March 6, 1999

Q: Hello.
A: Hello.

Who do we have with us this evening?
A: znsllsos.

And where do you transmit through?
A: Cassiopaea.

I think Chloe had a couple of questions that she wanted to ask this evening.
(C) When I was living at the farm I had a dream where I woke up with some words reverberating in my ear. Do you know the dream I am talking about?
A: Speak in precise in present tense.

I have a question about a past dream.
A: My dear, fire away. Hesitate not!

Is the name and/or the entity ‘Sekenenre’ significant to my life or to the life of the people gathered here?
A: Certainly.

Would you care to enlighten us?
A: Enlightening comes through discovery, born of searches.

Is Sekenenre connected to the legends behind the Knights Templar?
A: Whoa!

(L) Who? Oh, WHOA! I get it!
A: Do you? We thinks you a bit rusty.

(C) Okay... Sekenenre...
(L) I think that ‘whoa’ means that you are supposed to back up and regroup with your questions...
A: Jump to conclusions. How ya going to keep ‘em down on the “farm?”

(L) Is it jumping to a conclusion to think that there is a connection between Sekenenre and the Knights Templar? Well, back up to the personal issue here. The dream.
(C) Was I actually a contemporary of Sekenenre in the body?
A: See previous answer.

(L) I guess you are jumping to conclusions again. I think I would get very basic. In the first place, we don’t even know for sure that Sekenenre actually existed as described or listed. It could be all disinformation. Was or is Sekenenre an incarnate person?
A: No.

(L) Why was Sekenenre known as one of the pharoahs of Egypt?
A: History is a bit muddied by design.

Okay, from what source did this dream and this voice Chloe experienced originate?
A: Now you are getting back on the track.

(C) So, what source?
A: Sometimes, our fifth density friends playgames when they know our

(L) Are you saying that this source was fifth density and that it was playing on her vulnerabilities?
A: Yes.

And what vulnerabilities were these?
A: Assumptive mind analysis.

(L) Well, who is Sekenenre?
A: Not yet.

(L) What was the purpose of this dream and voice?
A: Multi-tiered.

(L) Can you tell us the most basic of the purposes?
A: Riddles reveal.

(L) What was the riddle?
A: Search for truth.

(C) Okay, so Sekenenre did not exist as a person...
A: Chloe, you could have foreseen all obstacles if you had learned better
interpretations. Review for revelation.

(L) Review what for revelation?
A: Dreams, my dear, dreams!

(C) It was pretty simple. There wasn’t really a dream. I woke up, and as I woke up I realized that just before I woke up I heard a voice saying “Beloved of Sekenenre.” I told you about it because I had never heard a voice so clear and I had never heard of Sekenenre. You found Sekenenre as a pharoah in that book about the Masons with a hole in his head. Okay, who was the skeleton with the hole in its head in the book that was identified as Sekenenre?
A: Masonic rites guide to life’s path.

(L) Chloe’s life path?
A: And others too.

(L) So, Chloe had the dream and the “word.” I found who it was and the connection...
A: Clues... not conclusions.

(C) Was this an illustration of a connection of our lives?
A: Maybe, but there is more to it than that.

Q: (C) Are Laura and I and Freddie and Ark also, connected to Sekenenre or is fifth density involve in that in some way? That’s not a clear question...
A: And this is not clearly explainable, unless one gives up all of one’s assumptions/anticipations.

(C) So, forget about the connection; that’s really not important.
A: We had trained Laura do this, but she is rusty!

(L) Not so much rusty, but this is Chloe’s dream. If this were my dream and I wanted to find out some things about it, I would ask, first of all, was it in fact the ending of a dream?
A: Yes.

(L) Okay. Was it also an interaction with beings of other densities?
A: Fifth.

(L) Were these beings STS or STO?
A: Fifth is recycling zone.

(L) Was it someone on the verge of recycling, someone who was being recycled, or was it someone who had been incarnated and was in the recycling zone between incarnations?
A: Latter.

(L) So, it is someon who had been incarnated and was now at fifth density, having died. Was it someone Chloe had known?
A: Yes. Maternal.

(C) Was this my mother?
A: Yes.

(C) Was the name Sekenenre one of her...
A: Your fifth density connections must get creative in order to message, as that old free will edict is a real “bear.”

(L) So, in other words, her mother was trying to get a message to her in such a way as to not violate free will?
A: Close enough for horseshoes!

(C) So, I am getting messages from my mother and others on the other side. And Laura found the Sekenenre... what did the ‘beloved’ part mean? Was that just an attention getter?
A: Maybe.

(L) Okay, you have dealt with the free will part and you know that somebody is trying to get messages to you without violating your will... would it be part of this free will, or message business....
(C) Okay, I’m here, so let them give me the message.
A: No.

(L) Well, she got the message, it connected to something in a book, would it be possible....
(C) Is my life path part of the message they were trying to get to me?
A: Not really...

(L) Can we assume that, since such a dramatic message was conveyed to her, that she DOES have a life path and is, perhaps, not following it, and that this was a ‘wake-up call?’
A: Not bad for shooting in the dark!

(L) So, I’m there!
A: Not there, but maybe in “Orlando.”

(L) Is she supposed to be in Orlando to find her life’s path and Sekenenre?
A: Better to meditate on this.

(C) I’m planning on going to Orlando next week. Will I find a clue at that time?
A: It is possible.

(C) Is this related to business?
A: Ditto.

(L) Okay, you had a communication that you told me. I found a clue and told you. You couldn’t make head or tails of it, which led to you now asking and being told that someone has tried to tell you something without violating free will, and they have pointed in the direction of Orlando and meditation.
That seems to be about the limit of free will here. I would like to briefly touch on this situation with my girls and my mother, having told some of the details to Freddie and Chloe. There seems to be some question in my mind as to what is at the center or the source of this situation that seems to be so ugly. Could you clarify it for me?
A: Specifics, please.

(L) Is my mother the spider at the center of this web?
A: One of them.

Any others?
A: Teenage rebellion; repeating of patterns, genetic predispositions.

(L) Well, I feel that I have done all I can do up to this point...
A: Then, do no more.

(L) I would like to know what was the source of the fire that started by the house last night? Was it Jason’s cigarette tossed over there?
A: And tannic acid.

(L) I have been working on putting the puzzle together and I have come to a lot of thoughts, and I have been reviewing the material and finding clues here and there, and I found this amazing sunken city in Wisconsin. Somehow I am wondering if this is what you meant when you mentioned treasures in Rhineland. It is not in Rhinelander, but it is not too far. I would like to know if this is part of the clue system since there was a huge link between this site and the Canary Islands.
A: Keep digging.

(C) That’s an interesting double layered remark.
(L) When you made the remark that travel is okay for me in small doses, I started thinking that when the point in time comes for us to go and dig something, that it might be either right under our house or not too far away?
A: Maybe.

(L) Is it still an important thing for us to find what is buried under this house?
A: If you have a hunch, does it serve you wrong?

(L) Not usually. It would be so bizarre to find something important right under this house. That would explain why I got it so easily!
A: And would that not be cool?

(L) Yes, it would be totally KEWL! Okay, so... that is a possibility. I have been trying to take it easy in order to let things sort out in my mind. On the one hand, I feel sort of useless, on the other hand I think I am doing the right thing for the moment...
A: It all leads to paydirt. So, patience is the virtue begotten.

(L) Well, there have been several clues along the way about something under this house, and I asked once about the value of it, and the reply was that it was very valuable to some, so that gave me the idea that it was an artifact of some sort rather than money or jewels or so.
(C) Well, tonight they have remarked about digging and paydirt.
(L) Well, the circumstance surrounding the getting of this house are just so bizarre, and it was remarked that there was a reason I got this house... a very specific reason. Was there ever another structure here before this house was built?
A: For you to discover.

Well, we’re getting too close to it... and this Miam Circle thing makes you wonder...
(C) Was there a cellar there before the cement block celler was put in?
A: Maybe. We aren't going to tell you that!

(C) I think what’s down there is older than the cement blocks. They said something about an eccentric former owner hiding something down there, and it could have been something HE found rambling around these parts and then reburied.
(L) It would just crack me up if this blasted thing I’m looking for all over this planet is buried right under this house! That would be absolutely the ultimate irony!
(A) I want to ask about my sleeping disorder... what is the reason...
A: Vitamin and dietary changes, combined with diligent efforts to solve that which may or may not be solvable at work. Increase dairy intake, add light doses of niacin.

Q: (A) What about this humidity that I think I am lacking in the air? I can’t sleep because of this.
A: Open windows up.

(L) Well, if he does that, I won’t be able to sleep!
A: Yes you will.

(L) No I won’t. I’ll breathe that outside air and it will kill me!
A: If that will kill you, then you are doomed.

(L) Speaking of air and being doomed... there was some stuff on the internet the other day about contrails being a dump of chemicals or bacteria or something into the atmosphere this way and that this is what is making everybody sick. Is there any truth to this rumor?
A: Not much, but in isolated instances, yes.

Well, we don’t have anything else tonight...
A: Goodnight.

End of Session


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June 19, 1999

Q: Hello.
A: Hello.

Who do we have with us this evening?
A: Wampha.

And where do you transmit through?
A: Cassiopaea.

Since our lengthy sabbatical, I have accumulated a number of questions, but there has been another matter that has come up in the past few days that I would like to cover first. Apparently there is a newly discovered comet that some people are suggesting fits the prophecies of Nostradamus where he says in quatrain 10.72:
L’an mil neuf cens nonante neuf sept mois, Du ciel viendra vn grand Roy d’effrayeur: Resusciter le grand Roy d’Angolmois, Auant apres Mars regner par bon-heur. which translates into English:
The year 1999, seventh month, From the sky will come a great King of Terror: To bring back to life the great King of the Mongols, Before and after Mars to reign by good luck.
The reason for the comparison is because it is thought that Nostradamus was referring to September and NOT July, and, in point of fact, this comet will have made its circuit around the by September, and some folks are theorizing that it could be ‘vacuuming’ and picking up a lot of matter which could slow it down, change its direction, and cause it to interact with the Earth in a detrimental way. Is this, in fact, going to happen?
A: Nostradamus had a specific date tied to a vague prediction.

You are right. Yes, that’s true. Are you suggesting that there is some other event besides a cometary one that he is referring to in this prediction?
A: If he was, let it not be known. The question is: is “1999” a number, or is it more?

You mean that 1999 could imply a code of some sort?
A: Perhaps it is best for you to see events in this subject unfold, then analyze later. Maybe it is a beginning of a cycle...

Q: Well, there is another thing that the ‘Millennium Group’ has brought up, and that is the possibility that there is some object that has entered our solar system and the increased sun-spot activity and so forth is a reaction of the sun to this object or objects. Can you comment on this?
A: The sun needs no such prompting to react thusly. It is a reactor, after all. It tends to react to less than others react to it.

(A) But what is the ‘it?’ (L) And, the sunspot prediction was around a hundred the other day, but the actual sun spot activity was 240, I believe. Now, supposedly, when this Comet Lee swings around the sun during this period of high sun-spot activity, the Millennium Group are saying that it is going to discharge the solar capacitor and that there is a possibility that great bolts of electricity will pass between planets and the comet or between planets and other planets, or between the sun and the comet, or something. Is this, in fact, likely to occur?
A: Bolts charge between positive and negative ions. What is the sun’s atomic structure vis a vis its “children?”

(L) I guess the sun is positive and its children are negative, right?
A: We have a physicist present, yes?

(L to A) Is the sun positive or negative? In an atom, what is the charge of the nucleus?
(A to L) The question is: what is plasma coming from the sun? Electrons. Then what remains is positive.
(L) So the sun is positive, and, since the electrons flow out toward the planets, then the planets must be negative, right?
(A) That’s a possibility.
A: Research this for definitive answers to your question. What about the positive/negative ratio between earth’s ionosphere and possible passing “objects?”

(L) Well, that’s what I was asking. These fellows claim that there will be discharges either between the sun and the comet, or the comet and the planets, or the planets and the planets, or the sun and the planets... all the bases are covered!
A: No they have not. What about the “vacuum” of space?

(L) Are you saying that this electrical discharge can’t create visible bolts of lightning because of the vacuum conditions of space?
A: No we are not. We are posing a question in order to stimulate intellectual debate and inquiry. Learning is fun, after all!

(A) I want to ask about the ‘plasma theory of comets’ which the Millennium Group are promoting.
A: The plasma theory is correct, when certain factors are present. Could it have something to do with the composition of the object in question?

(A) This is exactly the question. The object in question is the comet, and the question is: what is its composition, is it a dirty snowball, or is it a charged object that collects particles on its way like the ‘vacuum cleaner’ model?
A: Nickel?

(L) So the composition of this particular comet is nickel?
A: No, we are almost desperately trying to “jump start” your intellectual capacities. Remember, this is a group effort here. Not a series of questions from the meek and helpless to the Lord High Commander!!

Q: It seems that they are desperately trying to tell us something without violating free will, but we have to participate in order to receive it.
A: Yes.

(A) I just want to know about this particular comet?
A: Nickel?

(L) What do we know about nickel?
(A) There are all kinds of things about nickel. It is a metal. The question is whether nickel has anything to do with this particular comet.
A: If it does, it could be vital.

(A) What is the composition of this comet?
A: Most comets are indeed “dirty snowballs,” composed largely of water ice and particulate matter. But, some are more like fast moving asteroids caught up in an orbital plane. Your “Millennium Group” is maybe just a bit too one-side-or-the-otherish at this point. Thus, a spectral analysis of this object is in order before one assumes it to be a cosmic vacuum cleaner.

Q: (A) I guess from this that, even if these guys can be in some cases correct, this comet, after analyzing, will prove to be just an ordinary dirty snowball. That is my guess.
A: No guessing allowed!

(L) These guys say that they have repeatedly ask to get some data on this comet from the various government sources who have the capacity to do such analyses, simply have not been forthcoming with this information as though they have something to hide.
A: They are not the only ones who can analyze.

(L) Then, I guess we need to find somebody who has done a spectral analysis. Find out who can do this.
(A) It requires special equipment...
(L) Is there something about this comet business that you want to convey to us so that we need to keep on it until we get to the right question?
A: You need to “keep on” a lot of things.

(L) That’s what I mean. If there is nothing crucial about this at the moment, if spectral analysis is what we need to find and you are not going to tell us what it is composed of... ARE you going to tell us? What is it composed of? Or do we have to do a spectral analysis and find out on our own?
A: Have we not already indicated? Knowledge is power. If we give it to you like Halloween candy, it is diffused.

(L) You said that the primary composition of this comet is nickel?
A: No, we said “nickel?”

(L) What does ‘nickel’ mean?
(A) It’s a shiny metal.
(L) A coin, a five cent piece...
A: What does molten nickel look like against the backdrop of space?

(A) It would look like silver...
(L) Would it have a color?
(A) I don’t think so.
A: Does it conduct electricity? Is it magnetic?

(A) Yes, it can conduct, but its not magnetic. Why ‘molten?’
A: What about the “tail” of such an object coming into contact with the ionosphere?

(L) Oh. I think I get it. The Nostradamus thing about a great comet’s tail or something... let me look it up:
After great trouble for humanity, a greater one is prepared The Great Mover renews the ages: Rain, blood, milk, famine, steel and plague, Is the heavens fire seen, a long spark running.
This one is supposed to refer to something that occurs at the turn of the Millennium... is this what we are getting at here? Something that will look like a ‘long spark running’ which then comes in contact with the ionosphere which may exchage potentials with the earth by virtue of this conducting, molten nickel tail? Yes????? Is that good?
A: Ask Arkadiusz.

(L) Well, honey... am I on to something here?
(A) The point is that this comet is in space. Space is rather cold, so the question is: what would make nickel molten?
(L) Well, it will be close to the sun! That will heat it up!
(A) This particular comet is not going to come close enough to the sun to melt it!
(L) Well then, how can the nickel be molten???
A: What about flares?

(L) That’s it! A bodacious solar flare! And, combined with the bodacious solar flare is a change of trajectory because of its accumulation of matter... so that it is closer to the sun ...
(A) But it is not coming close enough to the sun to be caught in a solar flare!
A: Is nickel magnetic?

(L) No. What does it mean to this subject that a nickel is not magnetic?
A: Does nickel have a companion?

A) Well, when we say a ‘companion,’ it means another metal in the same family in the Mendeleev Table. I believe that cobalt and Nickel are in the same family, but I will have to check...
A: And cobalt is invisible in the good old vacuum of space, but not nickel!

L) Does that mean it will attract cobalt?
A: No, cobalt will attract.

L) The cobalt will attract flares... electromagnetic phenomena...
A: Et al.

(L) I see.
A: Now, you need to know the composition of this comet... And any other closely following same. We have alluded to the increased cometary activity before. Oort, and that which cyclically disturbs it.

(L) I just want to know one thing... are any of these comets going to hit the earth?
A: Someday, certainly. As have before.

[Sound anomaly on side two of tape one begins here]

Q: While we are on the subject of the comet, sort of, a corollary thing, if this kind of activity gets out there, naturally the stock market is going to drop completely off the charts... all the financial institutions on the planet. Things will be dire and desperate if such things get out... we were wanting to ask about investment possibilities...
A: Is such information going to “get out?”

I doubt it. The powers that be will convince everybody that nothing is going on. There is nothing about it at all in the press. Very quickly, throw out a couple words about investment potentials at the present time.
A: Hold on, or buy a little of the precious metals...

Next: I’m not going to read this whole thing here; it’s a statement by Arizona Wilder who claims that she conducted human sacrifice rituals for the Illuminati Elite for decades. These included the British Royal Family, George Bush, Henry Kissenger, and a stream of world famous names revealed in “The Biggest Secret” and the video “Revelations of a Mother Goddess,” available through this web site, which is David Icke’s. Since she escaped from her mind-controlled confinement she has dedicated herself to exposing what is happening. First question: did Arizona Wilder conduct human sacrifice rituals for the Illuminati Elite for decades?
A: Is Henry Kissinger a royal bloodline?

I don’t think so. George Bush is distantly related to the Queen of England. I think that what she means is “for” the royal family, AND George Bush AND Henry Kissenger. Is this woman what she claims to be and did she do what she claimed to do?
A: Better “hold the mustard” on that one.

What does ‘hold the mustard’ mean?
A: Be careful before swallowing whole.

I see. Well, she also says the Illuminati, the clique which controls the world, are genetic hybrids, a result of intebreeding between human beings and the reptilian aliens many thousands of years ago. The center of power is not even in this dimension, it is in the 4th dimension, the lower astral as many people call it, the realm of demons of folklore. She obviously doesn’t have a CLUE!
A: Either that or all humans have some reptilian genes...

She says that every presidential election has been won by the candidate with the most European Royal Genes. Of the 42 presidents up to Bill Clinton, 32 have been related to Alfred the Great ...
A: John Kennedy???

A: No, answer please.

Did Kennedy have royal blood? I think Nixon had more than Kennedy.
A: So then, need we say more???

[The “speeded up” recording of side two of tape one caused this to be the end of the tape. The following is reconstructed as best as possible from memory.]

Q: All right, we have two pictures of the interior of the pyramid here. One is supposedly taken from a drawing in a book published in 1861 and I would like to know if this is what the interior of the pyramid looked like then?
A: Close.

Does this mean that those guys over there working in the pyramid are hiding the true map of the interior?
A: Close.

Well, why are they doing this?
A: Why do you think?

Well, I just can’t understand how they could get away with a deception like this!
A: The point is you have been deceived about the pyramid in so many ways. Why should this surprise/matter.

Okay, I have been invited to talk on the radio. Is it in our best interests for me to do this?
A: If you are careful not to get “carried away,” and reveal too much.

How will I know what to say and what not to say?
A: Instincts.

Eve had a question as to how one can go about deactivating the programs of the Lizzies and their human cohorts such as have been described by yourselves and others?
A: In order to “deprogram,” one must first be aware of the programming.

How does one become aware of the programs?
A: Knowledge, knowledge does what...?

Are you saying that simply knowing about them is the key?
A: Once you have the knowledge, you have broken open the veil! How does one get the knowledge?

I don’t know... how?
A: When those most intimately familiar effectively telegraph.

Telegraph as in some sort of electronic signal or simply communicate the information?
A: Latter.

What kind of information specifically?
A: Triggers.

It will trigger something?
A: Programming keywords.

Oh, you mean learning about the trigger words will open up the knowledge of the program so that a person can then deactivate it?
A: Close.

So, I should get in touch with this woman who has this study of programming and get her book and this will help me to know what sorts of programs I may have?
A: It may lead there. Network with those most familiar with the process.

Well, so far, you are the ones who are most familiar with the programs and have been best able to communicate these things.
A: Maybe the best, but not the only.

(A) I would like to know what methods of programming may have been used on L duing her kidnapping... the week long ‘missing time?’
A: Research Gestapo techniques. Who became CIA.

So, we need to look at the German programming techniques...
A: And Waffen SS.

[Side two of tape two begins here. No sound anomaly.]

Q: (A) So the answer to my question is yes, I guess. Now the question is how to get rid of things implanted by these techniques and the answer must be knowledge. If there is something that was implanted during this missing time, the question is how to find out and get rid of the programming without putting in danger... how can researching the techniques help us to deprogram and access without harm. Sometimes it is better to let sleeping dogs lie. Can we have some help here?
A: You have it.

(A) We have a clue.
(L) When we returned from the Gulf Breeze Conference, I wrote a letter to Linda Howe and she responded and wanted to know about the deal with Mike Lindemann, that we didn’t see eye-to-eye because he and his group were Gray Huggers and promoting the Gray Hugger gospel. Since that time I have communicated with a couple of other people who have been very disturbed by Linda’s apparent drift into the Gray Hugger realm. She collected all this information in these books and does such fine work, yet she seems to be missing the point. In the third book, she prints a whole bunch of channeled information that is, for the most part, cleverly twisted disinformation about the aliens being here to help us and blah, blah, blah. They even use phrases like ‘we are you in the future’ only the ones who are saying this are Grays and Lizards, so it is clearly the probable future they would like to invoke. They give some true information that is just twisted slightly to put the slant in the Gray/Lizzie camp! My feeling is that Howe, Lindemann, Art Bell, and the whole crew of them are disseminating disinformation and I don’t know if this is deliberate, forced upon them, or if they are innocent dupes of the Lizzies. Could you give me some insight on this?
A: Maybe you should pursue Linda from a more inquisitve angle before the “body slam” technique commences. Get a dialogue going, then begin infusing. Patience pays!

At the UFO conference there was a guy named Lloyd Pye who has this skull that he thinks is an alien skull.
A: Even if it is, do you feel he has a chance in Hell of being heard?

Of course not. But, for my own personal curiosity, is it an alien skull or a severely deformed child?
A: Maybe it is a goat.

It’s not a goat! It is definitely humanoid type! That was not even nice!
A: We were not being mean to you. We meant chimpanzee, but we got confused! Sorry...

At one point you said that Hermes Trismegistus was the betrayer of Pharoah Rana. Who was this Pharoah and when did he reign?
A: We will leave that for another session. Good night.

End of Session


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July 03, 1999

Q: Hello.
A: Hello.

And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Orotheia

And where do you transmit through?
A: Cassiopaea.

I would like to find out what was the deal with this radio show? Ron Engelman invited me to be on his show, and the day before it was scheduled, he called telling me his schedule had been changed and I had been cancelled. Why was it cancelled?
A: Maybe others complained.

Who were these others who might have complained
A: Others scheduled to appear.

What did they complain about?
A: Your purported agenda.

What agende did they object to?
A: Us, my dear.

Well, that does seem to be true. We do get more than our share of attack. I just want you to know that, for the most part, it is a thankless task.
A: Which means you are on the right track.

[Laughter] Well, if the Gray Huggers don’t bomb us, or the scientific types don’t bomb us, then somebody else does! Okay, recently there were some serious questions being brought up on one of the mailing lists about Linda Howe being ‘co-opted’ for disinformation purposes. A number of seemingly reputable people have pointed out coincidences in clear disinformation and her work. I have always felt that, of all the people out there doing research, she was truly sincere and clear headed. Could you comment on that possibility?
A: Linda is not co-optable.

Why is she hanging out with folks who DO seem to definitely be co-opted and promulgating such clear disinformation?
A: The modus is not to be confused with the operandi.

There was a strange little series of events last week involving Ron Engelman, Eve Lorgen, Hank Harrison, Dick Farley, and Ira Einhorn who wrote me a couple of e-mails. I would like to know what is the deal with Ira. Either this guy is completely crazy to have lived for 18 months with a dead body in his apartment, completely egotistical and believes nobody else is as smart as he is, or the whole deal was planted to shut him up, or he was Greenbaumed. Now, did I miss any possibilities, is it one of these, or is it something else altogether?
A: Maybe he did what he did, and then, convinced himself that he did not a la O.J. Simpson.

In this whole situation, who or what was the portal connecting all of these things?
A: To find portal, retrace steps until you find the ray peeking through the blinds.

(A) Was it coming through me?
A: No.

Well... it all started when I began to communicate with Eve.
A: No. It was not Eve. She is under attack for her revelations.

(L) Can you give me another clue? ‘The ray peeking through the blinds...’
A: Yes.

Is it Ron Engelman?
A: But who manipulates Engelman?

4th density, no doubt. My first question is regarding this diagram of the pyramid here and this second diagram of the pyramid as we know it and this book about the pyramid where it says: ‘In 1974 the Danish professor, Hubert Paulsen, a retired architect, announced following extensive research within the pyramid, his theory that an undiscovered chamber existed, probably beneath its foundations. He based his theory on the geometric principle upon which the pyramid was built. This chamber may have been the pharoah’s tomb and may contain treasures even more remarkable than those found in Tutanhamen’s tomb.’ Anyway, this was a 1974 study of the pyramid. This is the only 1974 study I have come across since you suggested that we look for something done in 1974 regarding the pyramid, though you mentioned an ‘engineer,’ so I was first thinking that it must be Robert Beauval’s work, since he is an engineer. I suppose that an architect could be a sort of engineer. Is this the study that you had in mind?
A: Paulsen could use further perusal.

Of these two diagrams of the interior of the pyramid, this one was taken from a booklet published in 1861 which describes a great cavity in the center of the pyramid. When people were visiting the pyramid at that point in time, was this, in fact, the configuration of the interior of the pyramid?
A: Close.

Is it still configured that way but that portion of it is blocked off or concealed from visitors at the present?
A: Close.

Do the present excavators and archaeologists and workers over there know about these other chambers in the pyramid?
A: Some.

Is there a large chamber under the pyramid concealing some sort of artifacts?
A: Yes.

Is this a treasure or is this information?
A: Either/or.

Are the people who are working in or around the pyramid at the present time aware of this deeply hidden underground chamber in the pyramid?
A: Only a few.

Q: There is one woman whose writings are posted on the internet and she claims that the pyramid is a ‘great clock’ and that it would ‘reset the time’ of the planet.
A: No.

Well, she claims that she has been given information that there once existed some kind of a great gear or wheel that was set in the Grand Gallery and that it would roll or something in the notches found there. If that is not the case, what were these notches for?
A: Leveling principle.

Leveling of what? They were used to set a level of something? When something was put in the notches, it set the level of something?
A: Close.

Was what was placed in these notches, these holes some type of a bar-type object that crossed the gallery from side to side?
A: You do not have the base data yet.

What is the base data?
A: Clues lead you there, not proclamations.

I would just like to have some sort of visual image of what was placed in this gallery...
A: We know you would.

Everybody in the world is posting crazy, bizarre theories on the internet, and writing these elaborate web pages about their visions and their information from other ‘sources,’ and that the pyramid is a giant bell, or a clock that resets time, and so on and on....
A: Hoagland.

Fine with Hoagland! He was on the radio the other night saying that Leedskallen moved his Coral Castle because he wanted to align it with Hoagland’s proposed grid theory. That is clearly the most obvious foolishness since Hilliard told us about the moving of the Coral Castle and that it was because of some county regulatory reasons. That is the most ridiculous bunch of poppycock I have ever heard!
A: Whatever else you find true about Hoagland, just remember that genius resides adjacent to insanity!

(A) What is the meaning of this remark about Hoagland?
A: Some of his stuff may be “poppycock,” but some is right on the money, honey!

(L) Well, what did Hoagland ever say about the pyramid?
(A) He said that the way the Coral Castle was built was the same way the pyramid was built.
(L) Well, we know that because Leedskallen said that himself! That’s not news. Hoagland talks about this 19.5 degree latitude line and this double tetrahedron, but I don’t know how that relates to something that is located at about 29 degrees of latitude such as the pyramid. That’s about 10 degrees off. Has Hoagland ever opined about the pyramid itself?
A: Look it up!

Okay. We will.
(A) Carbon dating. Is it incorrect by a factor of two prior to 10,000 years as L has suggested? We observe a factor of 2 variation in the scientific dating versus your dating. This is a repeating phenomenon on nearly all dates you have given.
A: “They” fail to take into effect the influence of magnetic aberrations caused by ancient cataclysms.

(L) How can these magnetic aberrations affect radiocarbon dating?
A: By altering the isotopal imprints of matter.

So, the cataclysm of about 1500 B.C....
A: All of them scramble the radiological data because of magnetic surges.

(L) Speaking of magnetic surges, we have been in an apparently very high sun spot cycle. What noticable effects, other than those commonly known, could these extreme numbers of sunspots be having on the planet or inhabitants?
A: Increased static electricity.

(L) So, increased static can mean more electrical storms?
A: And other.

(L) Regarding this prophecy of Nostradamus and Comet Lee, we discovered that a fellow named Peter Lemesurier went back to the original editions of the seer’s work and found that a misplaced apostrophe changed the word ‘appeaser’ to ‘terror’ so that it is NOT the ‘Great King of Terror’ but the ‘Appeaser King’ that is connected to the ‘seventh month’ of 1999. Of course, the standard interpretations say that whatever it is, it is going to ‘bring back’ the ‘Great King of the Mongols,’ which they are identifying as Kublai Khan or Genghis Khan. Could you comment on this?
A: Comment? How so?

What could an ‘appeaser king’ imply? What could it mean?
A: You have the power to define these terms.

(L) Yeah, but there are only so many hours in the day! But, an ‘appeaser’ is one who brings peace or ‘pacifies’ or ‘quiets’ by giving into demands. It can also mean to ‘satisfy’ or ‘relieve.’ The only thing that fits in these terms with ‘king’ - the only person I can think of who NEEDS to ‘satisfy’ or ‘relieve’ is Prince Charles, and he has a sort of ‘debt’ to pay the British public for the death of Princess Diana, or so it is perceived. But, the only way he could be king would be if Queen Elizabeth dies. So, is this a prediction of the death of Queen Elizabeth and the accession of Charles as king and his repudiation of Camilla? Am I onto something here?
A: Maybe.

(F) But how would he bring back the ‘king of the Mongols?’ (L) I don’t know. The ‘king of the Mongols’ could be related to having a harem or something... give us a clue here on this!
A: No.

(L) Previously when I had asked a question about Hermes Trismegistus, you remarked that he was a ‘traitor to the court of Pharoah Rana.’ Who was this Pharoah Rana? Was he prior to the Pharoah Menes?
A: Much prior.

Was the Pharoah Menes the same as King Minos of Crete?
A: No.

What was the relationship between the Cretans and the Egyptians?
A: All were the same originally.

So they were Egyptians who left Egypt and moved to Crete and set up their version of the Egyptian culture there? Is that it? Or did they develop independently?
A: Former is closest.

Was Abraham, the founder of the monotheistic covenant, Hermes?
A: No.

Was Akhenaten Moses?
A: Only through the eyes of the themes.

What happened to Akhenaten? He also brought about the monotheistic worship and was apparently so hated that any mention of him, his very name, was stricken from buildings and statuary; his tomb was defaced and there was tremendous turmoil in the land. He essentially disappeared from the landscape, erased by the people who must have really hated him. What was the deal with Akhenaten?
A: Is not that enough? Must one endure anymore?

Endure anymore what?
A: Vilification.

Why was Akhenaten portrayed in images as a rather feminine individual? Did he have a congenital disease? Was he a hermaphrodite? Was he an alchemical adept who had gone through the transformation?
A: None of these.

What was the reason for his strange physical appearance; his feminine hips and belly and strangely elongated face...
A: Depictions.

So this was NOT how he really looked?
A: Not really.

Did he choose to be depicted this way?
A: No.

Was he depicted this way later as an insult?
A: Closer.

Well, Abraham was the father of Ishmael who was the ‘father of the Arabs’ according to the Hebrew texts. Hermes was supposed to have been the father of Arabus who was also called the ‘father of the Arabs.’ This Arabus was the legendary father of Cassiopeia, which is almost a parallel development with just some name changes. It seems as though Arabus and Ishmael were comparatively the same in type and function and there are further comparisons to be made. But, the essential thing here is that Cassiopeia would then have been a granddaughter of Hermes and daughter of Ishmael, and we have talked before about the bloodline of the Ishmaelis as the true ‘royal line.’ Can you comment on this?
A: You are doing well in your analysis.

But, just a few minutes ago you said that Hermes was NOT Abraham, and Abraham was clearly an adept...
A: What we are saying is... it is time for Arkadiusz to ask questions.

(A) My first question is: has there been a change in the time schedule in the coming of the comet cluster and ‘twin sun?’
A: There is no “schedule,” as such.

(A) There is no schedule, but there was uncertainty concerning the disasters that are coming...
A: Disasters?!?

(A) Yes, disasters... these comets will come and some of them are supposed to cause a pole shift and this is certainly a disaster...
A: Whoa! Wait a minute, Arkadiusz! All is according to perspective! Let us not be subjective. If one transits to 4th density in the midst of said “disaster,” then how disastrous is this!?! And, how does one suppose to know the “schedule,” when it is up in the air, so to speak?

(A) So, it is not going to be a disaster for some - those who transit to 4th density. I understand.
A: And for those who transit to 5th density, it will not be so bad either. Sort of like, “sit back and enjoy the show.”

(L) Well, you once told me to ‘sit back and enjoy the show.’ Does that mean I am going to 5th density soon?
A: Soon? Later? What is the difference? You were pre-screened before entrance into your present container.

(A) What do you mean by ‘prescreened?’
A: You saw a preview, and you volunteered.

Well, I was under the impression from things you have said that we have some sort of mission here...
A: Yes, and...

(L) Does that mean checking into 5th density in the middle of all this?
A: You think the job ends there?

(L) I don’t know... you come into a body with a plan...
A: We know, you thought you were guaranteed so many “years.”

(L) No. You can always screw up and make the wrong choice and check out on any day...
A: Yes.

(A) I was going to ask a question about this mission, because the time is passing, and, as far as I see...
A: Time does not pass, as such.

(A) Days are passing. Days on the calendar, and we are not accomplishing...
A: Nonsense!!!!! You have made enormous accomplishments, so far.

(A) What are these accomplishments, for instance?
A: Where were you in 1996?

(A) You mean geographically?
A: No, we mean in all terms. Well... ?

Q: (A) The question is: what is the mission? I am spending most of my time programming, and it takes more and more of my time and I have no time for research. I am not as desperate as I was before, but...
A: Do not worry! And you did not verbalize the answer to our question.

(A) In 1996... well, I was hoping that I would gain some more knowledge because the rate at which I was gaining this knowledge was very slow according to my criteria.
A: Ahh! Your criteria are not really that limited. Or at least they should not be. Remember, Arkadiusz, successful research involves discovery on more realms than just graphs, charts and theses. The rhythm of the soul must be in harmony before one’s hypotheses can even begin to mesh with accomplishments.

(L) If I can interject, does this mean that all that he is doing now, even if it seems as though he is not pressing forward in direct research, is a balancing period, or a gestation period?
A: How about foundation building? Was not Ark sinking in quicksand before?

(A) We communicate with many other people via the internet and the question is: where are the STO people who know more than we know? We look for somebody who can teach us something and we never seem to be able to do it. What are we doing wrong?
A: Maybe you should more the teacher than the student be.

(L) Well, gosh! We’d like to get some answers!
(A) We know that there are good guys somewhere...
A: They shall appear, as needed.

(L) Well, we feel pretty alone with all the lunatics and attack we have been subjected to. It is a rather lonely existence.
A: Not for long.

(A) Not for long? A related question concerning our internet activities which have been going on for some time, and we do it because we feel that it is necessary, but we don’t really know or understand what is the real purpose of what we are doing. Some people are reading our pages and writing letters, and then they disappear or they are discouraged, or they do nothing on their own. We are expending a lot of time on this publishing of information, but without clear understanding of what we are supposed to accomplish by this.
(L) At this point, it is not accomplishing a whole lot except drawing down fire on our heads!
(A) Right!
A: You should rejoice! From the fire comes light. Patience pays. You are on the right track. Fear not, have we steered you wrong a lot lately?

Q: (L) Well, not so far. But, I was thinking that this radio show would be useful and I would get the webpages all ready for folks to read...
A: Anticipation.

(L) I wasn’t really anticipating. I mean, the guy called me right out of the blue... so I wanted to be sure that if I was going to talk on the radio that we had the website prepared so folks could go to see it. I sort of thought that the guy was a good guy sent to create an opening...
A: Assume.

(L) I know. I know. Just another long series of stuff...
A: Why complain ye?

(L) I’m not complaining. We do work awfully hard, though.
(A) I want to ask about the guy who sent me this book about the ‘supersecret weapons of Hitler.’ It is essentially some research into possible applications of antigravity by Germans, and is a project in which this guy is participating founded by I don’t know whom. He was publishing for the military, and now he found me and he wants me to particpate in this project. I would like to know if this is a sincere request, or...
A: Yes, it is.

(A) Okay, if it is sincere, then it means I should answer him. Last question: I was thinking about what is the most important for me at the present, and I think that I want to understand and implement this concept of densities; to implement it into physics and mathematics. But, it seems to me that I am completely alone with that. I would like to know where should I look, because certainly other people have already tried to do it. I don’t want to start from scratch if there is something that I can look at or study before I really jump into this difficult project. Were there people, scientists... where to look?
A: Study the works of Gurdjieff and Jung, for starters. Also, Vallee is on a similar path, and a little ahead of you. He would be most approachable, if you can convince him of your sincerity.

(A) Vallee? Okay, I finished my questions...
A: Okay, so until the next, goodbye.

End of Session


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July 10, 1999

Q: Hello.
A: Hello.

And who do we have with us this evening?
A: Krollah.

And where do you transmit through?
A: Cassiopaea.

(A) I want to start with some completely unrelated questions. I would like to know if I could have some clue about my genealogical tree: where to search because I know nothing before my grandfather; I have no idea where my DNA comes from. So, where to look?
A: Some lines originate in Belarus. Some can be tracked through the Slovak Republic. Governments in these areas are currently working on genealogical programs, in order to stimulate international tourism in the rest. Family on father’s side was “broken up” during Napoleonic raid in early 19th century. Mother’s side has a strong cluster in Gdansk region.

(A) If I can ask a little bit more: how was my name deformed? Where does it come from?
A: The name is not deformed, simply altered, due to nationality change.

(L) So, it was originally a Russian name?
A: White Russian.

(L) What was the original before it was ‘Polishized?’
A: Website reveals.

(L) White Russian?
A: See previous answers.

(L) Okay, we will be doing some checking.
(A) Okay, that was one question. Second unrelated question: should we be thinking of moving to Switzerland? Is it a good idea?
A: You may think of anything.

(A) Okay, no clue there. Now, next question relates to the story of creation which L wrote for the website, and I was reading it and trying to make sense, to make it not contradictory, and I found that it is not easy because many of the concepts that are used during these sessions are somehow contradictory to each other or they don’t quite fit with the standard meanings of these concepts, so I wanted to ask for some explanation. First, we were told that gravity is essentially the most universal force and that it is from this that everything originates...
A: Gravity is the binder.

(A) But, my question is: gravity is a term that is defined in dictionaries and encyclopedias and is a term which has a very precise meaning for physicists and mathematicians. I want to know if you are talking about the same thing or if you are using the term ‘gravity’ to describe something completely different that we know as gravity. Are we talking about the same thing?
A: Well, are you certain these “definitions” you speak of are not limited?

(A) Yes, I am sure they are limited. Nevertheless, they are precisely defined concepts and you are using the same term ‘gravity,’ so I am asking if we are talking about the same thing, or if you are talking about something completely different?
A: How about a great expansion upon the same concept?

(A) Okay. That answered my question. So, we are using the same thing, but for you it is more adequate or so. Now, I want to ask about mathematical modeling of gravity. The gravity that we know about is modeled by geometry of a curved space. Is the gravity that you are talking about, which is an expansion of this concept, capable of being modeled in a similar way: by geometry?
A: Geometry is the correct model.

(A) So, geometry is the correct model and I understand that we have to just write a generalization or expansion of Einstein UFT, and that this will be the correct model of gravity; is this correct?
A: Close.

(A) Now, the question is: if gravity can be modeled in this way - geometry is the correct model - what do we need more to model also consciousness? Will it be automatically implied in such a model of gravity, or is it something extra?
A: Consciousness is contained within the expanded realization of the gravity model. The Unified Field Theory, if completed, would give one an insight into the synchronous relationship between gravity and consciousness.

(A) If gravity is modeled by curvature or torsion of geometry, mathematically, how would consciousness come out of geometry?
A: That is a broken question. What we can say is this: if one could visualize the inverted representation of the gravity geometric model, one would be squarely on the path to understanding the geometric model of consciousness.

(A) Now, there are claims, more or less, shared by many scientists that quantum theory is necessary to model or understand consciousness. From what was said before, it seems that quantum theory is not necessary, that it is sufficient to have the right geometric model of extended gravity.
A: No, not extended, expanded.

(A) Does that mean that quantum theory is irrelevant for understanding the modeling of consciousness?
A: Quantum first needs to be graduated from the realm of theory.

(C) It means it needs to be proved, right?
A: No. Proving is a concept we should now be moving beyond.

(C) When they said ‘graduated from the realm of theory,’ I assumed that meant that it needed to be proven. So how does it get graduated? What is the next realm after theory?
A: No, my dear, you are missing the point. the currently imposed protocol for “proving” theories is a bit passe, we think. Can you imagine trying to fly a plane if you must first prove that there is a sky?

(C) So, don’t try to prove quantum theory, just go ahead and use it, I guess.
A: Pretty close.

(A) Are you laughing at quantum theory?
A: No. We are laughing at 3rd density scientific protocol!

(A) Okay, we are coming to densities. But, before that, one more question: what is matter? How is matter built out of gravity? What forms of gravity correspond to matter in terms of the geometric model?
A: First of all, since we are to answer such questions, you need to make this surface smoother!! [The plexiglas cover on the board was tacky. We used window cleaner and polished it up.]

(A) So, it was good for previous questions, but not for this! [laughter]
(L) Okay, carry on!
A: You live in a “matter” universe, from your perspective. There is an accompanying energy universe which you largely are unable to perceive as of yet.

(A) But, my question was ...
A: Who/what is Mandlebrot??

(A) Okay, you are talking about fractals now, certainly...
A: Are we?

(A) Mandlebrot is the name of a French mathematician who is famous because he discovered fractals and some laws that govern fractals and chaos. But, as to ‘what’ - some fractal images are also called ‘mandlebrot.’
A: And where does this lead, Ark?

(L) But that doesn’t answer what matter is.
A: We are bringing you to the place where you can begin to path to understanding this.

Q: (A) That brings us to fractal properties of space time and such things.
A: What if matter were the “half-life” of energy?

(C) Well, half-life is the decay factor. What if energy decays into matter? Is that what they are saying?
A: Be careful of the quotemarks, they bring you to the crossroads. As in: “you take the high road, I’ll take the low road, and I’ll be in Scotland before ye.”

(L) I guess that means that we are not to use the usual interpretation of ‘half-life,’ but that there is a pun, a clue intended here that is to be deciphered.
A: Look folks, we cannot just spill the secrets of all existence all over this board, but we sure can open the doorways, yeah.

(L) That brings me to a little question that I want to insert here. You have said that Service to Others means ‘giving all to those who ask.’ We are asking, so why aren’t you giving all?
A: Not quite. Cannot abridge free will!

(L) Well, my free will says that I want all the secrets of existence! I mean, other people are channeling sources that just dump endless answers to anything and everything...
A: Other people are channeling crappola.

(C) It’s a new breakfast cereal!
(A) Now, the two main concepts that we are using are dimensions and densities. Again, you use the concept of dimension in not quite the way physicists and mathematicians use it.
A: Phi.

(A) Well, I have no idea what this phi is doing here which is probably related to Fibonacci and the Golden Ratio...
A: Carboni.

(A) Yet, still there is my question about dimensions. Phi is not an integer number and we will look into it. But, what I said was that the way you are using the term ‘dimensions’ is not what physicists are familiar with in using this term.
A: The trouble here is with semantics: the general public uses that word to mean different things from the physicists!

(C) Okay, phi is a Greek letter but I don’t see how that is connected.
A: No, not phi, dimensions!

(L) Define dimension.
(A) I have tried to guess what you mean by dimensions from all the things that you have said about it...
A: Our “meaning” is closer to that of the general public definition.

(A) Very good, yet you have said certain things in a context that was more related to the structure of the universe. And we were talking about dimensions also in the context of Kaluza-Klein theories. At one point, you said there are infinitely many dimensions, and at another point it was implied that different dimensions meant different universes, which would mean that there are infinitely many universes. I would like to represent these dimensions in some mathematical model. My idea was that these dimensions were like slices; and each slice is a universe and, indeed, there are infinitely many possible slices. So, that was my idea of dimensions: slices. Is it correct?
A: That is good.

(A) There are infinitely many dimensions because there are infinitely many slices. Now we come to densities. There are not infinitely many densities, there are only seven. Or, are these seven just for the general public and there are really infinitely many of them as well?
A: No.

(A) Good. So, there are seven densities. Now, how come, there are seven, and not three or five, or eleven? Does it follow from some mathematics?
A: What form of mathematical theory best describes the concept of balance?

(L) Algebra.
(A) So, I had the idea that these seven densities were related to what Gurdjieff relates to the number of laws that apply in the various densities; the higher the density, the fewer the laws that apply, which means there is more freedom?
A: That is very close. Consciousness is the key here.

(A) Yes, so my question relates to the geometric model of gravity and consciousness.
A: Picture an endless octagonal... in three dimensions.

(A) A lattice, you mean?
A: Okay.

(A) Are these densities related to the mathematical concept of ‘signatures of the metric?’ I would like to model densities with slices of different geometric properties, in particular slices with different properties of the distance.
A: Yes...

(A) There are several people who essentially think the same direction as we have been discussing... they are almost on the same track. Matti Pitkanen is one of them and Tony Smith is the other. How can these two guys have these similar ideas without having access to channeling?
A: Who said they they have no access to channeling? Some channel without
knowing it.

(L) Well, Jack channels! [laughter] (A) Today, on this list there was a guy by the name of Boyd who talks about his shamanistic experiences in talking to rocks. He doesn’t sound whacko, but he talks to these stones on a daily basis and these stones talk to him, and these rocks have consciousness, they have memories. I wrote to him, but I would like to know if his experiences are authentic and not just his imagination?
A: That is a very broad question, which assumes limits or barriers where none
may exist.

(L) Is anyone able to tune into the consciousness of rocks?
A: What if they are really tuning to a consciousness through the rocks?

(A) To A consciousness? Whose consciousness or what consciousness? Universal consciousness?
A: Another.

(A) Another consciousness.
(L) Do rocks have consciousness?
A: Refer to material re: 1st density.

(L) Yes, well it has been previously said that 1st density does have consciousness... that even rocks have consciousness and can learn. That brings us back to Boyd, is he, can he, does he tune into the consciousness of rocks and/or other consciousnesses THROUGH rocks?
A: The latter is closer.

(L) So, the consciousness of a rock might not be amenable to communicating.
A: Right.

(L) What other consciousness might a person tune into through a rock? ANY other or a specific other?
A: Closer to former.

(A) If there is consciousness, it means that there is a consciousness unit, and this conscious unit can be within or associated with some body of some density. Can one tune to consciousness that resides, so to say, in higher densities than third, using rocks? Is it possible?
A: Close.

(A) So, you can tune to dead dudes or Cassiopaeans.
(L) Is the consciousness of human beings something that has cycled from minerals to plants through animals to evolve into consciousness of 3rd density mind, as we understand it?
A: In a roundabout way.

(L) Was each of us, sitting here, at any point in the remote past, using time loosely, a critter, so to speak, or a plant or a tree?
A: You still be a critter, baby!

(L) So, leaving out time, the stream of consciousness that makes us as individual units, branches out and extends into lower densities, or connects to them like a tree?
A: Maybe.

(A) Concerning these rocks, I want to ask about this DNA phantom effect that some Russians recently discovered. They shoot with lasers into this vaccum and record photons with detectors. It detects noise because there is nothing coherent. Then, they put a little piece of DNA there. This DNA has a certain regular structure. So, the photons from the lasers scatter from this DNA molecule in a certain wavy pattern which corresponds to the internal structure of the DNA. Now, they remove the DNA and for a month or two they continue to obtain a coherent pattern from the vacuum as though something was still there. They call it the ‘phantom DNA.’
A: The “phantom” is a remnant of the consciousness residue contained within the DNA structure.

(A) Where does this remnant reside? In the vacuum, in the vibrations of the vacuum, in a gravitational field that is inside the vacuum, in some nonlinear electromagnetics? Where is this remnant? What keeps it? Space itself?
A: You hit it pretty close with the last three.

(C) Wouldn’t it be like leaving an impression in a cushion?
(A) Yes, but this is a vacuum.
(L) I guess that a vacuum isn’t what we think it is. There is something there that is not amenable to our perception.
(A) So, consciousness resides in a DNA structure.

(C) Well, going back to the rocks, is not all consciousness connected?

(A) Yes, but the funny thing about these rocks is that they have the ability of tuning one consciousness to another consciousness so that even if, in principle, all consciousness is one consciousness, yet there are separate consciousness units, which at some level they connect, yet at our level they seem to be separate, so there is something about rocks.

(C) Maybe its the fact that they are so simple.

(A) Yes. But, it seems that a rock would do it, but dirt would not, so what is so special about rocks?
(L) Okay, this anthropologist, Michael Harner, was doing some field work, and it says here that Harner went to the Peruvian Amazon to study the culture of the Conibo Indians. After a year or so he had made little headway in understanding their religious system, when the Conibo told him ‘if he really wanted to learn, he had to drink ahayahuasca. Harner accepted, not without fear because the people had warned him that the experience was terrifying. The following evening, under the strict supervision of his indigenous friends, he drank the equivalent of a third of a bottle. After several minutes he found himself flying into a world of true hallucinations. After arriving in a celestial cavern where a supernatural carnival of demons was in full swing, he saw two strange boats floating through the air that combined to form a huge dragon headed prow not unlike that of a Viking ship. On the deck he could make out large numbers of people with the heads of bluejays and the bodies of humans, not unlike the bird-headed gods of ancient Egyptian tomb paintings. After multiple episodes, which would be too long to describe here, Harner became convinced that he was dying. He tried calling out to his Conibo friends for an antidote without managing to pronounce a word. Then he saw that his visions emanated from giant reptilian creatures that resided at the lowest depths of his brain. These creatures began projecting scenes in front of his eyes while informing him that this information was reserved for the dying and the dead. ‘First, they showed me the planet Earth as it was aeons ago before there was any life on it. I saw an ocean, barren land, and a bright blue sky. Then black specks dropped from the sky by the hundreds and landed in front of me on the barren landscape. I could see that the specks were actually large, shiny black creatures with stubby pterodactyl-like wings and huge whale-like bodies. They explained to me in a kind of thought language, that they were fleeing from something from out in space. They had come to the planet earth to escape their enemy. The creatures then showed me how they had created life on the planet in order to hide within the multitudinour forms, and thus disguise their presence.
Before me, the magnificence of plant and animal creation and speciation and hundreds of millions of years of activity, took place on a scale and with a vividness impossible to describe. I learned that dragon-like creatures were thus inside all forms of life, including man.’ At this point in his account, Harner writes in a footnote at the bottom of the page: ‘in retrospect, one could say that they were almost like DNA, although at that time, in 1961, I knew nothing of DNA.’ So, I would like to know what was the source and nature of these nearly universal visions that occurs in these shamanistic practices; the various creatures including serpents and bird-headed dudes, and so forth? What is the source of these hallucinations?
A: Be more specific.

(L) How can I be more specific?

(C) In these chemically induced trances, why is there the common experience of seeing these bird-headed or serpent-like creatures?
A: While you have physicality, some part of you will maintain the connection to its roots.

(L) Are you saying that all these people who say that human beings have reptilian genetics, are telling the truth? Do we have reptilian genetics?
A: Yes.

(L) Do we also have bird genetics?
A: Yes.

(L) And that is our physical connection or basis?
A: Yes, as third density bioengineered beings, you lead the smorgasbord parade
of that which surrounds you in the physical realm.

(A) So, we are 3rd density bioengineered beings.
(L) That leads to another question: there is a lot of talk about the Merovingian bloodlines, or the ‘Nordic Covenant’ bloodlines, or whatever label is put on it, being a ‘fresher’ version of the reptilian genetic strain. This is represented in the myths of the god Oannes of Sumerian fame, or the Quinotaur who impregnated the mother of Merovee while she was bathing in the sea, and even the wife of the founder of the Angevins, Melusine, variously described as an aquatic fairy or a mermaid. So, there is this claim that there is a stronger and more virile reptilian strain in these bloodlines. Is that correct?
A: It may be.

(L) Well, is that significant in any way?
A: For those obsessed with materialism.

(L) Okay, there is also some newly propagated ideas that the month of August, this year, is going to produce some direful changes or events, or significant events during the ‘dog days’ of August. Is there anything significant about the coming month of August?
A: what is the point of predicting/warning of direful changes?

(L) Well, my observation is that such predictions are designed to distract people and to keep them worried and upset so they can’t concentrate on what is important. Now, going back to Harner’s story: this business about these dragon-like creatures fleeing from something. This story gets repeated a lot. Is that an accurate part of the tale? Were they fleeing from something?
A: Maybe, but so what?

(L) What were they fleeing? I’m curious!
A: Fleeing? All life just fills the voids that exist. It is a natural process; existentialism.

(L) As you know by now, I did the radio show. My feeling is that it was not significant in any way. I DID learn that I don’t want to go on the radio again! Do you see any repercussions relating to that?
A: We abstain. Okay, folks, goodnight.

End of Session


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July 24, 1999

Q: Hello.
A: Hello.

Who do we have with us this evening?
A: Conopi.

And where do you transmit through?
A: Cassiopaea.

I have been having a dialogue with a fellow on the net in the last week or so who is very well versed in the Ra Material. He sent me a large chunk of volume 5 of the Ra books, which was material that had not been released earlier.
It seems that during the times that Don Elkins was asking some questions about different conspiracies and the nature of the 4th density STS manipulations and some other rather grim subjects, that there was some sort of judgment made by this group, or members of this group, that such subjects were not appropriate lines of questioning for an STO channel. They were, apparently, considered to be a focusing on negative aspects, therefore they were not of ‘love and light.’ Such questions and directions of questions were, therefore, discouraged or agreed by this group to be not desirable to pursue. Don Elkins DID, however, commit suicide. Can you tell us why?
A: Suicide is a chosen pathway for the purpose of close realization of shutting
off the noise.

What noise was he wanting to shut off?
A: It is a figure of speech.

I would like to understand. Here, these folks had this marvelous contact with Ra...
A: Contact with Ra does not preclude the possibility of attack.

Why did Ra not convey to him the information necessary to understand that he was under attack, and what kind of attack it was, and how to deal with it?
A: The questions were not asked.

Why were the questions not asked that would have protected him?
A: “Love and Light.”

So, because they were so focused on the love and light aspects...
A: There is no positivity without negativity.

So, positivity, alone, becomes, in effect, negativity, or becomes null?
A: No, there is always negativity present, whether acknowledged or not.

So, you are saying that if it is not acknowledged, placed on the table, so to speak, that it sort of ‘bites you’ no matter what? That, in some way it will manifest, and if a person goes to an extreme in terms of love and light, the negativity will come in the back door?
A: Close.

Okay, there was a little bit more about Linda Howe and David Jacobs on the net recently. Bruce Maccabbee wrote an article in which he described the differences in attitudes between David Jacobs and Linda Howe. David Jacobs, of course, thinks the whole alien thing is 4th density STS. He pretty much understands it and has a grip on the negative nature of these manipulations. But, Maccabbee mentions that Linda Howe is inclined to follow the ‘aliens are here to help us no matter how horrible these things they do seem’ path. She seems to be trying to find goodness in all of it, despite the in-depth investigations she has done into the cattle mutilations and so forth. So, once again, this has come up in discussion. Comment please.
A: Specifics, please.

Well, once before, you said she was not corruptible, but, this blindness to the negative nature of our reality and the obvious manipulations, seems to be a form of corruption.
A: No, you are reading too much into critiques. There is much jealousy within the “UFO community.” This manifests as sniping, name calling, and other forms of skullduggery. You have tasted some of this bitter tea yourself, and, of course, it is all representative of attack.

(A) Well, we were talking about Don Elkins, and essentially, he was under attack, but the questions were not asked that could have helped him to understand this. I would like to ask if we are under attack now. It is better to ask the question.
A: You have always been under attack, but the difference is that you have awareness of it. Knowledge protects.

(L) Well, if Carla were here, would you say anything to her?
A: Yes, but this is not important.

(A) I am always suspicious. We had this car stopping in front of our house, and I was suspecting that they were doing something; beaming something at us, or deploying some kind of frequency at us. Was my suspicion justified?
A: Ask yourself by examining the details. What did the vehicle look like? What did it do? What did the occupants look like? Etc... Observation is the companion of awareness.

Q: (L) The one strange thing about this was that, at that particular time, A became very sick. His stomach just went completely bonkers and he has been unable to eat anything but bread and milk for several days now. Was this related?
A: We did not hear your responses to inquiries.

(L) Well, on three different occasions this happened. One vehicle was a taxi, one was an ordinary red car, and the other was a new pick-up truck. In the one case, the person seemed to be just parked there and eating. I didn’t see what the taxi person was doing.
(A) He was essentially doing nothing... just sitting there.
(L) And then the truck: somebody stopped and got out and was doing something, and I thought it might be a meter reader, but by the time we saw the woman, she was getting back in the truck, and it was not a regular service truck from the water or power companies.
A: In future, when you notice suspicious activities such as this, record them. If necessary, approach the vehicle in a friendly manner, explain to them your required response as a member of a neighborhood crime watch team. Observe aerial anomalies as well. Be vigilant and on guard.

Q: (A) I would like to know what brought on my drastic and prolonged stomach problem? Was it my fault?
(L) Was it the turkey, the vitamins, or what?
A: The potential for food poisoning requires greatly increased awareness on
your part. Remember, this is a perfect modus of attack. Wash hands often, be very careful with what you ingest.

(L) I double washed the greens in the salad, the meat was fresh from the deli...
A: Deli meats? In this era: verboten!!!

(L) I guess I have to cook everything myself. No more prepared foods.
A: There is currently a huge problem there. But why? Ignorance feeds
opportunity for experimentation. If ever needed, many could be eliminated this way. After all, how ignorant the populace!

(L) I thought it was the turkey. It wasn’t the greens or the dressing. But, I had them slice it from a fresh roast.
(F) There is a LOT of this sort of thing happening. It’s in the news all the time. It is getting worse and worse and more and more frequent.
(A) How can we be sure that our water is okay?
A: R.O.

(L) Yes, we have an R.O. water filter.
(F) Yes, when you have the combination of a water softener and a reverse osmosis purifier, there is very little chance that you will have any contaminants in your water, even if it is deliberately put into the water. There was an article today about a local well that had high levels of radiation. I don’t think the R.O. will filter that, however.
(L) Essentially, we are living in dangerous times.
(F) Yes, what an easy way to eliminate people by putting things in the food or water.
(A) One more health question. What is this blister that both of us have?
A: Germ.

(L) A germ?
A: Yes, but mild.

(L) I want to ask what happened to our tape recorder several sessions ago when it recorded at about triple speed.
A: EM interference.

(L) From what source?
A: Radio towers.

(L) How could EM interference from a radio tower cause my tape recorder to record at triple speed when it is a one-speed recorder?
A: You remember your 30 second long phone ring 5 ½ years ago?

(L) Sort of. I remember that happening once. It was completely strange.
It started ringing and it was like stuck.
A: Nuff said.

(A) Is this EM interference from radio towers directed?
A: More like attracted.

Attracted by all of us, any particular one of us, or what we are doing here?
A: Latter.

Q: (L) And, of course, at that exact time we were asking questions about Nazi mind programming, Arizona Wilder and her wild claims regarding present day mind programming, and we actually lost some of the tape because of the speed. We were able to recover a lot by digitlizing the recording and speeding it up and enhancing it somewhat. A 45 minute side of tape finished recording in about 15 minutes. And then, another bizarre thing is that it didn’t trigger the auto shut-off when it hit the end of the tape. We continued the session thinking we had a tape going, but it had already ended! I had to reconstruct about 20 minutes of the session. Another funny thing was that, last Saturday, we were sitting there playing the last part over and over again to determine exactly where the tape had ended, and it kept ending on “Kennedy.” And, of course, that night we hear that JFK, Jr. has been killed. Then, of course, A points out that these Kennedy people aren’t very bright. They should have figured out by now that they are under special attack conditions for some reason, and should NEVER take risks. So, I want to know what is the deal on this JFK, Jr. plane crash?
A: Lack of awareness feeds fate.

(L) That’s the truth! And of course now all the tabloids and rumor mongers are saying that this kind of plane couldn’t do such a nose dive; somebody heard an explosion; the rumors are just flying. And, in relation to rumors, there are a lot of them flying around about the weather. What’s the deal with all the recent weather activity? These terribly unusual lightning storms?
A: Increased static electricity in atmosphere.

(A) Is it only in our region or all over the planet?
A: Latter.

(L) Well, it all seems to be discharging over our heads! I have never witnessed such lightning.
(A) Okay, I was trying to figure out how to build this expanded gravity, and I made a table to assist the question. The first possibility is that one can build gravity on a square matrix. This matrix can be symmetric, can be non-symmetric, or can be a complex matrix, which I call possibilities a, b, and c. The second possibility is to build a theory of gravity on the basis of a connection which looks like a cube rather than a matrix. Here we also have three possibilities: no curvature, but torsion; no torsion but curvature; torsion and curvature. These are possibilities 1, 2, and 3. Another possibility is to use any combination of these two lines of speculation. Another possibility is none of the above, but to build gravity on the basis of an irregular cube, or an irregular square, which I call A. Another possibility is to use something that is none of the above.
A: Octagonal complexigram. Try the formula for possibility 1-c first.

(A) During the last two weeks or so, I got a new connection through the internet, in particular I was pointed to a Russian guy by the name Alexander Shpilman, who is writing about special generators of what is called ‘spin field,’ which is supposedly a new kind of field which can penetrate lead without any problem, and he is building or describing the generator of this field which has essentially rotating pieces of ferrite with little magnets inside and so on, which can be detected by human beings because you can feel this field if you are in the right state and so forth. This guy and another guy named Boyd then try to relate this to some kind of expanded gravity with torsion because spin is supposed to be a source of torsion in space. All that seems to me quite reasonable, and maybe even the right track to follow.
(L) He even talks about the funny ‘light pole.’ (A) What I want to know is if the things that Shpilman is describing really work?
A: Yes, they would work.

(A) Is it a path to a kind of expanded gravity?
A: Enhanced gravitational pull. Relates to space/time management.

(A) Another problem: I am stuck at one point. When we were talking about phi and Mandelbrot, you mentioned the name ‘Carboni.’ (L) And you also mentioned the name ‘Carboni’ to Santilli, saying that this group was behind the Molise Institute.
A: Yes. Scientific/intelligence matrix. Neapolitan.

(L) Well, we did a search and have not been able to find anything on it. I don’t know if Molise has very much money behind it because, by looking at their pages, it doesn’t seem to be very well funded.
A: Looks can be deceiving. Front is vulcanology.

(L) You mean they study volcanoes?
A: Front.

(L) Ark wrote an e-mail to Santilli because Ruggero sent out an announcement by e-mail that he was going to be suing several people for using his stuff without giving him credit; stealing his work, in effect. So, Ark wrote him a little note inquiring about the situation and invited him to get in touch. So far, we haven’t had any response. Any comment?
A: Terry and Jan Rodemerk poisoned this link.

(L) I was recently re-reading that Santilli session, and it is really strange. He was so happy and enthusiastic, and he somehow just got turned off and turned completely cold. Is there any point in pursuing that link?
A: You can reestablish it if you wish, with some effort to make clear that Arkadiusz is here.

(L) Is it useful to reestablish that link, for research reasons or otherwise?
A: Possibly, but his faculties are not what they once were.

(A) But, I still don’t understand what is the story with this Carboni that was mentioned in a quite unexpected way, in relation to phi?
A: Phi is a key component to the puzzle with regard to gravity waves. Carboni relates to one of the “keepers of the castle,” so to speak.

(A) So, this is a kind of a foundation, yes?
A: Clues, clues.

(L) Maybe Carboni is the name of an author or something that relates to this. A castle implies a kind of fortification in which something is being protected. So, maybe somebody named Carboni knows one of the keys to get inside...
A: Yes, but this is dangerous to fool with, unless with care! Figure it out yourself? O.K. Publicize it? Be oh so careful. Magnetic fields relate.
Mineral properties... Study these with regard to your gravitational questions. What compounds balance material space? Which ones reflect this property on your locator?

(L) Are you guys going to leave if I ask the ‘Nobel Prize’ question?
A: Try it and see.

(L) Are we ever going to win the Nobel Prize?

A: Open.

(L) Well, we would really like to have some bucks to settle down to this research, work on the web pages, publish books, and so forth... I would like to get a book put together and sell it on the website. Which, by the way, we have a new domain... called ‘’ Aren’t you proud? I have put up a LOT of new material and people are reading it! Well?
(A) No comment.
A: Yes, so now we say goodbye.

End of Session


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