
The Verdants

The Negative Energy Mindscape


Before turning to our main topic, here are some further dangers of electrogravity:

For those who have experienced alien (or human) electrogravity directly, there’s evidence that its misuse has potentially harmful side effects. Such dangers are explicit in Tom Bearden’s delta t, the speeding of time caused by the fact that, due to a basic universal conservation, electrogravity borrows large amounts of energy from the virtual continuum in order to exceed the Einstein limit. * For those who’ve been told that impossible amounts of energy are required to exceed the Einstein limit, I should reiterate the basic implications of alien-related negative energy dynamics.


The negative cycle that defines electrogravity connects tiny, but powerful negative energy fluctuations in space-time which are non-local precisely because they’re defined by a larger, universal no-boundary condition. A negative cycle (a kind of down and backward-stepped intraversion) responsible for the universe’s no-boundary condition connects phenomena on a cosmic scale to negative energy fluctuations on a micro-scale (which, when connected through electrogravity, marginally change the flow of time).

As numerous aliens have pointed out, large-scale use of electrogravity can speed the clock on a given people’s sun, and, if used without delicate countervailing protections, can lead to seismic, atmospheric, or other instabilities. But what happens when electrogravity is used directly on humans in cases of abductions and psychotronic communications, or in “soft” weapons use? Are there any dangers?

There certainly are. Numerous abductees report radiation burns on their bodies after nearing alien craft. Such burns may occur when, as Bearden states, electrogravity converts into electromagnetism (which humans experience as radiation). Worse yet, if electrogravity is directly used on humans, it can speed the clock on human genetic structures, which is dangerous because human genes have a limited number of telomeres, structures that shorten in length each time a cell replicates. Since electrogravity speeds time in areas surrounding its focus, electrogravity could shorten telomeres and prematurely age human tissues, i.e. during abductions and other uses. Again, this is due to Bearden’s delta t, a basic universal conservation.



"We can also quickly include (5) the use of time-energy, which is the key to a startling and totally new high energy particle physics, at low spatial energy and low frequency photons, since the time-component of the photon is actually spatial energy compressed by c-squared, and has the energy density of mass. The highest energy physics available is NOT in using high frequency photons, but in using low frequency photons if some of the time energy is transduced (decompressed) into spatial energy. Since spatial energy and time (time energy) components of the photon are canonical, lowering the frequency (and hence the spatial energy) of the photon by a factor of n, increases the time-component by a factor of n. However, if we replace delta t in the photon by c2x(delta t), which is its spatial energy equivalent, then the spatial energy equivalent of the t component has been multiplied by c2 x n. So the highest energy physics can be done with the lowest spatial energy (lowest frequency) photons, IF some of the increased time-energy of the low-frequency photon is decompressed into spatial energy."

File: Correspondence Date: Sat, 15 Sep 2001 00:18:42 -0500

from Selected Correspondence of Tom Bearden


Prematurely aged genetic material is prone to mutation and cell death. So, when alien abductors use electrogravity to slow brain processes and limit human awareness, time is sped in surrounding body tissues by the delta t effect (slowing or speeding of time caused by electrogravity). This is partly why aliens genetically engineer themselves to tolerate the attendant radiation—both during travel and during the use of psychotronic technology. Ironically, when electrogravity is used in more advanced, finely-adjusted ways, it should allow for much longer cell life and more hardy living systems. Such advances aren’t achieved overnight, however. As was noted earlier, more advanced “hyperversal” aliens are apparently able to refine delta t with a kind of reverse-delta t, a multi-mathematical kind of counterbalance that minimizes the apparent speeding of time (albeit at a delta t cost to the larger continuum). Again, this is the “alt t” that some hyperversals have hinted about.

IFSP - Intergalactic Federation of Sovereign Planets - aliens like the grays may not be capable of correcting the delta t effects of their technology on humans, hence humans should remain wary of abductions, propagandistic displays of electrogravity, and so on. By now, Verdants, who reportedly live much longer than other IFSP aliens, should be able to do some reverse-delta t adjustments, which may help to explain why they live so long. Nonetheless, the fact that other IFSP aliens haven’t been afforded the same life-prolonging health care suggests that we shouldn’t always expect IFSP aliens to use electrogravity around humans in healthy ways. There are political and resource issues surrounding the question of who lives longest and can educate themselves furthest within a large collective like the IFSP. This is sometimes complicated by the emotional desensitization that comes with greatly extended lifetime.

Hyperversal aliens of much longer duration have repeatedly pointed out a further risk in the overuse of electrogravity. Delta t (and alt t) hyper-dynamics point to the fact that electrogravity marginally shortens the lifetime of the current universe. Even though hyper-advanced aliens can locally effect a kind of reverse-delta t, they can only do so at a total cost to the current universe’s lifetime. For any alien, this should pose a starkly compelling consideration. To recklessly shorten the life of all intelligent kind within the current universe would be irresponsible, hence, as humans are now beginning to learn, larger conventions regarding the use of negative-cycle technology appear to have been discussed—far in advance of the evolution of human civilization.

In order to get the basic drift of off-world conventions in this regard, humans need to essentially step out of their skin—to try and see the universe as a variety of other aliens do. In the negative (and alternative) cycle universe of electrogravity and basic hyperdynamics, there are political exigencies, galactic-scale and larger situations in which one population or another actively tends to a variety of far-flung planets, dependencies and resource locations.

Some situations of the sort may involve manipulative contexts relating to less developed or less capable populations. In each case of the sort, a more advanced alien population may consider that it has achieved a relative mastery of electrogravity efficiency. Nonetheless, among planets that evolved technological populations within the last one billion years or so, for example, there may be gaps in a given population’s knowledge of negative-cycle technology’s effect on the larger universal “lifetime,” the extent to which large-scale use of electrogravity (and magnetogravitics, etc.) can shorten the duration of the current universe.

This is a most serious subject. We’ve heard hyperversals say (whether for purpose of eco-propaganda, or not) that overuse of electrogravity and other negative-cycle technology can immediately deplete the vital condition of certain hyper-advanced kind. On the one hand, we need to know more about the extent of such effects within a multiversal continuum (discretes, calculable long-term duration of both quanta and the larger universe). On the other hand, hyper-advanced aliens appear to be dead serious about the subject---they appear to judge lesser populations in terms of their regard for the larger delta t/alt t ecology. Their concern has been mentioned over and over again; it frames the larger conventions, if not much of the off-world policy of such hyper-advanced populations, apparently.

When the most advanced of all aliens make so strong a case, when they suggest that such constraints tend to color their attitude toward any and all other aliens, inclusively, humans need to pay attention.

In a basic sense, advanced kind are obligated to cultivate a finer delta t/alt t conservation, to err on the side of caution, if necessary. So, humans should expect to hear quite a bit about delta t/alt t conservation. In some cases, we may feel frustrated by more advanced populations who may, in various ways, try to slow or tinker with human technological evolution, now that electrogravity and technology has fallen into the hands of a wasteful, inconsiderate human sub-culture.

A rabbit-like breeding scenario, most evident in the Verdant case, appears to be the greatest off-world fear. Then again, the Verdant expansion scheme tends to kill off certain planets, and to make non-sexuals of various others. So, in the end, even though Verdants make terrible mistakes, in both legal and social terms, some hyperversal hard-liners may rationalize Verdant excess in terms of the elimination of aggressive delta t violators. There has been abundant off-world chatter about this subject. Some discussions of the sort are highly pitched, in that they involve vast-scale controversies, questions of law, and basic decency. Indeed, such issues have loomed highly in various exchanges: debates and analyses about how populations of the current cycle universe will ultimately evolve --- discussions about how, and to what extent, they can expect to endure within an explicitly “multiversal” continuum (which is nonetheless limited).

In order to counter a variety of Verdant-led IFSP violations here (thinly-guised provocations of various sorts, a sometimes abusive use of technology against the human population, and coldly manipulative use of IFSP-breeding program operatives here, on this planet) I’ve worked to remotely locate and notify any decent Verdant authorities who might be able to report back to better-minded Verdants, and I’ve also notified Verdant females about criminal behaviors among some of their male counterparts. Meanwhile, non-sexuals within the IFSP seem to better understand that Verdant violations can damage their external relations and deepen collective security counter-measures against them. Given some nonsexuals’ skepticism of the Verdant capability to integrate within the supercluster ecology at present, a number of the IFSP’s non-sexuals appear to opt for alternative channels and home planet structures that study Verdant behavior of the sort.

The main obstacle to correcting Verdants may be the Verdants’ broader and more capable psychotronic monitoring and communications network that allows them to track other aliens species within the IFSP. As one Elder alien noted, fear is used as a social control within the IFSP, which tends to limit the intellectual capacities of IFSP aliens, rather than enhance them. Finer, deeper dimensions of interactive intelligence remain inaccessible to such offenders, which may be the ultimate irony in such cases. For a critically-minded nonsexual, this is so obvious as to be mathematically explicit, yet for a typical Verdant, the career and resource needs of a population of 500 trillion living on 246,000 different planets may seem a greater factor (albeit whole-numbered, in that it’s idealized in terms of a separate, colonizing identity).

So, is there any recourse in such cases? In order to defend themselves, will humans (and aliens) have to simply go from one maddening rat race to another—further out in the cosmos? The answer to such questions should be obvious. By joining together within larger treaty organizations, a galaxy’s many populations can coordinate their interactions and defenses in order to limit weapons propagation and territorial disputes, both of which are harmful to the larger ecology. Better yet, collective security arrangements can be arranged between different galaxies in order to limit the crimes of aggressors like the Verdants, for example. Indeed, by limiting weapons and planet grabs, civilization can evolve from one level of existence toward a categorically more advanced kind of interaction. The hyperdynamics of negative and alternate cycles allow for rigorous monitoring of the larger ecology, plus an up-to-date reporting process among participating populations.

It is both my thesis and that of various aliens who have commented on the subject that larger, collective agreements are the basis for vastly more advanced supercluster and inter-cluster conventions. Long, long ago, the issue should have been settled when early crises were resolved through greater interactions. Given that humans are relative latecomers, there should, by now, be abundant precedent.

When confronted with an offensive intrusion, aliens tend to first monitor and then probe the offenders to ascertain their intentions and their capabilities. This is normally a stealth assessment involving microgravitic uses of electrogravity, fine-scale probing that may or may not be detectable. In such cases, the population with the larger and more effective spread of craft or installations in the vicinity tends to have the advantage. However, the more honest and universally consistent population tends to have a smarter, and more enduring basis for such assessments. After a preliminary reading, the defending population may use negative-cycle technology (and delta t) to temporarily disable an offending craft, then warn it to leave the area. Should the offender persist, the crisis can escalate into a larger mobilization or an appeal to the larger community for sanctions and help in isolating the offender.

Meanwhile, way down at the level where humans currently find themselves, there are methods and awareness that help when alien offenders enter into the picture. Such methods are easily understood yet require a basic familiarity with some of the uses and the “feel” of electrogravity and negative energy. As numerous friendly aliens have stated over time, humans can compete with technologically more advanced aliens. Humans need not feel vulnerable to the point of submission.

The Negative Energy Mindscape

The following considerations are largely derived from alien inputs and should, in part, reflect the thinking of a larger, off-world community. If we define the mindscape of an individual or community in negative energy or alt-cycle terms (which any number of aliens do, to a certain extent), then the processes and information of mind are marginally extra-dimensional. How is that?

The physics of mind involve subtle fluctuations that allow for an information capacity that exceeds old 20th century notions of the human brain’s information “byte” capacity. This is possible is because the fractional values (not whole numbered) of a mind’s information involve larger, universal values, or integrations. Once an individual becomes sensitized to negative energy fluctuations, either through a subtler (and seemingly darkened) inner attentiveness or through direct interaction with aliens and humans who think in such terms, finer extra-dimensional values begin to suggest themselves. The extent to which they do so is astounding and owes to a pre-existing, higher order of integration. There is so much more than meets the eye.

Those seemingly elusive negative energy fluctuations are an underlying part of any atom, plus the space-time surrounding you. As astrophysicist Paul Davies states, any moving membrane, i.e. any quantum’s spinning “surface,” should create negative energy fluctuations. Negative energy is also measured in the Casimir effect, which occurs in empty space.

Any slightest change in time, i.e. during your thought processes, cycles through both your mind and the larger universal energy dynamic that defines it. In short, your thoughts register ever so slightly within the deeper dimensions of the larger universe. It’s as though your thoughts pull on a tightly wound string of tensions at the sub-atomic level, causing a very slight, but accessible change within the finer, airier dimensions surrounding you. In a sense, when your mind pulls on those tiny strings, some of the information “out there” can bounce back to you.

By becoming ever so slightly more attentive to such goings on, your mind becomes capable of a much greater awareness. You may begin to interact with aliens and will be able to compete more effectively with alien offenders. I know this may sound strange to some readers. Others may reply that scientists assume there are extra dimensions, yet we don’t know how to access them. They’re wrong. Many humans do so on a daily basis. Most aliens do so as a matter of course. They literally define themselves in such terms. It’s a question of minimum competency that they do so.

If you don’t think in terms of extra dimensions just yet, don’t worry. Simply relax and take time to think it all through.

Telepathy and expanded sensitivities don’t develop overnight. It may take a while. Your key to doing so may be to practice toh shi, for example. Or, you may begin to notice a finer multiplicity of perspective in your mind that you can actively pulse and expand—in a more elastic sense, unlike the fixed and rigid linearity of old concepts. You may find yourself subtly feeling into those tiny moments between moments, so to speak. You may begin to sense a deeper connectedness among the subtler goings on around you. In either case, when you begin to think in terms of a deeper negative energy dynamic, you’ll eventually find yourself actively picking up on finer, extra details in the universe around you.

However, if and when you begin to do so it won’t be as though you’ve suddenly broken through to the universal information bank. Instead, your awareness will be both conditioned by, and limited to, the extent of your thinking, the subjects that you consider and the way that you consider them. In a sense, it’s a co-awareness involving shared, collective identities, rather than a direct manipulation of sorts. Be patient and remember: you’re entering upon a larger interaction where shared inter-dimensioning of mind is more common. As such, your thoughts are transparent; they can be known by others, which can be discomforting, at first. Eventually, you’ll see that such transparency is the only way to keep the universe honest because everyone can be held accountable. Aliens use thought-activated psychotronic technology to enhance this capacity.

The problem is that some alien societies, even those of the so-called hyperversals, have had difficulty evolving past the Big Brother-like abuses that can accompany the use of mind-activated psychotronic systems. David Jacobs’ detailed abductee reports about gray-human hybrids help to illustrate this fact. (See The Threat, for example). In a sense, some humans represent a fresh break from such oppression, given human attention to basic individual rights and liberties. To aliens, humans represent a kind of physical rigor and genetic diversity, plus an extension of legal guarantees against abusive government.

However, honesty can be painful. To admit the truth about offending human regimes here among us can be traumatic in the short term, yet if we don’t do so we remain trapped in a vicious cycle.

Aliens can become corrupted, given their long lives and bureaucracies, hence we need to be honest and critical of them, however sticky that may seem. On a universal scale, honesty is the tie that binds; it is required. Some aliens grow very old and may be pressured by vast-scale regimes to do wrong. Humans are new to much of this, hence we’re seen as posing a clean, unfiltered critique, at times. Imagine how you’d feel if you were an alien who argues for basic rights and an end to coercive abductions yet your government was so large and convoluted that it continued to do so, nonetheless.

Honesty can be discomforting but it’s the only door to betterment—the only way possible.

Sometimes we see relatively good aliens veiling themselves and doing wrong in order to provoke humans into sharpening their critique of the universe’s offenders. It’s a dodgy, backhanded tactic, but it happens. Among aliens, manipulative skullduggery is rife (yet is transparent to patient observers).