(KIGAL graphic taken from the forthcoming Adam Genisis)
Parks describes a system of dimensions that is a little more complex than the simple "stacking of planes" found in many metaphysical descriptions of reality.In his description, which he ascribes to the "secret ideology of the Gina'abul," there are the ANGAL, or Great Heaven, and the dimensional system known as the KIGAL (Great Earth), composed of the KI, our "3rd dimension", where we evolve on the Earth, and the KUR, which encompasses deeper dimensions.
The KUR, which is invisible to the three-dimensional perception of beings evolving in KI, consists of KUR-GAL, the 2nd dimension, and KUR-BALA, the 1st. As can be seen in the diagram, the KUR also includes two intermediate dimensions.
Just "below" our 3rd dimension is the intermediate dimension KUR-GI-A, meaning KUR of the "firm" Source, or the ANGAL.
This implies an interlocking: whereas the system of dimensions lower than our 3rd is called "the KUR," the ANGAL has its own KUR, and that is the KUR-GI-A, which is one of the intermediate dimensions in our own KUR.
The decomposition of the word KUR, incidentally, suggests "belted or banded foundation," or "base of the foundation."
Decomposition of the term KUR-GI-A reveals that this is a transitory dimension in which souls rest momentarily before reintegrating with the Source or ANGAL.
Next appears the KUR-GAL (2nd dimension), "the Great KUR," a parallel world where certain Gina'abul took their residence on planet Earth.
Just below is inserted another intermediate dimension, the KUR-NU-GI (the KUR of no return). This is the level of "lost souls" - the place in which entities are marooned; we know them as ghosts.
To the Sumerians, KUR-GI-A and KUR-NU-GI were two versions of hell.
The 1st dimension, KUR-BALA, is the "lowest" of them all. The Sumerians and tablet specialists liken this place to "the beyond," but the exact meaning of KUR-BALA is "the KUR of the realm or kingdom or dynasty." On Earth, the KUR-BALA was the object of numerous hostilities among the Gina'abul, because whoever holds the KUR-BALA becomes inevitably the master of the KUR-GAL and the KI.
All-Seeing Eye views KUR-GAL and KI only.The master of the KUR-BALA is literally "the all-seeing eye at the summit of the pyramid... inverted," because it looks directly onto the KUR-GAL and the KI!
That is why on the tablets KUR (or KUR-BALA) is often translated as "enemy world," a place where chaos seems to reign perpetually.
The first three dimensions form a sort of inverted pyramid with KI representing the base and the dimension KUR-BALA forming the pinnacle. This is why people have a magnified or inflated view of the dimensions above KI (the ANGAL). These function somewhat the same way, but in a manner inverted from the KUR or KUR-BALA. The higher one climbs, the more one possesses a global view of the ensemble of all the dimensions.
To Be a Clone
"I remember well this first impression, this painful sensation of crushing and suffocation. My spirit was empty and invaded with uncertainties. How had I arrived here? What mission had I been given in incarnating into this body in distress, at the edge of asphyxiation? Totally numbed, I opened my eyes and observed the artificial womb in which I was buried. By all evidence, my body had arrived at its finish, its termination."Of course it had not arrived at its finish. It had arrived! Just about one of our days earlier, it been only a fertilized ovum.Cloning is one of the edge technologies of our age. We have seen cloned animals; human clones would appear to be within reach; the ethics of the practice have us stumped for the moment but can there be any doubt that it will be done, perhaps on a massive scale, or even is already an accomplished, though covert, presence in our world?
We wonder what a cloned human would be like. Would it come into the world from a natural or artificial womb, like any natural newborn baby? Would it have a consciousness like that of any natural person? Would it be like a twin to whatever human contributed its genes? Would it be born with that person's knowledge "wired in?"
Parks, due to his mind-meld visions, has answers to these questions, and provides them amply in his book.
From the Karmapolis interview:
The Gina'abul knew how to program the genes of an individual to give him such or such character or physiognomy. They could determine in advance and even program like a computer the body of knowledge of the specimen they were fabricating.1 For that, they utilized crystals and notably various types of quartz. But I cannot say more of this because I am opposed to these procedures that seem to be totally immoral today. The story that I relate is filled with genetic manipulations and I know well where they led the Gina'abul and above all the human species.In the opening pages of Part 1, we are treated to the stream of consciousness of a cloned adult Gina'abul, awakening within the glass womb, and after moments of sensations of suffocation, disorientation, and confusion, coming to his senses, recognizing his "father-creator," having a brief conversation with him, and then hopping into his personal craft to embark on a worlds-shaking mission.
- Recall from Carlos Castaneda's The Active Side of Infinity:
"In order to keep us obedient and meek and weak, the predators [here Gina'abul] engaged themselves in a stupendous maneuver - stupendous, of course, from the point of view of a fighting strategist. A horrendous maneuver from the point of view of those who suffer it. They gave us their mind! Do you hear me? The predators give us their mind, which becomes our mind. The predators' mind is baroque, contradictory, morose, filled with the fear of being discovered any minute now."
The brief conversation was critical. If he had turned out to be a perfect clone in terms of his identity, his father would have destroyed him without hesitation, as he had done others. His father had been aiming at something different: a prototype of a new race. This one turned out to be a success.
This is Sa'am, a personage from birth, the protagonist of the book, whom we will come to know deeply. His father-creator is named An; Sumerian scholars know who he is; Sa'am is unfamiliar to us, but we will eventually recognize him as well.
An is also a clone, and a Great Lord, the "Seventh of the Ušumgal."
We cannot discuss this image in detail until we have more of a framework for it. We will return to it later. But we wanted you to see how one of those artificial wombs was represented on a clay tablet. The Akkadian word for it translates as matrix and it does have a mesh-like appearance. Of course, matrix has connotations of mother. The emerging female is Eve. Sa'am is at left.
Who Clones
Sex having been banned for a long time, the Gina'abul procreated with the aid of genetics, which produced all sorts of specimens and hybrids to which belong for example the Měmínu (Greys) who are but slaves in service to the male Gina'abul.
Having mutually disconnected themselves, the female reptilians and certain males specialized in cloning. A little later, the Amašutum joined with the Kadištu of our universe. They have always been wiser than their masculine brothers and without doubt it was for them the best means to redeem certain past errors.The Gina'abul have possessed for many thousands of years the knowledge of cloning. One can trace this knowledge on the representations in clay of Mesopotamia, the Codex Mayas, or even certain Egyptian figurines such as this one (at right) in the tomb of Thutmosis 3 in the Valley of the Kings.
It would be difficult not to see a priestess facing three artificial wombs (SI-EN-SI-ŠÁR, see Decoder). Notice in each upper section an egg fertilized by a spermatozoon, and in the interior chamber bodies in formation.
In one of the opening chapters of Le Secret, Sa'am travels to Unulahgal, the capital of Nalulkára, a place he describes as "the blessed, the jewel of our proud planet." And a beautiful city it is, but that is for another part of our discussion.
Unulahgal was...
...the center of the great initiates. All the "Life Designer" priestesses studied in this high place of apprenticeship. By their own dogma, they were the miracle workers of life, the great transformers at the service of the Original Source -- the primordial and universal Divinity. A few of them had the privilege of planning life on the planet Uraš (the Earth), situated in the prodigious stellar system Ti-ama-te (the solar system). The enigmatic doctrines of the priestesses and the Kadištu (Life Designers) were terribly feared by the males of our race [the Gina'abul].This is a devastating statement! A key reason for having this entire treatment of Parks' work on our website. In these few words, Parks sets before us a vision of the secret of life as we know it. In our day, the eternal schism between "evolution science" and "creationism" has spawned "intelligent design," at its best an unabashed study of the critical role of molecular biology in the propagation of living species, but ultimately an embarrassment as it argues for "God" as the molecular biologist.They are correct in seeing the tracks of someone with high intelligence at work on our molecular machinery but they could not envision who that might have been... or they forced their own religion onto it.
Now Parks gives us something quite acceptable: an entire city of designers -- apprentices, students, and accomplished ones -- working under the inspiration of the formless Kadištu, themselves in service to Divinity.
This arrangement, mind you, is not offered as the source of all life everywhere. The many worlds of the Gina'abul are scattered at some distance from here (see Worlds), but they are not infinite in number and we can see from here all of the constellations in which they reside. So this is a small grouping, surrounded in the vastness by what? We don't know.
For the discussion in Open SETI that ends where this vision begins, see APPENDIX 2 / Challenges to Darwinism: Panspermia and Theories of Guided Evolution.
Here is Parks' discussion of the various Gina'abul who have the capability of cloning:
The Kingú-Babbar (albinos) know how to clone; they are even great experts. They are the creators of the Ušumgal!Asked about the apparent autonomy of the Greys with whom we seem to be in contact today:Practically the entire male Gina'abul line emanates from the Ušumgal root stock.
Generally speaking, the male Gina'abul are clumsy at cloning. For that reason they use the Amašutum. The Amašutum possess the power of creating. They possess the complete genetic patrimony, the gift of the Gina'abul colonies of Margid'da (Ursa Major) in their genetic banks on their mother planet Nalulkara.
Among the Gina'abul, other than the Amašutum, only the seven Ušumgal possess the knowledge of how to create, An being considered the best of the seven (even by the word of Tiamata!). Sa'am was given the understanding of his father-creator An, and of his mother-creator Nammu, which conferred on him enormous knowledge of cloning.
The remainder of the Gina'abul, such as the Šutum, the Anunna, the Nungal, the Měmínu, the Mušgir... know absolutely nothing of cloning.
To be precise, the Mušgir were involved with the ancestors of the seven Ušumgal in Urbar'ra (Lyra), contributing their genetic patrimony in the production of the first branch of the Měmínu. The Ušumgal ancestors had the genetic technology, without which the Mušgir would not have been able to create anything....
Subsequently, the different Gina'abul were authorized to clone from other Měmínu to the end of time. For example, the royal Kingú-Babbar (albino Kingú) Gina'abul, originally from Ušu (Draco), and particularly those who relocated to the constellation Te (Aquila), produced other Měmínu specimens.
The Měmínu differ among the Gina'abul colonies. They all share the same origin, but differ physically and mentally in their programming. I explain for example in Tome 2 [forthcoming] that the Kingú-Babbar of our solar system created Měmínu with light complexions like their own....
As much as they seem autonomous today, that was not the case millennia ago... All that is strange. Frankly, I think they are not genuine and they play a manipulative game. In fact, I think that they are always directed by the Kingú-Babbar who are in conflict with the Anunnaki and their descendants. I have difficulty seeing the Kingú-Babbar liberating the clone-slaves that they have possessed and used since the night of time!Readers will note that this issue of the meaning of what appear to be cloning or genetic manipulation activities on the part of "Greys" and others, comes up again and again on the pages of Open SETI and The End of Enchantment. Genetic operations, either real or attempted or simulated, are apparently of vital importance to these various races, and may well be to ourselves, however little attention they have been given by the public.Not all the races known to Parks propagate by cloning or by being cloned. One that procreates "naturally," raises children, etc., is the Imdugud (see Races).