"....It is a disturbing fact that
the people of this planet have been living in a world of
carefully engineered deceit for many thousands of years. It
appears that the perpetrators of this deceit have left no stone
unturned. Contrary to popular belief, as we move into a
so-called 'new age of enlightment', their careful
manipulation of science and technology has allowed this deceit
to grow, not diminish. Perhaps my biggest personal
disappointment was to discover that those responsible for much
of this deception are the very ones who claim to be our

"This may sound a little confusing
and far removed from the subject matter suggested by the cover
of this book, especially to those readers who are novices to the
world of UFOs and related information. Others, perhaps
more experienced with or better informed on the subject, will
know only too well that a great deal of information on UFOs
and other equally controversial topics (such as alternative,
cheap power-generation sources that should be available to us on
this planet today) has not only been suppressed, but its
existence has been totally denied. Moreover, anyone
suggesting otherwise has been labeled a 'mad scientist', or
"....In short, it's very difficult for me to know where to
start, for this adventure (and I call it that in its purest
form) is predominantly concerned with an interaction between a
person born on this planet Earth and a group of people non born
on this planet. I can only hope that, by the time you have
finished reading the account of this interaction and its
subsequent backwash upon my life, you will see that the subjects
of suppressed information, UFOs and the evolution of the
human race are so closely interrelated as to make their
boundaries seem indistinguishable. To my way of thinking it is
therefore inevitable that all these subjects should end up in
the same book.
"The deception I mentioned before is so rife upon this
planet that it means the only way we can be sure of finding the
whole truth in any matter is to select our sources of
information most carefully and/or draw our truth from personal
"This book represents just such a personal experience, and thus,
at this point in time, it is my truth. I would never
suggest that you adopt it as your own truth until you are as
sure as I am of the facts presented."
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Only the Poem is mentioned on Site.
"Courage is the price that life
exacts for granting peace. The soul that knows it not, knows no
release from little things;
Knows not the livid loneliness of fear, nor mountains heights
where bitter joy can hear the sound of wings.
How can life grant us boon of living, compensate for dull-grey
ugliness and pregnant hate, unless we dare the soul's dominion?
Each time we make a choice, we pay with courage to behold the
restless day, and count it fair.
Amelia Earhart, 1927
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"I kept telling myself that with paper and ink I was never going
to be able to give you the message as I received it; that the
enormity of this interaction would be lost when laid flat on
paper. So please bear with me in my struggle to do justice to
this event.
"To start with, just believing that it could happen is a big
enough hurdle - and I speak here of convincing myself! Thank
goodness, there are clues all about me as to the authenticity of
this message. The simple fact that the situation has started to
change on this planet with regard to our self-awareness and
concern for the environment is a clue in itself. It all appears
to be connected with timing - but the point is, why now?
"....Throughout our very short, recorded history it would seem
that every few thousand years we are visited by someone who
tries their very best to show us how to clean up our act. I have
little doubt that the form this person (or persons) will take
next time around will be very much different from what we may
have seen in the past. As it has indeed been 2,000 years since
anything like this last happened on our planet, perhaps a visit
of sorts is overdue.
"Now, with this next statement I am privileged to have a little
inside information. Those in control of this planet (and I am
not referring to governments here) seem to have an each-way bet
amongst themselves on whether this visit will take place or not.
Let me explain. Firstly, they fear such a visit will indeed
eventuate, so they're trying to clean up as much of their mess
as possible. Secondly, they are trying with all their might and
stealth to prevent such a visit from occurring.
"There is more than enough proof, if you care to seek it out,
that military forces from at least one major world power have
been engaged in a clandestine war against one or more groups of
off-planet visitors for quite a number of years. If all this
sounds like sci-fi to you, read on, for I assure you it is not!
What's more, this is one war from which we could well benefit if
the "home team loses!
"During the approximate time of my interaction or contact, this
planet was in the midst of a UFO flap of immense
proportions. Many or even most of the craft involved in this
flap were of triangular configuration.... possibly even
pyramidal.... also reported to be able to change shape! The
significance of this will be revealed as you read on, and will
help to verify the authenticity of my account.
"In making this statement I should point out that I knew nothing
of this UFO flap at the time, for news of it was being
very carefully kept from the general public....
"....During the course of this narration you will have the
opportunity to learn a little about a group of individuals
wishing to share the residency of this planet with us. From my
experiences with them, I cannot help but feel this would be to
our overall advantage.
"You will also have the chance to learn a little of our own
heritage, some of which you may find as amazing as I did....
"....In relating the details of my own experience, I hope I can
somehow convey to you that the unknown need not to be something
to be feared. Personally, I am looking forward to whatever the
future has to offer the human race.
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"There is much about this planet's history that has never
been told. I do not speak here of yet-to-be-discovered
historical facts, but only of material that is already known by
a select few within our communities. Most of this knowledge has
been carried through the ages and jealously guarded by the few
secret sects that were privy to it from its inception, but these
sects were not necessarily 'secret' at the time this information
was first placed in their trust. The original intention was that
this ancient knowledge would be shared with this planet's
inheritors, en masse, when the trust-holders deemed it
"The species slated for inheritance of this knowledge is known
as Homo sapiens. For your information, Homo sapiens and
the Cro-Magnon precursor species were artificially
"The final pieces of the Cro-Magnon jigsaw puzzle were
put together approximately 70,000 years ago. This was not the
first humanoid creature to walk planet Earth, but it was the
first type ever to be constructed to act as a receiver or
container so that a second 'bodiless' entity could cohabit
with this humanoid form to experience physically through the
actions of its host's solid outer-body form! You may recognize
this entity if I refer to it as the soul or spirit.
"....All the knowledge that would ever be needed by this race,
up until its next evolutionary step, was already present on the
planet in the safekeeping of the trustees.
"These trust-holders have long since broken their vows to the
givers of the knowledge.... Perhaps a day of reckoning is close
at hand for the trustees. It may now be a little clearer to you
as to why the secret sects or governors of our
planet would prefer that the anticipated visit from the
'landlord' did not take place!
"....Some of this knowledge had been lost to us as a result of
natural catastrophes over the many millennia that have passed
since the information was first entrusted. Just as much has
subsequently been discovered, more often than not by sheer
"However, if any of this rediscoveries grossly affects
profitability of business run by the ancient trust-holders' line
of descendants (who have since become our behind-the-scenes
governors), you can be sure it will be placed in some bottomless
pit somewhere - to be remembered as just another suppressed
invention, but only by the few who may have been lucky enough to
see it before it was hidden from view.... It sickens me to know
that so many inventions that would indeed ease the burden of
pollution on this planet have been suppressed.
"....Perhaps our governors would care to clarify for me any
doubts I may have - as they were only too keen to have me do for
them. For instance, could they tell us what they really intended
to do with the nuclear device or devices that they
dispatched from our planet in April 1970 for use on our Moon?
Perhaps they could also tell us what they are really doing when
they test nuclear devices underground, for it is rapidly
becoming general knowledge that such things as nuclear bombs
would never be very practical if it came to all-out warfare.
"All I can suggest to you, the reader, is to seek out
additional, alternative sources of information on these
subjects. Whether the material is suppressed or not, if you
search long enough and hard enough you will find much that will
astound you. From my own experience, knowledge that must be
hunted down holds more credence than knowledge obtained without
effort. In any case, to include it all here would detract from
my real reason for writing this book.
"You should realize, however, that the same forces that would
deny us the knowledge of our heritage also are trying to deny us
access to the truth regarding UFOs and off-planet visitors....
"This group of governors I speak of is not large but is
all-powerful. I call them "The Dark Overlords", just to
be dramatic and perhaps 'polite', for a true description would
be unprintable. Their interwoven networks reach out worldwide,
even to a quiet little place like New Zealand, the place I call
home. If they have their ultimate way, they will soon be able to
reach into our homes and our private lives whenever they choose.
"This can only happen if we allow it to happen - and we
are! We have to stop living in fear. We must unite with our
friends and protect each other....
"Finding concrete proof of this conspiracy is another matter....
From rare confrontation with people like myself, vital
information sometimes escapes them. Much to their dismay they
find that some of us cannot be bought or scared off.
"....The story I describe within this very book could easily
have become just a little more suppressed information, lost to
the world until those in authority considered it prudent for
that information to be divulged - and that may be never! At
least now, you can be the judge of whether or not it is worthy
of further attention. I would hope that if you do think it
worthy, you will relay what you find here to others.
"At this juncture, I owe you a brief description of the one who
is making these startling allegations. To start with, pre-1989 I
was no subversive - in fact, far from it. That portion of my
life I had spent trying not to be noticed, and it seems that I
succeeded! It was my good fortune to have been raised in an
unpolluted area of this planet - a factor which could have had
more bearing on my experience than even I realize.
"It was certainly an advantage to grow up with parents who were
not regimental in their outlook of life.... I feel they gave me
wings and I have used them, but I don't have a need to return to
the nest whence I flew. I hope they take this as the compliment
it is meant to be.
"....Until that day [of adventure] I couldn't have cared less or
known less about the happenings I have outlined above. To me, a
UFO was just that - a UFO; and everything I knew
about the subject I could have fitted on this page with room to
spare! The
New World Order could have
been a chain of grocery stores, for all I knew about it!
"....In February 1989, all that changed forever. The only really
strange thing about this statement is that now I feel as if my
life has just started and that this is what I meant to be doing
all along!
"....I would like to explain a few points which you might
otherwise find puzzling, particularly in reference to the
dialogue you will encounter in this story. The conversations I
relate are not necessarily to be taken as 'word-for-word'
accounts. While I have done my best to record them, I have
mostly conveyed just their general meanings.
"....As strange as it may sound, during conversations with my
off-planet friends we hardly spoke any words (that is, words in
a form we would recognize). We certainly didn't use the English
language, but there is no language on this planet that can
adequately compare to the one transmitted during the course of
these conversations. Their outstanding telepathic communication
system deserves further explanation, so I have devoted a
separate section to it at the end of this book
Appendix 2). You may wish to
read it first before proceeding with the story in the sequence
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Chapter 1
"I used to love driving long distances. Driving a car is one of
the few things I seem to have a natural talent for doing. In
stating this, it is not my intention to be boastful, but simply
to inform you that I feel very comfortable behind the wheel of a
car - any car.
"....I do not usually have to pay much attention to the
technical aspects of driving a motor vehicle. In other words, I
have the tendency to daydream a little when I'm driving.... I
have found this more likely to happen if the trip is one that is
especially familiar to me.
"Upon further study, I now know this is not a totally uncommon
phenomenon. Perhaps you have experienced it occasionally
yourself. If so, try to imagine a similar feeling stretched out
over a ten-day period. This may give you some idea of how I felt
upon reaching my destination at the end of my 200-kilometre
drive in the summer of 1989.
"Auckland City, a major metropolis in the northern region
of my homeland, New Zealand, was my destination on that trip,
while my starting point was a small but very popular tourist
town called Rotorua. I had been living in Rotorua with my
family for just over a year but had spent the rest of my life in
or very close to Auckland City.
Views of Rotorua,
left; Auckland City, right
"The Rotorua-Auckland drive should
have taken three hours at the most - on any other day but the
one in question, as it turned out. The fact ten days had somehow
slipped by during the course of this journey was something I did
not even realize at first, though it wasn't long before it
became blatantly obvious to me.
"....I can remember that when I arrived in Auckland I was
feeling extremely tired; my heart was racing and my mouth dry.
If I didn't know better, I would say I had just run the
marathon! As is understandable under the circumstances, my
stomach had a knot in it the size of a cow! I had the feeling
that this was not really happening to me. I was truly in a daze
for some time, and nothing seemed quite 'real', as hard as that
is to explain.
"Things seemed to [be] happening around me in slow motion, but
that was only half of it. Crazy things were going on even days
later - things like turning right at intersections when I should
have been turning left. Because of this I was getting lost in
the city - a place where I had spent the greater part of my life
growing up. Smaller things, like not knowing in which hand to
hold my knife or fork, and other coordination difficulties I
dismissed in the end as just part of the overall side-effects of
my marriage breakup. This went on for some considerable time,
and I would have to say I am not altogether clear of it now. It
was almost as if I had been turned inside out or back to front!
"Amongst the confusion of all the above manifesting itself upon
me, I made the 'minor' discovery that the middle of February had
now become the end of February.... I had left Rotorua on
a Monday, so the following day in Auckland should have been a
Tuesday. As it turned out, the following day was a Thursday!
What had happened to the Tuesday and Wednesday? As
I was investigating this puzzle I found that I was residing in
the last week of February, which was impossible because it was
only mid-February when I had left Rotorua on the Monday
three days before! It appeared that I had lost not only Tuesday
and Wednesday of one week, but the Tuesday and Wednesday of
the previous week and all the ensuing days as well!
"....I could not explain how I had fed myself for those ten
days. When I left Rotorua I had $100 in cash on me. Of that,
I spent $40 putting fuel into my car, and I'm sure I still had
all the rest, $60, in my pocket on arrival in Auckland. I did
not use my Bankcard! I did not have ten days of bearded growth
on my face, either! Where had I been and what had I been up to
for those ten days? Why could I no longer tell my right from my
left? Why had the clock in my car stopped working and why did it
show the same time as my wristwatch which was also no longer
operational? They had both stopped at approximately 10.30 am!
"....All this time, one particular phrase kept running through
my head: "an interest in motor sport". What it was doing in
there I did not know. I definitely have an interest in motor
sport, but why should I remind myself of it? Surely I had more
important things to think about?
"At that stage I had still not found a flat or place of my own
and was staying with friends. Sleep was not easy to come by and
I spent many a late night sitting up in bed reading.... One
night, while searching a weekly newspaper for accommodation
advertisements as much as anything else, I came across a section
which contained ads from people looking for partners or friendly
"....I was skimming down the columns when one particular ad
caught my eye. It read: "Interests include motor sport..." I got
a funny sort of feeling deep down inside. I had to reply to this
one! And so Gaewyn was introduced into my life. If I told
you she has incredibly large, sky-blue eyes and is only a touch
over five feet tall, it would probably not mean too much at this
point in my narration, but I'm sure you will get the connection
in good time.
"Finding a place to live was more difficult than I'd first
thought, and right about then, as if in sympathy with me, my car
decided that it, too, would go through a rough patch. Trouble
had already started with the fuel injection system even before
the trip up from Rotorua was over. I'd quickly had to
deal with that problem, but over the next few weeks other
problems appeared, mainly with hydraulic seals.... so I decided
to sell it. As it turned out, this was my first in a long series
of mistakes that would alter my life for ever more!
"Not long after selling the car, I had a rather mysterious and
uninvited visit from two gentlemen who claimed they were
scientists from the DSIR (Department of Scientific and
Industrial Research).... Of all things they wanted to know
where the car - and I - had been of late; whether it had been in
an accident involving a power pole of high-voltage electrical
fields, and whether any electronic welding had been done on it
in the recent past. They even wanted to know if any one had
worked on the fuel injection system recently....
"....To say they took me by surprise would be an understatement,
and I could only answer no to most of their questions....
"....When I could tell them nothing that would satisfy their
curiosity, their attitude changed markedly, and not for the
better. They showed me a photo, supposedly of my former car's
injection fuel-air mix circuity board but it was an exact
mirror-image of what should have been fitted, or so they
"....I was about to mention the odd things I'd been experiencing
over those past few weeks.... when something within made me
stop. No, this was not the time, and these were not the people
to be discussing it with! I almost took a step back myself as
this puzzling but dominant attitude took residence in my head.
So I kept quiet about the unusual side effects I was
experiencing - not to mention my most recent discovery that
ten days had disappeared from my life on a 200-kilometre
drive up from Rotorua...!
"....One of the two men had shown me a card with a duly-stamped
DSIR or similar logo upon it. On the other side of his
leather cardholder was a card with a very impressive seal or
crest. It read as something along the lines of the "Royal
Institute for International Affairs", as best I
can remember. Since then I have discovered that such an
does exist in Great Britain.
"....This particular man certainly spoke with an upper-class
English accent. There was something about him, though, that
grated on me, possibly because of the way he was almost speaking
down to me. I'm not sure, but the feeling lingered long after
they had gone.
"I have since found out that 'scientists' were probably the last
thing these gentlemen were! However, I shall continue to refer
to them as this because I have no other appropriate name or
description for them.
"These two scientists promised to return.... I had visions of
having to refund all the money to my recent buyer and having to
take the car back, but I had already spent some of that money
and could not replace it. If such a scenario were to take place,
it would be somewhat embarrassing financially!
"....I decided to up stakes and leave.... If I had to move, I
thought it best in this case to leave no forwarding address and
to make it as difficult as possible for anyone to trace me....
"....The vibrations from the last encounter and interview were
different from anything I had ever before experienced. There
seemed to be something different about the way I perceived
things. It was if I could see right through the false front put
up by my visitors. Of course, at the time I had no idea it was a
false front. I had always been a quite trusting person, so I
found this newly acquired skill - or, rather instant distrust -
a little bewildering.
"That feeling seemed to be more than justified when a few weeks
later, to my surprise, the same two scientists appeared at my
doorstep. This time they seemed even more sinister and much more
insistent. I have no idea how they found me so quickly, but it
troubled me to think that they could.
"....I told them there was nothing I could remember that would
add to our previous discussion, and asked them to leave me
alone. They gave me funny looks and left reluctantly.
"A day or two later I was sure my flat had been broken into....
a curious little crystal was missing - one of a pair that
I found in my car after that very long trip up from Rotorua....
They were of the type known as iron pyrites, shaped like
a cube or dice and the colour of gold. It may even be known to
you as fool's gold.
".... On closer inspection, I realized that some of my papers
were missing. Amongst them were some sketches and odd
doodles I had been making lately....

Some of Alec's
Sketches.... and "doodles" well before writing his book.
On the right
above, the symbols of numbers, of which Alec speaks about on his
More Sketches on following pages.
"I think I should mention at this point that I have since read
all about the mysterious 'men in black' who reportedly so often
turn up after UFO sightings or similar events, and I
would have to say that these fellows [my visitors 'scientists']
did not really seemed to fit the bill....
"The moving seemed to have worked this time. Weeks went by and
my mystery men did not return.
"....But then I was having strange intrusions from a different
source: a dream that would not go away. Not since I was a
young boy had such a persistent dream haunted me. In the context
of this adventure I was yet to find out that there is no such
thing as coincidence.
"....But it was not the dream so much as the persistent
night-time headaches.... When these headaches awakened me, I
was always partway through the same dream.
"....Eventually, intrigued by the message that seemed to be
contained in the dream, and with the consistent vivid reality of
it all making me feel like I was really there, living in this
'other' world, I took to keeping notepaper by my bed.... A
feeling of great loneliness encroached upon me.
"I was so disturbed and uncomfortable at night that in the end I
asked Bob, the friend with whom I stayed on first moving up from
Rotorua, if I could once again impose on his hospitality for a
few days.... This worked up to a point, but the dream
"Meanwhile, back in the bedroom, I had amassed quite a stack of
scribbling from my ongoing nightly episodes. then one night, out
of the blue, I received an important new message which ended
this sequence of dreams....
"....I felt I was free at last (at least at night I was), but
strange things were still happening to me in a physical sense.
If I chose to wear a wristwatch, its battery would go flat in
just a few weeks. (This was still happening to a lesser degree
even as recently as 1993.)
"....I had a distinct feeling from within that something was
quite wrong, both medically and mentally. A subsequent medical
test suggested nothing was amiss, apart from the fact that I had
a slightly unusual blood type.
"....At home I played around with my scribbling from the dream,
trying to make some sense out of them. There were a few clues
that seemed to tie it to those lost ten days, but I was still
far from putting all the pieces together. As with all dreams, it
darted about and it was hard to find a common, consistent theme
to it all.
"....One time soon afterwards.... it was as if someone else was
guiding the pen: the gaps began to fill; the story
started to flow and make sense. I could hardly believe what I
was writing!
"This is how I believe my adventure began . . .
More sketches from
Alec, below

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