by Kenneth Burke
Global Sciences Congress, Daytona Beach,
August 1997
EducateYourself Website
Part 1
LE = Leading Edge reporter Kenneth Burke
LE: Whatever you’d like to share,
just share, and we’ll use this as the basis of a story.
BIELEK: Well, as you say, you have
already published some information on the "Philadelphia
Experiment," and there’s been a lot of publication done in the
last five years. I’ve been all over the country. I’ve been in
Europe, and I’m scheduled to go to Australia in October for a
major lecture there for the Australian MUFON organization in
Queensland. The word’s getting around.
It’s an interesting thing that the first time I went public with
the story in the lectures was in Phoenix, Arizona, 1989. I had
only become aware of my involvement in 1988. It was all blanked
out in the meantime. There was a very thorough job of
brainwashing, believe me, but it finally broke through. It broke
through in January 1988, when I watched HBO late one Saturday
night. I had never seen the movie, "
The Philadelphia
Experiment." Of course, it had gone through the regular movie
circuits before that, and I’d seen the dockets in the local
movie in the town I was in at that time, Sedona, Arizona. The
docket was "The Philadelphia Experiment." I was only there a
week and, for some reason, I didn’t go. I didn’t see it again.
Then, it went into the video format, and EMI Thorne took it over
and got the rights to put it on video from the producers, and
they started showing it. So, that night on HBO at 4 a.m., they
announced that the next feature of the evening would be "The
Philadelphia Experiment." Well, I was about to go to bed, but I
said, no, because I wanted to watch it. I’d heard so much about
The first 15 minutes were almost "dead on" what happened. There
were six script writers, because I talked with the producer
later. Where they came up with the information, I don’t know. He
didn’t know either. He didn’t even know for sure whether the
thing ever happened, but he thought it was a great idea and they
produced the movie. They were so close to 100% accuracy that it
was amazing. That’s what hit me. It re-stimulated memories,
which were close to the surface anyway. The two major areas in
the first 15 minutes were the number of people: for the ones on
board the Eldridge, they showed 150, which is the normal
complement of personnel for the ship but, for the test, they
only had 25. It was a skeleton crew, because they weren’t going
anywhere except downriver.
They never went out to sea for the test, except for the sea
trials for the ship before they held the test. For that sea
trial, they had a full crew. In any case, that was one error.
The other was that they said it occurred in October 1943. It did
not. It was in August. There were three tests with the Eldridge:
a 22 July test, which was totally successful except for the side
effects on the personnel
a 12 August test, which was a total
disaster; and,
after they recovered from that and had replaced
the burned-out, wrecked equipment, they decided on one more
test, which happened in late October with the ship on-station
and to take all personnel off, like they did in 1940 during the
first successful test in the Brooklyn Navy Yard
No personnel
were on-board the ship. It was a very small one, but that test
proved that they had the right scientific basis and the right
equipment, which worked. The late October test was also a
disaster, even though there were no personnel on board, so they
just scrubbed the whole thing and buried it.
The Eldridge, of course, was rebuilt, as it had to be to finish
the war. That was for the parts which were left out for the test
and to remove the heavy equipment. It went to sea in World War
service, then, in 1946, it went into mothballs. In 1951, the
Eldridge and one other ship were turned over to the Greeks as
part of the lend-lease program, or whatever you want to call it,
after the war, which Truman initiated. They renamed it the Leon,
and it remained a training ship for the Greek Navy for many
years. About two years ago, the US Navy approached the Greeks
and said, well, we own the Eldridge and we want it back. They
didn’t ask for it, they demanded it. They wanted it back,
Believe it or not, there are photographs from the Greek
"Playboy" magazine, and I have them, showing the ship as it was
sitting in the harbor at a dock, rusting away. The decks were
full of rust. The hull was in such bad shape, they couldn’t take
it across the Atlantic on its own power. They had to clean it up
enough to tow it across the Atlantic. It is now sitting in the
Norfolk, Virginia, shipyard being rebuilt. It took a little
digging to find it, but I did. The people, who looked into this,
who are also quite high-level former naval personnel, tried to
find out and ask the Navy why they wanted to rebuilt it. They
couldn’t get an answer, and they were absolutely refused
information. If you’re not in the Navy, you don’t have a need to
know. I’m trying to arrange to get there to take photos of it,
but I don’t know the correct channels to contact. Although the
Norfolk, Virginia, shipyard is semi-open to the public, I don’t
know if I can get into the area where the ship is being rebuilt,
but I’m willing to try.
The ship test failed. There was too much power involved. The
approach was faulty. It worked in terms of the hardware, but it
failed in terms of the human element. So, in 1947, Dr. von
Neumann, who was the second director from March 1942 onward, was
asked by the Navy if he would reopen the experiment and the
files to see if he could find out what went wrong and whether it
could be salvaged or whether any part of it could be salvaged.
So, he did. It took him five to six years.
He was in the process of developing the modern electronic
computer with stored memory, which he did finish before the
British, though the British won’t admit it. In fact, he and one
of the other well-known scientists, delivered the first working
model of the computer to England after they delivered a model to
the Navy. At the same time, he was working on finding out the
nature of the problem with the "Philadelphia Experiment." It was
a very long and strange sequence of events. Of course,
everybody’s heard about the "Roswell Incident" in July 1947. He
was one of the members of the scientific teams under Dr. Van Everbush, who went to
LE: I don’t think most people know that.
BIELEK: No, most people don’t. That was 7 July 1947. He
was there at the crash site. There was one live survivor. Two
ships crashed, colliding into each other, and they both came
down. One was totally demolished. The other was nearly intact.
There was one survivor from one of the ships. I don’t know which
one. One crash was near Roswell and the other was about
60 miles
away. The original one was on the Braswell ranch, and I think
that’s where they found the survivor. To my knowledge from what
I’ve been told, Dr. von Neumann did get to talk with the
survivor, who discussed some of his problems, including the
"Philadelphia Experiment." Now, I have other input from people
who talked with aliens about the "Philadelphia Experiment,"
time, and so forth. The common statement was, "You people are
absolutely stupid and ignorant about time. You don’t understand
what it is!" This came from somebody, who’s an abductee on a
regular basis. The comments were interesting. So, from my
understanding, Dr. von Neumann talked with an alien, got some
clues how to redesign the system entirely.
I do not know what he did because I was not part of it. I was
removed from the Navy on 4 July 1947, removed from Los Alamos,
sent to Washington, DC, for a court martial on the changes for
which I was arrested, which were espionage. These were dropped
when I got to Washington. It was just a means to get me out of
the area and separate me from my family, which I’ve never seen
since. My wife is dead. My son is still alive, but I’ve not been
able to see him, and my attempts have been blocked every time. I
went to Washington, where I was given a new assignment at
Montauk. I didn’t know it was Montauk - they called it Fort
Hero, but it was the same location for the later Montauk
Project. From that point, after I was on base and out of the
public eye so-to-speak or away from any of the other personnel,
other than the armed guards who surrounded me, I was
time-transferred to 1983, where they did the full erasure of my
full memory of my career and everything as Zeb Cameron. All my
credentials were removed and erased. Dr. von Neumann knew it was
happening. He didn’t like it, but he couldn’t do anything about
They also pulled the age regression number on me, which was to
reduce my body size to that of an
infant. Now, they can take a person back to a fetus. This is a
common and usual technique, now, and
I know people who have gone through it, including my second son.
(I have four sons by the way.) My
number two son, I found and I’ve met and know him. It’s another
long story.
LE: He was regressed that way, too, and given a name change?
BIELEK: He was also regressed back to a fetus; yes, the whole
nine yards. I was reduced only to approximately a one-year-old
boy. Why they stopped at this point, I don’t know. I think part
of the process they intended to put me through was subverted or
failed. I know Dr. von Neumann interfered with it at one point.
So, I was sent back to 1927 as approximately a one-year-old boy,
because, my legal parents, whom I knew as my only parents for
many years (Albertina Bielek, maiden name Kurchess, and my
father Arthur E. Bielek) were the only parents I knew. I was
totally wiped as memory, and I grew up as a kid, literally from
a baby but, at the age of one by the birth certificate, which
said March 31, 1927, by Christmas I would have been nine months
My first memory in that family was as a kid sitting at mother’s
grand piano next to a Christmas tree so high. I was sitting next
to it, and they had the family around exchanging presents. It
was a family get-together in Jamaica, New York. I finally was
able to pull the memories back and remembered the fact that I
understood everything they were saying. Now, since when does a
less than one-year-old child understand what adults are saying?
A few things blanked out. Certain things were said and didn’t
register or blanked out. The people who were there, of course, I
knew later. I grew up with them. I knew exactly who they were -
various aunts, uncles, cousins, brother of my legal mother, and
so forth. Well, I grew up knowing nothing of my past. I was Al Bielek. I was very heavily repressed in many respects.
Eventually, World War II came. I went into the Navy - I was
drafted into the Navy, which was very unusual - but I had a
letter of directed assignment for electronics. I passed the Eddy
test, and I was the only one in the entire school who passed the
test. So, I went into the Navy, came out, went into my own
business, and eventually left that and went to school. I moved
to California, finished school, and became an electronic
engineer from 1958 through 1988. I retired in 1988 but, during
that period, I developed a very passionate interest in the
"Philadelphia Experiment." I had no reason to know why at that
point. In 1952, I met Ivan T. Sanderson, who did his own
investigation into the "Philadelphia Experiment" in 1952 and
1953. Then, I moved west and recontacted him 10 years later in
1963, when I was working in State College, Pennsylvania.
LE: During this time, before you had awareness unfolding about
your interaction with the government, didn’t they have you doing
BIELEK: Not until sometime around 1956. I was in Hawaii working
for the Navy department in 1956 as a civilian employee through
Hoffman Electronics of Los Angeles and was assigned to Pearl
Harbor. I was there a little over a year. During that period, I
had a great deal of interest in many things, including psychic
sensitivity. One night, I blanked out while sitting on the
doorstep of the Hawaiian Hotel on the ocean front. I blanked out
for a period of an hour or an hour and a half (I don’t know how
long). I knew something very unusual happened, but it took until
about 1986 to find out what happened in 1956.
I was pulled to
the "Montauk Project" by the then (and at that point, I think
the only) station master for the "Montauk Project" on Long
Island, because there were others which were also operating in
the same mode. The original one was on Long Island. The station
master then was Jack Pruitt. I’ve since met his son,
Pruitt, and we finally verified that was the man, because Glen
has a picture of his father. Preston and I both looked at the
picture and said, yep, that’s him, Jack Pruitt. Glen Pruitt
didn’t now whether his father had or had not been involved in
the "Montauk Project," because his father denied it.
LE: So, with some kind of electronics, they pulled you up ...
BIELEK: All the way up to 1976 to interview me to become a
person to work on the "Montauk Project." They finally got my
interest when they knew I was interested in UFOs. They said,
well, do you have an interest in them? I said, yeah. They said,
how would you like to see one. Of course, I was interested, and
they said, well, come with me. So, we went into one of the
cavern sections under Long Island, which are part of the Montauk
operation, and they showed me a UFO which was literally trapped
in this underground cave. It was about 60 feet in diameter and
gold in color. At this point, I was introduced to the crew, whom
they had captured intact.
This thing actually tied back to the
"Philadelphia Experiment" of 12 August 1943. It was caught in
the time-field shift. For reasons we
don’t know, they wound up disabled in the underground of
Montauk. They said, how would you like to work on this thing.
Well, they had me. So, I volunteered to work on the "Montauk
Project." Most of the people, who worked on the "Montauk
Project" they got to volunteer one way or another. These were
not the "Montauk boys," that’s a different story.
LE: By fascinating them and getting them started.
BIELEK: Yeah, getting them fascinated. Dangling a carrot in
front of one’s nose in the area of one’s expertise or principal
interests. So, they got me there, and I was there for a long
time. I remember it as about seven years, but they were able to
manipulate time so well that, when that phase was done, they
sent me back to Hawaii to the same night, after spending what I
can estimate today as approximately seven years’ work, back to
within an hour or so of when I was pulled out.
LE: They were able to compress time that way.
BIELEK: They can manipulate time like you wouldn’t believe. Of
course, I spent other time at Montauk, and I’ve been on other
government projects. There were many, and not all of them have
come back to memory. About six have come back. That was the
Montauk thing, which was later. At the time I was at Cameron in
1947, when they pulled me there to 1983 and gave me the identity
of Al Bielek, I didn’t know who I was until the memory came back
that night while watching the movie. Of course, I’ve done much
intensive research since to find the rest of the story and get
my memory reestablished, because it was spotty.
LE: Let me ask you this. What was the time span when you worked
those seven years?
BIELEK: That was 1976 to about 1982.
LE: So, when you were put back at the steps of the hotel, and
you moved forward in normal linear time, what happened ... say,
you had two bodies working at two different places?
BIELEK: No, it was the same body - the same me. They pulled me
physically out of the location
where I was then sent me back.
LE: Yes, I understand. When that part of you that came back
through normal linear time, wasn’t there another part of you ...
BIELEK: Well, it’s hard to explain and to get people to
understand this ...
LE: In other words, you were working in Montauk from 1976
forward, and a part of you on the doorstep came through linear
time and was doing something else, right?
BIELEK: That’s right. I was an electronics engineer for many
years, and I was running, not a dual
personality, but a dual existence.
LE: Well, was it like two time-lines going on?
BIELEK: Yes. That would be the best way to explain it. What
would happen - of course, they did this with Preston, they did
it with me, and they’ve done it with many other people. You
might be a civilian working as an engineer, as I was and as
Preston Nichols was working for 15 years for a major corporation
on Long Island. Preston was also doubling as an engineer at the
"Montauk Project." He couldn’t ever figure out how he was doing
both at the same time. He finally did figure it out when I
prodded him, after my memories of the "Montauk Project" came back
after my second visit to Montauk.
My first visit was in August 1985 right after a USPA
Psychotronics Conference in Dayton, Ohio, where I met Preston,
whom I didn’t know then was my brother but suspected that we had
a connection and I knew I knew him from somewhere but it took
quite a while for that to filter through. I was invited to see
Preston and went there in August 1985, when he took Duncan and I
to Montauk. He’d made many visits as a surplus dealer in
electronics but, at that point, he still did not know that he
had been involved himself. Duncan and I didn’t know either. He
said to us, I want to take you guys there. You’re both sensitives, and I want to take you to a place I know. I’m not
going to tell you exactly where I’m taking you, but we’re going
east on Long Island. I want you to see what you sense and pick
up. I know you guys have never been there before. (Ho, ho, ho.
That was the joke of the century,
but we didn’t know it.)
Well, we sensed what had been at Montauk. We sensed there had
been a monster roaming the base - that a huge project had been
operational here that had been abandoned. The evidence was
everywhere physically. Buildings were everywhere with doors
standing open, wrecked equipment inside, and the gates were
broken. It was an abandoned base. This was because Montauk
crashed 12 September 1983. It’s a long story how or why, but it
was after the involvement with the "Philadelphia Experiment,"
which occurred 12 August 1943 for the Eldridge and 12 August
1983 at Montauk. They were deliberately designed to lock up. It
took a long time to understand this and gather the data about
what was involved. This was part of the alien operation, because
there were aliens at Montauk by design and by agreement with the
government. They said, we’ll help you build it. You’ve got the
technology, but you have to understand what to do. We’ll show
you how to build it. So, the government asked what was the
price, and the aliens said they wanted their own agenda on the
station periodically. So, the government agreed to it. Even
though it was run by private scientists, the government and the
intelligence community, in particular, had oversight. There were
no regular reports to the House or Senate, because not one cent
of government money went into the operation. It was all private
money. (Not now, but in the first phase up to 1983.)
So, there was not traceability. It was a privately run operation
with government oversight through various military and
intelligence organizations, and, to some extent, they set the
goals and the agenda in the sense that the aliens would come in.
They told Dr. Herman Sieunterman, the administrative director of
the project until 1983, that he would have to learn to work with aliens. He was a hard-headed German, who, in his life, probably
had never seen an alien or even thought about what an alien
might be. So, he was told by the government that he would have
to work with them. Well, of course, all of us who were there did
work with them. We all knew them, saw them, and
worked with them every day. They had a draconian, who was in
charge of and was the chief director of all the alien interests.
He had his own office. We called him Charley. He was a
seven-foot tall draconian, weighing 450 pounds. He was extremely
intelligent. The first time he was there, he looked down at
humans as a near sub-human species, which was almost dirt
beneath his feet because, really, they were intelligent far
beyond human standards.
LE: Would you say, human standards, like maybe 2000 IQ or 5000
IQ or?
BIELEK: I wouldn’t even know how to estimate. However, being
that the IQ standard is logarithmic, there are rare humans with
IQs from 300 to 350. He would probably be somewhere around 1000+
to 2000. They are highly educated and live a long time. There
were other species there with whom we worked, who were helping
us design the computer systems. They had very advanced
computers, and we were working with an IBM 360 and 370 which, at
that time, were the most advanced we had. Later, the Cray I came
onto the scene. Of course, if we had had the Cray III, which we
did not have in that era, there would have been many fewer
problems than we had to circumvent by using the IBM 360 and 370.
LE: Now, I realize this is very complicated but, what are some
examples of the alien agenda or can you talk about that?
BIELEK: Right now, we don’t really know what they wanted to do,
and I was not privy to everything that went on in the station. I
was what was typically called middle management. I was below the
station master in rank or pecking order, if you will. I was
involved in a number of different projects, where I had certain
degrees of expertise and what I was assigned to do. Of course, I
had to know everything involved. I did not know about all the
projects that were ongoing, and did not know all the things that
aliens were doing, except they were interfacing with humans.
There was some genetic experimentation involved at Montauk. They
helped design the equipment so that they could run their own
agenda. The only part of their agenda, which I know for sure,
was that, on 1 August 1983, the orders came through, and they
were there to see that the station was turned on and run
continuously, 24 hours a day, until 12 August. That was very
abnormal, because it would only run six to eight hours a day
every three or four days for whatever experiments or work
involved - whether it was being run by the aliens or by the
humans. The aliens were always in the background with computer
work and computer expertise.
LE: So, they just didn’t talk about what they were doing,
because they had no reason.
BIELEK: Right, they didn’t. The only one who ever gave me
information was Charley, and that was because we got friendly. I
asked him about his background, education, and so forth, and his
life span. He said, they could live up to 10,000 years. I asked
his education, and he said, well, you’re familiar with PhD and
the doctorate level, like a doctor of science. We have 16
disciplines in which we can achieve the equivalent of your
doctor of science degree. He said that, when they are born, grow
up and first start their education, they go through the first
160 years of their lives in education. He said he has the
equivalent of 12 of our PhDs. I asked him how many he has, and
he said 16 maximum. I said, well, you’ve got four more to go,
and he said, yes. I asked him what he would do
when he finished them, and he said he didn’t know.
LE: So, this window they opened, it sounds like that had
something to do with the "Philadelphia Experiment," like there
was some kind of link.
BIELEK: Yes, the "Montauk Project" had many things to do. They
did many things in terms of time and space research. In the
earliest phases, they proved they could materialize a thought
from a person’s mind into a physical reality. This, of course,
involves religious concepts and ideas, which some of the Tibetan
adepts probably can do with mind power, because they’ve
disciplined themselves and learned how to do it. It is possible
but is a very rare ability. It can be done with machinery. If
you know what you’re doing, it can be done every time.
Eventually, they were able to do this at Montauk in the earliest
phases of their operation.
Then, they went on to the time tunnels, which meant they could
shift time forward or past, go to a location other than where
they were, either in the current time or shift time
simultaneously. Eventually, they could go anywhere on Earth, and
they went to the Moon, Mars, the whole galaxy. They could go
anywhere they wanted. There was a special program involving some
research in 1983, when the station went down, it was resumed
when the station was rebuilt in 1987. Then, it was called
"Project Hellfire." I was in charge of that phase of it, which
involved retrieving an object from a planet on the other side of
the galaxy - 120,000 light years away. It was highly specialized,
and it is still highly classified.
All I will say is that two objects were recovered. They are
alien, and we don’t know who built them. I don’t even know how
they got the information that they were even there or where to
go to find them. However, they were found and brought back for
research here. Two teams were involved: the first was a Navy
team and the second was a Marine team. I know most of the people
involved with both of them. I was in charge, and, with the
second, they had a lot of problems. I won’t go into the details
because it involves people whom I don’t wish to expose to public
scrutiny. Most of them are trying to keep a low profile today.
The memories of it only came back to some of them because of the
deprogramming of their programming by Preston Nichols. I was
there when it happened and asked some pointed questions, so, I
got some very direct answers from their own memories of what
happened. "Project Hellfire" was only one of the little side
They went into the Mars underground after reports from the
colonies there that there were sealed entrances to some kind of
underground facility, which they had no way to enter. They took
bulldozers, caterpillars, etc., because they didn’t have them on
Mars to do that sort of thing. So, Montauk was asked to take a
look at it. They could go right through anything. They would
send a camera, in case it wound up in solid rock, only a camera
would be lost - not a person or a whole team. They got pictures
of an underground cavern system of some kind, so they sent a
team there. There were many trips. Duncan and I went, and we
went on our own a couple times and got our wrists and were
barred from ever going again.
LE: They didn’t want you going on your own?
BIELEK: No, they didn’t want us going on our own. They didn’t
know what we would find or do there. In any case, that was one
of the things done at Montauk. There were many other things
about which I have no idea. Of course, that became part of the
link with the "Philadelphia Experiment" on 12 August 1983 by
deliberate design of the aliens. In retrospect, we can look at
the reason for it. Then, we didn’t understand why the station
had all the problems. I was not there when it crashed. I was
told to take a vacation three days previously.
LE: Okay. So, you didn’t see the monster, then.
BIELEK: No, I didn’t see the monster then. We’ve seen it since
and have photographs of it today. I was not there when it
crashed. Duncan was part of the business of making it crash, but
he had an ongoing hatred of this station from about three weeks
prior to its demise. Preston and a number of other people were
involved. There were certain engineers who wouldn’t go along
with it. Dr. von Neumann was totally exasperated, when he found
out that the orders were given and orders were in process of
destroying the station with "Junior," and so forth.
This thing
was designed by aliens to lock up. It had to be 12 August 1943
and 1983. As we subsequently found out by research in the late
80s that (the aliens knew it all along, and I suspect there were
other secret societies which knew this), Earth has its own
biorhythms like the human body. The human body has three
which cycle and peak occasionally. The Earth has four
biorhythms, and they peak and become literally a synchronization
point once every 20 years, and it’s always on 12 August, plus or
minus a half day.
LE: That’s my birthday, isn’t that weird?
BIELEK: That is interesting. In fact, I have another friend,
whose birthday’s 12 August. My real birthday is 4 August. In any
case, on that date, these energies peak and become a
synchronization point. The aliens knew it, and we didn’t. We had
no idea why they wanted Montauk left on during that time until
it locked up with the "Philadelphia Experiment" and we wound up
at Montauk when we jumped off the ship. The ship was pulled out
of the harbor into hyperspace because of Montauk. On the 22 July
test, nothing like this happened. Montauk was operational, but I
don’t’ know whether it was on that day. Even if it had been on,
it would not lock up, because it required this peculiar
synchronization with Earth’s fields to produce a lock through
the space-time continuum, if you will. The aliens did this in
order to rip a hole in space and time, so they could get large
numbers of aliens through.
Aliens have been on this planet for a long time, but in small
numbers. After the "Philadelphia Experiment" 12 August 1943,
they started to arrive in larger numbers. They could come in
with big ships, park in orbit, come to
Earth, and they literally started invading Earth en masse. They
build a huge underwater base in the Bikini atoll in the Pacific.
Our intelligence found out about this. The Japanese were having
problems with the aliens, after we dropped the two bombs and
before they surrendered. (There were more than two bombs, by the
way.) In any case, our intelligence found out about the huge
underwater base in the Bikini atoll
(image below).

How they found out, I don’t
know, but there were an estimated half-million UFOs in that base
in the lagoon underwater. These would not be detectable by any
techniques we had at that time. They decided to hold the
"Operation Crossroads" tests in the Bikini atoll. They pulled
the natives off the island, built their facilities and, of
course, made the two tests of one on the surface and one
underwater with the bombs.
There are actually pictures, which I have. I inherited them by
peculiar circumstance. They show UFOs trying to escape at the
point of the neutron flash before the huge mushroom. In the
mushroom, of course, there are ships shown vertical, being blown
apart, and UFOs attempting to escape. Only a few made it. There
is really no answer to this question, but how come they didn’t
know this was coming and how come they didn’t try to escape. The
only deductive conclusion I can come to is that they didn’t
believe our bomb was strong enough to penetrate the lagoon floor
and collapse their sanctuary. Since we set off four atomic bombs
in that lagoon (I got this from Phil Schneider before he died
because his father was there for the test), they made sure that
facility was destroyed.
LE: That facility was destroyed?
BIELEK: Oh, yes, it was destroyed. This set the invasion and
takeover way back, and they’ve never
been able to recover, though they’re still working at it.
This was one of the things that occurred and one of the aspects
that are buried about which the public doesn’t know. Those
pictures released to the press and the public, show the mushroom
and the ships being blown half out of the lagoon were
air-brushed to remove the evidence of UFOs trying to escape. The
pictures were taken from 10 miles away and are damn good. They
had excellent optics and very good cameras.
LE: I don’t know whether you want to share them or not but, if
you’d choose to share a copy of them, we’d like to add them to
your story.
BIELEK: I might be able to. I’d have to get them out of storage.
Phil went around lecturing about this while he was still alive.
They don’t show up too well in the video shots, but he did show
the photos in his lecture series about the Bikini atoll test and
what happened. His father was there. His father was involved in
the "Philadelphia Experiment." His father was the chief medical
officer. How he wound up in the Navy is a very strange story,
because he was a German U-boat captain, who was captured by the
French in 1940. He was turned over to the Third Army. Some
negotiations were involved, obviously, and I’m quite certain
that my real father was the one who did the negotiating - that
is Alexander Duncan Cameron, Sr., was involved directly in those
negotiations, I’m sure, because he smuggled nine German
scientists out of Germany between the period of 1933 and 1942.
Cameron was in charge of the transference of the German
scientists to the United States after the war under
"Operation Paperclip." He was directly involved with that.
LE: There were hundreds who came out of Germany, right?
BIELEK: Yes. He was involved with the selection, and I only
found this out quite recently. In any case, he had a long and
strange history after he mustered out of the Navy with a heart
murmur in 1929. He was given a pension. He was involved, and I
did get confirmation from somebody, who was in a position to
know, because he knew my father. He knew my father was in
intelligence - what rank I don’t know - whether he was
officially in the Navy or not, I don’t know. There is no record;
all the records have been wiped.
LE: Something I’ve never understood is that, since the
government had access to
time travel and all the
information there, why did Montauk get closed down. It seems
like it could have been foreseen and stopped.
BIELEK: The reason it was shut down in 1983 was because
and others wanted it to be shut down. They had to wait until
after I, as Edward Cameron, and Duncan (the original Duncan)
came to Montauk, spent our 12 hours there and, then, were
shipped back to the Eldridge. They had to wait until that
sequence was over, or they would interrupt a part of the time
history in this sequence and alter history drastically. So, they
allowed that to happen. It was after we had returned to the
Eldridge when Duncan #2 was given the cue by Preston, sitting in
the chair in a semi-transit time. Of course, he conjured up from
his subconscious this monster, which went into the machine,
became clothed in physical reality by the station equipment, and
which started tearing things up.
It tried to get into the radar tower, but it couldn’t because
the tower was so strong. Jack Pruitt told everybody to get out
except Preston. He said, we’ve got to stop this thing. They
tried to shut off the power switches and,
like on the Eldridge, they were frozen. So, they got axes and
torches and cut the power-feed cables. Nothing happened. So,
they figured there must be a second set of power-feed cables.
They cut those, and the lights went out, but the station kept
running. Having this very complex computer with its own memories
and all the algorithms of advanced science and technology buried
in it, did what Einstein said would happen years before. He
said, if you build a machine of sufficient complexity and enough
power, if given time, it will become intelligent of itself.
This machine, called the "Montauk Operation," did. It found its
own way to feed itself enough power to keep going. At this
point, Jack Pruitt said to Preston, you’re going in there with
an acetylene torch and cut up the cables and the feeds between
the computers and the drivers and everything else to shut this
thing down. Preston said, no, I’m not. Of course, Jack Pruitt
pointed a 45 at the back of is head and said, yes, you will.
This is Preston’s story and I don’t know who was there, but
Preston says he was the one who was ordered to go cut the cable
feeds. When enough sections of the brain were cut, it quit and
the monster disappeared within a matter of an hour or less and
moved to the location it’s seen today. If you get in the right
position with ordinary 35-mm cameras with ordinary film, you can
film "Junior," as we called him. He’s still there, but the
station was off.
Now, the station went back on-line in 1987, but it didn’t go
into full power-mode operation until 1993. With its resumption
with very high power from 1993 onward, "Junior" has been seen to
move around. He’s actually been seen swimming in the surf east
of the lighthouse at Montauk Point, although I cannot verify
these reports. He has been seen on and off the base walking
around by people with their naked eyes - without cameras or
anything else - when the station’s operating. The station has
been down for a while again. When it’s down, it disappears.
here, I don’t know, because people can’t see it without the
LE: What’s your guess as to what they’re doing now with the
station going again? The same kind of
time-space travel?
BIELEK: No, that has been moved elsewhere. I think they have the
capability to do it there. They do have the capability for a
completely new order of time manipulation. They’re not using the
time-tunnel situation now, to my knowledge. Preston is working
there at present, and he’s finally at the point where so many
trips have been made back and forth, he’s remembering much of
what he did and is talking privately about it.
LE: He’s working at the project again?
BIELEK: Yes, directly. He says from 1991 onward, but he didn’t
remember this until quite recently. He knows that, recently in
the last year, he’s been heavily involved. Now, they’re doing a
totally different thing that has been the avant garde research
project of which there are now 36 similar ones, including
Montauk Point. These are particle beam weapons of such enormous
power, like
Tesla proposed, but far more powerful than Tesla
would have ever believed possible. This beam is so powerful
that, for those who have technical minds, it puts out 1 x 10 to
the 25th power joules. That’s more power than a hydrogen bomb
can generate.
LE: Is its purpose to protect us from the aliens?
BIELEK: Yes. Exactly. The cover story is "Star Wars Initiative"
to prevent missiles from being fired from Russia as was feared
at one time. Now, we don’t expect that would ever happen. The
story was that, if they were fired, we could destroy them
incoming. This was the story given to the public and to the
Congress in order to appropriate money for the "Star Wars
Initiative." It was never intended to be a defense against war
between the US and Russia or whomever. It was designed for the
sole purpose of keeping aliens out. Any one beam is so powerful
that, literally, they can fire into space.
Of course STS 48
shows this, and that strangely captured document (sent from
space to the ground station and the guy that recorded it on his
own, not at NASA facility but parallel), shows the system firing
from the ground at a craft, which was moving at what Dr. Holtman
said was approximately 100,000 mph. Then, it made a right-angle
turn, was fired upon and accelerated to something like
400,000 mph. So, by the time the beam hit the point where the
ship should have been, the ship wasn’t there any more and didn’t
get hit. The beam is essentially instantaneous, but they have to
focus and the ship got out of range. This showed something
firing from the ground. This probably was one of the early tests
of the particle-beam weapons system.
LE: I think I saw that on a video. Was that on a video?
BIELEK: Yes, it was on a video that was circulated very widely.
The original that I have shows some of the vehicles we were
putting into orbit and certain other things involving the
shuttle at the time. They took the pictures from the shuttle.
Now, whether this was part of the process in which the shuttle
was deliberately involved or whether it was accidental, nobody
can say for sure. There is proof that there is a system
deliberately aimed at vehicles up there, and, further with this
particular SDS mission, it showed UFOs. I mean, they are plainly
visible in daylight, taken from the shuttle. Of course, this was
never supposed to get to the outside, but the director of NASA
was fired right after that because they accused him of letting
it leak. Maybe he did let it leak deliberately.
LE: Now, let me ask you this. Preston is involved in this, have
they approached you to do anything? Do you think they will?
BIELEK: No. I have adamantly refused to be involved. I have
since said, if there were something of sufficient importance, I
would definitely consider it but, to my knowledge, I’ve not been
involved. I am still officially on the access list for Montauk.
I found that out from Preston. His and my names are on the list,
but Duncan’s is not, because he’s so adamant about not being any
part of it. Of course, to be polite, his mind is not what it
used to be. He has physical problems, so he’s really not
physically eligible.
LE: Do you have concerns about things going on with this
technology right now?
BIELEK: Yes. They’ve used it to shoot down UFOs. When
Schneider was alive, he had a very high-level clearance. Because
of his position with NATO, he traveled all over the world. He
saw the huge junk piles of UFOs shot down by the Russian
versions of the Montauk operation. He said they had football
fields covered up to 50 feet thick with these things. He said
they were shooting them down at the rate of about 30 a week at
that time. He said we’ve shot them down at the rate of maybe
five to seven a week in the US with our systems, when they’re
operational. He said, the Russians had set up a zone of
neutrality, which was anything from 250 miles above the surface
of the Earth down.
No alien ship will go across that artificial border without
permission. If they do, the Russians don’t care who they are,
and they’ll shoot them down. They shot down a number of friendly Pleiadian ships, and
the Pleiadians were hopping mad, but they
got the message. Stay out unless your invited. If you’re
invited, that’s fine, but, if you’re not invited, we don’t care
who you are. We’ll shoot you down if you pass that 250 mile
barrier. If it’s a known hostile, they’ll shoot them down much
farther out.
Back to Top
Part 2
LE = Leading Edge reporter Kenneth Burke
LE: What is happening either on
Mars or the Moon these days that you
know about?
BIELEK: I can give you very little
information about Mars. I know there are colonies there, but
there’s evidence that the colonies have been overrun and
destroyed. The story is by an alien group - the reptilians. The
reason we can say this is apparently what happened is because
all the radio transmissions to Earth from the colonies, which
were on a very regular basis, suddenly shut off about two years
ago. The radio amateurs used to monitor them with their own
equipment, because they could triangulate and know they were
from Mars. Suddenly, all transmissions shut off, and they say
there are no more. Something’s happened up there.
Of course, the
moon’s being mined by US-Russian interests and
obviously some alien interests. We’re mining the back of the
moon, bringing titanium back. The moon is an artificial object.
It’s not natural. It was built as a space vehicle by someone
long ago and parked in orbit because they apparently had trouble
with it. Whether you believe it or not, because there is no
proof of this, the story goes that whoever was in the original
moon parked it there, built themselves a smaller moon object and
took off. There are stories in the Vedic literature that there
were two moons around the Earth for a period of time. Prior to
about 25,000 years or so ago, there was no moon in the Earth’s
orbit. It was brought in and parked. We’ve been up there, and
the Russians are up there. We’re mining the back side for
I can’t say this is proof, because it’s not public. Interesting
information came to my attention about one and one-half to two
years ago from somebody involved as a consultant to the
government and certain civilian military sectors, and has good
connections with the military. He drives all over the country to
service cryogenic and related equipment found out the US has
been melting down scrap titanium. He got a few facts and figures
together and found that they are melting down a conglomerate of
12,000 tons of scrap titanium per month and the Russians are
doing the same at about the same rate. Now, it doesn’t take too
much figuring to start asking where are they getting all this
scrap titanium. In the heyday of producing titanium at
Henderson, Nevada, it took half the power output of Boulder Dam and half the water from Boulder Dam to
process raw ore and finish titanium bars, ingots, whatever. The
maximum they could produce 24 hours a day, seven days a week,
was 500 tons a year. Where did they get 12,000 tons of scrap? It
was coming in from the Moon.
I found this out and asked
Phil Schneider about it, because he
had so many connections. He said, yes, it was coming from the moon. He showed me a sample of the
titanium. It was strange-looking stuff. When I asked, he said it was from the moon. I said, isn’t
this the same titanium we use here on Earth when we mine, process and produce our own. He said, now,
it is a different isotope. It’s not the same type of titanium, and
the moon is largely titanium.
LE: Does it still work the same?
BIELEK: Yes. It still works very well as titanium.
LE: Something about which I’d like to ask you concerns our talk
with somebody recently, who gave us all this documentation. He
feels that it’s imminent that the government is going to
this massive UFO coverup.
BIELEK: They’re not going to do it on their own, because it’s
too embarrassing in many respects. The coverup has gone on for
so long, since Roswell and particularly after the overflights of
the White House in 1952, when the National Security Council got
into it and had a split vote at that time of six to release the
unvarnished information to the public and the other six to bury
it. Of course, the chairman of the NSA at that time had to cast
the deciding vote to break the tie. That chairman was Richard
Nixon, who was the director of the NSA until he became
president. He cast the vote to bury it, so, they set up "Project
Blue Book" - one for the public and one for the military and, of
course, have buried everything ever since. It has become
embarrassing to them because they have captured so many ships
and have so many aliens, who have been hostages or "guests" of
the government as it is politely said.
Even though there are people who think that anyone believing
this is having figments of their imaginations, there are tons of
highly classified proof which is buried because they do not want
the public to know. If the public becomes heir to anything that
augments the theory or shows real proof, it’s seized under
national security rules. The people keep talking; some have been
shut up and some killed, like Phil Schneider, for example, who
knew the facts and had directly interviewed aliens himself in
Area 51. He knew what was going on. He attended underground UN
meetings - the real meetings are not held in New York at the UN
Plaza. The policy-making meetings are held in the underground
military bases (what he called the DUM - deep underground
military - bases). They are all controlled and dictated to by the tall gray aliens. He personally attended two of these meetings
and said, after the second one, he was working for the wrong
people. That was why he quit his service as a geologist for the
LE: So, his observation was that the
UN is controlled and run by
BIELEK: Yes. That is his flat statement. He never made it
publicly, but I will. He said it was run by aliens. He said
that the aliens are in back of UN policy, and that they are in
back of so many things that are happening on the Earth. He says
that they are gradually taking over and are running, shall we
say, "The New World Order."
LE: Now, which group of aliens is this?
BIELEK: The tall grays - the old ones.
LE: And they’re from Sirius?
BIELEK: They’re from
Zeta Reticuli. In a way, they’re related
to, but they’re not the same as the short grays, which are
almost robotic. There are five or six different species of
grays. The sixth one is the tall grays. Then, there are the
six-foot type, then the five and one-half-foot type. These are
all male and female, which do reproduce in a manner which we
recognize and know as normal reproduction. You get down to the
little three and one-half-foot grays, who are asexual and can’t
reproduce. They can’t even digest food. These are the renegades.
They are sort of the drones of the gray society, who do the work
for them.
LE: Do we know how many of these are here?
BIELEK: At one time, there were millions. I have no idea how
many are here now. They have split away from the government and
do not even work for the US government any more. Some of the
stories were, "The government lies too much." Well, I think we
all know that, but even the grays finally tumbled to the fact
that the promises made to them by the government were broken. Of
course, the government says that the promises made to the
government by the grays have been broken. They’re probably both
LE: So, all this information that you can read from various
sources about the organization of "The New World Order" and the
"black helicopters" and all these things is being orchestrated
by the aliens?
BIELEK: Much of it is. There’s also a cross of a very human
group - the 12 families, including the "Illuminati," the "Bilderburgers,"
"CFR," "Trilateral Commission," "Club of Rome," the "Committee
of 300." All of these are human groups, the inside elite, who
want to set up a "New World Order" and a "One-World Government."
They want to
reduce the world population at the same time. Now,
these guys are not stupid. One cannot deny they are very
intelligent, but they see things in a different light than the
average person. They don’t believe in freedom, except their kind
- a "you are part of us" kind. If you’re not, we’ll maneuver any
way we want. You are essentially slave labor to the rest of the
world in their eyes. They see that the world is overpopulated
(and I don’t think there’s any question that it’s ecologically
overpopulated), and they want to
reduce the world population
any means: biological warfare, nuclear warfare, whatever.
They’ve given up the nuclear warfare, because it would not be in
their interest, since it would destroy them. By whatever means,
they want to reduce the population to about one-half billion.
They wanted to do it by the year 2000 but have had to change the
goal to the year 2025, because of the near physical
impossibility of doing this in three years - five years from the
original inception of the plan, although the plan is older than
1995. They’ve extended the date, but they still want to reduce
the world population and set up more of their view of a "garden
paradise," and convert many of our cities and living areas back
into the natural primeval forest that existed 500 years ago.
They’re literally ready to plow under cities in this country and
plow under the highways. They don’t want to destroy all but many
of the cities, because they want to reduce the population. This
is the plan which they’re in the process of implementing. Of
course, we’ve got the aliens involved.
LE: That’s the variable.
BIELEK: Yes. That’s the variable element. In their view, they
are using the aliens. In the alien’s view, they are being used
by the aliens. So, who is on top. Who’s really running the show?
Nobody knows at this point. You could read
Branton’s work,
either the 26-page synopsis or the entire book. He was a US
government employee for most of his life, underground working
with the alien situation. According to his statements, the US
government is underground with troops, and he says there’s a
see-saw war going on under our feet that’s been going on for
years as to who’s going to come out on top and run the show.
There are two or more alien groups vying for control in the
underground, and the US government’s trying to keep things under
control with our troops - surprise - and he has reported all
this. So, it’s really a free-for-all. At this point, nobody can
say flatly who is on top or who’s going to come out on top.
From my observations, I don’t think "The New World Order" is
going to make it. They will appear to make it up to the last
moment and will achieve still more control than they have right
now, which is almost full control now. They’re going to get to
the ID cards, the bank Smartcard containing your entire history,
and they intend, by 1999 before the year 2000, everybody in the
US and probably everybody in the world about whom they have any
concern will have to have one of these cards to do any banking
or anything. If they don’t have it, they’re an outlaw. This is
the plan and what they’re working on. The cards are starting to
show up. The banking is being converted to a cashless society,
now, at an accelerating rate. These are all "New World Order"
plans. They intend to achieve complete dominance and control of
the society by the year 2000. They know Earth changes are
coming, too, and they’re trying to circumvent them as much as
possible and set this up before the Earth changes become highly destructive. They’re not fools. They know this is
going to happen. They have their prepared sites, where they hope
to survive. I don’t think they’ll survive as well as they think.
Their last resort that they have vehicles to leave the planet
and go somewhere else.
LE: Do they know when these
Earth changes are supposed to
BIELEK: From time travel, they have a pretty good idea.
Phil was
a geologist. He was not able to time travel. He knew about it,
but he didn’t get to do it. He says that, as a geologist, we
know the Earth changes are coming, where they’re going to
happen, and how heavily they’re going to hit. For example, San
Francisco will be hit with an earthquake of Richter 11 to 12. I
said, that will wipe out the city, and he said, yes. He said the
Navy is already moving all their facilities out of the San
Francisco Bay area. They have not closed San Diego. He said San
Diego will be wiped out. He said they’re moving much of it to
Bremerton, Washington, but they don’t know whether that will be
safe, and they don’t know what to do with the Pacific Fleet -
whether to let it sit at anchor and hope it rides it out or move
it to sea and hope it rides it out there. He said that they know
it’s coming, but he said they know
it’s coming, but the problem is - we cannot predict when. Now,
for the last 72 hours, yes. There are certain indicators that,
within 72 hours, will say, this is it, but earlier than that,
it’s not predictable.
LE: Well, with your contacts, have you been able to find out
when the government feels this will happen?
BIELEK: Not in terms of what the government thinks. I’ve seldom
talked about this publicly, but it’s probably time. In terms
of time travel and my access of future events, because in my and
Duncan’s jumping overboard from the Eldridge, we did not go
straight to Montauk. We went to the year 2137 A.D. We arrived in
bad shape. We wound up in hospitals for about a month. When we
finally found out where we were, we both (particularly me)
started asking lots of questions about where we were, what had
happened, and so forth. They told us about various events and
showed us some maps of the altered United States. We asked, what
the hell’s going on here? We looked at the maps from all over.
What events had changed in government, in society? They were
rebuilding from the damage of the period from 2000 to 2015 to
2016 era. Finally, everything had settled by the time of 2025.
As they told us, when the Earth changes hit really severely,
which was around the year 2000, at that point, the governments
all over the world collapsed, and the military took over. The
Earth changes were very severe, and there was a tremendous loss
of life. By the year 2025, the planetary population was down to
somewhere around 450 to 500 million. So, "The New World Order"
accomplished their goal in the process of losing it.
LE: Losing the world.
BIELEK: Yeah. They do start to rebuild, and they do rebuild. I
would say that, at that point, they were about half way to
rebuilding what we have today. Of course, they would never
rebuild as completely as today, because they would never achieve
the population. They would keep it under control from that point
and held it to about 500 to 800 million. There is no longer the
pressure for vast industrialization. Science and technology were
saved completely, and the military (particularly the Navy) were
taking care of this. The Navy has a fleet (now, but I don’t know
how many) of the Phoenix class submarine, which is 960 feet long
with double-titanium hulls. The Russians have the same sort of
type. That’s where the titanium is being used. These things are
monstrous. The crews on board are 1400 - all officers and no
enlisted. Of course, they have missile racks, but with the
double-titanium hulls, they can dive and sit at a depth of
approximately 7000 feet and survive. They are solid-state
nuclear powered, which are more durable than the old type.
They don’t have any waste-product or breakdown problems. The
important part is that the Navy and those who realize what is
coming have decided that they have to do something to salvage
science and technology and the knowledge to rebuild in the
future. In everyone of those Phoenix class subs, they have put a
series of 18-inch laser disk players. With data compression,
modern techniques and a 18-inch laser disk, they can store the
history of civilization, all of the science and technology which
we have today, on one disk. They probably have backup disks.
Every one of those subs has such a system on board. I know
people who were involved in the initial design. They initially
started with 36-inch laser disks. I talked with a man, who was
involved with the project. They decided that was too big, and
have reduced it to an 18-inch, which they decided was quite
large enough. He said that, with the newer techniques of data
compression, they can create an enormous data compression and
data storage on an 18-inch disk. The worst case analysis
suggests that some of those subs will survive. They only need
one to survive and have an intelligent crew survive to start to
rebuild civilization. They know people will survive into the
future. They know that not all cities will be wrecked.
From my knowledge of what I heard at that time, the cities which
survived and which didn’t, Atlanta survived as a city, but it
was wrecked because of the riots and the war which befell it. By
the year 2000 from the data I have, reduced this population from
3-1/2 million, believe it or not, to 15,000.
LE: So, you want to be out of the cities at this time.
BIELEK: Right. Denver survived completely, as did some other
cities. Some of the more rural areas survived quite well. The
problem, is that you don’t want to be directly in the Rocky
Mountains, because they are going to be badly shaken. Denver is
far enough east that it will not be hit by mountain movements.
If an asteroid were to hit, yes, every city on the continent
would be hit by the ripple effect through the mantle. There are
military watching for that and, hopefully, we will never be hit
by such a large object.
Hale-Bopp was diverted and split into six pieces in the process.
LE: Oh, really?
BIELEK: Yes. Then, they moved it out early and changed the
orbit. According to the scientific computer estimates, they told
the public it would be a fly-by. Drs. Hale and Bopp said about
one million miles from Earth from the latest computation; the
original one said 100 to 125 million miles away. According to
the information I received, the military said it was on a direct
collision course with the Earth. There had been 23 course
corrections, and they could see where it was headed. They were
sweating bullets.
LE: It was being directed, like some people thought?
BIELEK: Yes. It was being directed straight into a collision
course with Earth.
LE: And there was a spacecraft directing it, like some people
BIELEK: Yes. There was a very large craft in back of it. They
had good photographs of it through the Hubble telescope, too,
believe it or not, which were never made public, of course. The
military or NASA or both had been tracking Hale-Bopp for some 10
years - well outside the solar system, because it’s the largest
comet known in the history of man. It’s a very large object with
a huge trail. They were able to track it that far out, because
they have very sophisticated equipment.
LE: How could they divert it if the spacecraft was directing it?
BIELEK: Because they found a way to divert Hale-Bopp by means of
the particle-beam weapons systems and other highly advanced
techniques. They were able to move it, divert it from the Earth,
and send it out early. It was actually supposed to hit apogee
about 28 April to 1 May. It was on its way out by 28 April.
LE: Did they attack the spacecraft?
Yes, they did. They destroyed it. I’ve not seen the
photos, but photos were taken, and the information I have is
that there were many attempts through the military and
cooperation with remote viewers, who agreed that there was a
large object there. Nobody could agree about what or who was in
it. They couldn’t even agree on the size, because I got feedback
through military channels that there were 137 remote viewers
involved in this, from whom they got all the data and stories.
They got 137 different opinions. None agreed with the other. The
military finally concluded, and I think rightfully so, that this
means that there was somebody intelligent on board, who was
directing the return view of what these people saw to what those
individuals perhaps would like to see. Since there were 137
different views of what was seen, they felt obviously this was
being directed and obviously they were hostile or they wouldn’t
be acting that way. So, they took the view that whoever was in
that object and the object were hostile.
After Hale-Bopp was out of the way, it was sitting there for a
period of time. They had been transmitting radio signals for a
period of time that have never been decoded. They’ve been unable
to crack them. I have inputs which suggest that it was not a
language anyway but a computer code for some other purpose, and
that would never be cracked if the purpose of the encoding were
never known. At least, I heard that they didn’t. All of a
sudden, the radio signal stopped, and the thing was gone. It was
destroyed. There was a lifeboat, which went very rapidly and
went outside the solar system. According to information I have,
a series of very special aircraft, which we have, destroyed it.
The series is the Aurora, and very few people know about them.
That’s our most advanced flying weapon that we have.
The newest version that the
US builds (the other version is
built by the Russians) will do Mach 35 outside of the
atmosphere, meaning around the Earth in less than one hour. It
can circumnavigate the entire Earth in less than one hour.
According to information I have from Phil Schneider, who had
privy to a lot of information before he died about which he did
talk, is that the new Russian version is smaller than hours, and
they can do Mach 50 in the atmosphere. This is the Aurora
aircraft, which uses a very special form of atomic nuclear grid
bed engines with enormous thrust. Each engine puts out 10 million pounds of
thrust. With two of them (20 million pounds of thrust), they can
fly straight from the Earth to the moon with a payload and come
back with a payload without refueling. These vehicles, which can
go deep into space, were used to get to Hale-Bopp and destroy
LE: Since you mentioned where you went before you went to
Montauk, could you share a little bit more about that society
when you were there?
BIELEK: It was still in the process of being rebuilt. If I
remember correctly, the banking systems were nearly gone. The
banking systems did vanish completely later. The governments
were in a very strange state. They were localized governments
but they were evolving.
LE: But, they had the technology to send you to
BIELEK: Oh, yeah. They had the technology for space travel even
then. Of course, we have it now. It was not lost, but they were
rebuilding what had been here on the Earth, and it was a
tremendous job. Another problem they had was what could they do
with the nuclear waste? And, that’s one of the biggest problems
we have on the Earth today. It’s poisoning the atmosphere. The
nuclear waste floating around in the upper atmosphere is really
what’s responsible for destroying the ozone layer - not the
spray chemicals and not the Freon-12. That’s absolute hogwash.
It is due to nuclear waste floating around in the atmosphere
from all the bomb tests and various other things. The nuclear
waste in the ocean is another problem that is catching up with
us severely. In the future, this was a problem. I don’t know how
they do it, but they were in the process then. We didn’t have
much time to ask questions.
From there, we were sent back to
Montauk, and, at Montauk, a lot
of our memories were erased. Duncan still does not remember the
side trip, but I do. How I became aware that we’d had a side
trip was another strange story involving a man, whom I met at
the First International UFO Convention in Tucson, Arizona, put
on by Wendell Stevens. A guest there with whom I spoke (and I’ll
only use his first name), was Jeff, who was an extreme psychic.
He was brought up through the project Trojan Horse, which was a
German project transferred to the US after World War II. He was
very, very psychic. We had a conference going and were sitting
around a big round table. I went over to talk with him and ask
him some questions. I’d never met him before that. I handed him
my business card. He held it and started reading off it. He
said, hmm, he saw something strange there. I thought, well, he’s
psychic, he’s going to come up with something. He said he saw
two time lines. He said,
lived through the same time period twice." I thought, "Holy
baloney!" This guy’s onto something." He looked at me and looked
at the card and said, "Your name’s not Al Bielek, your name’s
Edward Cameron. You’ve got a Ph.D. in physics. You graduated
from Harvard. Furthermore, you don’t really know what happened
with the Philadelphia Experiment.’"
At that point, my mouth was
literally hanging half way to the ground.
LE: This was when?
BIELEK: This was at Wendell Stevens’ First International UFO
Convention, Tucson, Arizona, I think in 1993 - 1992 or 1993. I said, well, I know there are some gaps in
my memory about the "Philadelphia Experiment." I don’t know everything that happened. He said,
"You don’t know what really happened." He said,
"You went into the year 2137 with your
brother. You were stuffed full of scientific information by the government there and sent back, and the US
government taps you now, periodically, because they figure the information is safer with
you two than anywhere else."
This is what he told me, verbatim. I went through the concrete of the
floor, and there was no basement. I was flabbergasted. I had never seen this guy before in my life and
he did this reading. Everything he said has proven to be true because, eventually, I did remember.
This guy was absolutely unbelievable. He has been all over
Europe and high society. Later, he showed me his scrapbook of photos of the people in Europe with
whom he used to party - in Bangkok and all over the world. He was supplied with money from
unknown sources. He was being directed by an outside alien group and was under the guidance of
- I can’t remember which there are so many of them. However, he was navigating them so to speak.
They helped train him as part of project Trojan Horse, and which they moved to
Brazil. He was
born in Brazil of normal parents and raised in that project. He escaped sometime around the age of 12
or 13. The rest of his life is a little obscure to me, but he was sent to the
UN to talk with a certain
person, which he did, and that guy set up a bank account for him and said he’d always had money in the
account. From that time, he traveled and met various people.
I do not know what his real function was supposed to be. He
wanted to work with me in Phoenix and a third party, and, in the
process of boarding a plane in Tampa, Florida, to go to meet us
in Phoenix, he was abducted by US government agents, knocked
out, and put on a plane that was going to go to Russia, if it
was read remotely correctly. That plane was turned back, and he
wound up in the underground in New Mexico, where he was helped
to escape. It’s a longer story, and I won’t go into the details.
He wound up on the surface and was told
that transportation would be provided. He stood on the side of
the road and watched a bus come down the road. The engine died
right in front of him, and the bus stopped. He talked to the bus
driver and told him he needed to get to the next town. The bus
driver said that he couldn’t take him because he didn’t have a
ticket. The guy said that he had money and argued the bus driver
into accepting him and paid him. The bus driver dropped him off
at the next town, where he met some people I know, like Bill
English. I think the next town was Alamogordo, New Mexico. From
there, he called me wherever I was. I went back to Phoenix, and
he arrived several days later from New Mexico. He told me where
he was, and I went to meet him in the motel. He looked haggard
and was hacking like a leaf. He looked like he’d been through the
concrete mixer several times over.
He asked if I saw anything strange about him, and I said, "Yeah,
where’d all your hair go?" He said,
"Where I was in the
underground facility, they shaved me clean of every stitch of
hair on my body and told me a story of torture and everything
else that the civilian doctors ...." I asked if they were human,
and he said, "Yes. He said they were torturing me. They wired me
up, but I don’t know what they were going to do. I was given
help to get out and here I am."
He showed me that back of his
neck (and I have a video of this, because the guy in Alamogordo
did a complete analysis and video of him), he had a big hole
where they must have had some kind of probe. He had Army
fatigues on rather than his regular clothes, which he acquired
in the process of his escape, because his suitcases had vanished
at the airport when he was abducted. He finally made it to
Phoenix. Well, we didn’t do anything like he’d originally
planned, and he eventually recovered and his hair grew back.
But, he was so badly shaken when I met him, and had obviously
been through a very harrowing experience, and for what reason I
don’t know. I have no idea what it was all about, except that
somebody did not want him to meet me and a third party, whom
I’ll not name. That broke up the operation literally.
I can surmise what it was all about, but I won’t go into it
because of the identity of the third party, who is a fairly young person for whom I don’t want to cause any
LE: Something about which you talked is that the reason they
leave you alone is that you carry some kind of energy field.
BIELEK: That’s part of it, plus the fact that I traveled through
time and came back. I have my own time loop. One of the problems
is that Dr. Norman Levinson, who was a math professor at MIT
(born, I think in 1912 and died in 1976, I believe), wrote a
series of mathematical books. I found four or five of them on
the shelves of the library at Princeton, the Institute of
Advanced Study, which he wrote about a series of things called
the time equations, the time matrix, and such, which are still
classified today. One of the things, which he developed and said
was that, if you produce a disruption in the time field, it
becomes unstable, because, just as an electronic transmission
line for radio or TV work, it has an impedance in the line. You
must terminate that line at its appropriate characteristic
impedance or you get reflected energy.
You don’t get full transmission of the power down the line. It
has to be properly terminated at the right impedance, which is
well known to electronic engineers, which I am. If you do not
terminate that line at the proper impedance, and it’s either too
low or too high, you get reflected energy back to the source.
You don’t get proper power transfer. This is well-known and
well-established. The same thing holds for the time field. If
you cause a sharp
disruption, which was the case when the "Philadelphia
Experiment" locked up with the "Montauk Project" on
12 August
1943 and 1983, you produce a disturbance in the time field. Like
an unterminated transmission line, you will cause a ripple in
the time field and reverse time energy fields started to go
Of course, Dr. von Neumann knew this in his math. There was a
problem in 1963, where the forward field was met by the reverse
field. He mathematically extrapolated that we were going to have
a real problem, like most of the North American continent was
going to wind up in space and the rest would be covered by ocean
water. They had to put the Earth on a new time line, which was
successfully done in March 1963 by a group, involving Dr. von
Neumann and three other scientists. I met one of the others, but
the other two were from the future, and I don’t know who they
were. Dr. von Neumann had his own time machine and recruited
these people to work for him.
LE: All right. So,
we’re on a different time line now?
BIELEK: Yes. We’re on a different time line than the original -
the whole planet. That saved the day, so to speak, to prevent
the forward and reversed time waves hitting each other, because
the reversed one was attenuated severely by going on a new time
line. Shall we say, this vectorially avoided the collision by
going off in a different direction. That’s exactly what they
did, so the effect was minimal. We’re still on that alternate
time line, and this has helped, in a way, to change history.
There is such a complex of problems involving time engineering,
re-engineering, being on a different than the original time
line, that it’s hard to say where this may all come out. Shall
we say, the innermost levels of the government and the
scientists, who work with it, are well-aware of this problem.
They have been doing time engineering and re-engineering. Of
course, outside groups have been concerned about this, as well.
There’s another group, of which I only recently learned, is the
group which runs the "Montauk Boys" project. That’s a very long
story in itself, since my number two son was a "Montauk Boy,"
and we go into it sideways because of that, finding out that
there was not just one. All the "Montauk Boys" projects are now
away from Montauk. They went in 1980 or 1981. I went into other
sectors, all underground bases (six on Long Island). Every major
city in the US has one. They’re processed all over the country.
In fact, the "Montauk Boys" is a generic term. It doesn’t refer
to location, only to the processing and the product. They’re
hitting them all over the world. Over 10 million Americans have
been processed in the "Montauk Boys" project.
LE: I’ve read different information about things with which
you’ve been involved. I’ve never really understood what the
"Montauk Boys" project is.
BIELEK: This is a project to
implant and program them for future
use. The original program started in about 1975 and 1976. It’s
ongoing to this day. They had to pick these kids at a vulnerable
age around puberty. This means that the candidates were
selected. They are quite careful about selecting them. They have
to fit a certain genetic pattern. They want these candidates
from anywhere around 12 to 16, sometimes as late as 17. Beyond
that age, around the age of 17, the mindset starts to become
fixed, and they can’t really be set up and trained the way they
are wanted. The ideal ages seem to be from 13 to 15. They are
programmed, conditioned to be push-button controlled for remote
programming already inserted into their subconsciousnesses
through the implants and the
conditioning of each individual.
The "Montauk Boys" are now implanted by some very sophisticated
techniques. They go through training first, processing, mind
control, implants in the subconscious, command factors,
personality changes and variants, preconditioning to do certain
things upon command. The command will be supplied either by a
final level of programming or, if the final level’s inserted,
there are certain command functions which can be delivered
either by a radio transmission (because the human brain will
receive scale of transmissions if not damaged). You can transmit
from an FM or AM radio transmitter (typically AM) a scale or
energy announcement, which will be heard by the candidate by the
scale of reception techniques of the human brain.
"If you reach
this message, call this phone number and you will get your
instructions either to report to a certain place or to set into
motion that preprogrammed program."
LE: Based on your knowledge, what kinds of things are they being
BIELEK: I didn’t know for what they were being programmed, but
now I know. They are being set up to be assassins,
riot makers (like in the LA riots a few years
ago which were not restricted for LA), spies, sex slaves, whatever. I might add that there are "Montauk
Girls," as well as "Montauk Boys," though I only know of one. They’re apparently a fairly rare
commodity. In terms of females being converted into sex slaves, "Project Monarch" is much more
common, as
Cathy O’Brien has explained in her book. I won’t go into that.
LE: We published her information previously.
BIELEK: Yes, it is quite well known. I presume there are
"Montauk Girls", who are programmed in a similar manner,
although you have a problem physiologically in terms of the
different polarities of the chakras in the female from the male.
Nevertheless, a way has been found to program them. They can be
set up to be sex slaves, male or female. Primarily, they like to
set them up as saboteurs, rioters and assassins.
I’m sure everyone has watched in horror the business of who
assassinated the world-renowned designer in Miami Beach. When
they were finally able to be sure who murdered this designer, I
took one look at his picture and could see that he is a "Montauk
Boy." They have a certain look. If you see one in person, you
know almost immediately whether or not he’s a "Montauk Boy."
There are certain characteristics in their auras that are
modified by their electronic programming and processing or, if
you are good at reading body language (as is Preston Nichols),
you can tell from the body language.
LE: There are millions of them?
BIELEK: There are 10 million-plus in the US alone, and they’re
continuing to program. I took one look at this guy’s picture and
said, "He’s a ’Montauk Boy.’" He might have acted as a normal
person up to the point that somebody pushed his buttons. Now,
interviews with his family are coming out. Number one, we had no
idea that he was a homosexual. He denied it all the time. We had
no idea that he was into this sort of thing. He was a nice,
quiet, well-mannered boy. His earliest roommate said that he was
a great guy, a humanitarian, and did all these good things, and
he had no idea that he could turn into a murderer. The next
roommate, of course, was one of the victims. They asked the
second roommate if he might be a murderer, but he said, of
course, he’s dead. He went through this string of murders. Who
ordered this and why? What did this designer in Florida know or
what connections did he have all over the world?
LE: What did he find out that they didn’t want him to know?
BIELEK: Right. He was a homosexual, and that seems to be
disparaging. He apparently was in and out of the gay bars and
knew an awful lot of people. Who did he know who was dangerous
to someone? That’s the question. Why did they order Noonan to
murder him. This was an outright order in my view.
LE: Now, because of your being involved in all of these projects
and traveling through time, they don’t want to fool with you
because they don’t know - like current travels over a copper
wire, you’ve actually become part of the copper wire. There’s no
precedent for the kinds of things through which you’ve been, so,
they just don’t fool with you.
BIELEK: Well, the one other precedent, which exists and is
similar, is my brother, Duncan. He is probably physically kept alive (because he was dying at the
"Montauk Project" as the original Duncan, and they had to find another body for him), and
he was
reborn in 1951. That’s all in the Montauk series books. He is in a similar position because they
have to keep him and Preston alive to 2003. As it turns out, they told
Preston that he’d
time-traveled, but he doesn’t have any recollection and doesn’t believe it. They started doing some specialty
programming on him, and he started doing some for himself (which is difficult to do), and he started to
remember that he has done some time-traveling himself. Dr. John von Neumann is alive for the
same reason. He’s been a time traveler. I’ve dubbed a name, "Atlantis Not Revisited." I gave one lecture
on it by that title. They have to keep him alive, and he’s in his 90s. His mind is nearly shot, but
he’s still alive.
LE: So, until 2003, they have to keep everybody alive.
BIELEK: Because there’s a 20-year damping period, according to
the equations of Levinson, before the time-field system is
self-stabilizing and is stable by itself. He said that, after
the disruption, it takes another 20 years. He said that you have
to stabilize it and, I guess, the only thing that is stabilizing
it is us four people - certainly, three of us, and probably the
fourth - Dr. von Neumann. We are the human damping factors. How
this works, I have no idea. Nobody I know has been able to
explain it. They have to keep us alive for that reason. After
2003, supposedly, we’re expendable.
LE: In the year
2000, the Earth changes are going to happen, so,
it looks like, basically, just quickly without going into a lot
about this, how did you see this happening initially - like
BIELEK: Volcanic action, severe earthquakes and, one of the
other problems, is the very violent weather that is developing.
This violent weather is also partially due to "Project HAARP,"
as well as natural changes. "Project HAARP" is causing such
disruptions that the jet stream is getting closer and closer to
the Earth. If the jet stream actually gets down to surface
level, we’ll see winds of 300 to 350 miles per hour, which will
wipe out everything - buildings, forests, the works. We’ve
already had 120 mph winds on Long Island, which were not been
reported to the public. They’ve had 160 mph winds in Oregon,
which were apparently reported on local TV. They couldn’t
understand why the winds were so fast. They had 150 mph winds in
England in 1986 or 1987, which ripped out 11 miles of highway -
not so much the highway but broke the trees of the forest off at
ground level.
LE: I know there are a lot of theories about the uses of
What is your observation?
BIELEK: It was originally intended to be used for
modification. Since Preston Nichols has been in touch with
Dr. Nick Begich ...
LE: Yes, we interviewed him also for our newspaper.
BIELEK: Yes, he also has lectured for this group. Because he has
to look for the modulation wave forms in Alaska, he made some
observations and recordings, and he compared them with some data
which Preston has of the Montauk modulations when they were
using it for mind control. They are identical. This means that
"Project HAARP" has the ability of being used for mind control.
LE: Now, these different satellite towers and radio towers and
all this sort of stuff or directly?
BIELEK: What the public doesn’t know is that there is an
original HAARP in Alaska outside of Anchorage. There’s another
one in Canada. There are two in Russia, which might not be built
as HAARP and precede "Project HAARP," but were used in the
weather modification program. There are repeaters for the HAARP
program all over our continent, including one on Long Island.
Obviously, they’re not there strictly for the purpose of weather
modification. Preston pointed it out to me on my last trip to
Long Island. It’s a well-known antenna farm, but they’re not
telling anybody what it’s for.
LE: When things do happen in the year 2000, do you recall what
kind of government was in force at that time?
BIELEK: It went to
martial law, because it came totally out of
the hands of our government to handle
the disasters, which were piling on top of each other. They
couldn’t bail out the states with
emergency aid and assistance. There weren’t any money and
physical facilities. They declared
martial law and let the military take over. The military became
the government.
LE: Was this all over the world?
BIELEK: Yes, essentially, but maybe not totally. I don’t recall
if it became a worldwide problem, but it most definitely was in
the US. There were certain countries and areas of Europe, which
disappeared or had very severe damage - worse than in the US. In
terms of the US, we had problems on both coasts and the Gulf
coast. The five great lakes became one lake. The Mississippi
River becomes about 30 miles wide and is an internal causeway,
and they eventually built a bridge over it - the longest
suspension bridge in the world.
LE: Both of the coasts had severe damage?
BIELEK: The coastal damage was worse on the West Coast, but
nowhere near as severe as
Gordon Michael Scallion envisions it.
Part of Los Angeles survived. Parts of San Francisco survives.
San Diego vanished completely, because the destruction of the
land slowly moved inland, so that the ocean actually got in as
far as the Salton Sea, as I remember. The Gulf Coast, including
most of Florida, disappeared - not the Panhandle. A strip about
50 miles wide across move of the Gulf Coast area, all the way to
Mexico, went under water. This included the city of Houston. New
Orleans vanished. Chicago vanished and sank in the mess. Other
cities were badly damaged, and others survived quite well. The
biggest problems were the earthquakes, the cut-off of the power
grid, the cut-off of transportation and the cut-off of food
supplies across the country. These started riots due to starvation and lack of food. The human element became the
worst element.
(end of interview)
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