by William Henry
William Henry’s book
The Stargate of Atlantis
will be published in Spring 2006
WilliamHenry Website
The British historian and novelist
H.G.Wells put it best when he once observed,
“There is magic in names and the
mightiest among these words of magic is Atlantis… it is as if
this vision of a lost culture touched the most hidden thought of
our soul.”
Of course, by far the most illustrious
of all the voices in the Atlantis choir was Plato (c. 427-347 BC)
who, repeating the story of his cousin’s excursion into Egypt,
reintroduced the epic story of Atlantis to the collective human
imagination. He is the father of ‘Atlantology’.
According to Manly P. Hall, Plato, whose real name was
was initiated in the mysteries in Egypt at the age of 49. His tale
of Atlantis appears in Timaeus, in which Critias tells Socrates how,
visiting the Egyptian capital Plato’s ancestor Solon (c. 640BC) was
told by a priest:
“Oh, Solon, Solon, you Greeks are
all children, and there is no such thing as an old Greek. … You
are all young in mind; you have no belief rooted in old
tradition and no knowledge hoary with age. … In our temples we
have preserved from earliest times a written record of any great
or splendid achievement or notable event which has come to our
ears, whether it occurred in your part of the world or here or
anywhere else; whereas with you and others, writing and the
other necessities of civilization have only just been developed
when the periodic scourge of the deluge descends, and spares
none but the unlettered and uncultured, so that you have to
begin again like children, in complete ignorance of what
happened in our part of the world or in yours in early times. So
these genealogies of your own people which you were just
recounting are little more than children's stories. … The age of
our institutions is given in our sacred records as eight
thousand years …..."
from 'Prolegomenon To Amenemope'
Plato, who is considered one of the world’s greatest scholars, left
little room to doubt that he subscribed wholeheartedly to the
historicity of Atlantis and repeated cataclysms.
Nine thousand years before Plato’s conversation was recorded (c. 400
B.C.) a war took place between an ancient pristine Athens and
Atlantis. At that time
Atlantis was an island ‘larger than Libya and
Asia put together’ that was overcome by earthquakes. It is the
source, says Plato, of the impenetrable mud, which prevents passage
beyond the Pillars of Heracles and across the Atlantic.
Plato’s description of Atlantis came shortly after the Jews were in
exile in Babylon (c.600 B.C.) and were taking history lessons from
Sumerian texts that contained the missing pre-history to the Hebrew
Book of Genesis. These texts speak of a massive cataclysm that
destroyed an advanced race. They tell how the Sumerian gods Enki and
Ninharsag intervened in the evolution of humanity and created an
advanced civilization that was destroyed and how they assisted in
the long march to renewing civilization. These beings were
Shining Ones of Eden and early biblical times. In Plato’s Atlantis
story Enki became Poseidon, the ruler of the Atlantis.
For more than three thousand years, people have been magnetically
attracted and bedazzled by Plato’s story of Enki/Poseidon’s island
Empire of Atlantis and have either dismissed it as mere legend or
have transformed this story into true hidden history.
Many feel that Atlantis is purely fable or a metaphor and that the
‘water’ that destroyed it is simply a symbol for a new wisdom that
replaced the old.
Those who dismiss the tale of Atlantis are of Aristotle’s school. He
compared his teacher's story with that of Homer’s narrative of the
wall which the Greeks were said to have constructed to protect
mythical Troy, but which was destroyed by divine intervention.
Aristotle’s belief was that both Homer’s tale of Troy and
Atlantis were inventions of storytellers seeking to embellish their
story lines.
Aristotle claimed that Plato sank the
island so that it could never be found. With Homer’s Iliad as his
guide, Heinrich Schliemann went hunting for ancient Troy in 1870.
When he found it new life was breathed into the belief that Atlantis
was also an actual place.
Balancing Aristotle's view on Atlantis was Crantor (c. 300 B.C.),
the first editor of Plato's Timaeus. To him Plato’s story was
literally and historically accurate. According to some sources, he
even sent investigators to Egypt to verify the sources. Allegedly,
Egyptian priests claimed records found on still standing ‘pillars’
verified the story of Atlantis.
Egypt is certainly the land of pillars.
The stout columns of Karnak are unforgettable. Truly awe-inspiring
are those three mysterious ancient pillars we call the pyramids of
Giza, clumped together on the plateau of the gods. They represent a
high science and industry capable of creating a nearly
indestructible edifice. Are these the pillars of record?
Despite the fact that nearly two thousand books have been written
about Atlantis in the twentieth century -- many written about the
Atlantean origin of the Egyptian, Sumerian, Indo-Aryan, and native
South American civilizations -- we may never be able to prove to
some that Atlantis existed. Still, Atlantis reminds us of all that
was once great about the human race, and can be great again. It is a
state of mind, guided by the gods, glued together by far-flung ideas
and a large measure of hope.
Here’s the essential story of Atlantis as told by Plato.
“Once upon a time,” Plato begins in Critias, “ the gods divided up
the Earth between them.”
Each took a territory and having done so
populated it with humans, “theircreatures and children.” The gods
looked after human kind as shepherds look after their flocks, he
notes, using mental telepathy to guide and persuade the mortal
creatures in their care.
Poseidon’s share of the god’s earthly spoils was Atlantis and he
settled the children born to him by a mortal woman in a particular
district of it. At the center of the island, near the sea, on the
most beautiful plain was a hill. Here there lived one of the
original earth born inhabitants called Evenor, and his wife
They had an only child, a daughter named Cleito. She was just of
marriageable age when her parts died, and Poseidon was attracted by
her and had intercourse with her. He fortified the hill where she
was living by enclosing it in concentric rings of sea and land,
making the place inaccessible to other humans. He equipped the
central island with godlike lavishness.
Poseidon begot five pairs of male twins, brought them up and divided
the island of Atlantis into ten parts, which he distributed between
them. His oldest son, Atlas, was given his mother’s home district.
Atlantis is named for Atlas. In the center was a shrine to
and Cleito, surrounded by a golden wall through which entry was
For many generations, Plato tells us, a ‘divine element’ in the
nature of the hybrid children of Atlantis survived. They retained a
certain greatness of mind and enjoyed a high standard of living and
lives of impeccable character.
But then, the divine element in them became weakened by frequent
admixture with mortal stock and their human traits became
predominant. They ceased to be able to carry their prosperity with
moderation, says Plato. The degenerative strain began to covet power
and unbridled ambition.
The god of gods, Zeus, whose eye can see such things, became aware
of the wretched state of this admirable stock. He decided to punish
them and reduce them to order by discipline.
He accordingly summoned all the gods to his own most glorious abode,
which stands at the center of the universe and looks out over the
whole realm of change, and when they had assembled addressed them as
Here, Plato’s dialog cuts off. From this brief synopsis we have
learned that the gods came to earth, mated with humans, created a
new race of hybrid god-men, and built a protective enclosure for
them at the center of Atlantis. After this race achieved a high
degree of civilization it began to degenerate because of a dilution
of ‘divine essence’.
Zeus, living in the center of the universe, destroys Atlantis.
I have investigated this ‘divine essence’ in my book Oracle of the
Illuminati. It was also the primary subject of Gnostic text known as
Hypostasis of the Archons or The Reality of the Rulers. In
short, the Gnostics believed humans possess a divine particle that
is jealously coveted by a class of beings called archons or
We have it. They don’t.
They want it.
The magical name ‘Atlantis’, I will contend, refers to more than
just a vanished land (bridge) between Europe and America or a global
kingdom that may soon arise. It is our constant craving, an
irrepressible ideal; a word-symbol that conjures visions of ancient
glory – a divine element -- that was lost.
Atlantis is meant to be the guiding myth of human civilization. It
is the great Phoenix-bird of myths -- immolating and reconstituting
over and over again. Like a psychological angel or demon relegated
to the deepest recesses of the subconscious, it will rise again.
The question is when.
As evidenced by their use of stellar symbolism in their religious
art the initiates of ancient times knew of the precession of the
equinoxes, a time-keeping system which divides a 26,000 year ‘Great
Year’ into 12 astrological ‘new ages’ of approximately 2,150 years
each. They predicted that humanity would make a quantum leap to a
new rung of evolution’s golden spiral during the Age of Pisces,
which commenced during the time of Jesus and another in the second
millennium AD at the beginning of the Age of Aquarius.
Time reveals everything.
Our ability to grasp the importance of
the Atlantis myth to current events is matched only by our ability
to absorb the astounding. Atlantis is the missing piece in the
puzzle, it is the beginning and ending of all that is, the
compliment to the biblical Eden and book of Revelation’s New
Jerusalem, the 12-gated city that will descend from the sky.
theory of Atlantis has traditionally been studied almost
entirely as a topic of archaeology, geology and history. This,
however, is not the whole story. Atlantis is a creation myth ala the
Old Testament book of Genesis. This means it is susceptible to many
levels of interpretation, including the historical, but also the
metaphorical and allegorical.
To use a modern word, Atlantis is a meme, a “catch all” phrase or
code-symbol. Like ‘America’ it is a place name, but also a mental
program, a matrix or realm of possibility.
It is a spiritual goal.
Intriguingly, the word meme is composed of ME (pronounced ‘may’),
the name of the lost tablets of creation of Sumerian myth.
Anunnaki lord Enki (Poseidon in Atlantis) guarded these tablets at
this temple at Eridu.
When Plato repeated this story he unleashed a mind-altering idea.
Passing through the millennia and winding down road after road,
through culture after culture like a river, this tune has gained
resonance. As a river seeks to find the ocean, I believe the
Atlantis story is itself a stargate leading us to the cosmic ocean.
If Atlantis only exists as a brain pattern or frequency nabbed out
thin air by billions of antennas embedded in central nervous systems
and replicated billions of times throughout history so be it. Some
claim ‘Jesus Christ’ is also a
meme. Look at the impact such ‘vibes’
have on humanity. Curiously, both Jesus and Atlantis are symbolized
by a cross.
As is true of the meme of the Cross the symbolic representation of
and substitute for Jesus, the story of Atlantis has been passed
along vertically throughout generations and horizontally among
groups of like-minded individuals, the great initiates. Both stories
symbolize the triumph of enlightenment over ignorance. Both
teachings have been in a continuous state of alteration and vigorous
promotion. Both deserve their acclaimed moniker of “the greatest
story ever told.”
Transmitted along with the meme for
Atlantis is its symbol or icon known as the Cross of Atlantis. As
with the ‘Living Cross’, the Cross of Atlantis should be viewed as a
living structure, both metaphorically and technologically.
The capital of Atlantis was a maritime city with an enormous port,
having alternating zones of land and sea, divided into three zones.
In the innermost ring was a sacred mountain, possibly a volcano,
where the original race of Atlas arose. The Atlanteans built a royal
palace atop this hill and it became a ‘marvel to behold for its size
and beauty’. In the middle of the citadel was a temple dedicated to
Poseidon and Cleiton.
This description of two great circles of land around an island, and
three great circles of water around the land reveals the symbol for
Atlantis known as the Cross of Atlantis.

The Cross of Atlantis
A symbol is a sign. As the great
symbolist Jordan Maxwell notes in the introduction to Stellar
Theology, a symbol indicates direction or it informs one of
ownership. A sign is a logo that says this item belongs to this
group. This Cross of Atlantis sign says “this place belongs to the
gods. Humans keep out.”

Schliemann’s City of
the Golden Gates with Atlantis logo (1906).
Its main
characteristic is the shape of the water canals and the land zones
with the bridges
forming the “Cross of Atlantis”.
The Center represents
the capitol of Atlantis.
Although Plato does
not mention this center’s name other traditions do record the name
of the capital of Atlantis.
Meru is the name of
this center.
The 4th century B.C.
Greek historian Theopompus tells us that one of the names of the
who inhabited
Atlantis were the Meropes, the people of Merou.
The Atlantis logo is composed of a sun
disk or
Cross of Light
embedded in
concentric rings
. According
Laurence Gardner, writing in The Magdalene Legacy, a cross within
a circle is called a Rosi-Crucis – the Dew Cup – and is the original
symbol for the Holy Grail.

The concentric rings.
The concentric rings primarily symbolize
vibration. In addition, they can represent a vortex. As in the
example from NASA below, the concentric rings also may represent a
two-dimensional expression of a three-dimensional experience: that
of traveling through interstellar passageways called stargates or
This fact offers extraordinary
possibilities when interpreting the Atlantis meme and is one that
I’d like to go into here.

This hypothetical spacecraft with a
“negative energy” induction ring was inspired by recent theories
describing how space could be warped with negative energy to produce
hyperfast transport to reach distant star systems. In the 1990s,
NASA Glenn Research Center lead the Breakthrough Propulsion Physics
NASA’s primary effort to produce
near-term, credible, and measurable progress toward the technology
breakthroughs needed to revolutionize space travel and enable
interstellar voyages.

The 2-D rings
symbolize a 3-D vortex.
In the past few years the scientifically
rooted concept of wormholes and star gates, also called the
Einstein-Rosen bridge, have become popular topics of such television
shows as Star Trek: The Next Generation and Sliders and movies such
as Stargate and Contact which feature ancient stargate technology
for opening wormholes in space/time.
When the concentric rings of Atlantis are interpreted as a vibration
-- a ring or a stargate -- it suggests that as a creation tale one
of the most important concepts that the theory of Atlantis embodies
is the stargate.

A modern depiction of
a wormhole.
Theoretically, physicists view wormholes
as time machines that may open gateways to parallel dimensions. They
are the subjects of intense scientific research in America and
If we apply the three-dimensional approach to the two-dimensional
concentric rings of Atlantis, we may hypothesize that it symbolizes
a vortex. The Great Cross of Atlantis may be thought of as a Great
Crossing place, a place of passage, to pass through one realm to
another. Perhaps even to pass over the stars or pass through the
As mentioned, the symbol of Atlantis is derived from the description
of the enclosure constructed by the gods to protect the original
sacred hill of Atlantis. As noted by Plato, the gods built this
enclosure to keep humans out. Therefore, the sign of Atlantis could
read “Atlantis: Property of the gods. Humans keep out.”’
In this capacity the Cross of Atlantis is identical to the Gate of
Eden. Because Adam and Eve were disobedient to Yahweh, the god of
Eden sent them out of the Garden of Eden (Genesis 3:23). He placed
at the east of Eden Cherubims, and a flaming sword which turned
every way (it rotated gyroscopically), to keep the way of the way of
the tree of life.
Significantly, the Tree of Life is equated with
the Cross. Therefore, the description of the mysterious Gate of Eden
is of a rotating gate. The description of the rotating gate of Eden
brings to mind a gyroscope and also the alien Stargate Machine
featured in the Warner Brothers movie Contact (1996).

A gyroscope.

The gyroscopic Stargate Machine from the movie Contact.

Two Nubian figures
stand beside a pillar in the middle of the Egyptian symbol for gate.

The pillar at the
center of the image is the one featured in the drawings on the left
and right.
It belonged to Osiris. It was called the Stairway to
For more on this
pillar please see my article
The Ark’s Missing Piece.

The Sumerian sun god entered Earth
through a gateway
with a tree
that resembles Osiris’ pillar beside it.
I can hear the reader thinking are you
bleeping kidding me? The average person, let alone a credentialed
archaeologist, when discussing such a phenomenon as Atlantis can
barely accept the idea of vanished civilization. Adding to this mix
the possibility that the inhabitants were advanced, possibly even
vastly advanced from our hyper-technological civilization is
nonsense, babbling (‘Babel’ in Hebrew, a word which originally meant
This is as unique as it is revolutionary. It is also quite hopeful
as the concept of Atlantis rising is the jewel of many prophecy
hunters. As we will see, wormhole symbolism is rampant in the story
of Atlantis. It suggests that the rising of Atlantis has to do with
the rise of theoretical physics.
For instance, in his discourse Phaeado, Plato records the
astonishing revelation of Socrates in the last moments before his
execution that,
“the true Earth itself looks from above, if you could
see it, like those twelve-patched leather balls”.
A twelve-patched leather ball describes a
dodecahedron. The
dodecahedron with twelve five-sided faces was used as a teaching
tool to instruct the initiate to know him or herself as an energy
system like the Earth. Incredibly, a new study of only recently
available scientific data hints that the universe is roughly shaped
like a soccer ball, a dodecahedron.

Remarkably, Plato is describing Earth as
a three-dimensional pentagonal web into which the soul incarnates.
The ancient Greeks likely learned from the Egyptians that the human
body is ideally structured geometrically to interface with the
dodecahedron and its pentagonal grid.
Plato was not alone in his understanding of the 12-sided Earth. The
Cherokee held a complimentary belief. In addition, the second
century AD, a group of Christian Gnostics described the sphere of
Earth being surrounded by a 12-angled pyramid. These 12 angles are
described as “eyes”, “pipes,” and even more fascinating to our
investigation, as “holes” or “halls” in the Earth! These, it
appears, are the gates of the New Jerusalem.
Today, most researchers into sacred Earth energies concur that
Planetary Grid has 12 primary vortex zones, “halls” or “holes” with
the Great Pyramid at the apex control. A network of temple sites
throughout the Earth marks the Grid. These sites roughly include:
Great Pyramid of Giza
and Heliopolis (“the City of the Sun”)
the 1,000 foot high
of southern China, 90 degrees opposite of Giza.
Easter Island, 180 degrees
opposite the Great Pyramid.
the City of the Sun at
prehistoric Cuzco, Peru.
Teotihuacan in Mexico.
the vortices of the Four
Corners area of the USA.
the Mississippi valley of
the southeastern USA.
Oak Island, Nova Scotia.
the South of France,
centered at
Rennes-le-Chateau, France.
The 12-fold form is found in numerous
mythic structures including these:

Meru, the center of
enfolded within a 12-petaled lotus.

Arthur’s rather
Atlantean Roundtable.

The Mount of
Salvation at the center of a zodiac.
The activation of this 12-fold Planetary
Grid is called the ‘quickening’ of the Earth, an increase in the
vibratory levels of humanity and Earth which is thought to spark
higher intelligence and increased linkage between minds. The
Quickening of our civilization is a result of the “quick-beams” or
“quick-rays” emanating from the core of our galaxy and likely
radiating through the Meru or Center of Atlantis.
Meru is called the World Mountain.
Turning to Buddhist imagery we find a remarkable image of Meru.

The logo for Atlantis
(left). Mandala of Meru, the center of Atlantis,
from the top down
perspective (Samuel Beal, London, 1882).
Meru appears as a
concentric ring.
One wonders if this is the ring at the top of the Meru symbol .

The hourglass (or
Mountain, Meru,
rises from the
great ocean of space, (Japan, 1678).
The wormhole shape
suggests Meru was a gateway to another dimension.

The Buddha’s death caused the collapse of the world-pillar Meru.
In the lower rightit
shatters into curious cubes that suggest crystals or even other

The collapse of a wormhole.

Given the puns we
have explored, could the world mountain Meru actually be a whirled,
whirling or spinning
, mountain?
Interestingly, the Meru is believed to have been the model for the
Tower of Babel, located in Su-Meru or Sumer. Further, as spinning is
the same as turning (from tour), does this indicate the Tower of
Babel was a spinning or turning pillar?
It is said that once Buddha achieved enlightenment he placed a
victory banner on the summit of Mt. Meru, symbolizing his victory
over the entire universe. Again, Mount Meru here is believed to be
the central axis supporting the world.
The flag of victory also denotes Buddha’s triumph over Mara, who
personifies hindrances on the path to spiritual realization.
Specifically, there are said to be four types of Maras, each one
representing an individual hurdle on the path to spiritual progress.
These are:
1). The Mara of Emotional
2). Mara of Passion
3). Mara of the Fear of Death
4). Mara of Pride and Lust!
It was only after conquering these four
negative traits that Buddha could proclaim victory over ignorance,
and achieve nirvana.
Here, it is worth a brief diversion to note that in calling Jesus
‘the Way’ the early Christians were following in the footsteps of
the Buddhists. Just as converts to Christianity living long after
the fact altered the images of Jesus, a similar artistic make-
over was applied to Buddha. Early Buddhist art consisted of symbolic
representations of Buddha.
It was customary to represent the Buddha
as a pair of footprints indicating the way to walk to enlightenment,
or as an 8-spoked wheel, the symbol for the Wheel of Truth,
Anunnaki symbol of king ship.

The Dharma Wheel
symbol of
the 8-fold Path of Buddha or the Universal Law.

Early Christian 8 rayed wheels.

The 8-rayed symbol of the Nibiru (gate).
Wherever archaeologists discovered
remains of the early Sumerian civilizations the symbol of the “the
Gate of the Gods” was prominently displayed. The Sumerian god Enki
became Poseidon in the story of Atlantis.
The Sumerians depicted this gate as an eight-pointed star. This
star-sign denoted such terms as an, the ‘Lord Anu’; dingir, the
‘Bright One’; an, ‘high’; and ana, or an, ‘heaven’. It was often
found as a determinant in front of the names of
the Shining Ones.
Thus, dinger E.A indicated the ‘Shining Lord of Waters’.
Sitchin assigns the Babylonian version of the symbol of the
Cross of
Light to Enki’s home world the
Nibiru, which means ‘crossing place’
or ‘gate’.
The particle
accelerator of Atlantis
Relaxing after a presentation on this subject in Florida a few years
ago, a scientist approached me. He told me he was asleep through
most of my presentation… until I “putup that blueprint.”
“Blueprint? What blueprint?” I asked.
He fished through my slides until he came to a 2nd century drawing
of the Meru pillar or tower. In my talk I had presented
it as an example of a possible ‘Grailtuner’ and a candidate for the
rod shown in Jesus’ hand in early Christian art. (For more please see
my article
Jesus, FDR and the Meru Superantenna.)
"That blueprint,” he responded.
Studying the drawing, the scientist told me that he designed
particle beam weapons for a living. Laser cannons. Light sabers.
“You know, Stars Wars-type weapons,” he said.
“Your Meru drawing is a blueprint for a particle accelerator and a
particle beam weapon,” he said knowingly.
Squeezing his thumb and
forefinger together to mimic a pincer, he said the weapon is
designed to rotate on the circular platform. The ‘horns’modulate the
pulse emanating from the weapon.

Late in 2004 digital
artist Jack Andrews rendered the Meru drawing in 3-D on a computer.

A cyclotron consisted
of two large dipole magnets designed to produce
a semi-circular
region of uniform magnetic field, pointing uniformly downward.
Presented here is a comparison of the
base of the Meru drawing with a plan for a cyclotron, a particle
accelerator designed by Ernest O. Livermore in 1929 and developed in
the early 1930s (coincident with America’s shift to a
technologically based society).
The cyclotron was a necessary technology used in the splitting of
the atom and the development of the A-bomb.
Glancing at the drawings it is easy to see why the scientist saw a
similarity between the two designs. The question is:
What in the
world is a blueprint for a particle accelerator doing in a 2nd
century Chinese manuscript?!
One can see that the Meru drawing is an axis that
resembles an
antenna (or a microwave weapon from Star Wars). There’s a reason for
this. One well-known scholar of Buddhism quoted by Victoria LePage,
Lama Anagarika Govinda, says Meru is,
“the seat of cosmic powers, the
axis which connects the earth with the universe, the super-antenna
for the inflow and out flow of the spiritual energies of our
Today, scientists call these ‘spiritual energies’
energy cosmic rays.
This astonishing drawing was among the famed
Dunhuang Manuscripts
discovered in the secret repository the Cave of the Thousand Buddhas
early in the 20th century by Hungarian-born explorer Marc Aurel
Stein. According to the Order of Nazorean Essenes (Essenes.net),
numerous 3rd century Manichaean-Christian manuscripts were part of
the Dunhuang ‘hall of records’.
Historians claim monks in hidden monasteries in Central Asia trained
Issa (“Jesus”) during his 18 ‘missing’ silent years between 12 and
30. He traveled the mountain passes and taught widely in the
monasteries and markets.
On the next page, we see a comparison of apex of the Meru pillar
with the cone featured in a scene etched onto a golden plate and
presented to King Tutankhamun.
Author Z. Sitchin proposes this an
Anunnaki space craft on a silo.
Bottom Right. Top
right: A drawing etched onto a gold plate presented to King
Tutankhamen made by Nubian goldsmiths.
Z. Sitchin proposes it is an
Anunnaki craft on a silo.
The stargate model proposes it is a warp
craft instead.
Note the pillar at the bottom center of the drawing.

Detail of the base of
the Meru pillar rendered in 3-D by Jack Andrews.
It creates a ring or
a vortex. Note, the arrangement of the Central (or Whirling)
surrounded by four
subsidiary peaks.
The Cross of Atlantis
with the Meru pillar in the center by Dana Augustine (left).
The apex of the Meru
pillar, the ‘warp craft’, by Jack Andrews (right).
My working hypothesis is that this
diagram, schematic or blueprint is a mandala whose symbols point to
the function of the actual thing… an instrument of some kind capable
of conducting the spiritual energies of the planet.
Mandalas are “read” or memorized for visualization during
meditation. They are blueprints of the three-dimensional palace of
the deity. The purpose of the mandala is two-fold: to acquaint the
student with the symbols of the deity (i.e. Buddha, Christ) and to
allow the student to “enter into the mandala”; that is, to enter the
frequency or vibration in which the deity lives, i.e. ‘Meru’.
This is how the mystics of
Shambhala were raised from a man to a
god-man. They mastered the Meru symbolism. This raised the vibration
of their mind and body and he entered the mysterious realm of
In the diagram of the base of the Meru pillar we notice it has four
sides. The arrangement of the Central (or Whirling) Mountain
surrounded by four subsidiary peaks is found in
the Navajo sand
painted mandalas also corresponds to that of Mt. Meru,
flanked by its Four Guardians and their corresponding four
subsidiary mountain peaks. In India, as with the Navajos, the Four
Guardians are also represented as either gods (Lokapalas),
snakes (Nagas)
or birds (Garudas), which are frequent
animal shapes assumed by them.
Moreover, each of the Four Hindu Guardians is also associated with a
heraldic color, in exact correspondence to the Navajo ones: White,
Yellow, Black and Red. These, of course, are the four races of
humanity, which originated in Eden or Atlantis, according to legend.
The Four Guardians are sometimes represented by the Four Trees or by
Winds, Suns, Moons, Archangels, Bats (Vampires), Thunderbolts, as
well as by Coiled or by Standing Serpents resembling zigzag
lightning and ball lightning.

The four guardians.
Egypt (left).
Meru (right).

Each of these four drawings match what we would see viewing the four
and the Meru particle
accelerator from the top down.

Solomon’s Temple (left). The INRI cross of Christ (right).

The Meru pillar (left). Rose-Apple Land (Right).
According to a conversation I had with a
Tibetan White Sand Mandala designer, the concentric rings at the
base of the Meru pillar represent water. This is confirmed by Philip
Rawson in his book The Art of Tantra in which he presents a painting
(above right) of Rose-apple land. I am most intrigued by this place
name ‘Rose-apple land’. When we apply this place name to the
perceived function of the Meru antenna or accelerator, it suggests
that it created a force field.
A particle accelerator is an electrical device that generates
charged particles, such as electrons, protons and ions, at high
energy. So-called “nuclear accelerators” are used to split the atom
for scientific research, but most particle accelerators are built
for more practical applications. They are used to manufacture a
myriad of products including semiconductors. They are also used as
X-ray machines for cancer treatment and for detecting weaknesses in

One of the early
particle accelerators responsible for development of the atomic
Built in 1937 by
Philips of Eindhoven it currently resides
in the National Science
Museum in London, England.

Particle accelerator.
The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) is being
built at CERN, the European laboratory for nuclear research. Costing
$3 billion and expected to be completed in 2007, it will be the
largest particle accelerator in the world for nuclear research.
While making 17-milerings at nearly the speed of light, protons will
be made to collide into other particles 10million times per second.
The main purpose is to find the Higgs
boson, considered by some scientists to be the fundamental element
of matter and often called the “God Particle.”
In addition, physicists hope to use the collider to answer the
following questions:
What is mass? (We know how to
measure it - but what is it?)
What’s the origin of mass of
particles? (In particular, does the Higgs Boson exist?)
Why do elementary particles have
different masses? (I.e., do particles interact with a Higgs
We know that 95% of the
universe‘s mass is not made of matter as we know it.
What is it? (I.e. what is dark
matter, dark energy?)
Do supersymmetric (SUSY)
particles exist?
Are there extra dimensions, as
predicted by various models inspired by string theory, and
can we “see” them?
Are there additional violations
of the symmetry between matter and antimatter?
As of June, 2005 no experiment has
definitively detected the existence of the Higgs bosons. The search
for the hypothetical elementary ‘God Particle’ is reminiscent of
ancient metaphysics. According to the Zohar, manna, the food of the
gods, is made (detected/produced) by a Manna machine strikingly
reminiscent of the Merupillar/particle accelerator. It starts its
journey as dew and falls to the ‘field of holy apples’.
The people who preserved these secrets
called themselves the Reapers of the Holy Field. The fact that
was called ‘blessing’ or ‘mercy’ (meru-cy) tell us the ‘holy field’
is a beneficial vibration. The reapers are the ones who know how to
the (blue) apples from this field. They use particle
accelerators. (Later, we will compare the human body with these
It is CERN’s search for extra dimensions that is most intriguing to
us. What will they find?
In addition, in the next few decades, the possibility of black hole
production at the highest energy accelerators may arise, if certain
predictions of superstring theory are accurate (Scientific American,
May 2005). A black hole is an area of space-time with a
gravitational field so intense that its escape velocity is equal to
or exceeds the speed of light.
As we can see from the comparison of the spinning black hole
presented here there is a striking similarity with the symbol of Atlantis.
I’ll leave you to contemplate the similarity.

This computer
rendering shows matter whirling into a spinning black hole,
whose shape is
distorted and not spherical.
