Abzu |
AB-ZU | AB: cavity/mouth/opening Abu1 = father ZU: understanding/wisdom/know-how |
cave of knowledge wisdom of the father Sumerian mythology: residence of the god Enki-Ea, the divinity of wisdom and father of humanity |
Adam | Á-DAM | beasts, animals, herd specimen, establishment, installation or colonization/settlement the inflicted; verb: to inflict |
a slave being, completely subservient to the gods |
Alagní | ALAG-NÍ | the powerful image the image of itself |
clone |
Anduruna | AN-DURUNA | the abode in heaven | Gina'abul imperial abode |
Anzu | AN-ZU7 | superior knowledge | |
Chitauli9 | ŠITA4-UL-I7 | group splendor/ancient dominate/master |
group of (beings of splendor / ancients) who dominate dictators9 |
Elohim5![]() |
EL/ÍL-Ú-HI-IM6 | the exalted powerful ones who have mixed the clay (or the clay beings = Man) | |
Emesal17 | EME-SAL | language of the women refined language |
Enlil | EN-LÍL | the lord of the wind (of the word) the lord of infection |
Eurynome11 | ERIN2-UM7 ERIN2-UM-ME7 |
bands of midwives (or old or even ancient women) bands of midwives of divine order |
universal and primordial goddess11 |
Gina'abul![]() lizard(s) |
GINA-AB-UL | veritable/authentic/trueborn ancestor(s) of the splendor/glory | |
Imanujela3 =gods, reptiles, "lords who have come" |
IM-AN-ÚH-EL-Á2 | wind / tempest / clouds the sky venom / poison carry / exalted / high being force / power |
those from the clouds in the sky with venom who carry the power |
Imdugud | IM-DUGUD7 | in this context: blood high |
noble blood |
Kadištu Qadištu1 |
KAD4-IŠ7-TU | ancient assemblers of life2,7 caduceus |
Life Designers |
the banded foundation the base of the foundation |
KUR-NU-GI4 | the KUR of no return | ||
Lilith | LÍL-TI7 | spirit of life (see Divinities) | |
Mága'an | MÁ-GA6-AN | transport ship of the sky (space) | cargo ship6 |
Mantindane9 | MAN-TIN-DAN6 | partner/associate/equal to live/reside calamity |
associate(s) where calamity resides partner(s) who live for calamity |
Margíd'da | MAR-GÍD-DA | chariot of the distance elongated chariot |
Gina'abul spacecraft Ursa Major (Gina'abul residence) |
Mater13 | MA-TE-ER7 | who produces and establishes the creation who carries and establishes the foundation who guides and establishes the stars16 |
mother |
MÌ-MÍ-NU7 | responsible for hostile (negative) duties | ||
MUL-ÁD-HARA57 | flash/brilliance that emanates from the cup | Muladhara8 the place of the root |
Mušdagur | MUŠ-DA-GUR7 | great fat reptile powerful and brilliant reptile |
lizard (can be an insult) |
Namlú'u | NAM-LÚ'U18 | immense human beings | primordial humans |
Niama | NÍ-AMA7 NÍ-AMA27 |
power of the mother/heat power of the master |
Can be transmitted by flowing blood as in sacrifices. Dogon: Nyama is vital energy in the blood |
NÍG-ZI-GÁL | a thing/property where the life has been placed | cloned creature | |
Nügua15 Nü Wa15 |
NU-GU-A10 NU-WA(BA7) |
she of the string of figurines/images wet-nurse of the images (clones) she who produces the figurines/images |
Ruah5 Ruah Elohim 5(See Elohim) |
RU-ÁH/AH57 | gift / present / act of restoring the power |
Mother-Goddess10 Spirit of God5 |
heart that drains/floods | chakra8 | |
child of the Earth |
![]() ![]() |
carry the Earth (Šàtam) carry evil (Satan) |
territorial administrator / regional chief supreme chieftain of the Annuna; hence "God" |
Seba14 | SE-BA (or SA-BA)10 SE-BÀ7 SE-BA77 |
brightness that opens that which gives (allocates) light the light of life that which distributes light the light of the soul |
door star see Stargates instruction, apprenticeship the light of the soul |
Shakti8 | ŠA6-AK-TI7 | good miracle-worker of life | India: divine primordial energy |
Siensišár | SI-EN-SI-ŠÁR | which assembles in order the numerous dignitaries | artificial womb |
Šutum | ŠU-TUM | those who deploy the work | |
Tiamata Tigeme |
mother of life servant of life |
Tiamat on the Akkadian tablets Tigeme is name used by Gina'abul males and in Sumerian |
Ubšu'ukkinna Maïa system, Pleiades |
UB-ŠU-UNKIN-NA | region / part of universe / sanctum force/power assembly |
Mesopotamia: sacred mound origin-place of the "gods" |
Umaï Ancient Goddess of the Turks of Orkhon |
UM-A-I7 | midwife who controls the seminal fluid | |
Unir | U6-NIR4 U4-NIR2 |
elevated/exalted/culminating view/sight elevated/exalted/culminating brilliance |
pyramid pyramids in Unulahgal |
Uraš7 (Earth) | UR-AŠ | man/being unique/one |
place of the unique being |
Urmah | UR-MAH Sumerian: lion |
warrior great |
great warrior |
Ušumgal | UŠUM-GAL | Grand Dragon, monarch | Sumer: humanoid-reptilian god or lord |
Wazungu12 | WA-ZU-UN-GU76 | understanding wisdom/knowledge people/population bring food offerings / nourishment / to eat |
those of understanding and knowledge to whom the people bring food offerings / nourishment |
Zoe | ZU-È7 | who emerged from Wisdom |
Rwandan (by Credo Mutwa)
Ideogram form for ziggurat. Recall the Latin unire (unite); the "gods" came down to unite with human priestesses in the little temples on the summits of the ziggurats.
Zulu (by Credo Mutwa)
Numerous African tribes
Primordial Goddess of Chinese legends
TE possesses the same archaic pictographic sign in the form of two rejoining stars, as the particle MUL (star), suggesting a common meaning in a distant epoch.
Emesal (Paleo-Babylonian dialect)
Secret dialect of women and priestesses. Part of, but not to be confused with, Emešà, No male could use this dialect with the exception of the Kalû priests, who were eunuchs.
To be continued...