Other Pleiadian UFOnauts
When I started my investigation of the Pleiadian UFO contacts in Switzerland
in late 1976, they had already been going on for over a year and a half,
kept in relative secrecy within a closed group, and very little of the true
nature of the contacts was getting out. Up to that time I had never heard of
UFO contacts from the Pleiades before, and the whole idea was fascinating
and very exotic, and quite possibly not even true, at least that is what I
thought then. For a time I thought these Pleiadian contacts originated with
Eduard Meier on 28 January 1975, their first contact with him.
When I got on scene and began working directly with Meier and the other
witnesses there, I discovered that these same UFOnauts had been using
another contactee before Meier, one M. Rashid, a priest in Jerusalem. Then
the Contact Notes being kept by the Swiss group showed that Meier had been
told that this group had at least two other active contacts with Earth
humans going on at the same time. They had told him that theirs was not the
only inhabited planet in the Pleiades, a comparatively young star group, and
that other similar humans from some of those other planets were space
travelers, and that yes, some of them were even contacting Earth. They told
him that their group had contact operations going on in the Orient and in
the western part of North America but would not reveal any more, saying that
it had nothing to do with their relations with Meier.
When I released my first article on the Swiss case in 1977, I was amazed at
the amount of relevant information it stirred up. Over the next three years
my attention was called to several other UFO contactee cases where the
UFOnauts said they came from the Pleiades.
The first was the discovery that a well know Argentinian UFO researcher,
Fabio Zerpa of Buenos Aires, was investigating a case involving
contacts with Engineer Enrique Rincon in Bogota, Colombia. This was also a
profound series of ongoing contacts that began in November of 1973, and was
still going on. He thought his was the only such case too.
Then in 1979, a correspondent who had read my magazine article, called my
attention to another Contactee case involving Pleiadian extraterrestrials
who were visiting one Guillermo Torres of Hacienda Las Cruces, and had
been doing so since 1974. These Pleiadian ETs were also entirely human as
with the ones visiting the Colombian, but these contacts were centered near
El Tocuyo on the north coast of Venezuela. These ET visits and contacts were
still going on too, and hundreds of pages of notes and technical dialogue
had been recorded. This was also kept highly confidential with a small
select group of participants who were not letting the story out.
Then in 1983, Lou Farish of the UFO Newsclipping Service, sent me some notes
on another Pleiadian contactee case that began in July of 1974, and was also
still going on. It involved contactee Charles A. Silva who was repeatedly
met by an extraterrestrial human woman who said he could call her Ramatis,
and that she and other UFOnauts associated with her came here from their
home planet in the Pleiades. Those contacts were taking place in Southern
Peru, and they also are still going on up to this time. Silva described
these contacts in a 411 page book privately published, which got little
Another correspondent who had purchased a copy of our Preliminary Report of
investigation on the Swiss case, wrote me and gave me the address of another
contactee whose extraterrestrial visitor told him he came from
the Pleiades,
and more specifically the Alcyone system. His experiences began with
sightings that led up to the later face-to-face contact, and long
discussions after Delamer Duverus was "prepared" for telepathic
communication. Those contacts continued for many years and are also still
going on, and a whole philosophy of life, and being an Earth man’s
relationship to the greater plan was imparted, and in 1973 Duverus published
this information in a 214 page book titled "The Golden Reed".
About the time I received that book, I received a registered letter from
Argentina, From an old friend, Pedro Romaniuk of Argentina, who had
seen something concerning my activities with the Swiss case, and wrote to
tell me that he had been in contact with ET beings who told him their home
was in what we call Alcyone in the Pleiades.
I received scores of letters from sincere people who claimed they had
observed UFO craft that were very similar to or even identical with some of
the spacecraft pictured in the Preliminary Report. All of the UFO clubs were
receiving these too, which infuriated them to the extent that none of them
ever told me what they were receiving. I had to get my information from
those who were put down by the clubs for even reporting.
Having examined all of this from a knowledgeable point of view, we can draw
some comparisons that seem to be of interest:
1. All of those mentioned here who claimed they came from what we call
Pleiades looked as much human as we, and were all about our size in stature
and build.
2. All of them articulated the language of their
contactee, speaking
fluently on our sciences, history and culture.
3. They all said that Earth humanity was descended from their own ancient
ancestors, from whom we had inherited our unusual aggressiveness.
All of them said their ancestors had been here many times before over the
ages, coming and going as conditions changed.
5. They all claimed that they participated in some of the great events in
our Religious works and our mythologies, sometimes being adored and
worshipped as Gods, which they said they were not.
They all claimed extensive life spans at least ten times what is normal
for us now.
7. They all, without exception, deplore (misliker/beklager) our misuse of our
sciences today, saying that our mind has outrun our spiritual development,
and that we have already prepared the end of our Planet and our own species,
as we know it, and that we have done this before, over and over, and still
have not learned this important lesson. For this we are a valuable
laboratory study and many ETs from far and wide come here to observe.
8. They all travel faster than the speed of light as we know it in their
interstellar trips.
9. There was no conclusive evidence that any of groups mentioned were in
direct contact with any of the other Pleiadian groups mentioned.
10. They all mentioned other inhabited planets in what we call
the Pleiades.
11. They all mentioned other extraterrestrial beings from elsewhere in the
Universe coming here to study and observe Earth. Three mentioned actual
contact and willing cooperation with other ETs of other race-types and
systems. Three of them used robotoid, part mechanical and part organic,
created beings in limited operational functions.
12. They all used organic computers that could be controlled telepathically.
13. They all foresaw great changes in our planet in the near future.
14. None of them had money as we know it, Religion or a competitive
political system.
15. Three of them had active bases operating on the surface of our planet.
16. They all were capable of under ocean operations and used our oceans to
great advantage.
17. They all used a variety of different spacecraft in their operations, and
they all had distinctive styles of ships and equipment, yet there were many
similarities in many respects.
18. Three groups, that we know of, used very large carrier-type mother ships
in deep space near out system while they were here.
19. In each case, to the group of individuals who formed around the
contactee, the new contacts and information was so mind-boggling and so
profound, and so far exceeded their knowledge of what was going on elsewhere
in this world, that they carefully guarded their secret within their own
immediate circle for a number of years, and then only confided it to very
trusted friends.
20. Up to 1979, none of these groups had ever heard of each other, and there
was no cross-correspondence!
To illustrate these similarities, we shall look at a couple of these other
cases in greater detail. We will review two cases that preceded the Swiss
case and one that was contemporary with it. We know of no new Pleiadian
contacts since the Meier case in Switzerland.
On Tuesday morning, the 14th of January 1975, Charles A.Silva, having rested
well from his grueling trip up here from Lima, was up early and checked his
watch. It was 06:30 AM., and it was raining heavily, but he went on down to
the bathhouse anyway as he was dying to get back in the carbonated water of
the mineral bath once more. It felt so good that he stayed an hour relaxing
and just thinking.
A short time later, as he was having breakfast in the tiny lunchroom along
the road there, he noticed a pickup truck stop and let someone off. It was
Ramatis, the ET woman from the Pleiades he had met back in July of 1974 when
this all had began for him. Rama was already aware of his return to the area
and had hitch-hiked a ride to the lunchroom to meet him. These contacts had
already been going on for just about six months. He had by this time become
convinced, after many demonstrations and revelations, that she was exactly
what she said. He was beside himself with excitement and all ears as she
told him that not far down the road from here was a ship waiting for them,
and today was going to be his first ride in a spaceship. He couldn’t believe
his ears. He paid his bill and they went out and got in his Volkswagen and
drove for about 15 minutes in the directions the woman pointed out. They
were moving towards Huancayo when they came to a clearing, where
Rama asked
him to pull off the road. He did and stopped the car there.
Rama took him by the arm and led the way. By then the rain had let up
considerably. As they walked "Chaco" saw something that resembled a small
rainbow, very weak in intensity. Rama told him that what he was seeing was
an electromagnetic field that surrounds the spacecraft completely, thus
making it invisible from all sides while standing on the ground. They were
no more than 25 feet from the ship, and his eyes had not seen it. After they
crossed the electrical field barrier the ship came into full view.
This was not like the "Vimanas" he had seen previously as it was much
larger, but of the same form and shape. Now that he was closer, he could see
that it was definitely metallic, with a silverish glow around it... Seen
from that angle it had a shape similar to a football (American style). The
ship was resting on three metallic legs.
Rama asked him to take off his shoes, and he wondered if
Moses did the same
on top of Mount Sinai so many long years ago (Rama had told him about some
Exodus events). She said his shoes were wet from the rain, and water being a
conductor of electricity, she didn’t want him to get a shock.
They were both given footwear similar to sandals made out of heavy wood, and
they climbed up the metal ladder that descended from a circular door. As
"Chaco" entered, he experienced a sudden change of temperature, and noticed.
that it was a bit colder than the already cold Andes Mountains It was the
same kind of feeling one gets upon entering an air-conditioned building from
the heat outside, but this was stranger.
Two crew members about four and a half to five feet tall greeted them in
silence. They were wearing one-piece suits of a shining gray color. It
covered them from head to toe. There was no doubt they were "humanoids", and
he didn’t remember ever having seen anything like this on Earth before.. He
had a creepy feeling, though they were very peaceful in demeanor. He felt
safe with them, but still a lingering fear of the unknown existed and held
him back a little. That didn’t last long, for as soon as he took two more
steps he came fact-to-face with their crew leader standing inside an oval
room about 25 feet in length, 15 to 20 across, and about 7 high. The
illumination came from all over the room, with a touch of an orange-almost a
red glow.
He had a nice face; benevolent attitude, long nose, and slanted eyes-not
like Rama’s; not oriental either. When he looked at "Chaco", it was plain
that he had no eyelashes and he didn’t blink, but there was definitely eye
activity. It took him a little while to put his finger on what it was that
made those eyes alive -- it was the pupils that narrowed and widened as he
communicated with them.
After he got up from a triangular chair directly in front of some control
panels, He walked forward to receive them. Rama and the crew leader
exchanged glances--it seemed as though they had planned this visit. Then he
looked at "Chaco", who instinctively walked with him toward the control
panel. The ETs mouth did not move, but "Chaco" could "hear" muffled words
and sentences. And it sounded as though he had a heavy accent. He seemed to
sense that "Chaco" had difficulty understanding him. Suddenly he could
him inside his head perfectly, in the same way that he and Rama had
conducted their mind-to -mind chats.
The ET showed "Chaco" around the craft. The instrument panels looked like
the kind of consoles one would find in a computer operating room. There were
"portholes" all around the craft, and his host told him that they were in an
Observation ship with a crew of four. Up to this time he had seen only two.
The ET flipped a "switch" and a screen-like device lit up, and they were
able to see the outside of the spaceship where the other two crew members
"Where do you come from?" "Chaco" asked. "We are from a system not too far from here."
The ET opened a scroll and
"Chaco" could see an oval map with many kinds of dots on it. He pointed to a
group of stars and said, pointing, that this was the Constellation of Taro,
Star Alcyone, the Pleiades... and he pointed to our Sun. He showed "Chaco"
his home planet on the map, but to him it just looked like a bunch of dots.
The ET said they had bases on Mars and Venus, and "Chaco" answered:
"What about Earth?"
"Not our bases, but bases that all of us are cooperatively keeping here on
Earth. It is our mission as peaceful intelligences to maintain the balance
of the Universe. With our Terrestrial bases we keep an eye on You. In a few
minutes we are going to see one of the bases here in South America, but
first you must tell Rama where you want your car."
He turned to Rama, who was carefully observing his reactions and told her
that he was supposed to go to the city called Trujillo and to another called
Chiclayo, both located on the northern coast of Peru, 500 miles to the north
of Lima.
Somehow they had hooked his Volkswagen up under the ship, and he could see
it on the screen. The thought hit him, what would the car rental agency
think if they knew that one of their cars made it to Chiclayo in about nine
minutes from where they had been before! About 800 mile as the crow flies.
Now that the car was attached, and they were ready to depart, Rama exchanged
some information with the crew leader, and "Chaco" was placed between him
and Rama, and she went on to explain:
"This machine is operated through reversible electro magnetism, See those
columns going to that rotor that looks like transparent plastic?"
"Well, those are reactors. When the mercury in that rotor gets going full
speed we can reverse the magnetic and electrical energy. That way we can
control matter and also overcome the forces of gravity."
When they took off, "Chaco" said, he felt a very great force, and
Rama told
him not to worry... They stopped and hovered for a while over an old road
that led to the Panamericana Highway near a little town not far from the city
of Chiclayo. There they unloaded the Volkswagen though they did not get out
of the ship. Rama said the would leave it there for an hour or two. Later
she and "Chaco" would come back in a Vimana which is a small craft for two
or three people.
They ascended again, but at a lesser speed, flying on over the Andes
Mountains again at a great altitude. He could see some commercial jetliners
far below them a tiny specks of light when they reflected the Sun.
Descending gradually, at a distance he could see a big body of water. Rama
said it was lake Titicaca and that they were going down into it. "Chaco"
opened his eye wide as he saw the lake approaching, expecting crash or at
least a marked change going from one density to another, but it was smooth
and there was nothing resembling a crash when they hit the water. Then there
was another change in density, and suddenly they were up In the air flying
through the clouds. He saw some ice-cowered mountains in the distance and
recognized them as the Ice-Peaks 25 miles from Huancayo. He could see the
Mantaro Valley with its river running in the center of it, and the scenery
all around.
They landed the ship somewhere close to the Ice Peaks, where Rama’s
was waiting for them. "Chaco" then thanked the crew leader for the tour, and
that one said they would see each other again in a few days.
Rama flew the Vimana to Chiclayo where it was left in hiding behind some
sand hills and they walked to where the car was left earlier. "Chaco" had
actually flown in two different kinds of UFOs, and he considered the
experience of a lifetime.
As they walked to the car, Rama repeated her earlier suggestion that "Chaco"
write all this down for later. Now she added:
"The purpose of writing this down is not for the reporting of
UFOs. From
now on, you and I, and my friends from other worlds, are going to see a lot
of each other. You will be getting in and out of spacecraft, you’ll see
mother-ships and more of our surface bases. Don’t bother writing about that,
because much of that has been written already. Besides, you, yourself, said
that nobody would believe it anyway.
"That’s right."
"What I’d like you to do is to write about our conversations, and hope that
those few who choose to believe you. do so out of conviction, after they
have corroborated it with the reading suggestions we are going to give .....
also choose to accept that some people... human beings from other planets
are already here... That is the purpose of the message."
This race-type mentioned here is only one of several working in complete
harmony with the humans from the Pleiades, who true to their word continued
to return.
In our Preliminary Report of Investigation we have mentioned the stone
records of another generation of human visitors who came and went several
times in the many thousand year history of that civilization in what is now
the Ocucaje Desert near Ica, Peru, south of Lima. Those records have been
expanded now by Dr. Javier Cabrera and their narrative fills many hundreds
of pages.
But that was not the only Pleiadian contact developing on the
South American
Continent in these days. There was another that had reached the face-to-face
contact stage only a little over six months before that. This began in
mid-continent, but also ranged over a bigger area. Again there were a number
of people involved as in Switzerland.
Only 8 months before the Acaya contacts began secretly within a very small
closed group there, a similar program of contacts began near Bogota,
Colombia. The Bogota contacts came to light outside the local group there in
Colombia a little over a year after the Meier contacts in Switzerland had
begun--in January of 1975, and the parties to the Colombian case knew
nothing of Meier, and the Swiss group had never heard of the activities half
way around the world in Colombia. (det ser ut som det nærmest er "av kosmisk
lov" å ikke henvise til andre kosmiske visdomskilder. Den FRIE VILJES LOV
overlater det til den enkelte å SELV FINNE SIN EGEN VEI, SIN EGEN FORM FOR
They might as well have been living on two different worlds.
Nothing at the time had been released on the Acaya contacts until late in
1975 after the witness had been aboard the spacecraft several times, and had
come to accept this new reality himself, and then he confided the phenomenal
information only to a very few trusted confidants.
The UFO Cosmonauts contacting the Colombians told that group that they came
from what we call the PLEIADES. To those there involved, these new contacts
were so mind-boggling and so profound, and so far exceeded their internal
knowledge of what was going on elsewhere in the world that they carefully
guarded their secret within their own immediate circle for three years, and
then only confided it to very trusted friends in UFO research also. None of
them or their friends had ever heard of Eduard Meier.
Those in Switzerland, on the other hand, now conducted themselves in a
similar fashion. Stranger still, the Pleiadians, in neither case, made any
mention of contacts with the other groups of terrestrials, and they even
used different styles of equipment and spacecraft, although at the same
time, there were similarities in some respects.
Both groups used a variety of spacecraft for different functions. Both the
Swiss and the Colombian contactors employed part organic/part mechanical
creatures in labor operations aboard the spacecraft, and both used a large
mother-ship in space as an operating base. Both had similar technological
wonders aboard the spacecraft that came to the surface of our planet, and in
both cases the environment aboard the mother-ship was 99% recyclable and
almost perfectly efficient, and the occupants lived long lives by out
standards. In both cases the cosmonauts seemed to be fully aware of the
ancient history of our Earth.
The Colombian story is briefly as follows:
Engineer, Enrique Castillo Rincon, president of the
Instituto Colombiano
de Investigaciones de Fenomenos Ex-traterrestres, conferee and delegate to
the Unidentified Flying Objects Investigative Organization, and president of
Colombia with home and offices in Bogota, got off the bus more than 150
kilometers from the capital. It was about 20:00 in the evening of Saturday,
3 November 1973. This was near the appointed place. He had been told to
carry nothing that could cause harm or damage to anyone or anything. He had
arrived a little in advance of the appointed time because he had to walk a
ways around a small lake, and he didn’t want to be late.
He was wearing a
ruana, a kind of poncho, and a sombrero. He arrived at the
site that had been designated before this appointed time. He had been given
his instructions in a communication prior to embarking on this trip. When he
arrived near the lake everything was familiar to him, as if he had been
there before, as if he were now reliving something he had already done
before, and he could see the place that would be marked by the metal sphere
placed there to guide him. He thought, "Good this is the place".
"I arrived with great anticipation,"
Enrique recalled, and walking too close
to the lake stepped in water up to my knees. It was very cold. In Bogota our
study group was meditating at this very moment. They were praying that all
would work out well in my anticipated meeting with the spacecraft."
There were more than 30 others in this study group in Bogota who had
developed a "voice channel" contact some time before with a communicator who
said he was a visitor from another planet to Earth. A number of voice
channel recordings were made and many questions were asked and answered. In
response to a request for a more direct face-to-face meeting, the group was
invited to choose one member from among them to represent them in such a
meeting. They had chosen Rincon, leaving their "channel" with the group in
meditation in Bogota.
"So I forged ahead. I came to the small metal sphere in the exact site
described. I remembered having seen in my preview of this scene, a woman
with a child in her arms and a burro carrying some wood, and two dogs, and
another child walking along beside. So I waited. Sure enough, they were
there too. They looked at me a little strangely but continued walking, and I
continued walking normally also. I arrived at the point where I could see
two clumps of trees exactly as I had seen in the preview some time before. I
did not know which was the intended one, so I picked up the sphere and went
into the nearest Ont. thinking, since I had the sphere they would know where
I went."
"The sphere became activated and began to heat up. It was about the size of
a golf ball and was full of small holes. As soon as I took it into my hands
it began to heat up and small rays of light shot out of the holes. It got so
hot that I had to hold it with the point of my poncho to carry it. I had the
impression that it was something like a compass, but it did not have any
needle, or anything else. It was a metallic sphere of some material like
stainless steel. I went into the clum of trees remembering mentally that
over there was where I had seen a clearing. I reached it about 20:10, some
10 minutes late. I was worried about this. I still had the sphere in my
hands and I looked around me but didn’t se anything unusual. I looked up and
saw only branches and leaves. Then I heard something like a distant boat
motor which was lost in the distance. I waited in the woods as the minutes
passed terribly slow. I looked at my watch and it was now 20:15.
I thought, ’Dear God, what is going to happen? Protect me in any case.’ I
began to feel fear. It gave me a sincere fright. There I was, representing
all the people who were praying for me, and thinking of backing out. I
decided I will not give up. At 20:25 I began to hear a tremendous noise. I
was in the woods and could not tell where it was coming from. Suddenly the
whole area was illuminated brilliantly. Two huge craft approached and passed
directly over me. They came streaming water as if they had come from the
bottom of the lake. Water cascaded from the sides like from a submarine when
it surfaces. I waited breathless as I watched. They flew over me and the
whole area warmed up from the heat. They must have put out a tremendous
amount of energy."
"These craft were flattened disc-forms, and underneath I could see something
that rotated, and below that, saw three large white round parts that turned
slowly a colored light came out. These gigantic objects, such tremendous
spectacle, gave me new cause for alarm. And then it fell silent. I could
only hear a very low sound dying down. They hung there in the sky, about 100
meters between the two as best I could calculate. These objects were shaped
like huge soup plates joined at the rims. They were about 45 meters in
diameter and about 12 from top to bottom. I could see the cupola on top very
The light slowly dimmed down leaving only a small bright light source
illuminated. It lighted only the area directly under the craft. Then one of
the ships began to approach. The other remained quietly in place. It gave me
new fright to see this tremendous monster so close. And then it stopped,
suspended above the small stream there, and two lateral beams of light came
on. These new beams shined down and I saw two beings descending in them as
in an elevator. In their descent they disappeared behind the trees from my
position, and I couldn’t see them land. Then I heard their steps as they
approached. At this moment all of the lights on the spacecraft went out and
they remained completely silent."
"After seeing the tremendous luminosity, bright as day, I couldn’t see
anything when the light went out, and then I heard the steps of the beings,
and then I saw them at about 10 meters away. They approached separated one
from the other. They wore helmets and suits that seemed very fitted, and I
could see them clearly as they neared me. Then I heard the first telepathic communication, ’Brother, we are here. Do not fear. We are your friends.’ I
tried to coordinate my ideas and thought, ’Yes, why not, I am not afraid’.
Then I heard the voice say, ’I am your friend, Enrique, do not be afraid’. I
shook my head. I could see that they were tall, more than a meter seventy in
stature. When they came up to within two meters of me he said, ’I am your
friend. Do not be afraid’. I said, ’Yes’, and the other said, ’If you are
not ready we can suspend this until another day. If you are not afraid, we
can continue this contact and we may ascend aboard.’ I said I was ready and
took a step forward so that they could see that I had lost my fear.
They noticed that I was still a little wary, and one of them
took me by the hand and the other by my shoulder and said,
’Walk with us up to the light.’ We went a few meters forward
and one of them said, ’Straight ahead. You feel a little
worry in your head and in your body, but nothing is going to
happen to you.’ The other said, "Brother Enrique, we guarantee it. We do not want
to cause you any harm. Moreover, if you are still afraid, you may return and
we will prepare this for another day.’ I could not see their faces for the
helmets. I asked if the helmets had visors, and a form of visor raised a
little in front of one, showing the nose and mouth but partly covering the
mouth, which had a rectangular shape. I could not see the mameluco (space
suit) well because of the dark, and I could not see up to now exactly what
color they were. Then they stopped me and said they could sense a little
worry. At that moment the spacecraft came forward and flashed a ray of
I felt tremendous thrills and some twitching in all the skin of my head,
like needle picking me. I stood erect and began to ascend. When I saw that I
was leaving the trees below, I thought, ’What if I should fall.’ I continued
to ascend like in an elevator. I was surrounded by a yellowish light. It
gave me the impression of being solid. I tried to touch it with my hands and
it felt solid like crystal. It must have been only energy, because I did not
see crystal; I didn’t see anything, but when I touched the light it felt
solid I felt a thump and then a port began to open, and there it was fully
open and I was inside and it closed. A moment later the other two entered,
removed their helmet and smiled. They had taken their helmets off so I could
see their faces."
"They asked me for the sphere, which I gave them, and then they said, ’Wait
here. Take off your clothes.’ And I took everything off. They opened an
automatic port and we entered. Then they opened a side port, like a window
and looked at me smiling. I heard a voice say, ’Do not be afraid, we are
going to enter a little smoke, but this is necessary. Do not be afraid.’ In
spite of their assurances, I associated this immediately with the Nazi’
gassing of the Jews. I did not see where the smoke came from, but it came in
and it smelled like lemon. It only lasted a minute and was then drawn out
through some rectangular openings in the wall and disappeared. Then I
noticed that there was no shadow from my body anywhere and. I thought,
’Where is the light coming from?’ I could not see any lamps."
"Then they gave me my clothes which I put on, leaving the
ruana and sombrero
aside. They opened a door an said, ’Now you may proceed ’ They explained
that the process was simply to disinfect everything from whatever microbes
we may have brought from the Earth’s surface."
"I went into the first compartment that they opened, and there were four
persons seated there waiting for me. I came to the first one and he said,
’Enrique, how are you?’ and gave me his hand. He gave me his hand like we
shake hands and said, ’How are you, brother?’ ’I am going to shake your
hand,’ said another, ’This,’ indicating the first, ’is the Commander.’ He
said his name was what sounded like Cramish. I gave him my hand and he gave
me some thumps on it. The rest greeted me this way also. The only one who
did not give me his hand was the first who had said, ’Brother Enrique.’ He
now turned to me and said, ’I am Ciril.’ I said, ’How are you, Ciril,’ and
he said ’Ciril, Ciril Weiss, remember in 1969 in Caracas Venezuela, at the
entrance to the theater, when we met? And I said, ’Ciril Weiss! But you are
a little changed And what are you doing here?’ And he said, ’I am one the
crew of this ship.’ I was terribly surprised. He said, ’We have been in
contact with you for 8 years.
I understood now why they had given me their hands like Terrans. Then he
presented me to the others. There was one by the name of Cramecan, another
named Krulula, an Krenza, and then he told me that his name was not no
Ciril, but Krhisnamerk. The name sounded Hindu. They all spoke
telepathically except the one who spoke first, who articulated words to me
in perfect Spanish."
"They seated me there at a table, as of crystal, with seats of a material
like plastic with a leather-like finish. The beings were all dressed alike,
except the had two types of suits. Some wore silver colored outfit and
others has suits of a Coca-Cola color. There were others who had similar
suits in a dark gray color with orange gauntlets and orange boots. One of
them took of his gauntlets so I could see his hands, which were perfectly
formed. Their faces were beautiful and without blemishes and imperfections,
but clean like a child. Their hair was long, coming almost to their
shoulders. Cramecan told me that he is the commander of that ship and that
there are 12 crew members. They are making contact’s in order to divulge
to them clearly what is going to happen on this Earth. I asked him what kind
of contacts, and he said, ’Men like you.’ He didn’t say more on this and I
did not pursue the subject further. I then asked him if they had women
aboard, and he said, ’Yes we have women with us, but at the moment we will
not see them.’ Then I remembered that he could read my thoughts before I
asked the question and knew I was going to ask it before I even formed the
"We began with the first questions. I had brought many questions given me by
the study group. Almost all of them were of a religious nature. I did not
want to ask those at this time. I began by asking them where they were going
to get their contacts and why they had chosen me. They told me that my name
was not really Enrique. They told me another name which I still have
revealed to nobody. I am waiting to see what develops in all of this first.
I got the impression that they knew something about previous incarnations of
mine for some reason. I asked then where they came from and they in reply
said, ’The PLEIADES.’ I asked them, ’where are the Pleiades and they said,
’It is what you call The Seven Sisters.’ And then I remembered that it is a
small constellation having seven bright stars. I asked them how far it was
from here, and they said, ’You say that it is more than 328 light years from
here, which is not true. It is much farther.’
So I asked them, ’How did you make the trip?’ Perhaps I was asking them
infantile questions, but for me they were important. ’How did you make such
a long trip?’ They answered, ’Do you know anything about relativity?’ They
told me that Albert Einstein’s theory was not complete, that we are going to
have to make three corrections; that the velocity of light is not in fact
300,000 kilometers per second as we believe, but much more. And they went on
to explain details that I could not follow. Then they told me that there is
another measure of time, unknown to us, in which we can not remain long (in
physical bodies). I did not pursue this further after that."
"They took me to visit various rooms. I saw a room for meditation. They said
it was where they rest and meditate. It was beautifully appointed, with
tremendously exquisite brocades. Another room was a laboratory where there
were flasks of a green substance. I asked about this and they said that it
was chlorophyll which they had extracted from our trees, a substance vital
to their own alimentary system. They use it in preparing various food items.
They had fruits also. They told me they ate much fruit from South America.
They particularly liked the duraznos (peaches) and melocotones (apricots),
and they carried much fruit, corn, wheat, rice and other vegetable
substances. To compensate for what they had taken, they used an ionizing
radiant beam that accelerated the life process of the plants and caused them
to replace their fruit in a few hours. I didn’t quite understand this, that
they could project a radiation that could accelerate the growth and maturity
of the plants from which they had taken produce and cause it to be replaced
in hours. This was incredible. I began to understand another thing. They
knew about biological engineering and could control the genetic codes by
means of a process which they called consubstantion. By this process they
could continue the life forces of a cell forever."
"They told me they were there on a mission. They belong to a brotherhood of
civilizations, with others, from which they had received specific orders for
our world. They pointed out that we have always been guided indirectly by
certain great personalities who have passed through our civilizations
throughout history. Those so-called Masters, some approaching divinity, have
always had contact with extraterrestrials. I had a feeling that these beings
had been sent on a mission pertaining to the evolution of our planet."
"Then Cramacan, the Commander, permitted me to visit the control room where
I saw great electronic maps on a wall. I saw the great panorama around us
through the green glass cupola. There were three men seated, and as we
entered they came over and greeted me and then returned to the control
panels of the craft. The control room was the third level, under the dome on
the top of this craft. When I saw the maps he took me to them and explained
that they were cosmic maps. I could not understand them. I saw small lights.
They moved a control and I saw small lights like neon, in various colors,
begin to take form on the map panel. There were points of light and lines of
light, and some of the lines were indefinite. Some of the greater points of
light represented Galaxies and Nebulosities. They said that many thousands
of inhabited planets are in contact with each other and exchange cultural,
technological and scientific information. Some are tremendously advanced in
spiritual and scientific evolution. I asked which planets, and he said it
would be needless to tell me as the names would mean nothing to me anyway.
He told me that where the lines between the the lights were brighter there
was regular commerce; these dimmer ones were under exploration. The
indefinite ones were lesser developed. They were on the map but they lacked
thousands of years of development before they were ready for contact."
"They do have a sense of time because they talked of millions of years, but
I had difficulty coordinating this with their discussion of laws of
relativity (where time changes). Also they seem to be aware of future time
because they told me that we are going to experience a third world war, and
that they know exactly when it will start. They desire that all men unite in
one thought, to seek real peace for the whole planet without distinction of
race, creed or color; that in the next few years we are going to make the
greatest discovery in the history of the planet, the discovery of God, the
final truth. ’But how is this possible,’ I said, ’if we already believe in
God?’ Their answer was, ’You have never believed in
God in a normal form,’
and I think I know what they meant. They called it a great unknowable,
preferring to give the force no name. They told me that we have to
distinguish between the inner and the outer forces, and I began to
understand that we have searched for God outside when in reality IT is
within, and that the kingdom of God is in every one of us. We must
understand this first before we will live in peace and understanding with
all men."
"They told me that they were in a way emissaries of beings superior to them,
and that they had been the destroyers of Sodom and Gomorra! This gave me a
great sensation. I said, ’How can you be judges? How can you destroy a
nation with thousands of people, including many innocents?’ They said, ’You
cannot comprehend this now. We will try to explain. We were emissaries of
forces superior to us that govern the Cosmos, and when they give us an
order, we carry it out, and in the case of Sodom and Gomorra it was exactly
that. They sent emissaries, they warned the people and they refused to
understand and would not believe that which was happening over their heads.
The hour arrived and it had to be destroyed.’ I thought, ’How could they be
the judges,’ and I said that I could not understand, that I would not go
into detail, but that I also could not understand. For me it was not
important to know at that time, because there were other things.
They told me the time of the beginning of the third world war, and told me
also that they had been the inspirers and the consultants on the building of
the great pyramids, where they have placed many years of the Earth’s
history. In the future, we are going to discover two cities in South America
where there are records of the origin of the Earth’s races, how they came
here, how the history was written and why it was done."
"They told me the time of the beginning of world war III and said that we
could delay that time 3 or 4 years and its intensity by a condition of
heart, that mankind alone could do this, because they are not permitted to
interfere with nor restrict the freedom of action of a civilization such as
is developing here. I understood what they meant quite clearly and didn’t
have to ask twice. They answered all my questions rapidly."
"When I asked them if we could go someplace, they said, ’We are already
traveling, from the moment you entered the craft we have been traveling.’
They took me to a special panel there, like a great telescope, which I was
allowed to look through, and it gave me the strange impression that I had
gone out of there into space, which was very still. There was no feeling of
acceleration. It felt like the aircraft was standing still and not moving at
all. I didn’t hear any sound and I couldn’t detect the least movement. They
seated me in front of a panel which they opened and said, ’Here is your
house.’ We seemed stationary some 5,000 to 10,000 meters above it, and they
focused it into the telescopic device. They said it was an electronic
device, but it had to be very advanced over any electronic telescope of
ours, because it could penetrate walls and metals, and I could see my family
sleeping. I asked them if we could look at something else, and the craft,
which had been hovering over my house now began to move about, and I looked
at the two great avenues (in the city) and saw the autos and the people in
the streets."
"Time passed and we talked much. I looked at my watch, and had to look
again. It read 20:25. Krhisnamerk said, ’Your watch is not going to function
until you leave this craft.’ and he laughed. I asked him what caused this
and he said, ’Precisely when you came within the field of this craft and its
energy force it stopped. It may not work again.’ They must have a different
notion of time from ours, because I did not see clocks of any kind aboard.
He just smiled and dropped the subject I did not want to bother him about
how long I had been aboard, as it did not matter anyway. He told me things
about all our religions which at this time I do not want to divulge (røpe).
He told me something about the Fatima letter, which they seemed to know all
about. At that time I understood though, and I understood also something
that I had learned in a Mormon Church, that hidden in the heart of all men,
are the great truths of all time, waiting to be awakened, and that this
awakening must come from within. We talked about many other things that came
to mind."
"They gave me a kind of chocolate bar, sealed in plastic, which I opened and
ate. It had a taste like ’sabajon’, a kind of mild liquor sold in Colombia,
and my hunger disappeared completely. And then he said, ’WE have something
that we want to give you that is very important.’ My body began to warm up
all over. ’You are going to eat something very interesting and which you
will like very much.’ They brought me something like large white corn taco
and told me to eat it. I broke it and put some in my mouth. In a moment I
felt a tremendous sensation and warm feeling. I thought at that moment that
they were drugging me. ’ciril; Krhisnamerk said ’Do you know what they
called that? The Jews were fed on that for 40 years in the desert.’ ’The
manna of the scriptures,’ I said. ’No more, no less,’ was the reply ’You are
eating manna and you will not get hungry for 24 hours. It gives you
tremendous energy; it is prepare for us.’ Then ideas began to rush into my
head, so fast I could not coordinate them. I thought of Elias and of Moses,
and then I returned to the present. I felt like I was going crazy. They
laughed and simply observed, ’We were one of those who helped the Jews. Our
great ship were always camouflaged. They could be made invisible by a simple
change of vibrational energy, right over the heads of the people, and they
could not see them."’
"I couldn’t understand this then, and I can’t today. I have a little more
knowledge about it now but I still do not completely understand. The public
has asked many questions and I have tried to answer but I must
confess (tilstå) my ignorance concerning a civilization so advanced as this,
and they were trying to simplify everything as much as possible so that I
could understand it better."
"After eating the substance it made me sleepy, and they let me sleep about
three hours. Then they came and wakened me. I was lying on a very
comfortable bed, and where I had been lying I left the imprint of my body.
’Pardon me Enrique, you have awakened because we gave you a suggestion to
awaken at this point. You are going to receive your last information and it
is time we left you in the place where we met you,’ a voice said. Cramacan
had gone someplace and did not return. We circled the eastern plains and
they showed me a site that was illuminated like day. It was the site where
we would next meet. ’look well and observe the highway. Here we will meet
again on the 18th of this month at 8:00 in the evening.’ They lowered the
ship and passed slowly so that I could see the place well. I saw that the
highway was long and ran through the mountains. I tried to remember all I
could of the place, thinking I may have to come here by horse."
"Then they took me back and left me in the exact place where they had picked
me up. They bid me good-bye with a form of embrace. With Ciril Weiss, I
always talked in Spanish. The others bid me good-bye with strokes on the
shoulder. ’We will see you’ Ciril said, and I descended to the ground. They
left me off about 05:00 in the morning. I slept a little, awakened and saw
that my watch was running and indicated 11:15. I left the place running as
fast as I could. I wanted to tell the whole world what had happened. The
first person I met was a farmer leading a burro, and I said, ’Pardon me sir,
what time is it?’ He replied, ’Almost 8, 08:00 in the morning sir.’ I
calculated that I had slept about three hours."
"When I caught the bus at the road I wanted to tell everybody. I wanted to
tell the whole world what I had just lived, and I wanted to embrace all men.
I was happy. When I returned to the house I had left the night before I
found some 60 people awaiting me."
"I met with the man who had made the telepathic contacts, and began to give
him the first information about the experience. I told him about the war and
its timing, and the great destruction, and the great religious power around
the Earth, and the years that remained of normal life. Nobody believed me,
of course. They thought I was attacking religion and society for some reason
of my own. I did not say much more then nor ever in public, because I could
see that it would cause confusion and possibly even harm. I could only hope
that someday all men would arrive at an understanding of the things I had
just been shown. That is all that I can say about that first contact now.
Comments from Wendelle Stewens - the books author:
This was amazing! Enrique Carlos Rincon had received almost the same
information from Pleiadians as was outlined to Eduard Meier in Switzerland,
by other Pleiadians, only a little over a year later. The philosophy
expressed and the criticism of our world deficiencies was almost identical,
yet nothing had been released out of the Bogota group until some time after
the Swiss contacts began. Even more astounding was the receptivity of the
UFO community over these momentous events unfolding before their very eyes.
An International UFO Congress was gathered in Acapulco in 1978 to assess the
world UFO situation up to that time. It was well organized and well
attended. One of the featured speakers at that congress was Enrique Carlos
Rincon, who very briefly described his contacts with Pleiadian ETs. His
lecture was coolly received and politely put down by all the "experts"
there, presumably because it had happened to him and not them.
Jim Lorenzen of APRO, or of the stronger advocates of
contactee phenomenon
at a time when most. other clubs were throwing them out, sat next to Rincon
at the speakers table for three full days and never asked for more details
on Rincons contact experiences, and never published anything on Rincon’s
report, although I had by that time briefed him on what I found happening in
Switzerland. He didn’t believe me and he didn’t believe Rincon. I never told
him about any of the other Pleiadian cases I was encountering. He still
refuses to accept any validity to any Pleiadian contact case. It was after
that that I discovered the Acaya contacts going on in Peru, and learned that
Pleiadian ETs were discussing almost the same spiritual philosophies and
scenario of events concerning our world and that witness was unaware of the
other two, and they of him and his contacts. I knew nothing then of the Pleiadian contacts going on with
Pedro Romaniuk in Argentina or others with
Deverus in Arkansas, here in the U.S.A. and again the philosophies and
scenario of events was very similar. They all came under severe criticism
for what they were revealing and so they all began to hold back and release
less and less to the world. That is the situation we are in today. Amazing
"The second meeting took place on the 18th of the same month as predicted,
and I was gone 26 hours, and the knowledge that I gained was tremendous and
very disturbing, and would completely fill a book by itself. There is much
information that I cannot tell anybody, not even my friends in this
"I had gone to the place at the appointed time. It was in eastern Colombia.
The circumstances of this meeting were a little different. I arrived 15
minutes early, by horse, with a guide whom I paid 120 pesos. He left me at
the designated place but was disturbed leaving me in the jungle alone at
night. ’They will pick me up here in a jeep,’ I said. ’Ah, you are going to
the ranch of the Fulanos de Tal’, he said, and I answered, ’Precisely. That
is where I am going.’ ’But at these hours it is very dangerous here. There
are tigers about.’ ’Do not worry about me,’ I said, ’Go in peace.’ I paid
him and he departed on his horse and left me there."
"The meeting did not take place at 8:00 in the evening as indicated, but
more like 03:00 in the morning. I walked 50 meters in this direction, and 50
meters in that, but I did not leave the site. I kept looking at the clear
and cloudless sky and waited until 03:00, when suddenly 13 spacecraft of
venous types arrived! only one small one descended and landed on 3 ’shoes’.
Krhisnamrk disembarked saying, ’Brother, here!’ He told me to wait a
minute.. .and then said, ’Now, come on, enter.’ And I did as invited.
Inside, there were two small beings. They were not like those of the
Pleiades. They must know different races. He told me that those did not come
from the Pleiades, but from ’Mercury’, and they took me in that small craft.
The small craft sat on three legs, and had a diameter of 4 to 5 meters, and
was no more than 2 meters 20 high. It had two levels inside. We now entered
through a cabin that had a metal stair, like in submarines, that went to the
upper level which was the control room. I did not see much of the ship as
they transported us to a mother-ship almost immediately."
"I did not want to ask why such a long wait, though I was thinking that I
could have been attacked by a snake or a tiger. If I had been bitten by one
of the poisonous snakes, where could I go in the 5 minutes I would have to
do something? the same with a tiger. Then I remembered that I had not been
bitten by even a mosquito, an impossibility, unless the zone was protected
in some way. Then I thought that the reason for the long delay may have been
a test of my patience. They did not tell me this, but I had the feeling that
they had tested me to see how long my patience would last. I was happy that
I had passed their test. They opened the port and lowered the ladder and we
left the ship."
"They explained that two of the strange craft, very different from the
others, with a bow structure some-thing like a great whale were
relieving(avhjelpe) the smog and air pollution of Bogota. I saw another with
a similar bow structure, and they said a ship like that was the ’whale’ that
swallowed Jonah. These points of scripture kept coming up, and I thought,
’These extraterrestrials have certainly had contact with many of our
prophets. This may lead us to a new concept of cosmic theology, as I told
the Congress of Witchcraft, where mankind may become truly united with the
superior entities, which we shall proudly call brothers when we ascend to
that understanding, when we make contact with these intelligence’s en mass."
"They did not let me off in the same place as they had picked me up this
time. They left me much closer and near the highway. I asked them why they
did not make contact with more people and with governments, and they said I
would have an experience that would show me one reason why they were not
doing this."
"It was getting daylight, and must have been about 05:30 in the morning when
they brought me in the small craft with the three crew members to let me
off. In the farms of the plains many people get up early to feed their
animals and milk cows. The small craft made a circle over some people below.
There were two men milking cows in a small shed behind a house. They saw the
bright light and jumped up; the cow kicked one and also knocked over the
pail of milk, and both men ran like they had seen the devil. We shot up
rapidly behind some clouds where they couldn’t see us. Then the farmer came
out and the two men pointed up, moving their arms excitedly. A woman came
out drying her hands and a child of about 8 years, and they all looked up
but couldn’t see anything. We were still in the cloud. ’Observe their
reaction,’ said one. ’Yes, no need to explain, we have caused panic, but
these people are farmers,’ I said. ’Now we will try an experiment with
slightly different people,’ the ET said. And we flew to the highway where we
saw a truckload of cattle approaching.
We let it pass on. Behind it was a Jeep which we also let pass. Then came a
pick-up and an automobile, very close together 100 to 120 meters apart. We
let them pass. ’There comes a car alone, there is no other within
kilometers,’ the ET said. We took a position above and held that so that I
could see. I could see through an electronic apparatus which they had, that
inside the auto were two men wit suitcoats and soft ties. One was driving
while the other sat at his side talking. In the rear seat another man had
his collar turned up and was sleeping. The gentlemen seemed to be cultured
middle class people from their dress and the appearance of their car. We
descended In front and hovered along side of the road. They were so
surprised to see us so unexpectedly that the two men in front opened their
doors to exit running.
The other knowing nothing of what was taking place, fell off the seat when
the driver hit the brakes. He stuck his head out of the window and yelled
something, because I saw his mouth open. When he saw our craft parked above
an to the side, he got out running and tore (rev av)his coat trying to
scramble through a barbed wire fence. ’That is the reaction of everyone,’
said my companion, ’Do you think that answers the question?’ ’Brothers,’ I
said, ’though I know that I am with you, and this is the second time we have
met, and knowing that you are living beings much advanced in evolution,
there are many things which still do not understand. I hope that in time I
may be able to do so.’ I felt very honored and considerably humbled(Ydmyk).
They continued giving me information up to the last experience in Peru."
"That took place on the 25th of July 1974, when Guadalupe and Monserrat,
professed spacemen, met me in Bogota. It was about five in the morning, and
I spent 45 minute in a spacecraft talking to them. We remained on the ground
in the spacecraft and did not fly. This craft rested on three feet, and was
of the Adamski type but much smaller. It was not very big. This craft could
not have been more than 9 meters in diameter and no more than 2 meters 80 in
height. Those spacemen that I saw then - were no more than one and a half
meters tall. All of them were alike, light colored, and looked much like
those of the Pleiades but smaller. I have seen others from
Orion, Orton, Yamaru,
Yonica, Yaraka and other places. Some of them also had no women with
In the second encounter of the 18th of November, I saw two women, and very
beautiful they were, for a few minutes. And I saw at that time, on the
mother craft, a very strange being. I could not tell whether it was a human
or an automaton, but they permitted me to see it. when I was talking with
them in the ship, an automatic port opened and one of them passed by. It had
a large head like a basketball with a transparent case. I thought I could
see the brains, and the veins and the organs, and the eyes were large and
moved like those of an iguana, and could look on all sides. It walked like
it was a robot, with a thin gray uniform and boots and gauntlets of a dark
blue and some colored buttons at the waist, which was thin like a woman,
which with their broad shoulders gave them a triangular aspect. The door
opened, there was a light, and it entered. We all turned to look as I
continued talking to them. I did not ask about it. For the first time I saw
a kind of symbol, on its back, at the shoulder. Up to this time I had not
seen any kind of mark or symbol.
This was the first I had seen, and
it was very strange. I have tried to draw the symbol since
then but I have forgotten one of the upper parts. It was a
kind of an "H" but it had something else above, and I can not remember what
it was. I had the feeling that they had let me see this creature, to know
that such did exist. I saw also a gigantic being of 2 meters 80, whom they
told me was a Jovian. He never spoke to me, and he always kept his hands
crossed. He watched me with a smile the whole time and never said a single
word. He seemed to understand all."
"A strange thing happened with my ball-point pen. I took out my pen to
sketch the solar system for a question that had come from an anonymous
letter delivered to the newspaper "El Tiempo" of Bogota. The writer had
allegedly (angivelig) made contact with beings that looked like Hindus, who
operated a flying saucer. They told him that they came from a planet similar
to Earth, that it was Earth’s twin and occupied the same orbit, but on the
opposite side of the sun, for which we never saw it. I wanted to ask if
there was such a possibility, and I took out my pen and paper to sketch the
orbit and see if I could make them understand. When I produced the pen they
all displayed great curiosity, especially the Jovian.
Krhisnamerk told me to
let him see it. He took it apart and examined it and then gave it back. I
asked why the pen was of such interest, and Krhisnamerk said, ’It is be
cause we have one very similar, but you must see it, and they produced one
fastened by a line to the table ’Write something. Here are papers. I took
the pages which were almost transparent, and paused over them. ’Write
whatever you like; make a sketch.’ Then this happened.
They asked me if I could paint the house where lived as a child, if I could
remember it, and I said yes. ’But paint it, I can’t even draw,’ I said.
’Make any thing.’ I said I painted a butterfly when I was a little boy in
school, and they said do that then. So I began by pressing the point, which
was finer than ours, but the moment I pressed the button the pen began to
vibrate in my hand, and I heard a small sound, and felt a slight vibration.
But the most surprising thing came the moment I began drawing the butterfly.
It came out in relief and in exact colors. I stared, ’But how is this
possible’ And they laughed and explained, ’Whatever you have your mind is
captured and sketched exactly as you think it, in colors, and in exact scale
and size. This apparatus captures exactly the vibration, the color, the size
of what you think and produces it accurately. The apparatus receives the
vital image and translates it then into a sketch. I was stupefied, and I
then understood their interest in my pen which looked similar."
"After that, on the 24th and 25th of December l974 they took me to an
vortices in the Andes. I was in Caracas attending a conference when they
contacted and arranged a meeting. I boarded the spacecraft between two small
villages near Caracas. One is called El Juiquito and the other, where many
Germans live, is called Colonia Tovar. From there they took me to the vortice five minutes. It was in the uplands of Peru, at 4,200 meters
altitude, between Marcahuasi and Macchu-Picchu.
"These beings have submarine bases in lake Titicaca and under the seas. I
was taken to one of the bases the Mariana Trench. I am writing a science
fiction story to be able to detail what is going on in the marine depths. By
some manner I am going to give this information to the world, and I believe
the time has come. are going to make, together with others in Venezuela,
kind of census of the public, of their opinions concerning flying saucers.
If they accept them, we want to know why. If they do not accept them, we
also want to know why. This will serve to measure the information that can
be released of that which we have. Little by little we hope to give this
information to the world, as much as it can accept, to prepare them for the
day when they shall also experience the UFOs, hoping that they will not
panic, and that they will be a little bit prepared for what will happen."
One may look around and see that we have availed ourselves of little of the
vast amount of knowledge and experience we could have enjoyed. Even this
little was too much for many, and for most of the UFO clubs. Witness the
treatment any contactee gets once he decides to reveal even a little of what
is happening to him. He would be better off to have said nothing and to
avail himself of these experiences in silence, which is exactly what most of
them do after their first experience with the public. We may state that
these experiences have gone on for years, and the descriptions and dialogue
up to now would fill volumes. The undersea base in the Pacific alone would
take a whole volume to describe.
We have undertaken the task of translating Enrique Gastillo Rincon’s full
report on his contacts from the original Spanish to English for your
enlightenment. Our working title for that report is UFO CONTACT FROM
SHI-EL-LHO, the name which they called their home sun somewhere in what we
call the Pleiades.
During 1977 to 1979, before moving from Venezuela to Puerto Rico,
Ramon Rosa Alvarado had a series of unique experiences as an observer in a
local Venezuelan UFO Group which was being contacted by UFOnauts who told
the local contactee there that they came from the PLEIADES.
At that time Alvarado and his wife were living near Ciudad El Tocuyo,
Distrito Moran, Venezuela in a sugar cane growing district. Reports of
strange disc-shaped aerial objects were occurring almost every night. They
would be seen approaching from below the crest of a small sparsely vegetated
mountain above the sugar came field, and would fly about in the sky in all
directions in a random fashion. Word had gotten out about the almost nightly
visits, and people from all around began coming to the area to witness the
One night around eight pm, Alvarado and his wife watched many different
colored glowing objects of luminous disc-form flying shelter over the
cornfields. They were of blue, green and amber radiance and were estimated
to be 15 to 20 feet in diameter. Ramon counted 25 such craft on this
occasion. Some of them approached quite close, and some hovered low over the
came tops and in other places only a couple of feet above the ground. The
upper level of these operations was only about 400 to 500 feet above the
ground surface.
On this particular night the witnesses saw a large number of shiny silver
metallic balls, non luminous but highly reflective, also flying around in the
dark sky. Though these spheres were not luminous, they could nevertheless be
easily seen in the light of the other disc-shaped UFOs. The balls reflected
the many lights of the larger craft flying about. There may have been as
many as several dozen such shiny balls only a few inches to a few feet in
diameter, in several sizes. The silver balls kept moving rapidly and did not
stop and hover like the luminous disc-shaped larger craft.
On another night a few weeks later, Ramon and his wife joined a group of
about 80 people who had come to witness the phenomena. It was a Wednesday
evening (the objects seemed to be most active in mid-week) and they had seen
the lights below the top of the large hill.
Suddenly they saw three of the blue and green 15 to 20 foot diameter glowing
disc-shaped flying objects about 400 to 500 meters to the north of their
position. The objects were situated, one over the river to the north near
the left road, another to the right of dead center, between the two roads,
and a third over the cornfield across the road to the right. As one of the
witnesses started down the road to the left with a Jeep, to get closer, the
one to the far right began to approach up the right road. Alvarado and his
wife were standing to the right and the light came slowly toward them.
Suddenly a ball of white light about one meter in diameter burst into view
in front of them and began to fly a tight vertical circle about 12 to 15
meters in diameter only a few feet away. Mrs. Alvarado fainted
(besvimte) from fright.
Then a much larger round glow of light came on in the distance, across the
river towards the hill. It must have been huge, because all of the
disc-shaped craft and the white ball of light raced toward it and went
inside, and the whole thing rose and flew away as one object. Before they
departed, however, the disc-shaped luminous craft on the right that was
approaching up the road stopped, and an array of horizontal light beams of
several colors including blue, green, violet, amber and orange came "ON" on
top of the object and radiated out horizontally. Then they began to rotate
like helicopter blades, in a counterclockwise direction. These light beams
blinked out before this object went toward the larger light in the distance
and went into it.
There was a principal witness in that vicinity whom these alien visitors
picked up and contacted directly. They addressed the contactee in his native
Spanish but they conversed among themselves in another language. When he
asked what language it was, they called it IRDIM. They said it was a
proto-Sumerian tongue used long ago on Earth by their predecessors here, and
that most other languages used on Earth today were derived from it. They
said that their ancestors came from what we call the PLEIADES.
The space beings said that they lived lifespans of 1,000 to 1,200 years of
our time in a single physical embodiment. They said that they live
simultaneously in the 3 dimensions we normally think of, - plus a 4th
dimension we know very little about at the present time. They said that the
laws of the 4th dimension are entirely different, and that the speed of
light in our dimension does not apply in the physics there. They said that
they simply shift all matter up to the 4th dimensional state and the laws of
time and space change. They have offered scores of detailed descriptions on
very scientific subjects, including other dimensions and other beings. Alvarado estimated the contact notes and dialogue he has seen amounted to
several hundreds of pages.
These Pleiadians, like those visiting Switzerland also describe
two other
planets in our Solar System no familiar to us today. They called one of them
Nemus an the other Siris (these are our spellings from the phonetics used).
They say that these planets will be found in orbits between what we call
Neptune and Pluto. The visitors to Switzerland said they were both beyond
the orbit of Pluto. The visitors to Acaya said one was side and one outside
the orbit of Pluto. We are unable to account for these disparities, however
the fact that all spoke of only two may be significant. They all mentioned
undiscovered moons for the sub-suns Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune, and
they have now been proved to be correct in 3 out of 4 and one still to be
survey by close observation. They all said that there were many inhabited
planets in the vast Pleiades systems. They were all aware of other human and
non-human visitors to our planet at this time, and each was in active
contact with some of those others.
A friend of one of the sugar farmers, Guillermo Torres of’ Hacienda Las
Cruces, near Ciudad El Tocuyo successfully photographed one of the larger
ships visiting this locality. It is seen as a large lens-shape circular
craft with a wide lowprofile transparent translucent dome on top. It
occasionally radiates light from the rim, and some of this light is seen in
the photograph. The skin surface of the craft seems to be matt gray in color
and has a brushed metal finish. Two craft was an estimated 400 meters away
when the picture was made.
They all operated, used or shared bases of limited accessibility in high
mountain peaks and in equally inaccessible under ocean locations