The New World Order Scam



Did you know that the Baptists in Germany were evenly split,

over whether Hitler was "Truly Born Again" or not !!!

At this time, Bush is the de facto leader of the Evangelical Christian Right, and they don't realize who it is, that they are looking to for leadership -- a very dangerous place to be. Christians in Germany similarly looked up to Hitler, while he consolidated power. Even the Baptists were evenly split over whether or not he was Truly Born Again!

"My feelings as a Christian point me to my Lord and Savior"

-- Hitler's Speech, 12 April 1922

I learned something from Allen Noonan I consider very important, and that is the concept of the DOUBLE CROSS that will occur, at the end of the age. This is memorialized in Rockefeller's Exxon, as the Double X of their logo, which I am convinced is something of an inside joke to occultists.
The "New World Order" as it has been foreseen by so many writers on the topic is not scheduled to happen.  The so-called New World Order is instead social engineering, intended to shape a social reaction to the immense evil it does indeed appear to be. The Occultish Left is totally convinced that the New World Order is a creation of Zionist Jews who control the world and its pursestrings, via the Rothschilds and other "Jewish" bankers totally bent on evil aims for a totalitarian world fascist dictatorship, ala the Jack-Booted Thugs running the so-called NeoConJewish threat. Indeed the threat is created to look extremely "real." And it must be, to effectively create the social reactionary movement by which the Occultish Left will come to power.
In about mid-2004, John Paul II released to the press a statement in which he said that in his estimation, Bush Junior IS the Antichrist. Considering how he promotes an upside-down cross, I would expect this opinion to be a turning upside-down of the Antichrist the Bible speaks of.

Don't believe it? Read it here!

Bush is a sacrificial goat, and I am convinced he has agreed to play this role. He has an enormous following of Christians, and he is leading them straight into a situation where the world will feel it is just, to chop off millions of Christian's heads, in the 7-year End of the Age (these are Christians who will become such, after the rapture of the Body of Christ, the present world's Bible-believers). Bush's role is to construct the entire fascist apparatus which he has indeed accomplished, and to get us involved in a horrific war in the Middle East. His role is to create policies to lead us into Pike's WW3, an out-of-control nuclear war. It is according to Pike's Plan that there would be a State of Israel, and that WW3 would be fought between it and its Muslim neighbors.
Anyone who has been following is well aware of how Bush has driven the New Left practically into orbit, at least to some degree with respect to Christians (who are responsible for putting Bush into power...), but especially with regard to Israel and the Jews. Art Bell (said to be Masonic) recently accused Rense of being anti-Semitic.  Rense tries to distinguish between Zionists who are to blame (e.g. Illuminists), and Jews who are anti-Zionist.  Even though I am strongly Zionist (if by that you mean that the 12 tribes should occupy "the land"), I am grateful that Jeff Rense tries to distinguish as noted above. Nonetheless Rense worries me, as I strongly believe the Jews should occupy the land, and I am not sure to what degree he supports this position. Revelation 2:9 speaks of "...the blasphemy of them which say they are Jews, and are not, but are of the synagogue of Satan."
Bush's task is to create the greatest political backlash the world has ever seen. When the pendulum finally swings, the Occultish Left (the true "Philosophical Home" of the antichrist) will have an enormous momentum that could only be brought about by creating such a world mess as Bush has indeed created (and will, with his WW3 and the horrific global destruction that will result). When the smoke clears, the Antichrist will point to it as if it had been Armageddon (and it will not have been), and indeed Bush will be said to be the antichrist that caused it. The knight in shining armor who enters upon the stage will say he is the Christ returned at the end of Armageddon, just as expected and supposedly as portrayed in the Bible.
The world will be in a rage at what the "AntiChrist" Bush has done.  It will all come out in the wash, one of these days. This is the DOUBLE CROSS. The world will say, "look at the Nazi political apparatus they have built! ...why, we have an idea... let's use the apparatus which these Christians created to put US into concentration camps, and let's turn the tables around and use it on THEM!
I knew I smelled a rat when several years ago, not too long after 9-11 I read a story at Rense about how a woman who was an involved participant in new left and environmental causes was stopped by the fascist apparatus at some airport in one of the New England states, if I remember correctly.  She and her husband were subjected to an airport nightmare, and excuses were made why she could not board her flight. She had been on her way to a new-left gathering of some kind, and was stopped cold by the apparatus that has come to be known as Homeland Security. There have been other irritations perpetrated, of this kind, and it is crafted to give the pendulum a mighty push, when it finally swings the other way. The Occultish Left will be, after WW3, in a frenzy, and this backlash will be used to persecute the "evolutionary laggards" (as Allen called the Christians). The Christians of that era will go down hard.
There is a lot of material out there on the web, which implicates daddy Bush in the assassination of John F. Kennedy. What if Jack came Back? What if the Powers that Be really do have time travel abilities to some degree in the permissive will of God? What if King Arthur (not dead, after all!) were conveniently moved forward to about the year 2005? What if all this burst out in droves, into the "mainstream media?" The New King Arthur whoever he may be would ride out of the Cedars of Lebanon on an enormous wave of sentiment, all based on a violent reaction to the New World Order that the Bush Clan is BEHIND!!! Wasn't it George 1 who made such an ado about the NWO Exxactly Eleven years prior to 9-11? All this is crafted to create FEAR of a world Nazi government that ALMOST MIGHT HAVE BEEN, if not for the Savior appearing on the scene!!! The Bushes have been begging us to "get the drift of the thing!" ...suicidal even as it is for them to act this out on the stage. They are playing the role of the scapegoat, to accomplish social engineering (it's a dirty job, but someone has to do it...).
If the real New World Order is to be a creation of the Bush Clan, then how do we explain why it is the Christians getting beheaded in the end of the Age? If Bush is in power with his Evangelicals, will they be doing the beheading, as Revelation tells? NO! consider these false Christians, the political Evangelicals in concert with Moon, Robertson and all the rest of the Council on National Policy (the CNP) supporting this great Christian Bush, the whole politically-motivated Christian Right Wing... well, what can you say about them? Are they the Greatest Suckers there ever were?  Are they assisting the great SCAM, the NEW WORLD ORDER SCAM, designed to stir the ire of the world against the Christians and the Jews?
Hundreds of websites now exist to reveal to the world the complicity of the Bushes in 9-11, in setting Saddam up with his WMD arsenal (that was some time ago moved into the Bekka valley of Lebanon by the Syrian government). What about the involvement of the Bushes in the Bin Laden financial enterprises (Cipro and etc.) and untold other dirty little rotten conspiracies to establish a fascist world government, in complicity with what conspiracy researchers call "Illuminized Jewry?"


Illuminized Jewry (and it most certainly does exist) is said to be only a very small fraction of world Jewry, proper, or so we theorists with "clean hands" would assert -- clean in the sense that we do not dip into the the openly Jew-Hatred underbelly of "conspiracy research." And there is plenty of THAT out there. The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion are the granddaddy of THAT.  Various New Left internet media have been doing an excellent job of exposing the agenda of the Bush variety of Jack Booted Thugs, and my bet is this is just exactly what the Jack Booted Thugs want to have happen. Expose them!
The Bible says the End of the Age will be sprung as a snare.  A snare is a trap that has no warning and suddenly and very loudly goes POP like a weasel. POP goes the weasel. I think we are soon to see what was described in Luke 21:35. "For as a snare shall it come on all them that dwell on the face of the whole earth." POP goes the trap, and then he ascends out of the inky, black depths, up into the most brilliant light...
Satan knows exxactly how this all shakes out, since he has full knowledge of what God has said in the book of Revelation. Some would think this deception of the world is done to preserve his world-toilet, to keep it from being flushed, that he might remain in power. I don't believe so. I think he knows damn well his number is up. Instead I think he will pursue a plan that will result in as many people being tricked into Hell as he possibly can. And that most assuredly includes his worst enemies, the Israelites, the New Agers. He hates them above all, with a burning hatred, so if it seems there is an alliance between him and them...    that too, is a scam. It's just that they are willing participants. The endgame is absolute treachery against any member of the human race, at any price. That's the prize, not some world government, even though it will come into existence, or nearly so, in some form. And just like PT Barnum said, "there's a sucker born every minute."
Go ahead and reject Jesus Christ and his offer of salvation, but you are going to be in for an extremely rough ride. The gloves are coming off...


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