by Robert Naeslund
extracted from from Paranoia Magazine
Issue 19 - Winter 1999
MindControlForums Website
Robert Naesland
The right of might: the source of
inhumanity and state tyranny. This is an account of the Swedish
Security Police (SÄPO) and the use of humans for medical
research, but it could well be from Nazi Germany, where state abuse
was a natural part of the system. There are many similarities in the
methods and routine of brutality between the Gestapo and SÄPO.
Moreover, SÄPO is exploiting a new kind of computer technique to
enable them to control human thoughts and behavior.
Pictured above left, is an X-ray of an object located in my skull
directly anterior to the frontal bone. The object was forcibly
implanted in 1967 at a hospital where I was awaiting an operation.
SÄPO had forced the surgeon to participate in their scheme,
preventing him from performing the original surgery.
After violently sedating me, they made a 5 cm long incision in my
frontal bone, in which they placed the object: a radio-transmitter
which has been transmitting a high frequency electromagnetic beam
through my brain 24 hours a day ever since. The dimensions of the
device are a mere 7x4 mm.
The process of miniaturization has already passed the stage of the
injectable transponder, a tiny ampoule capable of storing data and
acting as a sender and a receiver.
Jan Freese -
The Despotic Incompetence
The reason for SÄPO’s action was that I constituted a threat to
the secret of state mind-control projects. This covert operation
of coupling people’s brains to computers has been going on for
decades, and not only SÄPO is involved. Transmitters are being
implanted in people’s heads during routine hospital surgery. Most
commonly, these are inserted through the nostrils, from where they
operate using two-way radio communication. After penetrating the
brain, the radio-wave is processed in a system that connects the
neurological functions to a computer. Afterwards, mental activity,
biological processes, sensory function, in fact the entire life of
the individual, are laid bare for state inspection and control.
In his report, the eminent professor Peter Lindström calls
the technique “radio-hypnotic intracerebral control.” This
speaks a lot about a science which is also known as bio-medical
telemetry, mind control or brain-computer interaction. He writes
that there is a risk of meningitis and chronic infections with such
implantations. I have, in fact, had constant sinus infections since
the early 1970s, something which is most probably connected with the
implanted objects.
In the late 1960s, the potential and areas of application of
telemetry were already being discussed by J.M. Delgado in his
Physical Control of the Mind: Toward a
Psychocivilized Society:
We are advancing rapidly in the
pattern recognition of electronic correlates of behavior and in
the method for two-way radio communication between brain and
This has been going on much longer than
most people can imagine. It was, in fact, one of the first
applications of computer technology, forty years ago, to link the
human biological system with a computer. Thirty years ago, in
1968, Dr. Stuart Mackay published his
Bio-Medical Telemetry, in which he
outlined the potential of this latest science:
Among the many telemetry instruments
being used today are miniature radio transmitters that can be
swallowed or surgically implanted in man or animals ... The
scope of observation is too broad to more than hint at with a
few examples... They permit the simultaneous study of behavior
or physiological functioning... In cases such as the monitoring
of the welfare of a diver in the ocean or an astronaut in orbit,
a continuous flow of physiologic information is essential.
X-rays of my head show three implanted
transmitters, of which one has been completely embedded in the
frontal lobe. All were implanted on different occasions during the
1970s by the Swedish Criminal Police while I was under arrest
in Stockholm and Nacka. A paper published in 1975 at Yale University
by an international team of six researchers as part of a joint
project between Yale and the Medical University of Madrid entitled “Two-way
Communication with the Brain” describes how communication can be
achieved with deep-brain processes using tiny transmitters, thereby
also being able to suppress EEG patterns. They also state that
because both energy and data is supplied by radio-waves, these
transmitters last for life.
Two-way communication with the depth of the brain makes it possible
to send and to receive information to and from the brain. The
technique eliminates the need to restrain the experimental subject,
permitting free behavioral expression and social relations.
Instrumentation, including the radio links, is small and light and
does not interfere with mobility... Our experiment demonstrated the
suppression of a specific EEG pattern by repeated feed-back radio
stimulation of a specific intracerebral point ... As no batteries
are used, the life of the instrument is indefinite. Power and
information are supplied by radio frequencies.
It has been almost thirty years since the first transmitter was
implanted in my head at Söder Hospital; the issue is in fact much
bigger and even more shocking, since surgeons have also been placing
these transmitters in the heads of patients under anesthetic on the
operating table. This is what happened to me at the end of the 1960s
when I underwent surgery at Söder Hospital. Prior to that time, I
had been a completely normal member of society.
I had never committed a crime nor had
any contact with psychiatry, and I was employed. In fact, there was
nothing about my life which could warrant the taking of special
measures to observe me. The only reasonable conclusion is that
certain surgeons at the hospital were and may be continuing to
implant transmitters during normal operations on a regular basis.
There is no reason whatever to believe that I was an exception.
Thirty-three years ago, in 1965, a researcher at the Defense
Research Institution department for information technology named
P.M. Persson published an article on biomedical telemetry in
which he wrote:
Telemetry, i.e. the
radio-transmission of data, is applied primarily when it is
difficult or impossible to supply the parameters by any other
method ... the word Telemetry is derived from the Greek “tele”
meaning “to measure”. In Swedish, telemetry would therefore be
called “fjarrmatning” (long-distance measuring) ... A
significant part of biotelemetry is conducted principally with
the use of implanted transmitters, the development of
which has come a long way in medical research.
What had actually been well developed in
medical research was of course the abuse of patients in whose heads
the surgeons were implanting transmitters.
A Journey Into
For the years following the implantation of the transmitter at Söder
Hospital, I was actually quite unaware that anything had happened.
All I was mindful of was a weak radio signal of unidentifiable
origin inside my head. It was only after a few years that I became
wise to something having been put inside my head during the
operation. This time was to be a period of great and inexplicable
change and, when I turned thirty, I decided to tread a criminal
It is hard to claim with any certainty
that this was a result of what was happening to me, but it was, in
any case, after the implantation of the transmitter which linked my
brain to a computer so scientists could use me for their own wicked
designs, that my conceptions and feelings were radically altered.
In America, the same year as the implant of the transmitter at Söder
Hospital (1967), the Department of Psychiatry at Yale University
published a report entitled “Man’s Intervention in Intracerebral
The authors wrote:
Techniques are being developed for
the investigation and manipulation of man. Two-way communication
with the depth of the brain makes it possible to send and
receive information to and from the brain... We can start, stop
or modify a variety of autonomic, somatic, behavioral, and
mental manifestations. We can experiment with intracerebral
mechanisms responsible for the onset and maintenance of specific
behavioral and mental functions... As no batteries are used, the
life of the transmitter is indefinite. Power and information are
supplied by radio frequencies.
The report of a Parliamentary Committee
chaired by Alva Myrdal, SOU 1972:59 entitled “To Choose
the Future” addressed this technique:
Research into the field of cerebral
function and behavior has as its primary aim to identify the
type and degree of changes that can be effected with these new
methods, thereby providing information on new possibilities for
easing human suffering as well as the risks of control and
modification of behavior against the people’s will.
The state report SOU 1987:74 also
mentions the technique, discussing the ability to see through the
eyes of another person:
It is inevitable that covert
personal surveillance brings with it a significant infringement
of individual integrity. A person’s private and public doings
can be registered and documented to a high degree. This also
includes any encounters the individual has with other people.
Letters and other such written communications which the
individual receives, for example, at home or in the office, can
be monitored during surveillance.
It was on my first occasion with the
police, on March 10, 1972, that I was put to sleep without my
consent and when I awoke a few hours later it was to a whole new
kind of life. The first thing I was aware of was a deeply disturbing
radio signal in my head. The electromagnetic wave which was
penetrating my skull was brainwashing, and had a detrimental effect
on my memory functions, habits and behavior. Slowly but surely I was
being changed into a different person with greatly impaired
faculties. As can be seen from the X-ray photograph shown, this
transmitter had been inserted through the left nostril.
The experiment which then began went on daily, unchanging, for the
following 3.5 years. It inhibited the capacity of my left cerebral
hemisphere, and after a short while I lost such basic skills as
sequentiality, turning the alphabet, for example, into a swarm of
irretrievably disordered letters. My capacity for logical thought
was impaired and due to the brainwashing I had great mnemonic
problems which created daily chaos.
Lindström’s reference in his second letter to this
process as “the electronic dissolution of memory” is a
fitting description of what was happening to me.
Gordon Thomas, the well-known author and BBC producer, wrote
in the introduction to his book
Journey Into Madness, that:
Since the 1950s, doctors in both
east and west have ignored the sacred oaths of their profession
and helped in governments-sponsored research into methods of
medical torture and mind control.
A detail of one X-ray of my head shows
the nasal passages and the area behind the forehead. Two shaded
parts indicate the position of the transmitters that were surgically
removed at private hospitals overseas. One was inserted at Söder
Hospital, while another was the one I received in police custody in
1978. A third object on the X-ray is the first transmitter that the
police put in me on March 10, 1972, while a fourth was implanted
either at Stockholm’s detention center or in custody at Vasteras in
1973. The last transmitter shown in the X-ray was inserted under
sedation on November 26, 1975 at the Nacka Police custody center.
Nine years went by before I tried to do something about the
increasing torment. In 1976, I wrote to Bror Rexed, the
general director of the Board of Health and Welfare, and
explained what was happening to me and how it had all begun. What I
failed to understand then, however, was that there were unwritten
routines to bury as swiftly as possible any reports concerning the
existence of these barbaric practices. Instead of answering my
letter, Mr. Rexed passed it on to the department responsible for
psychiatric care, who contacted me with a warning that I could be
taken in if I continued to make these claims.
A document entitled “The
Breaking of Bodies and Minds,” published by The
American Association for the Advancement of Science, states:
... The state, with the aid of
psychiatrists, can effectively silence people who oppose its
policies, state manipulation of psychiatry for political ends is
a reality in many countries.
On a trip to Athens in the summer of
1977, I took the opportunity to have an X-ray examination. There the
radiologist was able to identify two foreign objects in the
extension of the nasal passages, adjacent to the frontal lobe. On my
return to Sweden, I handed over the X-rays to the Board of Health
and Welfare to confirm my previous claims. They, in turn, passed
them on for examination by their own radiological consultant, Dr.
Kjell Bergström of Uppsala’s Academic Hospital, who promised to
produce a report.
After several attempts to contact Dr.
Bergström, it became evident that he was not prepared to make a
report at all. After much correspondence both by letter and phone,
he finally submitted a report. It came as no surprise that his
report was entirely misleading. He denied the existence of any
foreign objects in my head and claimed that my cranial X-rays were
perfectly normal.
I was forced then to do something about my enslaved life. I traveled
back to Athens in February of 1978 and met a radiologist who then
put me in contact with a surgeon who was prepared to operate to
remove the object. The transmitter that had been implanted in my
head at Söder Hospital was finally removed on March 13, 1978 after
having been in operation for eleven long years. It had been only a
month since Dr. Bergström’s report denied the existence of any
foreign objects in my head. My life improved measurably after
the removal of four transmitters which had been transmitting
electromagnetic waves through my brain.
A Criminal
Collusion Exposed
Dr. Gregorius promised to perform the next operation a couple of
months later. In July of 1978, a week before I was due to return to
Athens, I was arrested by the police for a crime that had been
committed some months earlier. After a few days in custody, Dr.
Annmari Jonsson from the Board of Health and Welfare came in for a
chat. Dr. Jonsson is the psychiatrist who had contacted me the
previous year in connection with my correspondence with Rexed. She
had previously threatened me with psychiatric confinement if I
persisted in making claims about a transmitter having been implanted
in my head at Söder Hospital. She was now getting serious and was
prepared to use her position to silence me in a criminal collusion
between doctors and the police.
Our talk lasted no longer than a few minutes, after which she was
ready to prepare the report which was to pave the way for the coming
psychiatric diagnosis which the Board of Health and Welfare could
then, following the routine, use as a weapon for concealing the
illegal activity of the state. Her report was based on the obvious
fact that anyone who claims that they are being used for scientific
research into telemetry is mentally ill. I was also threatening to
expose something of an extremely classified nature. This was
justification enough to brand me as a chronically paranoid
Annmari Jonsson’s report of August 1978 included the following note:
“He fiercely maintains everything
that he wrote to the General Director. He becomes indignant and
clearly offended if anyone questions the reality of his medical
history. In doing so, he displays clear delusions and is also
paranoid. He is psychotic, in need of hospitalization and there
is every reason for forensic-psychiatric examination.”
Until a certain point in my life, I had
never had any psychiatric problems, never had any contact with
mental care or displayed any inhumane traits or used violence. The
reason why it was so important for the psychiatrists to diagnose me
as mentally ill was that the use of brain-computer systems involves
the infringement of the basic human right to life. Anyone who
constitutes a threat to this secret shall be silenced at any price.
It is also important for them to create an illusion that those who
claim they are being subjected to such abuse have mental problems.
Dr. Janes Jez, the psychiatrist who conducted my
forensic-psychiatric examination and who is ultimately responsible
for my psychiatric diagnosis wrote in his notes:
“Robert Naeslund ought to be
considered dangerous if his system of delusions can not be cured
and he starts to doubt his conceptions and obtain insight into
his illness.”
I was, of course, dangerous to nobody
other than the state criminals who I believe collaborated in the
abuse, like Dr. Curt Strand, Dr. Annmari Jonsson or Dr.
Janes Jez.
By the time the X-ray was taken in 1984, I had undergone two
the first was the transmitter that was implanted and had
been removed
the second involved the one which had been
inserted in my right nostril on my last detainment in police custody
in 1978
Dr. Lindström has documented that my cranial X-ray clearly
exhibits a number of implanted transmitters, one of which is in my
brain. When I was able to obtain the verification of Dr. Lindström
and several other doctors some years later, I submitted a letter
containing the correct X-ray reports to both the Board of Health and
Welfare and the named doctors for comment.
They reacted just like criminals. They will do anything to bury the
truth when they are finally exposed, and so they refuse to answer my
letters and to admit that they ever received them, despite the fact
that I have sent letters on a number of occasions. There is, of
course, nothing that they can add. It has been proved beyond a
shadow of a doubt that psychiatry is used as a weapon against me to
conceal the brutality of the state in its implantation of
transmitters in my head and my subsequent exploitation in a
continual, perpetual scientific experiment.
Some years ago, there was a media scare concerning the use of
psychiatric incarceration in the Soviet Union as a political weapon
against dissidents. The situation is not so different in Sweden, as
my case shows. I was simply trying to free myself from the
experiment from which I had suffered for the previous eleven years
and to retrieve the human rights I was entitled to, the right to not
be enslaved by institutional experiments and research.
Dr. Tord Svahn of Huddinge Hospital is one of those doctors whom I
believe Dr. Jez involved in the plot against me to legitimize his
diagnosis. During the forensic psychiatric examination I demanded
that a radiological study be made of my skull, since I knew that
these objects would show up on the X-rays. But my request was denied
and I had to fight for three months before he gave in to my
The radiological examination was
conducted by Dr. Svahn, who also undersigned the reports confirming
their normal status. A couple of years later, I was able to expose
Dr. Svahn’s deliberately fallacious report when the X-rays were
requisitioned from Huddinge for further study by other medical
practitioners. All the doctors who have seen these pictures have
been able to identify the implanted foreign objects, something which
they have also confirmed in reports.
With the help of several electronics companies in Stockholm which
supplied me with both the means and the know-how, I was able to
ascertain the frequencies of the electromagnetic waves which were
traveling through my head to these transmitters. The frequencies
entering my head have been analyzed to be between 17 and 24 kHz.
About twenty years ago (1976), researchers Eskil Block and Per Scharestrom published their book
Man and Technology in the Society
of the Future. The book addresses the following technique:
The study of electronic
communication has given us a much greater opportunity to
understand vital aspects of the human nervous system and sensory
organs. Out of this technology then grew a more abstract and
general science, cybernetics, the study of communication and
control ... advancements in science and technology show us again
and again that we must be prepared to adjust our view of the
world and reassess the limits of what is possible.
When the state commits a serious crime,
it is ensured that none of their own will reveal the secret. In that
case, all would be lost from the start. For that reason among
others, the radiologists at the different hospitals deny the
existence of foreign objects in my head, as we can see from the
reports of Drs. Bergström and Svahn. There are, however, many other
radiologists who use their position to deny the truth in one huge
collective fabrication, so that no information about the abuses
threatens to leak out. It was, therefore, critical when Dr.
Lindström produced an entirely contradictory report concerning the
X-rays that the Swedish doctors had declared normal. It was,
therefore, also in the nature of things that the Swedish doctors
tried to make Dr. Lindström retract his report.
Doctors at both Karolinska Hospital and the Karolinska Institute,
who actually had absolutely nothing to do with my case, wrote to Dr. Lindström in California insisting that he conduct himself properly
and not make that kind of report, and asked if it would be possible
for him to reconsider his statements. Others took a tougher line,
saying he was not competent to examine X-rays and that he ought to
change his mind.
There was not a single person acting out
of any other motive than that of concealing his own or his
colleague’s malpractice. The psychiatric clinic at Karolinska
Hospital is another example. Failing to find out the facts, an easy
enough task considering that Dr. Lindström’s name and address are on
the letters, they contacted the Board of Health and Welfare with the
incredible story that the reports I had submitted were my own
Instead of making him toe their line, the Swedish doctors’ behaviour
had the opposite effect on Dr. Lindström. He felt, quite naturally,
indignant that they had tried to force him to conform to the corrupt
Swedish model, and as a result he passed on certain of my X-rays to
some of his colleagues at the University of California Medical
Center in San Diego, asking them to write down exactly what they
could see without first giving them any prior information. Professor
Wickbom produced one such report. Wickbom had previously been chief
clinician of the radiological department at Sahlgrenska Hospital,
Gothenburg, Sweden.
The contradictory reports of the Swedish doctors and their overseas
colleagues gives a clear picture of the methods that the Swedish
state uses to ensure that nothing concerning this mind control
harassment leaks out. It is not just isolated radiologists,
psychiatrists or surgeons who are participating in the crimes. In
that case, they would have been exposed long ago. It ought to be an
inalienable human right to not be victimized by the implantation of
transmitters in the head by surgeons during operations. One should
also naturally expect to receive accurate radiological reports
untainted by the need to conceal the crimes of the state.
All this concerns the abuse of a technique so terrifying that the
state will go to any lengths to ensure that it is kept from the
general public. This is the real reason why psychiatrists regularly
diagnose as mentally ill anyone who tries to claim that they are an
experimental victim of this technique. The psychiatrists explain
that the technique does not exist and that it is simply a symptom of
schizophrenia or paranoia to imagine that such a thing is happening.
The truth is that thousands of books and medical and scientific
reports testify to the existence of this technique.
The following quotes will provide a
survey of these reports:
Electronic systems that can be
totally implanted within the body have progressed in the last
twenty years from single transistor devices to complex
multifunction devices that can also incorporate memory and
microprocessor logic functions.
(“Survey of Implantable
Telemetry,” Tomas B. Fryer, NASA, 1974.)
The technique of telemetric control
of human beings offers the possibility of regulating behavior
with precision on a subconscious level.
(“Electronics in the
Observation and Control,” Crime and Justice, 1972.)
The purpose of biomedical telemetry is to monitor or study
animals and humans with minimal disturbance to their normal
activity, during sleeping, loving, working, eating, lecturing
and diving, etc.
(Telemetry is Coming of Age, Dr. Stuart Mackay,
This technique would also lend itself to the restriction and
control of people’s private lives and social behavior on a
national level. There would be the unfettered violation of
personal integrity and the suppression of social and political
activity, enough to make Orwell’s terrifying robotized state a
(The Information Society, Yoneji Masuda, 1980)
It is possible not only to thoroughly
monitor every dimension of a person’s life, but also to manipulate
them. I became aware at a very early stage that they were able to
register my thoughts, vision, emotions and intentions. The police
never prevented me from acting unlawfully, despite knowing my plans
in advance. Instead, they stimulated my criminal behavior and since
I knew that they knew what I was doing, they were clearly
safeguarding my criminal activity. The question is whether all this
has also happened to other people in custody.
Swedish scientists write in their research papers that people’s
thoughts are observed and that “experimental data from the nervous
system, at an undiminished rate, continues to flow into the
computers.” This statement was made by Professor Jens Allwood in
Framtider (Futures), published by the Institute of Future Studies in
Stockholm. In the same issue, assistant professor Erland Hjelmquist
argued that, in most cases,
“researchers have intended their
theories to deal with just what happens in the heads of people
when they make decisions or form opinions, or when they remember
something ... and so on.”
Peter Westerholm, senior lecturer and
medical researcher, suggested in a speech at a Department of Justice
conference in 1986 that:
We must also find out how people are
experiencing what’s happening, maybe even their opinions, their
evaluations. And it’s quite clear that this will bring us into
some not entirely legitimate territory.
The fact hat data from the nervous
system continues to flow into the computers at an increasing rate is
due to the fact that more and more people are being hooked up to the
system. The growing rate of hospital, SÄPO, and Criminal Police
abuse is built upon the mind-control system which has been highly
developed within medical research.
To provide an idea of the kind of experiments I was being subjected
to, consider the following aspect of these systems. During the years
1979-1984, I suffered from their power to generate disease in a
person. This is something which has been well documented by medical
researchers. In Bio-Medical Telemetry (1968), Dr. Mackay wrote that,
“there are certainly more elaborate and immediate methods for
accelerating human and animal subjects into a state of motion
His chilling claims that immediate and accelerating
morbid states can be induced through two-way radio communication
with the brain also reveals his own attitudes concerning the
possible areas of application for these methods.
Beginning in 1972, when the police implanted their first transmitter
in my head, the predominant effect was powerful radio signals in my
head. These signals continuously intensified and oscillated over the
years between loud bass notes and piercing high-frequency signals,
with the entire intervening sound spectrum at varying volumes. This
changed my life and altered my moods; it often induced insomnia, an
inability to concentrate, irritation and impaired thinking.
But there were also changes to my
behavior, which sometimes meant that I ended up unusually out of my
depth, or did things completely out of my character. The symptoms
which the scientists had begun to induce at the time of my residence
at Sidsjon’s special psychiatric clinic in 1978-79 were exact
reproductions of earlier illnesses, like the throat infections which
kept me in a recurring state of cold and fever for several years.
This technique makes it possible to control all cerebral functions
and biological processes. During the first three years of the 1980s,
my brain’s thermo-regulator was made to malfunction, producing
temperature swings between extreme heat and cold for several hours.
Between 1981-83, this technique also controlled my heart with such
precision that they could bring it almost to a stop.
This also went on for hours at a time,
at least every night, after which they would hyperactivate it. The
pattern was so systematic that it must have been produced by a
computer program. From August 1978, when I was put to sleep in
custody for the last time, and from when the transmitter inserted
into my right nostril began its four year operation, I suffered from
cramps in my legs, feet, hands and arms for hours every day until
the transmitter was removed in Athens in 1982.
Only a year after Dr. Lindström and others made accurate statements
concerning my X-rays, the brain experiment which had intensified
continuously since 1972 finally leveled off. When the electronics
companies gave me the opportunity to demonstrate the different
frequencies of the waves that were passing through my head, the
effect lessened.
After the Red Cross in Stockholm spoke
to Dr. Lindström to discuss possible surgery in the USA, for which
he intended to assist with necessary travel costs, the terror from
which I had suffered for twelve years finally stopped altogether.
The operation came to nothing, however, since for the first time
ever I was refused an entry visa into the United States.
In 1987, an assault took place at St. Carolus Hospital in Djakarta,
Indonesia, where I was awaiting an operation to, once and for all,
remove the transmitters implanted in my brain. The assault began as
I was being wheeled into the operating theatre. Standing outside was
the surgeon, a professor of neurosurgery named Dr. Hendayo. He
informed me that he was unable to go forward with the operation
which had been scheduled a week previously. He told me that we would
have to postpone it, explaining that he could not reveal the reasons
I tried to persuade him to keep his side
of the agreement, and after a short discussion he changed his mind
and I was wheeled into the operating room. What was known to him,
and what I realized the moment I entered the room, was that there
were two plain-clothes men waiting for me. I tried to free myself
from these frightening Frankenstein techniques. They grabbed my arms
and injected me with something, and I lost consciousness.
When I came around, I was right in the middle of the operation, and
I felt a sharp pain in my head. My arms and legs were strapped down
and the doctor was holding my head, while one of the two in plain
clothes wielded an object similar to a branding iron used to mark
animals. He pushed the heated instrument down into my opened head.
It felt as though my skull would explode, and I screamed in agony
before I lost consciousness. Eighteen hours later I awoke. As soon
as I was able, I went directly to the X-ray department to report
what happened.
From the X-ray they took, the
radiologist thought that it looked like a burn into which some sort
of foreign object had been placed. Afterward, I went to the head of
the hospital to tell him what had taken place. I was informed that
Dr. Hendayo was not due back for a couple of days. When I later made
contact with him, he explained that what happened was not of his
doing. He explained that I should have understood when he tried to
back out, and that he had been unable to act because my country’s
security police were involved. The presence of both the burn and the
implanted object has been confirmed by a number of radiological
A hospital in Stockholm writes,
“To the left in the
margosupraorbitalis is a deep groove, 2 cm in diameter and 0.5
cm in depth.”
Another hospital overseas writes:
“X-ray skull lateral view shows a
radioluscent defect just behind the frontal sinus. An
umbrella-shaped foreign body is seen in relation to the defect
just above the right orbital roof.”
These events at St. Carolus Hospital in
Djakarta in August 1987 reveal another side to the difficulties
experienced when trying to free oneself from computer mind-control.
Dr. Hendayo realized he could not operate on me or do anything about
my situation when the security police, possibly along with their
colleagues in the CIA, forbade him from operating on me and took
over the surgical department of St. Carolus Hospital in order to
implant another transmitter. The mushroom-shaped transmitter lies
adjacent to the right frontal lobe, which it paralyses. The
transmitter now affects the left side of my body. It is particularly
noticeable in the face where the left eyebrow now droops as a sign
of cerebral impairment.
The radiation produced by this implant has an effect different than
that produced by the other transmitters, since it operates with high
frequency radio-waves which lie just before the microwave part of
the frequency spectrum. Right from the start, I could feel how the
temperature of my brain rises, the consequences of which change my
life and influence my abilities, energy and alertness.
This radiation is also very dangerous
and known to induce cancer and leukemia. As a completely normal
symptom of a paralyzed right hemisphere, I have lost all emotions
including sexual feelings. Medical certificates confirm the
continual and untreatable infections caused by the painful
dehydrating effects of radio-waves produced by the implanted object,
as well as greatly impaired vision and astigmatism. The continual
deterioration of my vision has led to my needing glasses and a
magnifying glass in order to read normal letters.
There exists an illustration from the medical company Dow-Corning’s
advertisement for their new electrode for implantation into people’s
heads. It was published in Neurology and Biomedical Engineering
with the following text:
A new electrode design for the
extradural recording of brain activity ... Epidural peg
electrodes are implantable mushroom-shaped composites of
Silastic elastomer ... Recording cerebral activity from the
extradural space is not a new concept ... Extradural strip
electrodes have a low risk of infection, are well tolerated by
patients, and have excellent recording characteristics.
A Modern Slave
Like all such radio devices, this electrode transmits data from a
person’s inner life, his mental functions, biological and
neurological processes, all of which can be combined to yield more
information about someone’s life than even that person knows about
himself. The implants can be used to “brainwash”: to manipulate
inner processes, modify or destroy emotions and thoughts, and, as
one of the earlier research papers said, control behavior in detail.
It is the most fantastic, and the most
frightening technique that has ever been developed, and consequently
one of the biggest secrets ever to be held by the state. The new
transmitter was intended to brainwash me to a much greater extent
than any of the previous ones. It is clear how far doctors,
psychiatrists, and SÄPO are prepared to go to prevent any leaks from
revealing the secret of the technique and the extent of the brutal
experiments and life-long abuse of the people involved in them.
The fact that the Criminal Police are using the technique and
anaesthetizing people who are under arrest in order to implant
transmitters should paint a whole new picture of what these
authorities actually represent. It is also not difficult to see that
this technique can only be employed as long as the public knows
nothing about it. Having been used as an experimental subject for
various state projects for about the past thirty years has meant
that I have had to live my life without the normal freedoms and
personal security necessary to plan and choose my own destiny.
One can say that I have had to live like a modern slave. I have
never been able to escape the continual experiment in my brain and
have had to bear complete observation by medical/police research and
their intrusion into my life as an invisible party to everything I
do. The high frequency radiation is destroying my health and I am
living with the constant threat of lethal injury.
I have been deprived of human rights and integrity, and have been
stripped, studied, exploited, raped and threatened with my life. I
need to find a doctor who is able to operate, first and foremost, to
remove SÄPO’s transmitter in the face of SÄPO’s power. These people
are the face of Nazism in our society. They are backed up by the
entire political system, and there is no court in Sweden that will
convict one of them. There is no psychiatrist who will risk their
job by revealing their own, their colleague’s and society’s crimes.
Nor is there any surgeon answerable for the implantation of
radio-transmitters in the brains of patients during surgery.
Radiologists who produce false reports to protect state
institutional abuses are likewise exempt from punishment.
If we in Sweden wish to live in a society where the authorities have
to take responsibility for their actions, these people must be
arrested. This is the only way we will find out what is happening
behind SÄPO’s high wall of secrecy, and how far this mind control
experimentation has gone. There are people responsible for the kind
of life I have had to suffer and the torture I have endured, and I
have named them all. Everyone at some time in their lives needs to
go to the hospital for an operation, but who would enter a hospital
if it could mean becoming part of a secretive medical research
program which can proceed for the remainder of their lives? It can
no longer be granted that he who lives his own life also has rights
over it.
Anyone wishing to help Robert Naeslund find an ethical neurosurgeon
may contact him in care of Gruppen, Box 136, Stockholm 11479,
Sweden, Fax: 08-668-6066.
Naeslund Story
New Delhi
Ever since an operation at Soder Hospital in Stockholm at the
end of the 1960's, I have been used in a medical experiment
which has meant a lot of suffering and been very painful. The
operation was performed by Dr. Curt Strand, who inserted a
foreign object, a so-called brain transmitter, in my head
through the right nasal passage.
For many years I have tried to get help from Swedish physicians
and even from the National Board of Health and Welfare (Socialstyrelsen).
However, I was confronted by doctors who became my enemies and I
was, among other things, declared mentally ill and placed in a
mental hospital. In 1983 I came in contact with Prof. P.A.
Lindstrom at the University of California, San Diego in the
United States, who examined my X-rays. Many Swedish doctors had
given written opinions about these, and stated that the X-rays
were completely normal, that there were no foreign object in my
Prof. Lindstrom wrote in one of his many statements that,
"I can
only confirm that some foreign objects, most likely brain
transmitters have been implanted at the base of your frontal
brain and in the skull. In my opinion there is no excuse for
such implantations if the patient has not been fully informed
about the procedures, the purposes, the risks, the method of
anesthesia, etc., and then gives a clear written consent."
fully agree with Lincoln Lawrence who in his book on page 27
"There are two particularly dreadful procedures which
have been developed: Those working and playing with them
secretly call them R.H.I.C. and E.D.O.M. -- Radio-Hypnotic
Intracerebral Control and Electronical Dissolution of Memory".
These, as well as ESB (Electronic Stimulation of the Brain)
constitute what is included in Bio-medical telemetry.
After Prof. Lindstrom wrote his opinion about ten other doctors
in different countries have given written statements which
attest to the implanted transmitters in my head. The statements
clearly show that Swedish doctors have given false reports
concerning this case. Despite the evidence which proves my case,
I cannot get surgical help in Sweden to remove the many
transmitters implanted in my head, which are active day and
night, year after year. This was the reason why I sought help in
New Delhi, but we will clearly see that physicians have strong
international bonds, and are more social collegial than humane
< Omitting history of search for doctor to remove transmitters.
They were removed and analyzed by Hewlett-Packard technicians. >
The difficulty in finding a doctor who will operate on me is the
great secret behind the use of bio-medical telemetry and
doctors' international solidarity with colleagues who use people
for experiments. I would like to ask everyone who reads this
report for help in finding a surgeon who will perform the
operation so that I may be freed from the several transmitters
implanted in my skull and brain. These transmitters have changed
my life in many ways and torment me through their constant use.
I can travel wherever it is necessary and would be personally
responsible for all the costs which are connected to the
Stockholm, Sweden,
November 1991
July 27, 1983
Mr. R. Naeslund
Ervallakroken 27
12443 Bandhagen
[not current address]
In response to your most recent letter regarding the roentgen
films I can only confirm that some foreign objects, most likely
brain transmitters, have been implanted at the base of your
frontal brain and in the skull.
The risk of such implantations is considerable and the risk of
chronic infections and meningitis when the implantation has been
made through the nose or the sinuses are real issues.
In my opinion, there is no excuse for such implantations if the
patient has not been fully informed about the procedures, the
purposes, the risks, the method of anesthesia, etc, and then
gives a clear written consent.
I fully agree with Lincoln Lawrence, who in his book on page 27
"There are two particularly dreadful procedures which
have been developed. E.D.O.M. -- Radio-Hypnotic Intracerebral
Control and Electronic Dissolution of Memory."
Many years go I had some discussions with
Delgado. He asked me
to apply my ultrasonic technique for his particular purpose of
altering patient's behavior but I declined because we had
entirely different aims and approaches. However, I found Delgado
to be an intelligent but somewhat strange man.
Best wishes!
P.A. Lindstom, M.D.
Bio-Medical Telemetry
Mind Control
The Technology and Its Possibilities
Bio-medical telemetry have long been thought to be impossible by the
majority of people and have been relegated to science fiction. The
fact is that scientists developed this technology into reality at
least thirty years ago and started experiments with unwitting
By means of two-way radio communication, called telemetry or remote
control, one can send a wavelength round trip to a brain transmitter
in a person's head. The wavelength streams through the brain and
returns to a computer, where all aspects of a human being's life are
uncovered and analyzed.
During the 1960's, brain transmitters as small as a half of a
cigarette filter made it possible for doctors to implant them into
unwitting patients during operations easily and without surgery via
the nostrils.
To analyze an EEG in a computer instead of a printer gives a whole
new perspective on what can be concluded. The receipt of mental
manifestations as thoughts and visual impressions or feelings,
behavior and psychological reactions can be continually registered.
Bio-medical telemetry has made it possible for medical scientists
and the state to observe the person deeper and more completely than
what the individual can possibly do himself.
Through analysis and programmed
computers, even affects and changes in a person's physical and
mental status can be created.
"By electrical stimulation of
specific cerebral structures, movements can be induce by radio
command, hostility may appear or disappear, social hierarchy can
be modified, sexual behavior may be changed, and memory,
emotions, and the thinking process may be influenced by remote
control" ...
"Transmitters have no batteries, are activated by
radio, and can be used for life, so that the brain can be
stimulated indefinitely"...
"Physical Control of the
Mind" by professor J. Delgado
"There are certainly more elaborate and immediate methods for
accelerating human and animal subjects into a state of motion
"The possibilities by bio-medical telemetry are
limited only by the imagination of the investigator."
"Bio-Medical Telemetry" by
Dr. Stuart Mackay
"Distances were not a problem, since
long wavelengths could travel globally at the speed of light.
Liquid crystals which are injected directly into the bloodstream
and fasten themselves to the brain have been developed in the
last ten years. It works on the same principle as the usual
transmitter and uses the same technology and contains the same
possibilities. An essential part of biotelemetry encompasses the
transmission of data. This occurs mostly with help from a
surgically implanted transmitter. The technology has been
developed quite extensively in medical research."
P.M. Persson, Swedish
Defense Research Institution, FOA, 1965
"Telemetry for the surveillance of every citizen is on the
drawing boards. Mind control techniques could become standard
equipment of government, prison and police departments is backed
by a forceful documentation".
Publishers Weekly's review
of "The Mind Stealers" by Samuel Chavkin
Naeslund - Photos of Psychotronic Impants
Robert Naeslund is the Swedish mind-control victim who has struggled
with brain transmitter implants. The following pictures were
obtained from the now defunct
1. [implt1.jpg]:
Photo of brain implant being removed
from the skull of Robert Naeslund in Athens, Greece, 1978.

2. [implt2.jpg]:
Photo of implant after being removed
from skull of Robert Naeslund in Athens, Greece, 1978.

3. [implt3.jpg]:
Photo of x-ray showing another brain
implant in the skull of Robert Naeslund, 1987.

"In this x-ray photograph taken the
day following the operation,
the 1/2cm deep area of branded
cortex can be identified, as can the implanted transmitter."
detail: place mouse on top of image
4. [implt4.jpg]:
Photo of Robert Naesland.

"The broken line shows the place
where SAPO/CIA
together with Dr. Hendayo trepanated
my forehead."
The above pictures are from:
"When The State Rapes: The Mind
Control Papers" - Part 1
Mediaecco & Contact Network
Organization for Political
PO Box 66
8400 AB Gorredijk
The Netherlands
VoFax: 31-(0)5133-5567
The current address may be:
Box 136
11479 Stockholm
or Robert Naeslund, Slipgaten
12, 117-39, Stockholm, Sweden