by Shannon and Sara Smith
Posted Wed, 16-Nov-1994
23:55:02 GMT
SpiritWeb Website
recovered through
WayBackMachine Website
The Alien Jigsaw
(Katharina Wilson)
The Warping of Space-Time
(Marc Davenport)
New Research on Implants and Group
(Budd Hopkins)
UFOs and the Alien Relationship
With the Human Race
(Robert Dean)
The Allagash Abductions
(The Allagash
Breeze Update
(Bruce and Anne Morrison)
Humanity’s Extraterrestrial
(Dr. Arthur Horn)
Glimpses of Other Realities
(Linda Moulton
Close ET Encounters: From
Individual Experiences to Global Manifestation
(Dr. Richard Boylan)
A Model of Reincarnation and UFO
(Dr. Leo Sprinkle)
The New Paradigm of Mind and
(Forest Crawford)
The Alien
Katharina Wilson
She wanted to state she has no negative connotation to use of the
term abducteé, preferring to define it as having an interaction. She
has memories of this since childhood, and although going through
regression, has written mostly conscious memories in her book "The
Alien Jigsaw". She is still anxious about the experiences but no
longer fears the aliens. Some have asked her how she can be so
normal, and she credits the Pensacola MUFON and Budd Hopkins for
helping her.
Katharina’s experiences began when she was 6, and total 119 so far.
45% were neutral, 32% negative, and 23% positive experiences. When
she was young, she thought God was taking her away. She would be
paralyzed, and not able to remember what was said to her. Some
questions frequently asked of her are:
Q. How real are her
She remembered going to bed and
falling asleep, and seeing beings that were not human. But in
the morning, she would find blood on the sheets, scoop marks.
Q. Why are they here?
She mentioned the hybridization
theory of Hopkins and Jacobs. Once on a huge craft she held a
hybrid child, that was not doing too well. There was a hybrid
doctor there in a white coat. Another time they presented her
with a child while in her bedroom. They have done psychological
and physical studies of her, using probes, pins, and rods in the
joints, and believes they have taken blood, ova, hair, and bone
marrow samples. She is not certain that some of her memories may
be screen memories, such as a view of a grey bobcat, and the
’teaching dream’ that often occurs in abduction.
Q. How many types of beings are there?
She believes 15-20 are actively
visiting the planet, with at least 4 different greys. A tan
being performed medical procedures on her, and she has seen one
smooth pale grey type that has 10 very skinny fingers on each
Q. The four main types of greys:
1. The shortest, at 3-3
1/2 feet, no body suits worn, sometimes shiny, no external
genitals but can sense their gender. These are mind-probers
but seem to have no desire to communicate. They seem to
float rather than walk.
2. 4-4 1/2 feet tall, stand and walk, seem to be
biological technicians, not robotic, but have emotions.
3. 6 feet tall, have yellow hair, almost wig-like.
Dark grey body suit, fly the cigar-shaped craft, believes
these are the ’Navigators’.
4. Over 7 feet tall, look and walk like a praying
mantis, she calls this type ’The Diplomat". Also, there were
certain blonds that could transform, to a cat, a dog, and a
light being.
Q. Can we believe what they
She feels in most of the cases their
prophesies do not occur, but once a blond showed her a wall
crumbling at her house. This did happen 8 months later, narrowly
missing her. That night they visited her and told her they were
repairing her heart, that had been damaged by the lightning that
had destroyed the wall. She feels that both the government and
the aliens want to keep us from knowing what is going on. There
may be at least two different groups trying to manipulate us in
different ways. In January of this year, she had a hysterectomy
that left the ovaries intact, and they told her they needed to
implant another uterus. Also, they needed to remove her ovaries
if she wanted to come with them, so that she would not be
available for experimentation by another group of aliens. There
was no memory but she hasn’t yet been medically examined to see
if any surgery occurred.
She feels it is extremely important to help other abductees and
get the word out. Self-publishing is very difficult, but she
encourages them to keep a journal of experiences, and share
these with the researchers who have the resources to be able to
Q. Are you being harassed by the military?
Doesn’t think so, although there
might be some minor eavesdropping on her line. She has seen them
working together with aliens, and it is possible they are
hybrids wearing military uniforms. She has seen them in
unidentifiable, as well as Navy, Marine, and Army uniforms. She
has experienced angry, questioning humans at an underground base
in Eastern Canada, put in a room with other abductees, and
forced to watch deprogramming films, of which she has little
memory. She was shown a demonstration of a fast-moving, silent
orb-shaped craft, made of many flat, dark grey panels. She saw a
cigar-shaped craft, 70-80 feet long, at a military base, also
made of flat panels, with no external rivets. It could appear
and disappear, and she was forced to ride on board it. She
thought the pilot was crazy, as it was flipping around in the
sky, and she did feel the G-forces. When it ended up hovering
over a huge round white object in the ocean, she started kicking
out a ’window’, then it landed and she crawled out.
Q. How can they keep this a secret?
They claim there is a threat to the
country from the aliens. Actually, it is ourselves we should
blame. We need to keep an open mind, support our organizations,
and keep journals of our experiences. She is happy to have the
opportunity to be part of the educational process.
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The Warping of
Marc Davenport
He writes fiction and non-fiction, including the books "Visitors
From Time - The Secret of the UFOs" and "Dear Mr. President - 100
Earth-Saving Letters", and edits "The Contact Forum - The Roundtable
of Universal Communication". His articles, also available in
reprint, include,
"Shortcuts Through Space and Time", Int’l UFO
Library Mag, Apr.-May, 1994
"No Intelligent Life", UFO magazine,
Jul.-Aug., 1993
"Warping Space-Time", UFO Universe, Fall 1993
"Hydrogen Time", Analog, Summer 1994
"Infinite Possibilities"’
Contact Forum, Sept.-Oct., 1993
[Contact Forum is a very
informative bi-monthly newsletter available by subscription].
Address: Contact Forum c/o Wildflower Press, PO Box 726, Newberg,
OR, USA 97132
Marc is married to Leah Haley, another author with "Lost Was the
Key", and became interested in UFOs with the
Betty & Barney Hill
case of 1961. He was interested in the Adamski and other’s tales of
being on the moon or Venus, and why the beings resembled us. Other
questions nagged him, like why are they sighted most often on
Wednesdays, the 24th of the month, in July and September? Why do
they observe national boundaries? What about the Men-In-Black, and
reports of rescuing humans. In one case, two cars were headed for a
collision. Both drivers blacked out, and when they came to the cars
were sitting inches away, and one driver found himself in the
passenger seat.
Why are they so concerned about nuclear energy? Why is it being
covered up, why are there so many craft and so many different types
of craft?
Vallee estimates there have been over 3 million landings.
But there are only 46 sunlike stars within 54 light years of Earth.
In his studies from 1947, he noticed scientists are not looking at
all the data. UFOlogists are usually biased towards their own pet
For instance, Hynek discarded all reports that were from people who
had seen them more than once, and others threw out information
because it was deemed questionable if from a child, a drug user, saw
ETs, had landed, or had metal fragments that contained aluminum.
Also, no one was analyzing the data, no one was asking why they
could really travel 40,000 mph, turn sharply, disappear, change
shape, and power-fail cities.
He thought there were prerequisite questions that needed answers.
How could they emit radiation of such variety, show up on radar and
not visual, or vice versa, no close-up photos? Everyone had a
theory, they might be from planet X, billions of other galaxies,
angels, demons, or a complex mixture of many different phenomena.
What about the color changes and corresponding course changes?
What is time? The time for some people on board a UFO for a few
minutes becomes hours that have passed back here, and the other way
around, too. What about electromagnetic effects? People will see a
light while driving at night, that will pass close, then their
engine will sputter and their headlights dim. Sometimes cars will
start themselves up after it passes.
This was originally thought to be caused by large magnetic fields
spinning, but research shows effects that strong would also bend
metal and burn out components, which hasn’t been seen. There was an
oil pump in a Kuwaiti field which stopped after a UFO flew over,
then restarted. This restart was impossible because the equipment
must be started from several locations.
Could these be time effects? Could they be warping space- time? This
is a 4-dimensional continuum, which can be warped by mass. A black
hole warps space-time so severely that, within it, time literally
runs backward.
Paul Davies believes that the ’river of time’ is an artifact of our
mind’s perception. Contrary to popular opinion,
time travel is a
reality. Elastic time - time dilation and time travel is part of
relativity. Fred Alan Wolf said that for parallel worlds to exist,
time machines that move forward and backward in time must exist.
This was verified in 1985 in at Tulane and by Frank Tipler and
Thorne, with the wormhole of space-time theory. This subject is
quantum physics. The research is much incomplete because the
government threatens to cut off funds if they’re not directing the
research themselves.
Could UFOs have field generators with a different continuum inside?
Yes - Time could be different inside, running either faster or
slower. When they change shape, materialize, or dematerialize, they
may be passing backward through our time. Radiation from UFOs has
been of all kinds, all the way through the electromagnetic spectrum
from radio to gamma rays. The Doppler effect of a passing train is
the model here, with the frequencies of heat and light being shifted
as they pass through the edge of the field.
Marc found support for this effect everywhere. There have been
instances of people walking up to a saucer and finding that their
legs were not functioning, running into invisible shields, or a
thrown rock slowing and stopping in midair. In a case in Wyoming, a
man fired at a UFO, and the bullet slowed and dropped to the ground.
Later examination showed it to be "inside-out". Another case had
multiple witnesses watch one fly into a raging forest fire, where
the flames parted, and aliens got out and walked around looking at
things. A UFO exiting the water had drops draining off an invisible
hull surrounding the craft.
Sometimes people noticed that distant sounds would disappear, as
they were dopplered out of our hearing range. This might account for
some animals seeming to pick up unheard sounds. In 1962 a seminary
student was told that the visitors altered time and sound. Many
times objects become weightless, as in the Washburn, Haley, and
Allagash cases, and in the Knowle’s case, even a whole car lifted.
Some have been floated through walls and doors.
Mathematicians say fourth-dimensional craft could do this, by going
’around’ a wall rather than through it. And, sometimes they are
larger on the inside than on the outside. One person said that in a
craft that looked 30’ in diameter from the outside, while inside was
too far to throw a football across. A man leading a horse had it
sucked up into a craft. Sometimes they leave ’Earth Cookies’, a
circular patch of topsoil that has been turned completely
He mentioned also the residual time effect, and that the Russians
had measured a substantial time difference inside a landing zone,
using quartz timers. In one case, three boys saw a small saucer
land, went up to it and tapped on it with a flashlight. It made a
sound, and all three of them said they could only run away from it
in slow motion. Another time some dogs started running in slow
motion, and when the owners looked up, there was a UFO. In the
famous Bentwater case, a fog formed, a UFO landed, and the soldiers
investigating it cast shadows on the craft, that lagged a full step
behind them. There are so many more of these stories.
Here Marc showed parts of the Messengers of Destiny film, showing
the hyperjump phenomena, where the craft instantaneously change
location. He also remarked on the common observation of color
changes under the saucer.
Time is no more linear than the Earth is flat. A good model of this
is a Slinky, and how it can be stretched and folded over. There is
really more than one time dimension, more than one Slinky, and these
can intersect and overlap. This may sometimes lead to
inconsistencies. Loops can be bigger in one Slinky than another.
He mentioned a case where Wendy Dash was taken aboard a craft, and
went right through a wall, entering a large room with many people,
each accompanied by several aliens. Each was there to learn
something, and for her it was to learn to time travel. All humans
have the capacity to time travel, and the mechanism is in their
mind, not in the brain, and is not activated in most. They activated
hers, and they began experiments where she would dream, back in her
bed, and then wake up before the previous time she had fallen
asleep. This happened numerous times, so she told them she would
like to try it on her own. She knows that we can control time but it
is not going to happen until our motives are right. It’s got to come
from the heart.
Another case reported that someone saw three versions of a person
talking with themselves, and each was ten years different in age.
Marc doesn’t know where they are coming from, as we see only a tiny
portion of the spectrum. If they are from our own future, this could
explain a lot of things. This would be the reason for the cover-up,
since they don’t want to change the future. They might be coming on
certain days since they are using our calendar. Maybe they have
taken out too many genes and need to put some back. Genes for
fighting diseases might be available only by going to the past, and
the reason for their interest in nuclear reactions might be due to
the effects radiating into the future and past. He believes this is
the reason they were near Roswell, so close to the first nuclear
bomb tests.
He showed slides of the Sumerian clay disc seen in Sitchin’s book,
and compared this with the Voyager and Pioneer discs that were sent
out in the solar system. This is a record of the people who came
here 450,000 years ago.
We have polluted the planet, developed nuclear, biological, and
chemical weapons, tampered with genes, and might have even created
the AIDS virus. This path that we are on is not one that can
continue. Contacteés gave us messages, and we didn’t listen, and
then the abductions started. In the 50s UFO contacteés were getting
messages of love and clean up the planet, The last 47 abductees he
has interviewed got messages on ecology, human rights and the bomb.
We are now working on interstellar drives, so they will let us kill
each other off, help kill us off, or fix us. Some of these people
are coming here to salvage us in some sense. He doesn’t know for
sure, but if we don’t all share what we know, we will never find the
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New Research
on Implants and Group Abductions
Budd Hopkins
Abductions often aren’t viewed as a happy experience. And even in a
case where a person views it favorably, as an abducteé they have to
deal with a traumatic aspect of their life. But, people who have
these experiences can be happy about the mind expanding
transformations they go through.
New areas of investigation are bruises that don’t hurt, on the legs
and arms, implants, hybrids, and group abductions of greater than
100 people. He has worked with 12 cases where people know each other
and found out they have joint abductions.
An x-ray of Linda Cortile’s nose shows a coil-and-cylinder that was
removed by aliens within two days of the x-ray. A 5-year-old girl in
Italy fell off her bike, and an x-ray showed a parallelogram shape
under one eye. It was definitely not an artifact of the x- ray, but
one week later it was not there. Those implants that have been
removed and analyzed by us show no unusual properties, being
composed mostly from common materials such as quartz and iron.
Budd played a tape recording of a regression, where a man recounted
his experience on board, where he was shown hybrids and told seven
were his. They were floating in tanks of a liquid, which was feeding
them. Some of them had black eyes and looked like them and some had
blue eyes and looked like us. They had no umbilical cords, and had
hands he described as looking like little chicken feet. In some
cases, people have been shown children as they age through the
years, up to age 16. He also remarked that many people said the
aliens didn’t seem to understand hair, it was never taken care of,
as if they had missing instincts.
In a group of abductees, one woman reported a dream, where she was
in a giant room, with 100-200 naked people. There was a description
of some sort of moving stairway. Two others in the group said they
had had the same dream. Budd minimized their communications, then
interviewed them separately. The first woman remembered seeing one
of the others there. Under hypnosis, she was able to correctly
describe a scar on the other’s body.
He went over facts of other cases, and one woman saw the same craft
as the Cortile case but farther up the river and within an hour of
the first. At a Stanton Friedman talk, a man and woman recognized
each other, but had never been together. After some investigation,
they recalled being abducted together. Another similar case was
discovered when a woman moved here from England, and had a chance
encounter. This seems to be a kind of study of human relationships.
He seems to think that there is an urgent speeding up of the alien
agenda because large numbers of people are being abducted. They seem
to be getting worried about the progress of their agenda. He also
wonders about the government-alien connection, since they seem to be
able to conceal and camouflage with screen memories. One woman he
spoke to recently was a radar technician at Nellis A.F.B., and she
has very few of her memories of the 9 months spent there. They were
out on the range somewhere, and were suddenly surrounded by UFOs.
After an intense debriefing, she remembers only a hypodermic in the
Another case had a whole battalion over-flown, with some being
abducted. One remembered being given an injection from a female army
doctor, and told he would not remember. It is possible that a lot of
this might be screen memories, as there was a case where a man
remembers an abduction with lots of ordinary humans walking around,
and when he looked at an MP, thinking about why they were here, the
MP into an officer, then into a Nazi officer. There was also a case
of a woman awakening to a strange-looking creature, and wondering if
it were her sister. It turned into her sister immediately. Deception
and control seems to be what they are up to.
Budd cautioned us we must not jump to conclusions, and be loving and
understanding. We should know that the truth is on our side.
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UFOs and the
Alien Relationship With the Human Race
Robert Dean
He served his country for 27 years, including working for NATO. He
is violating his security oath purposefully, intentionally, because
it is so important, to try and save the form of government we have -
our Constitution. There are non-elected people who are trashing our
Constitution, and he is not going to let this happen. He does have
classified information that he will never reveal.
The UFO subject "is the most important and crucial issue of our
time", a problem of the entire human race. He sees events that are
happening that are going to change our lives in ways we can’t even
begin to imagine. Events that will bring our world to an end. He
sees an impending disaster - a collapse of the world’s economies,
governments, and religions.
The extent of the lie is vast. He referred to knowledge of events
occurring on the Moon and Mars.
There is massive mining going on on
the moon, and the government knows about it.
This was one purpose of
the Clementine probe.
There are advanced intelligences in the
Mars has evidence of a vast and ancient civilization, and
may even be connected with the entities visiting us now.
The Apollo
astronauts saw this and were forced to lie.
We have given away our freedoms to secret agencies from fears of the
Cold War, and now they don’t want to let it out. Lives have been
lost to keep this a secret. Lincoln said: "You cannot continue to
lie to all of the people all of the time." The CIA, NSA, etc., black
budget is 50 billion a year! It was 36 billion in ’86. Robert spent
years being part of this cover-up. He received, in 1963, a Cosmic
Top Secret clearance at SHAPE HQ in Paris and then Brussels.
(Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe).
A study called The Assessment was ordered to determined what was
behind the massive high-altitude, high-speed flyovers in Europe by
circular metallic craft, 40-50 in formation. The study determined
that this was part of a detailed study of humans by
extraterrestrials. This was very important to determine, since we
had almost punched the nuclear war button 6 times due to these
unidentified objects. This knowledge hit him hard, realizing that
the myths and legends are not myths and legends, but truths.
The study concluded that there are 4 basic types of aliens that
we’re dealing with and that one of those types is indistinguishable
from us; this fact disturbed his superiors the most. Some aliens are
from other star systems and galaxies. Some of the advanced
intelligences are multi-dimensional.
The big question is not who are they, but who are we, where have we
come from, why are we here, and where are we going. He believes we
are a hybrid race, we are cousins with interplanetary,
intergalactic, and interdimensional beings that can manipulate
matter and time. We all must come to terms with our own new reality
of who we are. All the holy books are one and the same, with one
single beginning and source of truth.
There seem to be triggering mechanisms - all the phenomena are
designed to bring about a massive change in humans. A door is being
opened - there is a race to grow up as a species, put hatred and
bloodshed behind us, to go into the 21st century as one race, one
planet, one future. This event has happened 100 million times in
this Universe; it is time to grow up and make the transformation, or
we might not have a future. Organized religion has done so much to
divide and destroy us. The experiencers talk about spirituality, and
it is time we grow up and face this reality.
His conclusions: There is overwhelming evidence that the human race
is a hybrid race; we have been seeded and genetically manipulated
from the beginnings of recorded history. This is ongoing and
designed to bring about massive changes in the human race. We have
to learn to be one people from one planet and we have to do it soon.
We have an intimate interrelationship with advanced ET
intelligences. It doesn’t matter what color the skin, the church one
attends, language, music, and philosophy of a people, there is an
immortal spark inside each of us. We are in the midst of a
transformation, a transcendence. It is not mainly a paradigm shift,
but a *metaneua*, a Greek term for a basic changing of our
Cataclysm is coming - the Earth Changes. The ring-of-fire in the
Pacific is activated, which he has heard from volcanologists in
private conversations. They would never reveal this in public. The
Fatima final prophesy predicted the crumbling ruins of
the Vatican,
the end of religion. The beautiful lady who keeps appearing is not
Mary, but a whole lot more than that. We are becoming a new species:
We are sacred beings; we are immortal, spiritual beings. Each of you
is an immortal, sacred being, part of a sacred Universe. We have to
take our place with the others. Everything is alive. You are alive,
you are immortal.
"I know there will be some rough
times ahead - you ain’t seen nothin’ yet. It’s gonna get worse."
To quote Tolstoy:
"There is
something in the human spirit that will survive and endure, that
will prevail, no matter how dark this world becomes."
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The Allagash
The Allagash Four
In this shocking abduction which occurred in 1976, four art students
were out in the middle of nowhere, in the remote Allagash wilderness
in northern Maine. They were on an 11-day guided canoe trip through
a group of lakes that is connected, and eventually turns into the
St. Francis river. Flying was the only way to get there, and the
nearest farm is 70 miles away. Chuck Rak was the guide, and the
others were Jim and Jack Weiner, identical twins, and
Charlie Folz.
They had met at the Massachusetts College of Art.
They glimpsed a craft on their second night out, and were abducted
on the fourth night. During the first sighting, they saw a light in
the sky. It was not a star, was in the wrong place to be a planet,
and through binoculars had a very odd quality of light. It had a
roiling look to it. They though it might be a weather balloon or
helicopter. After 30 seconds it ’imploded’ and disappeared.
On the fourth night they had made camp on Eagle Lake, and got the
idea to try night fishing as soon as it got dark. They built a huge
bonfire on the beach, using large logs to provide a beacon back to
camp on this moonless night. It would burn brightly for a good 3-4
hours. Then they all got into one canoe and headed out into the
lake. After 15-20 minutes of swatting mosquitoes, Chuck suddenly
said, "That’s a hell of a case of swamp gas."
The others turned and saw a giant ball of light, not more than 200
yards away from them, with a raised horizontal and vertical band,
and colored patches of red and blue light streaming and pulsating
all over it. It slowly rose, making no sound, and drifted off to the
shore, its lights illuminating the treetops. It was much larger than
any helicopter, about 2 1/2 stories tall. Charlie decided it might
be interesting to shine a flashlight at it.
"If you ever find yourself in
this situation, DO NOT TRY IT!"
It suddenly came closer, shined a
tubular blue beam down on the water ("slammed onto the surface is
the only way I can describe it"), then shined on them, and they all
(except Charlie, who wanted to meet the aliens) panicked and paddled
ferociously. Charlie was enjoying the rare encounter, watching in
amazement as the craft jumped instantaneously closer, to only 50
yards. The beam was like a hollow tube, a scintillating layer of
blue light, with the interior of the beam black.
They were paddling so fast, that the canoe seemed to go right up on
the shore. The UFO was moving around over the water, and suddenly
’imploded’, reappearing at intervals as it raced off into the sky.
This gave the effect of a strobed object, except that it also
changed like the phases of the moon as it left, similar to the
multiple exposures of an eclipse. The blue beam was still on and
illuminated first the front and then the rear of some altocumulus
clouds (they form typically at about 14,000 ft).
They walked back to the camp and found the giant bonfire ONLY
MEMBERS. All of them had a peculiar disinterest in investigating what
had happened to the time, but elected to just go to bed. They should
have been animatedly discussing the whole event, but all were
drained of energy. The next morning they didn’t talk about it much,
but later asked a ranger they ran into about it. He said it was
searchlights crossing, and then asked,
"Did you get your rayguns out,
fellahs? Everyone’s always complaining about the bugs and bears,
and now Martians."
12 years later, Jim had an accident
where he fell 1 1/2 stories which resulted in temporal epilepsy. He
was diagnosed in 1983, and therapy reduced his seizures. In 1988 he
started having terrible nightmares, where he was in a room and
creatures were doing painful things to his body. Sometimes he woke
up thinking there was something in his room, and once felt a tugging
on his shoulder. Due to lack of sleep, his seizures began
increasing. He went to his doctors and told them of John Mack’s
studies, which the doctors said was crazy. Luckily, one week later
he went to a MUFON meeting and heard about Ray Fowler. Ray was
interested in the missing time and the fact that 4 people were
involved, two of them identical twins.
Jim recounted an experience when he was a kid, and had gone out into
a wet snowstorm. He fell into a deep hole and was lost for 5 hours.
While he was there, two beings with cloaked faces were looking down
on him. When found, his clothes were perfectly dry. These beings
reminded him of the Alagash aliens.
After hypnotic regression, all four told virtually the same story.
They had been drawn up into a spherical craft which had roiling red
and blue lights shifting all over its surface. Inside they were
naked and paralyzed, lying on tables. Strange insect- like creatures
told them very firmly, and telepathically, "You will cooperate. You
will not be harmed." The aliens had very large ’wrap-around’ eyes
and four fingers on each hand that could oppose each other
independently, giving them excellent dexterity for manipulating the
probes. They examined them and took sperm and other samples,
inserted probes and generally experimented on them, and then set the
four back down at their camp, with one of them placed into the
Jack became obsessed with math and physics after the encounter, and
had never been interested in this before. His artwork during this
period became very bizarre, driven by obsessions with burned holes
in graph paper. He noticed a lump on his leg, and soon had it
surgically removed. The pathologist couldn’t identify it, so they
told him they were sending it to the CDC. After 5 months, they told
him it still hadn’t been identified. After 8 years, as part of
investigating the recovered memories, he went to get the report.
After searching for 5 minutes, the clerk came back and said,
"You must have gotten this while you
were in the military. They sent the sample not to the CDC, but
to a DOD pathology lab."
No, he wasn’t in the military, but the
report was signed by Air Force personnel. In the last 3 years, he
has seen UFOs twice in the woods behind his house. He’d be glad to
not have to deal with it again. His advice is to not approach a UFO;
it could be dangerous.
Charlie remembered lying face up on a table, with a blue light
coming from a slab about a foot over his chest. He received some
sort of psychic images but not as much on the craft as the others.
Occasionally he hears whispers in his ears, just at the threshold of
understanding, but can never quite make it out. On August 8, 1994,
he had an unusual dream, which he usually doesn’t remember. He was
being conducted down a passageway, and there were a lot of faces
leaning in. The house next door has an ivy-covered wall facing his
bedroom, and there is now a large circular patch in the stucco where
the ivy is missing.
Since these were four art students, the stories they tell through
their artwork are amazing. They have a tremendous amount of verbal
and visual material, and have definitely been the hit of the
conference so far (all four have wonderful senses of humor). I
highly recommend the Fowler book, "The Allagash Abductions", or, if
you can find it (currently out of print), "The Allagash Incident",
in a very graphic comic-book format. Paramount Studios is interested
in making this abduction into a movie.
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Gulf Breeze
Bruce and Anne
The Morrisons brought us up to date on the UFO activities in this
area. On June 27, 1994, a woman saw a strange light outside her
trailer, but when she tried to get up to look, she found she was
paralyzed. On Pensacola Beach, a light was seen near a water tower.
It blinked out, and when it came back on, it was encased in a black
cloud. A Gulf Breeze type craft was sighted on Hwy. 98, and the huge
boomerang type has also been seen, with multi-colored lights and
enveloped in a mist. One person reported seeing a blue beam coming
from the ground, at a 45-degree angle.
During an investigation into possible magnetic anomalies, a
geologist was consulted and provided a map that showed some
interesting strong fields over Pensacola bay and in the surrounding
areas. Asked if he could get maps farther out into the Gulf, he said
sure, and ordered them from the government. A while later he called
back, totally enraged, because the map they had sent had a large
triangle cut out of it, right in the area of interest.
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Humanity’s Extraterrestrial Origins
Dr. Arthur Horn
Author of "Humanity’s Extraterrestrial Origin: ET Influences on
Humankind’s Biological and Cultural Evolution". He is an
anthropologist, and a scientist, and believes ETs were heavily
involved in our biological, cultural, and evolutionary development,
even starting our first civilization. Unfortunately, the negative
forces have mostly been in control throughout the 300,000 or so
years of history. He was bothered by the extremely rapid rise in
humans in the last 10,000 years or so. A spiritual event happened
that changed his mind about
Darwinian evolution and has set out to
study the spiritual and physical world.
Dr. Horn is from a small Kansas town and was raised in a Christian
family. He was bothered by the different sects and strife throughout
history and eventually became an atheist. His engineering interests
shifted to philosophy, but since he was drafted into the army, he
spent a lot of time reading Darwinian books. He became a Darwinist
and eventually got a PhD in anthropology at Yale. He married
Lynette, a very spiritual person, in 1988 and in 1989 they had a
spiritual experience that caused him to abandon his materialistic
point-of-view. He resigned his professorship at Colorado State and
they moved to the Mt. Shasta area of northern California.
For him the Mesopotamian accounts of our origins are the best.
are many holes in Darwinism, that is not recognized in academia. For
example, for the origin of life on this planet, as currently stated,
the odds against random chemical combination are calculated to be so
unlikely, that it can be ruled out. Also, the fact that homo erectus
lived for a million years, but only 25- 30,000 years ago the
Cro-Magnon man, a fully modern human, suddenly appeared.
The tradition of oral history made it possible for us to have very
old records. The Mesopotamians made copies of
the Sumerian
cylinder-seals, and the same accounts can be found in Acadian and
Babylonian histories. There have been many, many mistranslations
because we didn’t have the knowledge to make sense of them.
Dr. Horn relied heavily on
Sitchin material, saying this should be
viewed as our real history. We were created as a hybrid race from
native hominids to replace workers that had revolted, in their gold
mines. Our father is
Anunnaki and our mother homo erectus. The first
were infertile, however, and the chief engineer, Enki, was called on
to make us fertile. The cloning
through use of "Adam’s rib" was the
first genetic engineering on humans. Chapter 2 of the Bible reports
on this. He differs with Sitchin that there is only one type of
hybrid, since there is evidence of other attempts at the project.
Agriculture was begun, even though hunting and gathering was easier.
This led to over population which lead to the spreading of diseases
and droughts that were designed to control mankind. The first
civilization had a few elite that dominate the rest, just like
The Anunnaki and the first humans had
reptilian characteristics.
They had faces that resembled frogs, with 3 fingers and 3 toes. The
Anunnaki had shape-shifting abilities, and some Sumerian statuettes
are definitely reptilian (image right). Around 3,000 BC many
ETs left Earth and
the regressive ETs took over. (Horn says that progressive ETs were
responsible for cloning us but regressive ETs saw an opportunity to
dominate and did so.) They have kept us controlled by distorting and
altering our spirituality. The massive cover-up continues today, and
Darwinism is part of this. They don’t need the secret societies
anymore, since they have
the secret government.
All birds and mammals bond with their offspring, and at least one
parent cares for the young. Reptiles don’t do this. Reptilians are
less capable of spiritual evolution. The typical grey seems to have
lost its emotions by being bred out and reproducing by cloning.
We humans have the responsibility to straighten this out. Now that
we know all this, we can make a conscious decision to evolve
spiritually. The progressive ETs are helping with this in the form
of individual inspiration. However, the regressive ones appear to be
doing this too, but are lying to us. Our spiritual evolution depends
a lot on our emotions - most especially love.
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of Other Realities
Linda Moulton Howe
A TV newswoman, she has become the most visible cattle mutilation
expert in the world. And not just cattle - in crop circles, various
other animals have been found, such as a rat or porcupine. The wheat
seeds found under the porcupine were shrunken and appeared to have
been heated. Oily or overheated material was also found in these,
and even some hard-as-ceramic ground circles that would grow nothing
as long as two years after. Many of these mutilations and associated
crop circles were happening within a 50 mile radius of Eagles Nest
in NE New Mexico.
The crops have typically swollen and bent upper growth nodes and
many expulsion cavities in the lower nodes, where steam has
evidently escaped. The growth continues to be reoriented at the bent
nodes. The bend angle averages 39 degrees from the vertical. It
appears to occur from microwave heating.
The crop circles have been appearing for over 30 years. In one case
of cattle mutilation in a circle, the animal was missing a section
of skull plate. There was no sign of an incision through the skin,
MRI could find no metal filings, and the edges of the skull opening
were as smooth as glass.
In a recent case, the animal had a smell like acetone or acid, and
the veterinarian performing the necropsy started feeling burning on
his hands, the skin turned white and the effects lasted for a day
and a half. The animal flesh was kind of cooked with a greenish
color to it.
Last month on a canyon ranch in New Mexico, a ranchhand heard a
sound like an arc-welder, and saw a cow that looked like it was
being dragged. It was floated over a ditch and a fence. He shot at
the noise with a 30.06, and after the second shot, the noise
stopped. In a clearing he found one cow lying dead, and another
dropped onto a log with its legs folded under it. The dragged cow
was never found, and the dropped cow was gone when he came back.
Eleven days later, up in the canyon pastures, a bovine calf and an
elk were found. The animals were freshly killed, and the tongue,
rectum and eyes were removed. Three days later flashes of white
lights were observed up in the peaks, moving around above and below
the treetops. Others have seen red, blue, and green lights.
A new mutilation occurred in Mora, with the vaginal, rectal, and
udder sections removed. The necropsy report stated that the cuts
were very clean, very accurate, with the uterus still connected to
the cervix. The spleen looked like thick tar, the heart and kidneys
almost degenerated, but all the other organs were fine, except for a
greenish sheen on the lungs.
The late sheriff George Arnell told her he and his son were staking
out a pasture, and saw a beam of light come out of it. They hired an
airplane and were flying around, and suddenly the pilot screamed:
There was a huge, black whale-like oval craft directly below them.
Perhaps some military organization knows the purpose of the
mutilations. Mr. Doty of the OSI said her book "A Strange Harvest"
upset some people in Washington. There are reports of films of 3
saucers landing at a base, which had been put on alert. The humans
waited to greet the aliens, who were wearing tight-fitting suits,
had cat-eyes, and were Sumerian appearing. They escorted them into a
building. They were told the Sumerian gods have come back and have
their own agenda. We have to get past our constant fear of
discussing this phenomena when it affects our future so greatly.
She feels a revolution is about to occur, that we must come to the
realization that we are only a new consciousness in the Universe,
and are by no means alone. The reaction is going to be
unpredictable, and so we must try to find out what is going on, and
determine what is acceptable to report. This forces us to find our
own way to what is on the other side of that knowledge.
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Close ET
Encounters: From Individual Experiences to Global Manifestation
Dr. Richard Boylan
He believes there is a cover-up and an uncover-up going on. He got
interested in UFOs when he was 8, and saw one himself in 1976. The
recent Roswell balloon story is an example of this two- sidedness.
In addition to physical evidence, there are many witnesses, and a
CIA officer has said there were two crashes, with the surviving
alien captured and kept until his death.
He heard some stories of experiences from his patients, but has
found Central America, Europe, Africa, Asia, China, and Russia very
much more open. There is much control over the press, and gave
several reasons for the cover-up:
1. At Roswell, they didn’t
figure people could take the news of visitation; but he feels
that this is no longer valid today. It is interesting that
shortly after this incident, the Air Force (formerly the Army
Air Corps), CIA, NSA, and the NSC were created.
2. Technology can be gained from ETs. This might include
Kevlar, fiber optics, saucer technology, Star Wars advances. 10
miles NW of Lancaster, California, Northrup is building crude
saucers, which are taken to
Area 51 for testing. They were seen
being flown at both places, at a very conservative 90 miles an
hour. A lot of the Star Wars projects were retroengineered from
the craft and force field devices. The widely seen NASA space
shuttle tape shows this type of technology, but there are
actually a number of UFOs and shots at them on the full tape.
3. Fear of loss of power by governments, religions and the
The methods being used for the cover-up:
1. Compartmentalization or
need-to-know. The North American reconnaissance satellites see
UFOs going by, but this is not reported, or else it’s explained
away. The recent example of an intelligence agency constructing
a 1,000,000 square-foot headquarters in
Washington, DC made news
when President Clinton stated even he himself had no knowledge
of this project.
2. Media choke-off. Individual communities only hear
about local UFO events. Gulf Breeze sightings are not reported
in California, and Ohio doesn’t hear about UFOs in Michigan.
3. Psychological warfare: shame, calling witnesses
gullible, crazy, it’s even used as a litmus test of sanity. Dr.
Boylan expressed a lot of warm appreciation for the
4. Disinformation. Pseudoabductions, secret craft
retrieval, intimidation of reporters, drugs, hypnosis,
gang-rape, fake saucer reports. Gulf Breeze has silent drones,
which are really one of our own antigravity craft.
Many early accounts of the reality of
UFOs and the ET presence were not taken seriously, and there were
quite a few wanna-be’s mixing things up. The
Betty and Barney Hill
case was the first to receive credible treatment by the press. In
the 80’s the book treatment became popular, with Streiber and
Hopkins having a big effect beginning in 1987. In 1992 there was a
brainstorming session at MIT, attended by 150 of the country’s top
scientists. The topic was abductions by aliens, and there were a
half dozen reporters allowed in. They were supposed to publish their
report a few months later, but are still in the process. It should
come out this fall, and when it does, the cover-up will be over.
In Jacob’s "Secret Life", Dr. Boylan doesn’t agree with his
conclusions regarding their intentions and motives. He estimates
there are 3,000 encounters taking place every day in this country
alone. The lid is going to come off with the next MIT conference.
As to the various reported races and their missions, much should be
taken with a grain of salt. Some investigators use hypnosis without
proper training. Dr. Boylan’s research with 137 cases shows there
are from 8 to 15 races. There are 3-4, 5-7, and even 9 foot tall
types. They come in various colors besides grey, including white,
tan, black, blue, green, and shades in between. They are upright
humanoids, with sloped almond-shaped eyes, or wrapped around the
head, or more normal except with slit or starburst pupils.
They have 3, 4, or 5 fingers on each hand, and some have wide tips,
almost like suction cups. Some seem to have long, slender flexible
cartilage-like fingers without joints. Others have exaggerated nails
or webbing between the fingers. Some are hairless, with a heavy brow
ridge and a kind of fetal shape.
One type is very thin, with long limbs, an elongated head, dark eyes
and a characteristic crouch, like a praying mantis. The reptilians
reported have fine scales and a snoutlike face. There are chubby
dwarfs that wear long hoods and cloaks, and appear almost human.
This might indicate a mental image, especially for children, who
also report seeing cartoon characters or animals. Adults sometimes
see humans, which might turn into other humans or
reptilians. The
question of the true appearance of Nordics, hybrids, or other forms
is an open one, due to the possibility of projected images.
The mission of the ETs seems to be purposeful, not at random, but
loosely coordinated. Reversing the physical damage to the Earth,
with the chemical buildup and ecological damage, is one purpose.
Others are cultural uplifting, giving messages to us, psychic gifts,
getting us to care more about ourselves, less violence, and coming
together. All this seems to be preparing us for a close encounter of
the sixth kind: An open meeting on an official basis. This seems to
be coming very soon.
There is a gradual awakening of the entire Earth to their presence.
Four elements are apparent:
1. The pace, boldness,
and openness of the visitations is picking up.
2. The number of experiencers coming forth is
increasing rapidly. They serve as ’block wardens’ to the
rest of the community.
3. The large number of UFO researchers who have a
strong sense to bring this out in the open.
4. The increasing number of people in high government
and official positions that are working for this goal.
Lawrence Rockefeller convened a conference at his ranch to
discuss how to break the news.
Watch for the signs that awareness is
emerging. The ETs are getting bolder, too. Dr. Boylan says this is
to occur between now and the year 2000, probably sooner than later.
In the future, the contact will be made by us.
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A Model
of Reincarnation and UFO Activities
Dr. Leo Sprinkle
Dr. Sprinkle holds a conference at the University of Wyoming every
year, for and about abduction experiences. The next conference will
be June 22-24, 1995 and a brochure will be available in February.
On the question of fear used for control: for every view of UFOs
there is another view. His favorite model is based on Morris K.
Jessup’s idea that the humans are the sheep, the greys are the
sheepdogs, and higher aliens are the shepherds. The greys will nip
at our heels, and force us to meditate.
Science divides things into physical, biological, psychosocial, and
spiritual realms. Also known as nature, body, mind, and soul. We are
moving from a rational empirical approach to an experiential one.
The newest science deals with space, matter, light, and time.
Jim Deardorf, in a British journal of astronomy, says that the
have placed an embargo on communications with humans. It is
definitely a leaky embargo, as evidenced by the tremendous number of
books and journals. Physical evidence is also withheld, and
believers are called absurd, bizarre, or crazy. Sprinkle’s
conclusion is that we should encourage the people studying physical
traces, abductions, and adductions (bringing one back to another
In 1949 he had a sighting at the University of Colorado. This
confounded his sense of religion. In 1956 he and his wife had a
sighting. In 1963 he did a survey of 300 people with UFO claims. He
spent 4 years doing a study of 82 people, and knew most were normal.
He became interested in past life therapy by accident, while
hypnotizing a patient with a fear of dogs. He sent him back to his
youth, but could not find an incident that might be triggering the
fear. So he asked him to go back to his earliest fearful experience,
and was surprised when the patient said he was in medieval times,
and was killed by a pack of wolves. He didn’t believe this, but the
patient thanked him and later said he had finally overcome the
A few weeks later, he had a similar case with a woman afraid of
drowning, and she went back to a past life as a pirate, being
keelhauled behind a ship. She was also cured and even learned to
swim. He continued to explore this avenue, and now refers to them as
POLs - Possible Other Lives.
In a study of contacteés, 1/3 of the non-UFO subjects believed in
reincarnation, but 75% of the contacteés did. Some of Carl Sagan’s
statements are, in his opinion, arrogant and ignorant, because none
of us knows what the other person goes through. Implants are
biophysical, and designed to teach us more about ourselves, meant to
puzzle and prod, than for the aliens to learn about us.
One woman said she was incarnated as an Inca runner. She recalled
seeing a strange object in the sky, was taken aboard, told she has
honor, but questioned it because she believed only the elite Incas
had honor. Today, some of the experiencers are being told they are
light-bearers. He thinks the experiences are to puzzle and prod us
so we learn more about ourselves. He suggested analyzing your own
experience to figure out its meaning for yourself.
A young man recalled a life as an American Indian crawling through
the brush, when a large object came down from the sky and took him
aboard. The occupants told him he would not remember it until his
reincarnation as a white man.
"We are truly marvelous creatures, and
we go on and on."
One woman was traumatized during an abduction by the rough way in
which she was treated. Under regression, she went to a past life
where she was a surgeon who was rather rough with her patients.
Dr. Sprinkle finished with a demonstration of ’psychomerging’, where
he attempts to channel advice for a subject. He cautioned that there
was no guarantee that it would be successful. A volunteer from the
audience was bothered by visions of a 9-foot tall being with
transparent wings and red eyes, and she was usually unable to fall
asleep ’til morning. The feathers of the wings were thought to be
many lives that merge to form one life. The self is in flight with
others helping. She was advised to try meditation. The task for her
is to recognize that the path is lengthy, and one needs to confront
one’s fears and beliefs. We each have to face ourselves, and the
winged being is herself. She remarked that this didn’t seem to have
meaning for her.
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The New
Paradigm of Mind and Matter
Forest Crawford
Forest began with an explanation of holograms. He showed how the
holographic film can be broken up, yet each section contains the
whole image, just not as good resolution. Animal brains are very
similar in being able to function even with large parts missing. The
image can also be represented by mathematical formulas known as
Fourier transforms. You can turn any pattern into a waveform, and
vice versa. A hologram is a physical representation of this. The
brain transforms the visual and other senses into Fourier/holograms.
If this notion is taken to a logical conclusion, then reality might
not exist in actuality, or not in the way that we see it. He said to
look into David Bohm’s work. The quantum world is also a hologram.
This is what Bohm calls the implicate order, while the image
projected from the hologram is the explicate order. The Universe
becomes a ’holomovement’: all reality is of one energy.
He displayed a HERMAN cartoon that had Herman and his friend:
Friend: ’If there is intelligent life out there, why don’t they
contact us?’ Herman: ’Very advanced life-forms would use something
much faster and more sophisticated than radio waves.’ Friend: ’Like
what?’ Herman: ’Thought.’ Friend: ’Where do you get these ideas?’
An example of this lack of separateness is seen in the eddies and
whirlpools of a stream. One cannot define where the eddy stops and
the river begins: it is all one union. Instead of things, we should
look at the world as containing relatively independent subtotalities
(stuff). The thoughts of quantum physicists are known to influence
experiments, so perhaps energy is consciousness. Bohm says
consciousness is a basic form of thought. The ability of form to be
active is a characteristic of mind. Brains function more like
frequency analyzers and not like the common filing cabinet view.
Plato said ’What if the energy that makes up everything is
The Universe is structured like a giant hologram, with everything
connected. From a holographic Universe, we should expect to see
multidimensions, ESP, psychic phenomena, ghosts, spirit beings, and
different types of existences. We also might expect to experience
the psychic perception of the past, present, and future and other
dimensions. The major religions all have the basics of a holographic
Universe. Prayers are answered, we have an immortal soul, we can
become one, elevate our consciousness, and overcome reality.
There are 7 levels of existence. These correspond to frequency
realms in physics. Each density level is an evolutionary step in
1. Mineral life form -
2. Plant life - life that feels
3. Animals - life that knows. Human life is life that
knows it knows.
4. Life that exists in non-physical forms. There is
multidimensional awareness, individuality but also
connectedness. The aliens are of this density.
5. Non-physical entity - the self is part of a larger
consciousness. See BASHAR - Blueprint for Change. Angels
belong to this realm.
6. Perceive self as an entire dimension. Buddha and
Christ are examples.
7. Perceive self as the entire Universe. God-like
The more commonly seen types of aliens
1. 5 different kinds
of grey aliens. 2. Reptilian, usually thought of as evil. The TV
series V dealt with this type. There have been a few
instances of loving ones. 3. Insectoid.
4. Bigfoot. These crop up all the time, and are
usually seen with greys and humans. 5. Blue dwarfs.
6. Nordics.
According to the polls, 69% believe in
angels, and 63% believe aliens exist. It is now safe to use aliens
in advertising, since the advertising executives never do anything
that the public would reject. The reason there is so much appearing
on TV and radio is that it is now past the 50/50 mark.
The burning, number one question is, why are they here? It seems
they need something from us. If they are doing a long term genetic
experiment, why bother us, unless we are related to them.
George C. Andrews has come up with a hypothesis in
"Extraterrestrials: Friends or Foes?". He speculates that the
ancestors of the greys were once tall blonds. They inhabited planets
around Rigel, and had a great civil war that lasted three centuries.
A group escaped to Procyon, while the remaining Rigellians became
short greys, damaged by the war physically and mentally. They
launched attacks on blonds who escaped to Procyon, and that war is
now in truce. Another war between Rigel and a Sirius group is still
going on.
Other observations of Andrews:
Originally the tall Rigellians seeded
the Earth hominids to produce the Cro-Magnon man.
Abductees who are
not returned are used for reproduction and are treated well.
can camouflage as tall blonds.
Some blonds are mute and telepathic.
They also do not seem to age.
More than one type can interbreed with
All humans have some extra genetic material.
The primeval
ocean was seeded with life in the precambrian times.
interbreeding is done to reduce simian traits.
The greys are thought
to basically be insane.
One must be rational in attempting to fight back. Change your level
of thinking from linear to multidimensional. Individuality is your
best weapon. A major weakness of the greys is their inability to
think individually. The ability to hold in your mind a connection
with the Godhead is your key to victory.
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