by Benjamin Fulford
August 14, 2007
BenjaminFulford Website
The secret government of the US and EU
has promised a major overhaul in the wake of the warning it got from
the Chinese secret society, according to a senior Japanese public
security police officer and Freemason who has been acting as an
intermediary with the Chinese secret society.
"Expect big changes this autumn," he
said in comments confirmed by a member of the Japanese royal
"What you will be seeing is the
unwinding of George Bush senior's 50-year campaign to turn the
U.S. into a fascist regime," the secret police agent says.
"George Bush senior is now a broken
man showing signs of senile dementia," he adds. "They [The
Illuminati] know their rule is ending but they do not want it to
end in an ugly way," the security police source says.
The recent market turmoil, including the
Chinese threat to sell dollars, was part of the bargaining towards
major changes in the secret balance of power, we are told.
Certainly, there are some encouraging signs. The tearful resignation
of U.S. presidential "brain" Karl Rove removes a central lynchpin of
Bush's regime. Since it follows six other resignations, it does look
like rats abandoning a sinking ship.
In Japan, meanwhile, the victory of the opposition Democratic Party
in the recent Upper House elections could lead to the end of the
Iraq and Afghan wars. Japan Democratic Party leader Ichiro Ozawa has
promised to block renewal of an "anti-terrorist" bill that allows
Japan's Self-Defense Forces to provide considerable logistical
support to the U.S. sponsored wars in the region. Without that
support, it is unlikely the U.S. will have enough money or military
might to continue them.
Since this follows UK Prime Minister Brown's vow to remove British
troops with or without U.S. approval, it will mean the Bush regime
has lost its last big war allies. Brown also publicly rebuked
during a recent visit by doing such things as pointedly refusing to
take home a souvenir he was given.
There are also signs the Japanese election was manipulated behind
the scenes to promote a Democratic Party victory in Japan. Just
before the election, the Japanese mainstream media suddenly began
reporting heavily about a pension scandal the JDP has been talking -
unreported - about for at least 5 years. This was crucial for their
victory. We may see a general election as early as this fall,
followed by the birth of a JDP government and an end to the post-war Japanese regime. It could be a sign of
diminished Rockefeller
influence in Japan. However, it is not a sign of diminished
Illuminati control of Japan since Ozawa is himself a Freemason.
Despite the positive developments, the biggest worry is all the
public hints about a new "terrorist attack" on the U.S. to be used
as an excuse to trigger martial law. However, such an attack at this
time "would fool nobody," the sources said.
Many U.S. citizens might
be fooled but no other government in the world would believe it.
"The secret government knows they
cannot use their old tricks anymore."
The Chinese secret societies meanwhile,
are watching carefully for any sign of new attempts to spread
disease or otherwise carry out genocidal attacks. They only give one
warning and have now initiated a news blackout. I am not in the loop
about what they would do if a new breach was found, but they did say
whatever action they took would be "unpredictable and worse than
At the same time, an anti-Rothschild alliance has been formed in
Tokyo. They warn that the entire Bush regime was probably set up as
a "bad cop" to scare people in the arms of the EU "good cop." They
say there may be other surprises, possibly including a fake UFO
invasion that Henry Kissinger *
hinted at during the 1991 Bilderberg meeting.
"We will have to look at least four
or five steps ahead in order to keep on top of these people,"
the alliance says.
"Today, America would be outraged if UN troops entered
Los Angeles to restore order (referring to the LA
riots). Tomorrow they will be grateful. This is
especially true if they were told there was an outside
threat from beyond, whether real or promulgated, that
threatened our very existence.
It is then that all
peoples of the world will plead to deliver them from
evil. The one thing every man fears is the unknown. When
presented with this scenario, individual rights will be
willingly relinquished for the guarantee of their well-
being granted to them by the World Government."
- Henry Kissinger
Bilderberg Meeting 1991
So far, the EU only consists of governments that are controlled in
secret by the Rothschilds, etc. (Turkey is also a
fiefdom). Their secret parliament,
the Bilderbergers, have already
shown they are racist by refusing to allow any Japanese to join. As
a result, any effort to turn the EU into the base of a world
government is doomed to fail.
The anti-Rothschild alliance, (with the discreet backing of the
Chinese secret societies), will be contacting leaders of Russia,
China, India, the Muslim countries, South America, Africa, etc. to
create a global alliance that will demand a new way of running the
The UN Security Council will have to be replaced with a new grouping
that more accurately represents the people of this planet. As it
stands, 4 out of the 5 permanent Security Council members are
representatives of Caucasian nations even though only 17% of the
world's people are Caucasian. This global apartheid will have to
The world's financial system will also have to be replaced with a
more transparent and equitable system that relies on more than
simple human greed as the main incentive for transactions.
Once this is done, a three-year campaign against the five curses of
humanity: war, poverty, environmental destruction,
ignorance and
disease could be carried out. This could be a test case for
replacing the Hegelian system of pitting opposite forces against
each other in war with a system for people to compete towards agreed
upon peaceful goals.
The industries and lobbies that have depended on war and turmoil
will have to be given new goals and direction. One possibility would
be a long-term campaign to terraform Mars.
People will have to be patient, however. These changes will happen
over a period of years, not months. In the meantime, let us see if
the autumn surprise appears as promised.