From "Out of the Dragon’s Lair"
by Branton
BurlingtonUFOCenter Website
In the Spring of 1989, UFO UNIVERSE
published an article by Robert W. Boyajian, titled ’CONQUEST EARTH?
(Exclusive Interview with Sergeant Clifford Stone, on assignment at
Roswell, New Mexico):
"In the course of my UFO
investigations, I established contact with Aileen Edwards,
Director of the UFO Contact Center International, Seattle,
Washington. For several years, Aileen has been doing excellent
work getting people released from mental institutions that do
not understand the UFO contact or abduction phenomenon. Many of
these unfortunate patients have been given dangerous neurolytic
drugs as means of ’treating’ their ’illness.’
"As a result of our conversations, Aileen placed me in touch
with Sergeant Clifford Earl Stone of the United States Army, who
is currently stationed at Roswell, New Mexico, which is near the
site of the most famous crash-UFO case of all time which
allegedly took place in 1947, and involved the recovery of
several alien bodies by the military.
"What I have found out by speaking with Sergeant Stone can only
be labeled ’sensational.’ But before we get to the main body of
our interview, I should point out that much of his testimony can
now be verified by others connected with the intelligence
community. For example, recently there was aired on national
television a two hour special, ’UFO COVERUP - LIVE FROM
WASHINGTON.’ Among the most interesting features of this program
were the on-the-air confessions of two mysterious individuals
whose true identities remain a secret, but who go by the code
names ’Falcon’ and
’Condor.’ Their faces were hidden at all
times, and their voices altered through a muting device. From
what I have discovered, however, Falcon is an OSI agent, while
Condor is a scientist working for the U.S. government.
"On the show, Condor told of a deal the government made with the
’Essentially, the agreement says that we won’t disclose
your existence if you won’t interfere in our society, and we
allow you to operate from a designated base in the United
It’s in the state of Nevada, in an area called
Area 51.
Extraterrestrials have complete control of the base. My
understanding is that three different aliens of the same species
has resided in the U.S. from 1948 or 1949 until the present day.
The first alien was captured in the New Mexican desert after its
craft crashed. The alien, which was named EBE by the government
was kept in captivity for three years and we learned a great
deal of information about the alien’s race, culture and
spacecraft. The second alien was part of an exchange
program. The third alien was also part of an exchange
program and has been the guest of the U.S. government since
"...this knowledge has long been classified at exceedingly high
levels, and has not been released even though various court
battles have been fought to obtain the truth under the Freedom
of Information Act. The much talked-about
MJ-12 briefing
document was a ’leak’ made by sources unknown, there have been
several others, and yet further revelations have been promised
by those working inside the ’establishment’ who are convinced
the public must be told EVERYTHING and NOW!..."
The interview between Mr. Boyajion of
UFO UNIVERSE and Sgt. Stone went as follows:
"UFO UNIVERSE: In reference to
Condor’s statement about Area 51 in the state of Nevada, what do
you personally feel about this in your studies?
"CLIFFORD STONE: I believe that the American people has a right
to know what is going on...
"UU: Do you feel there’s a war going
on perhaps between different types of aliens?
"CS: Yes, I do. I believe what is presently termed
the ’greys’
may very well be the (entities) that the U.S. government has the
pact with right now, and they are not necessarily the ’good
"UU: Do you feel that these grey guys are evil?
"CS: Well... there are some things I prefer not to talk about.
But I’ll tell you this much. First, I believe that there is a
God. And I firmly believe that God made man and all intelligent
life to be a free agent, to chose HIS own validity. Abductions
are REAL. Abductions are taking place. People are being forced
to undergo - partake in various experiments - for whatever
reason by our alien visitors.
"UU: What else would give you the impression that these guys are
evil, cut and dry? Is there a case you can cite?
"CS: O.K., this is supposition. One gentleman who was doing
research into it reported a military intrusion on an alien base,
right here in New Mexico. Well, the military tried to go in and
take over the base (It was mentioned that a similar event took
place in Nevada). Sixty-six servicemen were supposedly killed
there. The aliens had the base, it was an underground base and
allegedly the military sent in some of their elite forces,
probably equated to a Delta force, elite, anti-terrorist force,
if you wish.
"UU: How did they find this base?
"CS: Well, it was part of the allegedly secret agreement that we
would let them have bases, therefore we knew about the base.
There was some type of argument that broke out between our
people and the aliens.
"UU: So there are many bases throughout the country?
"CS: There are rumors of many bases. Given that these stories
are true, I think that they probably have 12 or fewer bases. The
greys may have various, let’s say, hideouts. As far as actual
full scale operational bases, there’s probably 12 or fewer.
"UU: And where are you getting your information?
"CS: From, we’ll say, other researchers that wish to remain sort
of silent.
"UU: What position are you in the army at present?
"CS: I’m in an ROTC assignment.
"UU: How long have you been in the army?
"CS: Twenty years.
"UU: Your friends who remain anonymous are within the different
services of the government I take it?
"CS: Well, for example, I was stationed at an Air Force base and
one guy went and came to my home and identified himself as a
fighter pilot and told me about an aircraft that he was
piloting. I believe it was over the Pacific Ocean. Anyhow, it
got real dark all of a sudden. He reported looking up and he and
the other crew members saw what they described as a vehicle that
was 3 miles long (Three miles in a circular expansion). As far
as I know it stayed with them for 15 or 20 minutes and then went
straight over the aircraft and got out in front of them and shot
straight up, out of sight.
"UU: Where did you derive the idea that our government is making
deals with aliens? What gave you this type of notion?
"CS: The
Snowbird document. This document refers to us making
primitive contact with the aliens in 1959. On April 25, 1964, we
managed to carry on a 3 hour conversation which was the onset of
the agreement at a base here in New Mexico. I believe that base
was Holloman Air Force Base. The agreement involving an exchange
of technology and our silence. By going ahead and not having any
interference with the aliens, in exchange they gave us the
technology and we agreed to keep quiet about their presence.
That right there is sinister in itself.
"UU: How do you mean sinister in itself?
"CS: We have to go back to the abductions. For some reason they
don’t want the people to remember what happened. Well here you
have people who had contact with alien beings, who have lost
everything. They’ve went ahead and have family problems, they’ve
lost their jobs, a lot of them have become reclusive, they have
mental problems because they can’t cope with what happened to
them. They know that they’ve had some type of experience, but a
lot of the time they would have nightmares. They can’t explain
"UU: Because it was repressed in their subconscious?
"CS: Correct. Maybe by design, or it may be just because the
body’s own self-defensive mechanism is trying to cope with
something that is beyond it’s comprehension...
"UU: What about the benevolent beings that are said to exist,
who abide by higher laws that do not allow them to interfere -
aren’t they trying to help?
"CS: The good guys are, well, I like to refer to them as being
nomadic. What you’re talking about, about the non-intervention
with other intelligent life forms is a universal law. The nomadics go along with that. The
greys violated the universal
"UU: What else can you say about the benevolent space beings?
"CS: They have a high regard for life. I believe, shall we say,
’the good forces,’ they don’t really want any interaction with
us. They choose to just go ahead and just observe.
"UU: Silent guardians. So it seems what they’re trying to do is
balance what the greys imbalanced.
"CS: I would agree with that...
"UU: When you were describing that there are approximately 3
different types of hostile aliens from Zeta Reticuli, would you
describe further what you mean by that?
"CS: At present time, I believe that the government has
identified several groups. We break these down by EBE
(extraterrestrial biological entities) type 1,2,3 - I think we
are about up to 7 that have been identified (however, as Lear
and others indicate, these seem to fall into either the
reptilian or human categories - Branton). Well...seven types of
space travelers, or inter-dimensional travelers, if you wish.
When I refer to inter- dimensional travel, I am referring,
utilizing the Einsteinian, Rosen, Bridges for that travel... I’m
going to tell you the situation as I understand now. The greys
will eventually come forth and try to state that they created
Christ. This is not the case. They did not create Christ.
was and is a divine entity. He was sent here by the Creator, not
the Creator of just the world, but the universe... I believe
that they (the greys) are involved with the actual cattle
mutilations. Now there are some copycats, and the government
tries to get mileage off the copycats, and the government may
have even went ahead and staged some - just to throw off the
extraterrestrial connection.
"UU: Can you give more detail... regarding the greys, the
subtleties ahead, and how to avoid any mishap?
"CS: You mean how to identify if your working with a good guy or
bad guy? For one thing there are the religious (activities) the
bad guys are not happy with. For example, there was an instance
where they tried to pick up a farmer...he started to pray and
they couldn’t take him aboard the craft... He kept praying and
finally they gave up trying to abduct him. There was also an
incident in Vietnam where a UFO set down in a field. It
terrorized some of the villagers, and there was a soldier who
was out visiting his girlfriend, who would later become his
wife. Anyhow, he got tied up there and the UFO was trying to
convince some of the people they should go. It wanted to take
some of the people. The soldier stood his ground and wouldn’t
let the entities do it. The M16 that the soldier had was
impervious to the aliens, but the cross that he always wore, and
he always carried a Bible, they had regard for that. Finally,
they gave up and decided not to try to take any of the people...
"UU: What type of mentality are we dealing with when we’re
talking about the secret deals made with ETs?
"CS: Let’s go back and look at what happened as far as our
deepening involvement at the onset of the Vietnam war. Take a
look at what happened with the Iran affair. The situation is
that there are elements within our government that sometimes act
all on their own without congressional restraints, which
ultimately affects the entire American population. In this case,
it will ultimately have an affect on the entire population of
the world. Up until about 1985, I would not have believed any of
this. As a result of coming into contact with the SNOWBIRD
DOCUMENT, I am left with no recourse but to believe that we have
made these agreements - rightly or wrongly. I believe what is
going to eventually happen is that they will make themselves
known and immediately go ahead and try to destroy society as we
know society...
"UU: On the broadcast ’UFO COVERUP LIVE’, they spoke of an
exchange program where we sent two of our guys up into their
crafts. This aspect of the exchange program, do you feel any of
this is true?
"CS: It follows accepted diplomatic procedures.
"UU: What is the purpose of revealing this information at this
"CS: I think it’s to try to prepare the American public for the
ultimate disclosure of the existence of the alien beings. I
think there is the effort for the good guys to make contact with
the people within our government, but I think now what is
happening is that the U.S. government learned in 1983 or
thereabout that they are NOT dealing with the good guys, but
really don’t know what to do about it.
"UU: So how can they get out of this? What would your suggestion
"CS: Well, my suggestion would be to stand up to the greys. Let
them know that this is a free society, that we are not going to
sit back and let anyone - be they from outer space or some other
foreign country - convert the people of the United States.
"UU: You said that the government didn’t know that they were
dealing with the bad guys at first. How would the government
figure out that these entities were evil? What would make them
think that? What would make them decide all of a sudden?
"CS: Let us suppose that we make a deal with a group of aliens.
Among other things we agreed that they can have prearranged
bases. We will provide security and we will not acknowledge
their existence to the general public. In return, they’re going
to go ahead and carry on certain experimentations, gathering
various minerals, getting various flora, various animal life.
They’re also going to go ahead and conduct some experiments or
some research on human beings.
Now this troubles us because we
don’t want that to get out of hand, so we bargain a little
deeper and we come to the agreement that, okay, if you abduct
anyone we need to know who they are so that if there are any
problems in the future we can go ahead and take care of those
people who may need medical or psychological attention, so we
can assist with this. They say, fine, we will provide you with
say a list of all abductees. Later, we find out that they are
providing us with maybe a hundred or two hundred abductions
maybe every couple of months, but we discover that the number is
really into the thousands. We also find out that this scientific
curiosity is also being used to tag these people, i.e. the
implants, and we are not being told why they are doing this. Now
we no longer have control over the abductions.
We might even
find that there might even be a scarier aspect to it - let’s say
some of these abductees appear to be ’sleepers,’ there is some
type of information that they’re being fed, a post-hypnotic
suggestion for lack of a better term. But don’t think that this
is hypnotic at all - it’s not. It is a very much advanced
technological process. Anyhow, they are being told at a certain
time, a certain place in the future, they are going to be
required to recall things that they are being told at this time,
right toward the end of the experimentation or whatever is going
on. However, alien forces want this to be kept so secret that if
you try to pull this out of them while they’re under hypnosis,
it will cause the body functions to become under stress.
"UU: Have there been any intervention with the benevolent beings
in this matter?
"UU: An obvious dispute among aliens themselves? What do you
feel was the outcome?
"CS: The good won. Right now I think that the good are trying to
’build up their forces.’ I think the greys were very concerned
about the crash at Roswell, New Mexico, because we had something
that they were identifying as a weapons system - and that was a
very strong radar tracking system. They lost several ships to
that. The aliens initially, having identified that as a weapons
system of ours, adjusted their craft so that the high powered
radar would not cause on-board difficulties. The greys assisted
in keeping the story quiet about the Roswell incident without -
how can I put this - ’open contact’ with the government at that
(Note: This is conceivable as radar operates through
powerful electromagnetic rays and thus may have an adverse
affect on a craft utilizing electromagnetic propulsion or
operational systems - Branton).
"UU: Have you heard of such a thing as MIB or
Men In Black in
relation to such incidents as these?
"CS: Yes. There is a well known newsperson who was involved with
the UFO crash here in Roswell in 1947. He had his life
threatened if he tried to go ahead and break the story. He’s
maintained silence ever since. He’s talked a couple of times,
but will never come out and fully tell the whole story.
"UU: Did any of the occupants make themselves known to our
people at that time?
"CS: Here again, I’d have to go back to the reporter who was
approached by an entity. And I don’t think the entity that he
was approached by was of this Earth. It was your classic MIB
saying, ’Look, stay out of this one!’ Point blank he was told,
’If you try to break the story, you’ll die.’ Around that time we
also started to lose jet aircraft that were sent aloft to
intercept UFOs. Most of the time these were written off as
aircraft having malfunctioned that caused their crash. Some of
the aircraft simply vanished without a trace. One incident
happened here in Roswell, probably early 1950s. The family still
lives here. Two aircraft were sent aloft to intercept a UFO and
make the identification of the object as picked up on radar. One
plane returned. To this day, one plane and a pilot never
"UU: Is there any information in reference to the joint
operations that such a govt.-alien alliance is doing beneath the
"CS: Supposition (is) there’s a lot of genetic work going on
down there. For example, there have been people who have claimed
to have been taken to underground installations where they
observed comatose people in these underground installations.
There are also reports of various vats with human parts. One
woman reported seeing what appeared as a very Earthly male who
was in a vat of some type of fluid in one of the underground
installations. Quite a few of the people have alleged that they
have been taken to these underground installations and have been
kept there for days.
"UU: And why were they let free once they knew of such an
installation, let’s say, if they’re trying to hush that up?
"CS: The vast majority, the man on the street isn’t going to
believe them anyhow. There are allegations that some are either
military or working with the government that were brought down
"UU: Are you saying that you are not very clear on what goes on
down there? You’ve never met anyone who had anymore to say on
"CS: I’m saying I can’t be very clear.
"UU: In other words, it’s a little too intense to talk about?
"CS: Yes. I have an interest in UFOs and I’ve had to recently go
through one heck of a battle with the military to express my
first amendment right to voice my dissatisfaction with the U.S.
government keeping this information suppressed. There are
certain things that even as a private citizen that I have to be
very careful about suggesting.
"UU: What part of the government would have jurisdiction in
association with these aliens?
"CS: They would probably be the National Security Agency
(NSA) they
report directly to the National Security Council. As a matter of
fact, it sets in on the National Security Council.
"UU: Are there people within this agency that realize that
they’ve gotten into a little mess?
"CS: Yes, I think so. I think right now those that are in the
know are sort of divided as to whether they should go public or
try to keep it secret. The TV show ’UFO COVERUP’, wasn’t really
well handled. They didn’t really know how to go about bringing
out the information that they do have. The situation is that of
a programming process, the government wanted some of that
information to be released. That I feel is a fact. Now they took
that program from Washington and they really wanted to see what
the reaction of the American society would be as a whole. How we
would react to it. If the U.S. government ever comes forth and
states - and eventually I feel within a very few short years,
possibly even months - they’re going to have to do that. They’re
going to have to come out and say that UFOs are a reality.
"UU: I heard you were going to Germany?
"CS: I will be separated from my family for at least two years
as a result of it. They were going to put me out of the Army
because of my interest in UFOs. I want to stay in right now -
when I get out I want it to be my choice, not because they
forced me out. Are you aware that this is a very, very hard
subject matter? I mean it’s so far out in left field I avoid
it...but I’ll bring it up anyhow. Do you know that there are
reports that some of the alien ships do a harvest of the souls?
In other words, they feed off the living energy, which is in
fact the living soul.
"UU: Have you read Budd Hopkins’ books?
"CS: Yes, I read both Budd Hopkins’ books. Budd is very close to
the truth, but the full truth is a horror story that is beyond
any science fiction that you have ever read.
"UU: Are there entities of the more benevolent sort that are
abducting people?
"CS: That’s correct. What they do, I would say, that they have
more of a scientific curiosity (referring her to the blondes? -
"UU: They have more of a compassion, you would say?
"CS: Correct. As a matter of fact, if there was a situation
where you had a weapon that could kill them and they could not
escape, other than do you harm, they would permit themselves to
be killed. The situation with the abduction cases, in dealing
with the bad guys, is that they will go ahead and make a person
try to recall the bad times of their lives. Then the people
relive those experiences, they go back to the way they felt when
that experience was happening, they bring to mind the things
they fear the most, they bring this out because they actually
absorb something similar to osmosis these feelings that they
actually feed off of. (i.e. feed off of our fear? - Branton)
"UU: So you’re saying that these particular entities that are
working in this fashion are the very entities that our
government made these deals with?
"CS: Yes.
"UU: Are the people within these government installations who
are working with these entities experiencing such traumas, or
are they left alone?
"CS: I don’t think that they are experiencing trauma because
they need those people as part of the grand deception. Keep in
mind, while they’re dealing with them on the physical plane
they’re also actually dealing with an interdimensional
"UU: Like an astral phenomenon?
"CS: Yes...
"UU: ...Do you think that the government is dealing with two
types of aliens?
"CS: I definitely think that they are dealing with two types of
entities, but you’ve got to keep in mind one thing - the good
guys are not going to give us anything to kill our fellow man.
"UU: If you were to see this in an article, is there something
that you would like to say?
"CS: Definitely.
’Shut me up and shut the other people up that
are like me. Go ahead and have an unbiased congressional
investigation into the UFO matter. Give across the board
immunity to any and all service members and civilian government
workers who have any knowledge of crashed retrieval aircraft or
underground bases to let them come talk freely to a
congressional committee on UFOs so that they might talk and
clear the air. Get it out that UFOs are a reality. They are here
now, they have underground bases. If they go ahead and grant
that immunity you’ll have people come forth and talk. But they
will not talk unless that immunity is granted. Now if I’m wrong
- go ahead and offer it, set up a committee, a congressional
committee to hear all the evidence, weigh all the facts - then
it’s a put up or shut up proposition.’
"UU: Why haven’t the aliens just simply infiltrated in relation
to these government deals.
"CS: The U.S. government may believe that there’s no defense and
that they are highly evolved and technologically superior to us.
There are those of us, however, that firmly believe - or should
I say know - that there are defenses against these folks. In
unity there is strength. That strength is derived from
knowledge. The knowledge that must be had is the knowledge of
the truth. With the truth we can go ahead and combat these