2006 from EndEnchantment Website . |
The purpose of the author's work is to bring to our attention the significance of linguistic codes in the pre-Sumerian language - codes found in all languages - which he reveals to us after his extensive research. But the style in which Anton Parks reveals his story of saurians or reptiles has rarely been seen or read: an essay that reads like a novel while teaching us of a system of interdimensional life that resembles ours, with personages who experience the same emotions as we do.
- Nenki, Editor
Měmínu (Greys)
Translation Through Decomposition And Decoding - Using Gina'abul meanings for syllables/particles from the syllabary
Anton Parks' Le Secret des Etoiles Sombres might be a novel, constructed to illustrate via a gripping narrative the author's insights into a human prehistoric background - rather a prehuman historic background - gained through his deep linguistic analysis of ancient Mesopotamian languages: Sumerian, Akkadian, Babylonian.
However, Parks himself does not believe his book to be a work of fiction. Rather, it is a transcription of experiences he had - through an imposed virtual reality projection, or a parapsychological mind meld, or some other process for which we cannot even propose a name - that intruded upon and overwhelmed his daily life for many years.
Before reading his book, one needs to know what it is. The best way to begin to understand is through Parks' own description of how he acquired his information. For this we turn to a penetrating interview of Parks conducted by Alain Gossens of Karmapolis.be.
The wide-ranging interview also serves as a précis of the book as a whole, and as such was an aid in organizing and beginning to write this web page. Increasingly, the page has been incorporating information from private communications with Anton Parks, and from the book itself.
One other important first detail for English-speaking readers: no English-language translation of the book or the interview has been undertaken. We will not attempt a close translation on this page either, but the importance of Parks' work seems so great that we are moved to provide English-speaking readers with a summary and discussion of the basic facts contained in them.
Anton Parks Describes his Experiences
Parks' experiences began at the age of 14, in 1981, with a series of "flashes" that would occur at any hour of the day, and completely beyond his control. These eventually evolved into "visions" that took place from once to three times each day.
The visions seemed somehow to be related to or triggered by the ambient light at the time of their occurrence. The light in the visions had the same "spectrum" as the surrounding light. They came as "jets of light" from above, penetrating the top of his head, at the level of the "seventh principal chakra." They would instantly disconnect him from his surroundings and move him into complete scenes, including the aspect of sound.
He would find himself "inside" a certain being, and usually would find the same set of "personages" around him.
These living experiences would take from two to up to ten minutes. Yet if there were people around Parks at the time the visions occurred, they did not seem to notice that anything special had happened, which leads Parks to believe that he would have been gone for only a few seconds at most, in their time.
Parks struggled to comprehend the source of these visions, and their meaning. It was not until the end of the 90s and much research that he came to understand that they were related to the Sumerian civilization and to a language from which the Sumerian language emerged.
Parks also began to consider aspects of reincarnation theory in trying to comprehend what was happening to him.
The personage whose identity Parks assumed in his visions bore the name of "Sa'am," and it was Sa'am's "destiny" that Parks was retracing.
Sa'am belonged to a group of "reptilian" races known as the Gina'Abul, and these are the divinities who are written about on the Mesopotamian tablets.
Sa'am had a certain crystal that was called "Gírků." The information that Parks was receiving was in some way coming from the crystal, which led him to wonder if the experience was being played out in his mind by the crystal or if he really was this "Sa-am" who owned it.
After many years of living with these visions, Parks found that they were taking too much of his life, and he began a process of reducing and blocking them. This took many months, but the phenomenon eventually disappeared, in 1991 around the time of the first Persian Gulf War.
Coming to terms with the experience, Parks decided that it was not necessary to know for certain if he truly was the Sa'am personage, although in the depths of his being he is convinced that it is so. Perhaps this was what led him to begin a study of ancient Mesopotamian texts. He and his associates were soon shocked to find that the history they related was practically identical to what he had received - or lived through - in his visions.
Pursuing an interest in the Sumerian language, and aided by his "flashes," Parks discovered the "linguistic code of the 'gods'".
Eventually what became most important was the need to write and publish the information he was gathering. He began this task in the period 2000-2001.
His work, when complete, will consist of three volumes, strict transcriptions of what he received over a period of ten long years.
Comparison with the Work of Other Researchers
Parks has examined the translations of Samuel Kramer, Jean Bottéro, Marie-Joseph Seux, Thorkild Jacobsen, René Labat, and André Caquot. While they differ from one another, their core information is the same, and Parks and his associates couldn't help noticing a surprising similarity between his flashes and the basic story written down on the ancient clay tablets - certainly more than 5000 to 6000 years old!
It was all Parks could do to keep from plunging too deeply into these translations, so as to continue to preserve intact the history as he had received it, which contained numerous elements that were totally absent from the tablets.
He found striking similarities on concepts having to do with cloning, well detailed on the tablets, which have also been discussed by modern authors Zecharia Sitchin, R. Boulay, and David Icke.
Most important was information relating to the central personage known in Parks' first volume as Sa-am, who took other names while on the Earth. But he cannot speak further of this for the time being, as it would reveal in advance certain important details from the second volume which has not been edited at the time of this interview.
Language Studies
The language in which Parks received his information was completely unlike French, yet he knew it as though it were his native tongue.
For some years he had believed the language to be Hebrew, but was disabused of this idea through the use of a Hebrew syllabary (a set of signs or symbols representing the sounds that make up the words. Since these constituent sounds have their own meanings, one can use this tool to decompose and understand the complex meanings of complete words).
It is this focus on the phonetic values of the syllables that distinguishes Parks' linguistic methodology. These exhibit a common base among numerous ancient languages.
Parks learned that the codification of the language was associated with the existence of castes in the society he had experienced in his visions: that of the Gina'abul (Sumerian word for lizards). By the end of the 1990s Parks knew he was on the trail of Sumer; the Sumerian syllabary helped him to decompose certain biblical terms.
Decomposing a word required knowledge of the context that had led to the original assembling of its terms. For example, he explains, the Sumerian Gina'abul
can be decomposed as GINA-AB-UL ("veritable ancestor(s) of the splendor"). When one understands the excessive vanity of the beings Parks experienced, one is not surprised by this appellation.
Take the name Adam, which we are supposed to believe comes from the Hebrew in relation to the terms adama (clod of earth?) or adôm (red). Parks is unaware that any author has considered the Sumerian Á-DAM, which means "beasts, animals, flocks" or "levy (?), establishment, installation or colonization," all subsumed under "inflict!"
If Á-DAM were to designate persons, they would be "beasts, animals, levied, established, installed," or even "colonized, inflicted."
The idea of an enslaved being, totally submissive to "gods," is reinforced in the equivalent of the term Á-DAM in Akkadian, which is Nammaššű, translated phonetically in Sumerian as nam-maš-šű, "the demi-portion to charge."
What could be more precise?
Parks applies this method to determine and verify in detail virtually every translatable term in connection with the history he relates. In Le Secret, the number of words that he did not decompose with the aid of the Sumero-Akkadian syllabary could be counted on the fingers of one hand. He believes he is the first to use this decomposition method.
The syllables of Sumerian and Akkadian words allow Parks to decompose the principal words of other ancestral languages: Chinese, Hebrew, ancient Greek, Latin, Germanic and Amerindian languages, etc. That leads to a unified understanding of all languages, but discussion of this will have to await the later volumes in the series.
Parks does provide in the current volume the accents and numeric labeling of syllables that are part of his system. He also makes the key point that the Sumerian syllabary - Sumerian being the Emenita, the male language of the Gina'abul - was uniquely used by the Gina'abul males, while the females, who created the ensemble of the Gina'abul syllabary, adroitly juggled with the particles in the Sumerian and those taken from the Akkadian language. Together this formed a sort of integral version of the language called Emeša (the matrix language).
The females (priestesses) developed Emeša as part of their response to their capture and oppression by the male Gina'abul, the famous Ušumgal and Mušgir (see Races), who had discovered the secret of their feminine sexual power. A group of the males wished to imprison the females and make them submit to abominations so as to seize that power for themselves. The females, confined by the males, developed Hermetic rites and other secrets in order to protect themselves. So that they would be able to communicate among themselves with full confidence, they created the supplementary linguistic particles that form the Emešŕ language that no male is supposed to speak.
None of this is inscribed on the tablets. The pictograms and the cuneiform did evolve. Meanwhile, the Gina'abul held their code closely.
As to how the Akkadian language (and its syllabary) appeared totally formed from one day to the next, apparently subsequently to the Sumerian, this will be explained in Volume 3: "Rising Nibiru" (The Evil of Nibiru).
In his interview, Parks provides a glimpse of the numerous races at play in his works: those that make up the Kadištu collective and the Gina'abul races, a large part of whom are in conflict with the Kadištu. The female Gina'abul, however, are the Amašutum priestesses, who belong to the Kadištu. This is an example of the complex relationships and interactions that make up Parks' story.
Kadištu Akkadian: Qadistu, evoking high-ranking priestesses. Sumerian: NU-GIG, meaning "non-evil" but also "the image of evil" - sacred prostitutes. Related to the Latin caduceus. Emissaries of "the Original Source," they live in "higher dimensions" called "Angal." Role is to unify the species of the universe. Very powerful but do not interfere in the affairs of beings evolving in the "reduced frequencies." Abgal Kadištu subgroup. Genetically affiliated with Gina'abul, but with genes of a far-off amphibian race. Sages of the Gagsisá (Sirius) system. Amašutum Female Gina'abul*. "Mother Lizards." Priestesses. Kadištu subgroup, therefore also associated with the principle of "good and evil." Life Designers. Ursa Major, Hyades, Pleiades, Orion. Ama'argi Female Gina'abul terrestrials. Sukkal Kadištu subgroup having the form of birds. "Cousin of the Gina'abul." Important Life Designers. Urbar'ra (Lyra). Urmah Warriors / Life Designers. Logo: the lion. Felidae or feline. Feline-humanoid appearance; actually resembles a lion. Always seen with claws; unknown if natural or artificial. Orion. The official army of the Kadištu, who often referred to them concerning problems of rule. For that reason, the Urmah were found at several times in our solar system. Namlú'u
Primordial Human
[see Decoder]Prodigious androgyne race assembled by the Kadištu on Uraš (Earth). Highly respected because it combined the genetic patrimony of numerous Life Designer species. Kingú Akkadian Quingu. Sumerian: KIN-GU = "ruler over the Earth (or regions). Logo: the eagle. Princely root stock of the Gina'abul. At war with the Ušumgal. Three types: whites [Kingú-Babbar, grand royals; Te (Aquila)], reds [warriors-cleaners; Ušu (Draco)], greens [the people, also warriors]. Most Kingú possess a mark on the forehead, like a third eye. Kingú-Babbar Royal albino Kingú, originally from Ušu (Draco), where they created the Ušumgal. Relocated to Urbar'ra (Lyra) with the Ušumgal, whom they abandoned there at the time of the Great War. Resettled in the constellation Te (Aquila). Some are present in our solar system, originally from Te, and are central to events that will be described in Parks' second book, Adam Genisis. They are in conflict with the Anunnaki and their descendants. Solitary, do not like to mix with others, because they feel superior to the rest of the Gina'abul. These are the largest of all the Kingú. Some possess wings and horns; others absolutely none. Those in our solar system have hardly any wings and no horns. Among all the Gina'abul, most closely resemble humans. Red Kingú Just beneath the Kingú-Babbar in the social order. Specialists in war; soldiers. Reddish skin. Have tail, horn, and wings. Kingú People Workers and warriors. These are the Kingú who take part in the battles on Duků at the end of Book 1. Greenish skin (a little lighter than that of the Anunna). Imdugud (Anzu) Mix of Kingú-Babbar and Urmah. Depicted emblematically in Sumerian and Akkadian imagery as half eagle, half lion, respectively representing their genetic roots. White skin (like the Kingú-Babbar). Appear "Nordic" but with a slight "animal" look in their eyes, an aspect that is connected with their genes. They resemble humans, often with blue eyes, and are very tall. Emit barking or whistling sounds. Always seen with claws; unknown if natural or artificial. Solitary. Originated in Tiamate (our Solar System) well before 300,000 y.a., which is when the Anunna arrived. Ušumgal "Grand Dragons," later Sumerian term for their gods and sovereigns; descended from Kingú-Babbar; creators of the Annuna and other races. The Ušumgal Council of Nalulkára were survivors of the Great War. Šutum Male Gina'abul*. "Lizard" in Sumerian. Created by Abzu-Abba to impregnate the Amašutum, but their reproductive abilities were in decline. They suffered from a disease of unknown cause. Originally, laborers, working for the entire race of Gina'abul. Margid'da (Ursa Major). Nungal Great Lords. Bible: watchers. Akkadian: Igigi. Male. Created (in great haste) by Sa'am and Mamitu-Nammu (see Personages) from Imdugud genes on which Abzu-Abba had been experimenting. Considered as Life Designers although no knowledge of cloning. Anunna Warriors. Created by An and Ninmah on Duků, Mulmul (Pleiades), from a genetic patrimony discovered by Ninmah on Nalulkára. No doubt the cell line was enhanced Šutum. Wars among the Gina'abul brought them to the Earth. Anunnaki = "Anunna of the Earth." Have manipulated humans for millennia. Mušgir "Furious reptile" - winged dragons. Assyrian: "Pazuzu". Can easily move between the "first and third dimensions." Originally created in Lyra by Ušumgal; An and Ninmah produced a second line on Duků, Mulmul (Pleiades), using a cell line discovered by Ninmah on Nalulkára. Have tail, horns, and wings. Měmínu Dogon: ant. Known to us as "grey" ETs. They are genetically-engineered descendents of the Mušgir -- wingless, smooth-skinned, diminutive. Originally created by Ušumgal with reprogrammed Mušgir genes, as part of a program in which the Mušgir participated voluntarily. Later numerous other Miminu races were created from cells fabricated by the Kingú. They know how to take orders. Slaves of the male Gina'abul. Modern Human Genetic combination of Original Human, Gina'abul, ape. *According to our strict human ideology about what may be considered human, the Gina'abul are not human beings. Therefore Parks does not refer to Gina'abul women and men, but rather females and males.
The Kadištu live in "higher dimensions" (Angal) and very few of them can enter our third dimension; this doesn't facilitate direct contact and explains their circuitous fashion of approaching us.
The Kadištu observe us more than ever before, and communicate via the intermediary of people they contact directly or telepathically. But such communications must be taken with great care, because of the possibility of wrong interpretation of what was received. Furthermore, there are many contacts in the form of abductions conducted by the Greys, who are usually in the service of the Gina'abul.
The birthplace of the Gina'abul was in the constellation Draco, which they call Ušu, but numerous conflicts that punctuated their history resulted in the creation and separation of subraces and their spread throughout "our universe."
Some remain in Ušu, but the Ušumgal and the majority of the Amašutum are in Nalulkára (in Ursa Major), the Kingú in Te (the Eagle), the Mušgir and the Měmínu (Greys) in Urbar'ra (Lyra), and some Amašutum are found in Mulmul (the Pleiades) where the Anunna were also created.
And it is war that has caught up the Anunna on the Earth.
A great many Sumerian tablets relate the adventures of the Anunna on the blue planet - the Anunnaki - in a sort of extended ode to these Anunna warriors. The chronicles show in detail how they became established and controlled the humanity that they genetically transformed from livestock for their greater pleasure, because the Anunnaki are somewhat lazy. This is how they came to be considered like gods (or, to be more direct, "God") in the eyes of humanity.
Unfortunately for these Anunnaki, who continue to secretly direct human affairs, humans are in full mutation and will soon jump dimensions... an historic moment long awaited in the history of humanity.
Amašutum: Designers of Life
The Amašutum, female Gina'abul, are considered a Kadištu subgroup because of their affiliation and devotion to this semi-Divine race. As such, they are supreme Life Designers.
Note that I am translating Parks' word planificateur as "Life Designer," as opposed to the usually more correct "planner." This is in reference to the current raging debate over Intelligent Design. The Life Designers or planners, whatever one wishes to call them, are superbly-skilled geneticists.
Thus, when deprived of the reproductive role of the Šutum (male Gina'abul), the Amašutum were easily able to preserve their line and multiply their numbers through genetics and their ability to clone to infinity. And where all the Šutum carried their unchanging original genetic material, the Amašutum possessed a great variety of facial appearances and characters, making each of them a unique and remarkable being.
The lifespan of the Amašutum was eternal, because, as opposed to the Šutum, their bodies would periodically undergo the Gibil'lásu (renewal of the skin), similar to the process seen in snakes and certain other reptiles.
There were rumors that certain among them could undergo death and resurrection.
They are issues of two warrior peoples -- Kingú-Babbar and Urmah (see Genealogy). But they possess a certain form of wisdom via the Urmah.
Due to their mixed genetic background, they were intended to be employed as neutral agents or messengers capable of adjudicating problems between the Kadištu and the Gina'abul of Tiamate. That is why the Imdugud are totally apart and solitary.
Since their origin here, they were "covered" by their Kingú-Babbar creators, and that made them enemies of the Anunna, who have used them ever since winning the war in our system. But under the influence of the Kingú genitors, the Imdugud have long been obliged to deal with these opposing Gina'abul factions.
Parks does not know if the Imdugud maintain these relations with the Kingú and Anunna today.
Měmínu (Greys)
Parks writes in his Karmapolis interview:
"Měmínu" is the term that I received [for "the Greys"] in the epoch [from which I derive my memories].How surprised I was to find it later among the Dogons of Mali for whom this word means "ant" decomposed in Sumerian, it gives MĚ-MÍ-NU, "responsible for hostile (or negative) duties" [see Decoder].
This translation is even more interesting because Credo Mutwa names the "Grey" Mantindane or "the torturers" in Zulu [see Decoder].
It is my understanding that the "Greys" came originally from Lyra, the place where numerous Gina'abul colonies are found. [The "Greys"] work as a group and function like ants. They function as a race of workers in service to their reptilian creators.
Various Gina'abul lines have fabricated Měmínu in the past. There are several kinds of them in different regions. Those that are associated with the solar system and that were therefore created by the Kingu (royal Gina'abul) are larger than the others and have hair.
There is abundant proof of the presence of "Greys" in the solar system, if only by the different cases of abductions reported every year around the globe.
In truth, I don't know what has happened to the Měmínu we see today. Their destiny seems to have changed somewhat as they appear to possess a sort of autonomy that they had not had for thousands of years. The story that I relate (thus, that I have received) ends more than 2000 years ago. My knowledge was gained in that epoch.
Anunna and Nungal
The Anunna were proposed as a race of warriors to defend the Amašutum against an unseen and amorphous enemy who in fact did not exist. (This dynamic, which we have seen in our time, clearly has ancient roots.) Sa'am, created as asexual (but later modified) was offered by An as the prototype for this race. An had argued that being asexual, they would be without distractions and better soldiers.
However, Tiamata required a sexual (male) race for her Amašutum sisters, since the Šutum were dying out. Sa'am volunteered to create the princely Nungal race for that purpose and to be their leader.
Neither race would have the power of Gibil'lásu (see above), which would have conferred eternal life. However, they were long-lived.
Today's human is far removed from the Namlú'u, the original or primordial humanoid created by the Kadištu to watch over the animals of the planetary garden that was Uraš (Earth).
As precisely stated in Genesis (1.26), the human was the last specimen to have been integrated into the living reserve of the Life Designers.The aim of this reserve was to assemble the genetic knowledge of the emissaries of the Source. The original human being was highly respected, because it combined within itself the genetic patrimony of numerous Life Designer species....
Allied races gifted the Namlú'u with several parts of their body structure. Designers of Life such as the Ameli brought the principal element of their marvelous semi-etheric body. All Designers of Life contributed a bit of themselves toward the realization of the Namlú'u.
The Namlú'u thus were magnificent beings, the issue of the collective heritage of the combined sciences of the Kadištu. They were for this reason the living guardians of the knowledge of our universe....
One of the most remarkable manipulations of the Gina'abul is to have alienated the human being in order to produce an animal to serve themselves. For that, the Gina'abul began with the original human that they then mixed with their own genes and those of apes.
The particular mixture that the Gina'abul must have had to cook up in order to obtain their Á-DAM resulted from a composition completely impossible to realize today by human scientists. It required the same type of manipulation that the Kadištu had used to assemble the original human. It is Enki, the son of An and Nammu, who was charged with this doleful dirty work under the constraints that will be described in the second book. I name this genetic combination "mixed blood" in the first book.
I will never give any more information on this subject for the reasons that I have evoked [in the section below, To Be a Clone]. Humanity possesses a prodigious destiny. The aim of humanity is not to reproduce the errors of the reptilians who intended to genetically diminish them, who posed as their creators!
The sad aspect of the Á-DAM-animal is moreover attested by many traditions -- notably in the apocryphal texts which are documents from the same period as the biblical scriptures, but were not admitted by the Church. Why not? Because these texts seriously undermine the official version.
Credo Mutwa...names the reptilians who direct this world "the Chitauli," meaning "dictators" in Zulu. ...this term can be translated into Sumerian.... [See Decoder for "Chitauli" and "Gina'abul / lizard(s)".]Apocryphal Book of Adam, extracts from Chapters 13 and 15, éditions Robert Laffont, 1980:
Who has plunged me into this infinite sadness of evil angels of fetid odor and abominable form? Who has thrown me into the midst of these evil genies? Must I grow in a milieu that I detest, among beings whose works I abhor? Must I take their form, that I live in their dwelling-place? Why has my primitive form changed? Ah! That they would allow me to return to the peaceful sojourn, there to which my heart yearns. That they would return me to the celestial assemblies and the conferences and the prayers filled with peaceful enfusions, that they may illumine me with the light from on high and that I be finally cast from this envelope of opprobrium. How long will I be bound to this body of clay?Apocryphal The Apocalypse of Adam, gnostic Nag-Hammadi texts, N-H Codex 5, éditions Ganesha, 1989:
Since (the) God has fashioned me of earth, and Eve at the same time, I went with her toward a glory that she had perceived in the eon from which we issued. This one taught me by one word the knowledge of the eternal God. Then we came to resemble the great eternal angels: we were superior, in effect to the God who had fashioned us and to the powers that are with him, but that we know not now. Then, sore with wrath, God, master of the eons and the powers, split us... Since then, we have been instructed, like men, of mortal things. Then, we knew the God who had made us. Because we were not independent of his powers. And we served him in fear and slavery. And in consequence, our hearts were obscured...