Chapter 18
"The experience I have described is now historical fact,
certainly as far as I’m concerned. Denying it will not make it
go away. However some people were about to come into my life who
wished this historical fact would pack its bags and hide
exclusively in their computer files - possibly forever....!
"....For almost twelve months after the initial run-in with the
alleged DSIR scientists, I lived quite carefully and kept very
much to myself....
"....Those previous run-ins with agents, possibly in the keeping
of the Dark Overlords, were fast becoming a fading if still
somewhat unpleasant memory.... I had to make a living, as life
in a cave for the rest of my life did not really appeal. But if
I had known what was awaiting me in the not-too-distant future,
perhaps cave life would have seemed a little more attractive,
for coming out in the open was perhaps the biggest mistake I was
yet to make!
"....I should have realized that something was up the day my
landlord, John, reported that the police, or persons
representing themselves as police, had called around to question
me about a car I had once owned (not the one involved in the UFO
"....I guess, with hindsight, they were checking to see if the
address they had for me was the correct one. I would like to
think that the police of my country do not do the legwork for
the SIS or, even worse, the CIA. Hopefully these alleged
policemen were not the real thing....
"....I had noticed more than once during the course of the next
few days the same car parked at the end of my street, usually
with two occupants but sometimes with only one....
"....I moved again, but it was not because I was running: it was
personal choice this time. I had decided enough was enough.
Whatever came out of the next confrontation with these people, I
would just have to wear it and that was that! I had found
someone I wanted to settle down with, and that relationship had
given me just enough courage to face my pursuers head on.
"Why they were just watching me at that time I did not know. But
when they finally made contact they left me in no doubt that
they knew quite a lot about the particular group of off-planet
visitors that had interacted with me. Evidently they had run
across them in some earlier, ill-conceived and quickly aborted
time-travel experiment - or was that mind-travel experiment....?
(For the more curious, you may find some research in this
direction most enlightening. I would suggest you start with
Philadelphia Experiment and follow it right through
to its conclusion in the mid-1980s)
"....they now decided to try to appeal to my sense of patriotism
- at least as far as planet Earth and the human race were
concerned. They suggested that what I might know about these
off-planet visitors was important to the defense of planet Earth
and all the people living upon it!
"Had they sounded the least bit genuine, I might even had
conceded to tell them a few things, but their approach was all
wrong.... In other words, I could read their motives like a
"A friend once told me, "It’s a wise man who can recognize his
enemies," and "There’s a great abyss between being smart and
being wise." I may never be very smart, but I am truly extremely
hard to be wise. I believe a great deal more than we can yet
imagine depends on our developing some form of wisdom before we
leave this Earthly plane of existence.
"Someone else, and it may even have been my father, suggested to
me a long time ago that prisons are only full of criminals who
have been caught, and that the really clever ones are still out
there working right alongside us....
" ancestry on my father’s side can be traced back to
Germany, and I carry the surname of Newald, which I believe is a
misspelling of an old German name, Newall. If what my mother
said is true, I was born a blue-eyed blond. I have seen a lock
of my hair from my first haircut, which would suggest that
perhaps my hair did change from its original colour in those
early years. I’ve heard many a tale as to why our eyes and hair
change colour. In my mind, the most convincing reason is that it
is due to fright after we realize exactly where we are and what
we have gotten ourselves into on this Earth plane! This may
suggest that the sooner our hair changes colour, the wiser we
"....I happen to be a second-generation Kiwi (New Zealander),
and the ancestry on the German side of my family was barely
mentioned while I was growing up and still living at home....
"....Taking all that into account, when a stranger came to the
door at my new home address and suggested, among other things,
that my loyalties should lie with my ancestral lineage, you
could surely excuse me for being a little bewildered....
Whatever research they had done on me, they had got that section
completely wrong....!
"....They maintained that a debriefing was necessary so that
what had happened could be understood and evaluated by all. Just
who this ’all’ was, they did not say. I can remember telling
them, "I’m quite happy with things the way they are".... The
stubborn streak within me may not be my best asset or most
endearing feature, but it is the sole reason I’m able to tell
this story now.
"They said they could make life very uncomfortable for me if I
was uncooperative. However, there didn’t appear to be anything
they could do to me at that stage, so I said, "Thanks very much
for the friendly advice," and shut the door in their faces. That
was another grave mistake on my part.
"....They were obviously more than just curious, and you could
say they seemed be taking this whole thing very seriously.... At
that time I thought it was all over and I had won my freedom
from interference and harassment. Yes, I was still a little
naive back then.
"....When you are ’set up’, as I was, and your only defense is
your story, you do not have an instant compulsion to tell
everyone about it in an attempt to save yourself, believe me -
not unless you like white coats, doctors and strait-jackets!
"In the years immediately prior to the events I have related, I
had been a motor vehicle dealer, at least until 1987 when the
stock-market crashed no longer made that a viable trade in New
".... Even though I was no longer a licensed motor vehicle
dealer per se, I would still buy and sell the odd car
"....At about this time, a gentleman introduced himself to me
while I was attending a well-known car auction in Auckland city.
This gentleman said he had recognized me as the one-time partner
of a mutual friend and that we had met some time ago when my
partner and I still used to run the same car-yard....
"....He said his name was Jeff Wright and that he had access to
cheap Japanese secondhand imported cars, which were wholesale
stock that was not required or was surplus to dealer needs....
there was no reason for me to doubt what he said.
"....I didn’t ask too many questions before I began to buy the
odd car from him. This eventually proved to be another big
mistake on my part!
"....Eight or nine months must have passed. Jeff would ring me
whenever he had a car that he thought I might be interested in
buying. Sometimes I would buy them; other times, if I did not
have the money, I would turn them down....
"....These guys [DSIR scientists] were very clever, and perhaps
Jeff didn’t really know the full story, for, in spite of my
newfound ability to sniff out deception, I could not see through
what Jeff was up to. The cars he had been supplying me with
were, without exception ’hot’ (stolen), or so it appeared to the
"....There needed to be more than one if they were going to get
this little game of theirs up and running properly. In the end,
there were six cars involved in this set-up. Unfortunately the
police got so enthusiastic about it all that they even tried to
prosecute me for cars that were not stolen....!
"As I’ve suggested, the police were eventually tipped off, and
there was no talking my way out of it. The agencies had done a
fairly good job. They cunningly let me stew on things for quite
some time before they visited me again.
"It was just as you would expect: "Cooperate, and we will fix
things up for you with the police."
"I was determined to ride their bluff to the end....
"I’m not sure how long a straightforward case such as mine
should take before it is acted upon in a court of law; six to
eight months would seem like a good guess to me, perhaps even
less. But not my case. It was like a slow death in the end: two
years of recurring court appearances - over twenty in total....
"....My accusers’ exceedingly thin excuse was that they were not
ready to proceed.... from day one of my arrest they appeared to
panic and they applied overkill - at least I think they did....
"....This people were meticulous and seemed to be able to reach
into every corner of my life. There was no doubting they had
done this type of thing before - but to whom and for what
reasons? How many before me had been subjected to the same fate?
"I was rapidly losing faith in every part of our so-called
’justice’ system. I knew it was just a game for them, but this
was my life they were playing with. Losing my car meant I did
not have transport to get to the police station every day, and
of course I had no money to hire a lawyer [Alec had been made
bankrupt, as all his assets had been taken away]. My
brother-in-law lent me a few hundred dollars so that I could buy
a cheap car to get around in. I refused to go on welfare - I was
not going to sink that low.
"....With each (voluntary) court appearance I would end up
locked up out the back of the courthouse until my bail was
reprocessed. Sometimes this would take many hours. It was a
humiliating and degrading experience. Maybe it was a game for
them, but I think you will agree it was not a very nice one. In
the end, I believe it was more for spite than actually to
achieve anything. By now they must have known I would never talk
to them about my interaction with the aliens.
"After some eighteen or so court appearances it got to the point
where a District Court judge said to the police, "If you do not
bring forward your charges at the next hearing, I will throw
this case out." I really thought that this is what would happen,
and it had all been a bluff. But no, they had other things in
mind for me.
"My lawyer (appointed by the court because I had no money) was
about as useful as a bucket full of holes, bless his cotton
socks. I don’t think he could believe his luck. If he got paid
every time we went to court, he should have made a fortune out
of the case!
"Needless to say, we lost!....
"....Some of my friends tried to help me, but I think the result
had been written on the judge’s report papers before I had even
arrived in the courtroom. The trial [Alec had decided to make it
a jury trial case] took place in the main Auckland District
Courthouse and actually lasted for a full week. that fact alone
should have attracted some media attention, you would think -
not that I wanted any of it at the time. The fact that no
reference to the trial never found its way into the local
papers, as far as I’m aware, seems just a little strange to me.
"....Apart from my own account, no other explanation was ever
brought forward to describe how these stolen cars arrived at my
doorstep! I was not charged with stealing them, just receiving
them. All these cars I had sold openly, in my own name if I had
owned them, or, alternatively, openly from my home address if
they had been in some other person’s name. There was never any
attempt on my part to be subversive, but this did not seem to
count for much with anyone.... Other illegal, fraudulent
paper-work was proved to have been done by others and not by me,
and descriptions of these other people were presented at the
"....Four of my friends were prepared to stand up in court and
defend me over some very conflicting and none-too convincing
police evidence, but it seemed to make very little difference,
much to their own dismay. Sadly they did not know the full
story, and this book is going to be as much a surprise to them
as it is to anyone else.
"I had to serve half of my twelve-month sentence following the
trial. What it meant, in fact, was plenty of time to re-appraise
my situation with regard to writing this story in all its
detail. It was no longer a private affair: the world had a right
to know. It was now July 1993.
"At about the same time all this was going down, on the other
side of the world something was happening that must have had the
very people and agencies persecuting me, in a real tiz. It may
even have been the reason they wanted information about my
star-based friends so badly and urgently.
"The following news items only came my way in June 1995, and in
many ways it confirms what I had been told earlier in 1989
aboard the transporter. You may remember I had been told that
1993 would see the return of those from Haven to undertake
urgent repairs and adjustments to certain things upon this
Earth. If my story needs outside confirmation, surely this is
Reports appearing in Chapter
18 of CoEvolution
"This news items that from late December
1992 through to mid-1993, British, American, Russian and Icelandic
naval forces were involved in a major operation to hunt UFOs!
The following is a summary of events related at a UFO conference in
February 1995 by well known author, Anthony Dodd.
20 December 1992
Mr. Dodd received a telephone call from one of the Icelandic
naval sources reporting that three UFOs had been tracked coming
down and entering the sea off the east coast of Iceland, near
21 December 1992
Icelandic fisherman report incidents of large, fast-moving
underwater craft with flashing, coloroud lights. These are
accompanied by a glowing airborne object overhead. Heading on a
course toward Scotland, the vessels moved through the water,
damaging the nets being trawled by fishermen.
Accustomed to seeing submarines in the area, fishermen say that
these vessels were unlike any submarines they had ever seen.
Icelandic authorities ordered escorts by the Icelandic Coast
23 December 1992
An Icelandic Coast Guard vessel and two gunboats are ordered
to take position on the north-east of Iceland at Langeness where
previously, three days earlier, three UFOs were originally
tracked. This operation is done in secrecy, causing cruise
Also arriving was a major force of British and NATO warships,
described as a "naval exercise."
British newspapers report that during the "exercise" they
tracked a very large underwater craft, thought to be one of a
new generation of Russian super-submarines.
24 December 1992
Two crews of British nuclear submarines are recalled from
their Christmas leave. Both HMS Endurance and HMS Warrior, of
the hunter-killer-type class, are sent to link up with the
surface fleet in Iceland. Icelandic Coast Guard vessels are
ordered to take up positions at Alice Fjord on the east coast of
Further information is disclosed from contacts that four more
UFOs have been tracked descending and entering the sea in the
same quadrant as the first three UFOs sighted on 21 December.
Sources confirm that the operation is linked to tracking alien
underwater craft. Also disclosed is a massive rescue-search for
a missing surface vessel, being conducted in great secrecy.
30 December 1992
Icelandic radio broadcasts that many UFO sightings over the
mountains near the coast of Iceland are being reported.
12 January 1993
Terrible weather conditions hold up all Icelandic vessels at
Langeness Fjord. Fjord residents are terrified, having reported
seeing strange, small figures running around the area at night.
6 February 1993
Weather improves and all ships are ordered back to sea.
Icelandic vessels resume previous positions on observation duty
through to 24 February.
25 February 1993
In early morning hours, all vessels are cautioned to stay at
least three nautical miles away from the American destroyer
flotilla operating near the Arctic Circle.
While waiting outside the three-mile zone, ship radar picks up
sixteen airborne contacts over the American fleet. Sixteen balls
of yellow light are reported seen descending and hovering over
the warships.
15 April 1993
All vessels in area of the Arctic Circle are looking for -
in a secret operation - a missing American ship. Only two
destroyers are now in that area, both having had their visible
markings removed; crew can be seen wearing full battle-dress.
Civilian vessels, including gunboats and coast-guard vessels,
are ordered to stay away from the prohibited zone.
16 April 1993
British media report that joint American and Russian
exercises are about to take place. The press report that, for
the first time since World War II, joint exercises between elite
American and Russian troops are about to happen on Russian soil.
The operations are to be in Siberia, and the arrival of American
troops is to be at Tiksi.
On the map, Tiksi appears to be the Russian seaport near the
area where all this naval activity is taking place.
21 April 1993
Crew of an Icelandic Airlines flight travelling from London
report they are aware of two UFOs as they pass over the north
coast of Scotland. Two large balls of brightly glowing light
take up positions either side of the aircraft toward the tail
end, hold position all the way to Iceland and fly off as the
aircraft lands at Keflavik airport.
15 May 1993
Information surfaces regarding Icelandic gunboats searching
for two Icelandic fishing boats. The crews are apprehensive and
disturbed by the appearance of white tubular fluorescent-type
lights which appear in the night sky hovering over their
vessels. When this happens, ship radios fail to function, and
then resume when they move away. The search for the missing
vessels is called off after many days at sea.
The authorities are angry that this information has been leaked
out. All ships’ crews are warned of the severe consequences of
divulging any information about events of the previous few
NEXUS Magazine, vol. 2, #26,
June-July 1995]
"If this is a factual report (and I
have no reason to doubt that it isn’t), the term "mind boggling"
could be considered an appropriate description. Some of you may
not be prepared to accept the report as fact so easily, and I
don’t blame you, but I have done a little detective work of my
"The military must have been fuming about all the comings and
goings of craft over which they had no control. If they’d lost a
ship, that would really have rubbed salt in the wounds. I have
not the slightest doubt they would want to find out in detail
what was going on up there in those polar regions. If they
needed to spy in those regions twenty-four hours a day, I also
have no doubt what they would have used to do it: a satellite.
Research was called for here, so what
did I find? In the New Zealand Herald of 7 October 1993 was this
Vanderberg Air Base [a US Air Force
base 200 kilometers north of Los Angeles]
- Ground controllers
were unable to establish contact with an Earth Observation
Satellite after it was launched into orbit on a United States
Air Force Titan 2 rocket.
The satellite is operated by the Earth Observation Satellite
Co., under contract with the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration. The satellite company is a joint venture of
Hughes Electronics Corp. and Martin Marietta Corp.
Air Force officials said ground controllers were trying to
establish contact with the satellite, called Landsat 6, as it
orbited the Earth. The satellite, which lifted off nearly a week
late, was to settle into a polar orbit and spend sixteen days
taking high-resolution pictures to study the global environment,
land use, water flow patterns, mineral deposits and timber lands
. . .
The satellite failed to respond to commands.
"Is that ’two, nil’ to our alien friends? Hang on here! Did they
say Air Force officials reported the loss of contact? This was a
civilian operation, wasn’t it - or not? It sure was a busy year!
More reports appearing on
Chapter 18 of CoEvolution
"This next report was also published in
October 1993 in the New Zealand Herald. I will not quote it in its
entirety, but please note the quite humorous and very carefully
selected wording. Taken at face value there are no lies here, but
reading between the lines, well . . . !
CALL YOU! Reuter - Funding for the America space agency’s galactic search
for radio signals from alien civilizations has been cut from the
federal budget by House-Senate conference-committee . . .
Senator Richard Bryan spearheaded congressional opposition to
the search, deriding it as a "green Martian chase" and a waste
of taxpayer dollars.
"We’ve already spent millions on this
project, and no one has landed and said, ’Take me to your
leader’, and no flying saucers have applied for flight
clearance." [And all this from Mr Jim Mulhall, Press Secretary
for the Nevada Democratic Party!]
"We have yet to bag a single little green fellow," Senator
recently told his colleagues. "The government," he said, "could
not justify the money at a time of tight federal budgets."
"Dr Drake, who was heading the search and had not yet caught on
to all this, was quoted in the Reuter report as saying: "It’s
upsetting to have the whole thing yanked out from under us and
for purely political reasons. What a sad commentary on the state
of American Government."
"Come on, Dr Drake, wake up! They haven’t landed an asked to be
taken to our leader. Well, do we have one leader? And if we did,
would he/she be speaking for all of us?
"No flying saucers have applied for flight clearances. Why
should they? If they stopped and waited for one, they would more
than likely be shot down!
"We have yet to "bag a single little green fellow". If you
forget about the inaccurate colour, I believe they have bagged
more than one little fellow. (You should read about the 1947
Roswell and Socorro, New Mexico incidents, for a start!)
"And anyway, why waste money for something that you already know
exists? The only one not up to speed here is Dr Drake!
"November 1993 saw me in a place called South Camp Rangipo, a
new minimum security prison in the central north island of New
Zealand, not far from the tourist town of Taupo.
Lake Taupo
Rangipo Desert
"It was here that the agencies
decided they would have one last go at me. If I were a good boy
and cooperated with them by giving them information, I might get
out of prison in time to be home for Christmas! "Big deal," I
thought. "Five months’ goal instead of six!" I knew what they
could do with their one month!
"They even accused me of trying to write about things I did not
properly understand.... but at that point in time I hadn’t told
anyone I was writing anything.... Then my mind went back to that
one time I thought my flat had been broken into....
"Back then, I had not yet recalled all the details of my
off-planet interaction, but I knew enough to be sure that I was
going to do something about it all. The only variable was that
it wouldn’t be with the people who were sitting across the table
from me in that little room in South Camp Rangipo.
"The surprise about this last interview was not what was said,
but by whom, for one of the gentlemen conducting the interview
spoke with a distinct South African accent, although I feel he
did his best to disguise it from me.
"Some of my earlier writings from the first few dreams which I
put to paper had the odd symbol or two on them, but I had no
idea back then and none now, what they might have meant.... this
gentleman with the South African accent showed me some very
similar symbols, and for some reason he seemed to think I should
know what they meant.
"There was an indirect link with South Africa which came to
light almost a year after this interview in Rangipo. It
concerned the two iron pyrites crystals which I found in the car
after completing my trip from Rotorua.
"I had shown the one remaining crystal from that set to a new
friend I had just made, named Daisy Kirkby. She suggested
I asked a geologist where such crystals could be found.
"....His reply (remembering that this was only a phone inquiry
and he had not actually seen the crystal in question) was that
it was possibly quite rare and at least only found in South
America or South Africa! He gave no indication that such a
crystal could be found in New Zealand.
"If there is or was, a message for me in those crystals, I have
yet to realize it.
Back to Contents
Chapter 19
"This chapter marks the start of another adventure
"....By nature, I am an inquisitive person, and once I fully
realized that nothing that had happened to me over those last
few years had anything to do with hallucinations or medical
malfunctions on my part. I began some very earnest research into
my off-planet adventure. As far as I was concerned, this
interaction had to have been with some alternative form of
biological intelligence not of this Earth. But if they were
frequenting the Earth, then surely I was not the only one to
have seen or interacted with them. Somewhere, someone else must
have had an experience similar to mine.
"....As I mentioned briefly earlier in this book, before my
incarceration I had been fortunate enough to meet someone who
thought I was worth waiting for - a terrestrial angel, this
time, who went by the name of Gaewyn.
"By mid-1994 I was more settled, so I decided it was time to do
something seriously about the pile of handwritten notes.... But
as I had no frame of reference or comparison, the only thing I
could do was to start reading about other people’s reported
abductions and interaction experiences with aliens. However, I
soon found that nothing seemed to fit with my own experience.
This was puzzling.
"Who were these
blue people? (Well, sometimes they were blue!)
And why was my experience so different from all the others I had
read about? Were they actually aliens or not? If not, then who
or what had abducted me? And why had I just spent six months in gaol?.... There was only one thing I could think to do.
"....Daisy Kirkby turned out to be as nice a person as one could
ever hope to meet.... Daisy encouraged me to read about and
discuss anything related to the subject. She lent me numerous
books over the following year, and from these I was able to draw
many comparisons, some of which I have included in this book....
I cannot thank Daisy enough for her help and encouragement in my
quest for enlightenment on this most complex subject....
"....It was in an attempt to probe even deeper that Daisy
introduced one of her contacts into this scenario; a hypnotherapist by the name of
Lorraine Carter. Did that ever
open a new whole can of worms! The discoveries I made out of
these sessions are scattered throughout this book. Once more I
was fortunate. Lorraine proved to be one of those rare
individuals who exudes gentle patience - no doubt a necessary
attribute for the job.
"At this stage of my narration I must make a noteworthy point
about the quality and sincerity of the people who are drawn to
this most puzzling phenomenon. I cannot help but think this is
an issue worth studying in its own right. Or is this just
another coincidence?
"My discoveries about self, the human race, our spiritual basis
and many aspects of the off-planet interaction that did not
initially manifest themselves, now follow in these last few
chapters. some of these discoveries came from hypnotherapy, but
just as readily they came from the gradual awakening of my own
inner consciousness, bearing in its wake a flood of information
that I felt must be shared.
"Although you should make allowances for any misinterpretations
on my part, I would suggest you use what is contained in this
book as a basis for further research into our other selves, for
my own studies are far from complete at this point. But beware:
there are powers upon this planet that would intercept your
receiving information along these lines if they could. The
reasons for this I leave to your own interpretation.
"The following item demonstrates one of the many possible ways
they can intercept information before a
person like myself can
deliver it to you (as if they hadn’t already tried hard enough
to stop this in my case!) This snippet comes by way of a book I
recommend to you:
Suppressed Inventions and Other Discoveries,
edited by Jonathan Eisen (Auckland Institute of Technology
Press, 1994).
"The United States has in place a law (Title 14, Section 1211 of
the Code of Federal Regulations, adopted in July 1969) which
permits the authorities to gaol any US citizen automatically for
a year and fine them US$5,000 if it can be proved that they had
contact with extraterrestrials. Not bad for a government that
doesn’t even acknowledge that ET exist! Still worse, it appears
that a NASA administrator is empowered to determine, with
or without a hearing, whether a person has been ’extra-terrestrially exposed’, and impose an undetermined
quarantine under armed guard which cannot be broken even by
court order!
"....There is also another form of contact - channeling - but I
knew nothing of this phenomenon when I first put pen to
paper.... Channeling is best described as a means whereby an
extraterrestrial entity is able to speak through a human contact
or receiver. This person, while in trance or meditative state,
can actually allow the alien entity to speak through him/her and
answer questions. This process is usually done under controlled
conditions, sometimes with a public audience.
" I’ve just explained, I knew nothing of channeling or channelers. Nor did they know of me, yet the similarity of
reported events and descriptions are startling in the extreme! I
had at last found some information that fitted with my own
experience! Note that it was long after I had written of my own
experiences that the following descriptions came to my
attention. More coincidence?
"No. 1: The strange
Blue Light.
Right at the very start of my abduction you may recall I
became suspended in a blue light. Now some ETs themselves
have suggested to abductees that if they wished to alter the
abduction experience and be more of it without being
victims, they should try to project a blue light around our
bodies.... Some ETs have actually suggested they would
prefer it this way, as they would rather have meaningful
interactions with us that the type most commonly reported.
"....I certainly had no conscious
knowledge of what the blue light could do. It has been described
in one publication as an "intense, electrical, blue energy
"No. 2: The Glowing Entities.
You will recall my mentioning that as I became accustomed to
the low light level, the first visual contact I had was of
ghostlike figures in the distance. Channeled information
suggests that groups of aliens from the Pleiades (note that
there are possibly many different groups from the Pleiades)
and other star systems exist on a different vibrational
plane than we do, and they would therefore appear at best as
ghostly images.... It appeared to be just such a vibrational
variation of adjustment that my physical body went through
on entering and exiting the transporter.
"While on the subject of the
transporter, it is interesting to note that the aliens who
abducted me always referred to their base as a transporter, not
a spaceship.... Could such a device be housed in an underground
base right here on Earth? Or might it be lurking somewhere
within our solar system?
"In 1988 the USSR launched two probes to Mars. One was lost on
the way there; the other arrived in late January of early
February 1989. In March of that year, this probe encountered a
large object, some 25 kilometers in length and shaped like a
pencil or cigar,
located very close to Phobos, one of the small
moons of Mars. This object showed up on radar, and some images
of it were transmitted to Earth just before the probe was
seemingly put out of action by some unknown force!
"The timing of these events fitting in so well with my own
interaction is at least incredibly coincidental, you would have
to admit.... even when this information was leaked to the West,
it never exactly became public knowledge. Most certainly, I did
not know about it until much later. The Mars and Phobos
connections I believe are very relevant to my interaction. It’s
obvious that someone out there does not want us nosing around!
"No. 3: Skin absorption. ....It
would seem to me that nutrient absorption has moved several
steps further down the road, if my own experience with
aliens is my guide. This suggests to me that my contacts
come from perhaps much further into our future than do the Pleiadan contacts recorded up until now.
"....By this I mean that we may only
now be seeing scout groups of their kind, rather than
fully-fledged traders or emissaries, and that they have visited
us only very rarely in the recent past - but I think that is
about to change. Their needs appear to be much more urgent now
because of the state of decay of their sun.
"No. 4: Inside the Craft. Back
to transportation again, this time with a channeled contact
from Zeta Reticuli. This is a different extraterrestrial
race, commonly known as the Greys. This channeled entity,
describing the interior of his craft, suggested we would
find it encircled with a band of light. The Greys apparently
prefer a dull-red light as the most comfortable light in
which to operate.... As a point of interest, Zetas also
reportedly absorb energy through the skin.
"No. 5: Projected Images. A ’gaoled’ abductee in the USA
said that in one of his excursions with ETs he was taken to
a place where everything looked a little artificial, as if
the images were projected..... This feeling I also had from
time to time on my visit to Haven.
"No. 6: Female Instructors. Another quote
from our ’gaoled’
friend: "I was asleep, but came awake while sleeping. My
instructor was female, and I remember telling myself that
she wasn’t half bad for an alien. At this she laughed and
said, ’I’ll take that as a compliment!’ She knew my thoughts
and was very free with information given. She had deep,
dark, liquid brown eyes and small teeth."
"....The abductee also stated: "I
have a feeling that some ETs wanted me to know what was going
on, while others did not!"
"No. 7: Structures. More
channeled material here. The structures that some ETs have
described as their homes have likened to the shape of a
spiral shell. I cannot help but feel the similarity here
with what I experienced in the pearl-like interiors of ’my’
alien hosts’ home, with spiral ramps running about the
"No. 8: Hybrid Immune System. In some channeled material I
have read of an immune-system deficiency affecting various
hybrid strains of ETs. Other reports suggest that some of
these hybrids, which are a human-ET mix of unknown
proportions, have actually conceived and given birth -
around the year 1990! All this ties in very much with the
experiments I was involved. These reports suggest that these
hybrid aliens are trying to strengthen their children’s
immune system by using portions of human systems mixed in
with their own.
"There are just too many
coincidences in these reports - so many that these coincidences
might just be facts! However, that’s for you to decide.
Back to Contents
Chapter 20
"....According to Dr Mirai [Japan’s leading neurophysiologist],
"Meditation is not merely a stage between mental stability and
sleep, but a ’condition’ where the person is relaxed but ready
to accept and respond positively to any stimulus that may reach
"Research has confirmed that brainwave rhythms correspond to
certain states of consciousness. This suggests that individuals
capable of altering their brainwave patterns can have
significant control over their mental and physiological
"....Biofeedback researchers have found that people that enter
the theta state expand their state of consciousness, acquire
super-receptivity to new information and demonstrate a greater
ability to ’re-script’ material on a subconscious level.
"One effect of this experience was that it made me want to
re-examine life and the simple act of living in a little more
detail. As I was doing this, it appeared that things were not
quite straightforward as I had first thought, especially
regarding birth and death. My in-depth investigation even
suggested that some engineering and choices might be involved in
this respect, especially as regards birth!
"....What I had learnt from my terrestrial studies I then
combined with information I had been told during my off-planet
experience. It soon became obvious to me that
some-behind-the-scenes organizing goes on, which we do not seem
to remember while we are in bodily form down here on planet
"....It goes even deeper than this.... I do not fear death for I
believe there is much more to come after this life. This could
end up being a very dangerous attitude to life, I might add, and
should not be encouraged in the young! I think, though, that we
have a natural, inbuilt reflex action which helps us defend our
bodies against possible injury or death.
"Most certainly when I was very young there was no way I could
consciously have been in charge of the auto-alert mode I
mentioned earlier. An example of this was my sudden (and, at the
time, unexplained) rejection of milk as a food source. During
the early 1950s the Americans were testing nuclear weapons in
the atmosphere over the Pacific Ocean, and not far to the north
of my homeland, New Zealand. In 1954 they tested their first
hydrogen bomb in the area of the Marshall Islands. This released
into the atmosphere a tremendous amount of radioactive material
which eventually found its way into the pasturelands of New
Zealand in the form of strontium-90 and worse. From there it made
its way into our cattle and, following the natural chain from
there, to our milk - which in those days was given free to all
schoolchildren during their lunch or play time. It was as if a
bomb had gone off inside me! My body began to reject milk at
just this time as if it were pure poison (which it actually
is!). I have not drunk straight milk since.
"Arguably, I could say that the first kind of ’pollutant’ I’d
come across was the terrestrial school education system....
Something told me this was not a good thing and I was not going
to go! Of course, I did go, but not without a fight.
"As coincidence would have it, I recall that it was about at
this time that I had my first interaction with something that
may have not been terrestrial, at least not in the manner in
which you and I might initially perceive it....
"....On my way to school on one of those very early days,
something happened that made school just a secondary place of
learning and no where near as much fun for me....
"....The distance to school was possibly more than a mile, on
the way I had to pass by a park. (This was in the days when it
was safe for a five year-old to walk to school alone!) We lived
not far from the sea....
(Alec at this point relates his incredible interaction of his
childhood, with beings, whose memories came through much later,
when he had hypnotherapy sessions, and also through subsequent
dreams. I just cannot give these brilliant episode away on line.)
Alec then continues:
"....I had forgotten most of the above detail over the course of
the years, and perhaps most of it would have remained in the
recesses of my mind had it not been for a piece of
"....One day in my local library searching for information on
human blood and the existence of different blood types, a book
by Fred Alan Wolf, titled The Body Quantum fell off a
shelf and almost hit me on the foot! It just so happened that
this book had a little information about blood types, so I took
it home.... I came across something so relevant to the
possibility of an vegetable-animal cross that I must share it
with you now.
"Quite simply, what I found was that there is very little
difference between the structure of chlorophyll and blood
"....As soon as I read this, I knew that what I’d seen back then
as a child had been real. This in turn brought my more recent
1989 experience into light.
"This brings me to another Fred I quite like: Sir Fred Hoyle....
Sir Fred thinks that chlorophyll may not even be a native of
planet Earth! If it grew up here, he states, it should not be
green. Green is altogether the wrong colour! He asks why
chlorophyll should choose to miss out on the best part of the colour spectrum for supplying converted energy to its parent
plant. By reflecting green light, it cannot use it; and, as you
most likely know, green falls right in the middle of the light
spectrum on this planet. Surely this is a foolish mistake on
Nature’s part? But it would only be a mistake if Earth Nature
were responsible for it in the first place. According to Sir
Fred, chlorophyll on this planet should be black!
"If our plant life did not originate here, perhaps the same
could be said for other forms of life. Remember that Fred Wolf
said: both plant and animal life could have a common ancestor.
"Once I had accessed that lost memory, a lot of long-forgotten
material came back to me. Some of this material concerned
pyramids, but not necessarily the ones on our planet.
"The pyramids I do remember had many functions, one of which was
as a school of learning.... within the pyramid there are very
special forces at work that can tune the mind and extend one’s
understanding of all things. The pyramid could also be used as a
doorway to other worlds, and it was through one of these doors
that I had been brought on my many visits....
"....I cannot remember what happened when I came home after
these first interactions at around age five.... There is a vague
recollection I have of sitting on the back steps of a local
church one day when I was very young. I was alone and perhaps
should have been at school....
"....I wouldn’t argue with the explanation that some children
just have very active imaginations and live in fantasy worlds.
But do we really know what fantasy is? Is it a door to distant
worlds, perhaps? And why is it that adults seem to close
themselves off from such doorway? One of the main objectives of
the terrestrial school system that I was trying to escape, would
seem to be the removal of such worlds from young imaginations.
"So that we might concentrate our efforts on this ’real’ world
we are all living in," would seem to be the reasoning behind
their actions. But could there be hidden, ulterior motives?
"In answer to my own question, I would suggest this is done
partially to keep us from discovering our true selves.... But to
access this potential we must involve the use of the inner mind
- that part which is denied the light of day by the very system
which is supposed to bring out the best in us!
"....Attributes such as an open mind and sustained, positive
thought are sometimes the equal of a high-class education, if
some of mankind’s greatest inventors and inventions are anything
to go by.... The ability to ’think outside the square’ cannot be
taught, and perhaps fewer than one in a million of us is allowed
to or has managed to retain it.
"One of the greatest minds of this century (or any century, for
that matter), was a scientist by the name of
Nikola Tesla. Quite
possible most have not heard of him, and in many ways this
confirms exactly the point I want to make. Jealousy and fear....
These are also two of the main reasons why overactive young
minds are snuffed out in our terrestrial school system. There
cannot be too many geniuses running around: that would undermine
the power base of the select few who fancy they own this planet
and us along with it!
"....Even though Tesla did not invent electricity itself, he may
as well have. He discovered how to create and harness an
alternating current which was a vast improvement over the direct
type currents that had been in used up until then....
"....It is what he discovered a little later that caused Nikola
Tesla’s name to be scrubbed from the history books. He found a
simple and inexpensive way to extract the unlimited supply of
electrical energy in our atmosphere and within the Earth itself,
and then transmit it without wires to anywhere in the world! The
dream of all mankind! . . . except those who profit from
present-day methods!
"....He died in 1943 under mysterious circumstances and in
abject poverty [he had turned the military down during World War
II because of his ethics and attention to detail], as so many
top scientists seem to do when they fall out of favor with the
military or behind-the-scenes power-mongers.
"Tesla’s genius has only been rediscovered in the last decade or
two.... enough people now recognize his potential....
"....Perhaps his work may yet help us unlock the doors to these
other worlds that I’m sure exist alongside our own. One day, may
be we’ll see another Tesla come along and do just that.
Back to Contents
Chapter 21
"From what I’ve been able to decipher, galaxies are not
scattered willy-nilly all over the universe as you might
imagine. They seemed to be linked by threads of energy and
arranged in rows which run in many directions. Moreover, not all
galaxies are linked together by the same threads of energy.
"Deep space can be likened to a many-ribboned highway, where
these ’ribbons’ of energy can be used to navigate the heavens.
Some space travellers ’fire’ their craft down these highways at
fantastic speeds using the natural energy of the universe. The
technique is akin to using an optical fiber filament. Indeed,
the spaceship becomes no more than a pulse of electricity or
light as it utilizes these filaments of pure energy.
"On this planet I have heard these types of ships referred to as
"....A lightship is a marvel of technology and Nature combined.
It is an exercise in cybernetics well beyond our understanding.
As with their houses, [alien’s] these ships are partially living
entities. A few people on this planet have suggested that some
type of alien craft are powered by giant crystals. This may be
correct for some, but the craft or transporter I was privileged
to board was a living crystal-based entity in its own right!...
"....In other words, the body - and whatever else accompanies it
- must carry a natural blueprint within it so it may reassemble
itself in the proper form after the event or transformation....
"....It must suffice for us to understand that, as with the
ship, the human body must as well reassemble itself after one of
these transmutations. It just so happens that the pyramidal
shape is custom-made to accomplish this task.
The primary
function of a pyramid, whether it be on or off this planet, is
to reconstitute matter to a present form.... We have only to
study the
effects of a pyramid on a blunt razor-blade to see that we already have the
proof, right before our eyes. It is not sci-fi: this is real!
"Because a lightship is a living thing, it has many benefits we
can hardly imagine.... [Alec explains several here]. Today’s
science fiction is tomorrow’s reality, but what you see today
has been played with for years behind those very same close
"....The way light and other base elements interact with one
great variable in the universe is what helps ’make’ what appears
to be a ’solid’ object. That variable is known to us as
magnetism.... It is curious that the force of magnetism is one
of the least understood.... It is almost as if this last realm
of science has been denied us because we are not yet ready for
the responsibility that this conquest may bring. For sure, if
magnetism is misused it could have devastating effects on us all
- as could well have happened at some earlier period of our
"Light is an excellent conductor. A conductor passed through a
magnetic field can, or should, create an electrical field. Now
we have three major ’players’ working towards the construction
of planets, suns, and all that is out there in the sky at
"....If I have it right, everything can be constructed from
light. Its interaction with the vagaries of the magnetic
phenomenon helps create all known substances.
{Alec also explains how ’black holes’ exist in two realities]
He then continues:
"....Our Sun is constantly being fed energy from a
black hole at
some other point in time and space, possibly even from a
universe parallel to our own.... Even those in our solar system
like Saturn, Jupiter and Neptune - receive energy this way. This
energy may not necessarily be recognized for what it is as it
radiates out into free space. It could arrive here in a form
foreign to us and we would not notice it at all, for we
Earthlings do not yet understand pure light energy. It may be
that this energy is arriving here from another dimension, so the
way it manifests itself could well be difficult for us to track
down with our present state of technology. Only time will tell.
"....If this energy that is making its way into our solar system
is undetectable, planets and perhaps even suns made of this
material could exist right alongside our own world and we would
not even be aware of them! So much has been made of this other
dimensional worlds from so many different quarters that I’m
inclined to think that where there’s smoke there is quite often
"From what I understand, this transfer of energy can also be
used to advantage as a form of high-speed space travel. Once the
chosen vehicle has been processed into a form of pure light or
some compatible energy, these doorways in space become open to
the traveller.... There is very little more I can add to this,
except to say that if my own experience is anything to go by,
much work must be done on the human body before it can enter
these portholes in space. It might well have been that I had to
leave my Earth body behind in storage before I could undertake
such a trip through time and space.
"Ever since I was told that Zeena’s people could have originated
in our own solar system - and, more specifically, on what could
have been the fifth planet from our Sun, if such planet existed
today - I have been interested in finding out more about
something that is still out there, in what could have been the
approximate orbit of a fifth planet. This ’something’ is the
asteroid belt.
Alec gets into astronomy theories to then continue:
"....Out in the asteroid belt there are several other [Ceres and
Vesta having been mentioned] large lumps of matter with
diameters ranging around 200 to 300 kilometers, plus thousands
of smaller ones. To me, this describes a planet in bits - not a
collection of rocks that had no where else to go when our solar
system was formed. What’s more, parts of this planet have been
falling our way for quite some time now, but no one is quite
sure just how long - maybe as long as 400 million years.
"....Most of these meteorites are made up of the same basic
materials as our own Earth, and in just about the same
proportions, too. This could mean that our lost world was very
much like Earth - which is all good for the legend!
"Some stony meteorites contain microscopic bubbles of carbon
dioxide and water. Others even contain small diamonds (which, as
we all know, are formed under tremendous pressure), so these
rocks must have existed deep within a planet at some stage, not
just floating in free space as rocks all their lives!
Alec continues explaining new findings in meteorites, including
the presence of fossilized once-cell organisms.... which inhabit
the waters of lakes and seas!
Then he continues, mentioning the controversial rock-from
"....Here is the catch with the
rock-from-Mars. Most of you will
know that this rock was supposedly blasted off Mars by the
impact of an asteroid many millions of years ago and arrived on
Earth by good grace and luck in 1984. Now, why did it take these
scientists twelve years [it appeared on the News in 1996] to
find these organic carbon-based molecules, or, rather why have
they waited twelve years to tell us about them? If that rock had
been blasted off Mars all that time ago and somehow made its way
to Earth, where are all the rocks that must have been blasted
off our own Moon in much the same way? After all, the Moon is so
much closer and has lower gravity than Mars (or does it? -
something else for you to read up on!). To my way of thinking,
everyone’s backyard should be full of Moon rocks if we are lucky
enough to have any rocks from Mars on Earth. Or did that rock
arrive in some other way?
"....Most of our modern-day scientists are happy to suggest that
all of the approximate 200,000 ’complex’ enzymes that help make
up the human body evolved by pure chance on this planet millions
of years ago. They state that all is self-generating; in other
words, given the right conditions, life just has to happen!
"However, there seems to be just as much proof - and by more
than one eminent scientist - to suggest, at least
mathematically, that chance had nothing to do with it al
all!.... What I am trying to say here? To make it simple, life
appears to need a kick-start, dare I say, intelligent
(At this point Alec presents a short chart of the infinitesimal
chance an enzyme has to pop out of the primordial soup!)
He then continues:
"....If we care to go even further back in time than the
formation of the Earth and life upon it, we might find that this
’great hand of chance’ was at work then, too.
"....We are carbon-based life-forms. Making carbon is almost
impossible unless you have the recipe and all the hardware.
Carbon nuclei come into being as a result of a very rare,
simultaneous collision of three separate helium
nuclei. Firstly, two nuclei must collide and, while still in a
very unstable state (berylium) which lasts for just a very,
very, short time, a third helium nuclei must strike with just
the right force so as to become attached also. Carbon is thus
formed, but only if all this happens at just the right vibrational rate and temperature.
It just so happens, by some
wondrous act of chance, that this state is reached in the
interior of your average star. Lucky us!
Alec explains here the full process of the manufactured carbon,
which in brief is:
* it must not mix with other
elements like oxygen
* oxygen abounds in the fiery interior of a star
* oxygen vibrates in a slightly lower rate than carbon
* oxygen and carbon do not mix....
"....The manufactured carbon is then
ejected far and wide when the star explodes in a supernova. Sir
James Jeans said it all when he remarked: "Our bodies are formed
from the ashes of long-dead stars."
"You will surely allow me the right to ponder the possibility of
a Master Intelligence.... the building blocks of life
(carbon).... and a place for it to grow (Earth).... We have a
nice, safe umbrella called an atmosphere that purely by chance,
according to science, happens to take ninety-nine per cent of
our Sun’s most harmful rays and at the same time lets all the
useful parts get through to us that we need for our growth and
development. The process involved in this protective atmospheric
umbrella are staggeringly complex. Anyone who thinks it got
there by pure accident should reconsider its composition - in a
little more detail, this time.
"It scares me to think that the military is tampering with this
fragile safety screen.... Anyone interested in finding out more
on this subject should investigate
HAARP, the High-frequency
Active Auroral Research Program based in Alaska.
"Continuing with this theme of the possible existence of a
Master Intelligence or driving force within the universe....
There are many names for this force, but some call it "The All
That Is", or "God."
".... Some of our ET friends believe in it, too! They believe
that in the beginning there was only this Intelligence, which in
its wisdom decided it would like to experience life in as many
diverse forms as possible, all for its own growth and
"....Each of us is but one small part of that experience, as in
each of our ET brothers and sisters....
".... I do not expect or want you to believe blindly in this
explanation. Most likely you have not had an experience like
mine to draw upon.... it is rather nice to think we may be part
of a grand plan - even an important, integral part of that plan.
Surely this helps explain much that has puzzled mankind about
self, destiny and the world for many a year.
"Cosmologists and astronomers.... In effect, they have had to
live the lie, even to the point where they cooperate in building
spaceships and using radio telescopes to search for other
intelligences whom they already know to exist - and with whom
they are quite possible already in contact! These same
scientists are quick to put down all other reported contacts,
especially those like my own, saying, "No, no! It can’t happen
that way! We think it should happen like
this . . ."
"The skies are not the only place with secrets that have been
kept from us. This close-knit scientific community is also
pretending to look for the so called missing link in
evolutionary past, knowing full well they will never find it....
Despite this, some scientists who have not been able to find
this missing link have even stooped so low as to invent one! Is
that what science is all about? Trickery?.... The next and last
example exposes one of the biggest scams of the 20th century.
"....This scam concerns the destructive capabilities of the
atomic and hydrogen bombs. While these bombs are certainly
capable of wholesale destruction, the much-projected scenario of
multiple-strike nuclear weapons detonating simultaneously across
the globe could never happen!
"Nuclear devices require time-frames for successful detonation.
Each predetermined area of our globe is compatible with nuclear
detonation at a different time, and this timing needs to be
calculated to the fraction of a second. Compatible harmonic
’windows’ for detonating nuclear devices in different parts of
our globe can be days or even weeks apart! (Of course, if a
number of nuclear bombs did happen to explode across the planet
over an extended time period, the effect would still be one of
total devastation.)
[Alec also mentions the function of nuclear subs....]
"....This raises the question of what some nuclear nations have
been actually been doing in their supposed underground testing
of recent times. Could they be carrying out antimatter testing
rather than nuclear testing?
"More details on the nuclear subject and much more can be found
in Bruce Cathie’s fascinating and informative book,
The Harmonic
Conquest of Space.
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