William Buehler
William Buehler, Simeon and Maia per
Thoth/ Tehuti
May 1996
ImplosionGroup Website
KOALA is but one small part of a very
large and complex scenario that ultimately links to the Greater
Sacred Mystery. We have compiled all the information we currently
have on KOALA and that which directly relates to it in this article,
in response to those seeking further information from having read
the book by Preston Nichols and Peter Moon entitled
Encounter In The
Pleiades: An Inside Look At UFO’s’. But to truly understand the
nature of what is involved in
KOALA and other projects like it, one
must begin to expand their consciousness to encompass some rather
involved spiritual-scientific concepts and information. We have
worked to produce an article that has simplified terminologies to
some degree to facilitate the reader in more easily comprehending
what may be difficult concepts to grasp anyway.
Wherever this was not possible we have
marked the word with a single asterisk (*)
denoting that there is a more in depth explanation of the word
available in the
Glossary of Terms at the end of the article. In addition,
much of this information is intricately linked to other information
that comprises a Sacred archive developed over the 28 years that
Maia Shamayyim has been translating information from the Akashic
records, Ultra / Inner-Terrestrials and from Thoth / Tehuti. For the
individual that is interested in exploring the Greater Mystery
related to KOALA and all that it represents, we have footnoted the
appropriate locations with bibliographical references to other
publications we have available, and what page they can be found in
our catalog.
We have also included other
bibliographical information for the reader to pursue outside of our
Mystery School publications. At the end of the article we have
compiled all of the bibliographic references listed in the footnotes
alphabetically arranged by topic matter to facilitate easy re-access
to the information.
There are some very basic concepts that need to be revealed prior to
the main body of information in this article. First is that
according to Thoth / Tehuti there are two basic types of Light, the
Oritronic * or half-Light spectrum, and the
Metatronic* or full-Light
spectrum. These two different spirals of Light are synonymous with
the fallen universe’ and the pure universe’ respectively. The world
we know is actually in a space where the two overlap, with the
planetary consciousness strongly oriented towards the Oritronic
spectrum. We are as a planetary consciousness however, evolving
towards what is commonly being called a planetary ascension, into
the Metatronic Light.
It is important to understand that there are varying gradients of
realization of each of these Light spectrums, and that the Oritronic
spectrum is not bad, it is simply not complete. An individual can
have a very powerful experience in Oritronic Light, and not know
that is what it actually was. An experience of this sort could serve
the greater purpose of that individuals evolution towards Metatronic
Light, if they are open minded enough to be able to acknowledge the
truth of it whenever that is presented to them, through whatever
source avails itself for this purpose.
Now this takes us to the topic of Extra-Terrestrial beings*,
Ultra-Terrestrial beings* and
Inner-Terrestrial beings*.
This is an area that is greatly misunderstood by many, and not
completely understood by a great deal more. Briefly, the greater
portion of Extra-Terrestrials found interacting with Earth’s life
wave are from the Oritronic Light spectrum. The Grey’s, Lizzies and
Insectoids are all born of this realm, some have adopted full-Light
agenda’s, but these are rare. Currently their Oritronic universe is
in a state of collapse, and this is actually a part of the normal
evolution of the universes associated with the Precession of
the Equinoxes’*.
These beings have an incredible
intellect and great knowledge of subtle energy sciences, but they
are not ensouled beings, nor do they have a heart seed or emotional
body. Thoth / Tehuti says if they are able to align their incredible
intellects with the true path of Metatronic Light evolution, they
can be granted the opportunity to become ensouled beings and take
embodiment in planetary worlds where they may work their way up the
evolutionary spiral as all humans are doing. Some have done so, but
many others have not and their agenda with the abductions and cattle
mutilations, among other not so well known tamperings, is to attempt
to gain access to genetic knowledge that will allow them to mutate
their genetics in a way that will give them instant access to the
Metatronic Light spiral.
Thoth / Tehuti indicates it is not
likely they can succeed, but that even in the trying they are making
things a bit more difficult for others who are attempting to move
into Metatronic consciousness via the correct path. It is important
to note that these beings hail from every known constellation
visible from Earth, there are no good’ and bad’ star constellations.
All constellations have both an Oritronic and a Metatronic dimension
to them, and so good guys and bad guys all hail from all
constellations. Those beings from the Oritronic Light spiral many
times have specific purpose in telling humans that they are here to
help humanity and that the bad guys’ come from wherever.
Now for the Ultra-Terrestrial and Inner-Terrestrial beings. All
Ultra beings are working with some gradient of realization of the Metatronic full-Light spiral. Nearly all Inner-Terrestrial beings
are also. There are some factions of beings that inhabit isolated
pockets of the Inner Earth near the surface that are Oritronic in
nature, but their presence has not been felt in surface interactions
to any great degree. Most of the true Metatronic Ultra and
Inner-Terrestrials have nearly human looking features, as they are
of the same essential divine genetic template called the Adam Kadmon*
(Hebraic originated term) as are we. It is these beings that are
working with the Inner Light Network* (ILN) and thus
KOALA for the
protection of the true evolution of the planet to succeed.
Another concept is that of the Kali Rift’, which is a tear in the
fabric of time-space and separates the Earth reality from the
greater reality within what he calls the Ranna Time Flow’*. There
are many different points or nodes’ of interface between the Kali
Time Rift and our linear time reality, but in actuality they all
exist simultaneously in the greater continuum (see Figure 1 on
page 3).
The Eye of Ra* is a term Thoth / Tehuti uses to refer to the
inter-dimensional passage from one side of the Kali Rift to the
other, and this is linked to another energy structure that he refers
to as the Telos-Aarkhara, which is intricately linked to the
complex on Mars*.
With these basics we can now proceed to the main body of information
Thoth /
Tehuti on KOALA
This is code name for an Inner Light Network (ILN) research center
located in 8885 A.D. in Australia. We will start with the meaning of
the code name KOALA, which is an anachronism, as given by Thoth /
Kemesos Ordis Alsais Leduc
Kemesos: Universal law of
harmonic integration; all sentient beings respecting each
other’s individual harmonic of existence.
Ordis : Any Order’ under
Hierarchal authority
Alsais: A Mystery Order
of the 13th century in Southern France. KOALA communes
through time with this Order, and applies some of its
innermost sacred knowledge.
Leduc: A geographic
definition or pattern used for time integration, strongly
connected to the Mysteries of Alsais and Rennes le Chateau
of France.
Alkemestra: The sacred
alchemy of the Atlanteans and early Egyptians.
This center was established by the ILN in our current time frame,
and projected through a time tunnel to the future. The ILN are
people of Outer and Inner Earth working for divine order in
government and other arenas, many of whom are receiving direct
guidance from Ultra-Terrestrials.
The KOALA operates on two main levels. The first is human health and
ecology to benefit current time, the second is to devise a code
germ’ to be entered into the matrix which the Extra-Terrestrials and
One World League (OWL) have created to manipulate our time grid via
such projects as Montauk. This germ if successful, would disrupt the
gridlock and allow the Metatron to be restored in our reality. The
ILN would be looking to have this germ’ in place around the year
2000. The real-time black box’ controlling the KOALA time lock is
near Golden, Colorado. KOALA is the counter-balance of Montauk,
keeping it in check for now, and eventually rendering such dark time
manipulations powerless on Earth. There are other balancing nodes
for Montauk, such as the Atlantis time implosion, Cydonia (the
pyramid / face complex on Mars) etc., one of which is under the
Pentagon called the Ram-Set, and the other at Easter Island. KOALA
sits energetically on the other side of the Kali Rift’, or tear in
time created by the incidents at
Atlantis and Montauk.
Its black box’ control threshold is within this dimension at Golden,
Colorado approximately 250 feet underground in a small complex.
While Montauk upper echelon control is aware of KOALA and their
efforts, they are powerless to do anything directly about it. KOALA
sits in a dimension that is not accessible to them.
It is important to understand that KOALA exists in the future Earth
reality referred to as the New Earth Star by Tehuti. The actual base
of dark operations at Montauk will not be transported into this
reality at the time of LP-40* (the great transitionary ascension
moment, or hundredth monkey effect).
There will be a portion of that area going into the New Earth Star
Reality but it is quite small in relation the entire Montauk region.
This area that is going has had its sacredness perpetuated
throughout the centuries so that it remains intact today.
The KOALA has been instigated through the Telos Aarkhara Capstone on
the Eye of Ra, the Universal Time Tear. The beings that are
guardians and facilitators of the Telos Aarkhara are the Sirian Sun
Lords. The stellar vectors which align the KOALA in time come from
several constellations, including the Pleiades and Orion.
The inner workings of KOALA cannot be revealed to persons in this
current time frame, for they are classified’ information, containing
certain seals and codes inserted within its matrix to keep the
Timewalkers’* of the fallen Oritronic universe from penetrating this
knowledge. The information that can be given forth is as follows.
KOALA is a complex spread out upon 38.6 acres of land in
existing from 8885 to 9012 A.D. In that time frame what is now
Australia’ is topographically somewhat different than it is in our
current time. KOALA is located on a floating island’. Floating
islands are terraforms* created and cultivated with especially
fertile First Pure Matter’ enriched soil.
Everything growing on a terraformed
floating island was originally specifically placed there. However,
after the original creation’, the high devas (higher elemental
beings) were given co-creative sanction. The shamans of that century
are in close communion with the elemental kingdom, and thus the
terraform upon which KOALA exists is a paradise of natural beauty
and harmony. It is called a floating island because it is anchored
into the sea by powerful cords that are part vegetal matter and part hyperform. Hyperforms are elemental creations re-arranged
atomically to be somewhat out of time and space. These cords protect
floating islands from the time anomalies that are naturally present
in their (and our) reality.
For KOALA, this hyper-cording extends into the etheric dimension in
minute fractal geometrics.
The Ultra beings who work with the mortals’ of KOALA are also joined
by those human relations from the Inner Earth. In the age of KOALA
both Ultra and Inner-Terrestrials join forces with outer-Earth
inhabitants in the development of planetary consciousness through
physical communication and shared knowledge.
One of the major hierarchical commands overseeing the planetary
spectrum, both in this present time and in the future New Earth Star
age, is a Seraphimic angelic multi-dimensional merkabah* comprised
of nine units of intelligence which Thoth calls the Ennead’. KOALA
is very much interactive in a conscious, and at times physical way,
with the Ennead. The Ennead comes from our future but also our past.
They are divine time travelers, and their mission is Light
Redemption’*; not through
conversions to any religious doctrine, but at a cellular
consciousness level. They apprise where and what Light
mathematical formulas and codes are registering in the many
multi-dimensional time zones of this Earth, and then they set into
motion specific programs of redeeming the trapped Light’* of the
original Pure Sun* from the
atomic and genetic coding of the Worlds within the Earth spectrum.
KOALA is one of these types of programs.’
Those from this time plane who seek to connect with the Ennead and
offer their heart-light’ to planetary Light Redemption, may
visualize the symbol of three interlocking circles on the top of a
winged staff (see Figure 2 to the right), with a sapphire set in the
center where the circles conjoin. The radionic* number to insert
into this sapphire (mentally or energetically) is 4444.259.
Crystals could be employed as focusing tools for this linking,
especially those containing
Prima Matra* or
First Matter
consciousness, such a moldevite, and those crystals which contain
various levels of resonance with First Matter, such as selenite and
all lithium-based crystals. Some obsidian is composed of First
Matter, and other deposits are not, but all obsidian is highly
resonate with Prima Matra. The Earth-glass crystals we call the
Andara’ would be especially good for this service, since they are
First Matter and were created out of linear time’. (These crystals
are available through Maia and Simeon of Johannine Grove / Crest In
The Stone Mystery School @ 719-256-4057)
We now take this article into some information written previously by
Maia with input from Thoth / Tehuti. This material has been edited
to narrow it’s focus somewhat more to the topic at hand, but still
accomplishes a diverse coverage of related topics. This first
segment is excerpted from a letter Maia wrote to Preston Nichols and
Peter Moon after reading their book
The Montauk Project’,
which led to Maia originally connecting with Peter Moon.
Dear Mr. Nichols; I am beginning this letter by giving you a brief bio on myself: I was born in Caripito, Venezuela in 1949. From a very young age, I
have had conscious
memories of communing and working with’ what I now call
Ultra-Terrestrials’. At the age of 18 I began to understand it all
and have been continuously working with them, source
translating’* (channeling) ancient sciences and other knowledges which I publish
through my Star of Isis Mystery School’ (now the Crest in the Stone
Mystery School) in a Doctrine of Mysteries’ called Temple Doors’,
originally called The Source’. The Ultras that work with me identify
themselves as coming from the star Rigel in Orion, with connections
also to Sirius and the Pleiades.
But I must stress, that these are
ULTRA-Terrestrials, not Extra-Terrestrials. As they have explained
it to me, the Ultras operate in a much higher divine spectrum of
being than those who claim to be from the Orion, Sirius and the
Pleiades who are less than spiritual in their agendas. I say claim’,
as they actually vampirize the lower zones of these star regions,
but they are not part of the true Metatronic Spiral’ of those same
regions. They come instead from the Oritronic, or half-Light
And now background as to why I am writing you. A series of events of
amazing synchronicity has developed, bringing this letter into your
hands. Since I feel you will most likely appreciate the mystical
application of serendipity, I will try to place some of these
coincident happenings in logical order:
1) For several years, my
Ultra sources (headed by Thoth / Tehuti - the Thoth who was the
architect of the Great Pyramid) have been involving me as
channel, with a group in the Michigan - Wisconsin, area
primarily, known as The Shekhinah Grove Matrix’ (SGM). They are
a synergy’ group headed by an old friend and colleague of mine
who is a retired navy man, William Buehler. Very basically, his
group, or actually several groups, create their own time
machines’ by positioning their physical bodies in complex
geometrics, where they mentally and spiritually perform certain
functions and elicit specific activations and controls. Thoth /
Tehuti has been upgrading their work this last five or six years
to a highly developed level. The work is intended only for the
highest spiritual good, that is planetary transformation within
the Divine Plan.
This last month William came across some material on Rhombic
forms, and going to Thoth / Tehuti with this through me,
Thoth told him that the Rhombic dynamic was a
spirit-to-matter’ manifest, in which time waves could be tripped and manipulated,
and matter could be created through mental configuration of the Rhombic field. He instructed
William to handle it very carefully, and to not enter the
Rhombic field directly. He gave him and thus the SGM group
beginner techniques, informing them that they must follow his
warnings about this, or they could create something disastrous.
However, he encouraged them to become involved, but only on the
levels Thoth / Tehuti initiated.
2) I experienced three
connective dreams these past two months, the second one just
days before your book came into my hands. Understand that I had
not heard of the Montauk Project until after I had these dreams.
I knew about the Philadelphia Experiment, but never actually
read a book on it, although I did see the movie. I have not
thought about it or seen anything on it for several years.
Dream One: I was in a car with several of the Isis
Templars (a name for a group I do planetary transformation work
with). We were driving, or being driven up a mountain path on a
dirt road. We came to a building tucked away in the trees that
was barely visible. It appeared to be no more than an old house.
As we approached the building, we noticed that the land had been
landscaped considerably to camouflage other connecting
buildings, which appeared newer. These edifices were built low
and rectangular. The whole scene resembled train box cars
partially buried in a derailed fashion (well, not quite, but
that’s as close as I can come to describing it).
A greater part of the dream is
fuzzy, but we entered the building very cautiously. It was
obvious we were sneaking in. At some point, security men in business
suits were chasing us around. One of the Isis Templars, whom I
will refer here to as Lillie, and I came to the room’ we were
searching for. It was very medical in appearance, in that it had
a little glass window in the door, as in a hospital. Lillie put
on a long white coat, similar to one a doctor would wear. She
also donned surgical gloves, telling me that she was the one who
should go in to retrieve it’, since she was stronger and taller
than I was. I remember no more, but I feel much more did happen.
Dream Two: I was back at this place again, but was alone
and had been brought into another building by someone who was
pretending to work for them’, but was really a mole’ on our
side. I never saw this person. They were always behind me or
just out of my vision. I don’t even know if it was a man or a
woman. They obviously did not want me to see them. I was lead
(somehow) into a room containing a pedestal draped with a cloth
upon which a cube was placed. This cube was open on all sides.
It was about the size of a small microwave oven. There was a
light shining underneath the pedestal which caused the cloth to
glow a fluorescent-like blue. I was aware that the open sides’
of the cube contained a strong force field. Inside the cube were
several natural (apparently) quartz crystals.
But these crystals were along the
sides. Nothing that I could see, sat in the center. Then there
appeared a thin band of vertical light, It came from the upper
side’ of the box and met a similar laser-like beam from the
bottom. As these two forces met, I sensed a powerful presence
fill the room coming from the box. I do not scare easily, but I
felt as if the Beast were being unleashed upon the Earth. It
created a profound urgency in me to get out of there - as far
away as I possibly could. I am accustomed to mystical dreams,
visions, Out Of Body Experiences, and Ultra-Terrestrials walking
around in my bedroom, but at that moment standing before the
beautiful little box with all the pretty crystals and almost
flower-like lights (so attracting and harmless-looking), I felt
very unprotected and unprepared for what was to come. I remember
thinking that it was like a fireman’s pole. Someone or something
was coming down the pole, and I didn’t want to be there when it
I asked my guide’ how I could get away, and he / she told me
which door to exit. I went out into some trees, down a little rock gully, and then came the dogs.
Dogs seem to come out of nowhere at me, and I awoke.
After this second dream, I went to Thoth / Tehuti. He told me
that those were the only two dreams I remember now, but much
more has been going on. He said that myself and to some degree,
the other Isis Templars are working on the inner-planes
dimensions to block’ what was going on in this research center’.
He told me that it was located in New Mexico, somewhere not too
far from Taos. The square box was a devise to manipulate time
and reality matrices, and it was being used with very little
caution... and the Greys’ and other Extra-Terrestrials were
behind it, and what he calls the OWL’ (One World Legion)
comprised of those who are in all governments to control the
world were also. Thoth / Tehuti said that OWL was working with
this to create controls and power for their system, but that the
Extra-Terrestrials had their own agenda - an even darker one.
He said that they were vampirizing’
this reality spectrum; moving energy around so that they could
take it from us to build their own reality. Since I am not
really into Conspiracy Theories I was shocked. Although I
acknowledge their truth, the truth is hard to find sometimes.
You could become paranoid sifting through the reams of
misinformation. I also wondered why my Ultra- Terrestrial
benefactors’ were lending me to this cause, when generally they
keep me away from such things.
In response to my questioning Thoth / Tehuti stated that our
work with the Rhombic dynamic was essential to changing the
diochromy’ of the Earth. When this was accelerated into its
higher facilitation, the Extra-Terrestrials could no longer use
the old diochromy codes to do their burglarizing of this
dimension. I will include Thoth’s definition of diochromy as
"Magnetic pattern acting as
universal chromosomes, phase-matching time references to
create a one-signal unity within that specific ultra-field
of consciousness."
Thoth likened diochromy to the
magnetic grid of Earth, and our third dimensional real time
reality was like the migrating fowl, who use their integrated magnetic
lodestone sensors (ie chromosomes) to follow the correct course
and not become confused. Our bodies are time streams’ unto
themselves Thoth / Tehuti explains, being constantly
re-calibrated through our chromosomes. Without this continuous
adjusting, we would be everywhere at once and consequently, also
nowhere. We would all be dead zones’. By zeroing in on the
planetary real time diochromy, we are able to follow our course.
Thoth also said that the humming driving people crazy near Taos
is coming from the central sun atoma (in the center of the planet). This is a natural revving
up as we approach the switch to another consciousness grid,
which is something they have been giving me information on for
years and is too complex to go into here. However, it is being
heard in that region because of what is going on in the nearby
research center. They are eroding the Earth’s sonic shield that
protects us from such profound sounds. And further, that it is
harmful for people to be exposed to this frequency for long
periods of time.
3) This is where your material comes into the picture.
Just days after receiving this info from Thoth / Tehuti, an Isis
Templar informed me about your book, and that they were going to
your seminar. Another Templar, who had also spoken with the
first about the book, told me that his ex-father-in-law who is
now deceased, had actually been there and saw the U.S.S.
Eldridge disappear. Yet another Templar had been in the town of
Montauk in 1970 or 71 when much of your story was ongoing.
When I read the book all kinds of bells went off. The
description of the room’ fit the feeling I got about the room I
approached. I didn’t see inside, but when I read about the
Montauk room, I strongly identified it with the one Lillie was
entering in my dream. Lillie is currently on an Isis Templar
journey in the flesh to Greece and Turkey, where she is being
used as a tool to re-open some old Rhombic portals. Once this
energy is released the Templars and the SGM can begin to create
new Rhombic patterns, altering the planetary diochromy.
I began to remember other things as I read along - certainly I
have experienced’ the Golden Horse (as appeared on the book The
Montauk Project’ by Peter Moon and Preston Nichols) Thoth tells
me after having read your book, that the horse is a time marker’
placed in a dead zone’, a place where several time waves
intersect. He tells me that the Capricornians, those time
travelers from the age of Capricorn (I have known about the Capricornians for at least 15 years) have placed these markers
in the dead zones. They are energetic devises containing
incredible energy fields, allowing those whose spiritual force
is attuned to the Metatronic Light Spiral to enter’ the marker.
Thoth says they are liken to chess pieces, in that they contain
the moves, and the codes of game playing’ in the universal
Dream Three: Last night, two days after having read your
book, I had my third dream in this series, but this time I was
in Australia. There was such a difference in the atmosphere,
both physically and spiritually from what we have in our current
reality. This center was a product of the Ultra-Terrestrials
working with the ILN. They have a small building in Colorado
(KOALA). From there they create a time vortex connecting them to
some future time in Australia. It is here where the larger
complex is, the one I saw. They gave me a glass of water to
drink, and the experience was very real. The water tasted and
felt so wonderful, so energetic and loving, it was as if I were
taking a living consciousness that was the source of love and
creation into my bio-system. When I awoke this morning, I could
barely bring myself to swallow ordinary water. The taste was
very unpleasant.
Since the dream, Thoth has told me that this ILN research center
is working on two levels: 1) human health & ecology to benefit
our Now’ time 2) to devise a code germ’ to enter into the matrix
which the Extra- Terrestrials and OWL have created to manipulate
our time grid. This germ if successful, would terminate the
complete gridlock, but the trick is to program it in just right
so it would be controlled correctly and not pull our Now’ into
the time warp blender. This is why it is so important the
diochromy be changed. Once a new pattern of reference is in
place the germ can kick in, because Earth will then have a new
glue’ that does not identify with the old diochromy time codes.
Another Synchronicity:
Thoth has had
both the SGM and the Isis Templars working with the Mars Pyramids
for about a year now. Actually, we are working more with the Telos
Aarkhara (TA), which he defines as a structure capping the universal
tear caused originally in the Big Bang’. The TA was created by good
guy’ Orionians who also built the Mars pyramids and face near
Cydonia -Ultra-Terrestrial Sirians operate it all, although the
Niphilim’ (biblical term for fallen angels and lords of Light) who
call themselves and their prototype creations Orionians and Sirians,
have control of an artificial moon of Mars, but they can’t get
inside the sealed pyramids.
There is so much on this, I won’t
attempt to go into it now, but we have been assigned to re-activate
a level of the TA that had been shut down, calibrating it to a more
evolutionized frequency. The operations for the TA (the structure
itself is inner-planes) is somewhere in the pyramid complex on Mars!
I assumed that this part of the TA had been out of whack for eons -
I had no idea it was turned off retroactive to 1943!
Of important note:
The Extra-Terrestrials purposely want Earth
people to think that they are the only Sirians, the only Orionians
etc., When actually they are only thieves in the night. There is so
much we could get into on this subject that might be of help to you,
if you would wish a line of communication to be established. On one
hand, I am not anxious to get involved in such a dangerous service,
but on the other hand, it seems as if my Higher Self has already
drafted me.
Thoth / Tehuti has also indicated:
The OWL research center in New
Mexico is known by code name OZ.
He confirms ongoing activity at
Montauk, and says the code name is REDHAWK.
The ILN Australian center is KOALA.
The facilitator’ in Colorado is near Golden.
The code names each exist on various
access levels. Thoth indicates that on other access levels they
are different. These are the three that can be used through
psychic concentration to enter the highest levels of operation.
Although each is coming from a separate source, such as OWL
versus ILN, they must set up similar programs to follow the
current diochromy. They solve this problem by programming block
codes that can only be interfaced by the correct code breakers,
and by someone who has had an interfacing implant. Such implants
are not hardware’ but software’. So you must not only know the
code word, and have psi abilities, but contain the right
software interface.
The North/South poles of the planet
maintain the diochromy.
The most advanced of these three
research centers is the ILN’s KOALA. In second place is
OZ, an
evolutionary by-product of REDHAWK. However, REDHAWK at Montauk
is the primal node for the initial time link established for the
OWL’s work through both centers.
In 1634 at the location of the town
/ base / area of Montauk, Long Island, a major standing’ time
glitch developed. This was caused by a series of inner-planes
happenings not discussed here, but what it created was a fill’
of confluent incomplete time streams. Many people then in the
area witnessed this. It was thought to be a product of the
Devil. There is quite a story surrounding this whole scenario
that Thoth has only intimated at this point, but the bottom line
is that the ground was set, or rather loosened’, for the
sinister events that would follow at Montauk. Understand that
when you are looking at time waves, meta-time fields etc., you
must also include retroactive soul balancing or karma in the
picture. The 1634 Montauk is karmically linked as well as
inter-dimensionally linked to Montauk up to and inclusive of
current time.
The following are questions placed
to Thoth / Tehuti after I wrote the above letter. I felt it
would be best to do it this way, so that I could explain the
above more objectively. This is also included in this article as
we felt it highly pertinent to the reason Maia was receiving
information on this in the first place.
Both Lillie and I
suspect that at the least the two of us, and possibly more of
the Isis Templars were some of the little children put into the
time warp somewhere along the line at Montauk. Is this correct?
If so, who else of the Isis Templars, if any, were involved?
Thoth / Tehuti:
This is so, but
neither of you were originally from the 1980’s side of the time
tunnel. Lillie was taken from Germany in 1941, and you from New
England 1916, the past life you remember (having died in an auto
accident in 1948). You were retrieved along with other children,
by the ILN. Lillie was not. She was finally placed by REDHAWK in
the body she is in now, but it was not accomplished without a
great deal of trauma. Understand that there are those with
REDHAWK that are trying to aid displaced subjects’ (they do not
understand enough about what they are doing to accomplish this
safely however).
Four other Templars were all
subjects’ as well. They were all girls, but coming from the
other side’ of the time tunnel also. You Maia, were the only one
of this group that was brought back to finish your life in the
original body and time frame. You have been concerned for awhile
that you have had such an abundance of past lives. Many of these
subjects’ have also. When riding the time tracks, there is often
a radial influence along the meta-grid of time, creating a
shower’ of spirit overlays with the traveler’s soul forming
different experiences’ within the grid. In addition to the
abduction, you are also a Capricornian time traveler, so you are
continuously creating these realities from your Capricornian
future. This is a complex weave. One we are not prepared to
discuss in detail with you at this time.
The other Templars have all had
travel experience in some form, although they were not directly
involved with REDHAWK or OZ. They have been working with KOALA,
as all of you have, but this is done with your consent, and it
is Light years’ away from the dangerous and traumatizing mode of
operation carried out by OWL through its Extra-Terrestrial
connection via REDHAWK and OZ. There are many forms of time
travel, some far more advanced than REDHAWK / OZ, but they
require spiritual grounding, something unattainable within the
OWL agenda.
Maia: Will you tell me more in
regard to our being jostled around in time? Are you saying
that the other Templars were force-fed into their current
incarnations? What happened to their original bodies? Were
they killed in the project?
Thoth / Tehuti: Their bodies
were absorbed into the force fields, allowing them to
integrate several lifetimes and move into their current
incarnations. However, in time travel perspective is
everything. They still lived those lives in-between, but
from the relativity of their current embodiment. This is
quite difficult to explain to minds that only operate in
linear dimension. It is not important that you understand it
entirely. What is important is the Now. This is always your
kingdom. By working through the Now and linking it into the
past / future as guided by Chariot of the Sun (Thoth’s inner
planes merkabah group), you, the Templars and SGM will be
able to facilitate the development of the Rhombic forms
needed to alter the diochromy.
The KOALA complex is not just in the
future, but in a slightly alternate dimension, thus it is
shielded from any one point along the diochromy of your Earth
Reality time frame. In this way, it cannot be removed’ by
REDHAWK or OZ programs. The year of the KOALA location is 8885
A.D., which is after the diochromy transfer and well into the
New Earth Star’ reality. However, the old diochromy pattern can
be traced into the new unless it is altered from the time break
in 1941. This alteration would not be the New Earth Star
template, but a slightly different version than it is now,
keeping the Extra-Terrestrial and OWL forces from interfacing
through REDHAWK and OZ. By the time they figure out the new
template, the diochromy will have completely transferred into
the Metatronic Spiral and will be New Earth Star where it cannot
be mutated nor tampered with.
The false Orionians, Sirians,
Pleiadeans - which are all created by the Nephilim - cannot work
through the full-Light Metatronic Spiral. This means that their
evolution, both physically and more importantly spiritually, is
trapped, contained in the bottle of the Oritron. They are a
product of the Luciferian Fall, having displaced themselves in
the Universal Continuum. Thus, they must have those who contain
Earth genetics and thus Earth chromosomes, to carry out certain
functions that interfere with the Metatron (therefore the
tamperings that go on).
Tomorrow is August 12th, 1993,
exactly fifty years since the disappearance of the U.S.S.
Eldridge. I did not realize this synchronicity until it was
pointed out to me when reading this information and letter today
to an Isis Templar.
Later information given me by Thoth /
Tehuti discussing the care which needs to be taken in employing
archetypal synergy to interact with the TA, so as not to allow the
Niphilim access.
Major Mechanics of the TA / Tryphoid* Function
The Tryphoid now active, guides the Metatron into a synapse with the
Oritron. This creates a Time / Energy Gate’ which is highly
guardianed by strong Metatronic force fields. If it were not
guardianed in this manner, the Nephilimic forces could at that
junction access the Metatronic Light mathematical codes from the
Oritron. This is a delicate procedure, as this synapse enables
certain higher Oritronic functions to become entrained to the
Metatron at an accelerated rate, thus speeding the alteration of the
diochromy, and therefore the evolution of the planet. Understand
that the Metatron is naturally in the process of absorbing the
Oritron, but the Tryphoid of the TA is accelerating this process in
order to prevent the dark forces from vampirizing Metatronic energy
as this natural process occurs.
There is an overlap’ of energy fields
where they can siphon the Metatron as it absorbs the Oritron, but by
creating a clear synapse and gate function with a higher Metatronic
force field, a shielding is placed in effect. However, if the
Nephilim find a way to interface with the new Rhombics the Isis
Templars and SGM are creating, they will have a means to open the
gate, not only stopping the diochromatic alteration, but entering
the very TA itself! Their whole obsession for millenniums has been
to get inside the TA to the Core Beam, which is drawn from the Eye
of Ra.
While we wish to impress upon you the seriousness of the situation,
we will also state that the Templars and SGM are not the only
operators in this cosmic nintendo for control of the universe by any
means. There is a great deal more going on, authority being in other
hands than yours. But...at this point in time your two groups have
major roles. It only takes one person tripping over a wire to set up
a chain reaction of grave dimension.
A note of interest here, is that as things unfolded over time one of
the reasons these groups were disbanded was because of direct
Nephilimic intrusions that made it impossible to continue at the
level of evolution the participants were working with.
There is another aspect of the Montauk scenario, which some of you
entered in your sessions last night. All this did not begin with the
U.S.S. Eldridge mishap in 1943. As we have previously said, it can
be traced back to 1634 in the Montauk area; but there are other
points in time as well that this cracking or rift in time has run.
Its starting point’ was in 1923, with an experiment gone awry
involving several key Nazi occult figures as well as a few
peripheral participants, including
Aliester Crowley.
Through Dietrich Eckhart and the
Group, who were grooming the Niphilimic Messiah Adolf Hitler, for
his Satanic role, and Aliester Crowley’s Lodge, the Astrum
Argentinum, a hybrid project was created called the Phisummum (PHI).
The order’ that controlled the PHI was the Order of the Black Sun
(OBS). The whole purpose of the OBS was project PHI, whose focus was
time travel and originally for the purpose of retrieving the Holy
Grail* from a past century and into the hands of the groomer of the
Anti-Christ (Hitler). But once a small distorted window in time was
opened to them, they began to feel the overwhelming power of such an
operation. The Spear of Longinus was used as a magic power source to
achieve the window, along with drugs and sexual perversion. The OBS
largely stayed out of these antics themselves, but controlled the
Aliester Crowley and some major Nazis did participate, as their psi
power was strong, and they craved the increased perverted power such
acts gave them. Ultimately of course, it eroded their astral bodies
to the point where their souls were shattered. From that time on,
they operated brain dead’ in terms of higher mind, and without a
In 1923, they made a grave mistake with the time portal that sent a
discharge that was out of phase lock with the planetary diochromy.
This set off a series of events, including Bannock Hill in Merlin’s
time, as well as the 1634 Montauk rift. This is all too extensive
and meta-scientific to address here. It was in 1923 that the master’
of the PHI project, Eckart, died. After his death that same year,
those with lesser understanding of the Beast they had created,
caused the time rift to spill out in the occurrences of the
Philadelphia Experiment and Banncok Hill, and other key locations in
It was during the confusion right after
the time explosion’ that a German scientist working on PHI, Dr. Karl Obermeyer, stole the core chamber of dio-X crystals. These crystals
had been created in a long and arduous process of separating
elements, not unlike nuclear fission, only the diochromy of the
atoms involved had been manipulated into a black hole inversion.
These dio-X crystals as they were contained in their core chamber
accelerator, were the chargers’ of the whole system. This is a
system far advanced from the Montauk work of the 1950’s, but very
much a part of the OZ project in New Mexico in an even more advanced
When Dr. Obermeyer absconded with the
core chamber and crystals, he did so as a true ILN agent. He set up
a new projection in the Ural Mountains, and his work proceeded along
the basis of healing the damage done to the Earth’s time grid, and
also following the original purpose of connecting to, but in this
case not stealing, the Holy Grail’. His plan was one of unification
of all spheres in time. He gathered unto his fold the likes of
Rudolph Steiner and
Nikola Tesla, among others in the
cloaked his project under the title of the Prometheus Foundation.
This Foundation is still active, and is the basis for KOALA and
other ILN time travel networking.
It was Tesla who brought the Ultra-Terrestrial connection into
Prometheus, and Steiner the angelic connection. It is important to
focus on the ILN’s active participation in healing and restoring the
Earth’s time grid and it’s Grail Mystery connections via the Angelic
and Christic realms.
What is the Order of the Black Swan that I kept receiving
last night?
Thoth / Tehuti:
It is a Guardian Order of the Holy Grail. A Swan
representing transformation upon the (akashic) waters’ of time. The
Black denotes the need for concealment and discrimination... the
veiled, the hidden, as in the Black Isis.
Prometheus was in contact with this
Order in the 11th Century. They lost this time window in 1933 with
the ascension of the Niphilim Anti-Christ into power in the
embodiment of Adolf Hitler. A great deal of Satanic empowerment that
was ongoing at the time closed the portal access between the Black
Swan and Prometheus.
Closing thought from Maia:
We are treading upon a very ancient enemy
- one whose very genetics are intermingled with ours through genetic
manipulation eons ago. But we also have the Blood of the Shepherds
within us. We must find the thread that leads us out of the
Labyrinth of the Beast to the Breast of the Shepherds, those whose
Oath to the Metatron is emblazoned within our chromosomes.
Glossary of Terms
Adam Kadmon, page 2
This is the Divine template of creation for all higher
evolutionary species. It is a direct
projection of Divine Hue-mon form from the mind of God.
Cydonia complex on Mars, page 2
The Cydonia complex was discovered by a NASA space probe
named Viking
Orbiter 1 in 1976 on orbit number 35, at about 41 degrees
Latitude above the Martian
equator on the Northern Hemisphere. The probe flew by Mars
and took photographs
of what have been shown to be several three sided pyramids
and a face’ that looks
upwards from the surface of the planet. Richard Hoaglund has
books and videos on
this, complete with actual photos and film footage from
NASA. We recommend The
Monuments on Mars’ by Richard Hoaglund for further reading.
Extra-Terrestrial beings, page 1
Extra-Terrestrial beings are life forms from other planetary
worlds that are of a lower
evolution referred to as Population I life systems by J.J.
Hurtak in his excellent work
entitled The Keys of Enoch’. We as a human race are also
currently in a Population
I life system as they are defined as those systems with only
one star. The human
race however differs from the Extra-Terrestrial life forms
(as defined here) in that we
have the genetic braiding which will enable us to move into
Population II life systems
and beyond, where the Extra-Terrestrial’s do not. While they
have superior
knowledge of subtle energy sciences, and can display what we
consider paranormal
abilities, these are no indication of true Metatronic
evolution, nor the ability to access
the Metatronic Light spiral within their consciousness.
These beings are traveling
inter-dimensionally but usually use a metallic type craft
that can be quite advanced
by our standards. They can many times communicate things
that ring true in the
persons heart, but will usually have their own agenda
modulated on the transmission
so that the unwary or undiscerning will have a wonderful
experience’ with them, but
then be subtly under their control through some means of
energetic, or perhaps even
metallic implant.
In addition, most of the Extra-Terrestrials interacting with
Earth at this time are not
ensouled, but rather they are thought form entities created
by the Nephilim (fallen
Angels of Lucifer) and have since populated every star
system within Earth’s viewing
range. They can be given the opportunity to move through the
evolutionary spiral with
an ensouled embodiment if they can align their incredible
intellect with the geometric
thought form projections of the Metatron.
Eye of Ra, page 2
The Eye of Ra is a term that Thoth / Tehuti has used to
describe an interdimensional
portal that exists in the midst of the Universal time tear
he refers to as the Kali Rift.
The Eye of Ra is a higher Light mathematical gate function
that allows passage of
the pure Metatronic Light into the Oritronic universes.
Likewise, this gate allows
acceleration, and absorption of the Oritronic universe into
the Metatronic universe
as an ongoing evolutionary movement. The Eye of Ra is very
closely linked in
structure and function to both the Telos.Aarkhara and the
Tryphoid function. It is
called the Eye of Ra, as it is the sourcing for the Pure
Holy Grail, page 12
The Holy Grail is physically represented by the chalice that
Christ and his Apostles
drank from at the last supper, and was also used to collect
the blood of Christ at the
time his side was pierced by Longinus as he hung from the
cross in his final
moments of earthly life as Jesus. The physical object
certainly holds a powerful
charge, but is only representative of the Grail’
consciousness. The grail
consciousness is that of the Christed Oversoul being present
to a very high degree
in the conscious personality mind of the individual.
On another train of thought, meta-physician and physics
master Dan Winter,
amongst others, has shown that when the human consciousness
is in a mode of
absolute self-awareness, and resonating with the frequencies
of the heart center,
that the waveforms generated on their measuring equipment
are recursive and form
what looks like a Grail Cup’ repeating in ever reducing size
on into infinity.
Inner Light Network, page 2
The Inner Light Network is composed of many factions of
beings working together
in harmony and synergy for the betterment of the planet
Earth and the human race.
Many of these beings are from the Inner Earth dimensions,
some are from the
Ultra-Terrestrial realms, and many are surface born upon,
and of the Earth, but are
operating at a high enough degree of awareness that they are
able to telepathically
communicate with the Hierarchical beings that are in control
and oversee operations,
and with each other. Some of these Inner-Terrestrials and
Ultra-Terrestrials have
actually embodied on the surface of the Earth also. This can
occur through either the
normal birthing process, walk-ins or by simply projecting a
form and it’s attendant
reality into this dimension. It would be very difficult for
most humans to discern the
difference between these various embodiment types, although
something would
seem’ different.
The Inner Light Network coordinates many programs of Light
work simultaneously
in order to achieve the maximum effect. They also monitor
the operations of the
Nephilim and their consorts, taking appropriate counter
measures when necessary.
Inner-Terrestrial beings, page 1
Inner-Terrestrial beings are of the Inner Earth. Most have
star genetics, but have
chosen to take embodiment within the sacred hollow of the
Earth to assist in the
redemption of this planet as part of their service. There
are a vast array of different
genetic mixes within the Inner Earth, many are holding
certain genetic Light patterns
in place within the Earth dimension. Most of the
Inner-Terrestrials are of the Adam
Kadmon divine template and linked to the Metatron
accordingly. There are a few
isolated pockets of Oritronic beings in resident within the
Inner Earth, but they reside
in caverns close to the surface rather than in the sacred
hollow in the center of the
Light Redemption, page 4
Light Redemption is the process of bringing all Oritronic
Light, and trapped Light’
(also see trapped Light this glossary) into the folds of the
Metatronic Light Spiral.
These processes entail the evolution of consciousness in a
way that is aligned to the
LP-40, page 3
LP-40 stand for Light Principle Forty. In Thoth / Tehuti’s
"It is the frequency
at which the elektic current of the Earth will become
aligned to the etheric body of it’s
atoma (the central sun in the center of the Earth). A
delineation of the whole constant or time creation, which can be pictured as a sphere, its
greatest density on the surface rather than it’s center. Time, or the electrical
fields that perpetuate it’s illusion, are a whole dynamic. There is a sequence of Light
mathematics that equate to this wholeness, which registers entirely in the Now’.
When the Time Creation Sphere is divided through sentient entropy, the missing
fractions are replaced by logic synthesis. This is a process of higher intellect,
which will create informal reality where division cannot be equated, as within the whole
dynamic of the Time Creation Sphere. It is a memory of the missing fraction. LP-40 is the
Light mathematical moment when the logic synthesis finds it’s constant, i.e.
the missing fraction, and reclaims the true principal of it’s equation.
"At the time of LP-40 a harmonic will rise upwards from the
center (central sun atoma) of the planet and gather force on the surface shell.
This will create a powerful electric current that will cause the Earth to jump from it’s
frequency pattern of the current time to a much higher field of resonance. This will
not be a graduated escalation but a skipping from one energy field to the next.
This dynamic will create a tremendous surge of power through the crystalline grid of
the planet and literally electrocute all living things not in synchronization with
the highest frequency bands of consciousness of the time just prior to it’s release.
Only 20-40% of the population upon the Earth at that time will be within the appropriate
consciousness bands at the appointed time...they will ascend into the New Earth
Star...the remaining souls will go through a reprogramming and they will enter a lower realm
in order to rebuild their Light bodies."
The period of time where the ascension occurs will actually
span a period of about
15 days of linear Earth time.
merkabah, page 4
Divine Light vehicles created through recursive patterns of
heart resonance. These
are formed as a sentience or gathering of sentiences creates
sacred geometric
patterning between their heart seed or center of heart
beingness’ and the Attasic
state of Oneness. These patterns are defined through Divine
Mind and developed by
Divine Heart to conform to specific imprints of Divine
Awareness, or I Am’ cognition.
As such, a Merkabah is a transport containment field for a
specific celebration of
unity with the God-Source. This is a description of merkabah
formed in alignment
with the Metatronic Light.
It must also be understood that merkabah can be created in
the Oritronic field of consciousness as well. The earmark of Oritronic merkabah
creation is over emphasis on mental projection or imagery and mental knowledge of the
sacred geometry involved in the Light mathematics of the merkabah.
Metatronic, page 1
The Metatronic Light Spiral is the whole focus of our
spiritual pathing in the greater
evolution. It extends us beyond our forms as human beings
into the spirit patterns
of Universal design (Adam Kadmon), from which our truest
selves find their origins.
The Metatronic Spiral emanates from the Great Archangel
Metatron, the creator of
the outer Light. The Metatronic Light is a complete full
spectrum Light that has all of
the necessary Light mathematics and codes that allow a soul
to take it’s evolution
all the way to the Great Central Sun, or Kolob.
Oritronic, page 1
The Oritronic Light Spiral is a half spectrum Light that has
been the conduit for our
energy system since the Luciferic Fall’. This spiral of
energy receipt has supplied the
atomic and cellular realms to the utmost reaches of our
inspirited human design. This
Light spiral has been necessary to allow the souls within
it’s domain to evolve to
state whereby they can be re-introduced to the full Light
spectrum of the Metatron.
While the Oritronic spiral is born of the fallen elements,
it is in itself not evil, it is
simply incomplete in it’s spiritual issue, and must be
consumed by the Metatronic
Spiral for full spiritual realization to occur.
Precession of the Equinoxes’,
page 2
The Precession of the Equinoxes is the greater stellar
movement that is indicated by
much larger cycles in our understanding predicated upon
linear time. Our Solar
System is revolving around another system with it’s Central
Sun being Alcyone in the
greater Pleiades system. The Alcyone system rotates around
yet another system,
and so on until we arrive at the center of our Galaxy. The
Galaxy then rotates around
yet another system and so on. In our immediate experience
there is a 26,000 year
cycle broken onto two 12,000 year cycles and two 2,000 year
cycles. The ancient’s
devised physical systems of tracking these movements. The
Mayan calendar is one
such system, the Eastern Hindu system that Kali Yuga is a
part of is another.
It is known by the sages and seers that at certain points in
these larger cycles
periods of great transition occur, whereby entire star
systems are moved
inter-dimensionally into new places within their more
immediate greater systems. The
movement of the Earth towards it’s ascension time at LP-40
is one such event, and
actually represents a movement of many systems at once.
Prima Matra, page 5
Prima Matra means literally Prime Matter. Esoterically this
term has been used to
describe very sacred substances that have naturally occurred
or have been
produced by priest-scientists in the ancient Temples. There
was considerable work
also done in the medieval ages by alchemists to produce
Prima Matra substances,
such as the white powder of gold, or occult gold as it was
also called.
When this creation was still an entirely spiritual creation,
as it slowed it’s vibration
down, the very first matter to coalesce from the ethers was
the original Prima Matra.
It was imbued totally with the divine essence, not yet being
polluted by any negative
human thought / feeling energies.
There are many different forms of Prima Matra on the planet
today, all of them represent differing octaves, or gradients of the original
Prima Matra, and are considered yet to be extremely sacred.
Pure Sun, page 4
The Pure Sun is equivalent to the Great Central Sun, or
Kolob as it is called in the
Hebraic tradition. This is the Central Source of all
omniscience and being, and lies
energetically at the center of the Multi-Verse. It is the
One Divine Beingness
connecting all Spirit; a symbolic term for the essence of
the Unfallen Universe.
radionic, page 4
Radionics is a meta-science that has produced numerous
electronic devises over the
years. The basic principle is that a radionics devise can be
tuned to a specific
frequency, or combination of frequencies through programming
number sequences
into them. They can be used for numerous applications
including anything from
healing to increased crop production and insect control. In
a higher spiritual sense,
the number sequences can be programmed through consciousness
to effect certain
results. The radionic sequences that Thoth / Tehuti imparts
to us can not be used
for any ill purposes as they are harmonically linked to an
Inner Earth computer called
the Pymander. The Pymander is intimately linked to Divine
mind and heavily
shielded, so any thing that approaches it harmonically with
less than pure intent will
experience rapid return of the energy karmically. The effect
will be felt profoundly by
those with conscious mis-intent, while it would be much
milder for those with
conscious pure intent, but sub / unconscious mis-intent.
Ranna Time Flow, page 2
The complete hologram of Time as it flows uninterrupted
through the time-space
dimensions of the Multi-Verse.
source translating, page 5
Thoth / Tehuti’s term for channeling through a specific
process aligned with Source.’
He considers this form of channeling’ to be more accurate
than most other
pathways. Source Translation actually involves an active
co-participation with the
source of the information coming from other dimensions of
reality. The translators
consciousness must be adequately prepared to meet the
vibrational level of the
incoming signal, and then move into that envelope of compact
consciousness and
translate the energy / information into our language system.
Many times the
information will be forthcoming from other culture frames of
ancient times, and
therefore a double, or sometimes triple translation must
occur in or order for the
information to be brought into our culture frame and
terraforms, page 4
Land masses created artificially, yet employing natural
substances. Our sources tell
us that many planets themselves have been created by
terraforming. Terraforming
can be accomplished on many differing levels of reality. The
lesser evolved
Extra-Terrestrials would accomplish such a task by a more
physical means, although
still employing technologies that are far more advanced than
our own. The
Ultra-Terrestrials would approach such a project from a more
consciousness only
orientation. When we say natural materials, this does not
mean moving them around
as we would here on Earth, but by means of molecular
transport, and pure thought
manifestation from elemental substances.
Tryphoid, page 11
A gear’ or guidance geometric that guides the Metatronic
Spiral into synapse with
the Oritronic. It allows a bridging between these two Light
Spirals, yet it also protects
that access from intrusion by those sentient beings who do
not contain the proper
coding, so they do not gain entrance into the Metatron.
Visually the Tryphoid would
appear somewhat like an open sided Tetrahedron with no base,
where the three lines
protruding down from the peak would spiral around the
structure rather than running
straight down, and they dissipate into nothingness without a
definitive termination
Ultra-Terrestrial beings, page 1
These are ensouled beings on various levels of physical
manifestation who come
from Population II life systems, meaning they have two or
more stars within the solar
system. They exist only within the Metatronic Light Field of
the Unfallen Universe.
These beings are here to assist Earth and humanity in the
transition through LP-40.
Their presence is much more covert than that of the
Extra-Terrestrials, as they have
an intrinsic understanding of the human emotional system,
and themselves have fully
functional heart seeds. There are some of these Ultra beings
that have the job of
monitoring the cellular evolution of the human race, such as
DNA transmutations
etc., and therefore have agreements on a soul level with
some souls embodied here
on Earth to be able to take certain tissue samples etc.
These events are easily
confused with the abductions’ of the lesser evolved
Extra-Terrestrials. The primary
reason for this is that the memory banks of those who are
under contract’ are altered
so as to hopefully not cause any trauma due do the
remembrance of something that
the individuals belief system simply couldn’t handle. Many
times these memories do
surface however, and if the individual starts to move into a
fear space around this,
they will then be sucked into the powerful fear
consciousness stream that has
emanated from the abduction scenarios. At this point from
the Earth perspective, it
would be nearly impossible to discern what truly had
These beings generally travel in ships of Light and
consciousness formation, however there are some of them still in the lower
evolutionary stages of the Population II consciousness bands, that use very advanced
types of metallic / organic ships. Most individuals having a conscious
interaction with these beings will have a good, or at least non-threatening experience, which
doesn’t mean they might not experience some personal fears rising from the deep, but
alongside the fears they will feel the deep love from these beings which
balances the fear. If they were to perceive that an individual were moving into too deep a
fear space, they will simply leave and wait for them to evolve a bit further, perhaps
even another lifetime before contact is attempted again.
trapped Light, page 4
Divine Light’ or energy which, having been released into the
Oritron with the Fall
of Lucifer’, is now trapped in the realm of matter. There is
also Light trapped in other
star systems within our local Universe, a primary system
that is a key in this is Sirius.
The Light that is trapped in the fallen aspect of Sirius
must be redeemed in order for
the completion of the next cycle to occur.
Compilation of All References in Footnotes
Bannock Hill - pages 9-14 issue
4-87 Temple Doors’ listed on page 29 of our catalog
ET’s, UT’s & IT’s - Issue 2-89 & 1 / 2-93 of Temple Doors’
listed on page 29 & 30 of our catalog respectively
Inner Earth Dwellers, positive and negative - issue 1-83 of
The Source’ listed on page 27 of our catalog
Kali Rift - issue 3/4-93 of Temple Doors’ listed on page 31
of our catalog. Please note that much of the information in
this article comes from this issue, and so therefore there
is redundancy involved
LP-40, Golden Taya Allotments - the article The Golden Taya
Allotments’ in issue 1 / 2 -95 Temple Doors, listed on page
31 of our catalog
Luciferian Fall and related events - pages 3,4,5 in issue 2
/ 3 -85 of The Source’, pages 9-10 in issue 2-86 of The
Source, in issue 2-89 of The Source, pages 54-61 in issue 3
/ 4 -94 of Temple Doors’. The above are listed in our
catalog on pages 28, 29 &31 respectively.
Maia’s Story with ET’s & UT’s - see page 5 Temple Doors
issue 1 / 2 - 93. This issue appears on page 30 of the
Metatron / Oritron - issue 2-89 of Temple Doors’ listed on
page 29 of our catalog
New Earth Star reality - issue 4-85 of the Source (Altheria
article) & 2-91 of Temple Doors’ listed on pages 28 & 30 of
our catalog respectively
Prima Matra - issues 3 / 4 -95 & 1-96 of Temple Doors’
listed on page 31 of our catalog
Ram-Set - page 23 of issue 1 / 2 -95 of Temple Doors’ listed
on page 31 of our catalog
Rennes le Chateau, France - Refuge of the Apocalypse’ by
Elizabeth Van Buren, and GENISIS’ by David Wood for research
on the Sacred Mystery of Rennes le Chateau, and issue 1-84
of the Source’, issues 1-91, 2-91, 3/4-91 & 1 /2-92 of
Temple Doors’ listed on page 27 & 30 of our catalog
Rhombic Dynamics - pages 6 &13 in issue 3 / 4 -94 of Temple
Doors’ listed on page 31 in our catalog. Please note that
much of the information in this article comes from this
issue, and so therefore there is some redundancy involved,
although not on the Rhombic forms information.
Sirian Sun Lords - issue 1 / 2 -93 of Temple Doors’ listed
on page 30 of our catalog
Spear of Longinus - The Spear of Destiny’ by Trevor
Ravenscroft, and on pages 5-7 issue 3-90 of Temple Doors,
pages 25-28 issue 1 / 2 -93 of Temple Doors’ listed on page
30 of our catalog
Telos.Aarkhara / Cydonia - issue 1 / 2 -93 of Temple Doors’,
listed on page 30 in the catalog
Thoth / Tehuti - issue 4-81 of The Source’ listed on page 26
of our catalog
As there is information relating to various aspects of the
information presented in this article
appearing all throughout The Source’ and Temple Doors’ from
their inception in 1980 to present, we strongly recommend
the 3 Volume Set we have to offer listed on page 32 in our
catalog, in addition to all back issues of Temple Doors from
1993 to current. This will give the reader substantial
insight into the deeper Mystery of all that inter-connects
to the body of information in this article, and much more.
In addition, if the reader has not already read the books
previous to
Encounter In The Pleiades:
An Inside Look At UFO’s by Peter Moon and
Preston Nichols,
we strongly suggest that you do as they contain a lot of
background information we have assumed the reader already
knows from these sources.
We have listed these books below
for your convenience.