by Uri Dowbenko
if you were tapped -- invited to join the world’s most powerful
secret society -- the Order of Skull and Bones -- a
membership so exclusive that it virtually guarantees success in the
material world?
What if you could join the ranks of global movers and shakers like
George Herbert Walker Bush (Director of CIA, US
Ambassador to the UN, and President of the United States), George
W. Bush (party animal and cokehead screw-up, Governor of Texas
and future President of the United States), and other members of the
Power Elite of industry, education, banking and media?
Would you do it? And what would be the consequences?
Written by John Pogue (US Marshalls) and directed by Rob
Cohen (Dragonheart, Daylight), "The Skulls" is an
entertaining albeit cursory look at the hidden world of secret
Luke McNamara (Joshua
Jackson, "Dawson’s Creek") is a working class guy, who
happens to be the varsity crew team captain at an Ivy League
school, obviously Yale University. His best friends are
Will (Hill Harper), a student journalist, and the
rich and blonde Chloe (Leslie Bibb).
Invited to join a super-secret society called the Skulls,
Luke’s priorities and friendships start to change.
His soul-mate -- he’s bonded to a Skulls’ chum by revealing his
most intimate secrets -- is Caleb Mandrake (Paul
Walker), a rich kid with a strong track record for getting
into trouble and getting bailed out by his father, Litten
(Craig T. Nelson). It’s really hard not to think of
Bush Jr. and Bush Sr.
Senator Leveritt (William Petersen) is
Litten’s own soul-mate, who is blackmailed when he
doesn’t want to play ball with Mandrake anymore.
When his friend Will is killed, Luke’s
world is turned completely upside down.
The real life analogue of the Skulls
is the Order of Skull and Bones, a Yale-based
secret society which has spread its tentacles throughout the
highest echelons of government, finance and industry.
Secret Establishment: An Introduction to the Order of Skull and
Bones (Liberty House Press, Box 80650, Billings, MT
59108) by former Hoover Institution historian
Antony C. Sutton remains the
classic must-read history of this group and its inordinate influence
in global affairs.
"Those on the inside know it as
the Order," Sutton begins. "Others have known it for
more than 150 years as Chapter 322 of a German
secret society. More formally for legal purposes, The
Order was incorporated as The Russell Trust
in 1856. It was also known as the Brotherhood of Death.
Those who make light of it, or want to make fun of it, call it
Skull and Bones, or just plain Bones."
"The American chapter of this German order was
founded in 1833 at Yale University by General
William Huntington Russell and Alphonso Taft who in
1876 became Secretary of War in the Grant Administration.
Alphonso Taft was the father of William Howard
Taft, the only man to be both President and Chief Justice of
the United States."
"The Order is not just another campus Greek letter
fraternal society with passwords and handgrips, common to most
campuses," Sutton continues. "Chapter 322
is a secret society whose members are sworn to silence. It only
exists on the Yale campus. It has rules. It has
ceremonial rites. It is not at all happy with prying probing
citizens known among inititiates as outsiders or vandals. Its
members always deny membership... Above all the Order
is powerful, unbelievably powerful. If the reader will persist
and examine the evidence to be presented [in
the book] which is overwhelming, there is no
doubt his view of the world will suddenly come sharply into
focus with almost frightening clarity."
In real life, The Order
meets on Deer Island in the St. Lawrence River
"the most likely potential member is
from a Bones family who is energetic, resourceful,
political and probably an amoral team player. A man who
understands that to get along you have to go along. A man who
will sacrifice himself for the good of the team."
According to Sutton, who in 1983,
received an eight-inch batch of documents including the membership
list, the Order is a secret society dominated by
old line American families and new wealth which has existed from
1833 to the present.
These families include:
Lord (1635, Cambridge,
Bundy (1635, Boston,
Phelps (1630,
Dorchester, Mass)
Whitney (1635,
Watertown, Mass)
Perkins (1631, Boston,
Stimson (1635,
Watertown, Mass)
Taft (1679, Braintree,
Wadsworth (1632,
Newtown, Mass)
Gilman (1638, Hingham,
Payne (Standard Oil)
Davison (JP Morgan)
Peabody (General
Pillsbury (Flour
Sloane (Retail)
Weyerhaeuser (Lumber)
Harriman (Railroads)
(Standard Oil)
Sutton writes that The
Order has penetrated every segment of American society --
law, education, media, publishing, business, industry, commerce,
church, banking,
Federal Reserve System,
foundations, think tanks, policy groups, legislatures, political
parties and the White House-executive branch of the US
"Among academic associations, the
American Historical Association, the American Economic
Association, the American Chemical Society and the American
Psychological Association were all started by members of The
Order or persons close to The Order,"
writes Sutton.
"These are key associations for the conditioning of society,"
Sutton emphasizes. "The phenomenon of The Order
as the first on the scene is found especially among
The Carnegie Institution,
the Peabody Foundation, Slater Foundation,
Russell Foundation, Sage Foundation and
Ford Foundation were all associated with Daniel
Coit Gilman, a member of the Order who was also
the first president of Johns Hopkins University.
Interestingly enough Sutton points out that,
"during the past one hundred years
any theory of history or historical evidence that falls
outside a pattern established by the American
Historical Association and the major foundations with their
grant making power has been attacked or rejected -- not on the
basis of any evidence presented, but on the basis of the
acceptability of the argument of the so-called Eastern
Liberal Establishment and its official historical line."
Likewise, alternatives to the
politically correct version of news events and
history is typically condemned as "conspiracy theory."
The reality, however, remains that despite the Big Media
Cartel’s cover stories, alternative history provides an
independent appraisal of realpolitik and the real-life criminal
conspiracies, treacheries and intrigues of the Power Elite.
"There is an Establishment
history, an official history, which dominates
history textbooks, trade publishing, the media and library
shelves," writes Sutton. "The official line always
assumes that events such as wars, revolutions, scandals,
assassinations are more or less random unconnected events. By
definition events can never be the result of a conspiracy. They
can never result from premeditated planned group action. An
excellent example is the Kennedy assassination when,
within 9 hours of the Dallas tragedy, TV networks announced the
shooting was not a conspiracy regardless of the fact that a
negative proposition can never be proven and that the
investigation had barely begun."
Every thinking man and woman must now
decide between two paradigms:
Do events just happen? Or are they often
"programmed" by unseen hands?
The most important point of Professor Sutton’s book is his
contention that the Order can manipulate history
itself through the control of the so-called Hegelian dialectic
"The operations of the Order
cannot be explained in terms of any other philosophy," Sutton
affirms. "Therefore the Order can not be described
as ’right’ or ’left,’ secular or religious, Marxist or
Capitalist. The Order and its objectives are all
of these and none of these."
The current world situation has been
deliberately created by these elites who manipulate both the
so-called "right" and the so-called "left." By controlling the
resulting "synthesis" -- the end result of Hegelian
"thesis" and "antithesis" -- a Globalist New World Order
is produced. You can call it techno-fascism or techno-feudalism, but
the result is the same -- a global consolidation and
mega-corporate transnational centralization of power, capital and
And how does it work? By using "managed conflict" or "crisis
management" a crisis or problem is produced. Then the crisis
is "managed" and the problem is "solved" with an
outcome that is invariably favorable to the goals and agendas of the
Global Power Elite.
"College textbooks present war and
revolution as more or less accidental results of conflicting
forces," writes Sutton. "The decay of political
negotiation into physical conflict comes about, according to
these books, after valiant efforts to avoid war. Unfortunately,
this is nonsense. War is always a deliberate creative act by
"Revolution is always recorded as a
spontaneous event by the politically or economically deprived
against an autocratic state," he continues. "Never in Western
textbooks will you find the evidence that revolutions need
finance and the source of finance in many cases traces back to
Wall Street."
Sutton’s prodigious body of work includes the heavily
referenced history,
Wall Street and the Rise of Hitler,
which explains how investment bankers, such as Ernest Chaukley
Houghton Peabody, Andre Meyer and including Skull
and Bones member Prescott Sheldon Bush, father of
George Herbert Walker Bush and partner of investment banking
firm Brown Brothers, Harriman, financed the Nazi
War Machine through New York City-based Union Banking
Corporation, a joint Thyssen Bank-Harriman operation.
Professor Sutton’s landmark history entitled
Wall Street and the Bolshevik Revolution
describes how Wall Street bankers initially financed
the communists, and
The Best Enemy Money Can Buy
describes how the Power Elite continued to financially
support the Soviet Empire during the historical charade called
"The Cold War."
America’s Secret Establishment,
Professor Sutton writes that,
"just as we found the Bush family
involved with the early development of the Soviet Union,
then with financing the Nazis and behind the
scenes in Angola, so we find a Bush active
in construction of the new dialectic arm: Communist China."
When President Nixon appointed
George "Poppy" Bush (The Order 1948) as US Ambassador to the
United Nations in 1971, the scene was set for the
development of China as the next superpower -- with the help of
advanced American technology. Note: The Order
specializes in long-range global planning.
Since then, "Poppy" George’s older brother, Prescott Bush,
has been managing Bush Family investments in China.
Using Asset Management International Financing & Settlement, Ltd
and other corporate fronts, he has brokered deals with Los Angeles
based Hughes Aircraft as well as other joint ventures with
the repressive, human-rights abusing, murderous Chinese government.
Sound familiar? Remember the Bush Family’s
involvement with the thugocracies of Nazi Germany and the Soviet
Empire. It’s all in the family -- so to speak.
"Are you ready to be reborn?"
the secret society’s initiate is asked in the movie.
Then the elaborate rituals and
male-bonding ceremonies of illuminati-style networking
begin -- being caged with your fellow ’soul-mate" and asked to
reveal your worst fears, then covering up the crimes and murders of
your secret society buddies. After all even the younger
Mandrake confesses, "My father always covers for me."
Though disparaged by mainstream reviewers, "The Skulls" is an
entertaining look at a dark and disturbing subject. With the golden
hues of an affluent youth, the film reflects the charmed lifestyle
of the young and the elite -- expensive cars, unlimited bank
accounts and even the ubiquitous sex slaves, babes in illuminati
land, who march in during the Skulls’ festivities.
And, for the eternally optimistic, it even has a happy ending. You
can walk away from the Illuminati. And even live.
"If it’s secret and elite,
it can’t be right," Luke concludes.
As author C. Wright Mills says in
The Power Elite, these are the elite groups which network for
the rest of their lives.
"He was a Skull the day he
was born," says a talent scout in the film.
He could have been referring to 3rd
generation Bonesman, George W. Bush, the soon-to-be
Emperor of America. His father George Herbert Walker Bush, as
well as his grandfather, Prescott Bush, are both
Boodleboys, i.e. members of the Order of Skull and Bones.
Don’t hold your breath for Barbara Walters to ask George
Bush Jr. about his membership in the Order. He
really can’t answer that question -- you know. It’s against the
A resounding and heartfelt special thanks to Tony Gosling for
allowing us to borrow content. Mr. Gosling is the true
embodiment of a journalist.