Why are you coming
forward with this story and images? What is your goal
Well, first it is to show
that we are not alone. Secondly, we are looking at
incursions of restricted U.S. air space. With that in
mind, we are currently looking more at the Middle East
and other countries where there are clear problems, but
I think there is a much greater problem at hand here.
I guess you know that
Homeland Security recently announced that it wanted
passenger lists for all flight coming into or just
passing over the U.S.? What is your reaction to that in
relation to your story of UFOs over the Capitol?
Well, it’s good to know who
is entering into our air space on the human side, but I
am more interested in the question of who is entering
our air space on the non-human side. And that is a
question that we should look at more closely.
How do you know that’s
not being done covertly?
Well, I’m not certain
whether it is or whether it isn’t, but one thing I can
state is that I have noticed while inviting the “experts
in the UFO field” to assess my images I found that there
was a level of cover up. I was told that my images were
simply lens flares.
you feel that is part of a cover-up?
Yes, that is a level of cover up. There is a level of
inconsistency here that is so blatantly obvious.
You mentioned that you
worked for ABC.
Yes, I worked for ABC News
for over 18 years.
During what time did you
work for that network?
I was with them from 1982 to
And what area did you
work in?
I was a Senior Engineer. I
was also Senior Network Engineer TOC [Tactical
Operations Center] which is master control for ABC News.
And I worked extensively at the White House and on Air
Force One.
Under which Administrations did you work at the
White House?
I worked with Ronald
Reagan, George Bush and William Jefferson
Clinton. I worked extensively under Ronald Reagan’s
term in office.
Did you photograph any
UFOs during that time?
That was not a part of my life then, and it is not
something that I set out to do intentionally. The
UFOs just happened to be there.
Can you tell me why you
walked away from ABC News after 18 years of service?
My father became ill. He was
a Vietnam veteran and he had been exposed to a
biological toxin called Agent Orange. I went to take
care of him. I’m sorry to hear that. You also mentioned
that he had served honorably in the Air Force. Yes, he
served in the Air Force for many years. He was involved
in Advanced Warfare in Vietnam. Sounds intense! Yeah. My
dad was a heavyweight scientist, PMEL [Precision
Measurement Equipment Lab]. His work was classified and
always covert.
Since your father was a
scientist, is that why you chose to earn a Masters
degree in image technology and engineering?
Well, inherently yes. I
would say it was genetics that I turned out to be
analytical and artistic at the same time.
I see. But you mentioned
that you grew up on military bases. What was that like?
I grew up on military bases
throughout the world. I was initially contacted at a
base in England called Sculthorpe which is
located near another base called Lakenheath. One
night I awoke and saw that there were Extraterrestrial
Biological Entities entering into my room — a whole
bunch of them.
And how old were you?
I was 5.
And what year was that?
It was 1962.
Did you ever see them
again after the first encounter?
Yes. I saw them again a few
years later at McGuire Air Force Base in New Jersey.
And base housing was situated directly across the street
from a farm pasture so there was plenty of open area for
an object to land. And one night I awoke and there was a
single entity in my bed room. Let’s go back to the first
encounter for a moment.
When the ETs were
in your bedroom the first time at the base …
No. We lived off base.
Oh! You were off base?
We lived in Sheringham,
UK. It was a farming town. At the time there was no
base housing for us to move into so we stayed there
temporarily. Something made me wake up. And when I awoke
these entities were coming into the room and when I
tried to scream or run nothing happened. No screams came
out and I was unable to move. And at that point I just
blacked out.
But you were sure that
you were awake when you saw the ETs?
Yes. That is something that
I can not forget to this day. In fact, it is directly
related to my sleep disorders that continue to the
present. Right now, I can not sleep at night at all.
I have heard that before
in other cases. No amount of therapy or medication seems
to help in those situations.
I know. I can take a whole
bottle of Excedrin P.M. and still be awake.
Did you try taking any
other medication for your condition?
Actually, I try and stay
away from all pharmaceuticals — I don’t need that. That
is not what my problem is. I suffer from a trauma that
shocked the hell out of me.
I believe medication only
suppresses the problem — it can’t resolve anything.
No. It can’t make it go
away. And honestly I would rather be awake at night to
see what the hell is going on than to be asleep and wake
up to something that is beyond normal.
How old were you the
second time you encountered the ETs?
I was in 4th
grade. I was about 9 or 10 at the time.
Did it happen again after
Yes, it happened again years
later around the time I took the pictures at the U.S.
Oh, really?
How did that encounter
come about?
I am an electronics person
and I do a lot of digital recording both audio and
video. I use a program called Avid and mini disks
and all these other portable devices in the digital
media. I have units that even during a power failure
they have a back up power source so an LED light is
always on somewhere.
One night I awoke into total
darkness which is a physical impossibility in my home
because even during a total power failure you can see
ambient city light coming in from the windows. But that
night, I saw absolutely nothing. There was just total
blackness. I went back to sleep and didn’t think
anything of it in the moment. I woke up again shortly
afterwards, but this time I was laying on my back and
there were people above me looking down as if I was on
an observation platform of some sort — like in a med
But then I just went back to
sleep. And I thought that was a bit odd because I went
totally back into blackness. The next time I awoke, I
was back here and the first thing out of my mouth was,
‘Oh? They put me back.’

Are you talking about
your home in Washington, D.C.?
Here in Washington, D.C.,
Do you know specifically
when that happened in relation to the pictures you took
in 2002?
I’m not really sure. I would
say maybe about a month before, or a month after, but it
was around the time these images were documented on
film. The first episode was over the Washington
Monument and that was the Forth of July, 2002.

image to enlarge
What was the exact date
of the pictures of the UFOs over the Capitol?
The second episode was over the U.S. Capitol—that was
the 16th of July, 2002. That’s when an object
landed on the Capitol building’s roof.
And the third was November 11th, 2002. The
third one was a micro anomaly over the young ladies head
At which one of these
events did you tell me you were burned by radiation?
That happened on the 16th
of July, 2002 at the U.S. Capitol while taking
the final image of the night.

image to enlarge
What?! I thought that
area would be totally secure these days?
I was underneath this object. And according to my images
it warped out or whatever it did it went back to
wherever it came from in the time of that exposure. At
that point there is an image which I believe I sent you
that shows a center set of UFO formations in lateral and
upward motions?
I do recall that image.
I felt that I was in the
thrust of something. And shortly after that I noticed I
had these very fine, pinhole sized burns in my
fingernails and my arms felt like they were energized
with some kind of energy.
Wow! Did you suffer any
other side effects?
No, just the abnormal burns
on my fingers and hands.
How long did that last?
It lasted for about a year
and a half.
Wow! Was it painful?
Not really, it was just
weird because there were green crystals coming out of
my fingernails.
Do you mean tiny little
Yes, granules like salt, but
green. That’s really weird. It’s real weird.
Shortly after that an infection set in. Then it just
went away.
What can you tell me
about the digital filtering processes that you are using
to analyze these UFO images?
Well, initially it’s a film
image which I then scan directly from the negative or
slide at 4,000 DPI — which is super high resolution.
Then I am using Adobe CS2 software which has a
three-dimensional PhotoShop. It’s extremely sensitive.
It is state-of-the-art spectral analysis for images.
Whatever it is that I took photographs of it was beyond
the abilities of Photoshop CS2 which is at the cutting
edge of digital technology. Whatever was out flying
around out there in the night sky was emitting energy
beyond this technology.
What do you mean by that?
There were just some things
that my system could not analyze. For example, the
object that I shot in the water at the reflecting pool
at the Capitol; I could analyze some of the spectral
data, but not all of it.
Oh? I see. The energy
spectrum emitted is too big to measure.
No, it was too far out there
for this particular technology to lock on to and perform
variations on. I tried to do as many variations as
possible for the sake of getting details from these
objects and that in some of the analysis of the
variations were most intriguing and it showed that there
were other elements included in these things. For
example, the green objects had a nucleus in them.
And some of these nucleuses’ were completely different
than the objects that were on the ground. And there were
two sets of objects on the ground.
Are you referring to the
semi-transparent, plasma looking things?

No. There were two green
objects setting side-by-side on the ground that night.
They were the same shape and configuration as the
objects in the sky except when I analyzed these objects
their nucleus were red. The objects in the sky had a
blue nucleus.
Are those the images that
you felt were entities?
I know that these are images
of vehicles that the entities came out of.
Oh, I see. Which images
that you took show what you identify as entities?
Okay. There are some images
of a Recording Artist sitting in front of the reflecting
pool at the Capitol.
Right, he’s in he first
two images you took at the Capitol.
Correct. There are three
anomalous objects … two in the sky and one in the water.
And then there is another image that was taken 30
seconds earlier that shows an entity above the Capitol
Building’s dome, an unidentified entity on the roof and
another unidentified entity on the ground. Now the
entity on the ground to the rear of the reflecting pool
was the same entity in the very last shot that shows the
objects warping out and these entities, I do recall them
coming toward me and surrounding me then vanishing.
So you were seeing some
of the anomalies while you were filming them?
I saw some anomalies
during the shoot, but didn’t think that much of it
because I was more focused on the job at hand — which
was getting an album cover done. But I did notice the
entities [UFOs] in the sky over the Capitol.
What time of night was
It was approximately 12:30
a.m. There was no one around; not a soul. In fact, as I
recall you could always here the sound of water
splashing around in the reflecting pool, but I heard
absolutely nothing during the shoot that night. Did the
“Recording Artist” have any unusual memories? He refuses
to come out at night since that time. Are you serious?
He’s completely spooked. And for some odd reason he
blames me for the event and has disassociated himself
from me.
That’s wild. Did you know
him well before that?
No. He was just a client. It
was a paid job — it paid very well.
You told me that you
showed these UFO pictures to your father before
he passed away.
Yes, I showed them to him
before he passed away and he was really agitated and
wanted me not to show these to anybody.
Did he say why?
Well, keep in mind because
of the experience I had in England I believe he knew
something. And I knew he saw something. And in the
military they somehow persuade you not to divulge any
information at all. That’s true. But he knew something.
He most definitely did because my father was involved in
nuclear warfare. And at the particular SAC [Strategic
Air Command] base that he was stationed at there were
some unusual [UFO] anomalies that were present. I am
familiar with some of those military UFO reports. It is
a big problem and I can see why it makes our
political/military establishment uneasy.
Did you ever discuss your
E.B.E encounters with your dad?
Not ever?
No. I only spoke of it to my
brother and he would make no comment on that either. He
is ex-military
What rank did your father
hold in the Air Force?
My father was a senior
Master Sergeant and my brother was a Colonel.
Did you ever have a
desire to enter the military?
I was rebellious. In fact, I
got into trouble on a couple of the bases. At Clark Air
Force Base in the Philippines for example, after school
my friends and I were buzzing incoming B-52’s with our
radio controlled air planes (laughter). That didn’t go
over too well with the base commander. My dad took some
heat for that. Had I unintentionally flown a RC plane
into the engines of one of those B-52’s it could have
crashed quite easily.
And God only knows what
men and materiel would have been onboard.
Yeah. Well, you know we got
into a lot of trouble for that. It was very nasty and
perhaps that’s why I chose not to follow my Father and
Brother’s path in life.
You also told me that you
felt that during one of these encounters that something
was “downloaded” into you?
Yeah, every time I would
have one of these encounters afterwards, the thoughts I
would have were not rational or what I would consider to
be my thoughts. For example, I can not explain to you
how I got the chemical formulations to enhance film to
the point where you can see into the dark. I never
studied that kind of chemistry as such. Another thing is
theories of zero gravity space. I created a device that
I know is based on perpetual energies and I know it
works because I have a 3-D model of it working, but I
never studied these things. It seems they are just
coming out of me.
Do you think that could
have been another reason you didn’t join the military?
That’s more than likely.
What is your summary of
the situation we are in regarding E.B.E’s and our
military government? Where do you think things are
Well, one of the devices
that just somehow came out of me was specifically
designed to dissipate oncoming objects that are
traveling in space toward Earth. And that this
particular device redirects energy from the Sun and
melts asteroids.
Okay. I recall you sent
me a graphic rendering of that. It looked like a space
One of the devices looks
like that, yes.
It looks like a
telescope, but it’s something more?
It’s something more like an
organic laser. It amplifies and redirects the energy
from the Sun.
Are you referring to the
solar wind.
I am saying it takes energy
from the Sun. Solar energy pervades space.
I know. It’s called the
Heliosphere, but as it travels away from the Sun
it is called the Solar Wind and there is a
tremendous amount of energy emitted that never reaches
Yes, there is a tremendous
amount of energy flowing around the Earth and my device
takes that energy and focuses it at a specific point for
Okay. Well, if it wasn’t
used for defense it would sure make one Hell of an
offensive weapon.
True. It would make one Hell
of an offensive weapon. I know the Nazi’s drafted plans
for a primitive version of this space weapon. It works
in the same way a child burns an insect with a
magnifying glass in the sun.
That’s right. But you see
this type of system being used as an advanced planetary
defense from incoming asteroids?
Yes. But it could be turned
Yeah. It seems like it
would have the power to incinerate anything that it
aimed at.
Correct. And that’s why I am
very apprehensive about showing or discussing it with
anyone, unless it is in very general terms. This is
something that could get us in a lot of trouble.

You mentioned there was a
commercial aspect to your photo images. Are you planning
to sell CDs of your images?
If you are familiar with Hip
Hop music you know it is essentially sampled tracks from
old music. That’s what I did with the UFO images.
I sampled these objects and from the samples I came up
with bit maps that were unlike anything anyone has seen
before. And I applied these bit maps to 3-D animation to
generate visual effects.
You have to paint those visual effects with
The bitmaps that I extracted from the UFO
images were so abstract that it could be
applied to 3-D and be used in such a way that I can
generate effects that no digital studio on Earth could
possible create just by using paint. And that is what I
am pitching to Ron Shusett who created the
effects for the movie “Alien.”
But I thought your main
goal is to get the images out to the public and inform
them about what happened in Washington D.C. in July of
I intend on getting the
message out and also turning it into something that can
make money. I am looking at the entertainment aspect of
what I have in terms of samples and applying those to
motion pictures 3-D effects.
I see. It sounds
interesting. George Lucas and Stephen Spielberg do not
have real samples. Even though their effects are great
they are not real. Did you copyright that work?
I already own the copyrights
to that.
That’s good.
And I am working on the
patent for the procedure that I use to create these
effects. Again, I did not study advanced chemistry, but
the formulations I have to enhance the film is unlike
anything that anyone has ever seen before.
But you must know
something about chemistry from your studies in College,
right? What did you say your degree is in?
I have a Masters in Imaging
Technology/Engineering. I am an educated person. And in
my opinion, the reaction I got to my images from some of
the UFO experts was rather insulting.
So you earned a Master’s
degree in imaging technology is that how you ended up
working for ABC News?
It all entailed electronics
and the engineering job at ABC was the first to offer me
a six-figure salary. And when you are a young man six
figures is a lot of money. It still is a lot of money by
today’s standards.
Well, of course. How old
were you when you started working for ABC?
I was 26-years-old making
$150,000 a year. That’s a very good salary by any
standard. Yes. They paid me for my expertise. And I did
my work very well and had a 100% track record. I never
failed at anything. And I did it quickly. I just want
you to know that the UFO images you sent me will be
posted on my web site in a secure document.
That’s fine. They are
protected by law. You’ve got the exclusive coverage of
the entire story. I really appreciate that. What type of
camera were you using to capture these images?
I used a Nikon F-5 and a
Nikon F-100. I use all Nikon lenses. And the glass in
those lenses is called ED which according to the
manufacturer is 100% distortion free. So the UFO images
are not an optical distortion. If that was the case, all
the other images I had taken at night through out the
years would have anomalies in them. This was the only
set of images that contained anomalies that could not be
I guess you know this is
a big story?
Oh it is a huge story! It
essentially shows an Alien Invasion. It was an “Away
Mission,” as the military would call it. These
object arrived. These entities came out and went all
around the U.S. Capitol, did their survey and then they
What people need to
realize is that in July of 1952, UFOs overflew the
Capitol twice in one week, and they were sighted all
over America and the world. It was a major flap. No one
knows why that happened, but in July of 2002
there was an increase of UFO activity again. And I
noticed that the media did not want to report that fact.
I believe they were afraid to because of the current War
on Terror and the focus on Homeland Security. In 1952,
America was in the middle of the Cold War and people
were very scared of nuclear attack from above. Some of
my neighbors built bomb shelters. But the current
conflict in 2002 was even more intense because
blood was spilled on 9/11 on American soil which is very
scary. So, for UFOs to be flying over restricted U.S.
air space makes our military nervous. The truth of
the matter is there were many UFO incursions over other
countries air space in 2002 as well. Something is
clearly going on that no one wants to officially
address. Up until 9/11/2001, there was an effort
underway in Washington D.C. toward disclosure re.
UFOs. After September 11th, that all came
to a screeching halt.
Yes. It all went away.
And no one has wanted to
touch it since then.
Well, except for John
Podesta. He is still attempting to get some
information as to what is going on.
I wish him luck.
He was Clinton’s Chief of
Staff and it seems that no matter what your position
is the Government is going to remain tight lipped
regarding this issue… it’s strictly hush-hush.
I’m sure that there are a
lot of reasons for that, but I personally believe it is
because they don’t have all the answers and they may
feel that it would be irresponsible to broadcast these
anomalous events to the public without having some
answers. It not only makes them look incompetent it
could lead to anarchy in some segments of the
Yes it could because what
I’m basically saying is the Alien’s were there at our
Nation’s Capitol. And the Alien’s were there.
One of the things that people need to know is that
there is an established, historical time line of UFO and
EBE events in the past 50 plus years. When people see
the data laid out in the form a road map things become
clearer. There was a peak of UFO/EBE activity in 1952,
however that activity continued covertly through 2002
and into the present. My point is ignoring the problem
has not made it go away.
No it hasn’t.
That’s the bottom line
here. People need to realize this is a very real
situation and I know that your photographic evidence
will help this case considerably.
Yes, it helps, but in most
cases people don’t believe what they see.
Of course not, but my job
is to help put the data into context so that anyone can
see this for what it really is. It has to be put into
context or people lose their orientation to the events
as a whole and become confused by the thousands of
separate events that span decades. Most humans are a
scared of the unknown whether we admit it or not that’s
a very common characteristic. I’m not condemning anyone
for it. I have experienced this too during my own close
encounters. It will be interesting to see how this very
serious situation unfolds.
I’m also interested in the
fact that there are two types of people that believe in
UFOs. There are the people that believe that UFOs are a
flying saucer. And then there is the person like myself
that knows that a UFO doesn’t necessarily have to be a
flying saucer. It could be an energy orb. It could be
any shape. The ball-shaped Foo Fighters have been around
for many decades.
That’s true.
One thing I need to mention.
My father was stationed in Colorado for a time at Lowry
Air Force Base, which is in Denver. And he got
transferred from Lowry in Colorado to Castle Air Base in
California. And on the way we drove through Arizona. And
one night, I looked up in the sky and I told my dad,
“Hey dad, there is some kind of white dot in the sky
zigzagging.” And instead of my father stopping and
looking he stepped on the gas.
That’s odd.
Okay? So he knew something,
but would not give me the pleasure of knowing that he
knew that there was something out there!
Well, it may have
actually been dangerous for you. That’s part of the
military’s indoctrination; one doesn’t divulge
information that could compromise National Security. It
is potentially hazardous to your family and your own
well being.
Yeah, I learned it was
hazardous an early age because in First Grade after I
mentioned to my friends what I saw at night in my
bedroom the school authorities put me in “retard”
What? How long did that
It lasted for about 4 years.
Wow! So you must have
stopped telling your friends what was going on with the
I didn’t say another thing
because I knew was not in the right place and that was
their way of getting back at me. And they did.
Well, thanks for telling
me about all this.
There are not too many
people that have documented a close encounter like this.
It was clearly a close encounter at our Nation’s
Yeah, it’s just too much.
I think that most people in the media would be
frightened to touch this story. They are scared of
pulling our civilization through the looking glass and
down the rabbit hole into Wonderland.
Well, my story illustrates
that we are not the only intelligent life form; not at
all. And whatever those object in the water and air were
they had some intelligent entities inside them. It was
obvious. At one point they were stationary and the next
point they are in motion.
I understand that and
they have obviously been interacting with you and many
others. I guess the big question is why are they busy
observing us, but only interacting on a very limited
Yes, and only with certain
Do you have any thoughts
about that?
I’m not sure, to be honest.
I do believe I have been tagged. And on the sample I
took from the images at the U.S. Capitol the stationary
[UFO] objects in the air were discharging smaller [UFO]
objects into the air. Then five or six months later I
took a picture of a small sphere above this woman’s
head. She was standing on the street corner in front of
me. We were on a public street in Washington D.C.? The
sphere was visible, but then it vanished.
Oh? You actually saw it
while you were shooting?
As I took her picture, I saw
Wow! What time of day was
It was night time again. It
was around 11:00 p.m.
How big was it?
It was about the size of a Quail egg.
I have read other reports
like that. I call them “Mind Sweepers.”
I don’t know if I sent you
that image? I will make sure you have it.
It is perfectly spherical.
And it has the qualities of a pearl.
You mean the light is
And did you notice that
before using any bit map analyzer?
That’s before I filtered it.
And after I filtered it the image showed the object was
modulating energy around itself because each level of
analysis showed a different level of energy. We are
admittedly getting closer to that level of plasma
discharge technology here on Earth. There are fields of
plasma that can exist within other fields of plasma.
Exactly, it has its own signature.
Yeah, if you notice there
are variations on the surface. I see what you mean. It’s
constantly swirling like a whirlpool on the surface.
Exactly it is modulating a complex energy field. That’s
incredible! Plasma dynamics is an integral part of the
new physics of field propulsion. If you noticed, there
were a set of images that showed the objects in motion?
And on one of them it show 4 green objects that are in
lateral and forwards motion. It shows a green trace
going up and a blue trace going lateral in its
signature. Now, according to the laws of physics as it
applies to light if a green object moves in a given
direction it is going to leave a green trace regardless
of the direction it moves. And yet, this object left a
blue trace as it moved laterally against the known laws
of physics.
I’m sure that our current
“laws of physics” are incomplete. And to try and expect
everything in the Universe to obey these incomplete
“laws” is a farce. However, I know there are people that
are working very hard to develop a new physics model
which will address all this. One of the UFO events that
occurred in Norway, in 2002, involved some blue lights.
This got my attention because I thought it was close
enough to green that there was a connection.
There may be a correlation.
And in fact, while researching the history of Green UFOs
I found cases describing objects essentially modulating
colors. And in one case, as one of the objects came
closer to a military aircraft it turned totally green.
Whatever these things are they are definitely different
- how does a solid object become elastic?
Yeah, that’s a good
This thing essentially
stretched like a balloon and then vanished then
reappeared then vanished?
Scientists and engineers
have told me that the UFOs must be warping space around
the craft. The problem with that is you would need to be
able to freely channel enough energy from the Universe
into a limited area.
Well, whatever this object
was it did just that. I have one sample that shows the
UFO generated a ring of energy as it vanished. It left a
trail in the sky. Like a vapor trail, but this energy
trail it affected the air around itself in such a way
that it left the air energized.
I think the term is
ionized and it’s very common in plasma drives. They are
highly energetic fields that ionize the
surrounding air which is apparently what creates the
variations of colored light around the craft. That is
also why they are so incredibly bright like a blow torch
- which is one form of plasma.
The Sun is a plasma of
great magnitude. Mankind would benefit from a higher
education on this subject, but because it is currently a
taboo subject in our society most people remain unaware.
Therefore they are confused by the physics of UFO
technology and in most cases people are simply in denial
that the situation even exists. That attitude is holding
us back because it restricts people from having an
intelligent discussion on the matter. And I think this
is really to our detriment for the government and the
military and the media to maintain a negative position
on this issue.
A lot of my friendships and
relationships have ended because of this.
I am not surprised. Many
people I know well or have interviewed in depth have
experienced the same thing. Politically, personally and
professionally this subject is poison.
Right, most people don’t
want to talk with me about this.
I don’t think it is
simply a matter of intelligence. I think it has more to
do with one’s level of confidence. If a person is very
insecure already and someone begins speaking credibly
about the UFO EBE situation it can make that type of
person feel even more insecure and often they will blame
you for bringing it up as though you somehow created it.
Right, just like the guy who
was the subject in the images taken at the Capitol
building. He blamed me entirely for the fact that some
alien’s spooked him out. I mean, how am I the reason for
this encounter?
Right, you didn’t know
the event would occur.
And a lot of the people I
deal with do not want to hang out with me because they
fear that might happen to them.
Well, thanks for sharing
all these experiences and information with me.
I have been holding this
back for years, since I was 5 years old. It was in the
news that both the RAF bases at Lakenheath and
Sculthorphe were involved in some very controversial
American technologies. And both bases reported seeing
There definitely are
Alien entities flying extremely advanced aerospace craft
in our atmosphere. And as long as our society in general
acts as though there is nothing odd going on it simply
encourages these alien life forms to continue to operate
covertly. The current policy has created the perfect
cover for this advanced technology to be operated in
plain sight whether it’s human-built or alien. The
policy of denial, dissuasion and deception
the occupants of these crafts from having any
accountability what so ever, and I personally don’t
think that’s in humanities’ best interest.
I agree.
I’m sure your photos are
going to create some controversy!
The images are amazing! They
just blow my mind! There was one disk shaped craft that
was dissipating energy like a giant ion generator.
Energy was clearly discharged out of it in the shape of
a balloon around it. And the air around it was
completely distorted. (click
right image to enlarge)
Yeah, that’s one of the
weirdest images you captured.
And I have the high
definition samples to prove it.
Have you thought about
selling CDs of all the images?
I’m looking at the
possibility, but I’m having a problem finding a company
that will mass produce them for me.
Oh? I see.
So far, the people I have
approached have said no. They won’t touch it. Even
publishers won’t touch it.
That’s weird?
It’s real weird.
I think it makes one hell
of a graphic presentation and would do well as a CD. I
have showed it to a few friends of mine and they were
amazed. But when I told them that it was taken at the
U.S. Capitol in 2002 they were really shocked.
Yeah. That’s what makes it
so amazing and there was no body out there.
Do you know if the ban on
commercial flight was still in effect at that time?
No, it was not lifted for
restricted air space. No flights at all were allowed to
come anywhere near a Federal Building. And yet, here are
these objects clearly in restricted air space. They were
even on the ground!
It really messed with my
mind when I first saw those images; especially the one
on the roof of the Capitol Building.
I know. They landed that
Well, I know there are
all kind’s of protocol for that. Even the Space Shuttle
is met by U.S. Customs when it lands.
Exactly, and they have to go
through a level of decontamination too.
How many years did you
actually work on Air Force One?
I spent 6 years working at
the White House. The White House includes Air Force One.
You have to have a
spotless record to get that type of work, right?
You have to have a spotless
record. I came from a military family so it is obvious I
am not a terrorist, and I’m an intelligent person.
That’s interesting.
But they didn’t know
about the Alien encounters. At least not that you know
Not that I know of. Not many
people could have known.
I realize that, but I am
certain that some group of humans on Earth do have a
clear picture of what is going on, but that group is
covert and autonomous. I say this because considering
all the UFO EBE events that have occurred in the past 50
plus years the government/military reaction indicates to
me that they don’t know what’s going on.
They don’t know what’s going
on. They definitely do not. And what’s even more
interesting is that on the event over the Washington
Monument on the 4th of July, there was a blue object in
the sky along with these other things whatever they were
next to the monument, this blue object showed up again
on July 26th, at Waldorf, Maryland. It was chased by two
F-16s. This thing left the F-16s standing in the dust.
And that was reported in the Washington Post, but there
were no pictures of the object.
And that was the point I
was making earlier, when you put all these events into a
time line, or a context, there is a definite pattern
that appears. This is happening all over the planet. And
it has been going on for over 50 years now!
That’s what makes this so
weird. Because, I will tell you, there is one place I do
not want to be at night at all - that’s the U.S.
Capitol. You will never catch me going back there again
- ever!
Now that you mention it,
there are hot spots for activity. And certain people
with a history of close encounters seem to be drawn to
these spots. I’m not sure why, but that’s the way it is.
My hot spot is Point Mugu Naval Base in southern
Well, the Capitol is a hot
spot for me. But I feel that if I have pictures of them,
and they are very advanced technically then they must
have my picture.
I agree. It happened to
me on 3 separate occasions. The UFO generated an
intensely bright burst of white light around us like a
flash bulb only a million times brighter. That happened
at Point Mugu. And I had my doubts about going back
there and sometimes it was really spooky. Honestly, I
love being away from the city, up in the mountains
surrounded by nature even at night. But when a UFO comes
down from outer space you have no way of knowing who or
what are inside it – that’s when your whole demeanor
changes. It forces you to question what the hell is
going on?!
Right, it doesn’t make for a
very comfortable evening when you have to constantly
look up into the sky and make sure there is nothing over
your head. And every night I go out I always look up
into the sky to make sure the coast is clear. I
shouldn’t have to do that, but I am spooked. I am
seriously spooked.
Oh yeah, when I was a kid,
whenever there was an episode of the Twilight Zone or
the Outer Limits that dealt with Aliens, my dad had to
physically kick my ass to bed. I would not to go to bed.
I fought to stay in a room that was well lit. They had
to pick me up and put me to bed. I was afraid to go to
I know the feeling. I
lived like that for many years.
Welcome to the club.
Well, I am better now,
and I don’t wish these experiences on any one, but it’s
comforting to know I’m not alone.
Yeah. Well, I hate to keep
going out and carrying a camera with me where ever I go,
but now I feel compelled to take it just in case because
I’m not sure what’s going to happen?
Well, I’m sure your story
and pictures will affect many people’s lives.
A few months after this interview the D.C.
photographer sent me an audio interview with a
neighbor that had seen the radiation burns on his hands.
Here is the transcript of their brief exchange:
Please state your
name and title.
My name is Dr. Bonette. I am a cellular
biologist. I am currently getting ready to be an
assistant professor at Rutgers University.
OK. I briefly showed you something that I had
experienced in July of 2002. Could you
describe or explain what I showed you?
Yes, you showed me your hands in July, 2002. What I
saw was that your nail beds were yellowed and
thickened on all ten of your fingers. They all had
hardened nails and yellowish color and there were
burn marks on his fingertips.
And you can vouch for the fact that I did show
you this?
Yes. I vouch for the fact that you showed your
fingers to me as I have described it.
Thank you.
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