by Philip Coppens
The article originally
appeared in
Frontier Magazine 2.1 (1996) and has
been slightly adapted
PhilipCoppens Website
Watchers”, biblical angelic figures are once again
carving out a reputation. Their popularity is so much on
the rise that some UFO researchers have actually
argued that they might be the people abducting people.
Whether or not the return of the Sumerian gods is
factual or merely mythical – their popularity continues
to rise.
Coppens |
They first appear on the scene in Sumer.
“Shumer”, it seems, literally means the “Land of the Watchers”. For
the American author
Zecharia Sitchin, they are alien beings whose
specific task is to orbit the earth, monitoring events on Earth. For
Sitchin, the
Watchers are not a “race” or a “species”, they are
merely a “job specification”. Their colleagues had abandoned their
ships and had landed on Earth – they continued to orbit the Earth.
Those who did land, either mated or genetically engineered Mankind
into its present form. As a consequence, Mankind worshipped the
Watchers as gods.
Carl Sagan once remarked that we still have no clear perspective
about the origins of the Sumerian culture.
“Their language is
foreign; it shows no resemblance to Indo-European, Semitic or any
other language. We can only map them by the actions of their
successors, the Akkadians, who created a voluminous Sumerian-Akkadian
The Chaldeans referred to the Watchers as “Ir”
The Egyptians
“neter” means Watcher
And the Watchers are also in the Bible,
where, in Genesis 6:1-4, they are listed as the sons of Gods who
“fell” for the Earthly women, descended from heaven, chose women,
and had children. They were described as “giants”, though the height
of their fathers is never stated. Still,
the giants did not sleep or
The Bible refers to the Watchers or
Grigori as “evil”. They were the
ones who “fell from heaven” and who were “weak” for the flesh of
In this respect, they sit within the tradition of
the leader of the Fallen Angels, who came to Earth
Could the leader
of the Watchers and the biblical Lucifer be one and the same?
The Koran has a similar story, though the strict good vs. evil of
the Bible has been toned down. Two angels, Harut and Marut, watch
the actions of Mankind and note that Mankind seems to be unable to
escape temptation and sin. The angels’ negative comments are heard
by God, who states that the two angels should not speak of Mankind
in such manner. If the angels were placed in an identical situation,
their behavior would be similar. Harut and Marut consider this to be
an invitation from God and are sent to Earth
God asks – demands – that they do not
fall for the gravest of sins: murder, worship of the wrong deities,
alcohol and unlawful sexual relationships. But the angels have just
arrived and immediately fall in love with Earth’s beauty. When a
passer-by seems their sexual adventure, they kill him, so that
no-one will be able to report their sin. But God’s Eye is everywhere
and God makes sure that their colleagues in heaven – the other
Watchers – also get to see their crimes.
As the two angels were unsuccessful in their task, they are hung
upside down in a water hole in Babylon, a punishment they prefer
over Hell. At the same time, the other Watchers have to agree with
God about his point of view on the difficulties of being a human.
It seems that this story is twofold: to repeat what is right and
wrong, but also to teach those in Heaven some respect towards
Mankind and its challenges.
The Nephilim, the giants, continued to live on Earth. It seems that
their biggest contribution on Earth was the creation of chaos. Most
ancient civilizations had a major fascination with order vs. chaos,
good vs. evil. Evil would create chaos and thus the Nephilim, the
sons of the Fallen Angels, obviously displayed their fathers’
This eventually leads God to decide to
send a Deluge, to wash away the sins of these beings. Here, we find
another parallel with the story of Harut and Marut: they are also
“washed of their sins” in the water hole in Babylon. Water as the
cleanser of sin is therefore chose in both – as opposed to a
“baptism by fire”.
Still, Jewish history suggests that not all Nephilim perished. The
Jews stated that they lived in Israel and the Anakim and
were both tribes considered to have been descended from the Nephilim.
There remained a few Nephilim who fought in some of the battles, but
they slowly seemed to have disappeared from the scene. Perhaps they
married and their specific characteristics – apparently six toes and
six fingers – disappeared within the larger genetic pool.
The story of the Watchers fell in disrespect within the Catholic
Church, who wanted to portray Heaven as good and perfect – whereas
the Watchers were all too human, it seemed, to neatly fit within
this depiction. The
Book of Enoch, which provides great detail about
the Watchers, was not included in the Bible. Its substitute was the
Apocalypse of John, where there are no references to Watchers mating
with human women. Still, some references remained. In Daniel (4:13,
17 and 23) they appear, even making an appearance in front of the
1990, the Watchers were back with a vengeance. Sitchin had
prepared the way, and others were now jumping on the wagon – in
which UFO researcher Raymond Fowler made a major contribution.
Since 1979, Fowler has been researching the case of an alleged UFO
abductee, Betty Andreasson-Luca, a deeply religious American woman
who claims she has been abducted by alien beings. Fowler concluded
that Andreasson’s story was legitimate – she had not confabulated
this account to create attention or controversy. A series of books
was the result, the third of which was titled “The Watchers”.
The title is derived from information
given by the abductors to Andreasson. They identified themselves as
“The Watchers”, guardians of the Earth. They stated they had been
present since earliest human history and that they had always lived
next to us. Andreasson was given this revelation as they wanted
Mankind to know that Man was more than just a body. Andreasson was
tasked with giving this knowledge to Mankind; it was the main reason
why she had been contacted by them.
Fowler’s book created some interest. Gregory Little was most
impressed and made a study of the Book of Enoch, in light of Andreasson’s revelation. He identified that
the Book of Enoch noted
that there were angels both at the gates of Heaven and Hell –
mimicking the Egyptian neters, who also guard the gates of Heaven
and Hell in the Egyptian Afterlife. Little noted that the guardians
of Sheol – hell – were described as angels “grey of colour, small as
children, with a shape that is somewhat similar to the human form.”
Little observed that this description was not present in
the Slavic
edition of the Book (the most commonly used), but was present in
Hebrew version.
Little realized that Fowler himself was unaware of this passage, but
was it not obvious that the “little grey aliens” seemed to be
“witnessed” in ancient times, where they had been described as
guardians of Hell – and not as extraterrestrial beings.
Further research brought Little across a Jewish encyclopedia. It
stated that the Fallen Angels that shown Mankind how to “call upon”
other angels from heaven. It involved a technique which allowed
Mankind to make angels materialize. The technique was a ritual
chanting, which had to occur at certain times and places to be
effective. However, the key message was the “materialisation” of the
“angels” in physical form – was this not another key ingredient of
the UFO phenomenon?

Andreasson |
Reanalyzing Fowler’s book, certain imagery there was similar to that
of the Watchers. Andreasson had described how the Watchers guarded a
door. Under hypnosis, she stated how she was shown a “Great Door”
and how she was lead towards it. “The door is an entrance to the
other world. The world of light.” Behind the door, was the abode of
“The One”, “home”, God, whom she met – though she was unwilling to
give further details.
Did the Christian Andreasson merely confabulate stories she might
have seen in her childhood with reality? Perhaps. But it is clear
that she is not the only person who claims to have been abducted.
Fowler himself analyzed the Book of Enoch and came upon an
intriguing reference on the general UFO abduction phenomenon.
is home alone, resting in a seat and falls asleep. Suddenly, he
hears something, though does not understand what is being said. Two
men appear at the end of his feet; they know his name. Enoch wakes
up, sees the two men and is afraid. They tell him not to be afraid,
“you will ascend to Heaven with us”. It is in Heaven that Enoch is
brought in front of “the Elders” and the rulers of a “stellar
The events described by Enoch are identical – if not archetypal – of
the events reported in UFO abductions. Fowler was also intrigued by
references Andreasson had made. She had described a group of
human-like beings that were in control of the grey beings. She named
these blond people “the Elders”.
True or not, there are important cultural parallels between the
story of Enoch and the modern UFO abduction phenomenon. Budd
Hopkins, who is largely responsible for the modern definition of the
UFO phenomenon as an interaction of alien beings with Mankind for
the creation of a hybrid race, has thus identified a modern parallel
with the Watchers.
The Watchers materialized on Earth to have children with female
women. The UFO abductors materialize on Earth to abduct people,
resulting in pregnancies or a general interest in female genetic
material. The consequences of these actions are “Giants” or “hybrid
The parallels are there, but what do they mean?
Are they ancient
legends, adapted to our modern civilization?
Or are they genuine
events, written down both in ancient and modern times?
Is history
repeating itself?
Or are we merely still intrigued by the same
heroic and thrilling stories of our ancestors?
Two scenes from Betty Andreasson's meeting with
"The One",
with "The
Door" on the left and the beings moving towards the light (right).