by Amitakh Stanford
1st May 2004
XeeATwelve Website
The Freemasons have often been called
Satanic, which is something that they are very capable of fending
off. While its rank and file members are ignorant of the purpose of
the organization, some know. Freemasons deflect accusations of being
a Satanic society largely by employing the cover of being a
philanthropic organization.
But what is at the core of the
Freemasons' beliefs?
It is the belief in a single architect of the
universe. One must ask if that architect is Satan, all the while
bearing in mind that very few would knowingly worship Satan.
Freemasonry is based upon the legend of the building of Solomon's
Temple, which is said to have employed thousands of masons and
stonecutters almost 3,000 years ago.
For many reasons, we cannot verify Masonic history too easily. Some
Attas have investigated Freemasonry, both from within by
infiltration and from without by investigation. Thomas Paine is one
of the Attas who undertook the task from without, while other Attas
like Benjamin Franklin and Mark Twain infiltrated the organization.
Franklin disclosed many of the secrets
of Freemasonry to Thomas Paine and also provided him with copies of
various records from some lodges. For this, Franklin was singled out
for express criticism by Illuminati founder and high-ranking
Freemason and contemporary
Adam Weisshaupt, who is legendary for his
devious and twisted behavior and character. It was Weisshaupt who
supposedly founded the
New World Order. However, he was more of a
shill for the ruling elite and did as he was directed.
After thoroughly investigating the organization, Paine argued well
that Freemason historians either will not produce the facts, or they
do not know them. To show the enormous corruption by Freemason
historians, Paine noted that according to Masonic history,
Pythagoras of 580 B.C. was supposed to be an early initiate of a
frontrunner sodality of the Freemasons. However, according to their
history, the society was fully established during the time of the
building of King Solomon's Temple, which was completed more than 300
years before Pythagoras was born. Pythagoras is one of the Attas.
Freemasons falsely claim that he was a member of their society.
Also, according to Freemason history, the famous Greek
mathematician, Euclid, communicated his knowledge to Hiram Abiff,
the Master Mason. Abiff was the main decorator of the temple, which
was built in the tenth century B.C. Euclid was born more than 500
years after the completion of the temple, making this an
impossibility. Whether the history was intentionally muddled is
irrelevant, as Freemasons continue to present the misinformation
today, long after horrendous errors have been exposed.
Since its own history is corrupted beyond recognition and its
historians refuse to correct it, this discussion will attempt to
explain some pertinent Masonic legends and further explain the
actual history. The reader should ever consider why the Freemasons
would lie about their history while contemplating things Masonic.
According to their legend, two of the main characters are King
Solomon and Hiram, King of Tyre. These kings got together and
decided to build a fabulous temple. They then employed Hiram Abiff,
a master craftsman of wide renown, to adorn the temple and beautify
Abiff, according to what is presented to candidates for the third
degree of Masonry, was treated as an equal by the two kings. But
that is questionable, as is the indication that all the masons and
stonecutters who were building the temple were considered to be
worthy and noble tradesmen.
According to Masonic legend, just before the completion of the
temple, three ruffians conspired to extract the secrets of a Master
Mason from Abiff. They were unable to extract the secrets by force,
but ended up killing Abiff.
The ruffians hid the body in the temple, then carted it away and
buried it. When King Solomon was informed that Abiff was missing, he
was furious and took a role call of the craft, and found three were
missing. These were the three ruffians. The king blocked the harbors
and roads and sent out search parties. Finally, the three ruffians
were found and brought before King Solomon, to whom they confessed.
Solomon ordered each of them to be executed in vile, horrific ways,
with terrible torture and severing of body parts.
Thereafter, King Solomon and King Hiram dug up his grave to look all
over him for a clue to the syllable. When none was found, they
raised Abiff from his grave and buried him near the temple, as close
to the Holy of Holies as tradition would allow.
However, in interpreting the Masonic history, some previously hidden
aspects of the legend need to be presented. King Solomon and King
Hiram had each acquired one syllable of a secret code Word. Abiff
had the third syllable. The two kings and Abiff were going to use
the secret Word to perform a ritual in the Holy of Holies after the
completion of the temple. (This information is only available to a
very small group of the very highest level of the Freemasons'
This is a very dark story Solomon, who was a tyrant, wanted SOLE
possession of the Word. He hired three ruffians to extract the
secret syllable from Abiff, who was in the temple when the ruffians
approached him. One of the ruffians demanded the secret syllable
from Abiff, who knew something was very wrong because only Solomon
and Hiram knew he possessed a secret syllable. Abiff was able to
trick them into revealing Solomon had sent them before he bolted and
fled. The ruffians gave chase, captured him, and then killed him.
They then dragged the body off and buried it far away from the
temple. The ruffians then reported the incident to Solomon, who
immediately had them executed and dismembered. The immediate
killings of the ruffians were done as punishment to them and also
because it was necessary to silence them.
Since the ruffians killed Abiff before extracting the secret from
him, the syllable was lost. At the funeral, the two kings were truly
upset because they had lost the opportunity to use the power of the
secret code. They vowed to one day discover the lost word.
Meanwhile, they substituted a word that sounds like "mor-bon-zi" for
the lost word. Today, this substituted word is the Grand Masonic
Word according to Masonic history. It is believed that Solomon and
Hiram passed on their two parts of the secret word to very trusted
members only, and that these knowing members likewise passed it on
to other trusted members. Today, the very few with this knowledge
are very actively searching for the lost syllable so they can utter
the real three-part secret word, or the actual lost Word.
Since mor-bon-zi is only a substitute secret word, all Masons are
given it and recognize it to this day. However, mor-bon-zi is very
rarely spoken except during initiations or on very special
occasions, and then only in a low breath. The password the Masons
use in everyday matters is "tu-bal-cain."
Many extra degrees have been added to Freemasonry throughout the
years. Adam Weisshaupt contrived some "French" degrees then traveled
to Scotland and presented them as genuine French degrees of Masonry
to Scottish Freemasons. He then invented "Scottish" degrees and
traveled to France and presented the bogus Scottish degrees to
French Freemasons as genuine Scottish Freemason degrees.
It should be noted that present-day Freemasons claim in a higher
degree that they have found the lost Word of God. This word is given
to candidates for the Holy Royal Arch. That word is "jah-bul-on",
which is believed to be,
"jah" for the
Hebrew God Yahweh
"bul" for
the ancient Canaanite fertility God Baal and Devil
"on" for the
Egyptian God of the underworld called Osiris
This "word of God " presented as "jah-bul-on" is another Freemason
Weisshaupt-like deception to trick some candidates into thinking the
search for the word is concluded. But, "jah-bul-on" is only another
substituted word. The search for the lost Word secretly continues.
Who were these three people really? Why did they have the secret
parts to the secret Word? Does the Word really have power?
King Solomon, King Hiram and Abiff were secretly occultists. They
tried to hide this information, and to severely limit and discourage
those who would pursue occult matters. One such indication of this
appears in the extant Bible in a book attributed to Solomon. He did
not write the entire book, but he did plagiarize this verse:
Say unto wisdom, Thou art my sister;
and call understanding thy kinswoman: That they may keep thee
from the strange woman, from the stranger which flattereth with
her words.
Proverbs 7:4-5.
The church tries to give other
interpretations, but what this really means is that wisdom and
understanding should be treasured, but occult knowledge must be
shunned, as it is dangerous. Many of the Proverbs make sense when
interpreting the "strange woman" to be the occult mysteries, which
otherwise seem to be non-sequiturs.
The Bible is replete with warnings to avoid stargazers, mediums,
magicians, wizards, witches, sorcerers, seers, fortune tellers and
the like. This was especially true during the reign of King Josiah
of Israel. However, the Bible also shows that the religious leaders
understood the esoteric (occult) power of sounds, letters, words,
names, symbols, astrology, numbers etc. One example of comprehension
of the power of sounds and names is when Abram's name was changed to
Abraham by the Hebrew God according to Genesis 17:5.
In fact, many religious leaders knowingly use occult powers whilst
they keep the flock ignorant and fearful of the secret knowledge.
Solomon is legendary for his supposed wisdom, however his work with
the occult is more hidden. King Solomon and King Hiram, along with
Abiff, were practicing occultists, but in the area of Dark arts.
They were directed to build a huge temple that was to be dedicated
to the higher forces of the Dark side. To gain maximum empowerment
for the temple, much suffering was necessary in the construction of
it. This was accomplished by blood sacrifice and enslavement of the
stonecutters and masons who were forced to build the temple and by
imposing oppressive taxation. These and other measures culminated in
a revolt.
When completed, the temple was to contain a Holy of Holies, where
the three of them were to meet from time to time to conjure up the
full power of Darkness associated with the Anunnaki Elite who were
no longer on Earth. This was to be done by ritually calling down the
Dark power via the Word. Once the temple (or any other object),
specifically the Holy of Holies within the temple, was charged, it
would take on a life of its own. It has a power of its own. However,
the Holy of Holies was never charged in the way it was anticipated
because Abiff was murdered before the temple was completed.
The three sounds given to Solomon, Hiram and Abiff respectively,
form the actual secret lost Word that Freemasons are seeking. When
these are uttered in proper pitch, duration, order, timing and
intensity the composite sound can call upon power from the subtle
level. This particular formula has the ability to summon the full
power of Darkness.
This is no small power; it cannot be overstated how powerful it is.
Anyone who possesses the key to this power can virtually control the
entire world and hold any nation ransom. This is not a joking matter
and one not to be taken lightly. Imagine what would have happened if
Solomon had possessed the complete Word. This Word is what Hitler
was secretly searching for. In the wrong hands, this Word could be
absolutely disastrous.
The Freemasons are all raised to the third degree with the story of
Abiff and the substitute word. This is because very few Masons know
about the actual two separate syllables, but those who know are
actively searching for the lost sound. They hope that some candidate
will reveal it. They also hope that some Master Mason will discover
it. However, none of the vast majority of Masons has any idea of
this secret agenda. And, after nearly 3,000 years of searching, the
secret Word of Abiff's is still unknown to them.
Adam Weisshaupt was an agent for some people who had learned King
Solomon's and King Hiram's syllables, and they directed him to start
the New World Order in the hopes that it would assist in locating
the lost syllable. Weisshaupt's controllers believed that if there
were a single dictator of the world, then all information about
everyone and everything would be at the disposal of the regime.
Sounds are very powerful vibrations/energies when used in a certain
way with knowledge. For example, the death of Diana Spencer appears
to have been caused by physical agents. However, it was actually
brought about by forces embedded in the spoken word directed from
the unseen level, which brought about the physical manifestation of
her death. People who are involved with Dark forces can get
themselves into very serious situations. This is why the fabled
"pure" heart comes out repeatedly in legends, telling of one who can
properly use occult powers.
I know Solomon's and Hiram's sounds or syllables. I also know
Abiff's sound. I know the entire lost Word. How I know this is
irrelevant. Equally, whether anyone believes my assertion or not, is
irrelevant. Even when I first mentally reviewed this sound I could
feel the tremendous Dark power of the Word. I also have the
counter-sound which I used to neutralize the Dark Word. Now, the
complete, dreadful Dark secret Word that Freemasons seek to assemble
has been contained and neutralized.
Bear in mind that some Freemasons may know the first two sounds or
syllables of the Word. And now, others will know them. But, I will
never disclose the lost sound from the Anunnaki Elite to anyone
because of the highly dangerous nature of the Dark energy embedded
in the Word that could be "resurrected" if it fell into the wrong
hands that is, ANYONE without a "pure" heart. THIS SYLLABLE HAS
search will discover it. In any event, I already neutralized the
entire Word with the counter-sound. I released this counter-sound of
the Light in 2002 on a CD entitled Loving You because the
counter-sound can also be used to counter-act other energies that
are directed by Darkness.
I now disclose the two sounds.
King Solomon's syllable is "KIR"
King Hiram's syllable is "WHAH"
Abiff's syllable has eluded those
of Darkness for 3,000 years, and they will not acquire it before
this virtual reality collapses.
As a cautionary warning, any attempt by anyone sending thoughts with
any EVIL INTENT to either attack this information or to abuse the
disclosed sounds will automatically be deflected and returned to the
sender. The sender with such evil intent will reap instant or
delayed consequences of his or her own actions.
Returning to the Masonic legend, it should be stated that the
horrible deaths the three ruffians suffered are now part of the
obligation of Masons in the first three degrees of Masonry. When a
person is awarded a degree, he must utter the obligation under
penalty of suffering a like death if ever he were to reveal the
secrets of a Master Mason. The candidates are told that the oaths
and penalties are only symbolic and would have no bearing in
reality, which is true if the Master Mason were to give away the
secrets known to the general members of the secret society. However,
the information about the original secret Word is the secret
information that those oaths are designed to protect against any
disclosure. They are real oaths with real penalties.
The term "Freemasons" is very revealing. Solomon had slaves building
the temple. But some of the tradesmen were not slaves; they were
free-masons. Likewise, the term "Master Masons" has the same
significance. Those of that rank were the slave masters or the
Solomon was a king who was reputed to have had many wives and
concubines. He did not let women worship with men, nor join secret
societies. Divine rite of kingship, slavery, male dominance and
polygamy are characteristic traits of the Anunnaki, and Solomon was
a descendant of the Anunnaki Remnants from Atlantis. That is how he
acquired his position. Reference to Solomon being a descendant of
Anunnaki should not be confused with having blood ties to them. This
refers to his consciousness, which incarnates over and over in
different biological bodies, regardless of biological connections.
Similarly, the King of Tyre and Abiff both had Anunnaki roots. The
three of them were familiar with occult knowledge and because of
their dedication to the occult arts, it was revealed to them that
certain sounds have very powerful properties. Each of them had been
given a sound capable of bringing down special powers of the highest
and darkest realm. This was done only after a lot of blood
sacrifices which proved their loyalty to Darkness.
Through this process, each of them had
acquired one part of the three-part word. They were impressed to
build the temple, where there was to be a Holy of Holies, where they
were to perform the ritual of summoning the power of the Word. It
was important to have slaves build the temple, as the suffering of
the slaves added greatly to the potential of the secret sound.
Moreover, as described above, the executions demonstrate yet another
Anunnaki trait. Likewise, Freemasons also thrive on bloodlust as
seen by their sanctifying of the brutal, horrible, demonic killings
of the three ruffians.
Many, including Thomas Paine, have compared the practice of
Freemasonry with Christianity. Paine concluded that both worship the
physical sun, although it is disguised in Christianity to appear to
be the worship of Jesus, whom they call the Son of God.
Darkness imitated the Divine Mother and the "Twelve Sisters" by
creating the Sun and the twelve signs of the Zodiac.
Christianity was not founded by Jesus. The work of the early
Christians and the propaganda of Paul and those who hid themselves
behind the name of Jesus all contributed to the invention of a
marvelous story which resulted in Jesus being known to this day as
the founder of a religion that was never his. Similarly, Jesus is
being falsely associated with the Ascended Masters in the
Theosophical teaching. Jesus has nothing to do with the ascended
masters, and very little to do with modern Christianity. In fact,
Christianity only became orthodox when Emperor Constantine and the
church councils created creeds and canons at the Council of Nicea in
325 A.D. With this human-made church law, the followers of
Christianity no longer abide by the teachings of Jesus, but instead
follow the dictates of the church.
In current Christianity, it appears that Christians relish in the
murder of Jesus and are so taken in by it that they re-enact His
brutal crucifixion. Christians call the murdering day "Good Friday"
which term they excuse away with Easter Sunday and the supposed
physical resurrection of Jesus. On a regular basis, Christians
symbolically eat the body of Jesus in what is euphemistically called
the "Eucharist" where they also symbolically drink the blood of
Christ. These gruesome symbolic acts are signs of cannibalism and
vampirism. These horrible acts are falsely presented at least four
times in the extant Bible to give the church and its followers
apparent authority and authenticity to practice the repulsive rites.
See: Matthew 26:26-28; Mark 14:22-24; Luke 22:19-20; 1 Corinthians
Nearly all Christian churches display crosses to remind followers of
the horrible murder of Jesus. Many of the crosses bear a male figure
nailed onto them to represent Jesus, who is graphically displayed in
a gory and agonizing depiction of his murder on a cross. This
depiction is grotesquely objectionable to any thinking, feeling
Can you see the similarity between Christianity and Freemasonry?
What kind of a "God" would thirst for blood? What kind of a "God"
would want gruesome murders re-lived over and over in the human
psyche. With regard to Christians it is far worse than for the
Masons. According to many Freemasons, Abiff supposedly represents
Jesus who incidentally had not yet been born when Solomon was in
power. But, Christianity symbolically does those dreadful things to
the one they claim to believe is the Son of the God of Light.
So there you have it Yes, it appears quite clearly that
Freemasons, however unwittingly, are devil worshippers. Similarly,
Christians, however unwittingly, are also worshipping Satan.
Darkness has always coveted that of the Light; it also corrupts that
of the Light whenever possible, as can be seen in Christianity.
The one that is known as
Saint Germaine, a significant character in
Masonic history, was accredited with the concept of the Violet/Amethyst Flame. He was also known as
Master Rakoczi, who was
involved in ritual and ceremony and who was incorrectly attributed
to being the re-incarnations of Merlin of Camelot and Lao Tse, the
great Chinese mystic. Merlin and Lao Tse are Attas of the Light.
Germaine was a descendent of
Anunnaki Remnants. Germaine was also
supposedly Roger Bacon (13th century) and
Francis Bacon (16th 17th
century), who was a Freemason.
Germaine's last incarnation was supposed to be Francis Bacon, who
was a statesman, English philosopher, editor of the King James
Version of the extant Bible, and an occultist. Bacon was thoroughly
discredited as a scoundrel for abusing power and taking bribes.
Francis Bacon is also known as an Ascended Master of the Great White
Brotherhood in Theosophical/New Age circles. He was supposedly the
high priest of the Violet-Flame Temple which is associated with the
seventh ray in "the Theosophical Universe".
In fact, the concept of the Violet Flame was stolen from the "Twelve
Sisters" of the Divine Mother. As I have mentioned elsewhere, the
"Twelve Sisters" label does not necessarily reveal their respective
genders. The violet color is one of the distinct colors of the
Divine Mother and she extended it to the "Twelve Sisters" with the
power of true transmutation.
Evil coveted this power of
transmutation, and attempted to simulate it as Evil often does,
stealing designs/concepts/ideas/patterns etc. from the Light, then
corrupting them and claiming them as Its own.
With regard to transmutation, it needs to be mentioned that the
energy in the physical realm is trapped within Matter. This energy
is very different from the energy of the True Divine Creation.
An analogy can be drawn by considering the micro level in this
realm, where electrons could be compared to being drivers of energy,
not the masters of energy as some have speculated. Protons and
neutrons act as trapping agents they trap electrons and force them
to work for the protons and neutrons.
The Demiurge usurped this sector of the True Divine Creation and
later created a world of virtual reality. This realm is an illusion,
a virtual reality. However, in this illusion a great deal of abuse
is done to True-Light beings.
The Demiurge created Matter and then gravity, which is the first
cause in setting Matter into motion. Next, It created heat and cold,
both of which can cause pseudo transmutation of Matter, and whose
properties can also trap electrons. The electrons are akin to
trapped Light beings in this dimension.
Gravity sustains physical motion. Many have theorized that because
gravity is a weaker force than some other forces, that it is not the
primary force. This is erroneous. Gravity is the first cause and the
critical force that holds this illusory universe together. Only
later did the Demiurge create the strong and weak nuclear forces to
better tighten and bond matter together, and later still, It created
the electromagnetic force to seal off sections of the Evil Creation
and to erase memories of beings in the virtual reality. The physical
universe is continually spinning but going nowhere. For example,
there is the perceived rotation of the ages the signs of the
Zodiac. They repeat the cycle over and over without real progress.
That is the plan of the Demiurge.
Gravity is the first force of attraction. Motion is keeping the
illusion going by the sustaining properties of gravity. When gravity
is dismantled, the balls will stop moving, and the entire illusion
will crumble. There are particular energies which build virtual
realities within virtual realities in this dimension.
The continuous motion works much like a sleight-of-hand trick. All
the beings in the realm are moving so much within the illusion that
they cannot focus on reality. As an example, imagine that you are
riding on a merry-go-round. The horse can feel like it is standing
still and everything around you is spinning. As a result, you cannot
maintain focus on the outside world, however it is relatively easy
to focus on the horses on the merry-go-round. This is because you
are within the illusion of the merry-go-round and it becomes the
reality of the moment. Try as you might, you can only catch glimpses
of the outside world which you perceive to be spinning. However, you
know that you are spinning on the merry-go-round, not the world
outside, whose movement is an illusion created by the
Thus, because of all the motion in the universe, and motion within
motion, everything here is like a merry-go-round ride, and those on
the ride can only get an occasional glimpse here and there of what
is beyond. And, even then, those glimpses are often just of motions
within motions, or other merry-go-rounds. Merry-go-rounds can be fun
for a short ride, but if you stay on too long, they make you sick.
From a spiritual standpoint that sickness has so disoriented
True-Light beings that they have forgotten their True Divine origin
and think that they are part of the illusion. If the merry-go-round
stops, the illusion stops and all viable True-Light beings will be
outside the virtual reality.
The shattering of this illusion this virtual reality has
commenced. Due to the complexities of illusions within illusions it
has taken a long time to dismantle it. Gravity, because of motion
and inertia, is the primary cause holding things together for the
time being. Once the virtual realities within the virtual reality
are all shattered, all the True beings of the Light who are trapped
here will be freed. This day will come. Everyone should try to break
the mindset that the physical is all there is because that mindset
is the biggest trap of all. There is a True Reality out there, once
these dreadful rides stop.
One strong indication of the breaking of the illusion of the virtual
reality occurred recently. A dog enclosure was locked and the lock
had frozen shut. I needed to enter, but couldn't because of the
frozen lock. I then pulled on the lock several times, but was unable
to unfreeze it. Then, I pulled again and amazingly was able to pass
the frozen-shut metal lock and my hand through a two-layered
galvanized steel latch! I actually passed both my hand and the metal
lock right through the steel hasp! To do this defies the laws of
physics in this realm, yet it occurred. It was the equivalent of
walking through a wall while carrying a metal object with me.
While electrons are trapped by protons and neutrons on the atomic
level, planets are trapped by stars or suns on the macro level. The
sun of our solar system is the trap. It gives off False-Light, which
the planets need to survive in this material realm. In exchange for
this light, the sun forces the planets to revolve around it and to
do all the work keeping the solar system bound together in the
illusion which is driven by their orbits around the sun. If the
perpetual motion of the planets the merry-go-round stops, the
illusion crumbles, and all the viable True-Light beings in the
entire solar system are liberated from the entrapments of Darkness.
Of course, the solar system is but a ride within a ride, as it is
part of a galaxy, which is part of the universe. All of these rides
are about to stop turning.
The sun is the main source of the illusion. Those who are part of
the illusion will dissipate when the illusion collapses. Those who
are not part of the illusion will continue to exist after the
virtual reality is over.
While the sun is the biggest trap in the solar system, it has the
appearance of being of the greatest assistance and being the most
important part of the system. The sun is not the driver of the solar
system, the planets are. While the sun provides heat and light by
which biological "life" is made possible, biological life is but
another virtual reality which traps the True-Light beings. Through
being trapped in biological bodies, True-Light beings are forced to
drive the world.
In this realm, Light looks dark, and Darkness appears as light.
Much has been said of late about the sun cruisers that have been
photographed near the sun. A great deal of speculation has occurred
as to what they are doing. They are crafts of the True Divine
Creation which are here to extinguish the sun. They have done this
to many stars in the virtual reality and freed many beings of Light
from the grasp of Darkness by shattering the illusion of solar
systems and unlocking the prison doors. Sun cruisers were
responsible for the extinguishment of the Anunnaki's home star ZA-OS,
which in turn freed many beings of Light from the grasp of Darkness.
The Anunnaki were a very advanced race of beings and they had
accomplished space travel before their star was extinguished. Being
advanced technologically allowed the Anunnaki to spread their
tentacles throughout the physical world as the main agents of the
Demiurge. They are, in effect, angels of Darkness. They have been
programmed to be as evil as the Demiurge, as ruthless, as brutal, as
chauvinistic, and as hopelessly putrid as their "father".
The Anunnaki were given certain powers to assist the Demiurge in
keeping the illusion going for as long as possible. The Demiurge
knows that Its days are numbered, but It has extended those days by
employing the dreadful Anunnaki, who are sent to various systems
with the ability to restart "time" in the systems, that is to travel
into the past so the virtual reality can be re-lived over and over
These Anunnaki came to Earth and set up control here. They are
literally from the past, as they have re-started the system before.
They hope to re-start it again so they can enslave all the beings of
Light for another ride on the merry-go-round, and force them to
drive the pointless counterfeit creation here. The Anunnaki know
that they must re-start everything before
2012 A.D. because that is
the date which they have set for restarting the clock.
While things were going along for the Anunnaki and they were doing
their "father's" bidding on Earth, the Attas of Light became very
active, which was most troubling to the Anunnaki.
All major religions in this world are sponsored by the Anunnaki.
Religion is an extremely effective tool for keeping control of the
people. A fundamental aspect of all these religions is that the
central figure of worship is the sun, whether they called their sun
God Ra, Apollo, Helios etc. This was true in ancient Greek,
Egyptian, Sumerian, Babylonian, Roman, English, Mayan, and Incan
cultures, etc.
Sun worship is the basis for major religions today, even if it has
been corrupted or its foundation has been obscured or lost. For
instance, Jews have their ancient temples constructed to honor the
sun and the Zodiac.
Most notable of these temples dedicated to sun worship would be
Solomon's Temple, which was standing during the entire reign of
Josiah. Josiah is remembered by Bible students for knocking down
idols dedicated to worship of the sun and other Gods formerly of the
Jewish pantheon. Josiah claimed to be following the Laws of Moses.
Yet Solomon's Temple, which was built long after the death of Moses
and violated many of those laws, was left untouched. Either the laws
of Moses were tampered with after the Temple was built to allow it
to stand, or Solomon's Temple was an abomination to the Jewish
faith. For whatever reasons, Josiah allowed the temple in Jerusalem
to remain despite its obvious construction and dedication to sun
One characteristic of sun worship is that everything hinges on the
resurrection of the rising sun. The sun gives warmth and life
according to their beliefs. That is why there are so many legends of
dying/rising Gods. Candidates for the third degree of Freemasonry
play the part of Hiram Abiff in a drama. The candidate, like Abiff,
is raised from the grave, symbolizing the dying/rising God legends.
Christians honor Jesus, the Son of God, who takes the
place of the physical sun. Even the name EAST-er SUN-day for
Christianity gives away its basis.
Thomas Paine noted that:
[T]he Christian religion is a parody
on the worship of the Sun, in which they put a man whom they
call Christ, in the place of the Sun, and pay him the same
adoration which was originally paid to the Sun.
It should be stressed here that the Magi
of Persia were also sun worshipers, which demonstrates that the
invention of the story about the visit of the three Magi at the
birth of Jesus was added to the account contained in the New
Testament. This addition happened sometime after Constantine made
Christianity orthodox and included sun worship in the Christian
In Celtic tradition, the direction east is also very significant.
Druids worshipped the sun; Native Americans place great significance
on sun dances; Eastern religions highly respect the sun. Often,
emperors were compared to the rising sun in ancient days of the
Eastern world.
Freemasons construct their lodges east and west and the Worshipful
Master of the lodge stands in the east because, according to Masonic
teachings, as the sun rises in the east, so should the Master stand
in the east. Freemasons make advancement in degrees by seeking more
light in Masonry. This is not to be confused with Divine Light.
Masonic teachings state that there are two lights. These lights are
referred to as the greater and the lesser lights. The sun is the
greater light, while the moon is the lesser.
In Grand Master George Smith's The Use and Abuse of Free-Masonry
(1783) is
The emblematical meaning of the Sun
is well known to the enlightened and inquisitive Free-Mason; and
as the real Sun is situated in the centre of the universe, so
the emblematical Sun is the centre of real Masonry. We all know
that the Sun is the fountain of light, the source of the
seasons, the cause of the vicissitudes of day and night, the
parent of vegetation, the friend of man; hence the scientific
Free-Mason only knows the reason why the Sun is placed in the
centre of this beautiful hall.
The Anunnaki have planted sun worship
throughout the world. They have forced construction of structures to
pay homage to the sun, such as Stonehenge, where the altar stone
faces the rising sun. Even though Stonehenge was also used as an
observatory and had other purposes, sun worship was its main
purpose. The Anunnaki know that the sun must keep burning or the
illusion of the solar system will shatter. That is the main
objective of Anunnaki occupation of worlds to keep the stars
Anunnaki Elite were given a particular sound by the Demiurge
which allowed them to control and re-start "time" within solar
systems. It is like the key to a huge time machine. It allows the
Anunnaki to turn back the clock, so to speak, and gain a temporary
reprieve from the Celestial Correction by the Light.
The Demiurge's sound was removed from the Earth by the Anunnaki
Elite when they fled after destroying
Atlantis. They took the Word
with them. The Attas of the Light have since blocked the Anunnaki
Elite from returning to Earth. However, some of the Anunnaki Elite
slipped through the net temporarily and approached near enough to
the Earth during the time of Solomon to transmit the sound to three
chosen Anunnaki Remnants who were on Earth King Solomon, King
Hiram and Abiff, the Master Mason. The Anunnaki Elite did this
desperate thing in the hope that the Anunnaki Remnants would be able
to help them return and re-take control of the Earth.
This Word is the powerhouse of the Demiurge. The Word has the power
to keep this realm in motion and keep the illusion afloat. Except
for the intervention by the Amoebas/Attas of the Light, the Word
would continue to have this power. The following is worthy of
reflection regarding the Word and the "God" being written about in
the verse.
In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with
God, and the
Word was God.
John 1:1.
The first two syllables of the Word given to King Solomon and King
Hiram respectively are like the building blocks. They cannot do
anything in and of themselves without the third and final syllable.
Thus, the first two syllables are like drones without the "spirit"
of the third syllable. The final syllable acts like the life force
which drives the Word of the Demiurge. The third syllable was given
to Abiff because the Anunnaki Elite saw him as the most pious
(devoted and loyal to the Anunnaki Elite), hence he was seen as the
most trustworthy of the instruments. That is why the two kings were
unable to bring the FULL power of the Demiurge to the Earth. So,
they commenced a frantic search, quizzing all workmen and slaves who
were a part of building the temple, hoping that Abiff may have given
the syllable to one of them. This search proved fruitless.
Since then, the search continues for the lost Word.
This search
continues in many forms, with most of the searchers totally
oblivious to what they are really searching for or why. Even today,
many still seek the Ark of the Covenant and the Holy Grail. Many
stories were created to hide the true purpose of the ventures. There
is always an attachment of some sort of spiritual quest in the
scouring of the land for the Word. The Crusades were part of this
quest. The Ark of the Covenant possessed famed properties. It was in
reality a "radio" transceiver that was used by the priests to send
and receive information directly to and from their "Gods" (the
Anunnaki Elite) in the spacecrafts.
These searches are all instigated and sponsored by the Anunnaki
Remnants, who have first inspection rights to all finds. This is a
mandatory condition of all Anunnaki Remnant funded projects designed
to search for the lost Word, which searches are carried out under
many disguises. These searches attract many who are sincerely
searching for Truth, Love, Light and Purity. However, many of those
with admirable intentions are being fooled by
the Anunnaki Remnants.
The sincere seekers have no suspicion whatsoever as to the origin or
agendas of the plot.
Different groups of Anunnaki Remnants are still searching for the
Word, performing their search in different ways and whilst the
majority of the people do not suspect this agenda, most would scoff
at it. Some people can now see or sense the Anunnaki faces behind
their human disguises (whether the faces are Reptilian, Vulturite,
Masa-karas, and even Olcars who are the highest Reptilians etc). As
the virtual reality collapses more and more, so too will more and
more people become aware of the Anunnaki around them.
A recent example of this desperate search by one group of the
Anunnaki Remnants for the lost Word occurred
when Iraq was invaded
in 2003. The cover story for this invasion was to rid the world of
that country's storehouse of weapons of mass destruction. The most
informed leaders of the invading forces knew there were no weapons
of mass destruction in Iraq. The apparent reason for the invasion
was for control of the oil fields in the country, which is what the
ruling elite want those who see through the faηade of the main cover
story to think that is that it was done for greed, oil and money.
However, the real reason for the invasion of Iraq was to perform an
intense search of the country for clues to the lost Word. This shows
how wide, intense and desperate the search is for the Word. This is
because the Word has the power to change the destiny for the
Anunnaki Elite. It could open the gates to bring them back on Earth
for yet another reign of terror.
During World War II, Hitler, the Fόhrer and active occultist
sponsored by a particular group of Anunnaki Remnants to actively
search for the lost Word. Many thought he was after the Ark of the
Covenant, but that was not the case. He was after the Word. This is
one of the reasons why when Hitler turned his attention to the
Middle East, the Western powers vastly increased their efforts to
halt his war machine.
New World Order employs agents to spread disinformation and
misinformation to the masses. It also tries to frighten the masses
into compliance. One of its most effective tools of recent has been
to implement artificial catastrophes so that draconian laws can be
enacted to fight the artificial war on terrorism. This is a
contrived war that got out of hand and now there are some real
terrorists causing "unplanned" damages.
Likewise, the New World Order also creates false prophets who
predict things that will never transpire. These false prophets are
hired to predict these non-events in order to discredit true
prophets so that when the real Message is given, most people will
not take it seriously.
A recent example of this was a very elaborate conspiracy by the
ruling elite to frighten the people living in the western part of
the United States by falsely broadcasting misinformation that a
large object was approaching Earth and its approach would devastate
that area. This misinformation had reached the stage of being
broadcast on the alternative media, which was to be a springboard
for sending the false story to the conventional media. It was
intended that this story would cause mass panic and hysteria so that
martial law could be enforced.
However, this devious plan was thwarted
by the Attas of Light, and the plan has fizzled. Yet, this is such
an important plot for the New World Order that many are still
desperately attempting to resurrect it. Some of the New World Order
agents play roles to appear to be scorning the false prophet, but in
reality, they are conspiring and working together to try to keep
this devious plot alive. It will not work. On the energy level, this
failed attempt of the ruling elite is a crushing defeat for
The Freemasons are agents of the Reptilian Anunnaki Remnants, and
form a group that is "openly" secret and is very actively searching
for the Word. Every Master Mason knows the story of Hiram Abiff and
the three ruffians, and they all know the substitute word that was
given at Abiff's funeral. Almost all of them are looking for this
Word, but very few have any idea of the reason behind it.
Freemasonry was originated by Darkness. Christianity was hijacked by
Darkness. Since Darkness thoroughly corrupted Christianity, it is
virtually impossible to discern the difference between Freemasonry
and Christianity, even though Jesus is an Attas of Light.
There are many members of the royal families throughout the world
who are involved in the Freemason society, or branches thereof.
These organizations are widespread but theoretically nobody outside
knows what goes on inside the lodges. Many of the ruling elite
belong to these groups. It should be stressed again, that many
members of the organization have no idea of the nefarious agendas of
the highest echelon of the organization. Many of them are innocent
people caught in a spider's web, just like many Christians.
Many Light beings are attracted to various religions and esoteric
groups even though the organizations are sponsored by the Dark side.
This is because Darkness has deviously mixed Light teachings with
untruth to lure and fool the unaware True-Light beings who are
attracted to the Truth that is buried in the maze of untruth. Some
of these mixtures are so complex and well disguised that even highly
advanced beings have difficulty sorting the gems from the garbage.
Things are not always what they appear to be in this world of
virtual reality. Neither are the Freemasons what they appear to be,
even to the majority of their members.
Native American Hopis have a legend about "The Sign From the West"
being the forerunner of the end of Evil. The Sign From the West is
now in the physical realm.
The Sign From the West bears the esoteric message to look to the
West instead of the East. As the rising sun symbolizes the heart of
Evil, the setting sun represents the end of Evil. It is time to
abandon worship of the sun time to abandon Evil.
The Lakota Native Americans have a legend about the births of white
buffalo calves. When seven are born, the Teacher known as the White
Buffalo Woman will appear, which will signal the end of Evil and the
return to Purity. The seventh white buffalo was born, but not in a
bison's body. The White Buffalo Woman has returned to Earth, not as
the Teacher, but as the Liberator of True-Light beings trapped in
Darkness, whether they are in mineral, vegetable, animal, human or
other bodies and whether they are devas of rivers or seas, plains or
mountains etc. including even the "soul" of the Earth.
The Divine Mother, Jesus and the White Buffalo Woman are all aspects
of A-itu, the Eternal Flame, the Divine Being of Purity. These three
aspects of A-itu are now united on this plane in a physical "body"
as a "walk-in". This Composite Being of Purity will challenge and
defeat the Demiurge, who is the creator of the Anti-Christ energy.
The True God does not want to be worshipped. In fact, the desire to
be worshipped is yet another Anunnaki trait. The Anunnaki also build
huge, elaborate monuments and temples, but these are not for the
True God. These are human-made idols to satisfy human ego.
The Light has attempted repeatedly to correct Darkness and bring It
back to the Light, but Darkness stubbornly rejects any correction.
Darkness has tenaciously held onto every True-Light being that is
trapped in the virtual reality, and holds those beings ransom. Now,
the time has come for the Light to liberate Its Own from Darkness.
The process has commenced.