AMPP Website

Rockefeller |

Kissinger |

Carrington |

Wolfensohn |
"We are grateful to the
Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine
and other great publications whose directors have
attended our meetings and respected their promises of
discretion for almost forty years."
He went on to explain:
"It would have been
impossible for us to develop our plan for the
world if we had been subjected to the lights of
publicity during those years. But, the world is more
sophisticated and prepared to march towards a
world government. The super-national sovereignty
of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely
preferable to the national auto-determination
practiced in past centuries"
-attributed to David
Rockefeller at the June 1991 Bilderberger
meeting in Baden Baden, Germany
(a meeting also attended
by then-Governor Bill Clinton and by Dan
Quayle) |
Bilderberg is driven by
the systems methodology. This is the methodology satirized in
The Report from Iron Mountain
Silent Weapons for Quiet Wars.
This latter in particular is a direct and deliberate indictment of
Bilderberg. Of the former, Henry Kissinger
wrote "Whoever wrote it is an idiot."
The system paradigm, in a nutshell, is the precept that one can
effectively control the future by a two step process:
(1) analyzing the
present into primitive components and their interrelations
(2) architecting a
strategy of selective manipulation, reconstruction,
introduction, and abolition, of components and interrelations
Strictly speaking, this methodology is
the most effective of any - though if applied unwisely or
maliciously, it is also the most destructive and pernicious.
Problems - grave problems - arise in three principal areas:
(1) accurate, precise,
thorough ascertainment of what the components and the
interrelations are,
(2) the choice of goal,
(3) the development of
an implementation strategy.
Total accuracy, precision, and
thoroughness of analysis are impossible with any system of more than
modest complexity. Societies of humans are, of course, of far more
than modest complexity. Systematicians tend to
underestimate the complexity of natural systems, and overestimate
their capacity to accommodate complexity, both in analysis and in
architecture. In particular, based on an undefendable presumption of
rigor of analysis, and due to mistaken ascertainment of human
nature, they develop architectures that include components and
relations of rigor and regimentation, where chaos-tolerant
components and relations of suggestion and flexibility are
Social and economic systematicians, being
institutional academics as a rule, often choose and accept goals
that are noxious, particularly when the system includes people. And,
often through no deliberate intent, the architectures they develop
cause disastrous collateral damage, wreaking havoc on human autonomy
and conflicting wildly with the prerequisites of individual human
An old cliché is an apt caution for all systematicians
and those subject to their machinations: A little knowledge is
far more dangerous than none at all.
Bilderberg is where the top conspirators broadly
effect implementation of their architecture. It is ground zero for
practical conspirator coordination. The conspirator
systematicians exhibit all the ills detailed above. In
particular, the goal they accept is perpetuation of the existing
power structure. This goal is inimical to humanity, and particularly
noxious to its brightest and most inventive members. In one of those
examples of happenstance that smack of fate, the chief conspirator
architect - Henry Kissinger - has the initials HAK.
Using data assembled by Tony Gosling, I have done a simple
analysis of attendance at Bilderberg,
’99 (Hotel Caesar Park Penha
Longa, Sintra, Portugal)
’98 (Turnberry, Ayrshire,
’97 (Pine Isle resort, Lake
Lanier, near Atlanta, Georgia, USA)
’96 (CIBC Leadership Centre,
Toronto, Canada)
’95 (Zurich, Switzerland)
The nucleus of power obviously is the
set of people who attended all of them - these are the people
Bilderberg is built around. I separately list people who
attended four of the five meetings, and end with a list of curious
attendees who aren’t regulars.
David Rockefeller is notable in
his habitual attendance not only of Bilderberg, but of
CFR and
TLC gatherings, making it
obvious that he is indeed the Chairman of the Board of the World.
Hidden behind the scenes is the
House of Rothschild, which
nonetheless does make personal Bilderberg appearances.
My guess is that Sir Evelyn de Rothschild (Chairman, N M
Rothschild & Sons -
nmrothschild.co.uk) and perhaps
some other Rothschilds set the covert agenda for each
Bilderberg meeting, and have final say on who will
attend in a given year, and David Rockefeller mediates their
agenda, though Henry Kissinger may also act as a direct
mediator. Carrington likely has much direct involvement in
auditing prospective invitees. The Chairman - Peter Carrington,
until 2000 when Etienne Davignon assumed the chairmanship -
is the one who actually sends the invitations. The Advisory
Group, Steering Committee, and Honorary Secretaries-General,
nominally recommend attendees, but in practice this is not quite how
things work.
Conrad Black brags (or confesses, depending on one’s point of
view) that
"After 1986, I became the co-leader
of the Canadian group and effectively chose most of the Canadian
Agnelli "effectively"
chooses the Italian participants
Balsemao the Portuguese
Barnevik the Swedish
Davignon the Belgian
Hoegh the Norwegian
Halberstadt the Dutch
Olechowski the Polish
de Pury the Swiss
Schrempp the German
Seidenfaden the Danish
Sutherland the Irish
Vranitzky the Austrian
Collomb the French
David the Greek
Carvajal Urquijo the Spanish
Wolfensohn, all those not
otherwise included
Selection of US and UK participants is
clearly more complicated.
One might assume that those officially designated as "representatives"
("REP" in the lists) would be the ones that choose
participants from their respective nations, but this is clearly not
the case, considering that Black is not a "representative."
Status as a representative is likely indicative of a person
tending to organizational and reporting responsibilities specific to
his nation. The Steering Committee ("STEERING")
consists of four people responsible for more general
administrative and organizational responsibilities. The role of the
Advisory Committee ("ADVISORY") is unclear to
me, but appears to be an ultra-select aristocratic old boy’s club.
Tony Gosling has assembled a
treasure trove of details on Bilderberg’s
history and function. This is vital reading.