GlobalElite.org Website
July 2003
The Imperial and Royal Dragon Court & Order was one of
several occult-inspired secret societies created by the
aristocracies of Europe following the formation of the Catholic
Priory of Sion and the Knights Templar in
the 12th Century.
During a time of turmoil within the Holy Roman Empire
that controlled most of Europe, these exclusive inner courts and
more accessible outer orders were designed to unify the power of the
aristocratic families under the Holy Roman Emperor,
against an increasingly influential Vatican.
The Dragon Sovereignty, also known as the "Rex
Deus" fraternity, was created by Catholic
Holy Roman Emperor Sigismund and occultist Vlad the Impaler
- the historical figure behind the Dracula myths.
Following alchemical principles, the order sought to attain mystical
powers that they believed to be their birthright, as inheritors of
the bloodline of the Holy Grail. Vlad the Impaler was
a prominent member of the Holy Roman Emperor’s court, and
while the occult pursuits of the Dragon Court were not
unusual amongst similar aristocratic brotherhoods, it is of
relevance today as one of the longest surviving and most visible of
these secret societies. Recent publications from within the order
such as
Sir Laurence Gardner’s
"Genesis of the Grail Kings" outline their detailed beliefs
about the evolution of Man. These books describe a belief system
similar to that of Madame Blavatsky and her Theosophy
movement, which was largely responsible for the esoteric ideas
that led to the Jewish Holocaust:
"In practical terms the concept of
this unique fraternity can be traced back to the original
Grand Assembly of
the Annunaki in ancient
The aristocratic families of the
Dragon Court believe their pure blood makes them the "genetically
engineered" and chosen rulers of Man. They believe the natural
social order of Humankind is Feudalism rather than
Democracy as,
"Incompetent self-seeking,
middle-class idiots more often find themselves voted into
control of vast social systems".
Much of the European Community
recognizes the Dragon Court as an ethnic racial group
and Sovereign State, similar to the secret society the
Knights of
Malta, who incidentally have Permanent Observer status at
the United Nations. By its own admission, the order
has within its ranks Catholic Bishops, Monsignors, and even a Papal
Chaplain - Monsignor Laszlo Esterhazy of the Mariaremete
Cathedral in Budapest. Extraordinary claims by ex-Jesuit priest
and Vatican insider
Malachi Martin may
finally get the attention they deserve, albeit after his untimely
death in 1999. Martin worked in the inner circles of
Vatican for
over twenty years, spoke 17 languages, and wrote many respected
scholarly books. However, his final book claimed an occult
conspiracy was afoot within the Vatican, and that
Satanic rituals were conducted within a Secret Church dedicated to
The Dragon Court is directly linked to the
European Council of Princes - the political body of the
European Grail families, who participated in the formation of
New World Order think-tank
Bilderberg Group". Sir Laurence Gardner is
both Chancellor of the Dragon Court and Presidential
Attache to the Council of Princes. By their own admission, the
Council of Princes was supported by the
CIA in their fight against global communism. However, the
Princes did not fight communism in order to restore democracy,
but in order to reclaim their birthright as natural rulers within a
feudal system that caused so much suffering to the
Russian people prior to their revolution of 1917.
The Dragon Court primarily concerns itself with
Witchcraft and alchemical Vampirism, and considers itself
the terrestrial incarnation of the pantheon of the Gods.
It’s function is to do "the will of the Gods" as
interpreted by the Court’s hierarchy. Gardner bluntly
elaborates in his book "Genesis of the Grail Kings":
"The Mesopotamian (Sumerian)
accounts indicate a rampant population problem which had to be
curtailed. An ancient Akkadian text states that the people had
multiplied beyond any control and were so noisy that Enlil
(Annunaki God) could not get any sleep... they were still
lacking the key elements of wisdom and a properly regulated
society. There was no marital institution and there were no
rules governing procreational couples. Until 4000 BC, sexual
mating was largely a matter of free will, with a freedom of
partners... they were apparently not conditioned to municipal
laws and organized social government. The tablets reveal that
Enlil had tried to reduce the population by means of
selective famines and plagues, but without success. And so the
Assembly of the Annunaki elected for a drastic
solution that could quickly pave the way to a new beginning.
They agreed to flood the Sumerian region in its entirety".
The genocidal impulse of the Gods
doesn’t find any difficulty expressing itself in modern times. No
doubt the recent spread of AIDS in Africa is also the
handiwork of the Assembly of
the Annunaki Gods.
Presumably so was the naming of the vast mountain range which covers
most of South Africa - the "Drakensberg Mountains".
a naive attempt to put a human face to the mask that the
Dragon Court has worn since its inception, Chancellor
Gardner and Sovereign Grand Master Prince Nicholas de Vere
von Drakenberg reveal much about their Occult philosophy and
belief system. Having been appointed Sovereign Grand Master
by the House of Habsburg (former head of the European Council
of Princes Prince Otto von Habsburg), De Vere von
Drakenberg is attempting to make a case with his website "dragoncourt.org",
where he openly discussed the values of the Order - namely
Vampirism, Witchcraft and Satanism.
His book "From Transylvania to Tunbridge Wells" candidly
admits that their forefathers the Knight’s Templar
were a "deeply Satanic organization".
This would be of little consequence were it not for the fact that
the Knights Templar are also the founding fathers
of modern Freemasonry, and the role model for the Ivy League
secret society "Skull
and Bones" of which past President and
George Bush was a member. President
George W. Bush admitted
in a Time magazine interview (Aug 7, 2000) that he too is an
initiate. When asked to elaborate, he responds "Without revealing
all the great secrets?", then adds that his father told him "These
same secret societies are behind it all".
Earlier in 2000, Yale’s "Skull and Bones" secret
society featured
Sir Laurence Gardner as a guest
Gardner’s historical writings have recently been approved and
sanctioned by the British Royal Family’s invitation for him
to join the House of Windsor’s "Society of Antiquaries",
the oldest antiquarian society in the world that was constituted by
King George III. Or maybe it is Gardner’s extensive
knowledge of Witchcraft that caught the eye of the "Royal Windsor
Coven", as De Vere refers to them in his essays:
"During the late 70’s and early 80’s
a series of privately published papers was circulated with
material that originated from the Royal Windsor Coven,
with damning criticism of so-called initiatory witchcraft, and
emphatically asserted that the only genuine valid form of
witchcraft was passed down through the blood".
No doubt the rise of right-wing
Conservativism in the 1980’s was matched by an equal rise in
Occultism and Witchcraft.
Magister Templi (Master Templar) De Vere’s
internal wires are clearly crossed as he declares "Evil is good, and
good is evil".
His venomous view of Humanity is difficult reading:
"Man is thoroughly stupid and
dim-witted... and this condition is genetically inherited.
Nurture seems unable to ameliorate what nature has here
ordained. Here the idealist might argue that a eugenic solution
mediated through genetic engineering could produce a more
passive, thoughtful population by weeding out the stupid gene
and replacing it".
"Leaders are supposed to be able to function at a faster rate
than the followers and thereby anticipate any given direction
the system might go in, and plan sensible strategies that the
system might adopt for its well-being".
"To any intelligent person, to any true seer, concepts like
white or black magic or good or evil are irrational, childish
nonsense; both in terms of logic and actual fact".
After proving that Jesus was a "Dragon
King of the Grail Bloodlines" and a "descendant of Satan",
De Vere pronounces:
"The Black Mass was
the original Christian Mass of Jesus which the later
Catholics stole and sanitized for public consumption".
De Vere assures us that
"technically the crime of murder doesn’t exist", and comes to the
defense of "paedophiles and Satanists" claiming the current "FBI
and Scotland Yard investigations are undermining the
foundation of the Great Western Civilization". The vampiric
rituals "MUST be repeated", the internationally recognized
Prince demands.
Through his
website De
Vere von Drakenberg was accepting submissions of
blood samples to be DNA tested at a top London
facility for purity of stock. If the potential initiate’s blood was
shown to be of the authentic bloodlines (and no doubt sufficiently
connected politically and economically) they too could join the
ranks of the elite aristocracy and become a Vampire. De
Vere’s goal is to reunify the old bloodlines and create a
new Master Race, and no doubt reclaim their aristocratic
authority. The elimination of the sub-races would have to be the
next priority, as their evolutionary belief system dictates.
"If the planet is to survive, then
social groups must become smaller, and must be ordered by
economic necessity, not by the global tyranny of the so-called
Democracy of Consumerism... By re-introducing their old social
structures and values, the Dragons hope to
establish a naturally ordained system of socio-economic
interactions between the Dragon (Aryan) people".
This new community of born-again
Aryans is unlikely to be picking De Vere’s apple trees,
more likely they will be running transnational corporations, sitting
on the secretive "Bilderberg
Group", or any other high-level
political-financial-military body. The aristocrats of Europe are far
from impotent, as illustrated by
Prince Bernhard of the
Netherland’s position as chairman of the "Bilderberg Group"
from its inception in 1952 to 1976. His daughter Queen Beatrix
regularly attends the Bilderberg meetings, as do other
prominent Eurocrats.
While De Vere’s pursuits may sound bizarre, to outsiders
the draconian methods of the Nazis and the demonic nature of the
Holocaust sounded equally unbelievable at the time it was occurring.
In 1919 Germany’s occult "Thule Society" had 1750
members, including industrialists, business men, scientists,
aristocrats, military chiefs, judges, and government ministers. Just
over a decade later they had funded and created the Nazi Party,
with Adolf Hitler as its leader. The sudden rise to power of
Austria’s "Freedom Party" headed by neo-Nazi Jorge Haider
will almost certainly have connections to the Austro-Hungarian "Sarkeny
Rend" inner-council of the Dragon Court. For decades
Austria’s Prince Otto von Habsburg has been seeking a
restoration of the monarchy in Austria, and
undoubtedly the "Freedom Party" is part of the plan. De
Vere clearly puts his money where his mouth is, believing
Gardner’s earnings from his bestselling book should be,
"invested in organizations whose
works are the practical expression of the messages conveyed in
the written word"
Stanley Kubrick felt sufficiently
motivated to dedicate his final years to exposing the secret occult
pursuits of the Power Elite in his movie Eyes Wide Shut.
As Sydney Pollack’s character explains to Tom Cruise’s Dr.
Bill "If you knew who these people were, you wouldn’t sleep so good
at night". The same goes for the seemingly idiosyncratic, yet
dangerously influential and ambitious Dragon Court.
Following the publication of Gardner’s "illuminating"
book, De Vere’s no-holds-barred website, and the subsequent
dismissal of Gardner, the Dragon Court
apparently spiraled into schism. The inner council of Sarkeny
Rend has side-stepped out-of-the-closet and proud Satanist Grand
Master De Vere by appointing quasi-Catholic "scion"
Prince Michael Stewart as Grand Protector of a rival
order at a ceremony at York Manor, England, which was
strangely attended by representatives for Queen Elizabeth II.
This move allowed Gardner to remain in the fold, but has
seemingly sent a tremor through the Dragon Sovereignty.
Concurrently a legal challenge has been made by Scotland’s
Cardinal Winning to reverse the British law that bans Catholics
from the throne, paving the way for a Stewart restoration.
However, De Vere was appointed Grand Master by
Austria’s House of Habsburg, also prominent and influential
The shadowy world of European secret societies is seemingly
as complex as the Gore/Bush November 2000 Presidential race -
no doubt its correct outcome, unethically decided by the Supreme
Court, was of extreme importance to the Power Elite. The
Queen of England’s pre-election October visit to
Vatican, the first in 20 years, followed by the
much protested post-election December meeting between Pope John
Paul II and neo-Nazi Austrian leader Jorge Haider
(another Habsburg minion) was undoubtedly all part of the
Master Plan, or Final Battle, for absolute power in the
New World Order... or at
the very least to allow the back-room boys to consolidate their
interests, stay on top of their respective power pyramids, and
maintain their grip on the hearts and minds of Western civilization.
And the rest, post-World
Trade Center disaster, is fast becoming
history... if not Armageddon.
As of late 2002, according to the Dragon Court website
Prince Nicholas De Vere is currently suffering from acute
paranoid schizophrenia.
De Vere, whose main contribution to the order was allegedly
adapting rituals "to include the first menstural blood of
pre-adolescent girls", has been replaced as his cousin, Baron Sir
Richard Dufton, due to De Vere’s condition and his
involvement with "Americans who wish to remain anonymous" with
possible links to the "Dragon Order side of the Ku
Klux Klan." Schizophrenia aside, De Vere is now running his
own transnational order in tandem with the anonymous Americans;
which means that there are now three Dragon Courts to choose from,
depending on your personal leanings, and of course, that you are of
the Dragon blood.
However, with their claims that a "child of pure blood was born
in the late 1980’s and is being raised by
the Jesuits", and that "two children with purer
blood are residing in Great Britain", the plot twists
are becoming less Shakespearean, and more Hollywood (as in The Omen)
by the day.
But don’t take our word for it...