COROLLARY ONE: Deficiencies of Glutathione Peroxidase and its
Components in HIV/AIDS
There is strong evidence to show that HIV-seropositive individuals
are deficient in glutathione peroxidase. Gil and colleagues,54 for
example, compared levels of it in the blood of 85 HIV/AIDS patients
with those in 40 healthy controls, confirming the presence of a
significant (p<0.05) reduction of the selenoenzyme in the infected
group. Beyond this, Batterham and co-workers
55 showed that such
depressed glutathione peroxidase levels in men with HIV/AIDS could
be raised by supplementation with selenium and other antioxidants.
If Aumann and co-workers
56 are correct, then
HIV/AIDS patients
should also be very deficient in the four nutritional components
that these researchers believe are required by the body to produce
glutathione peroxidase—namely, selenium, cysteine, glutamine and
tryptophan. There is certainly good evidence to prove that such
individuals are selenium deficient.
Several studies have documented declining plasma selenium levels in
patients with HIV/AIDS. Probably the most convincing of these was
conducted by Baum and co-workers
57 in Florida. These researchers
monitored 125 HIV-1–seropositive male and female drug users in Miami
over a period of 3.5 years. This study collected data on CD4 T-cell
count, antiretroviral treatment and plasma levels of vitamins A, E,
B6 and B12 as well as selenium and zinc. A total of 21 of these
patients died during the study. Only plasma selenium levels and CD4
T-cell counts could have been used to predict which of the 125
patients would die, with selenium levels being more accurate
predictors than CD4 T-cell counts. The same research group also
monitored 24 HIV-infected children over a five-year period, during
which time half of them died of AIDS. As with adults, the lower
their serum selenium levels, the faster that death occurred.
It also appears as if the selenium deficiency seen in HIV/AIDS
patients, as expected, makes them more susceptible to Coxsackievirus
infection. As a consequence, myocardial infarctions are quite common
even in relatively young people who are HIV seropositive.59 In
addition, autopsies often reveal that AIDS patients
61 have been
suffering from, and perhaps have died of, Keshan disease—an endemic
heart disease normally limited to the populations of regions of
extreme selenium deficiency.
HIV/AIDS patients also display low plasma levels of cysteine at
every stage of infection.62 Since this amino acid is one of the
body’s major sources of sulphur, they are very deficient in it.63
Interestingly, depressed cysteine is also characteristic of SIV-infected
rhesus macaques.
Several researchers have documented glutamine deficiencies in
HIV/AIDS patients.65–67
Shabert and colleagues, for example,
discovered that much of the weight loss seen in individuals could be
reversed by glutamine–antioxidant supplementation.
If HIV is producing glutathione peroxidase for its own purposes and
if this selenoenzyme contains tryptophan, then HIV/AIDS patients
should be deficient in this amino acid. This appears to be the case.
Werner and co-workers,68 for example, have shown that, in male
patients with advanced HIV infection, tryptophan serum levels are
less than half of those found in matched healthy controls. Since
tryptophan is required for the biosynthesis of both serotonin and
niacin, it is not surprising that their levels are also depressed in
patients with HIV/AIDS.69,
It is clear from the literature just cited that HIV/AIDS patients
are indeed very deficient in glutathione peroxidase and in the four
components of this selenoenzyme—namely, selenium, cysteine,
glutamine and tryptophan. In short, the clinical and scientific
evidence supports the truth of corollary one.
COROLLARY TWO: Effective Treatment for HIV/AIDS Should Involve
Correcting Deficiencies of Glutathione Peroxidase and its
Nutritional Precursors
There is a wealth of evidence that correcting one or more of the
deficiencies of selenium, cysteine, glutamine and tryptophan, which
are characteristic of HIV/AIDS, has significant health benefits.
Selenium, for example, is a key immunological enhancement agent that
has a strong impact on lymphocyte proliferation.
This relationship was confirmed by Peretz and co-workers,71 who
monitored enhanced lymphocyte response in elderly subjects given a
daily 100-microgram selenium supplement over a six-month clinical
trial. This seems to be because selenium is essential for
lymphocytes—as shown by Porter and colleagues,72 who demonstrated
that plasma proteins carry selenium to lymphocytes which absorb it.
Further, Wang and co-workers
73 have demonstrated that selenium
enhances lectin-stimulated T-lymphocyte proliferation and is an
important modulator for immune response. It is not surprising,
therefore, that HIV/AIDS patients with depressed plasma selenium
also show T-lymphocyte abnormalities.74
There have been numerous clinical trials to explore the impact of
cysteine supplementation (usually given as N–acetylcysteine) on
HIV/AIDS symptoms. De Rosa and co-workers
76 at
Stanford University,
for example, have shown that the oral administration of
N–acetylcysteine significantly replenished glutathione in
HIV-infected individuals. This is very significant, since subsequent
research has established that glutathione levels in HIV-positive
patients is a predictor of survival rates.77
As previously mentioned, cysteine is a significant source of sulphur
and HIV/AIDS patients are very deficient in this element. A trial
carried out in Germany by Breitkreutz and colleagues
77 showed that
N–acetylcysteine supplementation helped to correct this sulphur
deficiency while simultaneously improving immunological functions in
HIV/AIDS patients.
Glutamine is a major requirement of cells which are rapidly
proliferating. As a result there is a significant requirement for it
in the digestive tract, where it is essential for intestinal cell
proliferation, intestinal fluid/electrolyte absorption and mitogenic
response to growth factors. Since glutamine deficiency is so
characteristic of HIV/AIDS, it is not surprising that patients
typically suffer badly from digestive malfunction and diarrhoea. It
has been demonstrated by Noyer and co-workers,78
at the Albert Einstein College of Medicine, that
glutamine therapy improves intestinal permeability in AIDS
patients, although the amount required to enhance intestinal
absorption may be as much as 20 grams per day.
Glutamine is also essential for muscle building; in
patients, deficiencies of it seem linked to loss of body cell mass.
Shabert and his colleagues
79 have demonstrated that glutamine and
antioxidant supplements can reverse the weight loss typically seen
in such patients, while Kohler and co-workers
80 also have shown that glycyl-glutamine improves lymphocyte proliferation in
AIDS patients.
I am not aware of any clinical trials conducted to test the impact
of tryptophan supplementation on HIV/AIDS. However, it is
interesting to note that antiretroviral drug therapy, designed to
prevent HIV-1 replication, slows the rate of tryptophan loss seen in
seropositive individuals.81 Similarly, plasma tryptophan levels can
be increased in HIV-infected patients by nicotinamide supplements.82
This is perhaps not surprising, given the close chemical association
between this nutrient and the tryptophan derivative, niacin.
Simply put, there is a great deal of evidence that HIV/AIDS patients
are typically deficient in glutathione peroxidase and its
precursors—selenium, cysteine, glutamine and tryptophan. Beyond
this, it is clear from clinical trials that survival rates and
patients’ symptoms are improved by supplementation with such
Indeed, one might go so far as to say it would be medical
malpractice not to give these nutrients to those who are HIV
COROLLARY THREE: Reversing Deficiencies of the Precursors of
Glutathione Peroxidase Should Reverse the Symptoms of HIV/AIDS
The hypothesis presented here suggests that HIV/AIDS is a disease
that is caused by the combined deficiencies of glutathione peroxidase and its precursors. If this is correct, then the symptoms
normally associated with a deficiency of each one of these
substances ought to occur in AIDS patients. There is a wealth of
evidence that suggests this is the case.
Baum and co-workers
83 have shown that adults and children dying of
AIDS display both depressed CD4 T-lymphocyte counts and very
depleted plasma selenium stores. This seems to be part of a positive
feedback system, since one of the most significant symptoms of
selenium deficiency is a reduction of CD4 T-lymphocytes, which
occurs because this trace element is needed for their production. A
lowering of CD4 T-lymphocyte levels causes a drop in the efficiency
of the immune system, encouraging infection by other pathogens and
resulting in a further decline in selenium. I have termed this
positive feedback system the selenium CD4 T-cell tailspin.84
HIV/AIDS patients also often display a hypothyroid or low T3
(tri-iodothyronine) syndrome.85 This seems to occur because
deficiency causes a reduction in deiodinase, the enzyme required to
convert T4 (thyroxine) to T3. It has been further suggested that
such a selenium deficiency abnormality of the thyroid may be a
significant factor in the AIDS wasting process.86
Selenium deficiency has been linked to depression in the general
88 It is not surprising, therefore, that this is also
a characteristic of people with HIV/AIDS.
It would appear, therefore, that at least three of the major
symptoms of HIV/AIDS—namely, depressed CD4 T-lymphocyte count,
lowered tri-iodothyronine production and depression—can be
explained, at least in part, by the inadequate selenium levels seen
in such patients.
In 1981, Bunk and Combs
89 described an experiment demonstrating
that, in chickens, selenium deficiency impaired the conversion of
the S–amino acid methionine into cysteine. It is highly likely that
this is true for humans. If it is, then, by encoding for the
selenoenzyme glutathione peroxidase, HIV-1 causes a deficiency of cysteine in infected individuals in two distinct ways. Firstly, the
virus removes cysteine directly from the body as it replicates.
Secondly, it creates a selenium deficiency which impairs the
conversion of methionine to cysteine, so reducing the availability
of the latter.
Simply put, HIV-1 both increases the demand for and
reduces the supply of cysteine in patients who are HIV-1 positive. Cysteine deficiency, in and of itself, has been shown to be
associated with depressed glutathione, poor wound and skin healing,
psoriasis, abnormal immune function and greater susceptibility to
secondary infections and cancers.90 All these characteristics of cysteine deficiency are seen in
HIV/AIDS patients.
Glutamine is a major nutrient required by rapidly proliferating
cells and is of particular significance in the digestive tract.
Deficiencies cause abnormal intestine permeability and digestive
malfunction, often associated with diarrhoea.91 Glutamine is also a
favorite with body-builders, who use it in large quantities to
promote muscle growth. It is not surprising that muscle protein
wasting, therefore, is a symptom of glutamine inadequacy. Both
diarrhoea and muscle wasting are characteristics of HIV/AIDS.92
Tryptophan deficiencies, in and of themselves, have led to major
health problems in the past. Probably the worst of these was
pellagra, which developed in children eating diets high in corn.
Maize is very deficient in tryptophan and so such children quickly
developed pellagra, which is thought to be due to a co-deficiency of
both tryptophan and its metabolite, niacin.93 As a consequence of
these two deficiencies, such individuals could not produce adequate nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide and so developed pellagra. The
symptoms of this disease were known as "the four Ds"—namely,
dermatitis, diarrhoea, dementia and, ultimately, if not treated
effectively, death.94
AIDS patients commonly experience all such
symptoms and also display inadequate levels of nicotinamide adenine
dinucleotide. This can be reversed, at least in vitro, by the
administration of nicotinamide.95
It would appear, therefore, that corollary three is correct and that
the great majority of the symptoms of HIV/AIDS (with the exception
of those caused by opportunistic pathogens) are a combination of
symptoms seen in individuals who are extremely deficient in
glutathione peroxidase or in one or more of its precursors.
COROLLARY FOUR: HIV-1 Seropositive Individuals Who Eat a Diet
Elevated in Selenium, Cysteine, Glutamine and Tryptophan Should
Never Develop AIDS
Obviously, the easiest way to test the truth or otherwise of this
fourth corollary would be to arrange for a double-blind,
placebo-controlled pilot study in which half the HIV/AIDS patients
are given injections of glutathione peroxidase and supplements of
selenium, cysteine, glutamine and tryptophan.
Unfortunately, geographers are not expected to develop new
disease-related hypotheses that have the potential for undermining
genetic, biochemical and clinical authority. As a result, I have
been attempting to gain support for testing this concept for more
than two years. Given the enormous power of the pharmaceutical
industry and its lack of interest in the discovery of a cheap and
simple treatment for HIV/AIDS, it has not been an easy row to hoe.
To date, all I can point to are two AIDS patients who quickly
reversed their major symptoms when attempting to follow my suggested
regime.96 Beyond this, there are research teams in South Africa,
Tanzania, Botswana and Morocco who have contacted me to express a
willingness to conduct such trials, should funding ever become
Death from AIDS is a consequence of four nutritional deficiencies.
Fortunately, HIV infection does not need to be a death sentence
because such deficiencies are cheap and easy to reverse. And while
the four nutrients won’t eradicate HIV, they activate the virus’s
own "warning system", preventing its replication.
The genetic code of HIV includes a homologue for the essential human selenoenzyme glutathione peroxidase. Paradoxically, this viral
requirement for selenium generally appears to restrict infection to
individuals who, because of a diet deficient in selenium or because
of prior infection by other selenium-encoding pathogens, are
deficient in this trace element.
Unfortunately, the human population is becoming ever more
susceptible to infection by HIV-1 (and HIV-2 to a lesser extent) as
well as other selenoenzyme-encoding viruses because of acid rain,
which reduces the bioavailability of selenium.
To be replicated, HIV must compete with its host for glutathione peroxidase and
its four constituent nutrients—selenium, cysteine,
glutamine and tryptophan. As a consequence, replication of the virus
gradually depletes seropositive individuals of these substances.
AIDS is the end product of these nutritional declines, and most of
its symptoms are caused by them. As a consequence, it is likely that
AIDS can be easily reversed by correcting such deficiencies.
To illustrate, glutathione peroxidase is one of the body’s most
significant antioxidants. A lack of this selenoenzyme therefore
accelerates free radical damage and oxidative stress. Beyond this,
having inadequate selenium and cysteine undermines the immune system
in a process that is accelerated by other infectious pathogens. A
deficiency of glutamine encourages muscle wasting and digestive
malfunction, while a lack of tryptophan and the compounds it
biosynthesises (such as niacin and serotonin) results in dermatitis,
diarrhoea and various neurologic and psychiatric symptoms including
dementia. Supplementation with the appropriate nutrients naturally
reverses these symptoms.
It is ironic, but not really surprising, that our continuous
destruction of the global ecosystem is promoting the spread of viral
infections (and various chronic degenerative diseases) that threaten
humanity’s domination of the planet.
POSTSCRIPT (as at early January 2004)
Since I submitted this article for publication, I have learned of a
small AIDS trial that is taking place in Botswana.97 The trial is
funded by a Canadian vitamin company and is using the nutrient
regimen suggested in my book. Here is a quotation from the initial
email report that I received in late September:
"I picked two candidates personally who have fully blown
AIDS with
relevant symptoms like diarrhoea, skin rash, loss of weight and a
lack of appetite. One of these candidates has a severe complication
of syphilis which has slowed his recovery somewhat, but still,
within two weeks of trials, his skin rash, diarrhoea and fatigue
have all but disappeared.
The lady candidate gained 3 kg in two
weeks and now eats ’like a horse’. She resumed work last Tuesday
after several weeks of absence. I am gaining confidence in this
treatment by the day and I hope the same would apply to the
remainder of the trial candidates…
"A lady who started the regimen three weeks back has just tested
negative for HIV, and her CD4 count has shot up from 500 to 700!"
(It’s unknown if this is the same lady who ate "like a horse"!)
In the meantime, I have set up a small company,
HD Foster Research
Inc., which is having the nutrients made up into a product called
HELP. We are giving this away to doctors who treat
AIDS patients.
The first taker is a physician in South Africa, and I have mailed
him enough treatment for 10 patients. The idea is to find medical
supporters who can vouch that the treatment works. Beyond this, the
small Canadian company that is using my treatment in Botswana
(anecdotal evidence suggests a 99% success rate in reversing AIDS)
has spread its activities into Zambia.
We have decided to produce a video in which I describe my theory of
HIV/AIDS, and which also shows patients recovering. We are looking
for financial and other assistance to do this. The idea is to give
this away to TV stations in Africa and elsewhere.
Recently I checked the progress of the two Victoria, BC, patients
mentioned in my book, who were dying of AIDS in 2001. They are now
both in good health and are back at work.
I have also had two more HIV/AIDS papers published in Chinese in the
proceedings of two different medical conferences held in Shanghai in
November 2003. Two additional papers have been accepted for
publication in Chinese medical journals. On 17 March I am scheduled
to give a lecture on AIDS at the Centennial AGM of the
of American Geographers in Philadelphia.
Things are moving along. Hopefully, the world will soon know that
the treatment does indeed work.
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