June 24, 2000

Ark, Laura, Freddie, Barry, Johan

Q: Hello.
A: Hello.

And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Morrah.

And where do you transmit through?
A: Cassiopaea.

(J) I don’t know how far it is useful to ask questions about a business plan, but I did have a more general question: In what way can I best help Laura and Ark in their quest?
A: The “quest” is universal. We should clarify by adding that it is not limited to Ark and Laura.

(J) Is setting up the structure now important?
A: We wish to point out that we have previously advised against restriction, however, choices are included within your arena.

(L) Are you saying that you have advised against anything restricting, but within the arena of setting up a structure, choices are there that we can make without advice.?
A: No.

(A) I think I know. Previously they advised against restriction, so we should go out in the open. But in the open, there are choices, and some of these choices are within the arena of setting up a plan. So, the question is: what are these choices?
A: Let us try another approach; restriction mandates anticipation. The pathway you have embarked upon is not a corporation. However, if you desire to learn lessons relating to this fact more directly, who are we to stand in the way of your choices!

(L) Does this mean we have to act 100% on instinct, intuition?
(A) Ad hoc?
A: Perhaps a review of the path heretofore traveled will yield a clue. Has anything interesting happened so far?!?

(L) I guess you are not supposed to anticipate good things, but you are supposed to anticipate attack?
A: Attack is not anticipated, it is the awareness, my dear!

(L) So, it is awareness that it can happen at any moment, not that you are anticipating it?
A: It is the awareness that it exists.

(L) Okay, in terms of getting a book put together, getting it published, getting it promoted, we are still dealing with a possible necessity to have a financial structure in order to pay the bills for it, and to pay everybody’s expenses for what they have to do. Is that...
A: We have told you that all would be provided. Of course we were wrong, no?

(L) No, you weren’t wrong.
A: Do you remember the “old days?”

(L) Yes.
A: They were financially comparable to the perceived present, right?

(L) Wrong. I get the point. In other words, acting on faith!
A: You have been led to the threshold of a lucrative financing source. We suppose you must have “cold feet.” Perhaps crossing the threshold will warm those feet a bit!?!

(L) You mean the book, in terms of a lucrative financing source? Just do it?
A: We aren't talking about the book, my dear!

(L) You aren’t talking about the book?
(B) Maybe they are just talking about things in general as opposed to...
A: No.

(L) What are you talking about?!
A: We will give you 20 guesses!

(J) “You have been led...” Who is “you?” Laura.
(L) Who are you talking to?
A: All.

(L) Oh. They are talking to all of us.
(A) And not a book.
A: The book is OK, but it does not represent immediate financial potential.

(L) Now, you guys are really being mysterious. What the heck are you talking about?
(B) Are they referring to the last session when they gave some pointers about areas of the stock market to watch and research?
A: Good for you, Barry! You won the prize!

(B) Remember, the last session you were talking about stocks, and you were concerned if the market was even going to continue to exist, and they said to concentrate on the tech and biotech industry. They said to start researching.
(L) Are you hinting to us that there is going to be a big boom in the market, and if we get in now, we can take advantage of it?
A: If you “get in” anytime you will be better off, providing you are prudent, patient and persevere.

(L) Well, you just said “immediate financial source.” That doesn’t sound like an immediate financial source to me!
A: Every climb begins with the first step.

(L) What does that have to do with our immediate concern which is: getting the material available to the world?
A: All will fall into place.

(L) You keep saying that!
A: Why do you lack faith? Is your experience no guide? Or Perhaps you would prefer a return to your previous life?

(L) Anything further on this?
A: Oh there is much, but if you are impatient, we understand.

(L) You said “tech” and “bio-tech.” Is that still the way to go, or is there something to be added to that?
A: It is not just “tech” and “biotech,” but the various players contained within that counts. Patient research, combined with those who have a “feel” for this being your networking guides, provides the key.

Q: (B) Are you looking for a fast climb, in terms of a person, as opposed to a company?
A: Either/or.

(A) I don’t understand something. When we were talking about these stocks, the idea was that the only thing you can do was to buy these stocks, to invest, and so on, then you have no real finances, because if you start to sell, you pay taxes, and it makes no sense. So, we were just told by this expert that we will just be investing for long term, until, so to say, it becomes less taxable when we are older than 59 or so, yes? So, that is not clear!
A: Portal of attack throws you off track!!

(F) Somebody told you that if you sell you have to pay taxes?
(L) Oh, yes!
(F) Do you think that you have to pay every cent of the profit in taxes.
(J) The only solution to that would be to make a LOT of money so that whatever you pay in taxes is still a LOT less than what you have made, and you are still left with a big profit! (F) Yes, you pay a lot of taxes, but you still have a lot left.
(J) Yeah. Imagine what would have happened if you had bought microsoft in the beginning! You may find the next microsoft!
(L) Okay, give us a clue on the next microsoft.
(B) I think they are giving the key with the person involved that you are supposed to look for.
A: Patient research; networking. Combine energies.

(L) So, they are saying that we are all supposed to be researching, networking and combining energy.
(B) I wonder if they mean “patient” in the medical sense as opposed to “patience?”
A: Oh, it is both.

(B) Well, we have a clue here. So, it is not just patience in terms of time...
A: We will make one last effort to help you with this one: if you are searching for a “diamond in the rough,” how do you go about this???

(B) Dig in the dirt in the vicinity of a known diamond mine!
(L) Yeah.
You dig in the dirt!
A: Well, do you slam your shovel into the dirt frantically?

(L) No, you dig carefully.
A: And how did you know that there was a diamond mine in the vicinity?

(L) Maybe it has a sign that says “Diamond Mine!” Or maybe it’s a place that is enclosed and fenced off from the rest of the area!
(B) Or do you research it?
A: Bingo! Barry is knocking ‘em dead tonight!

(L) I just want you guys to know that we sat down here tonight to talk about a book! Are you saying that is not important?
A: A book is good, but all in its proper place.

(L) So, we need to make the money so we can produce the book.
(B) Well, the worst thing you can do when you try to do anything, is to be undercapitalized.
(J) Yes.
(B) Even though the ideas are not about profit here, we can’t really do anything without being capitalized. I think that this is the problem the C’s are trying to solve here. Now, what about some sort of company that combines “patient” and “research” in another way; a sort of internet company that is making research available on the internet, as I have recently heard discussed?
(L) Is Barry onto something here? Is this the kind of “diamond in the rough” we are supposed to be looking for?
A: That may be good, but maybe we should not try to figure the layout of the treasure trove until we have opened the door.

(L) What kind of money are you suggesting as initial investment capital in order to accomplish...
A: We cannot lead you any further, sorry!

(J) You told Laura to get on the internet, and that worked to find Ark. What would result in an equivalent outcome in my case?
(L) Well done!!!
A: You must be kidding!

(L) No he’s not! He’s serious! But then, I didn’t get on the internet because I was interested in anything but my research. It was part of my mission. So, I guess that was the focus that opened the right doors for me. I had no idea, no expectation, no anticipation - NOTHING. Maybe if you are even looking, you will BLOCK what you need to have in your life? Maybe forever.
A: Yup!

(L) Well, Johan thought Ivey was the one!
A: He was anticipating. By now we should know that this is a wee bit disappointing.

(L) I think you have to just give up. I did. I was focused on one thing and one thing only: the quest for the truth. And, it just so happened that Ark was similarly focused, and that is what intersected for us.
(B) Yeah. It’s like dating. You get all dressed up and go to a bar, and sit there alone all night. Then, you change a tire, get all dirty and hot, and go in the bar to get something to cool you off, and you meet somebody!
(L) Okay, let me get to my questions in the folder here. LS, from the Karinya site, has a little poll about the Lizard story on his website. He asks people if they think the story is true or not, and if they have any comments. One person wrote: “ feels like Truth, as does the Wave series. I would like suggestions on protection please. There is so much accurate information here that my eyes have been bloodshot for the past 3 days, while processing the site My Favorite Site: info from the Casseopaean transcripts...Awesome Assistance!! thank you for having this Knowledge online.” That is all fine and good, but then another person writes:
“The story is fact, but some parts are not fact for our reality/timeline. In our timeline things aren’t exactly the same as the story perceived by Cassiopaeans. We will encounter a 10th planet (Nibiru) that is artificially directed, rather than an uncontrollable group of comets. The reptoids are operating from astral/4th density level, but “density” designations are merely relative, and the notion of only 7 levels is quite misleading. Not all reptoids or greys are locked into the STS plans, and things aren’t as simple or dismal as the story would suggest. I hope this helps people understand the drama better!” And, of course, one is urged to visit the Nibiruan website where one can learn the TRUTH about the density levels, etc. Now, I would like to know if something has changed, as is suggested here. Are we dealing with an “old time line” as is suggested here?
A: No.

(L) Is there a 10th planet, Nibiru, in the present time line, naturally?
A: If you wish to call it that, you may.

(L) Is this 10th planet, that some may wish to call Nibiru, an artificially directed planet?
A: When you ask these questions, Laura, feel you have some insight already.

(L) Well, of course. I know that the Reptoids and Grays are STS, and they ARE 4th density, in which fact is the implicit understanding that they are more POLARIZED in the STS mode, which of course implies a deeper level of nastiness, and that any of them existing as STO beings is so rare that it is not worth considering. I also have done sufficient research on the density levels, outside of channelled sources that this is pretty much a given historically speaking, and mathematically speaking...
A: the grays and reptoids are STS, and so are YOU. So we suppose that means that someone, somewhere, regards third density terran humans as the “bad guys.”

Q: (L) Oh, yeah. The roaches, particularly. As far as they are concerned, I am either an avenging god, or the devil! A reader writes: “Laura, I commend you on your vision, fortitude, courage... I have read most of the material with great interest. It feels right, but I have a couple of questions: I can’t reconcile the idea of our being trapped or lured (by sensuality) into a physical state with the idea that we have progressed through the vegetative and animal states.” This is a good question. It seems that the energy of creation has progressed through the vegetative and animal states, that animals can graduate to third density and become human, just as humans can graduate to 4th density.
How do we reconcile this with the idea that human souls were entrapped into third density bodies from 4th density, by the Lizards? Are we talking about two different functions? Two different groups?
A: Humans were not entrapped by the “Lizards.”

(B) We volunteered!
(L) Well, they did say that the Lizards were waiting for the right soul matrix to “step in.” So, we were the right soul matrix and we stepped into these engineered bodies that the Lizards created. That’s what you said. So, how do we reconcile us stepping into these engineered third density bodies with soul evolution through the vegetative and animal states?
A: If you look more closely at the material, it was not stated that the
consciousness levels currently represented by humans and many others “stepped into” anything in particular but PHYSICALITY.

(F) Perhaps individual consciousness units have stepped into different physical forms. Some may have “stepped” in as humans right off the bat, and some may have done otherwise.
(B) You can’t get hung up on any kind of evolutionary system. It’s just an ongoing and concurrent thing..
(F) It is simply that WE chose to experience physicality in many forms, maybe simultaneous rather than in a linear progression, but since we perceive time the way we do, it seems that it is a progression. We could be all kinds of things in other realities.
(L) There are some questions that have been asked about what sort of humanoid types may have originated in Lyra. I realize that Lyra is a constellation, and not a planet, but this person states: “apparently all of the human race comes from Lyra.”
A: No.

(L) Well, there is a lot of information out there along this line. Billy Meier even makes this claim. This person says “The human race did not originally exist in Lyra; it came from some other galaxy, but first began to evolve in our galaxy in the Lyran system.”
A: Closer.

(L) According to the Andromedans, “there are over 135 billion human beings in the 8 galaxies closest to ours. Now, there are also other races out there. Some of these races have had a lot of conflict with the human race and that conflict continues, but there are things happening that will hopefully alleviate that problem....”
A: Your current physical form has been fine tuned on your present locator through advanced biogenetic engineering. It is an ongoing process.

(L) It says here: “many members of extraterrestrial races live from an average of one thousand to 1500 years.” Now, you have already told us that such ages are the case at 4th density. But, here it says: “The Andromedans live to an average of 2007 years. They do not look at time the same way that we do. They say that our universe, which consists of everything that we do and don’t know about is a 21 trillion year old hologram. They say that all the matter that is in our universe came out of black holes. Under every galaxy, they say, is a black hole from whence everything comes.” Now, does everything in our galaxy come out of a black hole? Is the center...
A: Whoa! Wait a minute! The term “year” is a 3rd density concept of the terran variety.

(L) So, in other words, the whole thing is ridiculous?
A: No, the whole thing is not ridiculous. Some may be, but not all.

(L) Well, here is an interesting thing: according to the Andromedans, on March 23 of 1994, a specific sound and color frequency began to emanate from all the black holes in the known universe. What this energy and frequency is doing is creating a holographic impression throughout all dimensional levels, of which they say there are eleven creational densities. This new holographic impression has become a 12th density. They say that this new holographic impression has one frequency. What this frequency is doing is pulling up all the dimensional levels below it. They say that by December of 2013, 3rd density as we know it will cease to exist. It is imploding in on itself as everything is being drawn up. Those on the 11th level are going to 12th. We are supposed to go to 4th and then to 5th density. From the Andromedan perspective, 4th density is a consciousness. It is where an entire race is telepathic with each other. They are aware of each other, they feel each other, they are of one mind, separate individuals, but still one. Fifth density is where beings, considered from 3rd density, are light. They say this is what is going to happen to us no later than December of 2013, based on their science.” Alex Collier comments: “Do I know if this is right? I will know when you know, but they have not been wrong yet.” So....
A: No comment.

(L) You aren’t going to tell us if this thing about the sound and color emanating from black holes is really happening?
A: That is for you to decide.

(L) Well, according to these Andromedans, and also according to Carla McCarty, the Ra channel, the planet that became the asteroid belt was called Maldek, not Kantek.
A: But who called it?

(L) Obviously NOT the inhabitants. You guys are giving me a hard time tonight.
A: No, you are giving us a hard time.

(L) Now, [displays piece of star shaped metal] Johan has this little gadget and he waved it around over my feet and it seemed to make the pain in my ankles go away. Can you tell me why it would do that?
A: It is an interesting little gadget!

(L) Why does it seem to make pain go away? I tested it. We did one foot one day and the other foot the second day. Would any piece of metal do the same?
A: If properly conditioned.

(L) The person or the gadget?
A: Both.

(L) It seems to work.
(A) Is the shape important for it to work, or are there other shapes that would work the same way?
A: Shape helps.

(L) What about the symbols engraved in it? Do they help?
A: Maybe.

(L) What about the metal that it is made of?
A: Maybe.

(L) So, the shape is the most significant thing.
(B) What about the intent of the person using it?
A: Yes.

(L) What would be your suggestion for an appropriate topic to get me off in the right direction?
A: Just let it flow, my dear!

(L) I would like to know if Solomon’s temple is the same as Stonehenge, or is Solomon’s temple the same as the Pyramid? It is obvious that no such thing as Solomon’s Temple ever existed in Israel until AFTER the Babylonian captivity when the Jews were fed a whole line of propaganda about their whole history in order to generate nationalistic feeling to get them to go home and actually BUILD a temple! Or, is it something else altogether different?
A: It probably is at least one of the above. That’s great! It’s either Stonehenge, the Great Pyramid, or something altogether different! That leaves everything as an option! And that is jut it, is it not? Leave everything as an option!

(B) In the mid seventies, I was working with a subsidiary of the California farm bureau out of Berkeley and was apparently considered for membership in what appeared to be a secret organization by the CFO of that company. What or who were they? And, did my declining of the invitation have anything to do with the shutting down of my journey inward?
A: It probably is good that you declined unless you enjoy being a puppet on a string. Organization was connected to a financial consortium by the name of “Zebulon.”

(L) Well, that’s a name from the Bible.
(J) I would like to know what happened when I was in Milwaukee. I was in my hotel room, laying in my bed, asking questions, and something happened there. Who was it, who was speaking. I had a tape recorder. I ask the C’s to come in, and I would like to know who it was?
A: 4th density skipper.

(L) What’s a skipper?
A: One who seeks trans-density communiqué.

(L) So, what happens here? I don’t get that. Are you saying Johan is the “skipper?”
A: No.

(L) This being that was talking to him is a “skipper?”
A: Yes.

(L) Was this being STS or STO?

(L) Can you explain to me why it is that, when STS beings communicate, they are able to produce such benevolent, warm and fuzzy sensations? Isn’t there some kind of instinctive thing in us that can help to sort these things out?
A: Kind of like “Little Red Riding Hood.”

(L) You mean, we are like Little Red Riding Hood? And they dress up like the grandmother.
(B) And we see the grandmother because that is what we WANT to see.
(J) Yeah. And if you want to see the Cassiopaeans, they can dress like them!
(L) How did Little Red Riding Hood figure it out? She didn’t until the wolf jumped up and attacked her. Yeah! And he’d already eaten the grandmother! Right up to the point when the wolf leaped off the bed to devour her, Little Red Riding Hood was in the dark, even though she was SEEING something that puzzled her! You know: the big eyes and all that...
A: She checked with the Cassiopaeans on the board.

(L) You said at one point that you were communicating with other people on the planet. Yes, we were the only ones using a board which produces a certain clarity of information - a certain objectivity - not obtainable otherwise....
A: Yes.

(L) How many other people on the planet are you communicating with?
A: Varies, but up to 50.

(L) That’s not a big number. Well, when you usually communicate, and I know that a board and group method has both its advantages AND limitations, when you communicate with these other people, what is the general form or mode?
A: Channelling individually.

(L) Are these people channelling in trance; are they getting it right in their head while they are walking down the street; or do they have to be in a meditative state; or are they writing any of this down and sharing it?
A: All of the above.

(L) Do they know it is the Cassiopaeans, by that designation?
A: Mostly no.

(B) Is that because of their own perceptions?
A: In part.

(L) Well, if they don’t know it is the Cassiopaeans, and that is part of their perception, does their perception also, to some extent, influence the material so that we would not recognize it?
A: Close.

(L) Well, now Johan had this amazing experience on a train in Thailand, and he RECOGNIZED it as coming from Cassiopaea. Was that you guys giving him a little tweak?
A: Yes.

(L) Would it be advisable for us to look for these others?
A: If needed, they will find you.

(B) One night back in the 50s, I went to sleep with a specific train of thought in my head, and woke up the next morning with the same thoughts, right where I left off.
(L) As though the whole night had not passed.
A: Astral Travelled.

(B) Is that the same when I saw the light?
A: No.

(L) What was that?
(B) It was a classic near death experience.
A: Yes. Barry had some rambunctions he is not fully revealing connected to some of this.

(L) Were you a rambunctious person at the time?
(B) Probably.
(L) Hmmmm.
(B) What is it I am not revealing?
A: Scrappy nature in period referred to.

(L) Did you get into fights or something?
(B) I was pretty calm then.
(L) I don’t know which particular thing they are referring to; was it seeing the light, or the astral travelling? Which was it?
A: Referring to a plethora.

(L) Did you have more than just those two experiences?
(B) Oh, a lot of things. They would fall under the heading of general psychic things. I felt at the time that my involvement was experimental and should be for a purpose, so I sort of backed off.
A: Energies were building.

(L) What kind of energies?
A: Many.

(L) Well, some of the people on the little mail list have been having some frightening dreams. Caroline had her purse stolen, there have been dreams of being attacked, and all that sort of thing. The thing about Caroline’s dream was that she dreamed about having groceries stolen, and then a few days later she was in a grocery store and her purse was stolen. She wrote and told us all about the dream in advance of the incident. We analyzed it, but apparently we sort of missed it. Can you comment on Caroline’s dream about her groceries being stolen followed by the actual theft of her purse? Is this a form of attack, or a random event.
(A) There is a third possibility: that she had this dream and then she attracted the event...
A: Warning. The dream was a warning of upcoming event.

(L) Is this dream AND the event that followed, both some kind of warning about the danger involved with the book she is writing?
A: No.

(L) So, the event was in no way related to her expose or the people around her?
A: Attack.

(L) So, you are saying that the dream warned of the event, and the event was attack. Would she be able to reduce the level of attack by getting away from the people connected to this church system?
A: She must learn her lessons. Which is more important, relationship or quest. When the two conflict, far too many choose to fail to see this!!!!!

Q: (L) Okay. Is there any other line of questions we should follow at this time?
A: This is up to you.

(J) A few weeks ago I was lying on the bed beside my daughter, and at the same time I was in a sort of other reality. In that other reality, I was pulling out of my head a sort of wire, and when it snapped, my tooth became numb. I wondered what it was, because it was not in this reality. My sister in law was there in the other reality, and I told her to look at this wire and to remember it because it was important. What was that?
A: Psychic exercise of a frequently engaged in nature.

(L) What?
(J) I don’t understand that.
(A) Who was frequently engaged in this?
A: The experiencer.

(L) Are you saying that Johan does this sort of thing frequently, he just doesn’t know about it?
A: Knows a little.

(L) What was the nature of the wire he was pulling out of his head?
A: Visualization.

(L) Visualization of what?
A: The wire.

(L) What does this wire represent?
A: You are off track.

(L) Was it a real wire in another reality, or was it a psychic wire?
A: Both.

Q: (L) By pulling it out, what did Johan accomplish?
A: A recognition of ability.

(J) Yeah! It’s the first time I was CONSCIOUS of it!
A: Self testing routine.

(L) What stimulated him to suddenly become aware of this, or at least to be able to hold the awareness?
A: Not what happened. He practices such things often, more for the experience,
per se.

(L) How come it is the first time he was aware of it? You are saying that he frequently does it, but he’s not aware that he frequently does it.
A: Yes he is.

(J) Well, yes, I am aware of dual consciousness, but nothing this fully aware! I was awake and asleep at the same time. It was the first time that I experienced something that deep.
A: There is a first time for everything.

(L) Well, we certainly thought we had something interesting to talk about with this book thing... but you guys weren’t into it.
(A) Well, there IS a question: non-profit or Co-op?
A: Something like a Co-op is closer to the target.

(L) Okay, anything else for any of the subjects we have talked about?
A: No. Good night.

End of Session


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July 15, 2000

Ark, Laura, Freddie

Q: Hello.
A: Hello.

And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Maranatta.

And where do you transmit through?
A: Cassiopaea.

Let’s cover the attack issue first. Freddie just had a feeling about attack coming through to us in the not too distant future. Is this an accurate assessment?
A: Yes.

Can you identify the source of the attack?
A: Many possible, but illness dangers are significant. There is still a ‘bug” inside of Ark, which could explode at any time into a household-wide infectious pandemonium!

What could be done in advance to prevent this? What kind of bug is it, and what measures to take?
A: It is bacterial, with a worm type attachment. Recommend colonic.

Where did this bug come from?
A: Poland origin.

And a colonic should do it? Anything by mouth?
A: Increase B vitamin intake.

Well, Freddie felt that the attack would come through Constellation, but I guess if Ark was sick, that would be sort of true, because then, he couldn’t work. Is that why Freddie picked it up that way?
A: Partly, but other complications lurk... Jealousies building with one who has a name with a “B.”

Any particular action to take to forestall that one?
A: Be on alert to conferences with others.

Any particular action besides just being alert?
A: Not to this point.

Any other potential attack sources? Or, at least the next most significant?
A: Jason. Not yet sufficiently aware of dangers of travel by road vis a vis

Any specific means of forestalling such a problem?
A: Remind and pray.

You aren’t saying my son is going to have an accident, are you?
A: It is possible.

Can you give me a time frame; a specific window?
A: When travel distances expand.

Well, he will be starting school on the 24th which means he will be driving back and forth to Tampa every day. Should one of us drive him for a period of time? Or go with him?
A: We hesitate to advise too strongly where finances are concerned, but newer vehicles have more safety features which can prevent physical damage.

While we are on the subject of financial things, in order to update the car - a financial thing - if there is going to be a problem with Constellation, of course we don’t want to increase our indebtedness, and I HAVE put some of our money into the stock market, so...
A: Wait a minute. There will not be a problem in the near term with Constellation if vigilance is practiced. The spelling is a clue.

Well, since things are starting to move, I guess it is also time to increase vigilance.
A: It would definitely be advisable.

Any further advice on my stock market investing? I have taken the step, and I have done the best I could without you guys telling me what to do specifically what to do. Can you tell me if what I have done so far is the right thing?
A: You are doing well, so far.

Any further advice? Should I just buy and hold, or should I buy and sell?
A: Buy defensive hedges.

What are defensive hedges?
A: Stocks which weather recession well.

What stocks weather recession well?
A: Food, drugs, energy, etc...

But what about the tech and biotech which you told you before. That’s what I have been going into, tech and biotech, and pretty heavy duty, too.
A: That is good!

So now you think I ought to diversify into food and drugs? What kind of stocks deal with food?
(F) Nabisco, General Mills, Kraft, Post, Bordens. And drugs would be Abbot, merck, Liggett Myers, Pfizer, and so forth.
(A) WHY? If tech and biotech are going to go up, as you suggest, why should we invest in something else? If now is such a good opportunity to buy tech and biotech, why don’t we just do that? Why diversify?
A: A good opportunity. If you diversify, you have a better chance to make more money and faster!

So, maybe they are saying that food and drug stocks, and tech and biotech stops are all going to go up?
A: Yes.

What about fuel?
A: Energy.

Like the coal industry? I mean, “diamonds in the rough” are carbon, and carbon is coal, right?
A: Okay.

Just okay. Not the best. What about Tampa Electric or Con-Ed? Things like that?
A: Those are shaky.

What do you mean by energy? Gas?
A: And oil and nuclear and newer forms.

(A) What is newer than nuclear? “Free energy” is newer than nuclear.
(L) Tom Bearden!
(A) Right!
A: Yes.

(L) Well, everything about this Perceptronics matched what you were saying a couple of weeks ago, and it was really cheap, so I picked up a couple hundred shares for practically nothing
A: Good!

Now, onto Freddie’s mom. Aside from what Freddie is doing, are there any additional things that can or should be done that would optimize her recovery?

A: She is improving faster now.

Is there anything he needs to add to her regimen? Anything you would recommend?
A: Not as of yet.

Is there anything he can do to minimize the stress being produced by his sister?
A: Just being present helps...

Freddie says he is going to commit suicide if his mother dies. Is that a good idea?
A: No, but it won’t happen.

See?! They said she is not going to die.
A: She is in better health than he is.

What does Freddie need?
A: He is okay, but she is strong, due to powerful genetic line. His is not as
strong, due to his father.

Is there anything he can do for himself?
A: Not now.

I received this very mysterious e-mail in response to my Grail pages. [Reads e-mail] Is this a crackpot, somebody from the inside, or a veiled threat?
A: Close to number 1: Crackpot.

Okay, let’s get to the main subject. We have a serious problem here. In this series of sessions we had over a period of years about Roswell, on October 7, 1994, we were discussion Roswell, the question was asked about the number of bodies recovered by the government. The answer you gave was “three dead, one still in operation.” Then, you said it was a “robotic, biogenetic being rather than a soul-encompassing physical existence.” On September 2, 1995, again we have a body count of 4, who were described as hybrids, and this was in relation to the alien autopsy video. So, we have four hybrids, composed of human and Grey Alien genetic combination. On October 21, 1995, I was reciting the story from the alien autopsy video, and the camera man was quoted as having stated that there were four beings, and one was dead, and three were standing outside the craft crying and clutching boxes of some sort. I asked if this was accurate, and you said yes. So, in this case, which must also be the case of the four hybrids mentioned above, we have a count of four beings, with one dead, and three living. Next: we talked about it further, and we asked about how many beings were in a particular crash, and you said 21. I asked how come the reports said that there were only four, and you said the reports were suppressed and fragmented because fewer individuals witnessed the interior of the craft. So, now we have 17 more beings on the inside. However, on this occasion, what we were talking about was the fact that this was a mission to retrieve dead bodies for study. Five of the bodies inside were human, and two were bigfoot types. Before, you had said that the craft that crashed were on a “highly specialized mission” of reconnaissance and testing of environmental conditions of the area as a result of the nuclear testing that had taken place there. But this particular mission seems to have been otherwise. But, I know that one mission profile does not negate the other. Yet, it seems to be contradictory. But, the biggest contradiction we have seems to be where it states that there were four bodies. On the one occasion, three were dead and one was alive, then three were living, and one was dead, and now, suddenly, we have 21 and a whole different ballgame. Now, I understand that the way our questions are framed, and what awareness we have, are factors that can vary the response. But I have to deal with this because I am writing about it and there is confusion here.
A: There was more than one “crash in the vicinity” of Roswell, and at different times. The four body scenario refers to the incident most frequently cited.

Now, when we say the “four body incident most frequently cited,” how many were living?
A: Three dead, one living.

So, what about the incident where there were three living and one dead?
A: Yes, in early June and approximately 100 miles further west of the Roswell area.

So, in early June there were three living and one dead. And this is the one that the camera man was talking about?
A: Yes.

And then there was an incident in July where there were three dead and one living, and that is the one that most of the Roswell witnesses are talking about?
A: One more.

One more crash?
A: Yes.

Okay, so there were two crashes at the same time?
A: Three.

There were three in the July period?
A: June/July.

Two in June, and one in July?
A: June 4th, July 1st, and July 4th.

The one in June occurred 100 miles further west?
A: Yes.

The July 1st, incident, where did that occur?
A: 67 miles southeast of White Sands.

And the third crash was the Plains of San Augistin crash that you have already given figures on, correct?
A: Yes.

Which one of these crashes had the 21 bodies?
A: Second. This explains the famous news release because the base was abuzz due to all these occurrences.

It seems to me that if the base was already abuzz with these occurrences, they would already have had their cover organized and their stories straight! In such a case, the famous news release would never have happened.
A: No.

Previously, I asked about this Kal Korff book, and essentially you said that my scenario about the different stories, the various witnesses, whoever is behind the cover-up is just feeding disinformation through all of these people. They are capitalizing on all kinds of witnesses and so forth that then get “exposed as frauds,” are just part of the cover up. You said that this was correct. So, I said that “they are feeding disinformation through all of the so-called “Roswell Witnesses,” and you said “close.” I would like to know how close, and just how they are feeding disinformation through all of these witnesses. Obviously, these people believe what they are saying.
A: They do.

They believe. Why do they believe?
A: They are telling what they remember, but it is soaked in twisting parallels.

Are the people doing this themselves?
A: No. Event mixture.

But they all seem to remember this July 4th crash, or so they say.
A: Yes.

I don’t get what you are saying here.
A: Events were intertwined.

So, some may have witnessed different events?
A: Parts of...

Have they also been tampered with in terms of abduction or having implanted memories or screen memories?
A: No.

Have they, in any way, been exposed to something that was falsely staged by the government in order to make them think....
A: No.

Q: So, they are all sincere and honest witnesses, but they are witnesses to different events, and they all think that they are witnesses to the same event?
A: The so-called suspicious circumstances are merely a patchwork, cleverly used by those who wish to conceal.

For example: did the fireman actually go to a crash site and witness what his daughter claims he witnessed?
A: Yes.

Was it an alien craft crash site?
A: Yes.

Did Jesse Marcel witness a crashed UFO?
A: Pieces of one.

Did Glen Dennis really talk with a nurse who later disappeared?
A: Yes.

How did this woman disappear? Kal Korff could find no record of her existence.
A: Transferred, discharged, records expunged.

Is she dead, so that she doesn’t know all the stories about her experience?
A: Yes.

Did she die under suspicious circumstances?
A: No.

Did the little balsa wood piece actually come from a toy company as Korff suggests?
A: No. Kal Korff was paid to mislead, but it is now moot as the military changed its story yet again after his book was published.

One of the things that Kal Korff did was to dig into Jesse Marcel’s background, and he claims that Marcel never had any of the background that he claimed, and that Jesse Marcel is basically a liar. He has the military records to back him up on this. Were Marcel’s records altered?
A: Jesse Marcel never claimed to be a military pilot. He was an intelligence officer who held a private pilot’s license

That’s not what Kal Korff says. He quotes Stanton Friedman, and William Moore and all those guys who wrote about Roswell, as quoting Marcel to have said he was a military pilot. Korff quotes from their books, and says they wrote these things and didn’t check to find out that Jesse was a liar.
A: Jesse did not lie.

Okay. Well. You also said “Roswell did involve evidence of non-human intelligence.” Did this just mean basic information about the reality of alien visitation, or was there some other implied meaning here?
A: No implied meaning.

Now, in this second crash where you said that there were two big foot types: were the big foot types also dead?
A: Yes.

You also said that some of the beings went into 4th density, sort of, at the time of one of these crashes. What exactly DID happen?
A: It is complex, but suffice it to say that they re-transited to 4th density.

You said that there were five dead humans inside that were retrieval and study specimens. Where did they get these bodies?
A: Mexico and South America.

Now, on two or three occasions you said I should be researching a modern-day connection between the Roswell event and the underground zones and the Canary Islands. What is the connection of the Roswell incident to the Canary Islands, other than the names? Are the Canaries a sort of headquarters?
A: Clue is that similar energies are employed.

Recently, I went to this hypnotist down in St. Pete, who took me back to this incident when I was a child. My impression was that drugs were used on me. Is this correct?
A: Yes.

What was the drug?

When I saw the werewolf type being sitting at some kind of console that controlled people. I had the impression that these people who were doing these things to me were robot type beings, that they were not human, and that they were controlled by this werewolf type being. Was that also correct?
A: Close.

Who was this werewolf? I was expecting to see a Lizard, or anything but a werewolf. He had eyes like lasers.
A: Screen mask.

What was behind the screen?
A: You know.

A: Yes.

Why would they screen themselves as a werewolf?
A: Cloak.

Well, did I accomplish anything with this session, or was this woman just not the right one I need to go to, that I need to do more.
A: That is okay.

The issue of Val Valerian being associated with beings who have “blockbuster” information has come up a time or two lately. There are a couple of ideas as to who these beings might be. As a matter of fact, we have discovered that Val Valerian is not as reliable as one would wish. He seems to be quite a disseminator of disinformation. So, who, precisely are these beings Val is associated with? Are they aliens?
A: No.

Are they government types?
A: Yes.

So, Val is a doorway for dissemination of information and disinformation?
A: Yes.

Well, he has just recently posted some stuff that is so trashy that I really was taken aback. Is he hooked up with Scientology and Black Magick? That is where it looks like his information is tending lately. This Samuels guy has really written some strange stuff that seems to be loaded with disinformation.
A: Val trips up as do many...

Well, who is this Samuels, and who is behind him? It sounds so much like Scientology...
A: Pay no attention to this, but some of his information commands serious review.

Well, I know that! But, he has really gone off the deep end with this stuff! What does one have to do to keep from falling into such traps?
A: Find one’s own path.

On the alien autopsy video, Ray Santilli has consistently refused to reveal any information at all as to who was behind the release of this film. Could you tell us who is behind making available to him this alien autopsy information. Was it a rogue individual, or was it a deliberate leak ....
A: Latter.

And that is why he has and will refuse to reveal his source to anyone. He simply CANNOT. Did the camera man as he was described, ever exist at all?
A: Close.

So, Ray Santilli is under a restriction that makes it utterly impossible for him to say anything at all in his own defense.
A: Close.

Thank you. Good night.

End of Session


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July 22, 2000

Ark, Laura, Freddie, Linda, Carla, Alisa, Ingrid, Sara, Polly

Q: Hello.
A: Hello.

And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Vostorra.

And where do you transmit through?
A: Cassiopaea.

We have guests tonight, guys! You notice?
A: Really?? You’re kidding, right?

Actually, I wasn’t. You are the one who is kidding.
A: Yes.

(I) Is quantum tunneling important?
A: Vague, dear.

(I) Why did that pop in my head while I was meditating on the subway?
A: Has to do with the concept of enclosure, combined with motion. The enclosure is a space defined by the visualization of the perceptor , more than an actual physical state.

(I) [Attempts to read back remark with some difficulty.]
A: Suggestion: try to inscribe letters without trying to break into words while writing. Otherwise, you will lose step!

(I) That’s right! I’m trying to anticipate what they are going to say.
(L) And the interesting thing about this exercise is, it conditions your mind to NOT anticipate!
A: Which is good, indeed.

(I) This visualization of a perception, more than an actual physical state, is it that I am perceiving something and trying to put it into words? What am I perceiving? What is quantum tunneling? I was trying to think about it and said “forget it! Nothing travels faster than the speed of light...”
A: You will know soon enough. As we have said before: learning is fun!

(I) So, I should take each step as it goes. Was I abducted?
A: You have had some experiences relating to ancestral occurrences, especially. We see two females in your “bloodline” who were unusually strong in a psychic sense, my dear!

(I) I don’t know!
(L) I guess that, for whatever reason, it was because of your bloodline.
(I) Was that the Scottish thing?
A: No.

(I) Maybe my mother. I don’t want to ask all these things relating to personal issues, but now they’ve got me thinking! Does this have something to do with why my grandmother decided to just die?
A: Of course. You see the connections as you reflect.

(I) That is so right. I’m trying to think. My grandmother left because she couldn’t handle it, maybe?
A: No. Your grandmother transitioned because it was her time. Others saw it less well-intentioned.

(I) I don’t understand at all. Now I am totally confused.
A: She “left” at the correct juncture. But, other persons were less than pleased, therefore, casting a slight pall over the situation.

(L) Were there people who made comments about the time and place of your grandmother’s passing; did they make an issue of it?
A: Feelings, Laura.

(I) I know that my mother and my grandmother kind of had a reconciliation. My grandmother didn’t raise my mother; there’s a whole crazy issue there. I only saw my grandmother twice in my entire life. I saw her once when I was very young, then we moved here and she moved to the Bahamas. My mother and her had no relationship, and then suddenly - I don’t know what happened, I think my grandfather died - and my mother decided to get to know her mother better. My grandmother came to visit us in New York, and everything went very well. That was the second time I saw her. She started communicating with my mother. She was supposed to come visit and we were waiting for the house to be finished before she came, but she died before she could come. I think my mother feels very guilty about it. It hit my mother very hard. She is still unable to deal with it. Anyway, I think my mother is psychic. She’s probably the other psychic person.
(L) What does all this have to do with whether or not Ingrid was abducted?
A: We did not discuss abduction.

(I) But, this is the answer you gave when I asked about being abducted!
A: Yes. We gave the best answers on the current situation. Before one is prepared to hear about abductions, one must be properly conditioned. This includes proper level of awareness to the complex mechanical nature of abduction!

(L) I guess that they want you to think about your bloodline, about your relationships, about all the related factors...
A: Okay, Laura, each student is on their own path.

(I) I agree. I never sensed an abduction, I never saw an UFO, so maybe I just should not be thinking about abduction...
A: Open mind.

(I) Maybe I am focusing too much on the wrong thing?
A: You are doing fine, but there is much more to come.

(I) So, whatever comes up, comes up.
(LC) I’m really curious. I feel like all of us here have been drawn together for a reason. We had a hell of a time getting here, every one of us, but we did, and I’m just wondering what is this all about? Why did all of us feel so drawn that we just HAD to be here?
A: You are not wondering so much as you are seeking confirmation.

(I) You probably sense that we have a purpose together, or that we know each other at another level, and you just need confirmation... I don’t know. Why do YOU think we are drawn together?
(LC) I don’t know. I just feel something powerful.
A: Every one here thinks on more than one level. This already puts everyone into a different category than the status quo. You all have quite well developed senses, a more difficult task is learning to trust the messages. Remember, you all have received negative programming at the third density level, which is designed to derail your higher psychic awareness. You by now know that this is false programming, but we realize that the subconscious centers are more difficult for you to overcome. Patience will pay off for you big time!!!

(P) This is my feeling about the whole thing: us coming together, the energy created by each of us being in each other’s presence is a key; it’s unlocking something that we agreed to come together at this time, though it may not be apparent now, it’s going to be. That’s the way I have felt about this whole thing.
(I) Yes. I HAD to come. No matter what.
(P) Yes.
(LC) I guess I was wanting confirmation of WHY I felt I HAD to come!
(L) And they are telling us that “patience will pay off big time!” They don’t say that sort of thing often, and when they do, it really means something big. But, we can’t have a clue, because if we start anticipating, we block it! [Laughter] If we just keep doing what is before us to do, things will keep happening to guide us.
(F) The energy is this room is really powerful tonight, I notice.
(P) Yes. I just feel like crying. I’m tired, but energized.
(I) And I’m having so much trouble keeping up. I’m trying to listen to the letters one at a time...
(L) And that’s how we have to deal with this whole thing. It’s sort of like listening to the letters one at a time.
(LC) And my hand won’t move until three letters after I hear one! It’s so frustrating! It goes so fast.
(A) What kind of programming do we all have? I know it’s negative, but what kind in specific?
A: You receive programming daily from many sources, but the ultimate root is essentially the same.

(I) Yes, TV, cell phone towers, all of that, I guess...
A: Childhood training, etc.

(I) I was bombarded with religion when I was a child. I hated it. I tried to read the Bible from cover to cover, but by the time I got to Exodus, I knew that this was crap. I tried the Mormons. I didn’t get past the second chapter because all of that was crap, too. I tried the Jehovah’s Witness thing, and that was crap. I tried being an atheist, and that was crap. Everything that came to me, was crap.

(L) Yep. We are in the doodoo for sure!
A: Yes, but the “doodoo” promotes powerful learning opportunities...

(I) That is SO true. I’ve been in the doodoo so many times before - and I’m STILL in the doodoo!
(LC) Okay, another question, and this is a kind of selfish one I am thinking about...
A: Wait a minute, remember, your plane of existence is STS by its very nature and that is okay, because you’re all where you are for a reason... Now Linda, fire away and be just as selfish as you please, dear. [Laughter]

(LC) Well, if that’s the case! I want to ask about past life relations between us. I’m sure there is.
A: Be specific.

(I) Do we all have some kind of past life connection?
A: Ingrid is not Linda.

(L) It’s Linda’s turn! [Laughter] (LC) But she put it so well! (L) But, they are trying to make you think here.
(LC) Let me just parrot what Ingrid said. Are there any specific past life connections between any of the women in this room?
A: Who?

(LC) Well, let’s start with Laura. Do I have a past life connection with Laura?
A: Before we answer that, we wish to hear from you what you perceive a past life circumstance to be.

(I) For some reason I feel a past life connection to Sara. I feel like she was either a parent or someone who taught me a lot about me. I felt that just from reading her correspondence. What do you think?
(LC) I don’t know... the question didn’t really form in my head until I got here...
A: How do you perceive the reincarnation process to be?

(LC) I perceive it as you come back with people you choose to come back with, and that you choose people that you are karmically connected to.
(I) I see it a little bit differently than that...
A: Aha! We have a variance!

(I) I think that when we die and go to 5th density, that we make pacts with people in each incarnation, so when you come back, it is coming back to fulfill that pact.
(LC) Yes, that is the way my line of thinking is going. But, when they asked that question, I was thinking that you have people you come back with because of closeness. Somebody may be your mother in one life, and there is a love bond, and then there are other people that you come back with because you have to resolve something to let go of that person rather than to get closer.
A: This is partially correct. But, there is more to it than this. For example, one can incarnate on various planes of existence, not just the one you perceive currently. And, one may actually reincarnate on more than one plane concurrently, if one is advanced enough to do this.

(I) You know, a psychic told me that I had two lives going on at once...
(L) Are you suggesting that ...
A: Yes, we are!

(L) I was thinking it, but they didn’t let me finish. For the record, I was thinking that we are all part of the same soul unit here.
A: To an extent, but you may not yet understand what exactly a “soul unit” is in that sense. And of course, there is more than one sense for this as well. The “trick” that 3rd density STS life forms will learn, either prior to transition to 4th density, or at the exact juncture, is to think in absolutely limitless terms. The first and most solid step in this process is to not anticipate at all. This is most difficult for you. We understand this, but this as also why we keep reiterating this point. For example, imagine if one of your past lives is also a future life?

(I) There we have quantum tunneling!
A: Yes.

(I) This has to do with past lives and future lives.
A: Yes.

(I) But somehow I can’t put it together yet. I can’t connect it.
A: You will. “All in due time, my pretty, all in due time.”

(L) That was a line from the Wizard of Oz! When Dorothy wanted to know where Toto was.
(P) Now, I just want to say that I think that we have all of us here traveled back in time to change the way things are now. We inserted ourselves into this time period to wake up and see what is really happening. This is 3rd density thinking, I know, but it is the only way I can describe it. We looked back on the way things happened, the way the world is now, and we have come back to change things. We have come from the future, to wake up now, because we didn’t wake up before.

(C) Maybe that’s our “past life/future life” connection here?
(P) Right, we all agreed to insert ourselves in this time line....
(L) So, we ARE from the future...
(P) Because the world is going in this direction, and SOMETHING had to be done. That’s what I see.
(I) Yes. We all decided to come back, but there was a strong possibility that we would not be able to wake up and link up. And that’s why so many things happened to attempt to keep us from getting together.
(P) Not just that, things happen to keep us from waking up period! We’ve all been bombarded with stuff all our lives.
(I) Yes, and when we started waking up, and realized that we HAD to come together to “link” to DO whatever it is we are going to do, there has to be all kinds of things to prevent it - like Caroline’s cats, even! [Laughter]

(S) I would like to ask a question about synchronicity...
A: Wait a minute... someone said something a short while ago that is surprisingly close to the truth. Now just a moment... reflect please.

Q: (L) Polly was saying that we have come back from the future and inserted ourselves into this timeline...
A: Yes. That is close to being totally correct!

(L) In terms of reincarnation, that we were talking about a few minutes before that, we are possibly incarnations of ourselves incarnated at different levels. This just happens to be one of the levels of reality that we are occupying, but there are other selves at other levels thinking and doing other level stuff, and these other levels are perceived by us as the future...
A: Maybe for some of you, but let us not get ahead of ourselves.

(P) The C’s say that they are US in the future. So, we, being THEM in the future, some of who they are in the future, have come back as us, to do what we are doing, to undo what is happening on Earth...
A: Close, but more complex than that. It would be difficult for you to completely understand at this point, but let us just say that you are close.

Q: (C) I wonder if we, living here, as we are now, are also living in all the densities, one through six, at the same time, so that some part of us now, understands some part of us at all the other levels. Like, I am a tree, I am the water, I am here in this body, and I am in other densities also?
A: No, not really, but a good effort!

(A) Well, Polly bingoed on what she said about coming back from the future.
(I) They said I should reflect, so maybe we should reflect on other things...
A: You should reflect upon all that is in the reflection!

(L) Everything. What is the reason for the use of the term “reflection?”
(A) We never have left our source of origin...
A: “Alice through the looking glass.”

(L) When she went through the mirror, she was in an alternate reality.
(I) Are we in an alternate reality?
A: Yup. But then again, are not all realities “alternate?”

(I) True, because the source is the REAL reality, everything else is alternate.
A: Pretty close, Ingrid. You earn a silver star!

(I) You guys are hilarious! I like stars and I like silver.
A: Cool, yes, but the gold ones are even better!

(I) I was writing something in my journal about supernovae being steps toward the Big Bang, in the sense that each supernova represents a reflection of ourselves...
A: In a more physiological sense, supernovae present cosmic energies which “up the ante” of awareness, when one is in close enough proximity.

Q: (I) Now, this supernova that happened in fairly recent times - the Cas A supernova of 1658, or thereabouts - does that have anything to do with our awareness thing going on right now?
A: It has some to do with this conduit.

(I) I had that feeling. I went back and read “Supernovae, Vehicle of Ascension?” Did whatever happen with that supernova , is it affecting us....
A: The more interesting question would be, what about the NEXT supernova?!?

(I) There is one coming up, and that’s going to be the wave? Or...
A: No, no, no. No anticipation, please.

(L) Well, that’s pretty hard when you said “what about the NEXT one!”
A: Reflection, yes, but anticipation? No!

(I) We have to go back to this reflection thing because they keep sending us there.

(C) One thing that was said awhile ago was that maybe we, as a group, have created some kind of energy or barrier.

(P) I think we are creating a possibility that would not have existed if we had NOT come together here.
A: Yes, but that is generally true in most similar circumstances. The question
is the degree to which there is significance.

(I) How significant a possibility are we creating here now?
A: That is for you to see.

(I) So, we don’t know. We sense something very important about changing the universe.
(L) I think that it is also up to us, individually and as a group, to choose how we respond to the upcoming events. The saying “many are called, few are chosen” should be rephrased to say “Many are called, but few choose to answer the call.”
(P) Everyone is called!
(L) Yes. But so many succumb to the attacks, can’t overcome the blocks and barriers, and choose to continue to view life in mundane, surface terms. When push comes to shove, how many really DO answer. It is a very subtle thing to read the signs and “see the unseen” in the morass of conflicting signals that the 3rd density reality sends to block our vision.
(P) Yes. Animals have an abundance of young in order that some will survive. I think there is an abundance of us so that some WILL wake up. The odds are against it, so there HAS to be an abundance of us that have come back for this reason.
(S) The sea turtles.
(P) There is no guarantee that we would all wake up.
(I) Yes, and SOME of us could go back to sleep!
(P) Yes.
(L) It is a constant danger to all of us. There was an interesting thing that a reader sent to me about the fact that there is a moment, a crucial point of choosing, and it is called in the Don Juan tradition “The Cry of the Eagle.” A soul is called to choose a singular act that will change their life forever, and either they respond, or they don’t. And, once the call has come, once the moment has come, if they don’t choose, the call never comes again because the moment is gone forever. It’s a soul summons. If they turn away from it, or think that it will come again, or that there will be other opportunities, then they are choosing to NOT respond, and it never comes again. Either you do it or you don’t. (LC) And, of course, that is when the attacks really start!
A: No, Linda, the attacks are ongoing.

(I) The attacks are always there, but it is just when you start to awaken you start to become aware of what they are and have the choice of perceiving the nature of them and choosing to overcome them, or to think that it is just stuff that happens, and you have to “go with it.” or submit to the circumstances...
A: Yes. Awareness is the key; knowledge protects, ignorance endangers.

(I) Yes, I could have just stayed home when we realized that our money wasn’t going to be there as we planned. It was definitely an attack to prevent us from coming.
(LC) Yes, the same thing happened to me. But, I had some money put aside that I called my “end of the world money.” I had been saving it for a long time, and I told my husband I was going to use my “end of the world money.” [Laughter] (I) Yes. I was determined to come regardless. And then, at the airport, when I missed my flight, and it was possible that we might not get another flight... I was even thinking about AMTRAK, renting a car, whatever.
(LC) Yeah! Ingrid doesn’t even drive, and she was going to rent a car!
(I) Yes, that is the choice that we were all faced with: is it important enough?
A: Its the lack of awareness of the attack. But that is okay, as we all learn at our own pace.

(LC) Well, Caroline didn’t come because her cat was going to have kittens.
(L) I suppose that the conduit might have been the vet?
(LC) But, she also is in that situation where she has had clear warnings, but says that the astrology chart says this or that so that the energies aren’t “right” to leave.
(L) Well, that can be a form of attack to, to buy into all that stuff. Especially considering the timing and source of the information. But, let’s change gears. I had a call from Vincent Bridges who informed me that the Wave series was really creating a stir. It seems that he has had a connection to this Dr. Hammond of the Greenbaum lecture fame, and also had a number of exchanges with Andrija Puharich, and it is Vincent’s contention that the UFO phenomenon, the alien abduction phenomenon, and the many and varied other things we talk about and study and discuss, are a product of super advanced technological, human controlled mind-programming projects using the technology of Puharich and Tesla. Yes, it is supposed to be so advanced that they can not only read minds and can control minds, but that it is, in the end, merely human engineered programming. Is he, even in part, correct?
A: Well, there are elements of the phenomenon which may be connected to human, 3rd density STS engineering, but by and large, this is not the case.

(L) He also said that it was his opinion, that the center of the web of all of this mind programming conspiracy, is in Tyler, Texas. Is that correct?
A: The what?!?

(L) Well, what about the center of the human branch of the programming conspiracy?
A: We feel that Vincent needs to recharge his batteries a bit.

(L) He also said that the area we are living is the center of a particular programming experiment, something like Nazi/Black magick cultists or something like that.
A: Better not to get too carried away. Remember, the root of all “negative” energies directed at 3rd density STS subjects, coming from 4th density, is essentially the same.

(LC) Are we being currently monitored by 4th density STS?
A: You are always!

(A) That’s the helicopters.
A: That is more likely 3rd density. Suggest a review of the transcripts relating to the situation in Nazi Germany for better understanding here.

(A) Is that why you can’t leave Tyler...
A: We wish to review some things first. The concept of a “master race” put forward by the Nazis was merely a 4th density STS effort to create a physical vehicle with the correct frequency resonance vibration for 4th density STS souls to occupy in 3rd density. It was also a “trial run” for planned events in what you perceive to be your future.

(L) You mean with a strong STS frequency so they can have a “vehicle” in 3rd density, so to speak?
A: Correct. Frequency resonance vibration! Very important.

(L) So, that is why they are programming and experimenting? And all these folks running around who some think are “programmed,” could be individuals who are raising their nastiness levels high enough to accommodate the truly negative STS 4th density - sort of like walk-ins or something, only not nice ones?
A: You do not have very many of those present yet, but that was, and still is, the plan of some of the 4th density STS types.

(A) And that’s who are operating the helicopters?
A: Helicopters are STS 3rd density, no doubt influenced from 4th density STS.

(A) Was that woman at the SCIONS meeting who kept interrupting one of those programmed individuals sent in as an agent of disruption?
A: Scatterbrain.

(A) I want to know what is going on in East Texas!
(L) Yes. Even if Vincent is not right about it being the center of the web, he says that the first phone call Hoover made after the Kennedy assassination was to somebody in Tyler, Texas...
A: One thing that is interesting about East Texas, or more specifically, Northeast Texas, is that the water is very heavily fluoridated. This makes one more susceptible to intense forms of ELF mind programming. There have been some experiments conducted in this area relating to this.

(A) That’s Extremely Low Frequencies?
A: Yes.

(A) But the water tasted so GOOD! It was the best water I ever drank!
I’m serious!
A: That is by design.

(A) Oh, they’re so tricky! I mean, you drink the water there and you just say “This is SO good!” And you want more and more!
A: If you wish to catch bees, are you going to use a net, or some honey,

(A) That makes total sense.
(I) Does Brooklyn have this problem?
A: No, Brooklyn has other problems.

(I) Yes, Dwayne and I discussed how the kids in the neighborhood are just interested in their clothes and their music - they don’t even ask or think about the questions of their reality.
A: There is something located under the “East New York” neighborhood...

(L) Where are the ELF waves in East Texas generated from?
(I) So, what’s going on in East New York?
(L) Let’s get finished with Texas first!
A: Centered in two generation points: Bryan/College Station, Secret government facility connected to NASA/NORAD and located in Fort Bend County west of Houston.

(A) West Texas? All the way up there from Houston?
(C) Bryan College is only about an hour away from us!
A: Satellites are used to concentrate the signal in a “bounce back” mode. Power station covers underground facility in East New York. Very unobtrusive looking. The healthiest borough to live in in New York City is the Bronx.

(I) Yes. I believe that. When I had that breakdown in 94 or 95, I was literally going crazy. Dwayne and I moved to the Bronx, but we ended up moving back because we got this house with my parents. But living in the Bronx was the best experience for me. It was so healing.
(P) I have something to say. I’m kind of frustrated right now. I feel that - and this is maybe my own anticipation - but I feel frustrated with the questions tonight because I feel that we are supposed to go somewhere ...
(I) Yeah, I feel that too...
(P) And I am feeling frustrated that this opportunity - which is a big deal for me - is not going where it is supposed to go. I feel that there is something we all need to know. What is that thing -what we all need to hear - since we are all here?
A: When you leave this grouping that you perceive as your immediate present,
the layers will unfold more and more rapidly for you. Patience is the key, as all learning is a continuity... In other words, when new realities are revealed for you a week, a month, a year from now, and soon, as a result of these experiences, the value will be just as strong for you as it would be if it were all revealed for you tonight.

(A) For me, just being here and making the connection is what is important. I don’t feel let down at all. I didn’t anticipate some sort of great revelation just because I’m here...
A: This is an ongoing process.

(P) Well, everybody is saying “don’t anticipate!” But it is so very serious to me! I can’t even think! I’m here for a reason. I’m not just here for a good time, though that is part of it. I just feel that being here, for me, is a monumental event in my life....
A: But did you expect the significance of it to all be resolved right now?

(P) No. But, I feel that I have missed something tonight. I feel that there was something I was supposed to say or ask and I haven’t. (Ark) We always miss something!
(P) I feel like I am going to go home and think “I blew it” because I wasn’t paying attention or something. There is too much commotion in the room and my mind is... I can’t focus...
(F) Well, it’s like when you go to the grocery store, there is always something that you forget.
(P) Yeah. But if I’m going to the grocery store and forget something, it’s no big deal.
(I) We can always meet again....
A: It is okay to feel this way, but do not be surprised if it all comes together when you least expect it.

(P) So, I was right. My physical presence here was the main thing.
(L) Maybe it is like some sort of subliminal key?
A: You were given a key to put on your keychain!

(L) So, there IS some sort of exchange going on here at levels we don’t even understand.
(LC) I want to go back to that question about the supernova. They said it was a more interesting question as to whether there was going to be another one...
A: Wait and see.

(I) Yes I have a long way to go and a lot of work to do just to understand what I need to know...
A: All of us have a long way to go, but getting there is half the fun. And on that note, good night.

End of Session


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