TheForbiddenKnowledge Website
Do you believe in a GRAND CONSPIRACY?
Do you believe Oswald acted
alone ?
Do you believe that government is corrupt?
If so, then to
what DEGREE?
That may depend on how willing you are to open your
eyes and mind to SEE.
Why is it that the more things change, the
more they stay the same ?
Why doesn’t society ever seem to grow up?
Most people grow up thinking that the world is very big and we
believe the world exists the way it does today because this is the
direction humanity has taken and chosen.
The road that we are taking as a nation in America and as a human
race on the planet Earth is being paved for us in advance and sold
to us for a profit.
Many people talk about conspiracies such as
But very few
people know the real facts enough to explain them because they are
not researched themselves. As information comes down the pipeline it
becomes distorted and confused because most of the people passing
along the information do not know the entire story, they have not
researched much information themselves, and they tend to be biased
as well (they tend to have an angle in the information they put
out, usually because they have an ulterior motive.) I can only
state from research of seven years, WHAT I BELIEVE to be the TRUTH
based on mostly HARD FACTS.
For AT LEAST five to ten thousand years, mankind has been aware of
MORE scientific and spiritual facts than we are currently aware of
today as a great society and nation.
The libraries of Alexandria,
which held the collection of the world’s greatest knowledge, existed
in Egypt thousands of years ago.
The Essenes were just one secret
sect of Gnostics (Knowledge Holders) that existed around two
thousand years ago.
Since the earliest times of Pagan groups and
Nature religions, the SUN has been considered a SYMBOL for LIFE.
Ancients believed that when the SUN gave off it’s energy, it was
giving IT’S life for US.
They believed that the SUN of GOD, the
LIGHT of the WORLD is ALL SALVATION because He has RISEN. He is
therefore our ETERNAL SAVIOR.
There has always been a struggle
between LIGHT and DARK forces in the world. When the SUN goes down
and it becomes DARK, we cannot SEE.
We naturally fear what we do not
know and since we cannot SEE in the DARK, we do not know what’s
there and we fear.
When the SUN would SET (Satan), it would get
DARK. But when the SUN was on the HORIZON (Horus, translates to
Jesus), it would be called THE SAVIOR. This formed the basis for
early Christianity.
The Essenes, as well as other secret societies around the times were
PRIESTHOODS, so the early CHURCH was an established KNOWLEDGE CENTER
with IDEAS ENCODED SYMBOLICALLY into religious text. After time,
symbols lose their meaning except to those whom are INITIATED.
Essentially, they held knowledge of ARCHETYPAL ENERGIES that bond or
link Spirit to matter. These energies are expressed in mathematics
and Greek Gematria called
HIDDEN. They took the knowledge, hid it, and made it appear to be
EVIL, so that they would know it, we wouldn’t, and they could then
control us a lot easier. This allowed an early guild of bricklayers,
or MASONS, to be established, making it possible to build great
pyramids, etc. Now, if everybody knew how to build a pyramid, then
not only would the Pharaoh’s tomb be no greater than Joe neighbor’s
cottage, but the Masons would also lose a lot of money building
great castles and churches throughout Europe. This was the basis for
early CAPITALISM, but we will discuss this later.
SACRED MUSHROOM ingesting and CANNABIS-smoking
shamans are tribe
spirit leaders in a sense and they practice inducing a state of
consciousness in warrior tribesmen to temporarily replace their
consciousness with animal consciousness to perform certain tasks or
learn spiritual lessons or principles. There were special groups of
assassin cults that were trained in earlier times using substances
like hashish and they were called "Hashishans" or "Assassins".
Although these two practices are not identical, they are similar and
related. While the first example may be considered early natural
mind control in the sense of learning to control your own mind, the
second example could be considered manipulative mind control in the
sense that the participants were trained under hallucinogens to kill
for God or "Allah".
The Assassins, as well as a society called The Order of Lady of Sion
appeared at the same time around 1090 AD. Out of The Order of Lady
of Sion came Notre Dame de Sion and five out of nine of the founders
of the KNIGHTS TEMPLAR came from this order. The Templars and
Assassins had interlocking affairs and philosophies. They also had
ongoing fights as well as commercial dealings. The Templars
pronounced vows to poverty and in the meantime amassed great
fortunes for the church (really themselves), and were responsible
for financing the Crusades and other bloody religious wars. They
were also some of the first to set up banks in Jerusalem. These were
Temple Banks which occasionally were raided for their gold. This
forced the Templars to develop branch banking, or, putting your
money in several places so it doesn’t all get taken at once.
This is
where the idea of a central bank and it’s local branches comes from,
which became the model for banking in Europe and America. The Knights Templar became more popular when they were exposed in the
fourteenth century and banished by the king. Jacques de Moley was
burned at the stake for being a homosexual and a heretic. A portion
of the Templar’s wealth was seized by the king and handed over to
their sister society, called the Knights Hospitalers, who were a
branch of the Templars responsible for medical facilities in the
kingdom. There is evidence to suggest that the Templars may have
carried themselves on as the Rosicrucians for the next couple of
centuries. This really doesn’t matter too much, though, because all
of these orders or secret societies are offshoots of other ones.
They are all Masonic in nature because of the nature of the
information which they possess.
The same secret societies and old European bloodline families are in
control of the world today. To better understand what they do, we
need to look at their philosophies and ideas. One motto of theirs is
"Ordo ab Chao" or "order out or chaos". First they create CHAOS,
then they propose the solution, ORDER, secretly from behind the
scenes to control a given situation. There are different areas of
Freemasonry and it is all a hierarchy of power. Occasionally,
Masonic groups will work against each other in the public forum
through the agencies which they control, but they may be united
behind the scenes. You will see examples of what I mean very soon.
The first Masonic lodges by that name appeared in England in the
1600’s and within a century they were spread throughout most of
Europe, including Germany and France and the colonies of early
America. One of the purposes they served was as a forum for the
elite individuals to meet and discuss their political and social
views without fear of religious persecution. Remember, just a couple
of centuries earlier under Rome in the Dark Ages, they would kill
you if you didn’t believe that the moon was made of green cheese. In
Rome, they realized that they could not rule the world by themselves
and that they would need a consensus of nations or a United Kingdom
and United Nations. The symbol for Fascism is a bundle of sticks
wrapped together with a hatchet or an axe tied to it.
It represents a world consensus of power or AXIS POWER. It appears
on the U.S. Senate flag today and on the back of the American
mercury dime from 1916 to 1945. While there were several enlightened
societies around calling themselves illuminated, it was on May 1,
1776 that
Professor Adam Weishaupt put together a secret society
called The "ILLUMINATI". It’s sole purpose secretly was to control
the world. Weishaupt was a genius of a particular sort as far as
scheming and manipulation are concerned. He was a respected teacher
at the University of Ingolstadt at the time and had many connections
in education. He became a Mason but was also a Jesuit priest. He
learned as much as he could and decided to put his own secret
society together. He used a process of initiation and power
dissemination among ranks similar to the structure of a pyramid,
where one sole individual or group at the top know what’s going on
but no one else really does, they only know a little until they
succeed up the ranks and learn only a little more. In the meantime,
they don’t know who is watching them or above them keeping them in
In the highest circles of the order they propose to control the
world through a One-world government, which they stated they could
do by converting existing Masons to concepts of Illuminism.
Weishaupt told them about the Utopia that could be established on
Earth if everyone who KNEW would secretly work together to bring
about this plan. Being free-thinkers and atheists to begin with,
they proposed abolishing religion, government, orders of class,
right to own property, or even raise your own children; and they
believed that the ENDS justified the MEANS, meaning that whatever it
takes to accomplish this task should be done WITHOUT HESITATION.
Within two years they had over 3000 members and many established
Within several years they were exposed and banished from
Bavaria. The documents were recovered and displayed in the British
museum where they exist today. This is an important historical fact
that has been severely covered up in America. They continued to
exist, however, in the form of the German Union and scattered
Reading Societies. Through their combined fortunes, the members of
the Illuminati gained control over the literary societies and
printing press. They circulated printed papers showing falsities of
religion and abuses of government and promoted a general state of
desperation throughout society, all the while blaming it on religion
and government. They sought to promote ANARCHY and REVOLUTION,
whereby they would strip the monarchy (king) of power using the
classes (people) as a lever to ultimately bring power back into
their own hands, all the while creating new forms of government
which would be puppets they could secretly control from behind the
In Germany, the lodges which preceded the Illuminati were the Lodge
Theodore and the Lodge of Strict Observance. In France they were
known as the GRAND ORIENT TEMPLE MASONS. Their motto was "LIBERTY,
EQUALITY, FRATERNITY". In 1789, they beheaded the King and Queen of
France and orchestrated what was historically known as the French
Revolution. This was only the first of several revolutions to come.
Weishaupt had succeeded in grabbing the existing reigns of power in
both Europe and America, entwining them together using new
philosophical concepts, and tightening all of the existing slack.
In 1797, a book appeared in Europe by John Robison called "Proofs of a Conspiracy against all of the Religions and Governments of Europe,
Carried on in the Secret Meetings of Freemasons, Illuminati and
Reading Societies". Then in 1799, written in another country and in
another language, Abbe Augustine Barruel published his four-volume
study entitled "Memoirs Illustrating the History of Jacobinism".
Then in 1826, William Morgan, an American Freemason who had written
a book entitled "Illustrations of Freemasonry", was abducted and
drowned in Lake Ontario. Because of the existence of these books, as
well as the murder scandal, there was a nationwide furor resulting
in the creation of an Anti-Masonic political party in 1829. After
this there was a temporary drop in membership in the lodges, but
their control over the press soon caused the anger to diminish.
There is what is called the "Colombian" faction of the Illuminati
which came over to America early on. The documents that
recovered in Germany showed that the symbol for the Illuminati
society was the PYRAMID and the EYE IN THE CAPSTONE as shown on the
back of the ONE-DOLLAR BILL (click below right
image). The symbol for Columbia Broadcasting
System (CBS - image left) is the ALL-SEEING EYE. The U.S. is located in the
District of Columbia. There is Columbia University, and the Columbia
space shuttle.
The Americas have been called the New World since
Columbus, however,
Columbus did not come here first. There had already been a "New
England Charter" and a colony established twenty years before he
arrived. In America in the east, we have the area of NEW ENGLAND,
where the first colonies were established. The eventual American
Revolution wasn’t actually a real revolution. The Founding Fathers
(Masons), did not go to war with their parents, the monarchy of
England. There are many prominent American Presidents who are
related to strong European bloodlines and great wealth. When the YORK Rite Masons of York, England, came over here, they settled on
the East coast and declared it NEW YORK. Then they went to work to
build the "Empire State". In New York sits the Statue of "LIBERTY",
given to us by FRANCE, holding up the Masonic torch of
ENLIGHTENMENT. The highest degrees of Freemasonry are the 32nd and
33rd degree.
On the back of the dollar bill, on the Great Seal of the U. S.,
there are 32 feathers on the right wing of the eagle and 33 on the
left. Underneath the pyramid, the Latin term "Novus Ordo Secolorum"
means "New World Order"
(click image right). It has appeared on the dollar bill since
Karl Marx and Frederick Engels were students of Weishaupt and
Illuminism. The 10 platforms that make up COMMUNISM are identical to
the goals of the ILLUMINATI. The Communist Manifesto appeared in
1848 and Communism formed itself as a solid revolutionary movement
in Russia in the early 1900’s, in the form of the Bolshevik
One particular group of families made up of
the Russell’s and the Piertpont’s founded several scholastic institutions, two of which
were Yale and Princeton. Rev. James Piertpont and
Rev. Nodiah
Russell CO-founded Yale in 1701. In 1832, Gen. William Huntington
Russell and Alfonso Taft, grandfather of William Howard Taft, former
President of the U.S., founded a secret society at Yale called
AND BONES, or "The Brotherhood of Death". Gen. Huntington’s
brother-in-law, Samuel Russell, founded "Russell and Co.", the
world’s largest opium smuggling syndicate at the time. This provided
them with a huge fortune in the millions. The founders and later
influential graduates of Skull and Bones studied philosophy and
other subjects in Germany where many prominent "Illuminated"
teachers were working. Probably the most influential family in this
power circle throughout the last century has been the Harriman
family. Edward H. Harriman amassed over $60 million in the late
1800’s in a swift stock deal involving Union Pacific Railroad and
Kuhn Loeb. (1904 Northern Securities case)
William Averall Harriman,
his son, graduated Yale in the Skull and Bones Fraternity in 1913. Averall Harriman controlled Harriman and Co. which owns Brown Bros.
and Harriman, the world’s largest private investment bank. Prescott
George Bush’s father was initiated and graduated in 1917.
Prescott Bush as well as some other Skull and Bones Graduates were
directors of the bank. These banks as well as Guaranty Trust and
Union Banking Corp, all of which were controlled by Skull and Bones,
were the most influential entities in building up the Soviet Union
from the early times of the Bolshevik Revolution in the early
1900’s, through contracts to improve mining of raw materials and
rebuilding of the RR transportation infrastructure. These same banks
were also directly responsible for financing Hitler’s rise to power
and build up of Nazi- Socialism through contacts and subsidiary
banks in Germany.
The PURPOSE for the build up of World Wars was to create a NEED for
PEACE so that a UNITED NATIONS may be needed and then created as a
SOLUTION for establishing peace between nations. A WORLD body of
GOVERNMENT with a WORLD COURT and a WORLD POLICE to keep nations in
place and to concentrate power into a few people’s hands. Who’s
hands? William Howard Taft, Skull and Bones graduate of 1878, helped
found the American Society for the Judicial Settlement of
International Disputes in 1920. This soon became the League to
Enforce the Peace, then the League of Nations and then finally
United Nations. If you look at things from a historical perspective,
the U.N. today has implemented or is in the process of implementing
all the planks of Adam Weishaupt’s Manifesto. When George Bush took
us to war in the Persian Gulf, he stated boldly that he didn’t need
the approval of Congress anymore to declare war because he had a
U.N. Mandate. We have sacrificed a large part of our U.S.
The U.N. has recently passed a
Declaration of Children’s Right’s. It is now a RIGHT of the child to
receive vaccinations, which do more harm than good, and a parent
doesn’t have the right to interfere. Parents who interfere with the
rights of a child or abuse a child or are accused of abuse can have
their children taken by the state. If you are seen spanking a child
more than two or three times, the child abuse police will be
unleashed against you. This amounts to nothing more than a giant
power transfer, from US to THEM. The only way they can do this is by
tricking us into thinking that we are so irresponsible that we
cannot manage our own affairs and lives and that the state is better
suited to raise our children. If you still like the U.N. then wait
until you get hit with the new U.N. TAX that is coming.
This brings us to the World Bank, the IMF (International Monetary
Fund), both creations of the U.N., and banking in general. In
Switzerland there is a big building that is divided into 3 parts. If
you look at it from above it looks like a peace symbol or Rune. This
is the headquarters of:
It’s so
convenient they can go back and forth between coffee breaks. In
Brussels, there is a computer called "The Beast" which stores the
names and information of every person in the world and that was
created years ago. By now, it probably orbits the planet. THE U.S.
One of the main influences of British Masonry comes to America in
the area of Banking. Cecil Rhodes made his fortune from diamond
mines in South Africa. Millions and millions of dollars were secured
and put into a trust in his will to be used to finance the creation
of secret societies for the furtherance of Anglo-Saxon rulership in
the New World Order and the eventual recapture of the U.S. for
England through the creation of a central bank in America. Cecil
Rhodes formed what is called the "Rhodes Scholarship" at Oxford.
There is also
the Round Table in England put together by
Milner. Bill Clinton is a Rhodes Scholar as well as other things. In
Europe, at least at the time,
the Rothschilds were the leading
banking clan. Paul Warburg, an agent for the Rothschilds as well as
several members of Skull & Bones were instrumental in setting up
Federal Reserve Central Banking system in America in 1913.
President Andrew Jackson had stated that
the central bankers were a den of vipers and thieves and he intended
to drive them out of America in earlier times. He also stated that
if the American people understood the rank injustice of our banking
system, there would be a revolution by morning. President Thomas
Jefferson stated,
"If the American people ever allow the private banks
to control the issue of their currency, first by inflation, then by
deflation, the banks and the corporations that grow up around them
will deprive the people of all property until their children wake up
homeless on the continent their fathers conquered".
Abraham Lincoln
took action against the central bank in his time and he was killed
for it.
President Garfield was shot and killed shortly after declaring that
whoever controls the supply of currency would control the business
and activities of all people. Baron Nathan Mayer de Rothschild once
"Let me issue and control a nations money and I care not who
writes the laws".
The measure of a nations wealth is the sum total of it’s goods,
services, natural resources and private wealth. In early America,
private wealth consisted mostly of gold or silver. This is a great
monetary standard because it has inherent value. For a long time,
gold was worth $20.00 an ounce.
A One-Ounce gold coin was a $20.00 piece. Our grandfathers and great
grandfathers found it a hassle to carry these around during large
transactions due to heavy weight and frequent robbery, so out of the
kindness of their hearts, the bankers would allow people to leave
their gold and silver on deposit, while the bank would issue a gold
or silver certificate, a piece of paper that was as good as gold. It
said on the bill, "Pay to bearer upon demand in gold or silver." So
after the bankers started to issue these notes they saw after a
while that the people were not using the gold as much and coming
back to withdraw it and that they could issue and loan more notes
than they had gold to back it up. This is the true source of
inflation. A short time later they replaced the gold and silver
certificates with Federal reserve notes which are worthless.
the gold and silver, the real valuables, America was essentially
The Federal Reserve is a private
corporation. When Federal Reserve notes are printed they are loaned
to the U.S. Treasury or the people. Notes that cost 2 cents each are
printed by the Fed and loaned to the U.S. government at face value
plus 8 1/2% interest compounded. The interest is collected each year
by the IRS (Repo Man), also a private corporation controlled by the
Federal Reserve. With a federal deficit of 4 trillion 8 hundred
billion dollars so far, the interest is in the neighborhood of $200
Billion dollars, which is drained from the economy each year in the
form of income taxes. The words "Federal Reserve Note" first
appeared on our paper currency in 1933.
It is common sense that if you are borrowing money from someone and
you have to pay interest then where will the money come from to pay
the interest ? If you have to borrow it then that creates more
interest. Obviously, in this situation, there is no way out.
However, coins are minted by the U.S. treasury and they are worth
their face value as currency. There is a clause written into the
agreement that provides us with the option to buy back the right to
issue our own currency. The solution to the problem of the National
Debt is to coin a 4 trillion dollar coin and use it to pay off the
Federal Reserve. It would have to be accepted and it could even be
made out of copper nickel clad. In 1963, President Kennedy passed an
Executive Order calling for the printing of $450 Billion dollars in
U.S. backed Debt-Free currency.
Shortly after, he was killed and as soon
as his successor, Lyndon Johnson took office, the first thing
he did was suspend the executive order and the printing of the
currency. If you look hard enough, you can find $2 bills from 1963
that say "United States Note" at the top instead of "Federal Reserve
Note" (click image right). 1964 was the
last year silver was used as the standard coin metal and
coincidentally Kennedy’s face first appeared on the half-dollar.
Now, 23 years later, silver is $5.00 per ounce instead of $1.
If you
still don’t see how this works, just realize that 23 years later,
you now need 5 times as much money (work) to buy the same ounce of
silver and 60 years later, after they removed the gold, we have to
pay 20 times as much money for the same ounce of gold. ($400.00 /
ounce). The moral of this little story is that we are being ripped
off by the biggest "Sleight of Hand" money scam ever devised. There
is a Masonic term for this kind of deception, they call it
"Hoodwinked". We are the sheep and we have had the wool pulled over
our eyes.
It may appear to be a grand conspiracy where you may think that
everyone knows what’s going on, or you may say that it is impossible
for everyone to work together on such a large scale for so long and
so secretly, but the truth is that not everybody knows everything.
Some people that are a part of the establishment only know a little
and some don’t really have a clue, some just follow the money, but
most that hold high degrees have a pretty good idea, if not a lot of
knowledge about the inner workings of the conspiracy.
Big name families like
the Rockefellers and J.P. Morgan, even in
their time, were not the main financial powers in America. They were
highly paid agents, front-men and spokespeople. Henry Ford resigned
from the Ford Foundation citing an inability to maintain control
over affairs. The Rockefeller foundation ties into and controls the
American Medical Association and the public educational system
through textbook publishing. The Rockefeller family got started with
the help of the Harriman family, the Whitney’s (Eli Whitney’s
family) and Standard Oil of New York (SONY), now Exxon. They have a
lot of influence, even today.
All of the founding fathers of this nation were Masons as well as
almost all of the presidents. The building of early American
colonies as well as the American Revolution would not have been
possible if it were not for a very special plant. The Cannabis /
Hemp plant was used throughout the world since the beginning of time
for just about everything that mankind needed.
Paper made from hemp
was used for books, bibles, maps, and money.
You can produce 4 times
as much paper from an acre of hemp as you can from an acre of trees
at 1/4 the cost, 1/5 the pollution, it is 10 times stronger and
lasts up to 1000 years instead of only 50.
And it can be recycled 4
times as many times as paper from wood pulp.
The Constitution was
printed on hemp paper as well as the first 3 drafts of the
Declaration of Independence.
Even great sailing ships like the U.S.S.
Constitution were made primarily out of hemp.
Hemp is the STRONGEST
natural fiber on the planet.
Hemp is 26 times stronger than cotton
and 10 times longer lasting.
The first Levi jeans were made out of
hemp as well as all of the soldier’s clothes for the Revolutionary
It requires no chemicals to grow, has very few natural enemies,
and grows in the widest variety of climates of any weed or plant.
is also the FASTEST GROWING plant on the planet, growing 4 times
faster than corn.
The seeds from the hemp plant provide the highest
source of complete vegetable protein of any food source on earth.
Even higher than soybeans.
It has also been re-realized lately that
the hemp seed is the highest source of Essential Fatty Acids in the
world. ESSENTIAL, meaning: NECESSARY FOR LIFE, Fatty Acids are
necessary for us and beneficial for cleaning the cholesterol out of
the arteries naturally. All oils in the supermarket are bad since
they are placed in clear plastic containers and exposed to direct
sunlight. They become as bad as saturated fats, and end up CAUSING
cholesterol buildup, leading to heart attacks, etc. Hemp seed oil
can even be used as a machine-grade lubricant for engines and other
machines replacing petroleum oil from the ground.
Henry Ford built his Ford Model-T using hemp to line the side
panels. The impact strength was 10 times stronger than steel alone.
This would eliminate many vehicular deaths today. The Model-T was
also designed to run on hemp fuel which Henry Ford grew. This was
displayed in Popular Mechanics in Feb. of 1938.
(see below insert)
February 1938
Hemphasis Website
Marijuana Tax Act had been passed on August 2, 1937, but
most Americans still did not know that "marijuana" was
International Harvester (strangely not identified in
this article) introduced its "decorticator", Popular
Mechanics published this article.
It was the
last promotion of hemp published in a popular magazine,
with the exceptions of a Dec. 1941 short piece on
Henry Ford’s hemp-composite car body, and some "Hemp
for Victory" pieces during WWII.
below images to enlarge)
extracts of Cannabis from the flowers were the 2nd most used
medicines in America for 150 years for over 100 separate medical
illnesses. It is probably the best natural medicine for Glaucoma,
stress, and controlling nausea, and works very well for arthritis,
asthma, and epilepsy. It is estimated that Hemp would have at least
50,000 commercial uses if it were legal in America today.
The reason that Hemp is illegal in America today is because the main
families in America (Masons), the Harrimans and
(Standard Oil), the Whitneys (Eli Whitney-Cotton Gin),
(Chemicals in wood pulp processing and cotton pesticides), and
Hearst (Newspapers, Media) find it more profitable to:
sell us unnecessary chemicals
sell us unneeded dug-up petroleum oil
sell us immune system
destroying pharmaceuticals
axed up trees cut into real thin
slices, all at over-inflated prices and at the expense of our health
and living environment.
For these companies, the real problem is
that one cannot patent a natural plant. Almost everything produced
in America by large corporations is exported for sale on the world
markets. The total value of oil, petrochemicals, and pharmaceutical
sales totals hundreds of billions of dollars. However, with the
availability of over 50,000 new products and the necessity to
manufacture them, America would be a much richer nation if the
farmers and the average citizen were allowed to grow this valuable
Right now, the power is concentrated in the hands of a few rich
individuals like
George Bush, for example, who’s legacy goes
something like this:
graduated Yale in the Skull and
Bones fraternity in 1948, went into the Airforce, got shot down
and was played up in the press as a war hero
becomes owner of Zapata Off-shore
Oil , which controls a large fleet of oil tankers off the coast
of Kuwait
becomes director of the CIA, working
to introduce cocaine and heroin in large part to America
is made Director of Eli Lilly
Pharmaceuticals by Dan Quayle’s Father (Lilly produces precursor
chemicals used in cocaine production)
sits on the board of First
Interstate Bank, Puralator Shipping, and Texas Gulf (Fertilizers
and pesticides to grow the Coca with and then spray on it to
wipe some of it out)
then becomes Vice-President and Drug
Czar (During this time Cocaine influx into the U.S. increased by
over 2000 %)
declares war on the American people
and the Bill of Rights through the militarization of a phony
drug war
tricks Saddam Hussein with the help
of the leaders of Kuwait, into attacking Iraq (The reason was
Zapata Oil’s slant drilling from Kuwait into Iraqi territory) so
that he could declare war under a U.N. Mandate, strengthen the
U.N. and hike up oil prices
then before leaving office, signs
into law a secret Telecommunications Bill requiring the
switch-over of all Federal and Bank phone lines to Fiber Optic
for the purpose of electronic funds transfer as required by law
in the year 2000 when cash and checks will be no longer legal
if that isn’t bad enough, he also
has brothers and sons that are Skull and Bones members and they
do politics as well
Neil Bush (Silverado Savings and
Loan Scam), there is Jeb Bush and there are several other Bush’s
hiding in the
it is probably no coincidence that
the Harriman and Bush families both have a history in Eugenics
or race purification and Genetic Selective Breeding
they will propagate their own young
on the planet because they can afford it, while sitting back and
deciding which countries can have how many children per family
Population control and
mind control are
the methods used by the new Fascist Roman Capitalistic Empire.
Millions of people die around the world each year from debilitating
diseases like cancer, AIDS, Leukemia and now flesh-eating strep and
Ebola. Does the Rockefeller-run American Medical Association (AMA)
do everything it can to insure that doctors know the truth about
health and do the most to insure the safety of the patient ? NO !
Let’s consider these facts. Herbs have been around forever, they
grow naturally and they have been used for healing for centuries.
Drugs are synthetic chemical reproductions sold by the large
pharmaceutical corporations at highly inflated prices. Doctors
receive less than 3 hours of instruction on nutrition, eating right
and preventative medicine in their entire 4-6 years of training.
Luis Pasteur, shortly before he died, stated that he was possibly
mistaken about his germ theory. He said that germs and viruses might
be the result of the disease instead of the cause. The way this
could be explained is that the body overloads on toxic build-up and
produces symptoms of stress, then necessary bacteria or viruses move
in to scavenge the toxins, creating an abundance of these in the
system, and leaving a super toxic waste by-product behind, which the
body has a difficult time expelling. Therefore the presence of the
virus or high bacteria count is a result of the disease and not the
A couple of very important things to
realize when considering this possibility are :
1. A person does not
need to be exposed to another individual to come down with a cold.
People living in small communities with no outside exposure can come
down with colds and disease.
2. People with no disease can sleep
with people and exchange bodily fluids with people with HIV and not
be infected. Considering these facts further weakens the Germ Theory
of Disease. If this information is true, then the introduction of
prescription and pharmaceutical drugs would only serve to mask the
symptoms of the problem and slowly destroy the immune system since
these drugs are highly toxic.
There have been several cures for cancer and other diseases but
these have been viciously suppressed by the establishment and
pharmaceutical industry. Some of these include:
latest and most promising information so far comes from a woman
Dr. Hulda Clark.
Her books and research have just been
published this year. She states that the age-long problem and cause
of diseases are parasites, Worms in particular. There is a worm, an
intestinal fluke, which exists in most people throughout their
lives. Generally, it is excreted by the body in the younger stages
and does not grow into an adult in our bodies. But, something
different happens when substances like Benzene and Propyl Alcohol
are abundant in our body. These toxic chemicals are consumed in the
form of carbonated sodas and extracts and they are absorbed into our
skin in hair and body care products. The abundance of propyl
Alcohols break down the shells of the eggs allowing them to hatch
The build-up of these toxic substances weakens the immunity of
certain organs or areas of the body (Thyroid, Lymph, skin), allowing
worms to grow in these areas. Dr. Clark has diagnosed hundreds of
people with both Cancer and AIDS and found that all of them had both
the worm present and the weakened immunity from one of these toxic
sources. She was also successful curing all of them with the three
herbs that are necessary to kill the worms. She does claim though
that some people that are very close to death may be too far gone
from the severe burden of over-toxicity. We will see how long it
takes for the general public to find out about this. We have already
spoken to people in different states that have used her methods
successfully. Even if people do find out about things one way or
another, the average person will not even know that people are
finding out about something because the media will not televise it
and tell people certain things.
The biggest people in the media are members of the
Council on
Foreign Relations and
Trilateral Commission, both creations of
and Bones and
David Rockefeller. The media is used to promote
disinformation and propaganda. The only way you can think the media
doesn’t withhold information is if you don’t know what is REALLY
going on. Hitler said, in regard to propaganda and thought control,
"The bigger the lie, the easier to believe".
Sometimes it can be
very difficult to discern the truth and find out what is really
going on. Your heart will tell you one thing and your intellect
another and usually we get caught up believing what we want to
believe because it’s too much trouble to see all the way through.
To one with an open mind, it would seem foolish to assume that we
are alone in the universe. In contrast, to one with a closed mind
and a probable lack of spirituality, it would appear that reality is
made up only of what we see and feel physically. There is, at this
time, a growing awareness on the planet that perhaps we are not
alone. Millions of people around the world claim to have seen
unidentified flying objects, flying disks, bright lights, and fast
moving objects that reflect advanced technology, that we, most
people claim, could not possess. Some people claim to have been
abducted by GREY ALIENS and underwent childbearing and medical
experiments only to have been returned somewhere unconscious with
examination scars left behind. Thousands of cattle mutilations have
occurred in remote areas sometimes followed by sightings of flying
disks or bright lights and occasionally black helicopters. There has
been a recent movie made about the crash and retrieval of a
spaceship as well as bodies of several dead aliens in Roswell, New
Mexico and it is suggested that the government might be covering up
this entire situation for political or religious reasons. UFO
researchers were a very small group in the 1950’s and 60’s, but
recently in the 1980’s and 90’s there has been an enormous increase
in interest on the subject.
I was personally first introduced to this information in 1987
through info put out by
Bill Cooper a little while before the first
printing of "Behold a Pale Horse". I was very curious about the
subject and read everything of quality that I could find. There were
less than 100 half-way decent books in print that you could find at
the time. Today, there are probably over 500. I read the best books
I could find by retired high ranking military officials, channeled
material from Seth and The
Ashtar Command, I learned about
Barbara Marciniak and the Pleadians material, Bob Lazaar,
Area 51 and S-4 Dreamland in Las Vegas, listened to
discuss the
Draco-Reptilian and
Andromeda connection and watched
Richard Hoagland bring out the "Face on Mars" info to the U.N. and
the public.
If you take the sum total of the info that exists and put it into
perspective, it would appear as though our race may have been seeded
here by off-planet intelligences or that we were created as an
intergalactic experiment, that huge 8-10 foot tall powerful
Reptilian beings live at the core of the Earth, pilot advanced
flying craft, read minds and plot to enslave mankind by using grey
Zeta-Reticulans, who have no choice but to assist because their race
is dying from genetic inbreeding and they need help and have no
where else to go, and that they have the government under their
control through genetic cloning and electronic implants. It has even
been proposed that members of the government are related to these
aliens. This may sound a little silly, but some people believe
might be true.
The positive side to this double edged
sword is that
the Pleadians are supposedly here to save us along
with another group called the Arcturians. They are supposedly here
to assist us in our higher spiritual development and help us break
out of our old 3rd dimensional physical reality into the 4th
dimension or multi-dimensional reality. All we have to do to receive
their help is give up nuclear weapons, turn our lives to
god and learn to live in peace. Although these are good ideas they are
easier said than done.
Probably the best book I have read on the subject came to me
recently after years of entertaining the idea of this possible
reality of Aliens, gov. cover-ups, and so forth, all the while
learning about secret societies and other related info. The book is
called "Space Aliens from the Pentagon" by
William Lyne. While the
former reality may seem to be a little out of this world, the info
presented in this book is a lot more down to Earth. According to Mr. Lyne, the
secret societies in America and abroad have harnessed a
naturally occurring "Free Energy" and have possessed and suppressed
this secret for at least 80-100 years. Many people have heard of
Albert Einstein and his Theory of Relativity (E=MC2). Most would
consider him a genius although it is known that he was a Grade
School dropout. Around the same time lived a man named
Nikola Tesla.
He came to America in the early 1900’s as a scientist and inventor.
He was responsible for many great discoveries, but it is not
mentioned in history very much. He was responsible for Radio,
Television, Fluorescent and Neon lighting, Helicopters,
Particle Beams and Alternating Current.
If you haven’t heard of him you should
at least wonder why. William Lyne is himself an inventor and
scientist. Mr. Lyne claims that when Tesla came to America, he had
under his arm blueprints for possibly the world’s first FLYING
SAUCER and it flew without the need for external energy. He intended
to present it to the Geneva Convention as a proposed solution for
world peace and energy liberation. He had theories of Magnetism and
Anti-gravity as well as other forms of "Free Energy". The story goes
that Einstein was working as a clerk at the Swiss Patent office at
the time that Tesla was applying for his patents. Alternating
Current was in the position of putting DC out of business, which
meant that Edison and Westinghouse would suffer. J.P. Morgan, a
Skull and Bones Banking Frontman, was financing Westinghouse and
attempted to make arrangements to secure Tesla’s patents through con
deals and contracts.
He used Einstein’s position at the patent office to rip off several
of Tesla’s patents and then told him outright that since it would be
difficult to collect money on this "Free Energy", that it would not
be used or promoted in society. Instead, Einstein’s Theory of
Relativity would prevail and Tesla’s Dynamic Theory of Gravity would
be suppressed. Today, it is impossible to locate some of Tesla’s
earlier patents. The Flying Saucer project was then moved out of the
country to a secret joint German / American base near the South Pole
called "Neu Shwabenland" or New Berlin, which was under the control
of the Thule society, a secret society in Germany to which the SS
belonged. Here, the crafts were perfected and outfitted with the
latest technology and design.
The Nazis created propaganda back home
that Hitler was in touch with a Blond-haired, blue-eyed Aryan race
of beings who communicated to him that he was chosen to lead the
Germanic people. There was a resurgence of Occultism in Germany at
this time. Hitler was into the occult and he was a master of
propaganda. Remember, he stated "The bigger the lie, the easier to
sell to the public", people believe what they want to believe After
W.W.II, during
Operation Paperclip, hundreds of Nazi intelligence
officers were secretly brought to America and given positions in the
OSS (Office of Strategic Services), the forerunner to the CIA,
supposedly to gain information on the Russians, our new enemy. Along
with the Nazis came the flying saucer project.
The project was brought to New Mexico, where it was worked on
further. Soon there were several sightings by people of mysterious
flying objects and bright flying balls of light. In 1944 and 45,
there were newspaper reports about flying balls of light possibly
advanced Nazi aircraft. They were called FOO-FIGHTERS. Then a
couple of years later, in 1947, there was supposedly a flying saucer
crash in the desert of Roswell, New Mexico, with advanced technology
and even bodies of aliens recovered. This was reported on the front
page of the newspaper and then it was explained away as a weather
balloon. Within a few years science fiction films started coming out
like crazy. (The
Day the Earth Stood Still - about the threat of war
and the necessity to make peace with ourselves and the aliens, and
War of the Worlds - H.G. Wells, a British Intelligence Agent).
There was a time in America in the 1950’s, when it was trendy to
wear alien antennas on your head or a Hat shaped like a flying
saucer. This was the beginning of the first wave of American
propaganda. Then in the 1970’s, we had Star Wars, Close Encounters,
Hanger 18, and eventually E.T. T.V. movies like Alien Nation and
were shown to us and now Sightings, The X-files, and even
the movie. There is a consistent theme that suggests the government
is involved in a super high level cosmic Watergate cover-up.
William Lyne claims to have seen this entire drama evolve from a
simple bungled crash recovery story to the elaborate present day
theory mentioned before. He basically says that this is the biggest
"Free Energy Cover-up" scam ever perpetrated against the people of
the world. Millions and millions of dollars are poured into an
elaborate propaganda complex of Authors, Ph.D.’s, Ret. Military
Officials and self proclaimed "Channelers" to distribute books and
videos on these ideas.
They fund UFO expos, research groups like
MUFON, and UFO magazines. He even claims that he was offered money
by the CIA to write phony scripts about being abducted by grey Zeta-Reticulans.
He claims to have many contacts himself, through his own family and
relatives and friends from previous service in the Air Force, who
have confirmed this info. He claims the UFO expos are filled with
disinformation agents.
Here are a couple of things to consider :
1. If you wanted to expose
the government or publish books or videos on UFOs or aliens then
where do you get the money to do it? Who has this kind of money
lying around and is willing to invest it in these ventures? There
is new information appearing that
Lawrence Rockefeller has been
behind the private financing of groups to discuss the UFO issue and
undoubtedly promote more propaganda and lies.
2. If this is the
government’s biggest cover-up then how come all of this info is
coming out all at once all over the place ?
3. After Bill Lyne
presented this info for the first time at the UFO expo in California
and was a huge success, why was he asked not to return and told that
he would be better suited at the Extraordinary Experiences Expo?
There has been some speculation that the government maybe preparing
to "inform" the public about the supposed alien presence and
possibly even present a staged landing or invasion scenario. Either
way we may soon see, depending on how carefully we are watching. If
this is the kind of technology the government had 50 and 100 years
ago, then 166 mhz pentium processors are probably a far cry from
REAL present day capabilities.
 One of the symbols for
Roman Catholic Freemasonry is the Double
Cross. It may appear on the Pope’s headdress or on the advertisement
for the American Lung Association or even in the EXXON sign. This
may imply that we’ve been double-crossed. Is the Shell gas station
symbol really a shell ? Or is it the SUN rising in the East ? The
Panorama Mall in California uses an almost identical symbol and it
is surely not a shell, but the SUNRISE.
The flag of El Salvador and
Nicaragua both are a symbol of the triangle or pyramid with the
in the peak or capstone as well as the sun rising. The flag for
Germany is the Masonic compass symbol. Look at the America On-line

El Salvador
(click image for detail) |

(click image for detail) |

A Current Affair T.V series. The next time you are driving
on the freeway and you see an exit sign with gas station displays
that offer you a choice between Citgo or Shell, ask yourself whether
you are really looking at a pyramid and a sun rising in the east.
And now, back to the most popular conspiracy question : Who did kill JFK? If you still think it was
Lee Harvey Oswald and you believe
the lone assassin theory or if you are stuck in a cave somewhere
building a wheel that is shaped like a square then consider these
important historical facts : The assassination took place in Dealey
Plaza, site of the first Masonic temple in Dallas. Dallas is located
just south of the 33rd degree of latitude. The 33rd degree is the
highest degree one can achieve in Freemasonry. Shakespeare’s MacBeth
is a "Killing of the King" drama. MacBeth, who killed his King in
accordance with a witch’s plot and was himself later killed,
parallels the JFK assassination and the sequence of Oswald being
killed by Ruby. "Mason Road" in Texas, connects to the "Mason No El
Bar" and the Texas / New Mexico "Land of Enchantment" border. This
connecting line is on the 32nd degree.
When the 32nd degree line of latitude is traced west into the "Land
of Enchantment", it becomes situated midway between Deming and
Columbus. Slightly to the north of the town of Columbus are the "Tres
Hermanas" (Three Sisters) mountains. The Three Sisters are found
approx. 32 miles between Deming and Columbus and are a minute and
some seconds south of the 32nd degree line. When this line is traced
further to the west, it passes the ghost town of Shakespeare at a
distance south of the town that is roughly equivalent to the
distance which the 32nd degree line passes north of the three
sisters mountains. Both Shakespeare and the three sisters relate to MacBeth. When this 32nd degree line is traced some distance further
west, into Arizona, it crosses an old trail which meanders north of
a ghost town, which was once the town of Ruby.
The trail itself was called Ruby Road.
Ruby Road twists north into the area of 2 mountain peaks known as
Kennedy and Johnson Mountains. The New Orleans CIA (who provided
security) station’s headquarters were in a Masonic temple. And last
but not least, Mason Lyndon Johnson appointed Mason
Earl Warren to
investigate Kennedy’s death. 33rd degree Mason, Gerald Ford was
instrumental in suppressing what little evidence of a conspiratorial
nature reached the commission. Responsible for supplying information
to the commission was 33rd degree Mason J. Edgar Hoover and former
CIA director and Mason Allen Dulles was responsible for most of his
Agency’s information to the panel. There IS NO need to wonder
whether there is a conspiracy going on, the fact is AMERICA IS ONE
The 2000 year old Reich of the
are about to start 1996. The more that this sort of information gets
out to the public, the faster the crackdown and grab for power
becomes. The government is not as dumb as most people believe, it
only appears to be on the surface. How many more police do we need?
The Fraternal Order of Police is a Masonic Order. You will
understand this the next time they put you through the 3rd DEGREE,
and offer you 3 SQUARE meals a day. How much more power do we want
to give them ?
Current Gun Control Legislation is taken
almost word for word from gun control laws passed in Nazi Germany
under Adolph Hitler. There have been many Executive Orders and
Public Laws passed giving tremendous powers to the president to
declare National Emergencies, suspend the Constitution, and round up
large groups of people, and the power to use converted and shut down
handed to the Pentagon. This will be sold to us as immigration
control, drug trafficker punishment and so forth.
In Europe today, the National I.D. Card (Smartcard) has already been
issued. In Singapore, you are required to carry it by law. It will
soon arrive in America and it will be pushed using Health-Care
reform or Immigration Control as a means to sell it to the public.
This card will store all of the necessary information on you and
There was a particular type of wood that magicians used to make
their wands from. It was the wood from the Holly plant. Hollywood
today is where the Mason Magicians of the silver screen wave their
hypnotic magic wands over our eyes and fool us with ILLUSIONS. If
you remember the T.V. series "Get Smart", there were the bad guys
called CHAOS and the good guys called CONTROL....