Lyndon LaRouche
Rense.com Website
Anglo-American Satanists
The best-organized Satanist forces operating presently inside the
United States include the following prominent organizations:
This is the leading, putatively respectable Britain-based
Satan cult (it worships Lucifer). The
Lucis Trust, which runs the only religious chapel at the
New York United Nations headquarters, The Temple of
Understanding, was originally founded as the Lucifer Trust, in London, in 1923. The Lucis Trust
associated with the UNO is the New York affiliate of the
British organization. The name was changed from Lucifer Trust,
to Lucis Trust, to make the nature of the organization
less conspicuous.
The Lucis Trust’s leading sponsors include the following
prominent figures:
Henry Clausen, Supreme Grand
Commander of the Supreme Council, 33rd Degree,
Southern District Scottish Rite Freemasons
Norman Cousins
John D. Rockefeller IV The
Rockefeller Foundation The Marshall Field family
Robert McNamara
Thomas Watson (IBM, former US
Ambassador to Moscow) The United Lodge of Theosophists of
New York City
U. Alexis Johnson, former
Undersecretary of State
Rabbi Marc Tannenbaum, American
Jewish Committee
Prominent front-organizations
sponsored by the Lucis Trust, include the following:
The Theosophical Order of
Service (founded by Annie Besant in1908)
The Theosophical Society
(founded by Helena P. Blavatsky in 1875)
The United Nations Association
The World Wildlife Fund UK
The Findhorn Foundation
Greenpeace International
Greenpeace USA
Amnesty International
The Nicholas Roerich Society
(chief connection to Russian mysticism, spirituality)
The Anthroposophs of Rudolf
The Rudolf Steiner School [these
could not be genuine followers of Steiner]
The American Friends Service
This is today’s best-known of the hard-core, British-based
Satanist cults. Like the Lucis Trust, the
OTO is a direct off-shoot of the work of Britain’s
leading twentieth-century Satanist, Theosophy leader
Aliester Crowley. OTO enthusiasts claim
this organization is an offshoot of Templar freemasonry,
and hint at very influential protection from among
Templars very high in British freemasonry.
The WICCA cult came to the surface early during
the post-war period, as a legalized association for the
promotion of witchcraft. It is the leading publicly known
international association of witches in the world today.
In the United States, WICCA’s outstanding sponsor
is the New York Anglican (Episcopal) diocese, under
Bishop Paul Moore. Officially, New York’s Anglican
Cathedral of St. John the Divine has promoted the spread of
WICCA witchery through its Lindisfarne center.
The late Gregory Bateson conducted such an operation out
of the Lindisfarne center during the 1970s.
No later than the 1970s, and perhaps still today, the crypt
of the Cathedral of St. John the Divine, is the headquarters
for solemn ceremonies of the British (Venerable)
Order of Malta. Key
figures, such as Gregory Bateson’s former spouse, Dame
Margaret Mead, associated with that British order, have been
associated with projects in support of the Satanist "Age of
Aquarius" cause.
For obvious reasons, U.S. witches have chosen Salem,
Massachusetts, as their national center. One of the most
important operations of these witches is their
coordination of the hardcore of U.S. astrology rackets.
The "Age of Aquarius," or "New Age," is the
generic name adopted by the modern Satanist movement. The
best-publicized among the founders of the Age of Aquarius
movement include Fyodor Dostoevsky, Friedrich
Nietzsche, Alex Muenthe (of Capri notoriety), and
Aleister Crowley. Most Aquarians trace the origins of modern
Satanism to Nietzsche and Crowley.
Anti-Christ cultist Nietzsche announced that the
twentieth century would see the end of the Age of Pisces, which
Aquarians associate with the figures of Socrates and
Christ; Nietzsche prophesied that the New Age
would be the Age of Aquarius, which he identified with
the Satanic figure Dionysos. Crowley
announced himself publicly a devotee of Nietzsche’s New Age
cult in his Vienna Theosophy magazine, near the
beginning of this century, and indicated as his preferred choice
of name for Satan.
Among hard-core insiders, the New Age models its dogma on the
Magis’ cult of Mithra, as Nietzsche did. The cult has
notable affinities to the Bulgarian-Cathar Bogomil cult
(from which the slang term "buggery" is derived).
The New Age’s most celebrated historical figure, its choice for
the original "incarnation" of the Anti-Christ,
is the Roman Emperor Tiberius who ordered the execution
of Christ. [Some Roman emperors, most notably Caligula,
became possessed by being initiated without being suitably
prepared.] Adolph Hitler and Hermann Goering were
among the notable figures who followed this cult.
The best-known coordinating-center for the Age of Aquarius
project in the U.S.A. today is Palo Alto,
California’s Stanford Research Institute, whose
Willis Harman is the relevant leading personality. See
Harman disciple Marilyn Feruguson’s 1980 Aquarian
Conspiracy for a popular exposition of Harman’s views
and program for subversion of the United States. Ferguson
is accurate when she reports that the Fabian Society’s
H.G. Wells (World War I boss of British intelligence) is
a key figure of the Aquarian Conspiracy. Also key are
Wells’ ally, Bertrand Russell, and such Russell
cronies as Robert M. Hutchins (Chicago University,
Ford Foundation, Fund for the Republic, Aspen Institute, and the
Both Margaret Mead and her husband Gregory Bateson
were close collaborators of Russell and Hutchins
from no later than 1938. The brothers, Aldous (Hollywood)
and Julian (UNO) Huxley were collaborators of
H. G. Wells, and were recruited to Crowley’s
Satanist cult during the late 1920s.
Since the launching of the Beatles as an
international project via TV in 1963, "rock" has been the
most influential recruiter to Satanism. Rock was created,
and is still coordinated by Crowley’s followers and by
the OTO network, in cooperation with WICCA.
It is, not so incidentally, also the Satanist’s biggest
money-maker, and believed to provide the chief logistical
support for deployments and other activities of the OTO-WICCA
efforts world-wide.
There is nothing spontaneous or accidental about "rock."
It is a product of classical studies of the ancient Phrygian
terrorist cult of Satan-Dionysos, the model
for the Roman Bacchic cults of similar characteristics.
Crowley’s control of the "rock industry" has been
documented by a team of [private] investigators, who have also
noted, that in addition to the Satanist lyrics, Satanist
messages embedded sublimely in rock recordings are a key feature
of this subversive operation.
The "rock rhythm" itself is copied from the old
Dionysian-Bacchic cults. Even without the drugs and sexual
orgies which are characteristic features of hard-core rock
affairs, repeated, frequent, hours-long exposure to constant
repetition of "rock rhythms" produces lasting, drug-like
effects on the mind of the victim. Reducing sexual practices to
the level of bestiality, is a crucial feature of Satanism
in all historical periods studied, from Phrygian
Cybele-Dionysos cult-period onward.
From western continental Europe, among
the threats to the U.S. from this quarter, the two leading open
centers for hard-core Satanism today, are Turin, Italy
(where actress Elizabeth Taylor’s "Live AIDS" project
attempted to sponsor an aborted Satan-rock festival), and Lausanne, Switzerland.
The Satanist Mind
Satanists already have numerous victims. Most of the sexual
and related atrocities perpetrated upon "disappeared" infants and
other children, are done as part of the rituals outlined in manuals
of Satanist organizations. A leading police association has received
expert estimate, that of all known murders, one in five is a ritual
murder, like the ritual London assassination of Italy’s Roberto
Calvi, perpetrated by members of Satanist cults. The "Son of
Sam" murders in New York, and the Cobb County-based cult
operations in the so-called "Atlanta child-murders," fit
into this pattern.
Satanism is not "just another nutty occult fad." The mind of the
Satanist is pure evil; the Satanist is a former person who has been
transformed into something no longer human. It begins like
drug-addiction; the prospective recruit to Satanism "gets into
something" on a playful impulse, but then finds himself or herself
gripped by compulsions which he or she can no longer control.
and other special circumstances may be significant collateral
features of the initiation, but not necessarily. The key is "letting
oneself go," into the depths of acting-out impulses which
combine sexual impulses and rage as a unity, and expressing this
form of "pleasure" in the form of an act which violates an important
precept of one’s own conscience.
Nietzsche’s writings, especially toward the last period of
life preceding his mental breakdown, address these special sorts of
emotions, and refer implicitly to terrible obscene acts as the
prospective fulfillment of such impulses. Nietzsche
recognized these impulses as Satanic --dionysiac-- in
quality. [Dionysiac activity, or wild abandon, by
itself leads to non-demonic possession. Becoming demonically
possessed requires killing, torturing, or tormenting someone with a
neutral or positive attitude.]
Ordinarily we think of the criminal mind as representing a person
whose goals are based on "normal human impulses," but whose
choice of means is immoral. Doing something illegal is not
necessarily immoral; the useful definition of the criminal mind, is
the person inclined to prefer immoral means as short-cuts to some
goal usually not inconsistent with normal human impulses. In the
case of the Satanist, we touch upon something way beyond such a mere
criminal mind.
Imagine a criminal mind which has undergone a curious
transformation. Perhaps, formerly, this fellow was an habitual
thief, even of that sort of twisted mind which delighted in
occasions he might have imagined he had pretext to exert the power
of life or death over some chance victim on the scene of his crime.
Yet, up to that point, robbery or kindred results were always the
prompting of his criminal activity.
Now, he has changed. Crime is no longer motivated by the impulse to
employ cruel means for personal gain. Instead, the pleasure of the
sense of power realized in employing viciously cruel means, becomes
an end in itself. This form of criminal pleasure becomes a blend of
rage and sexuality. Jaded appetites create the mental state in that
man, that he must do something more monstrous than he has done
before, to realize the desired level of orgiastic pleasure from the
evil deed. Evil for the purpose of doing evil, has become for him, a
goal in and of itself. This man has become a beast, a virtual
That is the state of mind which Satanism seeks to develop in its
initiates. It might begin with an ordinary sexual act performed
under the influence of an ugly state of mind. Soon, something much
more degraded becomes a need for the prospective initiate’s rapidly
jaded appetites. In contrast to the healthy mind, which seeks always
to become better in what is being mastered, for the initiate to
Satanism, a sense of need develops, to seek to muster oneself to do
something much worse than one has ever done before. Satanic cults
organize that degraded process of self-degeneration. The potential
for endemic incidence of individual bestiality within society, is
transformed into an organized, institutionalized form of social
The tradition of the "Black Mass," points to the
mechanisms of Satanism as such. Nietzsche’s instruction is
much to the point. Perform some really monstrous act of blasphemy,
and associate that blasphemous doing with some sort of degraded,
orgiastic pleasure.
Go back to ancient Mesopotamia, whence Satanism was
transmitted to western Europe. The relevant figure of Satanism
is not a male, but a female figure. The male figure --Satan,
Baal, Lucifer, and so on--is a
subordinate figure; the female principle of evil is pre-dominant.
Hence, Satan’s mother, the "Whore of Babylon,"
known otherwise as the Chaldean Ishtar, the Caananite Astarte, Isis, Venus,
or the Phrygian Cybele.
The ritual of the
priestesses of Ishtar was an obscene "religious service" which
concluded with the priestesses’ fornicating with the congregation.
Hence, "Whore of Babylon," and the associated position of
Ishtar, Athtar, Astarte, Isis, and Venus as the patron goddess of
This satanic cult-practice was introduced to Mesopotamia from
pre-Aryan India [which was Inanna/Ishtar’s assigned
domain - see
Sitchin’s Wars of Gods and
Men]. The so-called "Harrappan" culture,
featuring the Earth-Mother and fertility goddess
Shakti and her satanic male figure Siva,
established a set of colonies in the Middle East. The
Sumer established as a colony by what the local semites
named "the black-headed people" (Dravidians),
was a Harrapan colony. There, among the semites,
Shakti became known as Ishtar. In the
Harrapan colony of Sheba-Ethiopia, Shakti became
known as Athtar.
In the Caananite
("Phoenician") offshoot of Harrapan colonizing, she became
known as Astarte. The Hellenic cults of Isis and
Osiris, were offshoots of the Harrapan cult of Shakti-Siva,
by this route. When the same cult spread to an Indo-european people,
the Phrygians, Shakti-Siva assumed the Indo-european
forms of Cybele and Dionysos (day-night). Apollo
and Lucifer are variants of the name for Satan-Osiris-Dionysos.
[Ishtar was ambitious.]
Among the Caananites, for example, Satanism expressed
itself in such forms as the worship of Moloch, with
the included custom of making a human sacrifice of the first-born of
each marriage. Notably, that Caananite tradition is featured
in the modern Satanists’ ritual sexual and homicidal rituals upon
infants and children used as human sacrifices.
By combining the means by which men and women are degraded into
potentially satanic forms of beasts, as rituals associated with
Satanism practiced as an "anti-religion," large-scale Satanic
movements are developed through systematic proselytizing.
The result of this initiation, as we have already stressed,
is no human being, but a former human being transformed into
something which is not human.
Modern liberals and others frown on reports of savage
witch-hunts from earlier centuries. Usually, the special British
operation, run
in Salem Massachusetts as a covert operation against
the independence of the Massachusetts Bay Colony, is commonly
referenced. A better comparison is the proliferating of Satanist
movements during the fourteenth century; these witches were
actually sub-human, Satanist beasts, who represented that sort of
mass threat to the population of that period.
So, the population, as
its only defense against a genuine Satanic force of that sort,
hunted them down and sought to wipe them out. Not for nothing, does
the Old Testament warn, "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live." The
witches of the old Middle East and fourteenth-century Europe
were very real, very evil witches, no longer human, but murderous
Modern Witchcraft
The modern spread of witchcraft in English-speaking
nations, began during the sixteenth century, in the setting of
imported cabalist and Rosicrucian cults built up around
Oxford and Cambridge.
Francis Bacon
and his secretary Thomas Hobbes were part of this movement.
The endemic inculcation in Satanism which this prompted in
seventeenth-century England, exploded after the accession of King
George I, in the form of the Hell-fire Clubs which
proliferated among degenerate English nobility during the long
Liberal prime ministry of Hugh Walpole.
During the Stuart Restoration period, the pro-satanic
rosicrucian and cabalist cultism around the Stuart court
seized upon the case of Robert Bruce to reorganize the cult
in a newform.
Robert Bruce had been the leader of a group of
Satan-worshipping (Baphomet) Templars,
who had fled to Scotland, away from the angered justice of the
Papacy and the King of France. What they brought with them, was the
Templars’ exploitation of the Cathar (Bogomil)
tradition in the region of Toulouse and Albi, to build
up the syncretic sort of Satanic worship the Templars
had acquired in the Middle East. The Papacy had enough
of this, and the King of France acted to shut down Templars
by the means customary in those times. A group of Templars
under Bruce fled to Scotland, and after some
initial difficulties, made themselves the lords of the place.
The character of the Stuart court is illustrated by
the characterization of one Stuart government of that period
as the "Cabal." In his history, Macauley offers
an amiable description of the affair. During this century, when the
chest of Isaac Newton’s laboratory papers was opened and
examined, the content of Newton’s actual "scientific work"
turned out to be a selection of lurid and rather insane experiments
in "black magic." The circles around Francis Bacon and
Hobbes were, as we say today, "a prize collection of real
So, the Templar mish-mash of Bogomil Gnosticism
blended into Hashishin Satanism, caused Bruce’s
Templar credentials to be viewed as suitable
myth-building material for the taste of the Stuart kooks of the
period. The Liberal aristocracy of Britain became a principal
concentration of this filthy stuff. When the Liberals came to full
power, under Walpole, this Liberal stuff came out in such
form as the proliferating Hell-Fire Clubs. That tradition was
cultivated under the Second Earl of Shelbourne’s puppet prime
minister, William Pitt the Younger, with Satanic figures such
as the powerful Jeremy Bentham in the fore.
Satanism gained new ground under the protection of
Liberalism and Romanticism during the nineteenth century.
In England, the more virulent new forms surfaced around Oxford
University's John Ruksin and the Pre-Raphaelite
Brotherhood. Out of this came theosophy, British "guild"
socialism, the Fabian Society, Bertrand Russell,
H. G. Wells, and Aleister Crowley -- Satanists all.
This spilled over into the United States, notably in the circles of
putative "Great Awakening" evangelist Johnathan Edwards,
and his protégé, Princeton Hell-Fire Club activist Aaron
Burr. During the late nineteenth century, the sort of
spoon-bending kookery associated with such figures as Oliver
Lodge and A. Conan Doyle spilled generously among the
wealthy anglophile liberals of the United States.
In short, this sort of witchery has been endemic over the centuries.
The difference is, that what was endemic has become epidemic.
To Journalism on Satanism page:
Randy Littlejohn
Dear Jeff (Rense),
The Real History of Satanism is not a real history at
all. It is Christian Fundamentalist propaganda written
for the purpose of demonizing perceived enemies of
fundamentalist beliefs. I would like to encourage your readers
to read The Origin of Satan by historian Elaine Pagels
(Author of The Gnostic Gospels) for the actual history
of Satanism. What interests Elaine Pagels is the
social implications of the figure of Satan. She invites readers
to consider Satan as a reflection of how we perceive ourselves
and those we call "others."
The article "The Real History of Satanism" appears to be
just this, propaganda in which the "others", in this case
pagans, are cast as disciples of Satan as a way of
demonizing those with opposing beliefs. If this tendency in the
Christian movement over the ages resulted in
nothing more than a tool for Christians defining themselves
against opposing values, there would be no problem. Instead, we
see an excuse for intolerance. What’s true is that those
perceived as enemies of Christianity have often been
violently persecuted.
Jeff, I’m stunned. Did you post this article as a satire? I
laughed out loud when I came to "the ’Bloods’ and the ’Crypts’"
(sic) choosing Satanic names. However, when the article rambled
on and on casting a wide net of paranoia and misinformation over
every group the writer disagrees with, I began to wonder about
why you would post this.
LaRouche obviously knows little about New Age or
(Neo)Pagan beliefs if he believes they have anything
whatsoever to do with Satanism. While some "New Agers"
do incorporate some degree of Christian beliefs into their
spiritual paths (and therefore believe in Satan),
not all do. And as an ordained New Age minister, I have
yet to meet anyone following a New Age path who could
possibly be considered a Satanist.
His labelling of (Neo)Pagans as Satanists is
ludicrous. Pagans follow pre-Christian or non-Christian
spiritual paths. Satan belongs almost wholly to
Christians. He is the dark god of the dualist Christian
faith. It’s but the flipside of the Christian coin: Good &
Evil, Light & Darkness, God & Satan. Has he not considered
that Satanists are simply those who follow the dark side
of his own faith? Most Pagans do not even believe
in Satan, much less "worship" him!
As a lifelong spiritual seeker I endeavor to maintain a joyous,
empowering, and life-affirming connection to the divine. I take
offense at anyone’s hateful, arrogant, & very misinformed
attempt to equate people of my (or similar) beliefs with
pedophiles and their like.
Peace & blessings.