by Joseph Borkin and Charles
A. Welsh
extracted from 'Germany's Master Plan'
The Story Of Industrial Offensive
On December 9, 1925, the Badische Anilm und Soda-fabrik,
Ludwigshafen a. Rhein, the largest of the member firms of the
Interessengemeinschaft (Combine of Interests) of the German Dyestuffs industry, changed its own name to I. G.
Farbenindustrie Aktiengesellschaft.
Five other firms were merged with
Badische. These were:
Farbenfabriken vorm. Friedr.
Bayer & Co., Leverkusen
Farbwerke vorm. Meister Lucius &
Bruening, Hoechst
Aktiengesellschaft fur
Anilinfabrikaten, Berlin
Chemischc Fabriken vorm.
Weiler-ter Meer, Uerdingen
Chemische Fabrik
Griesheim-Elektron, Frankfurt a.M.
Two further firms which had also
belonged to the former Combine of Interests (Trust), namely,
Leopold Cassela & Co. G.m.b.H.,
Frankfurt a.M.
Kalle & Co., Aktiengesellschaft,
...were not included in the merger
inasmuch as their shares were already held to their greater part by
the other I.G. firms.
They were, however, included in the
organization and further development of the I.G. Farbenindustrie.
The names of the merged firms were retained by registering them as
branches. All the said enterprises were organized at brief intervals
at the beginning of the '60's of the last Century as a consequence
of the revolutionizing inventions in the field of coal tar dyes.
In 1904 the first Trust, or I.G., as it was called,
was formed by:
the Bayer Company of Elberfeld
the Badische Company of
the Aktienge-sellschaft fur
Anilinfabrikaten, Berlin
In addition to this I.G., the firms of
Hoechst, Cassela, and Kalle entered into a
combine which was brought under the financial control of I.G.
The I.G. group has undergone since its formation in 1904 a
series of reorganizations.
The first of these, in 1916, added to the
scope of I.G.'s interests, and integrated its wartime functions.
reorganization in 1919 further augmented the sphere of I.G.'s
Early in 1926, after the formal incorporation of I.G., a
number of important concerns were added to the eight firms which
formed the nucleus for the Trust. These were:
Dynamit-Actien-Gesellschaft vorm.
Alfred Nobel & Co., Hamburg
Sprengstoff-A. G. Koeln
Aktiengesellschaft Siegener
Dynamitfabrik, Koeln
Deutsche Celluloidfabrik,
A. Riebeck'sche Montanwerke
A.-G., Halle
A list of I.G.'s subsidiaries is not
easy to decipher. Some subsidiaries are wholly owned and controlled.
Some are partially owned or divided between one or more of the
nuclear corporations in I.G. In the case of some subsidiaries, their
corporate identities have been maintained, while their assets and
facilities have been entirely merged with others.
The following list is not complete. It
is based upon the Handbook of German Industries, upon
Moody's, upon the lists given by Dr. Liefmann in "Cartels,
Concerns, and Trusts," on the Enquete-Ausschuss III on the
German chemical industry, upon a booklet entitled "I. G.
Farbenindustrie, A. G." published in German by I.G., and upon
annual reports of I. G. Farbenindustrie.
The components of I.G. Farbenindustrie A.G. and its principal
subsidiaries are:
Badische Anilin und Sodafabrik
Ammoniakwerke Merseburg-Oppau
Farbefabriken vorm. Friedr.
Bayer und Co.
Farbwerke vorm. Meister Lucius
und Bruening
Leopold Cassela und Co.
Chemische Fabrik
Akt.-Ges. fuer Anilin-fabrikaten
Chemische Fabriken vorm.
Weiler-ter-Meer Kalle und
Co.Koeln-Rottweil A.-G.
Dynamit A.-G. vorm.
NobelRheinisch-Westfaelische Sprengstoff A.-G.
Wuelfing, Dahl und Co. A.-G.
Karl Jaeger G.m.b.H.
Griesheim G.m.b.H.A.-G. fuer Stickstoffduenger
KnapsackStickstoff-Kredit G.m.b.H.A.-G. fuer
LandeskulturKoliner Kunstduenger und Chemische
FabrikZuckerfabrik KoerbisdorfChemische Werke Schuster und
Wilhelmy A.-G.
Wolff-Werke Chemische
FabrikenChemische Werke LothringenDelvendahl und Kuentzel
Chemische Werke Durand und
Huguenin A.-G.
Alexander Wacker A.-G.
Elektrochemische Werke A.-G.
Elektrochemische Werke G.m.b.H.
Aluminium-Werke G.m.b.H.
Elekto-Nitrum A.-G.
Soc. Electroquimica de
FlixAmpere G.m.b.H.
Deutsche Edelsteingesellschaft
vorm. Herm. Wild A.-G.
Duisburger Kupferhuette A.-G.
Deutsche Molybdaenwerke Auguste
Viktoria mine Rheinische Stahlwerke Riebecksche Montanwerke
Erdoel- und Kohleverwertungs A.-G.
Bergin Kohle A.-G.
Chemische Fabriken und
Asphaltwerke A.-G.
Braunkohlenindustrie A.-G.
Gewerkschaft Elise II Frechen
Lignite Mine Jacob's Mine at Preussisch-Boernecke Theodor I
and II mines at Bitterfeld Hermlne Mine Deutsche Grube A.-G.
(lignite works)
Marie and Antonie mines Deutsche
Braunkohlengesellschaft A.-G.
Deutsche Gasolin A.-G.
Olea Mineraloelwerke A.-G.
Sueddeutsche Oel und
Melanolwerke G.m.b.H.
Ford Motor Co. A.-G. (part)
Metallgesellschaft (part) Gricsheimer
Autogen-Verkaufsgesellschaft m.b.H.
Deutsche Oxyhydric A.-G.
Gesellschaft fuer Lindes
Eismaschinen A.-G.
Karl Neuhaus G.m.b.H.
Verwollungs A.-G.
Hoelkenseide G.m.b.H.
Textilosewerke und Kunstweberei
Claviez A.-G.
Philana A.-G.
China-Export-, Import- und Bank-Compagnie
Chirmca, Industrial Bayer and Westkott & Cia.
Teer-farben-Industrie A.-G.
Oestliche Handelsgesellschaft
and Bayer Products, Ltd. Productos Quimicos Meister Lucius
Bruening, S.-A.
Kalk- und Emmailierwerke Gebr.
Wandesieben, m.g.H.
Heggener Kalkwerke G.m.b.H.
A. H. Rietschel
G.m.b.H.Kremer-Klaergesellschaft m.b.H.
Deutsche Laenderbank A.-G.
Riebecksche Montan werkeGustav
Genschow & Co. A.-G.
Wachtberg Group of brown coal
mines in West Germany Koerbisdorf sugar factory's brown coal
mine Dr. Albert Wacker G.m.b.H.
Chemische Werke Lothringen
Aceta artificial silk factory
Sachtleben A.-G.
Behring-Werke A.-G.
Norsk Hydro Elektrisk Kvaelstof
Leuna-Werke Ammoniak-Werk
Merseburg Internationale Gesellschaft fur Chemische
UnternehmungenGeneral Aniline & Film Company
Agfa-Ansco Corporation General
Aniline Works A. G. fur Chemische Industrie,
Gelsenkirchen-SchalkeBuna-Werke G.m.b.H.
Braunkohle-Benzin, A.-G.
Chemische-Werke Aussig-Falkenau
Ch. W. Huls, G.m.b.H
Deutsche Celluloid-Fabrik, A.G.
Hydrierwerke Politz A.G.
Pulverfabrik Skodawerke-Wetzler
Titangesellschaft m.b.H.
Aziende Colori Nazionali Affini
(ACNA), S. A.
Societa Chimica Lombarda A. E.
With the same reservation as to
completeness, the following list of fields of production of I.G.
is given:
Coal tar dyestuffs, including
crudes, intermediates, and finished dyes
Auxiliary products which are
used in connection with dyestuffs to obtain desired effects
or to improve the dyeing process
Innumerable organic and
inorganic chemicals
Solvents such as those for
paints, lacquers, and varnishes
Accelerators and anti-oxidants
Tanning agents
Mineral colors
Synthetic building materials
Compressed and rare gases
Light and heavy metals,
including aluminum, magnesium, and the rare and precious
Machinery and equipment used in
the chemical industry and in other branches of scientific
production and research
Pharmaceutical operations
comprised of veritable legions of compounds derived from
coal tar, sulphur, and other bases
Synthetic gems
Synthetic perfumes
Insecticides and fungicides
Photographic products and
Cell wool
Synthetic gasoline
Synthetic rubber
Nitrates and fertilizers
Vistra (synthetic textiles)
I.G.'s own operating units are situated
In the following areas within Germany: