by Eric Jon Phelps
Extracted from Chapters 49 & 50
of 'Vatican Assassins: “Wounded In The
House Of My Friends”'
The Jesuits – 1900 – 2000
Jesuit Medica: Biowarfare and Genocide
The American Medical and Dental Associations
The Food & Drug Administration
Rome’s Holy Office of the Inquisition Under Other Names
The Jesuits – Beyond 2000
Economic Communism and Political Fascism in the American Empire
Creating International Anti-Jewish Fury
Creating International Anti-Americanism
Depression, Anarchy, Race War, Martial Law, Foreign War and Invasion
Destruction of the Empire’s “heretic” Protestants, Baptists and Jews
as well as “liberal” Roman Catholics Pursuant to:
The Jesuit Conspiracy. The Secret Plan of the Order,
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion,
The Jesuit Oath and The Council of Trent
“The Jew Room”
Chapter 49
The Jesuits – 1900 - 2000
“The time will arrive very soon, in
which the ‘Company of Jesus’ will become very solicitous in the
human sciences, but without a single application to virtue, the
ambition will be to dominate, the overbearing and pride
penetrating its soul, to rule alone and no one can restrain
them.” {1}
Gerome Lanuza, 1650?
Bishop of Albarracin
“He who thinks he knows the Jesuits by having read all the books
that were written in the past century [the Eighteenth Century]
to unmask them, would be grossly deceived. The Jesuitism of that
day was an open war against the Gospel and society; the
Jesuitism of the present is a slow but contagious and deadly
disease, which secretly insinuates itself; it is a poison taken
under the name of medicine.” {2}
Luigi Desanctis, 1852
Official Censor of the
Popery, Puseyism and Jesuitism
“ . . . the health of the people is really the foundation upon
which all their happiness and all their power as a state depend
. . . but if the population of the country is stationary or
yearly diminishing—if, while it diminishes in number it
diminishes also in stature, in strength, that country is doomed.
The health of the people is, in my opinion, the first duty of a
statesman.” {3}
Benjamin Disraeli, 1877
British Prime Minister
under Queen Victoria The e Jesuits – 1900 - 2000
“The Jesuits awed Casey. ‘They are brilliant . . . I’m
absolutely convinced that they have the right dope on this world
. . . I want to be . . . a Colonel House, the guy behind the
throne, advising the President of the United States.’ . . . As
his wife was later to observe, ‘Bill got his self-assurance from
the Jesuits.’ . . . The Jesuits had done their work well . . .
He was armored in his religion.” {4}
William J. Casey, 1930
Student of the Jesuits
Fordham University
Casey: From the OSS to the CIA
“Baby Doc, in his tireless devotion to saving the demonically
possessed cannot bear the burden of watching his people die the
wretched death unleashed upon those doomed for hell. We are left
with no alternative but to heed the word of God [the Pope] and
spare him from annihilation. For this reason, we will send in
the missionaries (Jesuit Mercenaries) to inoculate the
population with a vaccine that will spare only the good of heart
by virtue of its design . . . Baby Doc has complied with the
Vatican’s orders [!!!] to the best of his abilities in his
demon-infested land, and must resign his post.” {5}
William J. Casey, 1985
Knight of Malta and
Director, Central Intelligence Agency
“ ‘We the People of the United States,’ and peace-loving
citizens around the world, now face a nightmarish danger. Deadly
animal viruses are now multiplying in our bodies.” {6}
Leonard Horowitz, 1997
American Physician and
Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola
“How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning!
How art thou cut down to the ground,
which didst weaken the nations!”
– Isaiah 14:12
No better description of the Company has
ever been so simply put than that of Mr. Luigi Desanctis, who later
became a Reformed pastor. When his description is applied to the
American Medical Association (AMA), the American Dental Association
(ADA) and the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) we can easily see
these three agencies as arms of the Great Jesuit Conspiracy,
described by Abate Leone in his The Jesuit Conspiracy: The Secret
Plan of the Order printed in 1848.
The purpose of the AMA, ADA and FDA is
to destroy the American people in the name of helping them. By
making the people chronically ill these agencies break any will to
resist an American fascist tyranny (possibly to be led by the
Jesuit-trained Knight of Malta, Patrick J. Buchanan) and the coming
“New World Order” under the Jesuits’ “infallible” Pope.
The AMA, as we know it today, began in the early 1900s.
The Jesuits, through Shriner
Freemasonry, the Morgans and
the Rockefellers in particular, began
to control the medical education of young physicians, teaching them
to treat symptoms with their drugs. Later came surgery, and then
radiation completing the medical “unholy trinity” of “cut, burn and
Warning us of the drug-happy doctor we read in 1912:
“ . . . for the doctor who imagines
he can kill disease by his drug gatling-gun will quite as oft
kill his patient. Be suspicious of the doctor who comes into the
sickroom with an air of omnipotence, takes out his stethoscope
as tho it was Gabriel’s Trumpet, writes a lot of Latin
prescriptions and asks never a question regarding the daily
habits of the patient…Beware, I say, of this class of
physicians. They will sit with one hand on your pulse and the
other on your pocketbook and not leave until one or the other
gives out; but cure you — never! It isn’t in them. They haven’t
the first conception of what a real, progressive, up-to-date
physician really is able to do for his patients.” {7}
Dear truth-seeker, is this not the heart
and soul of American medicine?
The massive drug companies controlled by
the Knights of Malta were
some of the financiers behind the Jesuits’ Council on Foreign
Relations, which in turn created and then controlled the medical
inquisitors, the AMA, ADA and FDA.
Purposing to sicken White Celtic-Anglo-Saxon Protestant American
people, the AMA and FDA promoted mass vaccinations and
(Senator Edward “Ted” Kennedy, that
darling of Georgetown University and Boston College Jesuits, knowing
who really murdered his brothers, recently introduced new
legislation that would attempt to vaccinate all children in the
American Empire, while severely limiting exemptions parents could
claim. He also seeks to set up a nationwide vaccine registry to
track parents who resist the injections of monkey pus, mercury and
formaldehyde into their childrens’ bloodstreams.)
These slow poisons in the name of
medicine contained live viruses, which would later erupt into
“incurable diseases” such as “Cancer.” Dr. William Campbell Douglas
tells us in his Second Opinion,
“I reported nearly 10 years ago, on
the alarming finding that a monkey virus – simian virus 40 – had
contaminated both the Salk and Sabin [Jesuits using Jews in the
forefront] polio vaccines. It was known at the time that this virus
caused brain cancer in experimental animals but, it was covered,
there was no worry as it caused no problems in humans.
What the public was not told is that
since SV40 is a retro virus (like AIDS), it would take 20 to 40
years before we would know what damage had been done. I noted at the
time that brain tumors had increased in frequency since I was
graduated from medical school. In 1950, they were rare, but by 1990
they were common — 1950 plus 40 equals 1990 (the year I made my
first report on SV40 and brain tumors).
The horrifying truth came out in the
February 14, 1999, London Telegraph:
‘The mass vaccination campaigns of
the 50’s and 60’s may be causing hundreds of deaths a year
because of a cancer-causing virus which contaminated the first
polio vaccine, according to scientists. Known as SV40, the virus
came from dead monkeys whose kidney cells were used to culture
the first Salk Vaccines. Doctors estimate that the virus was
injected into tens of millions during mass vaccination campaigns
before being detected and screened out in 1963. Those born
between 1941 and 1961 are thought to be most at risk of having
been infected.’ . . .
‘Now a new study of the effects of SV40 points to disturbing
evidence that the monkey virus causes a number of human cancers’
. . . ‘such as non-Hodgkin’s lymphoma and prostate cancer . . .
and bone cancer.’ . . . the monkey virus may be passing from
those given the contaminated vaccine to their children,
spreading the cancer risk still further.’ ” {8}
Additionally we read:
“Polio Vaccine: Developed in the
late 1940’s from dead pig and monkey kidney pus infected with
poliomyelitis, and lactalbumin hydrolysate, chemical
antibiotics, and calf serum. This live-virus vaccine recently
tested to harbor 149 live viruses and bacteria living in the
vaccine; including the SV40 virus, also found in cancer cells.
Can cause intestinal flu, autoimmune diseases, (juvenile)
childhood diabetes, children’s rheumatoid arthritis, and
childhood lupus.
The Center for Disease Control (CDC)
reported that during 1973 to 1983, 87% of polio cases were
caused by the polio vaccine injection and from 1980 to 1989 the
polio vaccine shots caused 100% of all domestic polio
incidences. Dr. Jonas Salk is quoted as admitting,
‘When you inoculate children
with a polio vaccine you don’t sleep well for two or three
weeks’ (E. McBean, The Poisoned Needle, Health Research,
Mokelumne Hill, Calif., p. 144). Dr. Salk’s killed-virus
vaccine proliferation resulted in polio incidence doubling
nationwide, some states reporting 400-600% increases.” {9}
The deliberate poisoning of the
bloodstreams of Protestant nations should not be a surprise in the
light of the Council of Trent, as, the Jesuits declared they would
do this in
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.
We read from
Protocol Number ten:
“ . . . it is indispensable to
trouble in all countries the people’s relations with their
governments so as to utterly exhaust humanity with dissension,
hatred, struggle, envy and even to the use of torture, by
starvation, BY THE INOCULATION OF DISEASES . . . ” {10}
Dear truth-seeker, have not our many
inoculations resulted in the tortures of the treatments as well as
the deaths our countrymen have suffered due to being eaten alive by
Later, the agents of the Jesuits would institute the draft creating
a huge army. This Army of the American Empire, to be used to restore
the Temporal Power of the Pope, would have to fight globally.
Therefore its soldiers would be mass vaccinated. With harmful
viruses and bacteria in the semen, their wives and babies would
become infected producing more cancers and birth defects. The Gulf
War Syndrome is a classic example of murder by injection.
The Vatican, with its
Sovereign Military Order of Malta, has created
many viruses that have been used for the systematic annihilation of
the “heretic and liberal” American people. The Knights, with their
former Nazis, CIA and drug companies, created the Human Immune
Deficiency Virus (HIV) causing the present Acquired Immune
Deficiency Syndrome (AIDS) epidemic. That virus is in every
hepatitis B vaccine administered by the medical inquisitors, the
We read from Emerging Viruses: AIDS and
Ebola, by Len Horowitz:
“Though polio vaccines are also
suspected of transmitting HIV-1 and other viruses, the unique
epidemiology, and concurrent outbreaks of AIDS in New York City
and Central Africa, appears to coincide more closely with the
administration of experimental hepatitis B vaccines than with
either the Salk or Sabin vaccines.” {11}
Since the 1930s, during the tyranny of
FDR, the Jesuit Conspiracy against the health of Protestant America
has greatly advanced. The true cures for viral diseases were heavily
suppressed. Those cures were primarily oxygen-ozone, light with
color, ultra-violet blood irradiation (so ably explained by Dr.
William Campbell Douglas in his Into the Light {12} and
Kenneth J.
Dillon’s Healing Photons: The Science and Art of Blood Irradiation
Therapy {13}) and direct current frequency generators using both
photons and electrons.
The use of medical grade ozone, Royal
Rife’s photon/frequency machine, Emmett Knott’s blood irradiator and
Darius Dinshah’s light-color therapy called “Spectro-Chrome” were
all violently suppressed. The use of medical grade colloidal silver
was discontinued and all non-drug remedies were suppressed. And why?
Because these treatments address the
true causes of chronic disease.
Of the true causes, Dr. William H. Philpott tells us:
“The oxidoreductase enzymes are
necessary to produce biological life energy by oxidation
phosphorylation producing ATP and oxidation remnant negative
poled magnetism. The biological life energy consists of enzyme
catalytic production of: (a) adenosine triphosphate (ATP), (b)
oxidative remnant magnetism (a negative magnetic field). This
oxidation/reduction enzymatic response is dependent upon
alkalinity and molecular oxygen (alkaline-hyperoxia) . . .
This oxidoreductase family of enzymes is alkaline-hyperoxic-negative
(south-seeking) magnetic field activation dependent. When these
3 physiologically normal factors are not present, then cellular
ATP is made by fermentation. The 3 factors necessary for
fermentation to produce ATP are: 1) acidity, 2) lack of oxygen,
3) a positive (north-seeking) static magnetic field as an enzyme
energy activator. Human cells have the capacity to make ATP be
either phosphorylation or fermentation . . .
ATP made by fermentation with its acid-hypoxic medium cannot
maintain human biological life energy. ATP made by fermentation
can maintain the life energy of microorganisms such as bacteria,
fungi, viruses, parasites and cancer cells. The secret to
reverse acute maladaptive symptom reactions, prevent and reverse
microorganism infections, maintaining human biological health
and providing for the reversal of degenerative diseases is to
maintain a normal alkaline body pH, hyperoxia and an adequate
negative (south-seeking) static magnetic field.” {14}
In these great words of wisdom lay the
cures for all cancers, heart disease, diabetes and infections.
Therefore by refusing all infective vaccinations and immunizations
as well as amalgam fillings and root canals, by using negatively
charged photons and ions to kill all anaerobic bacteria, viruses,
fungus and microscopic parasites (such as ultraviolet light and
ozone/oxidative therapies), by keeping the body in a highly alkaline
state using enzymes and alkaline minerals (as found in raw,
unprocessed foods, whole food supplementation and alkaline water),
by keeping a highly oxygenated state through deep breathing,
exercise and oxygen therapies (such as hyperbaric oxygen and ozone
steam cabinets), by keeping in negatively charged magnetic fields
(such as magnetic beds, magnetic wraps, magnetic bricks and seat
pads while drinking magnetized, alkaline water – all north pole –
and by using laetrile and herbs). White Protestant nations would
cease to be the leaders in chronic degenerative diseases!
But the licensed treatment of the AMA’s created diseases must be by
means of Rome’s unholy trinity — cut, burn and
poison. The Church of
Modern Medicine tolerates no heresy and uses the sword of government
to punish those “obstinate medical heretics” who would dare to truly
cure us Americans of our diseases.
And of course, the Knights of Malta control the great pharmaceutical
industries such as Merck, Sharp & Dohme, as they are connected with
the Order’s Central Intelligence Agency. Knight of Malta Elmer Bobst,
past chairman of Warner-Lambert Company (any relation to Luce’s
Time-Warner Co.?) and Knight of Malta – the Romanist and racial Jew
– Louis Lehrman, whose family owns the Rite-Aid chain of drugstores,
are Papal soldiers.
Indeed the Holy Scriptures are true when
describing Rome, hosting Vatican City, as:
“ . . . that great city . . .
that mighty city . . .
for thy merchants were the great men of the earth;
for by thy sorceries [pharmacies] were all nations
[Thus the risen Son of God cries out to His beloved Semitic
Hebrew/Jewish Race:]
“Come out of her my people that ye be not partakers of her
and that ye receive not of her plagues.”
– Revelation 18:10, 23
– Revelation 18:4
In place of proven cures, the AMA, ADA
and FDA have pushed toxic, mercury-laced fillings and drugs down the
throats of trusting Americans. This has resulted in the unnecessary
suffering and death of millions while at this writing there are one
hundred million chronically ill people in the American Empire.
Two brilliant Jews, responsible for the exposure of the American
Medical and Dental Inquisitions are Dr. Robert S. Mendelsohn and
Leonard Horowitz. Dr. Mendelsohn, in his classic, Confessions of a
Medical Heretic, likens the medical establishment to the Roman
Catholic Institution, calling it “the Church of Modern Medicine.”
The doctors are priests, the birth certificate is the
certificate, toxic silver nitrate applied to the eyes at birth is
baptism, the nurses are inquisitors, etc. He writes:
“I do not believe in Modern
Medicine. I am a medical heretic. I believe that Modern
Medicine’s treatments for disease . . . are more dangerous than
the diseases they are designed to treat. I believe that more
than ninety percent of Modern Medicine could disappear from the
face of the earth – doctors, hospitals, drugs, and equipment –
and the effect on our health would be immediate and beneficial .
. . For the hospital is the Temple of the Church of Modern
Medicine and thus one of the most dangerous places on earth . .
. There’s plenty to be afraid of. The God that resides in the
Temple of Modern Medicine is Death . . . The doctor-priest gets
away with a lot because he can claim to be up against the very
Forces of Evil . . . Never is he seen in his true light — as the
agent of the Devil . . .
We have a Medical Inquisition. The first sign of an inquisition
is the selling of indulgences . . . Medical insurance is the
doctor’s version of indulgences . . . Like the communion wafer
which Catholics receive on the tongue, drugs are the communion
wafers of Modern Medicine. . . . Try getting from one end of
life to the other without paying your dues to Modern Medicine:
immunizations, fluoridated water, intravenous fluids and silver
nitrate . . . When you get to the cathedrals and the little
“Vaticans” of Modern Medicine, you are up against priests who
have the weight of infallibility behind them. They can do no
wrong, so they are most dangerous . . . ” {15}
Dr. Mendelsohn knew what he was
describing. He had been a devoted medical priest and had watched the
Inquisitors for years, as he was well acquainted with the Jesuits at
Loyola University in Chicago while a professor in the School of
Medicine at the University of Illinois. He later became a most
eloquent and undefeated champion in exposing the crimes of modern
medicine. His opponents in debate would not even make an appearance.
The life and message of Robert Mendelsohn was hated by the Jesuits’ Medical Inquisition controlled
by the AMA, ADA and FDA through the New York Cardinal’s
Council on
Foreign Relations. Clearly this “perfidious Jew” was believable!
Therefore, one day in good health at the age of sixty-three, payback
time had arrived for this “obstinate heretic.” He suddenly died, a
victim of “the poison cup” at the hand of another Vatican Assassin,
“invisible until his stroke was felt.”
Dr. Leonard Horowitz is of the same caliber as was Dr. Mendelsohn.
In his fantastic book,
Emerging Viruses: AIDS and Ebola, he connects
the Vatican’s Knights of Malta to the Nazis, the drug Companies, and
the AIDS/Cancer virus makers within the CIA.
“The Gehlen Org, the German
intelligence agency run by Reinhard Gehlen, was even more
powerful than the Merk net. The Org superseded even the Nazi SS
. . . In fact, Gehlen’s organization is largely credited for
giving rise to the CIA . . . to shield Gehlen and the entire
German intelligence network from harm’s way. Gehlen was a
ranking official in the Sovereign Military Order of Malta (SMOM),
which maintained inconceivable financial and political
influence. . . .
Somehow I wasn’t surprised to learn
that financial motives . . . were at the heart of SMOM and the
Nazi-American alliance . . . Soon after the war, OSS found the
extensive documentation of a meeting…between representatives of
the SS . . . and firms like . . . I. G. Farben [its president
and Papal Knight of Malta, Herman Schmitz, being the Director of
Hitler’s Deutsche Bank and a close personal friend of the
Fuhrer’s ambassador to the Vatican, Knight of Malta Franz von
Papen] . . .
[The] world’s masses knew nothing
about the partnership, formed between John D. Rockefeller’s
Standard Oil Company, Germany’s I. G. Farben, and Hitler’s Third
Reich. The ‘pirates of Wall Street,’ Allen and John Foster
Dulles, of the [CFR’s] law firm Sullivan & Cromwell, had
secretly negotiated this alliance. It was not known to allied
airmen, flying bombing missions over Germany, why the I.G.
Farben plants, where Hitler’s munitions were made, were exempted
from attack. Likewise, when the I. G. Farben-Rockefeller
Consortium used concentration camp victims as slaves to build
and run their factories it never made the news [controlled by
Knight of Malta Henry R. Luce].
Nor was it heralded that this same
team patented and sold the gas that the Nazis used in the
concentration camps to send millions to their graves. Recent
headlines have asked to know where the Nazi gold went.
Historians only recently recorded that the Rockefeller’s Chase
Bank [manned by a high Knight of Malta, Joseph J. Larkin] was
among the largest recipients . . . ” {16}
Dear truth-seeker, according to the 1993
Annual Report of the Council on Foreign Relations, the Rockefeller
Group, Sullivan & Cromwell and the Chase Manhattan Bank are all
listed on the Corporate Member Roster of the Jesuits’ Council on
Foreign Relations. Along with these are the drug giants, Dow
Chemical, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Johnson and Johnson, Pfizer, and
Procter & Gamble.
Another member is the Center for Disease
Control North America.{17} And guess who is one of the guiding
lights overseeing the heads of these giant monopolies of murder? It
is CFR member/presider and President of the Jesuit Order’s Fordham
University, a Professed Jesuit of the Fourth Vow, Joseph A. O’Hare.
And amidst this fraternity we find the Roman Catholic and tool of
the Jesuits who developed the HIV virus and thus the AIDS epidemic,
the world’s leading retrovirologist, Robert Gallo! This fiend was
pardoned by the Jesuits’ Bill Clinton for scientific misconduct!
Horowitz correctly concludes:
“Thus, both of this century’s worst
genocides [the Jewish Holocaust and the AIDS epidemic] appear to
have been determined by the same masterminds . . . ” {19}
Those masterminds, Dr. Horowitz, are the
Jesuits, the monsters who, with their Knights of Malta, financed
World War II, murdered millions of your Semitic Hebrew/Jewish Race,
assassinated our President Kennedy and developed killer viruses. The
Order, in control of the press, covered all this up and prevented
the use of proven treatments that easily cure their created viral
diseases. We became their victims as we were forced to go to Mexico
for medical help, or herded into their “Church of Modern Medicine”
to be tortured and mutilated by their medical Inquisitors.
Like the docile slaves depicted by the
Jesuits’ Freemason and Fabian Socialist, H. G. Wells, in his
Time Machine, we have marched into the caves of Rome’s Medical
Inquisition and have been devoured by the cannibals who cut, burn
and poison us. The result has been “the final solution to the
‘heretic and liberal’ question in North America,” sentencing
millions of Baptists, Protestants, Jews and “liberal” Roman
Catholics to horrible, ghastly deaths initiated by the hellish,
damnable, dreadful and deplorable slow poisons, deceptively called
“vaccinations and immunizations,” made from the precious little
bodies of aborted millions!
This mass genocide of the “heretic and
liberal” American people, carried out by the Order’s American
Medical Association in conjunction with its Food and Drug
Administration and the CDC, has created a nation of “the walking
wounded.” In the words of Abate Leone, “this secret war,”
relentlessly waged against our “heretic and liberal nation” for the
last one hundred years, having slowly but surely fattened, sickened,
weakened, polluted, agitated, divided and disarmed us, has further
enabled our unified, healthy and physically fit Russian, Moslem,
Mexican, Cuban and Chinese invaders to extirpate and exterminate us
from the face of the whole earth!
The Council of Trent and
the Jesuit Oath
continue to be fulfilled as we remember a portion of the Fourth Vow
of the Professed Jesuit:
“I do further promise and declare,
that I will, when opportunity presents, make and wage relentless
war, secretly or openly, against all heretics, Protestants and
Liberals, . . . I will secretly use the poison cup . . . As I at
any time may be directed so to do by any agent of the Pope or
superior of the Brotherhood of the holy faith of the Society of
Jesus.” {20}

Jesuit Provincial
Thomas H. Smolich, 2002 #200
California Province of the Society of Jesus
Jesuit Thomas H. Smolich, one of the ten Provincials overseeing the
Black Pope’s “Holy Roman” Fourteenth Amendment American Empire, is
the Order’s most powerful eagle-eyed West Coast Jesuit. As all
Provincials are Professed of the Fourth Vow, Smolich was the
immediate master of former California Governor Gray Davis, a Knight
of Columbus of the Fourth Degree.
Remembering that the official position
of the Jesuit Conference is the total abolition of gun ownership,
Californians have now been legally disarmed of their “assault
rifles” further rendering them unable to repel our coming
Sino-Soviet-Moslem invasion. Presently practicing in the Straits of
Formosa, our Asian invaders will be transported by a combined
Chinese and Russian merchant marine of over 2000 ships.
With Los Angeles to be decimated this
attack will be successful, unlike the Order’s attempted invasion of
repentant Protestant England in 1588 using the Papal Caesar’s
Spanish Armada. The Protestant Reformation will be finished and we
Americans will be raped, plundered and mass-murdered by foreign,
marauding, pagan savages fulfilling the Order’s Bloody Oath.
The Reno Gazette-Journal, Associated
Press, March 2002

New York City:
The Papal Caesar’s Political
Capital of the World
Ruled by the American Empire’s Archbishop of New York, he
Controlling New York’s
Council on Foreign Relations, it
Erecting Dictators Around the World Loyal to the Pope of Rome, he
Maintaining or Removing World Leaders with his CIA or his KGB
Mary Robinson, President of Ireland
Professed Jesuit Joseph A. O’Hare, CFR Presider and
President of Fordham University, 1994 #201

Jesuit-controlled, CFR Advisors, 1999 #202
Cyrus R. Vance, former Secretary
of State Shriner
Freemason Henry A. Kissinger, former
Secretary of State Shriner
Freemason David Rockefeller, CFR
Presider and the Black Pope’s International Banker
having replaced J. P. Morgan.
Annual Report:
Council on Foreign Relations,
(New York: The Harold Pratt House,
1994, p. 60; 1999, p. 54).
Back to Contents
Chapter 50
The Jesuits – Beyond 2000
“The Jesuits are the pioneers of
Antichrist . . . If the members of the Society continue as they
have begun, God grant that the time may not come when kings will
wish to resist them, but will not have the means of doing so.”
Melchior Cano, 1560
Provincial Dominican
Personal letter written two days before his death
“Also I swear from my heart, that . . . I will bear faith and
true allegiance to His Majesty, his heirs and successors, and
him and them I will defend to the uttermost of my power against
all conspiracies and attempts whatsoever which shall be made
against him or their persons . . . and will do my best to
endeavour to disclose and make known . . . all treasons and
traitorous conspiracies, which I shall know of to be against him
or any of them. And I do further swear that I do from my heart
abhor, detest, and abjure as impious and heretical this damnable
doctrine and position — that princes, which may be
excommunicated or deprived by the Pope, may be deposed or
murdered by their subjects or any other whatsoever. And I do
believe and in my conscience am resolved that neither the Pope
nor any other person whatsoever hath power to absolve me of this
oath or any part thereof . . .
And these things I do plainly and
sincerely acknowledge and swear, according to these express
words by me spoken, and according to the plain and common sense
and understanding of the same words; without any equivocation or
mental evasion or secret reservation whatsoever. And I do make
this recognition and acknowledgement heartily, willingly, and
truly, upon the true faith of a Christian. — So help me God.”
{2} Citizen’s Oath of Allegiance, 1606
English Parliament in
response to
The Gunpowder Plot
“You are in my custody as a magistrate, accused of abetting the
foul, bloody and heathenish plot for the establishment of
Popery, the murder of the king, and the general massacre of all
true Protestants.” {3}
“Bridgenorth the Calvinist”
Freemason Sir Walter Scott, 1820
Scottish Presbyterian
Peveril of the Peak
“Ignatius Loyola . . . this degraded, ferocious Human Pig, one
of the most perfect scoundrels . . . is the poison fountain from
which all these rivers of bitterness that now submerge the world
have flown. Where you meet a man believing in the salutary
nature of falsehoods, or the divine authority of things
doubtful, all fancying that to serve the Good Cause [in making
the White Pope the Universal Monarch of the World] he must call
the Devil to his aid, there is a follower of Un-saint Ignatius.
Not till the last of these men has vanished from the earth will
our account with Ignatius be quite settled, and his black
militia have got their ‘mittimus’ to chaos again.” {4} Thomas
Carlyle, 1880
English Historian
“The Jesuits laugh at us; and during their hilarity, the
rattlesnake is coiled at our feet, climbing to strike us in the
heart!” {5}
Edwin A. Sherman, 1883
American Shriner
Friend of our hero, Charles Chiniquy, The Engineer Corps of Hell
“The Jesuit Order, therefore, stands
before us as the embodiment of a system which aims at temporal
political domination through temporal political means,
embellished by religion, which assigns to the head of the
Catholic religion – the Roman Pope – the role of a temporal
overlord, and under shelter of the Pope-King, and using him as
an instrument, desires itself to attain the dominion over the
whole world [when the Order’s Jesuit Pontiff becomes the
Universal Monarch of the World after his ‘deadly wound was
healed’ (Revelation 13:3)].” {6} Count von Hoensbroech, 1911
German Noble and
Fourteen Years a Jesuit
“Whether you like it or not we are
fast ripening for Roman Catholic Slavery. Much of the past
relative to this has been removed from our History Books and the
present generation, for a definite reason, know very little how
Rome controlled Western Europe for over 1000 years and why our
forefathers sought religious and political freedom by fleeing
from Europe.
For some time there has been a pretense of Communist opposition
to the Catholics, the press stressing this so as to keep the
people in the dark, but the fact remains that they are working
together for the overthrow of [Biblical and historical]
Protestantism, [free enterprise] Capitalism, [Biblical and
non-popish] Christianity and [Calvinistic] free Government.” {7}
Chester A. Murray, 1983
Baptist Bible-Believer
The Authorized King James Bible
“It can easily be seen that the identity of Jesuit political
thought with the objectives of Nazi-Fascism makes it imperative
to conceal it from the American public. Were it otherwise, the
Catholic Church would suffer complete loss of its prestige in
the United States — in the eyes of Catholics and non-Catholics
alike.” {8} Leo H. Lehmann, 1942
Irish Ex-Priest
Behind the Dictators
The Fourteenth Amendment so altered the
Constitution to the point that it created “the new republican
constitution” spoken of in
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of
Zion. The Jesuit Order, behind the new constitution, created the
American Empire. In 1868, on the ruins of George Washington’s
Calvinistic Republic, the Jesuits’ new “Holy Roman Empire of the
West” was set up with its massive central government in Washington.
Its national purpose would be to restore the Temporal
Power of the Jesuits’ “infallible” Pope over every nation.
To do this the Empire was made the
financial and military colossus of the world using J. P. Morgan,
Federal Reserve Bank and the Great Depression. In subduing the
nations, credit created out of nothing would be used to build
tremendous war machines for the “extirpation of heretics and
liberals.” This same Jesuit credit, called “foreign aid,” would be
used to establish and finance the reign of dictators loyal to Rome
over every nation, including the Zionist and Talmudic government of
The economic policy of the Empire would be the destruction of small,
independent, free enterprise businessmen and the consolidation of
capital into the hands of Rome’s corporate monopolies (corporate
fascism), while the people would be submitted to the ten pillars of
The Communist Manifesto in exchange for The Ten Commandments. A
central bank, from which comes all credit, along with a fiat, bogus
currency, would replace state banks having distributed federally
minted gold
and silver coins. A heavy and progressive income tax would invade
the privacy of the people while replacing the apportioned tax.
The wicked Social Security numbering
system would keep track of all “taxpayers.” In fact, it would be the
Vatican’s world government number by which the Society of Jesus,
through its FBI and CIA, would track every citizen of the Empire.
These two pillars alone would be enough to destroy the prosperous
White Celtic-Anglo-Saxon Protestant Middle Class, while creating the
feudal system of the Dark Ages composed only of the noble super-rich
Catholic Whites and the common super-poor of all races and
The Protocols of the Learned Elders of
Zion say it clearly in
Protocol number twenty:
“The concentration of industry in
the hands of [cartel] capitalists out of the hands of small
masters has drained away all the juices of the peoples and with
them also the states . . .” {9}
Dear truth-seeker, do you see how the
radical mass emancipation of the Negro slaves after the War Between
the States was never intended to benefit them but rather was
calculated to destroy the private wealth of small White “heretic”
masters in the South? Historically speaking, Blacks generally only
produce wealth when trained and/or overseen by Whites. Do you see
how the Fourteenth Amendment enslaved both Whites and Blacks to the
new master in Washington — the Society of Jesus? Is not the
Archbishop of New York the real “massa” of Bill Clinton, George W.
Bush, Albert Gore and Jesse Jackson (who is apparently to be
replaced with another mulatto Black agitator, Al Sharpton), they
being nothing more than his “altar boys”?
With the economic system of Communism in
place, the political system of the Empire would be an absolutist
military dictatorship of the president as “Commander-in-Chief,” for
the purpose of “national security.”
Protocol number ten spoke of
“We shall invest the president with
the right of declaring a state of war. We shall justify this
last right on the ground that the president as chief of the
whole army of the country must have it at his disposal in case
of need for the defense of the new republican constitution . .
.” {10}
That is fascism, pure and simple. The
absolute Commander-in-Chief is one with the Jesuits’ corporate
monopolies run by the Knights of Malta. Remembering the words of the
Jesuits as quoted by Pierre van Paassen,
“Fascism is the regime that
corresponds most closely to the concepts of the Church of Rome.”
It was fascism that terribly persecuted
the Protestants of Franco’s Spain and Mussolini’s Italy.
Additionally, it was fascism that deported Jews to Hitler’s death
camps in Poland. In fact both Hitler and Stalin, the Grand
Inquisitors, were Roman Catholic fascists. Nazism and Communism were
simply smokescreens describing socialist economic systems. Both
dictators were loyal to Rome’s Jesuits who put them in power, as
they both murdered millions of Protestants, Orthodox and Jewish
“heretics and liberals,” including many “liberal” Catholic priests
and people.
Dear truth-seeker, this is the coming scenario for the Protestants
and Jews of the American Empire. The President, since the Emergency
War Powers Act of 1950, has been a fascist military dictator loyal
to his Jesuit masters at Georgetown University. And with the passage
of King George Bush II’s new Terrorist Act, fascism will further
increase. The Jesuits will continue to advance their international
“Negro/Muslim Agitation” (directed against historically White
Protestant nations) and incite international anti-Semitism, or more
correctly, anti-Jewish fury.
Much was ignited in the American Empire
with the Israeli attack on the American spy ship “USS Liberty,”
along with the conviction of the Israeli spy, Jonathan Pollard. The
Jesuits’ International Intelligence Community including the Mossad
created both incidents. Anti-Jewish fury among both Whites and
Blacks must be used to drive American Jews back to Israel for the
purpose of attempting to kill them all there!
The means by which the Sons of Loyola
will accomplish this is their National Security Agency — the
“Its nickname is the ‘Jew Room’.
Inside the National Security Agency is an intelligence center
from which all American Jews are banned, regardless of their
proven loyalty or devotion to country, just as the U.S. Navy
bannedJews from electronic surveillance ships, such as the USS
Liberty . . . it is, and has been, the heart of the secret war
against the Jews.” {12}
Remembering the words of Loyola in his
Secret Instructions of the Jesuits, “ . . . our members will work
themselves into the favor of persons in the highest part of
government and consequently be admitted into their most secret
councils,” {13} is it not obvious the Jesuit Order rules “The Jew
For in the words of ex-Jesuit E. Boyd Barrett:
“In the Order hatred of the Jews is
traditional . . . it is forbidden to admit any one of Jewish
descent into the Order [from 1593 to the repeal of the statute
in 1946, thereby escaping Holocaust war guilt]. Japanese,
Chinese, Indians and Negroes may be admitted into the Society of
Jesus, but never, under any circumstances, a Jew [except Albert
and Auguste Valenstein, who were permitted to enter the Order in
the early 1900s for the purpose of working with the Jesuit
General’s early Masonic Jewish Zionists including Theodor Herzl
and later, Jerzy Kluger, boyhood friend of Pope John Paul II]!”
For Ignatius set the example:
“He [Loyola, the heartless beast]
also obtained great honour from all classes for his zeal for the
conversion of the Jews. His method was not original. He obtained
a decree from the Pope Paul III, then reigning, that the Jews
should not be allowed the services of a physician, no matter how
serious might be their danger, unless they first accepted the
ministrations of a priest . . . ” {15}
The Jesuits will also continue to foster
international anti-Americanism depicting the Empire as “the Great
Satan” to the Arab world and the “NATO Nazi mass bombing bully” to
the rest of the world. The NATO crusades in Iraq and Yugoslavia have
increased the nations’ hatred for us Americans, they not knowing
that the Jesuit-CFR-controlled American government is also the enemy
of the American people. Meanwhile, the Jesuits have furthered their
quest to reduce the world to the universal rule of their
“infallible” Papal Caesar in Jerusalem.
In Fourteenth Amendment America the Jesuit Order rules supremely,
having no serious or significant adversaries. Ten Jesuit Provincials
oversee the Empire through its King, the Archbishop of New York —
Edward Cardinal Egan, he ruling from his palatial St. Patrick’s
Cathedral while overseen by the Jesuits of Fordham University. The
Cardinal exercises the Pope’s Temporal Power over the Empire through
his Knights of Malta, Knights of Columbus, Shriner Freemasonry, Opus
Dei, the Club of Rome and the Mafia Commission, along with a host of
other subordinate secret societies, they controlling the Council on
Foreign Relations.
The Empire has two political parties
controlled by the Council on Foreign Relations. The first is the
Democratic Party, which is in fact “the Communist Party.” The second
is the Republican Party, which is in fact “the Fascist Party.”
(Forget the words “liberal” and “conservative” as they mean
Neither party wishes to “conserve” the
Constitution which would result in a truly “liberal” government, as
neither party will return to hard money, abolish the national bank
and erect a protective tariff — the three essentials for national
prosperity as proven by President Andrew Jackson. As in Europe, the
Fascist nations resisting “godless Jew Communism” all had Roman
Catholic dictators subject to Concordats with the Pope. This is
Rome’s present course for the American Empire!
For fifteen years the former Archbishop of New York, John Cardinal
O’Connor, in using the Jesuit inspired abortion agitation, built
“the New Right” with his Knights and Dames of Malta. Of this
fascist, right-wing movement seeking full control of the Republican
Party, the leaders have been Paul Weyrich, Lewis Lehrman, Phyllis
Schlafly, Jerry Falwell, Pat Robertson, Rush Limbaugh, Newt Gingrich
and the Black Roman Catholic, Allen Keyes. Backed by the Kennedy
assassins, Knights Cartha DeLoach, Frank Shakespeare and William F.
Buckley, Jr., their ultimate candidate for the Presidency is another
brother Knight, the Jesuit-trained Pat Buchanan.
As Knight Franz von Papen used the
Center Party to bring Hitler to power and as Knight Joseph P.
Kennedy used the Democratic Party to bring FDR to power, so will the
Knights, including Richard Mellon Scaife, use the New Right
Republican Party to bring a Jesuit-controlled, Jew-hating, fascist
dictator to power “For the greater glory of God” — the god who sits
in “St. Peter’s Chair”!
When the time is right the Black Pope will give the order and the
post Protestant Reformation American culture as we know it today
will be no more! His Masonic Shriners, Knights of Malta and Knights
of Columbus on Wall Street will cause an economic collapse resulting
in the anarchy of an inner city race war led by his Black
Supremacist Nation of Islam. The Constitution will be suspended and
martial law will be declared by a final presidential executive
order. America’s Commander-in-Chief will truly be a fascist dictator
backed by the economic might of the Knights of Malta.
In fulfilling The Protocols of the
Learned Elders of Zion, the Jesuit Oath and the Council of Trent,
he, like other fascist dictators of the past, will make a treaty
with Rome called a “Concordat.” The guns will be confiscated and the
persecution of Protestants, Baptists and Jews will begin in dead
earnest! Alaska will be the American Siberia run by Jesuit
Inquisitors. Located in the southwest corner, there is a one-million
acre “restricted area” complex to be used for brainwashing as well
as bizarre and torturous experiments as part of the Jesuits’
“relentless war” on all “heretics and liberals” — the Empire’s
Protestant, Baptists, Jews and anti-fascist,
anti-socialist-communist, pro-Constitution, truly “liberal”
This will ultimately give way to war and
a foreign invasion. The invaders will be merciless Russian, Chinese,
Moslem and Cuban mercenaries, all controlled by the Jesuit General.
The movie Red Dawn is an attempt to illustrate the planned invasion.
America’s paganized, demoralized, feminized and mongrelized White
sons of noble sires with ear rings and tattoos all over their bodies
– presently the largest consumers of pornography, illicit drugs and
Black “rap music” – will be the internationally hated target.
America’s White Protestants and Baptists
will be mass murdered, raped and plundered as we have departed from
the Bible of the English Reformation, The Authorized King James
Version of 1611. We apostate and degenerate White American believers
in refusing to abide in Christ have become “good for nothing” and
will be gathered by evil men and cast into the fire of persecution
“to be burned.”
“If a man abide not in me, he is
cast forth as a branch,
and is withered; and men gather them,
and cast them into the fire, and they are burned.”
Jesus the Messiah
– John 15:6
Our hatred of Calvinism and love for the
Jesuits’ “sovereign drug of Arminianism,” resulting in no godly
resistance to Rome’s fascist tyranny, will mean our brutal and
torturous deaths. “Heretic” Jews and “liberal” Roman Catholics will
meet the same fate as they did during the Spanish Civil War in the
Meanwhile, the great whore in Rome – the Vatican’s Papal Caesar and
Senatorial Hierarchy overseen by the Black Pope and his “Fiery
Jesuits” – will experience orgasmic delight as she once again
becomes drunk with the blood of the saints, pursuant to the Jesuit
Oath and the evil Council of Trent. Bible-believing truth seeker and
brother in Christ, is this what you want for your beloved country,
church and family? All this is coming because we did not timely
resolve the assassination of President Kennedy.
The infant that killed him has now
become a monster and we, the American people, are like the children
of Israel in the days of Isaiah the prophet:
. . . for they would not
walk in his ways,
neither were they obedient unto his law.”
“But this is a people robbed and spoiled;
they are all of them snared in holes, and they are hid
in prison houses:
they are for a prey, and none delivereth;
for a spoil and none saith, Restore.
– Isaiah 42:22-24

Peter–Hans Kolvenbach,
1995 #203
The Twenty-ninth
Superior General of the Society of Jesus,
1983 – Present, with
his Criminal, Seven-member Cosmopolitan General Council
“A consultative council is imposed
on him by the general congregation [which elected the General]
of six persons [and a token Black now being the seventh], whom
he may neither select, nor remove, — namely, four [now five, but
according to “The Pope’s Commandos” (The Saturday Evening Post,
January 17, 1959) there were nine] assistants, each representing
a nation [now, a group of nations called an “Assistancy”], an
admonisher or advisor (resembling the [likes] of a military
commander) to warn him of any faults or mistakes, and his
confessor [to absolve him of his many sins]. One of these must
be in constant attendance on him . . . he may yet be suspended
[for heresy] or deposed [like Pedro Arrupe in 1981] by its
Dear truth-seeker, Satan’s greatest and
most powerful servants are always the most intellectual,
Bible-rejecting members of the Gentile White Race. These are the men
who have robbed, spoiled and made us Americans for a prey, presently
betraying us into the hands of our future invaders.

The Black Pope,
Peter–Hans Kolvenbach, 2000 #204
Visiting the Jesuit Center in Wernersville, Pennsylvania, very few
people could even dream of the vast and ubiquitous POWER this
singular and unassuming man possesses. This Dutch Luciferian, who is
the High Priest and Military Commanding General of the most
powerful, wealthy, disciplined, educated and fanatical army in the
history of man, rules the world with the aid of his five assistants,
one advisor and one confessor. Once pronounced, there are no appeals
from his decrees.
His soldiers, including the
Knights of
Malta, Shriner Freemasonry, the Opus Dei, the
Club of Rome,
Illuminati, the Knights of Columbus and the Mafia, these groups
commanding a host of lesser international subordinates, rule the
American, European, Moslem, Russian and Chinese Empires.
His great POWER has been given to him,
on behalf of Rome’s Eighth King, Jerusalem’s future risen Papal
Caesar, by “the prince and power of the air,” formerly called
“Lucifer” who is “the god of this world,” known as “the Devil” or
“the Dragon” and addressed as “Satan” by the risen Son of God,
Yeshua the Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ.
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