February 19, 2000

Q: Hello.
A: Hello.

And who do we have with us?
A: Woneen.

And where do you transmit through?
A: Cassiopaea.

First of all, I would like to know if you have any comments on our guests earlier this evening?
A: You should ask specific questions.

The first thing was that he came to us with this story about a “near death experience.” After we started to talk about it, I realized that we couldn’t get a straight answer out of him. He talked for thirty minutes in 50 different directions; talked about death threats; talked about this event that he called a near death experience which clearly wasn’t; we had to stop him, back him up, stop him and back him up, over and over again just to get a sequential account of the events. He talked about hallucinations, going psychotic, schizophrenia, and on and on. And then finally, as if on cue, he said “Oh, I saw a UFO.” Now, we had some funny impressions about this: was this guy an agent sent in to cause disruption in what we are doing here?
A: No.

Did he have an abduction experience?
A: Not an abduction, but a close encounter.

Were the effects he was experiencing part of a “bleedthrough” of 4th density in the area?

A: To some extent.

He was pretty distressed by all this, to the extent that he closed down his medical practice and just basically walked away from his life. Can you tell us what he wanted from us?
A: He is disjointed because he has been jarred semi-awake after years and years of programming. The effect has been something akin to a “nervous breakdown,” but it goes deeper than that. It is difficult for you to relate, as you have been “on track,” for the whole of your lives. He was a standard player. Severe experiences brought him to the brink, now he is both retrieving the shattered pieces of what is worthwhile that remains, and exploring the whole new arena that beckons.

So, my impression of it being not such a good idea for him, in his state, to attend the session, was correct?
A: Maybe so, but maybe in the future he will have himself more together...

So far, we haven’t had a single call or e-mail from a single publisher, author, television station, radio or anything, as a result of the article. It just went kerflop!
A: Just you wait Henrietta Higgins, just you wait!

I had a terrible traumatic experience last Sunday, the day the article came out. I thought I was going to have a heart attack. What happened?
A: Panic attack.

It was terrible. My heart stopped beating, it was just shaking so hard that my chest was vibrating; I didn’t have a pulse. I thought my heart was just going to stop completely.
(F) Probably you were rescued by 6th density beings.
(L) I was rescued by Ark. Okay, as the article is, what do you guys think?
A: It is an opening to an array.

Oh, I see. Alright. My little mail list has been discussing the fact that there seems to be something “in the air.” There were these three fireballs over the Yukon recently; Larry Smith is talking about the Pacific heating up; there have been a couple of huge CMEs - in fact, I think one is supposed to hit today. There was one last week that hit on Sunday or Monday. So, they are wondering about these fireballs and things being related to cometary fragments and that sort of thing. They feel like something is imminent. Could you comment on that idea?
A: It appears that some feel imminence at every turn! If “something” ever happens, how anticlimatic for this poor lot!

So that is kind of like saying that nothing is imminent. Well, they all seem to work each other into a frenzy.
(A) I am concerned by this strange, short e-mail... that something is “offered.” Is there some danger from this?
A: E-mail is not deliverence.

I guess that means that something “offered” is not “delivered” via e-mail. Saying you have something to offer is a lot different from delivering it. We also received an e-mail from some friends of the Aisenberg’s who want us to inquire about Baby Sabrina. I wrote them back that we really couldn’t present any questions for the parents unless the parents themselves were to ask. You have already commented on this, and I have the feeling, due to your previous comments, that the parents WON’T ask. But, is there any other comments about this you could make?
A: It is not appropriate.

I didn’t think so. Okay, in this book it says: Diodorus Siculus, writing in the 1st century B.C., said that “certain sacred offerings wrapped in wheat straw come from the Hyperboreans into Scythia, whence they are taken over by the neighboring peoples in succession until they get as far west as the Adriatic. From there they are sent south, and the first Greeks to receive them are the Dodonaeans. Then, continuing southward, they reach the Malian gulf, cross to Euboea, and are passed on from town to town as far as Carystus. Then they skp Andros, the Carystians take them to Tenos, and the Tenians to Delos. That is how these things are said to reach Delos at the present time.” So, from very ancient times, there was this practice of the Hyperboreans sending sacred offerings to the Island of Delos. Now, the Island of Delos is supposedly the birthplace of Phoebus Apollo, whose mother was Leto. Supposedly he was born on Mt. Cynthus. This is a very curious thing. This is contrary to the old view that the cultural flow was from the Mediterranean to the North, that civilization began in the Near East. It implies a cultural flow from the North to the South. What were these ancient Hyperboreans sending to the Island of Delos?
A: Leaves bearing cryptic codes.

What was the connection between the Hyperboreans, including the Celts of Britain, I believe, and the people of Delos?
A: Northern peoples were responsible for civilising the Meditteranean/Adriatic peoples with the encoded secrets contained within their superior extra-terrestrially based genetic arrangement. Practice of which you speak was multi-trans-generational habit.

Is it the case that some of them communicated with higher density beings via Stonehenge, and that these communications they received...
A: Stonehenge used to resonate with tonal rill, teaching the other wise unteachable with wisdoms entered psychically through crown chakra transceiving system. [Note: the word “rill” is new to me. Webster defines it as a small stream or a little brook; to flow in or like a rill.]

Was Stonehenge ever complete, with all the stones there? This author suggests that it was never completed because there are missing stones...
A: Of course.

What happened to the stones that are missing? The books suggests that it was never finished because the architect must have died.
A: Nonsense. Multiple shocks registered through the ages.

Was Stonehenge built in stages as this author suggests? Did it start out as a circular ditch, at the time of the so-called Aubrey holes?
A: No.

Q: Was it built all at once, complete?
A: Yes.

The legend was that the god, Phoebus Apollo, danced at Stonehenge every nineteen years. What does this relate to ?
A: Symbolic. Tides, moon eclipses, that sort of thing. Think of Wiccans entubed on the information superhighway!

I mean, there are stones just plain missing! Who could haul off such big pieces of rock?! .
(A) You asked about these missing stones, and the answer was the multiple shocks registered.
(L) Right. What about these multiple shocks. What, in particular?
A: Some were earthquakes; mini-cataclysmic in nature. Some were EM generated smashes, when terran forces clashed with outside “forces.”

Are you suggesting that some of these rocks were vaporized, as it were, by some sort of particle beam weaponry?
A: EM activity.

What was the purpose of the 56 Aubrey holes?
A: Ground.

Why did they bury ashes of dead bodies in them?
A: That was later... fragmented suspicions.

Was Stonehenge once known as the Cloister of Ambrius?
A: Yes.

Who was Ambrius?
A: Druid tradition/cloak.

What was it a cloak for? Who was Ambrius?
A: Not who. What.

What was Ambrius?
A: They would label as a god. You might say otherwise.

What was the meaning of the Sword thrust into the ground that was worshipped by the Scythians; the Scythians being connected with the Hyperboreans and Celts of Britain.
A: Scithe.

Who was that?
A: Scythe.

That was the Sword God? Saturn?
A: No.

That was the meaning of the sword thrust into the ground; it was a scythe?
A: Empowerer, or so they thought.

Which god did this sword in the ground represent?
A: Maybe Zeus.

Did Berengar Sauniere find parchments in a pillar of any kind?
A: Yes.

Were they coded messages?
A: There were/are so many such.

Are these coded messages that he supposedly found, the same ones that are presented in the book Holy Blood, Holy Grail?
A: No.

Are the ones in the book dummied up?
A: Corrupted.

Is there any particular effect that we should be looking for from this solar maximum business, forgetting the idea of something being “imminent?”
A: Leaves its mark electromagnetically in belts which surround your 3rd and 4th density visualizations.

So, all of this hoopla over it is basically a waste of time and energy. But, boy, they sure do work it for all they can get out of it! It’s amazing! Okay, now, as the probabilities exist right now, who is going to be elected president?
A: Open.

Aaargh! That’s not nice! Well, is there something that you can see around the corner of our lives that we don’t see, that we ought to see, and which, if we were not so tired...
A: Let it unfold with joyous hearts.

Q: Well, that sounds nice. You mean we are all going to be happy?
A: Maybe so, wait and see.

(A) And DO something!
(L) I would like to know what I could do to help Jason. He has really been having a hard time. Is there anything we can do, any approach we could take toward him that would help his struggle with this reality?
A: Well, we do not feel interference is advisable. Those hormones, they rage, you know!

What am I supposed to do? Buy him a bunch of Playboy magazines for him?
A: If you can stand the embarrassment of requesting these at the counter!

Well, I’m not sure I could. I try to convey to him that we really DO understand what he is going through; it’s normal. But, he just CAN’T play the kinds of games he has been playing on the internet. It’s just too dangerous to us, personally. It could easily destroy our lives completely, as well as the lives of the children who depend on us to take care of them financially and every other way. He just can’t be doing this stuff on the computer! If he wants pictures, he can draw them; he can buy them.... whatever. Just NOT on our computer! Anything else for Jason?
A: Soon will be into experiment in “real time.”

What?! You mean he is going to experiment with sex?!
A: Discretion prevents further elaboration.

Help me out here! I’m going to stress out completely and have cardiac arrest!
A: Soon an outlet.

You mean he is going to get a girlfriend? Or, an outlet for my stress?
A: Maybe. Maybe one facilitates the other.

Well, if he had a decent, respectable girlfriend, that would be okay. But, I don’t want him experimenting with sex and getting some girl pregnant and ruining his life.
A: Do all of your 3rd density pregnancies ruin lives?

Well, you know what I mean! Anything else?
A: No. Good night.

Good night.

End of Session


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March 18, 2000

Q: Hello.
A: Hello.

And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Ponollah.

And where do you transmit through?
A: Cassiopaea.

(A) I have two questions. The first question is about a German fellow named Heim who wrote a couple of books about gravity, antigravity, and all kinds of strange theories that somehow fit what I think is the right direction. These theories were advertised on the internet by our friend, Berkant, and I looked into it and they seem to be interesting. But, they are in German and are costly. They may be useful, but on the other hand it may be a risk. There is no way to say if they may be valuable or not. So, is it worthwhile to invest in these books?
A: Well, the books contain valuable information, but it is not all valid. One must weave. Static electricity engages a part of continuum.

This relates to these books?
A: Yes. Three pronged instrument. Wave transducer.

I guess that means it’s worthwhile to study these books.
A: “Heim.” Pseudonym?? Clue?

That’s all my questions.
A: Need more questions.

Q: What is the deal with Barry Warmkessal? We don’t know what kind of an organization he is working for. We don’t know his intentions. We don’t know whether he is a friend or a spy.
A: Spies can even be friends, ‘tis more complex than you think.

Well, Barry has written a paper about the formation of solar systems and the necessity for a twin star system in such developments. According to his calculations and his theory, the mass of the companion star must be far less than what you indicated the mass of the proposed companion star for our solar system might be. He theorizes that the relationship should be the same as between a proton and an electron, mass wise. Is he correct?
A: Best to not quite fall into the mirror image atomic principles trap, lest one suppose to have completely conquered the atomic properties puzzle.

Q: Okay, can you give us an interpretation of this crop circle here that Barry has interpreted in his way?
A: Maybe a solar type system. Maybe not the one commanded by Sol.

If it is not the one commanded by Sol, which one would it be? It must be one of such importance that such a message is being conveyed in a crop circle formation, I would think.
A: Maybe.

What solar system would it be? What is the name of the star? Would we even know the star?
A: In or of Epsilon.

Which Epsilon?
A: Major.

There are a lot of stars called “epsilon.” Which constellation?
A: Adjoining constellation.

What constellation?
A: No more information to be revealed at this time.

Is this a solar system from which some of the aliens visiting our planet originate?
A: Something like that... From which someone originates.

Someone who?
A: Take a wild guess!

Are they STS or STO?

Well, you have said that the crop circles are expressions of 6th density thoughts. Does this mean that we are being warned about this?
A: On wrong track. More like an historic pictogram.

Is the orbit depicted without a planet depicting a planet that was destroyed?
A: No.

What does the orbit without a planet depict?
A: Transference.

Transference of that planet to another realm? Transference of what?
A: Those who were relocated after the prototypical population was completed.

Are you saying that this is a pictogram of the mother planet of the human race?
A: Close. That which led to the human race as it now exists.

As we measure time, what period of time does this pictogaph represent, counting backward in years?
A: Millions.

Getting back to the earth and companion star business, Barry is predicting that comets will begin hitting about the year 2003, based on the planet positions of this crop circle. Now, even if it is not a representation of planetary positions in our solar system, he COULD be picking up information psychically and using this information as a ‘bridge’ to present, or rationalize it. So, he has this prediction, what is the liklihood of this idea or prediction coming true?
A: Probably will not be.

He said that the orbit of the companion star, based on his calculations, was about 5000 years long...
A: Our “companion star” data was meant as a clue for guidance purposes, not as the be all and end all.

Would you address the issue of Michael’s claim that the dawn of man was dated to about 58000 years ago?
A: No. 58000 years ago, as you would perceive it, human types on earth were a thriving, techno-society, already long since entrenched.

Well, where does this Michael entity get his information?
A: Separate wheat from chaff.

Speaking of wheat and chaff, why is Ark sneezing so much lately?
A: Pollen allergy shows up this year due to increased pollen count.

Speaking of pollen count, we need rain. Is it going to start raining?
A: Yes.

Is it going to rain a lot?
A: Yes.

Is it going to be soon?
A: Yes.

Now, a couple of world events have recently occurred which were in an earlier list of predictions. One of these was the Ukraine explosion and the other was the flood in Africa. In fact, the flood headlines were almost in the same words you gave it. What this made me think was that, since these things are beginning to happen, since they were given as a group prediction, does this mean that the other things in that particular segment may be just around the corner in time, so to speak?
A: Could be.

You also made a remark once that ice ages occur much, much faster than people ever thought...
A: Yes.

Do we need to invest in some mukluks and snowshoes?
A: ??

Well, what I am trying to get at is: should we start stockpiling firewood?
A: Maybe.

So, it could be that fast?
A: Oh yes, and faster when in response to global ”warming.”

When you put “warming” in quotes, you obviously mean warming in more than just an ordinary sense? Is that correct?
A: And/or not really “warm.”

Whitley Strieber and Art Bell have published a book about a “global superstorm.” Is any of the information they have given in this book fairly accurate?
A: Derived from non-human sources known for stark accuracy, when convenient.

What makes it convenient at the present time for them to be “starkly accurate?”
A: Fits into plans.

Plans for what?
A: Do we not know already?

In other words: world conquest and the takeover of humanity?
A: Not as simple.

What would make my statement more accurate?
A: Call it amalgamation.

I do want to ask about this head of Tutankhamen: why was his head so extremely elongated, as well as the heads of the other members of that family?
A: Trace gene.

Where did the trace gene come from?
A: Last “call.”

The last visit of the Nephilim?
A: Close enough.

Did the gene come through Ankhenamen or Nefertiti?
A: One sound like nephilim, or your “Nefilim.”

So, Nefertiti. Where did Nefertiti come from? She is a BIG mystery. I had been formulating the idea that she was Sarai, the wife of Abraham, and the whole story about the pharaoh of Egypt stealing Abraham’s wife and this caused an “affliction” was really the story of the marriage of Nefertiti to Ankhenaten and explained his peculiar physical characteristics. Supposedly Abraham’s wife was very beautiful, and the name “Nefertiti” is supposed to mean “A Beautiful Woman Has Come,” and that sort of fits. Nobody seems to know where she came from... or who she was. Then, she disappeared from history; nobody has ever found her body or the body of Ankhenaten. It’s just such a big mystery. Where did she come from?
A: We will let you search some more.

So, I guess that means I will figure it out from clues yet to be found. Now, I want to go back to what you said about Whitley Strieber and Art Bell getting their information from “non-human” sources about world conquest and domination. Are Art and Whitley consciously aware of their connection to this source of information?
A: Amalgamation, we did not say “conquest.”

But, on previous occasions you have discussed the alien plan to manipulate humanity via time travel, creating an infrastructure for taking over the world. Are you saying that it will be done in such a way that there is no “outward” sign that it has happened?
A: Close.

So, in other words, the world is being taken over gradually, right now, as we sit here and speak, and most people aren’t even aware of it?
A: Sort of....

Are people, at any point, going to become aware of it? Are they going to wake up... or is it just the way of nature?
A: Natural processes.

So, aliens are never going to appear in the sky; there is never going to be a battle as you have previously stated; there is never going to be...

Well, that’s kind of what you are saying!
A: No. You are impatianet for a quick, packaged definition.

What I am trying to get at is; you are saying it is a natural process; you are saying we are being taken over; it is not a conquest; though you did not say that it was not domination, of course - clearly domination is part of it, is that correct?
A: One could call it evolution.

Well, still those things make one tend to think of natural processes that do not involve a war in the sky, spaceships shooting lasers...
A: Who says such rules apply?

I’m just saying that it how you are making it sound; that it is just a strictly natural process. We are talking about 4th density beings... I guess they could...
A: Natural processes are not restricted by your preconceived boundaries.

Then, let me come at it from another direction: are these beings who are behind Strieber and Bell’s book part of those who will participate in some sort of battle? The problem here is that you have excluded the word “conquest.”
(A) I think they excluded conquest because, to a large extent, for most people, it is not a conquest; they just simply allow it. So, there is no conquest for most...
A: That is part of it, but we know you can exceed your programmed ideas if you try. Conquest, or lack thereof is a matter of opinion/perception.

Let me get this straight: how is this book by Strieber and Bell going to play into the plans of STS aliens?
A: Not the book, the events depicted.

So, are you saying that Whitley and Art are doing a favor for all of us by publicizing this information, that it could be helpful?
A: Makes little difference.

Is there anything that COULD make a difference? Or is it necessary to make a difference?
A: In the biggest picture, no.

So, it’s not necessary to make a difference?
A: The soul, she counteth. The body, she doth not!

So, that’s the biggest picture. Narrow the picture down: is there something that could make a difference? Clearly, in the biggest picture, nothing makes a difference...
A: Native Americans asked similar questions once!

Which brings up the subject of Native Americans. A big part of what is being taught by them at the present time is that the aliens, the Grays, and assorted others, are good guys - the “star people” coming here to teach us and to help us advance! They claim that it is a “good” thing to have contacts, abductions, and so on and on.
A: No. Corrupted message. Some early contacts were with benevolent STO beings.

And now they are confused because they think that the present contacts are with the same beings of the past contacts?
A: Close.

Okay. Now, there is a peculiar side effect going on with our little mail group. These are folks who are well-read and pretty much aware. But, what seems to happen is that, when folks start to read our material, to become aware, they start to have all kinds of weird stuff start happening to them. Some of this stuff is SO bizarre!
A: You know this already.

Are there any words of advice you can give to the group, in general?

It seems that once they start getting some clues, the attacks increase and it becomes very discouraging. How can they survive this stage of the process?
A: One must know of attack, expect it, then counteract. Some of your correspondents are too naive.

Any other advice? Some of them are getting hit pretty hard just now...
A: You can take it from there. And you are tiring now...

I know, but I have one quick one. We have this guy, Johan Mestach in Belgium, who claims to have had a sort of Epiphany on a night train to China some years ago. Apparently, this involved Cassiopeia, and he believes that he is “in touch” with you guys. He is coming to Florida next month and wants to meet with us. Is he really in contact with you, or is he a spy? Even if a friendly spy?
A: Who cares? Learning is fun! Even if one or two toes falls off.

You said before that there were going to be all kinds of events resulting from the article. So far: zero, zip, zilch. Not a word, not anything. I am beginning to think it was just a twenty minute wonder...
A: So far is so far.

Can you tell us anything about what is coming up?
A: No.

Are we going to like it?
A: Wait and see.... good night.

End of Session


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April 15, 2000

Ark, Laura, Freddie, Terry, Jan, Johan, Stephanie

Q: Hello.
A: Hello.

And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Yojon.

And where do you transmit through?
A: Cassiopaea.

(T) We have guests here tonight...
(L) Yes, you guys have anything to say to them?
A: Yes, you have people here tonight! Would it not be better to just let the inquiries flow!?

(L) Okay. I downloaded this article from the internet. It says: “For two days in May, the Solar Wind that blows constantly from the sun virtually disappeared; the most long-lasting and drastic increase ever observed. ...Dropping to a half its normal density, a fraction of its normal speed, the solar wind...”
A: A bit of an unusual event, yes, but the observation equipment has improved, yes?

(T) Just because it was “observed” this time, doesn’t mean it isn’t something that hasn’t happened before.
A: Yes.

(L) It says: “Because of the decrease in energetic electrons from the sun, they were able to flow to the earth in narrow beams know as ‘stroa.’ Under normal conditions, electrons from the sun are diluted and mixed and redirected in interplanetary space and by earth’s magnetic field. One of the things that happened was that earth’s magnetosphere swelled to five to six times its normal size. This was observed from satellites. There was no “bow shock” formation in the earth’s magnetosphere.
A: Permeation.

(L) Is this anything like what you were talking about in terms of the expansion of the earth’s magnetic field as being a more permanent state after transition to 4th density?
A: Temporary glimpse.

(L) When you described it this way, you were talking about everything “opening up.” You mentioned that if the earth’s rotation were to slow, even a minute bit, that everything “opens up” gravitationally speaking. But, this seems to be connected to solar activity, and no so much the speed of the earth.
A: The solar and earth activities are interconnected.

(L) What effects may have occurred as a result of this event on May 5, 1999?
A: Biogenetic, related to disease pathogens.

(L) In what sense?
A: Transmutation.

(L) Did it enable disease pathogens to mutate so that they become more difficult to deal with, or did they mutate into milder forms?
A: Some both ways.

(L) Is that the main event that occurred during this solar wind lapse?
A: For now, it was so brief.

(L) Can you tell us what was the cause of this disappearance of the solar wind?
A: Rotating cyclical wave of cosmic energies.

(L) What was the source of this wave?
A: Deep space “winds,” relating to clusters of antimatter particles. Particulate, as in a mirror reflection of matter.

(L) So, that is the source of this wave. Is this going to happen more frequently in the future, or is this just a fluke?
A: You shall know.

(L) Well, that’s what I’m asking you!
A: And we refrain!

(A) I think that the answer is in the earlier question; that this is a standard thing, but with the improvement in observational equipment, it was noticed. It is rotating cyclically, so yes, it happens again and again. We don’t know how often...
A: And there are cycles within cycles.

(L) This is something I have always wanted to get into a session, but I keep forgetting it. So, I wrote it down so I wouldn’t forget. What is a “Merkabah?” All these New Age types are talking about it all over the place, and I just want to know if the standard interpretation is anything close to the reality. What is a Merkabah?
A: A creative creation.

(L) Are you saying...
A: As were...

(L) You didn’t let me finish my question!
A: We heard it in you.

(L) Well, just to get the question on the record, it was are all these people making all this stuff up about what the Merkabah is?
A: But then again, what is made up and why? It is not so simple!

(L) In ancient literature, something called a Merkabah is talked about, but the definition of this extremely mysterious thing has been lost down through the centuries. There have been many “explanations” from such sources as the Midrash - Jewish commentaries - but there is even argument there. It seems that, even then, nobody knew what it was. But now, we have all these New Age folks coming along who have decided that they know what it is, and it is variously described as rotating double tetrahedrons...
A: If no one knows what it is, that is as good as any other explanation.

(L) I want to know what the ancients who wrote about it meant? What is the definition of the word as the ancient writers used it?
A: The original definition predates this.

(L) What is the original definition that predated the ancient writings that we have access to?
A: What do you think?

(L) What? Well, it’s a curious word because it is composed of two words or even three: mer kaba or mer ka ba. If we think of it as three part word, we have the Egyptian Ka, which is like the astral body, and the Ba which is similar to the Ka. I guess you could think of them as the astral body and the genetic body. Then there is the Ab which is the sort of principle element of the life in man - like the part that is of God or the soul. The Ab was represented as a red stone. It was the part of the man that expressed desire, lust, courage, wisdom, feeling, sense and intelligence. So, all of them together sort of expresses an abstract creative principle Kaaba is Arabic for cube, and it is the square stone building in which the Black Stone is housed in Mecca. It was supposed to have been built by Ishmael and Abraham. So with Mer, Ka, Ab, and Ba, we have a cube made up of the principle parts of the etheric self, and housing a stone. Soul stone? Mother stone?
A: By god, she’s got it!

(L) Okay, we’ve got the soul or mother stone. Or the mother of all stones. Now that we have a definition, what was it?
A: The Matriarch Stone.

(L) Is the Matriarch Stone the one in Mecca?
A: Symbolism reigns supreme here.

(T) Is this also the Philosopher’s Stone?
A: “Stone” to those you perceive as ancients symbolized communication from “a higher source.”

(L) What is it about a stone that made the ancients associate it with communication?
A: Radio waves.

(L) How did radio waves interact with the stone? Were they recorded by the stone; transmitted by the stone?
A: Transmission.

(T) Crystals are stones. Crystals are used for radio transmissions.
A: Yes.

(L) And it was said before that Stonehenge was a giant transmitter and receiver. The original purpose of Stonehenge was to receive communication and to send communication. It wasn’t all that Druid HooDoo stuff that people talk about nowadays. It was a machine, so to speak.
(Johan) Could it be that people who come in contact with a stone in one place, and then they go to another place and come in contact with another stone, transfer something from one stone to another?
A: Well, one strengthens their abilities due to awareness channel grooving.

(L) What gets strengthened from contact with the stones?
A: Your abilities.

(L) When they are talking about this Mother Stone, are they talking about something similar to the Atlantean crystals that gathered, dispersed and/or transduced energy?
A: It is more symbolic. But you are on the right track.

(L) So, in talking about Merkabah, we are not talking about spinning tetrahedrons that enable you to ascend or generate some kind of “astral vehicle.” They are saying that visualizing yourself inside of one of these enables you to ascend, or something.
A: If you do that, it may help, though.

(L) It may help what?
A: We are going around in circles here. You should use your own abilities to
complete the answers to some of these. But, then again, it is one form of “spinning,” is it not?

(T) Everything we have been doing here is all about gaining knowledge and increasing frequency in order to transit from 3rd to 4th density. In ancient times, they would have had to do the same things. But, there may not have been as many experiences available. In order to get experiences, they may have had to travel. So, by going to the stones, they might have increased their frequencies to transit from 3rd to 4th density.
(L) Or they used them as a direct machine or device to do it. Archaeologists say that the people who erected the megaliths were barbarians. They are defined as barbarians because they didn’t build cities, they didn’t have the wheel, they didn’t have organized agriculture, and they left no written records. Those are the defined elements of civilization. Yet, this group of people, whoever they were, did things that we cannot duplicate today, and they did it all over the globe. The groups who came along after them who DID have all the hallmarks of what we call civilization, also could not erect these gargantuan stones. I thought about this for a long time. Archaeologists say they must have erected them as monuments to their gods, or heroes or whatever. Some of them think they were calendars to tell them when to plant the corn. Well, I think that is stretching it a bit. If you can’t cross off the days on the wall and look outside and see that it is time to plant the corn, you’re in pretty sad shape. You hardly need to haul stones as big as buildings across hills and valleys to set them up in special places to tell you to do that! The psychology of the human being cannot have changed all that much over the many thousands of years from then to now, and it is true that people do not do anything without a powerful motivation; what I call the “payoff.” What could be the payoff to haul these things around on greased logs as they are depicted? To create a monument or to bury their kings? To get naked and dance in the moonlight?
(A) Like they had a lot of time to do this while struggling to live the barbarian existence, too!
(L) Yeah. They are supposed to be howling savages who must constantly hunt to get food, yet they are spending all their time, occupying all their strongest men, to push rocks around! Meanwhile, according to the archaeologists and paleontologists, these folks only live to about 40 years at max!
(T) They got a lot of mileage out of those 40 years!
(L) Exactly! But, we are supposed to be thinking about the things they didn’t have: cities, wheels, agriculture, and writing.
(F) Maybe they didn’t need it.
(L) And why would that be? Because the stones did it all!

(T) Maybe they were 4th density STO beings who planted all those stones all over the place.
(L) Well, if you think about a group of people who are setting up these massive stones like they were pieces of styrofoam. The stones collect energy and information. They then transduce the energy or amplify it. These people know things about movement, dances or spinning or something, that enables them to behave in concert with the stones so that they all become part of a grand machine that does things! All of the legends talk about stylized dances and the oldest things about Stonehenge say that it was the Temple of Apollo and that Apollo danced there all night at certain periods of time. Every 19 years, I believe. When you think about that, and the other places Apollo appeared, the inversions and redactions of the legends, and we come to these magical stones that produce things. Then we come to the head of Bran the Blessed which supposedly produced endless supplies of bread and fish or whatever else was desired. Bran’s head was the giver of all good things. But more than that, it was an oracle. It could speak. And here we have the idea of a similar function for Stonehenge: both an oracle as well as a giver of blessings and bounty. Anything you wanted or needed it provided for you. If you wanted to go somewhere, it transported you as in the legends of the flying carpets. It was magic transportation. All of these things are associated, when you track them back far enough, with a stone. The stones did everything. (Johan) And it is funny that stones come up. What I have been doing for the past 10 or 15 years is running around the globe collecting stones. I’ve been to some of the most ancient places on earth, and I go from one to the other. And from each one, I’ve collected stones. Plus, Apollo: on Crete, there was an oracle of Apollo on Tara...
(L) And there was Tara in Ireland...
(Johan) I wouldn’t be surprised if Tara meant stone too! How is all this connected?
(L) Exactly. This is what I have always thought about these megaliths. They DID things. All of the things we think are the “signs” of civilization were done by the stones. Maybe Terry is right; these people were at some level of density where they could make this work. At some point, something happened, the ability was lost, and then people had to build cities, engage in agriculture, invent the wheel, and develop writing - because they could no longer do it the “easy” way. (Johan) In talking about stones, would the mother of all stones be the navel of the earth; is that the same as Ayers rock? It’s the largest stone on earth and they call it the navel of the earth.
(L) Does Ayers rock have anything to do with this?
A: No. Stones were once utilized to provide for all needs, as the energies transmitted connected directly with the pituitary gland to connect spiritual realities with the material realms of 3rd and 4th densities. So you see, the “stone” was viewed as Matriarchal indeed!

(L) Were the beings involved in this type of activity 3rd density, 4th density or bi-density?
A: Originally 4th when home was in other locators.

(L) Could it be said that the pituitary gland itself is the body’s own “mother stone?”
A: If you prefer. We suggest a new path now.

(L) Steph has a personal question that she says she will make short. Is that okay?
A: Oh, sure.

(S) What can I do to help my skin clear up?
A: Emotional state is still in flux. Underlying conflict. Unresolved issues. Okay? Is that it? We suspect not!

(S) What is the conflict?
A: You know this.

(Johan) What was it that I found on the beach on Magnetic Island in 1985?
A: Looking for meaning? Start at the centre.

(Johan) Center of Australia? Center of what?
A: You have been to the “centre.”

(Johan) I am not too sure that this means a physical place. For me, what I found was the center of knowledge. It started at Magnetic Island, and took 12 years for me to realize what it meant. For me it was the grail, or the representation of the grail.
A: You have the stem, now wait for the flower to “bloom.”

(Johan) And now I am going to be back in the same place! Is the flower going to bloom where I found the stem?
A: The locator is not so important as the located.

(L) Where you find it is not so important as what you found. (Johan) Yes, that’s true. I don’t know what your story is with the Holy Grail, but for me, it took me twelve years to understand what I found which was my interpretation of what the Grail was - it represented it. That’s interesting with the bloom...
A: We thrive on clues and so do you!

(L) I want to help Stephanie with her problem.
A: Why bother, she is cloaking. She does not yet feel comfortable in sharing some things.

(S) I wish they would give me the clues to which issue it is!
A: You know this, dear!

Q: (L) I want to go in a slightly different direction. Earlier we were discussing the translating of the material on the website into other languages. In terms of doing such a thing and getting the information out, could you suggest a way to do this without getting organizational. We all know that when you start forming organizations, you lose your focus. Yet, we know that everyone who participates in such a work needs to have their needs considered. Can you point us in the right direction?
A: There are translation programs available. The latest ones require much less editing.

(L) So, the real problem is just simple distribution?
A: Close.

(J) Don’t people have the ability to translate websites on the spot?
(T) Not all search engines do that.
(J) You might want to expand your keywords into other languages. That will help people to find the material.
A: Okay, you have your answers.

(Johan) The question I had was what would be the best way to bring the information to as many people as possible without going into an organization? That’s probably not a precise enough question.
A: You are correct; not precise enough.

(Johan) Sharing information is something I have been involved with for many years...
A: But this process is expanding naturally anyway due to the exponential growth in your technology. And this, by the way, is an integral component in the eventual transition to 4th density. Not because of the technology, but the explosion of the knowledge base it is/will facilitate.

Q: (J) What exactly is the function of the pituitary gland in your references to Stonehenge?
A: This gland is your uplink.

(L) Is it possible that the pituitary can be stimulated by external sources such as radio waves, waves from a supernova, or other frequencies in the environment?
A: Yes and experiments have ensued.

(L) Would it be beneficial for us to experiment with such things?
A: Not wise. You could fry yourself in your zeal.

(J) Are you guys actually channeling through your pituitary via radio waves?
A: This channeling process is comprehensive. Spiritual/psychic/physical.

(L) I guess we aren’t supposed to do any experimentation with it though.
A: You can experiment, but not technologically.

(L) Johan has some black mirrors. Would it be advantageous to trade my standard mirror for a black mirror?
A: Not necessary. Just need to utilize light correctly.

(L) Now, let me demonstrate. When I use the psychomantium, I arrange things this way... [demonstrates]. I have tried it with this little lamp, and with candles on the floor under the angle of the mirror. I can’t see the light, but the illumination is there. Now, which of these two light sources is best?
A: Candles. But place properly.

(L) Okay, if I am here, and the mirror is there, where should I place them and how many?
A: 5 and behind and above.

(L) So, I need them behind me?
A: Yes.

(L) How high above me?
A: Just above.

(L) So, I have to have a stand or a tall candleabra. What angle should the mirror be tilted?
A: 12 degrees.

(L) Five candles are a lot of candles. And I’m supposed to look up and to the left.
A: The flicker is a key here.

(L) Do you have any remarks about this solar maximum associated with the eruption of the Japanese volcano and the mass suicide of that cult over in Africa?
A: No.

(L) I didn’t think so. Just the cycle of things. A lot of people are writing to me about dreams lately. They seem to be having a lot of dreams about beings in the sky, entering our reality. All kinds of strange things.
A: Beings come and go at will always, it is the awareness that is expanding.

(L) Another trend of the dreams is being pursued, attacked, split up from their families, being put in concentration camps - just all kinds of things.
A: All are possible futures, just wait and see. There is an alien race that has plans to replace your physical vehicles with a new “model.”

(L) What are they going to do with the old models?
A: “Retire them.”

(T) Which race is this?
A: Orion STS.

(L) Is this essentially what happened with Neanderthal?
A: Yup!

(L) Well, for a period of time it seems that they continued to exist on the planet alongside the new model, cro-magnon or whatever.
A: Some did.

(L) For how long did Neanderthal exist side by side with the “new model?”
A: 233 years.

(L) I thought that Neanderthal was here for a long, long, long time; and if modern man arrived on the planet, as you say, 70 to 80 thousand years ago, wasn’t Neanderthal already here then?
A: Time references have been miscalculated.

(L) Who miscalculated the time references?
A: Science.

(L) What is the oldest Neanderthal that’s been found? Anybody know? No, well then when did Neanderthal appear on the planet?
A: 5.3 million years ago.

(L) You are saying that when science says that modern man appeared 35 to 40 thousand years ago, and Neanderthal disappeared at the same time, the real time frame was 70 to 80 thousand years ago? In other words, a factor of 2 error.
A: Close.

(L) And, of course, we can’t depend on any of the dating methods because of metamorphosis.
A: And genetic manipulation.

(L) So, in effect, we ARE the new Neanderthals on the eve of extinction. You have said that those who transition into 4th density in the body will go through some kind of rejuvenation process or body regeneration or something. Does that mean that these present “Neanderthal” type bodies that we presently occupy will morph into something more in line with the new model? Is it genetically encoded into some of them to do so?
A: Something like that.

(L) So, that’s why they have been following certain bloodlines for generation after generation; they are tinkering with the DNA and arming genetic time-bombs that are waiting to go off.
(A) What is interesting is how do those who are trying to get these people, to abduct them, how do they spot them? How do they get the information? By following the bloodline, or by some kind of monitor you can detect from a long distance - and they can note that “here is somebody of interest” or “here is somebody dangerous” or “let’s abduct this one” or whatever. How do they select? Do they search the genealogies or is it some kind of remote sensing?
A: Now this is interesting Arkadiusz, as it involves the atomic “signature” of the cellular structure of the individual. In concert with this is the etheric body reading and the frequency resonance vibration. All these are interconnected, and can be read from a distance using remote viewing technology/methodology.

(L) Can it be done in a pure mechanical way without using psychic means?
A: At another level of understanding, the two are blended into one.

Q: (T) Computerized psychic remote viewing, maybe. Like artificial intelligence. Maybe a mind connected to a computer?
A: That is close, yes.

(T) Which we are not capable of yet - that we know of, anyway. (J) I’ll bet the Russians are.
(L) Why?
A: Work? Yes. Succeed? Not much.

(L) Off to the side, in examining the map along this line where you had us looking, from Novosibirtsk to Urkutsk, I discovered that there is a range of mountains there called “Sayan” or “Sayany.” Is this the original Mount Zion and is this the area where there is a secret lab or something?
A: Yes, but not Mount Zion.

(L) What was the original Mount Zion?
A: Sinai.

(L) What is in these mountains between Novosibirtsk and Urkutsk?
A: Magnetics lab.

(L) What stone was Nicholas Roerich returning to a temple when he made his trek into Siberia?
A: Stone was diamond from Persia.

(L) What kind of UFO was it that he sighted at the time that he made the dedication of this temple; considering also that this was on the direct line of Tunguska?
A: UFO was a probe.

(L) Was it there because they were there, or was it unrelated?
A: Related.

(L) What was the significance of this diamond?
A: Energized.

(L) By what?
A: Not by: for.

(L) Energized for what?
A: Link.

(L) Link to what?
A: Your move.

(T) For the wave?
A: No, Terry, we are reminding Laura that this is not 20 questions.

(T) Is this magnetics lab related to the one in Tallahassee?
(L) I don’t think so. I mean, it’s so secret that even we can know about it yet!
(T) There’s one in Tallahassee - a high energy magnetics lab...
A: Different orientation.

(L) It’s my feeling or conjecture that this one we have been led to investigate, and I do mean led, is that it’s a center of activity where the matrix is generated and maintained. I think it is also connected to ancient things simply by virtue of the timeless nature of time.
(S) Do they generate “time” there?
(L) Possibly.
A: Not “just Russians.”

(L) It’s not just Russians. I think it is the center of the Consortium web - their home base. It is out in the middle of nowhere that there is nowhere near!
A: Good night.

End of Session


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May 27, 2000

Ark, Laura, Freddie, Barry T., Stephanie

Q: Hello.
A: Hello.

And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Olonnagia.

Q: And where do you transmit through?
A: Cassiopaea.

I guess the first question on everybody’s mind tonight is RAIN! We need rain. Now, a) can you tell us if rain is coming soon? or b) is there something we can do to bring rain?
A: There is an atmospheric inversion which has been unusually stubborn over your locator, yes. But, the extensive low level heat will soon “punch” holes in this oppressive high pressure system, thus allowing rising air to combine with low level moisture rising to produce the much anticipated precipitation.

(A) What does “soon” mean? Maybe two days or two hundred days. [Laughter] Can we have some limit?
A: We give you 10 days, as you measure time, for significant relief. Ask the one sitting with you if he has had a preview?

(L to B) Have you had a preview?
(B) Of rain? Just a dream that I posted a long time ago.
(L) What was the dream?
(B) That everything turned into a swamp. That’s when I rescued the elephants.
(L) Yeah, I remember that. Bizarre dream.
A: You have also had precipitation.

(L) Ark and I both had flood dreams on the same night a couple of nights ago.
A: Barry locator go back 11 days.

(B) I had just gotten back from California.
(L) Last night I really thought I heard rain blowing against the house. It was either that or Sylvia’s radionics were chasing demons away from the area! Did I hear rain?
A: No.

(L) What did I hear?
A: Leaves.

(L) Well, there was wind blowing something! Now, we have a person on our mail list who writes: “I tell you what else I was told,” and she does not indicate the source. In parentheses she says “the Cassiopaeans are not the only ones passing this material.” What she was told was: “When we are in 4th density it will be a world like the present only wild and unspoiled. All life forms will have evolved to a higher state of intelligence and/or natural abilities. The predators will be more efficient! There will be much communication between humans and animals. A horse, for example, will choose its rider rather than the other way around. Maybe I will finally get to ride the horse of my dreams. In other words, not a paradise, but a kind of primeval world, dangerous in many respects. We ourselves will have grown more alert in response to our surroundings, and the temperature will be comparable to southern California coastal climate; Club Med in 4th density.” Now, this is apparently what this individual was told about 4th density, and I thought it was an interesting description. I would like to know how accurate it is?
A: The thing to remember is that descriptions of this type are difficult to reconcile, as the receiver is forced to view them from a 3rd density perspective. It is the old “apples and oranges” thing, ya know!

(L) Well, in its essential nature, perceiving is apprehension of an energy construct that presents itself in symbols. So, in this respect, is the above description a symbolic representation of the energy of 4th density?
(B) But, 4th density is the realm of the ultimate in wishful thinking. Maybe that comes into play here?
(S) I would like to know what elements are like in 4th density.
A: We suggest you reign in anticipation.

(L) In other words, stop “wishful thinking.” I’m not anticipating anything. But, the remarks were made, and it sounds nifty, so that is the only reason I was asking. Do you have anything else to say in response to that?
A: We are not just communicating with you.

(S) That must be in response to my question about elements.
A: No.

(L) Do you mean that the response you gave was for the others, including the one who was making the comments, not just me?
A: Yes.

Q: (L) Now, Stephanie wants to know about the elements: air, earth, fire and water, in 4th density?
A: Again, descriptions do not compute for you. We have attempted to explore this avenue already, but it was more for symbolic purposes. Literal definitions restrict.

(L) Well, Barry had some interesting ideas about the progression of densities, so maybe this is the point to bring them up.
A: Let Barry roll!

(B) While reading “Wave 6” on the website, there was a section in there that was trying to compare awareness of 2nd density to 3rd density in order to create a framework in which to conjecture about the awareness of 4th density. It was stated there that we recognize objects by their similarity, and that 2nd density recognizes objects by their difference. Making a progression, does that mean that on 4th density, we would recognize the commonality of all objects, therefore allowing an aware manipulation of things in 3rd density? Also, if animals see in two dimensions, and sense the third as transience or movement, such as we sense time, then maybe in 4th density we would sense time as a 4th dimensional measurement. For 2nd density, the third dimension is the illusion factor, and for 3rd density it is also an illusion, but we are aware of the illusion and therefore interpolate it into the reality. So, on 4th density, would time become concrete, and therefore manipulatable because it is no longer an illusion?
A: Quite close. Now, pay attention! What if: one on 2nd density perceives objects due to their similarity. One on 3rd density perceives objects due to their difference, and one on 4th density perceives objects in terms of their own union with all of them?

(B) In terms of their own union with all of them? I kind of thought that would be the NEXT step up.
A: No.

(B) So, 4th density, instead of being an incremental step, is a GIANT step?
(L) Yup. I guess the steps follow some sort of mathematical square progression rather than simply numerical.
(B) Well, that would have to be true because if you consider the difference between 1st density and 2nd density, that’s a MEGA jump! (A) I have a problem with this sentence. It says: “one on 4th density perceives objects in terms of their own union with all of them?” Who is in union with the objects?
A: Perceiver.

(L) Yes. It’s like the perception when one is out of the body, so to speak. My own experience with this was truly interesting. Whenever I thought of something, I was instantly perceiving it not only by “seeing” it from the outside, but I was “inside” it also. It was like thinking about it, put me inside it. I became part of it. If I thought about a sphere, I was not seeing a ball “over there.” I was “in union” with it. I can’t say I was “inside” it, because that implies “inside” as opposed to “outside.” There was none of that sort of thing. It’s a perception all the way through at once. Is this what we are talking about here?
A: Part of it.

(L) Okay. We want to cover a couple of other things tonight. Now, I am dying of curiosity about this one. I want to know what ...
A: You are not yet dying!

(B) You should have seen that coming!
(L) Yeah. But you know what I mean!
A: Yes, but we like to have fun with you!

(L) Don’t play with me on this one! I want to know what is the cause of the so-called “cart tracks” on the island of Malta?
A: Grooves.

(L) Well, I KNOW that! But they are grooved in such a way that they cannot possibly be cart ruts, as they are called. I just recently purchased a book about the archeology of Malta which talks on and on about the temples and so forth, and then, on the very last page, devotes a single paragraph to the “cart ruts.” This book says: “The enigmatic cart ruts are too obvious in the Maltese rocky landscape to be ignored in any work, however concise, on Maltese archeology even though they are still not easy to locate in the chronological sequence. according to the traditional view, they should be placed in prehistory, more precisely in the Bronze Age, the main argument being that some specimens are cut by “Punic” tombs and, therefore, should be prior to that period. The validity of this argument is, in my view, highly questionable particularly since for Temi Zammit, its originator, ‘Punic’ could mean anything from the 7th century BC to the 3rd century AD, especially as far as tombs are concerned. In my search and study of ancient quarries over the last fifteen years, I found cart ruts very frequently, almost invariably, associated with them. The best example is, perhaps, the Buskett group which lies next to the largest and most important of Malta’s ancient quarries. For this reason I cannot refrain from believing that they were intended for the transportation of construction blocks from the quarry face to the road in ancient (i.e., not prehistoric) times. This view is supported by a good number of parallels abroad (for instance in Sicily, southern France and Greece) as well as by their concentration in several areas around Melite which must have required a constant supply of ashlar masonry for its buildings. “ There is a single picture of the ruts in this book. In the 1975 Lexikon der Archaeologie (30), the entry under Malta reads: “More emigrants from Sicily came to the island around 3200 BC. An astonishing number of megalithic temples were constructed between 2800-1900 BC. The still extant temples, some thirty in number, exhibit a highly developed plan and superstructure ...This population possibly followed warlike immigrants from western Greece... The strange ‘cart-ruts’ belong to the same period.” Now, the problem with this cart rut theory is the following: When you look at these furrows impressed in the ground, most of them parallel as they should be, the natural thing is to think of them as ruts. But, apparently, close examination shows that they CANNOT have been ruts in the ordinary sense of the word. The reason is that the tracks of the two parallel furrows are not only DIFFERENT FROM RUT TO RUT! but also vary in the course of a single stretch! They run through valleys, over hills, and sometimes exist in several “pairs” side by side which then unite into single two track stretches, followed by sudden curves. They also run off straight into the Mediterranean. Others end abruptly at cliff edges. They are from 65 to 123 cm wide. The furrows themselves are frequently over 70 cm DEEP! At one place, on rut runs in a curve over a hill and cuts 72 cm into the limestone ground. If a cart ever ran in these ruts, it could not have taken a curve because of the great depth of the ruts! Either the axle would have vanished in the deep imprint or the axle must have been at least 72 cm high which would have given the wheel a diameter of 1.5 cm. But that presents the problem that such a large wheel could NOT have taken such a tight curve! It would get stuck or break. Such wheels that would be necessary to navigate the depth of the ruts could not have maneuvered in the narrowness of them which is approximately 6 cm. Since every single-axle cart has two wheels which must run absolutely parallel in the furrows, we are faced with an impossibility. Even a double axled cart would not work because when taking a curve, the rear wheels have to trace a narrower track than the front wheels which is why large trucks have to make a wide swing to take a tight curve. At another point on the island, four pairs of ruts join together into one rut.
They all have different “gauges” a prior to this union. Nearby, there is a rut that crosses another, but they are of different depths. Another rut is up to 60 cm deep, and has a width of 11 cm at the deepest point, and 20 cm at the highest. As noted, in many places, the ruts run straight into the waters of the Mediterranean. It was assumed until recently that the ruts would end underwater a few meters from the coast, which would suggest that they had originated when the sea level of the Mediterranean was lower. However, divers have discovered that the ruts continue in the stone to great depths below sea level. Now, recently, a German real estate investor who was also a part-time archeologist, claimed to have identified a megaliths temple similar to Mnajdra on the sea-bed in Malta’s territorial waters. Supposedly, the discovery was made by two Maltese divers who noted the structure during a dive on the 13th of July in 1999. They took photographs. This was some 3 KM off the eastern coast of Malta. If this discovery were “authenticated,” it would overturn existing history as we know it! In order for a temple to lie on the bed of the Mediterranean sea, it would have to date to the last ice age. The implication would then be that the Maltese temples are at least 6,000 years older than previously thought.
Following this announcement, which really set the archeologists on their ears, there was a report printed in the “Malta Independent” on Sunday, November 7th, 1999 which said: “The initial caution and scepticism with which the news was received by local archaeologists would now appear to be vindicated. After an on-site dive carried out by the Museums Department last Friday, a spokesman for the Department expressed serious doubts that the underwater structures in question have any archaeological importance at all, let alone constitute a complete prehistoric temple, as suggested by amateur German archaeologist Dr. Huber Zeitlmair, who took credit for the discovery. An official press statement to this effect is expected to be released shortly. :The structures which elicited such widespread interest and even excitement were first filmed by local divers Shaun and Kurt Arrigo on an underwater plateau some three kilometres east of Malta. At its deepest point the plateau is over 25 metres below sea level; at its shallowest, about seven metres. Strewn about the area are several large rectangular stones which give the impression of fallen menhirs. Beyond, there are a number of what appear to be kidney-shaped chambers, bearing some resemblance to the apses of above ground temples such as Mnajdra and Hagar Qim. “For Dr. Zeitlmair, video footage was evidence enough to publicly assert that the structures represent a complete megalithic complex, constructed at a time when the plateau would have been above sea level. the fact that it is now underwater could be due to the melting o the polar ice caps during the last ice age, which would mean that the structures were inundated between 8,000 and 10,000 BC. “The implications are, to say the least, dramatic. Sadly, though, his interpretation has not stood up to preliminary investigations, and it now appears that what we are dealing with is most likely a natural phenomenon. Meanwhile, contacted independently of the Museums Department, Professor Anthony Bonanno of the Department of Classics and Archaeology at the University of Malta, described the possibility of an underwater temple as “extremely improbable.”

“’The fact that Dr. Zeitlmair is part of a society of ‘Palaeoastronauts’ automatically puts me on my guard” , he says. As for the theory of an antediluvian temple culture, Prof. Bonanno dismisses it out of hand. “’Our existing temples have been very reliably carbon-dated to the period 3,600 to 2,500 BC. In that space of time we have traced a regular evolution in style, from the small and rudimentary to the large and complex.” The good professor then goes on to suggest that, if the ruins ARE validated, the only way they could possibly have gotten where they are is if they were contemporary to the ruins on the island, and were on an adjacent part of the island that “sank because of a fault in the rock.”

So, what it amounts to is another discovery is being co-opted by the authorities who immediately pooh pooh it, cover it up, explain it away with their circular cerebral gymnastics.
The bottom line is: I want to know what was the cause of these crazy cart ruts that cannot have been cart ruts! They cannot possibly be cart ruts!
A: Energy grooves.

(L) What kind of energy?
A: Something like short circuit at time of disturbance in magnetic field of planet.

(L) Was there something inlaid there that conducted this energy? I mean, did this rock melt like this because it had lines of conductors laid into the ground?
A: Crystal generators were once used to collect and redistribute cosmic and terran energy fields.

(L) How long ago were these ruts or grooves formed?
A: 14019 years ago as you measure it.

(L) Was this before the temple structures were built on Malta?
A: Yes. Survivors built those.

(L) These ruts are certainly in the way. They are a definite hazard to walking. Maybe they filled them in with dirt that later washed away.
A: Magnetic disturbance, human cause.

(L) What do you mean by that? Are you saying that the magnetic disturbance was caused by humans, or that the magnetic disturbance contributed to the cause of the ruts, and that the ruts were caused by humans, in such case, how did they cause the ruts in relation to the magnetic disturbance?
A: No. Calamities caused magnetic disturbances. Picture a short circuit in the global crystal power grid.

(L) So, in other words, a global crystal power grid short circuited due to magnetic disturbances, and these human constructed grid lines all over the planet - I’m sure they must have existed in other places if that is the case - did it just melt the rock?
A: Maltese condition is somewhat unique from a preservational standpoint.

(L) Again, did the rock just melt along these laid out grid lines?
A: More like atomic changes structurally.

(A) I don’t understand if they were built or were they natural lines of conduction? Was this power grid artificial or natural?
A: An artificial utilization of natural energy fields.

(L) Well, archaeologists like to explain them as cart ruts. But to dig such ruts 72 cm deep would take a VERY long time. And there is no consistent size or depth or direction, so that they are completely unexplainable as cart ruts. Yes, there ARE places where you see real cart ruts. In ancient Rome, they placed stones in the streets for pedestrians to walk across because the streets were often muddy or full of waste or water. But the stones were placed at specific intervals to accommodate a standard axle width. Here, there is NO standard! There is not standard axle width, there is no standard depth, there is no standard anything. Another explanation offered was that the Maltese were “dragging” things with something like the Native American travois deal. Get real! 72 cm deep in solid rock?! That’s a LOT of dragging ! Another explanation was that the ruts were used to contain rolling balls on which things were slid along the ground. Only problem is that there is no consistent width of individual ruts, and many of them are incised as “V’s” in the rock, not rounded as would be thought if balls were being used. None of the explanations make any sense. But, let’s move on. Next question: This was something that was bugging me, and somebody sent an e-mail asking the same question, so I thought I would toss it in here. What is the origin of the Finns. They are quite different from their neighbors, and something of a puzzle.
A: Tribal split in transit.

(L) What tribe?
A: In other words, “you take the high road and I’ll take the low road...”

(L) Are they split off from the Hungarians? Were the Hungarians and the Finns originally the same tribe?
A: Yes.

(L) And what is the origin of the Hungarians and Finns before they split?
A: Carpathian zone.

(L) Now, you have them in a locator, what is the origin of their genotype since they sort of stand out alone?
A: What do you propose?

(L) I guess that they were another experimental creation. A genetic “tweak,” so to speak.
A: Works for us. [Laughter.]

(L) Okay, that takes care of my short questions. Now, we have a problem here with Roswell. I just finished reading Kal Korff’s book “Roswell: What they don’t want you to know,” and it is pretty much a bashing expose of lies and confusions spread, supposedly, by the many witnesses who have come forward over the years. He takes Jesse Marcel apart, he takes the fireman’s daughter’s story apart; he rips the undertaker’s story to pieces; he takes Phil Corso’s story apart; you name it, he bashes it to bits. Pretty effectively, too, in my opinion. He seems to have located the origin of the “little sticks” with hieroglyphics on them” seen by several of the so-called witnesses. This is a SERIOUS problem with this whole story. The problem is that, despite the fact that all the stories have been dissected by this guy so effectively, there ARE things he cannot account for, and explanations that he makes that simply don’t fit his thesis. On the one hand, he claims that the Roswell base people instituted a cover up of a top secret balloon project, and on the other hand, he says that the Roswell base did not KNOW about the top secret balloon project because it was so secret! That is completely irreconcilable. Then he quotes a general’s written statement that something WAS going on that had something to do with alien interactions, and dismisses this signed statement as “hearsay.” The thing that occurs to me is that a) either we have somebody going back and forth in time, tweaking the facts, such as Marcel’s military records and such things including any records of the nurse that the undertaker claims to have talked to, or b) we have something that did happen and either they went back in time to set a situation up so that people would start remembering something OTHER than what happened, so as to cover up the real event with more or less “false memories” that could be not stand scrutiny; or c) they are just feeding disinformation through all of these people, and have produced a whole scenario with all kinds of witnesses and weird stuff to cover up something that happened. Could you comment on this. You have already said that the actual crash did not occur at Roswell, that it occurred on the Plains of San Agustin...
A: Try scenario 3.

(L) So, they are feeding disinformation through all the so-called “Roswell witnesses.”
A: Close.

(L) To cover up something that really did happen?
A: Yes.

(L) And they are feeding the disinformation through the people so that they will come out with this whole story, make all this big splash, so that it can THEN be proven false, so that everybody will think that the whole thing was a crock of kaflooey. Is that it?
A: Not quite. Confusing stories and fabrications are used to muddy the waters in anticipation of future disclosures. And beware of authors who cast one stone and hit multiple targets. As with any conspiratorial mystery, keep focused on the earliest entries in the evidentiary train, i.e. “RAAF recovers flying disk in Roswell region.”

(L) Oh, the newspaper headlines. Yes. Hmmmm... Terry was saying that he thought the Roswell business was a cover-up for space-time travel by some secret U.S. group.
A: No.

(L) So, the other information you have already given on Roswell still stands. Is there any other comments you want to add to this information at this time?
A: Roswell did involve evidence of non-human intelligence.

(L) I just can’t understand some things. When these researchers get out there and they start digging into things, and this happens over and over again, they don’t dig deep enough...
A: Kennedy was assassinated by every one... according to the myriad researchers, so called.

(L) So true. You read one “carefully researched” book, and there is one candidate for the assassin. You read another “carefully researched” book and there is another candidate. By the time you get done reading all the books, everybody in the country is implicated! At the very least, everyone present in Dealey Plaza had the opportunity.
(F) They keep on searching. But, if you go back to the very beginning, that is where the clues are. Right away, there were reports of shooters on the “grassy knoll.” The very early evidence gathered from those present was completely ignored and washed away as “irrelevant” or “misperception.”
(B) There were people ducking and diving for cover because of their awareness of the source of the bullets!
(L) Yes, but all that is just brushed away as panic or whatever because, of course, Oswald did it! And, handily, Oswald gets blown away by Jack Ruby so he can never talk, for sure.
(F) And Jack Ruby died of cancer without talking to anyone except Dorothy Kilgallen, who then decided that it was the best time to commit suicide, right after interviewing Jack Ruby... naturally, before she ever wrote a word about it.
(L) Is there any trail we could follow that would enable us to obtain a more definite indication of what really DID go on in the Roswell case?
A: There is no “proof” or evidence unless the perceiver is willing.

(L) So true. Like the Malta “cart ruts.” It’s there in stone, and the archeologists still seek to explain it away with nonsense.
(F) Yeah. It’s the same story with the abduction experience. They have now discovered that if you put somebody in a sensory deprivation chamber and subject them to EM waves of some sort, they will report the same thing. So, let’s just ignore the physical traces of alien interaction. Let’s forget all that and pronounce that “see?! We have tested these other people in tanks, under waves, and that proves that this is the only thing going on here!” Forget the fact that the people experiencing abductions were NOT in sensory deprivation chambers and were NOT subjected to the same types of waves and suggestion.
(L) Moving along to the next question: we have been discussing memories and how memories of, say, past lives are stored, and that leads to the question of what is the structure and composition of the soul? How does the soul remember? How does it carry its memories from lifetime to lifetime, from body to body, whether simultaneous or sequential? How does the soul “store” them?
A: Has to do with atomic principles. These with gravity present the borderland for the material and the nonmaterial. Which theoretical atomic particulates would you think form the basis here?

(L) How about tachyons?
A: Maybe neutrons?

(A) Neutrons? Or neutrinos?
A: Neutrinos.

(A) Well, first they say neutrons, then neutrinos. Or “maybe neutrons.” I say “neutrinos” and they say “yes.” So a “maybe” is only a pointer. Neutrinos are funny particles because they are massless. But, some people don’t believe that neutrinos exist. My guess would be neutrinos. Do they exist?
A: Okay, we are going to throw caution to the “winds,” and say yes. [Laughter.]

(L) In terms of these neutrinos and soul composition, how are memories formed or held or patterned with these neutrinos?
A: Contained within for release when and if suitable.

(L) Memories are contained within the neutrinos?
A: Sort of.

(L) Are they contained within patterns formed by the neutrinos?
A: Closer.

(L) So, that means that if one “consciousness unit,” or soul, has more memories or experiences than another consciousness unit, it would have more neutrinos?
A: No.

(B) Different patterns?
A: No.

(L) What’s the difference?
A: More data per unit, sort of.

(L) Does that mean that an individual neutrino can be, in and of itself, more “dense” in data, so to speak?
A: So to speak.

(L) Does this increased density of data change the nature or function of the individual neutrino?
A: Maybe it changes the function of the awareness, thus the environs.

(L) Is there a specific number of neutrinos that constitutes a consciousness unit, or soul?
A: Number is not quite the right concept. Orientation is closer.

(L) What are the orientational options?
A: Vibrational frequencies.

(L) Do the vibrational frequencies increase or decrease with density of data?
A: Change; better not to quantify.

(A) We are talking about soul. Soul is what density, in concept?
A: Ark, are neutrinos related to the concept of a bridge into pure energy in some way?

(A) Yes. I was going in that direction. I was wondering why you speak about neutrinos and not photons, because photons are also a bridge to pure energy, I would say. The difference between photons and neutrinos is that photons are bosons and neutrinos are fermions. Neutrinos have to dance so that they don’t touch each other. Bosons are like pairs of neutrinos and photons, as bosons, are free to move in space any way they want.
A: We would mention photons in terms of this discussion, but for the tendency of some reading the WebPages to misinterpret in terms of the “love and light” fantastic.

(L) Well, the “light fantastic” was a dance around the turn of the century, so that refers back to the remark about “dancing.”
(A) Are neutrinos the fundamental building blocks of everything? The most fundamental particle, so to speak?
A: More like a midpoint with spherical outward expansive quality. Tetrahedron, pentagon, hexagon.

(L) Just a quick question about why my feet are swelling so much...
A: Circulatory aberration.

(L) What can I do to make it go away?
A: Aspirin therapy. If fails, try plavix until naturopathic remedies suffice.

(L) What is “plavix?”
A: Prescription anticoagulant.

(S) I was watching a jet the other day, and I saw two balls in the sky, only a little lighter than the sky itself, and I watched them for about 30 seconds, doing things that were impossible for a plane. What was I seeing?
A: UFO activity of probe in nature.

(L) Were they interacting for her benefit, in her direction, or were they just there in a general sense?
A: Option 2.

(L) Freddie and I have been discussing the stock market. We are curious as to what kind of advice you would give at present. On other occasions you have advised other people on investment strategies that proved to be quite dramatic. At the time, we were unable to take advantage of such strategies. However, at the present time, we have some little surplus. What kind of investment strategies would you suggest for somebody looking for something that would assist in putting them in a position where they could devote more time to doing research and less time to working their buns off?
A: Be patient and communicate directly with corporation board members of prospective companies. “Small cap” technology and biotechnology firms offer the best long term investment potential.

(L) Well, if the “wave” is going to come or any other weird stuff is going to happen, do we want to look for long term investments?
A: When is wave coming?

(B) I guess you take care of this business now and that business then!
(L) I guess so! So any stocks in particular; any particular names; should we buy gold; is the market going to crash; what about bonds; the market is very unstable now. It’s acting crazy. It’s almost scary to jump in right now!
A: Market is not unstable, was for a short time as greedmeisters had their comeuppance.

(L) That’s the whole deal? Nothing more than that?
A: What more do you desire?

(L) Well, kind of like this movie I was watching the other day. Is there some kind of formula you can use to predict if something is going to go zooming up so you can buy it before it does?
A: You need no formulas. You only need insight. Your gift is in the area of communication! We suggest application accordingly.

Q: (S) I guess if you apply yourself as diligently to the stock market as you do to your other studies, you’ll be just fine.
(L) I don’t have TIME for that! I don’t have time to study the market. I want something to put me on the right track so I can continue to work on the website!
A: If financial gain is an attractive option to you, and let us face it, yours is a 3rd density STS realm, then we believe you will discover previously uncharted reserves of “time” as the process unfolds.

Q: (L) So, you are saying don’t jump in without checking things out... because we don’t have enough money to just throw it away...
A: Yes, but you, Laura, are simply not deterred nor intimidated by the imaginary pomp and circumstance of those who sit in board rooms.

Q: (B) Maybe what they are saying is that with your character make-up, what would normally put off another person wouldn’t stop you at the board room door. You’d just charge in there...
(L) But what does that have to do with buying stocks?
(B) They said “Be patient and communicate directly with corporation board members of prospective companies.”
(L) So, if I research different stocks...
(F) Maybe you should just e-mail them and say “hey, what’s going on with your company?” You need to know what is going on with the company.
(L) Any last questions before we stop for the night?
(B) Are we going to be as vulnerable as I think we are going to be upon arrival in 4th density? I mean, we will be the new kids on the block!
A: Are you not already pretty damn vulnerable?

(L) Well, yes we are already pretty vulnerable. Are we going to be MORE vulnerable?
A: What fear have ye, if ye remember that the soul is what counts, and that it is indestructible. Good night.

End of Session


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