by Doug Yurchey
There are readers out
there who would be surprised or offended with the notion that
high-technology was described in the Bible. There are other
readers who have realized that the only explanations to Biblical
mysteries are ancient Close Encounters. A good
question is: Why are certain, Old Testament events written about in
the Bible? The answer could be that these were special events
between basically two groups of people:
One group was the
primitives or the general state of humanity in Biblical times
The other group was
the relatively few HUMANS that still retained and
utilized technology originating from the days of
When angels made
an appearance, they were always human. Those who caused the
Great Flood; gave Moses the instructions on
building the Ark of the Covenant; and warned Lot
then destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah...
were human beings. But, these people had advanced knowledge and
flew ’chariots’ in the sky. They resided on the tops of
mountains; well away from the simple world of Bible prophets in the
The most amazing example of an Old Testament Close Encounter
is the Book of Ezekiel. Read the beginning of Chapter
1 in the King James Bible... only imagine that it is a
UFO landing. With this idea in mind, Ezekiel’s
experience is almost understandable. Ezekiel’s Book
was so controversial that it nearly did not survive the religious
editors who did throw out the
of Enoch.
’The Spaceships of Ezekiel’ by Blumrich is an
award-winning book that should be read by anyone investigating
Biblical mysteries. Blumrich is a scientist and NASA
designer of the Saturn V rocket. He wrote that his son
informed him, after reading an Erich Von Daniken book, that
the prophet Ezekiel described a spaceship landing.
Blumrich was positive that he could disprove that concept
because of his technical skills in this field. The ancient text
could not possibly portray a feasible craft; he assumed. The
NASA designer wrote that he was never so surprised when he
actually read the Book of Ezekiel. The ancient words
did indeed conform to a realistic vehicle.
In the beginning of Ezekiel, the prophet wrote of the
approach of four faces from above. In reality, the ’four’
referred to the landing legs of the craft. Blumrich was
shocked when he read the Old Testament report of ’straight
legs’ of ’burnished brass’ with ’round
feet.’ The NASA scientist himself designed the
metallic, straight legs and round footpads of the lunar lander.
The famous quote from Ezekiel is ’a wheel within a wheel.’
Once the lander touched down, Ezekiel saw wheels. This
is the exact chronology of what would occur with a modern vehicle.
The UFO landed, transformed into a wheeled rover then
rolled along the ground. Ezekiel was only familiar with
wheels from simple carts that moved in one direction. But, the
prophet described wheels that moved in all directions which was
completely alien to Ezekiel.
Enoch was Methuselah’s father and Noah’s
grandfather. His Book should be in the Old Testament.
It has surfaced from independent sources which validate the ancient
text. The
Book of Enoch was edited
out of the Bible by the Ecumenical Council for its
controversies. Enoch, like Ezekiel, was taken on many
flights by the gods (angels) and witnessed great
horrors and beauty.
’...a whirlwind
carried me off from the earth...’
There are numerous
references to whirlwinds which ’spirited’ Enoch
away into the sky. The angels ’showed me all the hidden
things’ and ’mine eyes saw all the secret things of heaven.’
Enoch saw views that ’no man shall see.’
In 33/4,
Enoch states:
’I saw a great and
glorious device.’
’And thence I went
over the summits of the earth, and passed above the
Erythraean Sea, and went far from it, and passed over the
angel Zotiel (another ship?).
’I looked and saw a
lofty throne: its appearance was as crystal and the wheels
thereof as the shining sun... from underneath the throne came
streams of flaming fire so great that I could not look
Enoch mentions
crystals and wheels. The throne could be a vehicle where the angels
sat and underneath were fires from the rocket thrusters. The ’vision
caused me to fly and lifted me upward and bore me into heaven.’
There are numerous
references to PORTALS or windows where Earthly and
celestial views appeared.
’...portals of the
heaven open. 3. And I saw how the stars of heaven come forth.’
The Book of Enoch speaks
of much destruction, chaos and corruption on Earth; as well as among
the angels. Like Genesis, Enoch mentions ’giants’
and ’the Watchers.’ There were ’the Satans’
- the ’Sons of Heaven’ - ’angels of punishment’ - ’instruments
of Satan’ - and the same specific Genesis angels: Michael,
Raphael, Gabriel, etc. ’God’ is never mentioned; only
plural gods or angels. Enoch was
taken to the mountaintops where the gods resided. He observed
things that no primitive could understand. The angels ’corrupted
the sons of man.’ It was these various humans, with the
technology, that played God and decided the fate
of the children on Earth.
The main reason Enoch’s Book was deemed heresy
and taken out of the Old Testament could have been the
accurate astronomy. Page after page concerns the sun, moon,
yearly cycles and heavenly statistics. ’Paths of the sun and moon,’
’their stately orbits,’ ’courses of the luminaries’ and ’revolve in
their circular chariots’ are only a few quotes of
Enochian wisdom.
’And I saw in the
heaven running in the world, above those portals in which
revolve the stars that never set.’
Only from space are
there stars that never set. Remember, the Church
during the time of Ecumenical editing condemned accurate
astronomy. (Ask Galileo). Religious officials wanted the
public to think that the Earth was flat, did not move and was in the
center of all things.
During these ancient
times, there were mad scientists (angel-demons)
who cloned anything they wanted. The mythological animals
were real; they were genetic experiments. Also,
wars of the gods occurred. Nuclear warfare was not
beyond the capability of the angels. Robert Oppenheimer,
creator of modern atomics and a student of early books of
India, knew that
nuclear wars happened in the Old World.
The deserts of today are the result of ancient, atomic wars.
Assuming that these conclusions are true: The Great Flood
was probably green-lighted by good gods who wanted to reduce
high radiation levels. Also... the perverted creatures and their
power-crazed, genetic engineers needed to be eliminated on a global
scale. The Earth was a mess and needed to be wiped clean.
There was a Great Flood that covered all of the land.
Sea shells were found on top of Mount Everest. There
is water erosion on
the Sphinx. All land is a
sedimentary deposit. Many Noahs sailed during
Waterworld. The Chinese have their old stories
of an Ark and a Great Deluge. Numerous indian cultures
have their legends of a Flood, a Noah and an Ark.
Most people do not believe in the Biblical story of Noah
because of a basic problem: How could a few people gather ALL the
animals, feed and care for them on board a ship for months? The
answer comes from... who controlled the Earth thousands of
years ago? The angels (the humans with the
technology) built the Arks, collected the animals and caused the
rains. The chosen animals were probably the best examples of their
specie and worthy of being saved. It is scientifically possible to
place a life form in suspended animation reduced down to its DNA.
This was the cargo within the Arks. The samples of DNA
would be revived, later, after the waters receded. Nowhere in the
Bible does it mention that Noah went out and gathered
each animal. It only says Noah brought them into the Ark. If
the ’life cannisters’ were all assembled for the Noahs by the
gods and the simple people merely carried them in and secured
them in place, then this does explain the Noah story.
The world began again. In Genesis, it says that after
the Flood: Noah went to live with the ’gods.’
This was one of the few plural references that survived the
editors of the Bible. The reference ’gods’
was later changed to the singular ’God.’ The simplified
term was changed to accommodate a world that had
become extremely simple.
Atlantis was Eden
Compare these two
legends. Each was our mother-civilization or the place where we
originated. Each was a Paradise. Each fell and mankind had to leave
in disgrace.
It is not far-fetched how the people of Earth could divide itself
into two races; a simple one and a complex one. If a nuclear war
happened today, the survivors would continue in tribal communities.
After generations, they would forget what technology was. But, the
few who knew of the coming nuclear devastation and even caused it...
would have protected themselves and be the few who still possess
advanced knowledge. These ’gods’ could deal with the numerous
primitives as they saw fit. This concept is ancient history.
The Genesis story of the destruction of Sodom
and Gomorrah is not a mystery when you plug in the
idea of a modern technology. How do two cities, realistically, get
wiped off the face of the Earth? The inhabitants of Hiroshima
and Nagasaki may know the answer. Two, human angels
came into town and warned people of the coming destruction:
’...Escape for thy
life; look not behind thee, neither stay thou in all the plain;
escape to the mountain, lest thou be consumed.’
’Then the Lord
rained upon Sodom and Gomorrah
brimstone and fire from the Lord out of heaven.’
’But his wife looked
back from behind, and she became a pillar of salt.’
’...the smoke of the
country went up as the smoke of a furnace.’
’...he (Lot)
feared to dwell in Zoar: and he dwelt in a cave,
he and his two daughters.’
The angels
directed Lot and his family to save their lives by running to
the mountain. A land mass can protect one from a nuclear blast. The
cities were ’consumed’ with ’brimstone and fire.’
This is a perfect description of a nuking. A mushroom cloud moving
vertically could be the meaning of ’went up as the smoke of a
Lot’s wife did not make
it; not because she looked back, but because she trailed ’behind’
the rest of her family. A primitive seeing an atomic explosion
would be more than stunned; they would tend to stop in their tracks.
Not looking back is good advice to those running for their lives.
The ’pillar of salt’ could have come from finding her body
later and discovering the effects of radiation. Finally, hiding in a
’cave’ because of the fall-out until the land was ready for
habitation is very logical.
Genesis 1/26:
’And God
said, let us make man in our image, after our likeness...’
’And the Lord God
caused a deep sleep to fall upon Adam, and he slept: and
he took one of his ribs, and closed up the flesh...’
In Genesis 1/26,
there are important clues that the creation of Eve from
Adam was not conducted by a singular God. In this one
sentence, there are three plural references: ’us,’ ’our’
and ’our.’
This was a CLONING operation observed by a primitive
who did not understand. First, one of the technicians caused Adam
to fall into a ’deep sleep.’ This was the anesthesia. Second,
a cell must be taken from somewhere on the body to create another
body. The rib area was where the cell was taken. They ’closed up
the flesh’ is a modern expression describing the completion of
the operation. Master-cloners could quickly form an
adult and change the sex from the original. This idea was
illustrated in a Star Trek Next Generation episode where a
primitive was brought back to life and mistook Captain Picard
as a god. He prayed to ’the Picard’ and was later
Before the Red Sea parted, there were two UFOs
leading the people out of Egypt.
Exodus 13/21:
’And the Lord
went before them by day in a pillar of a cloud, to lead them
away; and by night in a pillar of fire, to give them light; to
go by day and night.’
These objects in the sky
could very well be spacecraft when you consider: clouds (or smoke)
by day and fire by night. Rocket thrusters could create billowing
smoke in sunlight. But, at night, the flames from the propulsion
systems would be what was mainly visible. These chariots in the air
could have held back the waters of the Red Sea with
Exodus 14/22:
’And the children of
Israel went into the midst of the sea upon dry ground: and the
waters were a wall (on either side).’
With a flick of a
switch, turning off the forcefield at the appropriate time, the
’waters returned, and covered the chariots’ of the Egyptians.
All through Exodus, this Lord God demands that,
’I am the Lord’
and ’I will be to you a God: and ye shall know that I am the
Lord, your God.’
In 15/3,
there is a strange reference:
’The Lord is
a man of war.’
This is curious because
it says God is a ’man’ and not a very nice
one. It is more like God is a big bully; having
power over people; pushing his weight around only because he has the
ability to do so.
There is a warning in 19/12 to,
’go not up into the
mount, or touch the border of it: whosoever toucheth the mount
shall be surely put to death.’
This Biblical God
was not God.
’And mount
Sinai was altogether on a smoke, because the Lord
descended upon it in fire... and the whole mount quaked
In Exodus,
Moses was given instructions on building the Ark of the
Covenant. The inventive genius,
Tesla, wrote in ’The Wall of Light’ that
Moses had to have been a skilled electrical engineer. The Ark,
Tesla concluded, was a very powerful ’condenser.’ It
created intense vibrations that could smash solid stone. The
Israelites carted the device into battle and won wars with
it; not unlike the vibration weapons the Fremen used in the
film ’Dune.’
In Samuel,
’And when the Ark of
the Covenant of the Lord came into the camp, all Israel
shouted with a great shout...’
’...who shall
deliver us out of the hand of these mighty Gods? these
are the Gods that smote the Egyptians...’
In II Samuel
simple man named Uzzah, disregarded warnings, touched the
Ark improperly and was electrocuted!
’...Uzzah put
forth his hand to the ark of God, and took hold of it;
for the oxen shook it. And the anger of the Lord was
kindled against Uzzah; and God smote him there for
his error; and there he died by the ark of God.’
The man attempted to
place it back on the ox-drawn cart and died. They had no concept
of high-voltage.
’And David was
afraid of the Lord that day.’
The story of
Jericho is told in the Book of Joshua. The
actual site of Jericho was found. The stone walls were
over ten feet thick. What could bring down massive walls? According
to the Old Testament, it was the power of the Lord.
Marching around the stone fort and blowing trumpets could not
possibly shatter such walls. The Ark of the Covenant was
there and responsible for ’tumbling down’ the walls of
Jericho. There are numerous references to, again, a great
Jonah was taken aboard a submarine. But, the
prophets would not have that modern word; so the description became
a ’great fish.’ How were the 10 Commandments
cut into stone? The finger of God could have accomplished
this if they were lasers. The burning bush may have
been electric. The Virgin Mary could have been
artificially inseminated.
The Biblical reports were not understood 500 years ago or even 100
years ago. It was only until the 20th Century and its
technology that we could finally understand what was really
happening. There is evidence that our REAL prehistory was similar
to science-fiction. Most people either reject the Bible as
nonsense or believe it is the absolute word of the Supreme Being.
The Bible is the most amazing account of Close
Encounters. The events were real; they happened; but the truth
is extraordinary.