by Steven M. Greer, MD.
26 March 2004
DisclosureProject Website
As the cancer of terrorism metastasizes around the world, we would
do well to pause and analyze how we got here – and how we might
resolve the problem.
Currently, no world leader is actually addressing the roots of the
problem, and presenting any meaningful solutions. To date, the US
and world community have been engaged in purely tactical responses
to a growing, intractable and predictable problem.
The asymmetric nature of terrorism in particular and guerilla
activity in general makes a tactical solution ultimately
unattainable. There is much talk that the current war on terrorism
and other actions by the US and its allies are an effective strategy
to resolve the problem. But in reality, it is a near-term tactical
reaction to a larger and more fundamental problem that remains
This is not to say that tactical actions are of no value, or are
always wrong. But such actions must not be confused with a
meaningful strategic analysis and concomitant strategic plan to
correct the underlying problem.
While there can be no sane defense of terrorism, religious
fanaticism, murderous actions and the like, we must nevertheless
frankly look at why the problem exists.
There have always been religious fanaticism, strife, and murderous
fiends ready to sow mayhem for this or that ‘ism’. But the current
world – wide proliferation of terrorism, directed at all things
‘western’ is fueled by a history currently much ignored by the
main-stream media and world political leaders.
To wit: The West has outstayed its welcome in much of the world, and
especially in the oil rich mid-east. This statement should not be
confused with isolationism, but rather points to a dominant and at
times bellicose presence. It should be remembered that Osama bin
Laden et al. were actually allies of the US in our proxy support of
‘freedom fighters’ against the Soviet invasion of Afghanistan. That
Saddam was our ally, after the Iran hostage crisis. And that the
wealth, power and capabilities of many a despot in that region and
elsewhere has been fueled by one thing: Oil.
For decades, US strategic national interest (apart from the Cold
War) has been centered on securing a stable, steady and growing
supply of cheap oil. Oil wealth gave Saddam and company the means to
acquire weapons of mass destruction – and gave the mid-east region a
central role in strategic affairs.
The first Gulf war against Saddam Hussein occurred because Saddam
wanted the oil-rich fields of Kuwait – and because we wanted to
protect Kuwait and Saudi Arabia who are ‘vital national security
interests’ (read: oil). Our long presence in the region subsequently
inflamed nationalists and religious fanatics, and our once-ally
Osama became our mortal enemy.
The real tragedy in all of this is that we have not needed oil, coal
or nuclear power since at least the 1950s – and most likely long
before that. Replacements for oil, and technologies to greatly
increase the efficiency of the internal combustion engine, have
existed for decades – only to be ruthlessly suppressed.
Does anyone actually believe that we would have a long and
over-bearing presence in the mid-east were it not for oil? (Israel
is a separate but related situation and does not wholly apply to
this analysis).
If so, why are we not in central Africa, South America or many other
hot spots?
Bush, in his 2002 State of the Union address, as well as
many other national leaders, has said that it is a matter of our
national security to become independent of imported oil. But how?
Generally, our dependence is growing, and digging a few more holes
in the ground in Alaska or elsewhere in the US will hardly affect
the equation.
The recent multi-billion dollar “Energy Bill” passed by the Congress
is really a sop to big oil. It does not contribute to any meaningful
solution and in many ways compounds the problem.
In February of 2003, just before the US went into Iraq, a friend of
the Bush family told me,
“…of course, this is really about securing
the second largest oil field in the world, and everyone knows it.”
Initially appalled, I listened as this gentleman explained how, with
China rapidly industrializing (along with India) that our strategic
interests required that we ‘liberate’ the Iraqi oil fields, and get
them up to maximum production. Of course, Saddam was a monstrous
dictator – but there are many monstrous regimes in that part of the
world, and human rights abuses abound. But Saddam – he was blocking
the full access to maximum development of the Iraqi oil fields. And
that was the unpardonable sin.
Witnesses available to
The Disclosure Project as well as a substantial and growing body of scientific evidence
establishes that the world’s dependence on fossil fuels and nuclear
power is a contrived arrangement. The Big Lie that we have no other
options and therefore must continue to find new sources of oil, and
protect vital western interests related to oil in the Mid-east, must
be exposed and put to rest.
Granted, a multi-trillion dollar
component of the global economy is now, sadly, dependent (or shall
we say addicted) to oil, but this can be no excuse for the lack of
bold leadership. The multi-faceted crisis of terrorism, petro-fascism,
environmental decay, global warming, and the widening disparity
between wealthy and poor nations has its roots in our dependence on
oil and the excesses and abuses of power related thereto.
Promising developments in the area of so-called
zero point energy
and quantum vacuum energy, as well as more prosaic breakthroughs in
internal combustion engine efficiency, have been ignored or actively
and ruthless suppressed for decades. (See
- Space Energy Access System)
The public, the media, environmental
organizations and the international community must urgently
investigate these matters and take decisive steps to support
civilian efforts to bring to full application these new energy
A clandestine and highly illegal group exists that has actively
suppressed these technologies –even up to the present hour. More
than one scientist with whom we are now working has been threatened,
had his work sabotaged or confiscated and generally terrorized into
a paralyzing silence. This, while we march into one oil war after
This operation, a hybrid trans-national entity that has shadowy ties
to the military, intelligence, laboratory, corporate and
institutional communities (and yet is controlled by none) operates
like a highly functional organized crime group, and has ruled by
terror for decades. Indeed the Big Terror is the one that remains
unacknowledged and unchallenged, while we dash around the world
chasing the blowback from our failed, decades-long policy of oil
Having personally met with members of
Congress, senior intelligence officials and senior Pentagon officers
(all of whom are convinced such a group exists) I have witnessed
first hand the fear this group engenders. But we have reached the
point in our civilization that the risks of giving into fear, and
refusing to act decisively, will cost us dearly.
The recent terrorists attacks will be a fond memory compared to
future events unless we collectively act to correct this situation.
Even the Pentagon has recently warned of the possibility of a
sudden, catastrophic climate change related to global warming that
could plunge the earth into environmental, social and military
chaos. Are we to sit by idly while the solution to this crisis sits
locked away in illegal ‘black’ military and corporate projects
-projects funded by US taxpayer monies and withheld by an entrenched kleptocracy hell-bent on control - at all costs?
Indeed, such thinking, driven by fear, greed and a myopic world and
cosmological view, is bringing human civilization to the brink of
collapse. The suppression of these earth-saving and life-saving
technologies has gone too far, for too long – so much so that those
responsible are on the verge of consciously committing planeticide –
the killing of an entire planet.
At this point,
Space Energy Access Systems, Inc. (SEAS) has
identified scientists capable of developing technologies to
completely replace fossil fuels. We estimate that a generation one
version of such an energy generating system can be ready for
widespread application in 12-36 months. But such an undertaking,
requiring millions of dollars in basic research and development
funds, remains unsupported by either the government or financial
community. Why?
The public must demand that our representatives at every level
investigate seriously these technologies and begin an environmental
Marshall Plan to get see that new energy solutions are fast-tracked
into widespread application.
To date, inventors have funded their own efforts, and have created
proof-of-principle systems. But they are immature technologies so
far not supported by the private financial community and the
government granting process has been unresponsive. Would the public
support such an undertaking – bypassing the corruption and inertia
of government and large financial players? We may soon find out.
But one thing is certain: Unless we change directions, we are likely
to end up where we are going…
No national or international leader has presented anything remotely
close to a real strategy to address the nexus of intertwined
problems related to terrorism, oil dependency, geopolitical
tensions, environmental destruction and global warming. They GO
TACTICAL and mistake this for a strategy. It is not. It is a sham
and a poor excuse for decisive strategic planning and action. This
action has been needed for half a century, but out of fear, greed,
corruption and power politics has been tragically deferred. Now we
are paying the price.
Even if we tactically succeed in temporarily delaying the progress
of terrorists, we will yet be left with the core of the problem: Our
desperate need for oil and lots of it. The zero sum game of energy
supplies based on oil, coal and gas necessitates a disparity that
places at least two thirds of the world’s population in a state of
perpetual poverty. Within this crucible, a thousands hells will be
born, and it will not be ameliorated one iota by the current
tactical response to 9/11, or the invasion of Iraq or even by
establishing democracy in the Mid-east, laudable as that may be.
The hard reality is that our
civilization is on a terminal trajectory. We are at the crossroads
of history at which we either crash or fly into the future intact.
Real leadership is required, and a meaningful strategy to phase in
these new technologies in an orderly and rational manner is needed
I challenge every concerned citizen to bring this matter to the
attention of his representatives and to those aspiring to lead us –
whether at the presidential or congressional level. Do not let them
off the hook. They have the solemn responsibility of leading if they
aspire to be leaders. At every campaign stop, at every rally, at
every town meeting, citizens should be present to present the facts
and demand action.
We have abdicated our sacred obligation to provide for a good and
sustainable future and allowed rogue and selfish interests to hijack
our destiny. Will we persist in this madness?
The solutions to these problems exist. But the ‘special interests’
that would deceive the public and our leaders are enormously
powerful and ruthless. Shills in the media ignore, censor or
ridicule the subject. And an army of paid disinformation hacks,
pretending to be scientists, ‘experts’ and the like stand ready to
hammer down any meaningful solution presented to the world. The task
is, therefore, daunting. But the consequences of inaction are so
dire, so potentially catastrophic, that every effort must be
expended to correct the situation.
In discussing this problem with a large coalition of scientists,
inventors and energy researchers, we have concluded that progress
requires a serious research and development effort of some tens of
millions of dollars. But this is a rounding error in light of the
tens of billions of dollars spent by the US alone for bogus energy
research and the so-called energy bill of 2003. The public should
demand that at least seed funding be provided for such promising new
energy research.
The environmental and philanthropic communities need to study the
promise of these technologies and provide the support and funding to
move the current state-of-the-art into applications to solve the
energy crisis and environmental cataclysm facing humanity.
For years, promising advanced technologies have been gobbled up by
corrupt corporations or by the
military/industrial/laboratory/intelligence complex. We must
collectively vow to support and protect these technologies, brought
to proof-of-principle development by the heroic and sacrificial
efforts of many inventors. Let our efforts redound to the benefit of
humanity, and let us resolve to withstand any test, make any
sacrifice and expend every effort in securing the good and
sustainable future that awaits humanity.
Scott, Wm. B. To the Stars. Aviation
Week and Space Technology/ March 1, 2004. Stipp, D. The
Pentagon's Weather Nightmare. Fortune/January 26, 2004
Schwartz, Peter and Doug Randall.
Abrupt Climate Change Scenario and Its Implications for United
States Security. October 2003. (report commissioned by the US
Dept. of Defense – Available at:
From National Public Radio Living on
Earth Segment Broadcast March 5th, 2004 on these issues a Dr. SCHRAG, Professor of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Harvard
University was interviewed.
He noted the following after Steve Curwood's question:
CURWOOD: Why now all this
attention to the question of abrupt climate change? The
Greenland ice core samples that you told us about have been
around for a long time, demonstrating that it didn’t take
more than a few decades to change a lot of temperature. And
yet today, folks like the Defense Department, folks in
Hollywood, are suddenly paying attention to the question of
abrupt climate change. Why is that happening?
SCHRAG: I think there are
powerful forces in our society that have a lot of economic
stake in our current energy technology, and are resistant to
change. And therefore have promoted the idea that this was
just a theory, that climate change was just an idea that
scientists had that they weren’t sure about, and discouraged
action on this front.