Encounters and Species Evolution -
by Lyssa Royal and Keith Priest
- The
Alien Agenda Revealed - by Art Greenfield
audio |
A True ET Landing or An Anti-ET False Flag Operation?
- Dr. Steven Greer & Dr. Carol Rosin - July 17 2007
Hyperdimensional Plasma Ship
Área 51 y Dulce
Reports -
Projects |
Project Aquarius - Executive
Correspondence/Executive Briefing
Project Blue Book
Project SERPO
Project SIGN And The Estimate Of
The Situation
The Brookings Report
The COMETA Report
The Condon Report
The KRLL Papers
The Majestic Documents
The Robertson Panel - 1952-53
- "Threats
to Human Freedom" - Prepared for All Terrestrial Earth Humanity
Reports |
About Branton
Astrosciences - Exploring The
Mysteries Of The Universe
Briefing for the Landing on Planet
Ciencia Real
Comandante Clomro
Comet 73 Deep Impact 2006
- by Eric Julien
Courtney Brown and Remote Viewing
Craneos Insolitos
Eisenhower's 1954 Meeting With
Extraterrestrials -
The Fiftieth Anniversary
of First Contact?
Galactic Diplomacy
Galactic Federations-Councils
Children - Crystalline Children
Las Pleyades
Lucid Dreaming
New Universe
Origen de la Vida y del Hombre
Planetophysical State of The Earth
and Life
Project Aquarius
Project Majestic MJ-12
Sumer and The Anunnaki
The Disclosure Project
The Dragon Court
The Only Planet of Choice
The Psychic Universe
The Saga of Flying Objects
- Present
and Past
Voyagers - Guardian Alliance