by Eve Frances Lorgen, MA
AlienLoveBite Website
Alien abductions extend beyond
the physical medical exams and presupposed "alien/human" genetic
hybridization breeding programs as premised in current UFO abduction
literature. Alien orchestrated human bonding dramas in numerous
abduction cases suggest an alternative factor in understanding the
motives of the extraterrestrials’ interaction with humanity.
bonding dramas consist of alien instigated, "staged" relationship
manipulations, emotional and sexual bonding arrangements between two
targeted abductee partners, often resulting in dramatic love
obsessions in one or both partners.
Several case studies will be
presented demonstrating the characteristic signs, symptoms and
patterns of alien directed relationship bondings and manipulations.
An alternative explanation and motivating factor for these alien
orchestrated dramas will be presented.
Alien abduction research has struggled to maintain credibility in
the UFO community and academic world. It’s paradoxical nature and
lack of concrete physical proof of extraterrestrials thrusts UFO
abduction researchers into taking greater efforts in empirical
methodologies. In essence–a hard line, nuts and bolts approach.
As an abduction researcher of 15 years and from the perspective of
female intuition, I contend that most Ufologists and abduction
researchers are so adamant about the nuts and bolts--that they
overlook the whole drama of what is taking place in abductees'
Even other well-known abduction investigators, such as
Hopkins have commented that many events within the abduction
scenario appear to be pre-arranged or staged events in the
abductees’ lives. Some of these staged events take place in and out
of the classic abduction scene and into the interpersonal lives of
the abductee.
Specifically, I am referring to a variety of alien
orchestrated human bonding dramas, relationship manipulations and
love obsessions that are carried out in the abductee population
mediated through the alien presence.
Observe the Drama
This angle of approach is better understood if you place yourself in
the position of a drama director: Imagine for a moment, watching a
children's puppet show. Raggedy Andy meets Raggedy Ann. They flip
and flop to the tune of an enigmatic love affair. Raggedy Andy
courts his beloved Ann, wooing her to that anticipated kiss. Raggedy
Ann swooned into a spell of romantic love. The curtain closes.
Next scene Raggedy Ann is yearning for her newfound knight in
shining armor. Raggedy Andy sees her, but instead of running to
embrace her, he turns around and walks off stage, leaving Ann
grieved with unrequited love.
Raggedy Andy and Ann are not really puppets; they're real people who
have had lifelong alien encounters. The puppet masters are the
aliens playing the role of the proverbial Cupid and his arrow.
Perhaps a puppet show is a harsh analogy for the lives of some
abductees caught in the dramas of the alien matchmakers. But I
adjure you to take a look from a different perspective, one that
asks different questions regarding the modus operandi of the alien
or extraterrestrial intelligence.
Throughout my experience studying and counseling abductees and "experiencers",
I can confidently say that the alien presence - or whoever is acting
behind its image - exerts a heavy influence on their lives, sometimes
down to the lovers they meet and even the very partners they choose
to marry.
Alien Orchestrated Love Relationships in Abductees
Bud Hopkins famous Brooklyn Bridge UFO abduction investigation
brought to light this rarely discussed aspect of alien directed
human bonding arrangements in some abductees' lives. Mr. Hopkins
recent book,
recounts the dramatic story of Linda
Cortile's UFO abduction in 1989 from an apartment window in
Manhattan, USA.
Three men witnessed the extraordinary event, one of
whom (Richard) Linda Cortile had previously met in her abductions as
a child and young adult. These mutually shared encounters and dream
like scenarios that took place between Linda and Richard can be
described as alien orchestrated bonding exercises.
According to Hopkins, the bonding that Linda and Richard experienced
are not isolated incidents in the abductee population, but are rare.
Mr. Hopkins has observed the bonding dramas in 14 out of 650 cases,
which accounts for roughly 2% of al his cases.
Barbara Bartholic, a hypnotherapist and abductions researcher of 25
years, has observed that many of these alien manipulated bonding
dramas result in dramatic love obsessions. Ms. Bartholic maintains
that the bonding phenomenon carried out by aliens occurs much more
frequently than one would think. In my own work, I’d say a rough one
third have had either a bonding experience or some kind of
relationship manipulation with another person (i.e., shared
abductions or mutually shared dreams with the targeted partner)
within their abduction experiences.
These may include a classic
physical type of abduction, a vivid, alien controlled or "stage
managed" dream or virtual reality scenario. The oversight of these
dramas result in a serious lack of understanding concerning the
alien intelligence and their motives for interacting with humanity.
The bonding experiences exhibit a characteristic pattern and
sequence of events that goes something like this:
An abductee meets
another abductee during one or more alien abductions or in very
vivid dreams. The couple may interact on a verbal or physical level
to initiate the bonding process. This can occur several times until
a strong emotional connection occurs. The nature of the bonding
exercises seems to be tailor-made to the individual.
The bonding interactions may or may not be consciously recalled by
either partner. Often, only one partner will remember the
experience, while the other has no memory or only a vague recall.
When both partners meet in real life, there is an instant sense of
recognition and the couple may fall in love. There are variations to
the pattern and sequence of events, but in most cases one partner
falls in love more than the other and is left feeling unrequited.
In a few cases, a bonding with an alien being or spirit guide
progressed into a love obsession where it was discovered later that
the spirit guide turned out to be an alien masquerading as the
Supernatural Events and Synchronicities
The relationship between the two bonded individuals is such that
both persons are magnetically attracted to one another, often in
unlikely situations. The love relationship set-up may include a
number of bizarre synchronicities, vivid dreams, supernatural events
and bonding exercises during alien encounters.
The orchestrated
experiences are often intimate and sexual such that one or the other
develops an intense chemistry and love obsession with the targeted
partner. Oftentimes, either person is married to or has an existing
relationship with another mate. It makes no difference.
The emotional, passionate and even telepathic connection between the
bonded pair is unlike normal relationships (whatever normal is,
anyway). Some have described it as the most exhilarating love
imaginable, to the point of total spiritual immersion or indwelling
with their "beloved." Then the inevitable happens. It's absolutely
devastating. The targeted love partner becomes "switched off" and
the love-struck other half becomes painfully unrequited.
switching off is described as an emotional and sexual disinterest in
their once "attractive" partner. The chosen partner may have an
initial attraction or even a strong love for the other, but then
loses interest, often right after an abduction or vivid dream. If
one or the other abductee has a good recall of their dreams and
abduction memories, they may remember being previously bonded
together in one or more experiences.
Some abductees report spontaneous remote viewing images and visions
of the intended partner in such a way as to elicit emotions, such as
jealousy, obsessive love, yearning and grievous unrequited love
pangs. The alien manipulated love obsession process is akin to a
carrot being dangled just enough to get the obsessed lover into a
constant cycle of love and unrequited love. This can extend from
relationship to relationship and is emotionally exhausting.
Characteristics, Signs and Symptoms of a Bonding Set Up
Multiple abduction histories
In most cases the person had numerous
alien encounters and/or UFO sightings. In a few cases the targeted
love bite partner did not realize him/herself to be an abductee. For
example one partner was said by the "alien handlers" to have been
abducted only for the purpose of the love bite relationship with a
particular female abductee.
Memories of bonding scenarios in abductions, vivid dreams or virtual
reality scenarios
Some have described it as a "stage managed" dream
where both partners are present in a bedroom scene set up, where
both partners are being given telepathic messages to initiate
contact, either on a verbal level or more physical sexual level.
Oftentimes either partner appears to be in a tranced out or drugged
Other stage-managed dreams and/or abductions may have the
partners in various situations as if they are being tested for their
emotional compatibility or coerced into thinking that this person
would make an ideal romantic mate.
Supernatural Events and Synchronicities
Uncoincidental coincidences
and psychic flashes concerning the targeted partner. Meeting the
person seems to be set up in a supernatural way such that the couple
may believe their eventual union to be divinely arranged. A match
made in heaven.
A first meeting of the pre-bonded partner may set
off a series of de ja vu memories, flashback memories of previous
abductions or dream related bondings. Some have even described it as
a "body memory" of having made love to that person before. One or
both partners have a strong sense of having known the person before,
as if they knew them all their lives or a strong soul connection.
Paranormal and supernatural phenomena increases during the love bite
This may include empathic and even telepathic communication
between the love bite pair. Spontaneous remote viewing images and
mutually shared dreams. Other oddities may include the physical
sensation of the partners "touch" or energy field when the other
partner is thinking or fantasizing about them.
Strong emotional, mental and even psychic connections with the
bonded partner–such that it sets up the conditions and desire for
them to meet one another. The connection can be so strong that they
have described it as a soul immersion in their beloved or literally
having their souls joined to one another.
A need for one partner or the other to be with them to the point of
becoming obsessed
This includes the need to meet the person, even
if it is in secret, and having to hear the person’s voice on the
phone, sometimes calling the person daily or several times a day.
Just hearing the targeted partner’s voice may have a calming effect
on the obsessed lover. Extreme anxiety may be felt if the obsessed
person cannot hear that person’s voice or see them somehow.
The obsessed partner usually feels "love at first sight" and may
lose all critical reasoning ability. Some have described it as
having the compulsion to make sudden life decisions like moving
away, changing jobs, getting divorced or going out of their way to
do things for the targeted person.
It has been compared to being
under a "love spell" whenever the obsessed person hears their
partner’s voice. They may go to great lengths to please the
person–doing anything for them, even giving up their life for them.
Switching off
One or the other partners becomes unplugged
emotionally, leaving the other in a state of unrequited love.
Usually the obsessed lover becomes painfully unrequited after the
other partner loses interest, often right after an abduction. It has
been described as the psychic and emotional unplugging of the
targeted partner.
Unfortunately the obsessed lover still feels the
strong psychic/emotional connection, but the other "switched off"
partner feels nothing, leaving the obsessed lover grieving. Or the
conditions for the bonded lovers are such that it is impossible for
them to consummate their strong love, such as both partners being
married to others or living a great distance away.
Emotional turmoil in the unrequited partners life
These powerful
emotions of love and grief may cause the person to be inspired with
creative energy, so that they write poetry, music, or any other art
form of creative inspiration. Conversely, the degree of emotional
pain may throw the unrequited lover into suicidal tendencies, mental
and physical exhaustion or illness.
Profound mystical experiences may also be perceived during the time
of increased emotional processing or periods of prayer.
Increase in alien encounters during periods of high drama and
emotional conflict
These alien encounters may also increase if the
person gets involved in alternative sexual lifestyles or increased
sexual activity–especially if it is with the targeted love bite
partner. Some have reported increases in reptilian activity with
methamphetamine or "crack cocaine" abuse.
Some abductees have reported the bonding experience to take place
more than once, whereby they have been on both sides of the love
bite; the obsessed unrequited end, or the non-unrequited end. When
they are on the non-unrequited end, a platonic friendship may be
engendered. Some heterosexuals have suddenly become obsessed with a
homosexual where a drastic change in lifestyle occurs.
Case Studies of the Love Bite
These cases have been condensed for the sake of this paper and can
be read in more depth in "The Love Bite" book.
The Case of Sophia and Dave
Sophia, a 33-year old married wife and mother was on a truth quest
concerning her lifelong alien encounters. Her husband George did not
share her spiritual interests or fascination with the UFO phenomena.
George was not an abductee and spent most of his time working long
hours in his career. His emotional coolness left Sophia lonely and
wanting for a companion who could understand. During Sophia’s alien
encounters George seemed to be "out cold" or deathly unconscious. In
any event, he was conveniently out of town or unavailable.
Two months before Sophia became pregnant with her daughter, she had
an alien encounter where a telepathic message was given which
"We need more offspring."
When the couple’s daughter turned two, she would awake screaming in
terror during the night and hide in her bedroom closet, "away from
the monsters." This sometimes happened on the same nights Sophia had
alien intruding "dreams." During these periods, the daughter acted
out with a lot of anger especially towards her father. She also
displayed an extreme phobia to bugs.
In the midst of Sophia’s quest for an abduction therapist, Sophia
met an older man named Dave. Dave was also an abductee and happily
married. When the two met, Dave couldn’t stop staring at Sophia as
if he knew who she was. Both exchanged business cards after briefly
meeting at a UFO conference and continued to correspond by
Sophia then recalled "déjà vu" type dream memories of having been
with Dave before in very intimate detail, years before met. She
became empathetically connected to Dave and had several dreams of
him in which she was able to pick up real information on Dave’s
personal life that she had no way of knowing.
Dave started having spontaneous remote-viewing images of Sophia,
which she was able to confirm as true to detail. Sophia also had
remote viewing images of Dave, and intuitively knew things about him
and his family, which he confirmed also.
Sophia was in love with Dave and couldn’t understand why she loved
him so much, as Dave was many years older than she and not really
her type. The two experienced a strong, spiritual and emotional
connection with one another as if they had known each other for
Sophia made plans to visit an abduction researcher and hypnotist but
was detracted from visiting the therapist following an encounter
akin to a virtual reality abduction involving military men. She
became ill after the threatening scenario and could not visit the
therapist. One of Sophia’s main reasons for seeing the therapist was
due to her overwhelming love obsession with Dave.
Sophia called Dave often, initiating most of the communication.
Soon, she started to get the feeling he was trying to get rid of
her, as he became indifferent and uncaring. Even though Dave rarely
called Sophia or reciprocated her affections, she made excuses that
he was just too busy and really would be with her if he could.
Dave was friendly and enjoyed Sophia’s affections. But he was not in
love with her. It didn’t seem to matter to Sophia, as she thought
that perhaps in the future they would end up together. After all,
synchronicities, profound love and bonding they experienced must
have been divinely ordained.
Two years later and with the help of an understanding abductions
therapist, Sophia’s love obsession with Dave finally tapered off. It
had taken an enormous emotional and physical toll on Sophia and at
one point she became very ill. Part of the therapeutic process was
for Sophia and her husband George to undergo marital counseling,
bringing to light the awareness and effects of alien abductions, and
avoiding emotional isolation of one another.
Even though Sophia and George’s marriage is still intact and
improved, the love obsession left Sophia very hurt. She loves her
husband, yet admits she is not as attracted to him anymore. Sophia’s
consolation is her faith in God and helping others.
The Case of Andrew
Andrew, a 32-year-old single male abductee has had difficulty
maintaining long term relationships with women. He fell in love with
a beautiful, affectionate woman named Sharon. Two months into the
romantic relationship a tall, tan, "Grey" alien and a shorter, dark
alien in a hooded cloak visited the sleeping couple. Andrew recalled
the first part of the abduction with the tan figure, but feelings of
fear and foreboding overcame him and the memory faded.
Sharon was seriously distraught and emotionally distant the next
morning. Later, Andrew discovered that the cloaked, alien jabbed
Sharon in the side with a pointy, spear-like object as the entity
warned her to stay away from Andrew, leaving her petrified. Even
though Sharon found a red triangular mark on her body the next
morning, she assumed it was just a horrible dream.
Less than two weeks later, Sharon no longer had amorous feelings for
Andrew and seemed to be "switched off". She soon broke off the
relationship, leaving Andrew grief stricken, pining away for his
lost love.
In the next couple of months the aliens revisited Andrew. In this
encounter he remembered graphic imagery of his girlfriend Sharon
being a "slut", having sexual relations with his best friend, making
it appear that his best friend cheated on him behind his back. This
invoked feelings of intense jealousy, rage and unrequited love for
his ex-girlfriend Sharon.
In another relationship of Andrew’s the aliens again interfered.
This particular girlfriend, Ingrid, did not recall the alien
visitation they both shared one night. Andrew remembered the tall,
tan aliens in the room and saw Ingrid sitting up in bed, her face
contorted in horror, frozen into a silent scream. During this
encounter, Andrew attempted to ask the alien,
"Why are you always
Within seconds of his request, Andrew experienced
intense pain and blacked out.
After the abduction, Ingrid abruptly changed her amicable attitude
from indifference to outright nastiness and the love affair suddenly
Andrew’s persistence at pressing the aliens for an answer was met
with a barrage of platitudes such as,
"She wasn’t one of us. You are
one of us. She wasn’t necessary, not part of it. She doesn’t
understand us." And the notorious, "You are not ready yet to know."
After both of these broken off relationships, the aliens projected
into Andrew’s mind seductive images of a beautiful, exotic Tahitian
woman with children, implying that this was Andrew’s future wife and
kids. The understood message, according to Andrew, was,
"If you
stick with us and so as we say, this is what we will give you."
never happened. The aliens lied.
Today, Andrew is dating a nice woman who is understanding of the
alien abduction phenomena. They share a mutually beneficial
relationship. Andrew still distrusts the aliens, but maintains a
positive and hopeful attitude of overcoming his difficulties and has
even had some success in resisting abductions.
The Case of Angelina and Steve
Angelina, a 30-year-old wife and mother of three children has
experienced multiple abductions since childhood. Her mother and
sisters have also reported encounters with alien Greys at various
times throughout their lives.
In addition to Angelina’s encounters with Grey’s, a tall, 7- foot
lizard man replete with tail, claw like hands and feet and yellow
snake slit eyes, repeatedly visits Angelina and rapes her. Very
often, the reptilian being will physically enter her bedroom at
night through an interdimensional portal or doorway and proceed to
have intercourse with her.
Angelina’s husband, Dick does not believe his wife that she is
getting abducted. He emotionally isolates her and is sometimes
abusive, even blaming Angelina for the abductions.
Angelina’s children have seen
small reptilian creatures in the house
at night and even in the daytime on rare occasions. One neighbor has
also witnessed poltergeistic activity and ghoulish looking beings in
their home as well.
When Angelina tries to tell her husband Dick about her encounters
with the aliens he becomes angry and jealous and blames his wife
that she enjoys the reptilian "sex" better than him. Angelina has
been turned off to her husband sexually and is repulsed by his human
"pheromones" as if she has developed a heightened sense of smell
that others cannot discern. She has conflicting feelings of guilt
and shame because her body responds to the sexual liaisons with the
reptilian male to an unnatural degree–so much so that she is
completely turned off to her husband.
Paradoxically, Angelina also reports frightening, violent and
unpleasant sexual assaults in her abductions as well, which include
the reptile being and also human military men. She has recalled
other abduction related procedures such as medical gynecological
exams, implant surgery, pregnancies and disappearing fetuses,
non-pregnancy related lactation and miscellaneous body marks such as
puncture marks, triangles, bruises, etc.
In one abduction memory, Angelina recalled being in bed with a man
who she was strongly attracted to. She found herself in bed with a
good-looking man in a non-descript white hotel room, white bed
covers and sheets. They are both nude and she receives messages to
make love to this man. They have sex and Angelina recalls being told
that she will meet this man named Steve in two months. Angelina
noticed that in the bonding "dream" Steve appeared to be tranced out
and not as fully aware as she was.
Two months later Angelina meets Steve in her hometown, which is over
100 miles away from his residence. It is unlikely that they would
even meet considering the distance between them. The couple has an
instant attraction and sense of recognition with one another. They
fall in love at first sight and are compelled to continue to
communicate with one another.
The love bite pair call one another often and make secret plans to
meet one another. Steve is married to another woman, but going
through a separation. One weekend the couple sneaks off for a
weekend fling in another city so that no one would recognize them.
While Steve and Angelina are away, Dick is at home experiencing
spontaneous remote viewing images of his wife making love to another
man. These vivid mental images pop into Dick’s head as if they have
been ‘inserted" in his mind. (These mental pictures Angelina has
associated with some ball of light phenomena).
He sees his wife in a
sexy, teddy night gown with a man he later described perfectly as
Steve although the two had never met, nor had Dick ever seen his
wife’s new teddy that she had just bought for her weekend rendezvous - purposely
hiding it out of the house so her husband wouldn’t find it.
Dick is
incited to jealousy and rage, accusing Angelina of having an affair
when she returns from the trip. She denies his accusations, fearing
abuse, but is shocked he could perfectly describe everything
Angelina and Steve did, as if he was right there in the room with
Dick is so enraged that he starts having homicidal ideations and
obsesses over taking revenge on his wife, her lover and then killing
himself. During this time of chaos and conflict, the paranormal
activity and balls of light phenomena increase in the household.
Meanwhile, Angelina and Steve make plans to get married, but are
continuously prevented from being with one another for one reason or
another. They both are in anguish because they seem to be prevented
from consummating their love and passion for one another.
Dick’s homicidal tendencies subside as the couple goes to counseling
together with a friend who understands the aspect of mind control
and alien abductions. They try to make it work between them, but
Angelina is doubtful things will ever work out.
Six months later Angelina has another abduction where she recalls
beings told, "Steve will not be needed anymore." She also was told
that Steve was an abductee just for the purpose of their bonded
relationship, but he was "not in training" for any other purpose as
opposed to Angelina. Thereafter, Angelina no longer feels the
obsessive yearning for Steve and can easily let go of the
relationship. She breaks up with Steve, leaving him bewildered.
Steve has never been aware of the abductions, but only felt a strong
sense of recognition when meeting Angelina.
Meanwhile, Angelina continues to have abductions involving
Reptilians and human military. She is put through a number of
testing and training scenarios in very vivid dreams. She and several
other abductees in the support group experience mutually shared
dreams and abduction related testing and training elements together.
A male abductee in the support group named Scott was set up in a
bonding encounter with Angelina in which both recalled the sexual
nature of the "dream". This creates a strong sexual tension between
the two when they meet. They also experience a psychic link and even
telepathic connection with one another. Although they feel a
powerful chemistry between them, they refrain from any sexual
behavior. Both have become aware of the love bite bondings and
purposely avoid any intimate contact.
Instead, they are good platonic friends and enjoy a close psychic
bond with one another.
To this day, Angelina is still married to Dick. He has become aware
of the abductions and even has had some of his own. They have
numerous marital difficulties but have managed to stay together
despite the odds against them.
Marital and Family Issues of Abductees
On the surface, these relationship problems appear to be easily
explained marriage and family issues. But as I got a closer look at
a number of abductees’ lives and interpersonal relationships it made
me wonder. The psychological swamp gas theory was no longer
There was something real, possibly sinister going on
beneath the veil of alien contact in these people’s lives. It made
me ask the classic question:
What came first, the chicken or the egg?
Are some dysfunctional relationship problems due to faulty coping
mechanisms of the individual’s response to alien abductions, or have
the aliens’ deliberately contrived these family problems all along?
In my experience counseling abductees, one of the hallmarks of these
peoples’ lives is the pattern of emotional isolation. This behavior
can be explained as a result of conditioning, learned adaptations
from the abductee’s family members, or reinforced by the alien
handlers. In fact, some persons have discovered that the aliens
instructed them not to talk about their encounters, making if
apparent that the alien presence will go to great lengths to
maintain secrecy. They have often instilled false or screen memories
into their victims to cover their true activities and motives.
Some researchers, myself included, believe that the human bonding
relationships which result in high drama and love obsessions may be
instigated for purposes other than the alien breeding and
hybridization program, as one may suspect at first glance. (Although
that is a factor that can’t be ignored).
Barbara Bartholic, a hypnotherapist and abductions researcher of
over 25 years has studied and defined the love obsession phenomena
down to a T.
"First", Barbara states, "the individuals are set up
during encounters from childhood for maximum emotional and sexual
bonding. The bonding process sets the stage for the drama of the
love obsession. The aliens are somehow able to harvest the energies
emitted by the emotionally charged persons. These emotions range
from intense love, longing, passion, rage, jealousy and anticipation
of one’s beloved."
Ms. Bartholic believes we are all affected by
this phenomenon, not just abductees and contactees. It is just that
we only find out about this love obsession phenomenon and all its
associated life dramas through the ones who do remember.
"The love obsession drama can be played out on a large scale as
well." Barbara adds. "This is incorporated through glamorous public
figures or super stars."
The drama-directing aliens can use the
super star images for massive unrequited love obsessions in the
general population.
"In short," Barbara concludes, "It is like one
big human Nintendo game".
Bud Hopkins takes a more conservative approach and stated,
bonding phenomena is not an across the board aspect of abductions.
It is relatively rare and must be differentiated from group
abductions where two or more persons get taken simultaneously, like
husband and wife, or friends for various reasons".
When asked the
general trend of how the abductees handle the bonding dramas, Bud
"It depends on the circumstances. If they are already
married, it is extremely difficult".
According to Barbara Bartholic and
Bud Hopkins, the bonding is not
always directed towards romantic, opposite sex situations, and can
include same sex friendships and even homosexual relationships.
A noteworthy point here is the emotional energy derived through a
series of intense dramas and crises. As ludicrous as it may sound,
the aliens may feed off these emotional energies.
I’ve had several persons admit to me in private that they had a
higher frequency of alien encounters during the more stressful and
chaotic periods of their lives.
As one of my support group members
has sarcastically described it,
"The aliens have a way of jerking my
emotional chain, putting me through intense highs and lows."
Isolation and Maintenance of Secrecy:
Dysfunctional Families
Our social structure and especially in the Western world, reinforces
the precept that "aliens and extraterrestrials do not exist", and is
only science fiction or psychological delusion. The result of these
negating and isolating conditions forces the abductee to turn inward
or even act our in rebellion against parents, school, religion or
society. The abductee who has been denied validation of their
experience will have a tendency to distrust their own feelings, stay
in denial or even act out in anger.
When core issues of alien abductions (especially traumatic ones) are
not addressed or resolved, a variety of unhealthy coping skills
result and extend into their relationships and family systems. When
alien abductions occur multigenerationally, dysfunctional family
issues are compounded. As such, abductees may find themselves in
unhealthy, unfulfilling relationships that perpetuate the viscous
cycle of emotional isolation or even abuse. These dysfunctional
patterns of relating serve to maintain the secrecy of alien
Resolution and healing of alien abduction related issues – and the
dysfunctional family systems which serve to maintain the secrecy – can
only be complete when false and misleading "swamp gas" theories are
put to rest. It makes one ask what the real culprit is.
There are scores of courageous abductees who have come forward to
share their stories, only to be ridiculed and blamed later by the
mainstream or even their peers in the UFO community. For these
reasons, many abductees simply remain silent. Volumes of valuable
witness testimonies and alien abduction related information remain
under lock and key - by the twin pillars of fear and imposed
Whatever the true reasons for the aliens’ interference in our
relationships, we may never know, but from what some abductees have
reported, the effects are both devastating and exhilarating.
After surviving of the grievous effects of an alien contrived love
obsession, Sophia poetically stated,
"Even though my experiences
have been incomprehensibly painful, I wouldn’t trade them for any
other. I realized it was better to have loved and lost, than to
never have loved at all".
I marveled at her statement and could only
imagine what the aliens are missing. Life itself.
The Question of Spiritual Warfare
It doesn’t take long for any abductions researcher to realize the
alien presence–or whatever is acting behind its image–is deceptive,
manipulative and intelligent. The aliens act both in a physical and
non-physical reality, a true paradox. Their ability to orchestrate
elaborate dramas, bondings and love obsessions in abductee’s lives
bespeaks an adeptness with unseen spiritual realities.
Researchers and abductees have reported that as they delved into UFO
related matters and especially abduction related memories, they were
besieged with a number of detracting efforts that served to steer
them away from retrieving hard core information on alien abductions.
One woman in my group named Sophia described it eloquently,
"Once I
decided to pursue in-depth research into my abductions, a series of
tests and trials assailed me, like going through a gauntlet of
spiritual warfare."
If we take a closer look at how spiritual warfare operates within
the abduction phenomenon, we can see it manifest itself in the
bonding dramas that resulted in love obsessions. Two targeted
abductees are chosen by their alien handlers for their ability to
create and express a high degree of emotion within the context of a
romantic attraction.
This romantic attraction more often than not
results in an unrequited love obsession for one or the other
partner– or they are unable to consummate their feelings due to
other impossible circumstances. These conditions release a variety
of powerful emotions such as intense love, longing, passion, rage,
jealousy and anticipation of one’s beloved.
In the more severe
cases, the abductee became exhausted, depressed and ill, even to the
point of suicidal ideations, or brought close to death from severe
illness. The dramas that were set into motion in these people’s
lives caused a lot of chaos and conflict, some even losing their
marriages due to alien interference and manipulation.
The flip side is that some of the abductees who experienced deep
emotional conflict and intense love also reported a release of
creative energy at the height of the obsession. In one case, the
abductee moved into new levels of ecstatic mystical experience as a
result of reaching the deepest degree of her emotional capacity.
Paradoxically, we see excruciating grief and pain of unrequited love
on one hand, and ecstatic mystical visionary unions and creative
inspiration on the other.
If frequency of alien encounters is directly proportional to high
drama, chaos and conflict, then we can surmise that the alien
presence is somehow benefiting from our emotional energies. In the
cases of bonded love obsessions, a high degree of emotional and
sexual passion was present. Aliens have a keen interest in our
capacity to feel and express love and other highly charged feelings.
We need to ask some serious questions. What is the true essence of
human abductees as a resource for these alien beings? Rather than
researching indefinitely with frustration and confusion, ask the
question: What are the intentions and capabilities of the aliens
based on their ability to insidiously orchestrate such elaborate
dramas such as love obsessions?
Within the annals of contemporary alien abduction research we can
say that the aliens are carrying out some kind of genetic
human/alien hybridization program spanning several generations. This
is what we see on the surface and it may very well be true.
When we
look deeper we may suspect the worst conspiracy theory imaginable.
And somewhere in between, you may get a glimpse of the magick trick
taking place right before your eyes.
But where is the evidence of UFO’s and extraterrestrials? Everyone
" Where’s the beef?" And to this I’d say,
"There is no beef. Only chunks of horsemeat in a tossed salad of
Alien directed human bonding dramas that resulted in love obsessions
were a serendipitous observation of abductee’s interpersonal
relationships. Although these bonding dramas did not occur to a
majority of abductees, its profound effects and ramifications are of
noteworthy importance.
If the alien presence can orchestrate people’s lives to the extent
demonstrated via their love lives–then we need to reassess the
intentions and capabilities of the alien abductors. Perhaps it is
not a far-fetched idea to hypothesize that the aliens play the role
of the mythical Cupid and his arrow. And much, much more.
Observing the dramas of abductees lives opened up a doorway of
perception hitherto unacknowledged in the more scientific nuts and
bolts methodologies of UFO abduction research. I liken this concept
to a "blocked memory" only retrievable to conscious awareness by
re-routing the neural pathways.
Summarized case studies of alien orchestrated human bonding dramas
were presented with characteristic signs and symptoms. These
patterns are unique to the abductee population and can be clearly
distinguished from other non-abduction related psychological and
relationship issues.
It is of great importance to address the culprits of emotional
isolation and the maintenance of secrecy regarding alien abductions
within marriage and family systems. The key to unlocking the
mysteries and motives of the alien intelligence lies in the tenacity
of abductees to search for the truth of their experiences. Creating
an environment of safety free from ridicule and politically correct
peer pressure is the first step in uncovering the truth of alien
Discovering the reality of a lifetime of alien encounters is a
Pandora’s box few are willing or ready to open. A few brave souls
have explored the depths of their interactions with the alien
presence. For some, this means the realization that their whole
lives have been staged, manipulated and orchestrated at the hands of
the alien puppet masters – the architects of human drama.
realization throws a whole new understanding on the quest and value
of human freedom.