Sunday Night Salon
February 21, 1992
GlobalWeb Website
Germane, a group
consciousness energy, states that "his" orientation is
from a realm of integration that does not have a
clear-cut density/dimensional level. The term "germane"
in the English language means "significant relevance" or
"coming from the same source". Germane therefore chose
this term to somewhat personify his energy. Neither male
nor female, he views us as evolving to become him as we
begin the process of physical, emotional, mental and
spiritual integration, which leads us back to the Source
of All. For more information, please contact Royal
Priest Research, P.O. Box 12626, Scottsdale, AZ 85267
(602) 860-8072. |
NOTE: Within this transcript several legal terms are used.
Following is a definition of these terms so the information may be
clear to the reader. These terms are not interchangeable.
A privilege is permission
- granted by a higher authority to carry out an activity. When
gaining a privilege, one must often give up a natural right.
Example: According to the U.S. Constitution, people have a right
to travel public roads in their private vehicles. However, when
they enter into a contract with the state to receive a drivers
license, they exchange their constitutional right to travel for
a state-granted privilege to drive, and are thus subject to the
stipulations of the state (auto insurance, realm of integral
registration, etc.).
Rights are natural states of
being, whether recognized or unrecognized, that all humans
inherently possess. (For example, the right to procreate or grow
food is obvious, but not necessarily recognized by
documentation.) Some rights are recognized in the U.S.
Constitution, such as the right to travel. Rights are nullified
when they are exchanged for privileges, such as when one enters
into a contract with the state through a marriage or drivers
license. When natural rights are exchanged for privileges
granted from an outside source, one becomes a non-sovereign, or
a subject of the authority who has given the privilege.
Civil Law:
Civil law is the
structure that organizes, controls, punishes and rewards
individuals who have given up their rights in exchange for
Common Law:
Common law, a law of
sovereigns, is based on the idea of self-responsibility and
natural rights. It is recognized under the Constitution as being
the natural state of being. Only in the last century has common
law been methodically exchanged for civil law.
Sovereignty is the
state of being achieved when one operates only under common law,
or has taken total self-responsibility for their lives.
Spiritual and
Emotional Sovereignty
All right, greetings to you.
First off we would like to say
that spiritual sovereignty is the result of emotional sovereignty.
In addressing the idea of emotional sovereignty we will indicate how
spiritual sovereignty can be attained.
Here are some definitions of emotional sovereignty. First of all, it
means liberation, freedom. A state of emotional sovereignty is
obtained when a person recognizes, both intellectually and
emotionally, that he/she is the total creator of his/her reality and
has sole responsibility for him/herself.
These concepts sound like simplistic metaphysics, for many lecturers
and channels espouse them. However we are going to take you deeper
into the areas where you have not attained emotional sovereignty,
areas where there is a disguised play being acted on the stage, and
the playbill says one thing but the message the play carries says
another. We will point out contradictions in the philosophies on
your planet, in your own thinking, and in the systems that you have
set up. This is to show you that even though you claim you want
spiritual and emotional sovereignty, you are actually perpetuating
its opposite.
There are many points we will bring up that, taken separately, may
look as if they are not connected. However we're going to link them
to show you just how deep is your sense of non-sovereignty and how
ancient is this state.
and the Constitution
Let us first talk about things that are very close to you here on
the earth plane, most notably, issues of an educational, political
or religious nature. Many on your planet feel that these ideas are
some of the cornerstones of your existence. As an example, many
individuals speak very highly of the Constitution of the United
States and how it guarantees freedom for all people.
Yet some things have happened since 1776
that have gradually pulled the wool over your eyes, shall we say, so
that you are saying one thing but acting out its opposite. Now, in
no way are we pointing a finger; in no way are we telling you you're
bad or wrong. All the systems set up on your world, dating back
thousands of years, were taught to you by your forefathers (to be
more specific, your extraterrestrial forefathers), who have been
grappling with these same issues themselves. They looked to your
planet as a place where perhaps these issues could be healed once
and for all. Thus there is in no way a judgment of you.
Your mass consciousness has reached out to us, to other levels of
consciousness, asking for assistance to move through this most
difficult time. This is a time when you can enslave yourselves more
deeply or where you can finally achieve your sovereignty. Within the
next 50 years you will decide the direction you wish to go. We and
others have answered your call, and we give you our perspectives on
some of these things to assist you. Should you choose to use these
perspectives, that is up to you.
We will, of course, call on those present for assistance with some
of the historical facts. We are somewhat limited in the method of
channeling that we use with this vehicle to bring through specific
historical information that she herself does not possess.
Thus if anything we say is historically
inaccurate, you may correct us, although historical accuracy is
actually irrelevant.
Ways You
Enslave Yourselves
We're going to talk about how there are many things occurring within
your reality right now that keep you enslaved. We will use a very
simple analogy: In your society you have set it up so that marriage
is a socially sanctioned institution, and in some instances legally
sanctioned as well. If you operate within the parameters of
marriage, you are led to believe that you have certain privileges.
Now, it is a fact not well known that
when you enter into a contract such as marriage, there are issues
other than marriage. When you sign anything that has to do with a
state or a local government, there are times when you actually
relinquish certain rights. When you sign a marriage contract, you
give up your right to educate your children the way you see fit,
giving the state authority to educate them. Thus you give up your
right to educate your own children (depending on the laws of each
individual state).
These things are not clearly understood when one enters this
contract - but it's important to note that nobody is trying to "get"
you. Because of your own deep-seated emotional beliefs, you have
created covert ways to keep yourself stuck in these dysfunctional
emotional beliefs. What is covert is what you're doing to
yourselves. Do you follow so far?
Another example, one written into your Constitution, is the right to
drive. When you apply for a drivers license, you give up your right
and are thereby granted a privilege. But because you exist under the
Constitution, you have a right to drive.
I want to clarify that it is basically a right to travel on the
roads. The Supreme Court has ruled that this includes one's personal
Because that is your right, you don't have to do anything to
exercise it other than to exist. However, when you enter into a
contract (a drivers license), you relinquish that right and subject
yourselves to laws that are made regarding the privilege you are now
given. As teenagers you are taught that you take drivers education,
apply for a license and then you can legally drive. Of course, when
you get your license you are then subject to the laws about
automobile insurance, vehicle registration, the laws of the road,
etc. Your traveling then becomes a privilege instead of a natural
right, correct? You're not taught that you have a choice.
Another example is common-law marriage -- marriage in the eyes of
God (never mind the piece of paper) - retaining your rights to
educate your children. Or you can sign a contract and thus no longer
educate your own children. You and your spouse become legally bound
to each other and are given certain supposed privileges. You are not
told you have choice, it is taken for granted that you get married
and sign the papers. There is seldom conscious thought about
alternatives that may better serve your situation.
When you go for your first drivers license, you are not told you
have a choice under the Constitution, which your forefathers wrote
and which you all co-created. You are not told you have a choice
either to retain your natural rights as a citizen or to sign away
those rights in exchange for certain privileges and all the laws
those privileges are subject to.
If you retain, for instance, your
common-law rights - your natural rights under the Constitution - even
if you are caught by a policeman for speeding there may be a hassle
but constitutionally you still have the right to travel. You can be
fined or punished only when you have given away your rights in
exchange for privileges; then you are bound by the laws. Are we
Not having a drivers license, according to the law, does not give
you the right to violate the safety laws. According to the Supreme
Court you are still subject to the speed laws and other rules of the
road. The punishment for not having a drivers license differs from
state to state. In Arizona, as you said, it is simply a fine. In
other states it can be jail. So there is a wide variety in the type
of crime as well as punishment.
A misdemeanor in Arizona could be a
felony in another state.
Philosophy - 100% Responsibility
The point we wish to make is that when you give up your power to
another person or an institution to keep yourself in line, you have
given up your sovereignty. Let us give you an example using the
Pleiadian philosophy. Let's say that the Pleiadians want to drive
cars on your planet.
Their philosophy is one of total self-responsibility, meaning if they hit someone, they are responsible.
If they are hit by someone else, they are responsible for that, too.
If they are in some type of automobile dispute, each person involved
takes responsibility for his position. There are never any victims.
In that case what you call your civil law is not applicable. Civil
law (the way you set up your system on your planet) ensures that
someone is a victim, that someone must be held responsible
because no one is willing to take responsibility for themselves. Your system
reinforces the idea that someone is at fault, and therefore there
must be someone to punish you - because you are unable or unwilling
to take total responsibility for your own reality.
Thus victim-hood is continually
perpetuated. How many times a day do you see an automobile insurance
commercial on television where the injured person says, "It wasn't
my fault. Don't I deserve something for my pain and suffering?" This
is the attitude, the dynamic, that is constantly being perpetuated.
We recognize that you may not want to change overnight - it may be
too much of a shock. However, right now the majority of people are
unaware that they are perpetuating the cycle of fear,
non-responsibility, blame and victim-hood. Imagine what it would be
like to drive daily and 100% of the time know that you are creating
your reality, know that everything that happens to you is created by
you for a very specific reason. If you get into an automobile
accident, if you hit someone, you take responsibility for it. Even
if you are hit from behind, for instance, you recognize that it is
within your reality only because you have drawn it there.
Imagine a society that holds these beliefs. It would have no
victim-hood; it would be a society totally willing to take
responsibility for everything that happens to it. You are working
toward this, but because you have not recognized the trap you have
set up for yourself, it is almost as if you are running on a
treadmill trying to get down the street.
Once you recognize how deep is the
structure you've created, you will be able to start actively
changing it.
Anger Is Not
Taking Responsibility
Some of you have already been doing this. However, some of the ways
you are trying to change it, to get out of the structure, are really
dragging you deeper into it. Let's say you have someone who studies
the Constitution and realizes that there is a contradiction between
what was set up and what is going on now. Let's say this person has
a lot of victim-hood energy.
They become angry about the situation
and because they are not willing to look at the source of their
anger - their own inner victim-hood, their own relinquishment of
their sovereignty - they externalize the victimization and see the
system as the perpetrator.
You then have someone who is angry and decides they're going to buck
the system. Let's say they refuse to register their car, get
automobile insurance or a drivers license. In their anger, their
intent is to make a statement - to cause trouble. This creates
resistance toward the very structure they are struggling to pull
away from. All it does is balance the intensity of the structure. It
will not free them but keep them chained to it.
The person never looks at the real
reason for the anger - the relinquishment of personal sovereignty -
but instead blames that loss on someone else. You can never be
sovereign if you blame anyone else for anything. And whenever you
do, the structure is kept in place.
There are many individuals on your planet who feel they are engaged
in good causes when they are acting in anger. But we tell you that
anger will never solve the structural challenges of your society. It
can never break the structure.
The question is, what will break the
First: an intelligent understanding of the structure
itself, why it was created and how it is kept in place. After that
it will be necessary to process any anger, martyrdom or victim-hood
that you feel, and be willing to act from your own integrity - not
from anger or an intent to make a statement, but because it's the
only thing you can do in your integrity.
There are people at present who are starting to hear the voice of
their conscience, who are processing their victim-hood, who are
beginning to see the true nature of the structure and how it was put
there. And when they realize this in their own conscience, they can
no longer keep it intact. They must follow their own integrity. In
that choice to follow integrity - cleanly, clearly, with no anger -
the structure begins to change.
The issue is not the structure that is
enslaving you, but the fact that you have allowed it to enslave you.
If you can begin to understand why you've allowed this, why you've
forgotten you put it here to begin with, then true sovereignty is
right around the corner.
Process Inner
Reality, Then Change Outer Choice
The entire insurance system - not
just automobile insurance, but life insurance, health insurance,
malpractice insurance, the entire spectrum - seems to be an automatic relinquishment of sovereignty.
I would think that anyone daring to create their own reality
couldn't participate in the insurance scheme.
If you 100% absolutely believe you create your reality and know
it, you cannot participate in the insurance idea.
I guess I'm bringing it up because it seems to be one of the
easiest first steps to take. If someone is ready to regain their
sovereignty, to take back their power, it would seem to me that
facing this insurance issue would be a good place to start. You
just stop paying your premiums.
We understand what you are saying, except the person has to be
very clear within. We would never suggest that someone stop
paying their premiums, because if they still fear an accident,
they will draw the accident to their doorway. They will not go
through the process of healing by withdrawing the insurance.
What we mean is that you will not heal this issue by withdrawing
your insurance first and then processing. You will heal it by
processing it to the point of integrity which leads you to
withdraw your insurance. You follow?
I follow, but I don't know if I agree yet. Can we talk about it
some more? [My wife] has had several patients who had to
maintain irresponsibility because they have insurance that would
not pay if they were found responsible.
Exactly. You are rewarded when you're not responsible.
You said if someone is afraid, they haven't fully processed this
thing about being responsible. If they maintain their insurance,
that automatically keeps them in the state of irresponsibility.
It seems to me you have got to take that step first.
Recognize that your reality is not changed by changing the
external things in order to get to the internal things. Your
reality is changed by changing the internal things, which then
affects the external things.
If someone maintains their insurance because they're afraid
they're going to get in an accident or be punished if they're
caught without it are you suggesting that they process the fear
of the accident or punishment before they stop paying their
premiums; that it will be much more effective if they first
process the reasons why they feel they need this protection?
Wouldn't it be easier to find those issues by taking the step
and saying, "The insurance isn't doing me any good. it is
keeping me from my sovereignty," and stopping the insurance,
allowing those issues to come up even more clearly?
Some people may choose to do it that way. However, if you
removed the physical thing [the insurance], they will simply
transfer their inner feelings to something else. It won't solve
or change anything.
The distinction, then, is that if they're not on the path, the
insurance shouldn't be removed; if they get on the path, then
that's another matter. This brings up something else, which is
the locking of one's house and car. Obviously, if we create our
own reality, then we have to create being robbed. It is amazing
that someone could give their power to one piece of metal on a
door that when locked makes them feel safe. What you're
suggesting is that they should process the fear of being robbed
before they leave the door unlocked. Is that correct?
Yes, because if they process the fear first, one day there will
be a welling of emotion, a feeling, a shift. The realization
will come emotionally that they do not need to lock the doors
anymore. That will not come in the same way if the attempt is to
change the external before the internal.
It feels like I'm advocating taking a symbolic action - doing
something, leaving the door open - not to hasten the process but
to focus the process.
Some people can work that way; the majority do not. Recognize
that the human being is very adept at transferring issues,
meaning that if they start leaving their doors open they're
going to manifest the fear of invasion in another area of their
life. It will always be there in various forms until they
process the internal dynamics.
We're certainly not disagreeing with you or with any decisions
you have made in the past or the future. Obviously they've
worked for you. As a whole, our recommendation is to deal with
it internally before doing it in the external world.
Dealing with
Try to take a day and notice every time you are not being totally
100% responsible for your reality. Try to notice whenever you fear
being a victim. If you are completely honest with yourself, you're
going to see it often that day. A lot of it is a quite unconscious
patterning that is in some ways dormant, meaning that it doesn't
affect you negatively. There are many individuals who put a lot of
energy into the idea of victim-hood. Those individuals might have a
very difficult time with some of the concepts we are talking about
because it requires you to give up ever seeing yourself as a victim.
That means recognizing whenever you reward yourself for pain,
suffering, or anything that is not of service to you in a positive,
exciting way. Recognize what you are doing, such as letting the
insurance companies pay your medical bills only because you were not
to blame. You are rewarded by an outside entity if you are not to
blame - that concept is totally incompatible with the ultimate
concept of common law and of spiritual and emotional sovereignty.
The structures on your planet are in place and you're struggling
against them to change them, but you can't see what you're
struggling against. The challenge now is to begin, in the darkness,
to make out the shape that you have created to enslave yourself. We
cannot express to you how powerful the changes will be on your
planet when you begin relinquishing these old structures. You will
do this layer by layer. Sometimes you may think you're at the end,
but there will be another five layers to go.
It's a very deep process you've created
to protect yourself, believing that you yourselves need to be taken
care of, protected, told what to do.
with Comfort
There is an old saying that may have
become a premise in our lives: "If you're not part of the
solution, then you're part of the problem." In other words, as
long as someone is contributing to that structure - a system
opposed to our sovereignty - they are part of the problem. It
seems pretty polarized. Ultimately, there are no problems; it's
all growth/challenge. Everything is actually neutral.
That idea is too dualistic from our point of view.
I'm involved in a quiet court case about my refusal to get a
privilege license from the government to run my business. It
doesn't feel like I'm doing it in anger, although four years ago
when I was challenging the drivers license issue there was anger
and conspiracy and all that this involved. This time it's simply
that I cannot agree to pay the government protection money like
the Mafia demands for not harassing you. Operating a business is
a right, not a privilege. Would you recommend to someone who
operates a business to renew their license, or to process this
first before they take that step?
Our recommendation is to totally and absolutely feel comfortable
processing before any steps are taken, because if it is done
with uncertainty or fear, it will add to the strength of the
structure instead of helping to dissolve it. That is the way we
see it; we are certainly open for disagreement.
I think there has to be a certain amount of processing that
occurs anyway, because this structure has become so ingrained
that we have to face the fact that when someone is ready to take
back their personal power, to regain their sovereignty, one of
the possibilities is jail.
Becoming Sovereign
Includes Integrity, Education and Discernment
I could serve time in jail on this business license issue, because
it is a "crime" I have committed. In some states, the drivers
license issue could lead to jail. There is also jail for the
insurance issue in some states. So people have to get to the point
where they recognize the consequences of their actions on both sides
- the consequences of having given up their sovereignty and
continuing and perpetrating this state - and the consequences of
taking their sovereignty back.
Yes. There is a gray point between the black and the white where the
transformation will occur. The consequence for bowing down to the
system is that you keep the structure intact. There are definitely
consequences for pursuing the sovereignty idea, because you may be
punished. However, what it comes down to is acting from your
integrity. In your own inner searchings, when you find what your
integrity is guiding you to do, your sovereignty lies in following
As you are soul-searching, one of the key ideas is educating
yourself on the Constitution and as much law as you can; educating
yourself beyond the textbooks that the structures provide for you,
because the textbooks are written within the structure. You must
educate yourself from the source. That is where one of the big
challenges lie, because many of you have not been able to tell the
difference between textbooks written by the structures and "clean"
information from the source that leads you into sovereignty.
It is a process of discernment.
Victim-hood In
Daily Life
We don't want to sound harsh, but
your social brainwashing is phenomenal. For instance,
individuals who call themselves patriotic Americans have certain
beliefs: "Patriotic Americans pay their taxes." However, when
you research it you will find that the taxation system as it
exists now is not only contrary to the Constitution but is in
some ways illegal. Are we correct?
You're absolutely correct. The tax system is not even part of
the Constitution. The States never ratified it.
Why do you think your early Americans had the Tea Party? Because
of taxation without representation. If you do your research, you
will find that the taxation system as it is set up now is
illegal. You have said that the Sixteenth Amendment was not
The Sixteenth Amendment - income tax - was never ratified.
So the premise that patriotic Americans pay their taxes is a
distortion of the original intent of the Constitution. The
second premise is, "All good Americans go to war when they are
called." Think about this: Can you ever be of service to
yourself or to your country if you are doing something that you
believe is wrong? Individuals who unquestioningly follow that
premise may be in direct opposition to what they feel. A
corollary to the second premise, "All good Americans go to war
to fight the enemy," declares that you can be a victim, that
there is an enemy, and that there is someone out there you must
defeat. This idea of good and bad, enemies and heroes, will not
free you from the structure. Instead it keeps you enslaved.
Now, examine day-to-day things. For instance, there are laws
that make you wear a helmet when driving a motorcycle -
protecting you - because it is assumed that you are not capable
of protecting yourself, of being responsible for yourself. So
something is imposed upon you. There are hand-gun laws - an
attempt to control - because there is the belief in perpetrators
and victims. This belief is constantly fed. Keeping drugs
illegal is another false attempt to protect "innocent" people.
All of these systems you have set up prevent you from
understanding what sovereignty is. Sovereignty is taking total,
100% responsibility for yourself as an individual, for your
community and for your planet as a whole.
Constitution Always Leads to Sovereignty
We've been talking about present-day
issues. Will you discuss some of the history of sovereignty? For
instance, the founders of this country - George Washington,
Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson - were all Masons.
That has Sirian connections. The Sirians were the ones who
originally tried to liberate you.
A great distrust for Masons has grown among many of the patriot
movements around this country and among people who claim to be
seeking their own sovereignty. They take issue with the
because of the latter's involvement with
the Trilateral
Commission conspiracy and so forth. There is a dichotomy that
has developed. Do you have any comments about the intentions of
the Masons, of the Founding Fathers - anything pertinent to the
founding fathers' understanding of our sovereignty and what they
expected to accomplish with the Constitution?
We have to bring your extraterrestrial forefathers into this
because there is a very direct parallel between your Founding
Fathers, Masonry and the Sirian group that attempted to liberate
you. When the Sirians attempted your liberation, they assumed
that you needed help. Right there is a sense of inequality. Yet
some of their methods were used by the Founding Fathers as well.
Some of the Sirians - the genetic engineers - put certain latent
genetic codes in you that will soon be activated. This to ensure
that you would eventually be triggered into certain types of
Your Founding Fathers did the same thing. They were very, very
clever. It's not visible to the eye, but the way the
Constitution is written, if it collapses in upon itself, if it
is perverted in any way, it will eventually turn around and work
for your sovereignty instead of against it. Do you follow?
Is this an example of what you mean? Recently in Arizona the
automobile insurance law was changed, and recent statistics show
that only 50% of the people have insurance. To register your car
now you must actually produce proof of your policy rather than
just state that you have it. If you cancel it and are stopped by
the police for any reason, they are told to take your license
plates. This will occur over the next 12 months as people's
registrations come up for renewal of course, insurance rates in
this state have skyrocketed. The only response I can see to this
whole process is that by the end of this year there are going to
be so many people ticked off that they will demand their
sovereignty. Thus the perversions of this issue will result in
an increase of sovereignty, not a decrease. Is that what you're
Exactly. The more oppressive your structure becomes, the more
individuals are going to feel the pressure. The more they will
be spurred on to do their own research and the more they find
out about their rights and their "privileges", then the more
they will begin exercising their rights. It's not going to come
by rejecting privileges; it's going to come by exercising
rights. You see the difference?
Was the Founding Fathers' shrewdness totally conscious on their
Let's say they didn't understand it to the point where they
could explain it to you. It was a sensing - a knowingness and a
guidance. They believed very firmly in what they were doing.
It's necessary to understand that there is no bad guy in any of
this. The Emancipation Proclamation, the abolition of slavery,
has caused some of the shifting in a non-conscious way. You had
a group of people who once had special laws written for them,
and when they had to be integrated into society, the structure
of the laws needed to change. Often the laws were written as an
adaptation to a circumstance that had a lot of pressure around
it. This adaptation was never checked and balanced with the
Constitution; it was a pressured, in-the-moment expedient.
Again, there's no bad guy here. It's just layer upon layer upon
layer of distractions that have solidified the structure itself.
I would like to pursue the concept
of sovereignty among first- and second-class citizens. You
mentioned slavery, but I'm thinking of the white man coming into
North America and driving the "Indians" before him, viewing them
as inferior being would you trace that attitude to
extraterrestrial roots, back to the time when the original
Lyrans left Lyra, came here and then later went to the Pleiades?
This was when they found Earth and populated it. Then along came
this new group of Lyrans and the Sirians to make this their
showcase, their genetic experiment and so forth. Didn't the
Lyrans and Sirians recognize the "property rights" of the
Pleiadians? What was their attitude in terms of property rights,
private ownership?
The closest analogy is that of the white man
and the Native Americans. What was the thinking at that time in
terms of sovereignty? Did the Lyrans and Sirians feel they had
the right to come in and take over?
Recognize that your forefathers were struggling with some of the
same issues then that you are now, and they had not resolved the
idea of property rights. It was basically the same as it is now
on your world: the strongest one - the one with the most toys -
wins. In that particular situation you're talking about, the Lyrans did not drive the future Pleiadians away; the future
Pleiadians chose to leave. However, had the Lyrans continued
their aggressive interactions, they would have eventually driven
out those Pleiadians had the latter stayed.
Ownership is based on what you can seize, in terms of this
galactic history. Recognize that when people feel they have to
take something from someone else, they must in some way believe
themselves to be lacking; they must in some way be deficient in
their sovereignty. When one is truly sovereign, coexisting with
other sovereigns, there are no property disputes, there are no
ownership problems. To describe this type of reality is very
difficult, because to some people it sounds like communism.
But that is not at all what we are
speaking of.
Forefathers Taught
Victim/Aggressor Roles
Unfortunately we cannot tell you
that your forefathers had wonderful and wise ways of dealing
with these things, because they didn't. You learned what you are
experiencing now from them. You learned from them that the
strongest rule, that some are victims and others aggressors.
Even to this day, in the collective human soul there is the
belief that you don't own this planet.
This belief is what has
delayed you for so long in taking a global stand environmentally
and socially. You still don't believe you own the planet or that
you exist and co-create with the planet on equal terms. You have
no concept of your own sovereignty. In an attempt to figure out
what sovereignty is, you take from others.
It seems to me that our misperception of our own sovereignty is
exactly what the Lyrans wanted us to believe, especially in
light of the fact that it was the Sirians that had to come in
and free us. There seems to be an extraterrestrial assumption
that we are inferior, like the Caucasian assumption about
Blacks. Is there an extraterrestrial belief that we don't
possess any rights and that we exist as Homo Sapiens only as a
privilege granted by our creators (the ETs)? Has our entire
pattern as a species been that of existence by privilege and not
by right?
Only extraterrestrials who are insecure with their own
sovereignty would believe that. However, your forefathers and
the offspring of your forefathers have evolved quite
significantly since that time.
Rights and Privileges
We would like to define the
difference between rights and privileges. These words are not
being used interchangeably. Privilege is something that is
granted to you from another source. Right is inherent by your
existence, innately. For instance, you have a right to celebrate
God. But you're given the "privilege" of worshipping
God when
you go to church and pay your dues.
We have talked a great deal about the nature of the agreement
between the Zetas and Homo Sapiens. If there is an assumption
that we exist as a privilege (whether it's our belief or the ETs),
this contract, whether it be a contract between us as a species
with the Zetas or individual agreements with the Zetas, is
similar to the drivers license issue. Is it exercised from our
side without conscious knowledge of the consequences?
Absolutely. You have used the term implied consent. Because you
believe your existence is a privilege, then your interactions
with the Zetas are subject to the laws of that privilege in the
masses' belief system, and some of those laws you may not even
be aware of.
Then it is like my having a drivers license and my belief that
driving is a privilege granted by a higher authority. This
"higher" authority grants me the privilege of using the roads,
using an automobile, etc. By accepting that privilege, I've
implied my consent; therefore I must agree to have insurance,
registration and not let someone else use my car who does not
have those things. All of this happens because I have accepted
the privilege rather than exercised my right?
When you already have the right to travel automatically.
And so the Zetas, of course, read our unconscious minds and know
that we think our existence is a privilege. Therefore when we
ask, "Why are you doing this?" they say, "We have the right".
Yes, because you have implied your consent by playing out the
role of a helpless species. That's one way of looking at it. If
you were sovereign, no one could have rights over you, but since
you're not active sovereigns, someone assumes rights over you.
There's always hierarchy in a non-sovereign atmosphere, but in a
sovereign atmosphere there is never a hierarchy.
As a species, you have the right to interact with your galactic
neighborhood, to know your heritage. You have a right to explore
all levels of consciousness and reality. You have set up
privileges to protect yourself from some of the scary things
because you feel non-sovereign. And as you build this elaborate
structure (based on privileges and not rights), you start
distorting your own version of the universe. Those rights that
we just mentioned are always active, but if you are not
sovereign, you can't interface with them. Therefore, you will
act out your right to interact with other species through the
privilege structure you have set up, which will be equal to your
belief systems.
To put this in another way, you will always act out your right
to travel, but because you are not sovereign, you must act out
that right according to the structure of the privileges.
Therefore, you act out your right to travel through the
privilege of your license, your insurance and your registration.
Do you follow? This is a very significant point.
With the Zetas, you will always act out your rights as a
species. Your rights will always be there, but you can't see
them. You can't know your rights unless you are sovereign.
Therefore, you must act according to the non-sovereign
privileges, which seem as if they are given to you by someone
else. Therefore, because you believe you are not sovereign and
can be victimized, you will act out your right to communicate
with other species through that belief system and the structure
that allows you to be victims.
You are, in fact, always in touch with your rights. You've
cloaked them, you've twisted them, you've distorted them into
your privileges and have come to believe that privileges are
rights, when they are really two different things. In terms of
the Zetas, the only framework within which you could interact
with them has been one of inequality, hierarchy, manipulation,
control or fear because those are the very structures upon which
your society is built. Do you follow?
Obviously, one of the things that keeps us from claiming our
sovereignty is our religious structure. This concept that
God is
sovereign and that we are his subjects agrees with the early ET
influence; this is what they wanted us to believe. Can a true
sovereign ever have subjects?
No. Absolutely not. If the religious structure broke apart on
your planet, every other structure would collapse. No other
structure could support itself after that.
We have played that out in our society. We have called people
"subjects." We have called a baron or king a "sovereign," and
they have had subjects.
However, to some degree you are also interlinked. In only one
sense are we saying this: You could never truly be sovereign
unless everyone else in your reality bubble were also. That
doesn't mean everybody in your world, but everyone with whom you
interact. This is one way of looking at it. The sovereign king
can never truly be sovereign, in the sense that he can't be
sovereign if he's dealing with inequality.
I have something to clarify. Let's say I am truly sovereign and
my friend is not. What if I see him as a complete sovereign,
even though he is playing the role of a subject?
You see him as a complete sovereign because it's all the
sovereignty you can allow yourself to see. Recognize that
there's not a point of 100% sovereignty, just like you can't
limit yourself to the amount of love you can feel today. There's
no end to sovereignty. So your ability to see sovereignty
reflected in other people is limited by how much you can see in
yourself. It's ever-expanding.
Thus you may look at your friend and
see a total sovereign. He may not feel sovereign; you are simply
mirror reflections for each other. As the entire planet plays
out the sovereignty issue, you will help each other. You're all
intricately intertwined, though you would like to think you're
not. You're not dependent on the other person for your
attainment of sovereignty, but at the same time their reflection
of sovereignty to you is crucial.
Obviously this transformation
into fourth density is very much a part of claiming your
This is such a widespread issue -
through religion and politics and economics and sex and
relationships - is there anything in particular that someone
might do to start on this road?
Each person will be different, but you can start by identifying
the areas of your life in which you are blatantly non-sovereign.
Look at those. Understand why that is so. We'll give you some
hints: First, look at your religious structure. Look at your
political structure, your economics and your education system.
Then look at your legal system. (Those suggestions are going to
open a can of worms.)
Each person will go through the process of
attaining sovereignty in his/her own way. We would suggest that
you obtain any research material you can. There are schools that
teach these principles (and we're not referring to metaphysical
schools; we're referring to schools that teach common law).
That's a start for some people. There's no structure to follow
on your planet to become sovereign, because it's not anything
you've ever experienced. You are creating the structure as you
Can there ultimately be a structure?
In a sense, there cannot be. Each has to do it in his own way.
I like the idea of becoming sovereign and I want to begin taking
steps. I found blocks to that in my Life that have shown me I am
not truly sovereign.
You don't feel truly sovereign, you mean.
At various times I have found myself in a position of borrowing
money, or using certain rationales to renew my drivers license.
Sometimes it's very difficult to be sovereign without your own
piece of land.
Here is a case where if you forced this on the physical level
you would not accomplish anything, because the internal ideas
must first be processed.
That was my frustration. I found myself wanting to take too
large a step, which may have been self-sabotage on my part Does
that make sense?
Yes, because to some degree the self-sabotage would be the
reinforcement of your identity as a failure.
And as a "subject" using these terms.
Yes. And if you are willing to take specific steps to achieve
that, you do what you can. You did some very valuable things
Internally, but I am concerned about my external reality,
because ultimately to be sovereign you must take physical
action. I imagine a lot of people are in a situation similar to
You are correct. But there is never a need to force it. Force
implies resistance; resistance is what makes force necessary. We
would always suggest that you do what you can. What you are
attempting to do on your planet with this sovereignty idea is to
stop keeping the dynamic of polarity in place. Therefore, when
you go inside to process and then take the steps from your
realizations, you are not using force. Force is not needed; thus
there is no resistance. It is much more thorough, much more
transformational. Do what you can. Keep processing. There are
small steps being taken. Recognize that the shift in your own
belief system is extremely powerful, not only for you but for
mass consciousness in general.
Let's give you an example. Let's say you went to war. Which has
more impact - 100,000 men burning their draft cards out of
protest or 100,000 men shifting their consciousness? It is
tempting to say that burning draft cards has more impact, but
that is not the case. Those people who burned their draft cards
may be burning them out of anger or fear, not necessarily out of
a change in consciousness.
If 100,000 men burn their draft cords and don't go to war, are
you saying it is not as effective as a change in consciousness-
even though 50, 000 of those men may actually continue to
participate in the war (if that's possible with the change in
consciousness)? I used to think that the physical demonstration
of burning the draft card, for example, was the most important
step that could be taken. But you are saying that the change in
consciousness of the draftees is much more important than the
physical action of burning the draft card.
Yes. The change in consciousness is much more impacting than you
can possibly imagine. Let's say there are 100,000 people burning
those draft cards. Maybe some men are burning them because they
are mad at their fathers, consciously or subconsciously. They
don't care if they go to war; they're just mad at their fathers,
and this is a way to vent that anger.
If they're doing it out of
anger they may have no idea why they are angry. If they delve
into it, that's when they start changing their consciousness.
Someone who gets a drivers license after being educated about
rights, privileges and sovereignty has taken an immense step -
because now he's not doing it out of denial or ignorance.
Instead he is doing it with a shift of consciousness, doing it
Let's say that 100,000 men burn their draft cards because of a
change in consciousness. But in this little story let's say they
were forced to go to war anyway. Having those 100,000 men with
that change of consciousness in the army will have a tremendous
impact on the mass consciousness of the army itself.
I think we saw that in the Iraqi conflict and that may have
manifested as very few deaths on one side. Even though there
were lots of Iraqi deaths, there could have been ten times that
There was most certainly a shift in consciousness in terms of
the troops that went to Iraq. Many went not because they
believed in the conflict, but because they felt in some way that
their energy, their consciousness, would be useful. Therefore,
to judge a man for going to war when you do not know his
motivations actually helps to maintain the structure of
dysfunction rather than disintegrate it. If the consciousness
shifts in these 100,000 men before they go off to war, they're
not going to burn their draft cards out of anger. Instead they
are going to realize precisely what step binds them to the
Military. It is not the draft nor the induction, but the taking
of the oath.
Which they do voluntarily.
The insidious thing is that the government and the Military do
not point that out. They tell you that it's the induction that
turns a Civilian into a Military person.
You are led to believe that, yes. We want to clarify what you
said. There may be some confusion, and this is a very important
point. You are led to believe, just like with the drivers and
marriage licenses, that when you get that draft card and you are
inducted, you must serve. However, you are never committed to
serve until you raise your hand and take the oath, and the
taking of the oath is voluntary.
Because being forced to take an oath is invalid.
And so, as you said to the channel, there have been men who have
not taken the oath and thus were dismissed from the induction
and didn't have to serve.
Yes. It caused quite a commotion, but they were ultimately
The oath that you take to get into the military is a voluntary
oath, and you have not known that. The marriage license is also
a voluntary procedure, as is the drivers license. Paying taxes
is a voluntary procedure. But you have led yourselves to believe
they are not, and that is what is insidious.
Let us go back to the beginning of this session before we close.
Emotional sovereignty means understanding your reasons and
motivations and healing those denied parts of you, which will
eventually lead you to take 100% responsibility for your reality
- and the result of that is spiritual sovereignty. You are on
the path. You will create it. Have patience and trust
Much, much love, and goodnight.