by Joe R.
Following are some
additional thoughts about the transnational intelligence group
Le Cercle and its links with the
monarchist Templar organizations. This article doesn't imply that
all the thousands and thousands of people involved with these
organizations have anything to do with the international
intelligence agencies and secret plots.

May 2004, Andrew
Bertie, head Sovereign Military Order of Malta
worldwide, attends the wedding of the Spanish Crown Prince Felipe.
King Juan Carlos of Spain is both a member of the Order of the
as well as from SMOM. He's also head of the Golden Fleece Order.
Le Cercle is
clearly managed by people representing the British Throne and
some powerful interests in the City of London. Queen
Elizabeth II is head of the Order of St. John of Jerusalem,
an order descended from the Knights Hospitaller (which
absorbed the possessions of the Knights Templar in the early
14th century). Another great influence on Le Cercle
has been (and possibly still is) the Vatican's Sovereign Military
Order of Malta (SMOM),
also descended from the Knights Hospitaller. SMOM is
headed by Andrew Bertie, descendent of Mary Stuart and a
cousin of Queen Elizabeth II. One of the founders of Le Cercle
was Otto von Habsburg (once heir to the Austro-Hungarian throne) who
was the longtime president of the European Council of Princes.
This Council of
Princes is now being headed by HRH Prince Michael Stewart.
In the past, the Council has been funded by the CIA
(because of its anti-communist sympathies), an intelligence agency
set up and headed by members of the
Knights of Malta.
On the Stewart's /
European Council of Princes'
website you can see how,
European Council of Princes
Order of St. John of Jerusalem
Sovereign Military Order of Malta
the Ordo
Knights Hospitaller
Knights Templar,
...are all intertwined
with each other. A lot of people might have already read about this,
but the fact that it's all published on an official website
is quite extraordinary.

Sovereign Military
Hospitaller Order of St. John of Jerusalem of Rhodes
and of Malta, better known as the Knights of Malta
After reading some of
the writings of
Nicholas de Vere, I wondered if
he carried the same ideas as the Stewarts or the other royal
and noble families of Europe. De Vere claims in a lot of
detail that an
ancient (non-extraterrestrial) Dragon
race once interbred with humanity. A relatively small
amount of people still carry their genes, which means they have a
small difference in their genetic makeup. Of course, some
people, like de Vere, have purer Dragon genes than
others, which makes them much more wise than all the other
ordinary peasants.
It also gives them
special powers (to communicate with god-knows-what)
through the practice of royal witchcraft. In short, they're
destined to rule, because common ordinary peasants don't have the
ability to develop any of these special powers. But as usual there's
a lot of infighting about who's got the most pure genes. And on top
of that, de Vere accuses the Catholic church of having
replaced the kings of Europe with ordinary humans and to have done
everything in its power to destroy his
Elven-Fairy-Vampiric-Archdruid-Dragon race.

Most Venerable Order
of St John of Jerusalem
You might think de
Vere is making everything up, but it is true that the extinct
Earls of Oxford, who he claims he is a lateral descendant of,
were among the bluest of blue blood family lines in England.
Those that were introduced into the Knights of the Garter
were the 9th Earl of Oxford in 1384, the 11th
Earl of Oxford in 1415, the 13th Earl of Oxford in 1486,
the 15th Earl of Oxford in 1527, and the 20th
and last of the Earls of Oxford in 1660. The 20th Earl of
Oxford, Aubrey de Vere, was also the last Earl to be a
member of the Privy Council. In these positions they were
close advisors to many kings and queens of England and were
surrounded by families as Cavendish, Cecil, Spencer, Stuart/Stewart,
Arundel, Plantagenet, and others. In many cases these families
After reading de Vere used to be head of the British
Dragon Court, I wanted to know if this was the same Dragon
Court you can find on the website of the Stewarts. I
certainly don't believe de Vere, or any other royal for that
matter, is more divine than the common man in the street, but
I find it very interesting that the nobles of the United Kingdom
and the royal families of Europe might actually be interested
in Dragon genes and the 'divine right to rule'
concept. Can't remember I heard anything about this in my biology
classes. From the website of the Ordo Draconis (Sarkany
Rend), where Prince Michael Stewart is Grand Master of,
we can read something that is very similar to what de Vere is

Dragon Court officers
in New York city
"...Shortly after
this foundation, Szigmond was crowned Holy Roman Emperor
in 1411 and, although the Court's ancient origins were steeped
in pre-Christian lore, Pope Gregory XII was obliged to
approve his Emperor's establishment, for the nature of the
Dragon is such that its princely tradition surmounts the mundane
constraints of denominational dispute. After all, King David,
Solomon and even Jesus were all pre-Christian
dynasts of the line."
So, what this text is
saying is that a person with the most pure (Dragon) genes is
destined to rule. Religion doesn't matter. If I wouldn't have
read this on the official website from the Royal House of Stewart
& the Council of Princes I wouldn't have believed it that
easily. Below, you can find two email correspondences with Sir
John Reid, Secretary to HRH Prince Michael of Albany, and
Erin D. Lindsey from the Dragoncourt.org. I asked them
a bit about their views on the Knights Templar and the
relationship between de Vere and the House of Stewart.
You don't get too many answers, but they're still interesting.
Question to the Royal
House of Stewart:
Dear Sir
/ Madam,
I recently came across your website and became a bit
confused. For
instance, there seems to have been a debate going on
forever if modern
Freemasonry originated from the Templars. Yet, now I
see that at the
Templar / Freemasonry section of your website that
this notion has been more or less accepted. Is this
And do the Knights of Malta have anything to do with
the Knights
Templar? The red crosses look very similar.
Another thing I am very curious about is HRH Prince
Nicholas de Vere von Drakenberg. I read an interview
with him in which he claims that his
bloodline, like those of many other nobles, is
descended from the
ancient gods, who normally are just considered
myths. So, my other
questions are:
What is the opinion of the Council of Princes
about Prince Drakenberg?
Do at least some royal families, like the house of
Stewart, have the
same ideas as Prince Drakenberg?
I thank you for your time.
Joël van der Reijden
Reply from the Royal
House of Stewart (10 days later):
Thank you for your e-mail.
To answer your various questions, firstly with
regards to Freemasonry
and the Templars, the Catholic dictionary does admit
to the fact that
Freemasonry evolved from The Order of the Knights
Templar in Scotland.
Prince Michael's next book, to be published next
May, deals with that
very subject and lots more.
With regards to the gentleman styling himself
Prince Drakenberg, he is
neither a member of the European Council of Princes
nor does the
European Council of Princes holds his views as
valid. The title is
self-assumed in any case. The only Order of the
Dragon (Sarkany Rend) that is legal is that
under the Grand Mastership of HRH Prince Michael of
Albany and legally entered in the Courts of Hungary.
Mr de Vere has nothing to do with the Order.
Yours sincerely,
Sir John Reid
Secretary to HRH Prince Michael of Albany.
So, what Sir John seems to admit is that these people believe
that the Knights Templar fled to Scotland (and Portugal)
where their philosophies developed into the Scottish Rite of
Freemasonry. Then it's interesting to see when I look at the
website of the United Grand Lodge of England I don't see any
talk about Templars, only about medieval "stonemasons".
HRH the Duke of Kent, cousin of both Queen Elizabeth II and
Prince Philip, is head of that lodge.
The bottom part of his email doesn't really go into if de Vere
and their Ordo Draconis had a common past or share certain
philosophies. That's probably not by accident.
Question to www.dragoncourt.org:
Dear sir / madam,
I have a short question. Below, I have pasted two
Dragon court of which the Stewarts are members
Nicholas de Vere's Royal Dragon Court.
Do they represent the same society? What I mean is;
is Nicholas de Vere head of the society the Stewarts
refer to?
Joël van der Reijden
Reply from www.dragoncourt.org:
To answer your question, Nicholas De Vere used to
beallied with Laurence Gardner, Prince Michael
Stewart of Albany, and the Royal Stewart House. But
he broke with them around 2000-2001 when he fell out
with Laurence Gardner, after co-authoring "Bloodline
of the Holy
Around the same time, De Vere was replaced as head
of the British Dragon Court by Baron Sir Richard
In late 2003, Nicholas De Vere or persons claiming
to be operating under his aegis launched the website
at http://www.thedragonsociety.com.
I hope that this information is helpful.
---Erin D. Lindsey
Although the details aren't clear to me, it seems that what de
Vere has been writing down is a genuine belief in many noble
families and royal families, and known to the leaders of
the Vatican. In addition, de Vere and
Laurence Gardner have been working
together until de Vere accused Gardner of not giving him the proper
credentials in the works he wrote. Gardner has been the
Presidential Attache of the European Council of Princes. This is
the same Council Le Cercle founder Otto von
Habsburg has been the long time president of and which today is
headed by Prince Michael Stewart.
An interest in bloodlines, without the Dragon theme, is quite common
in these aristocratic circles. As has been shown earlier on this
site, the leaders of several genealogical organizations have been
recruited in
the Pilgrims of the United States.
Among them are the Order of the Crown of Charlemagne and the
Order of the Merovingian Dynasty.
[1] 2000, Nicholas
de Vere, 'The Origin of The Dragon Lords of the Rings'
[2] 2002, Nicholas de Vere, 'From Transylvania to Tunbridge Wells'
(today known as 'The Dragon Legacy')
De Vere interview by Tracy R. Twyman
Website Royal House of Stewart
(includes a
page on the Dragon Court)