by Doug Yurchey
TheMystica Website
Editor’s note:
this type of article does not appear on this website,
however, the author’s premise, whether true or not,
raises serious questions which seem valid. As I prepared
the article for online publication I could not help
thinking of a television talk show I saw which featured
science-fiction writers.
general consensus was that whoever controls space will
control the world! It was pointed out that, just as a
side point, the new minerals to be mined in space would
make any nation wealthy beyond any means now imaginable.
facts alone emphasize the importance of the author’s
premise; and on the opposite side, if the premise is
totally unfounded--what a waste of productive
leadership. |
This article is not based on direct evidence or some new discovery
in space. Hopefully, it is based on some common sense. My argument
is we, the people, have been lied to by our leaders. This concept is
not a news flash for most of you who know the government and its
many agencies have been untruthful about UFOs. Not only about
UFOs; but when it comes to anything of a sensitive,
controversial nature... our world leaders do not volunteer the
The public, in the age of computers and mass media, is kept
in the dark. We are not meant to know what the ’suits’ do behind
closed doors. The authorities aka
secret societies; Freemasons;
Illuminati; are the puppet-masters. THEY use their influence
over known world leaders; celebrities; the motion-picture industry;
news agencies and much more for one primary purpose: TO BRAINWASH
We are controlled. We are manipulated. THEY are not going to tell
you that you are being controlled. But, we truly are. Where do
people go to get their information? Actually it comes to us. In
fact... we are bombarded, barraged and blitzkrieged by the holy
media. Television, movies, magazines, the Internet and newspapers
rain down upon us info. THEY own the media and the sad truth is THEY
own us. This is not information, it is MIND-CONTROL.
This writer had to begin an article called ’Secret Bases on the
Moon and Mars’ with the above preface. The reason being: THEY
have lied to us about what has been going on in space; on the
Moon and on Mars. There is certainly evidence that the
astronauts have observed strange and unexpected anomalies on the
Moon. Don Wilsons’s book ’Our
Mysterious Spaceship Moon’ and George Leonard’s ’Somebody
Else Is On the Moon’ are excellent references. This
writer wants to cut through the brainwashing. Try opening your mind
to new possibilities; on the possibility that you are not going to
receive the truth over the government-sponsored-corporate media.
There is the question: Why haven’t we PUBLICLY gone back to the
Moon? The answer is NOT: ’Well, there’s no space race anymore.’
Also, the answer is not that it is too expensive or too
difficult. The computers that sent the Apollo’s to our satellite
were infantile compared to those brilliant PCs that are in many
millions of homes today. Of course, it takes vast amounts of money
and effort to pull off a successful lunar mission.
But our leaders
do have huge resources and spend incredible sums on various
projects... such as Middle-East wars! Then, THEY have to
spend 87 billion dollars to reconstruct what THEY have
destroyed in Iraq. Of course, it is not money from the rich
that is spent on these needless wars and reconstruction. It’s money
from us; the middle-class and the poor. WE have no choice in the
matter and must pay the price for anything our insane directors
THEY have kept technology from us. With
the idea that the masses cannot assimilate quantum leaps of
knowledge and innovation, they have suppressed things that could
have greatly advanced humankind.
THEY could help the masses, but
THEY don’t.
That is not THEIR agenda.
That is not THEIR job.
royalty/corporations/governments are supposed to be for the
benefit of the people.
The truth is: THEY are only out
for themselves.
THEIR real actions are only
those where the rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
THEY are in the business of lies
and deception.
In the film ’2001:
A Space Odyssey,’ there were lunar vacations. Those were
not secret trips to the Moon. This was TWA, British Spacelines, etc.
PUBLIC transports to the Moon should be a reality NOW! The truth is:
We are much farther than you think from that ever being possible.
How can the public go there and colonize the Moon when it would be
discovered that our leaders have been lying to us for decades? Yes,
2001 was only a film. But, it was not a fantasy.
1968, this movie was pure sci-fi and ’pure sci-fi’ has always
been a projection of future events. We always hear that: ’Soon,
there will be human exploration on the Moon and Mars.’ For many
years, NASA has told us that this great accomplishment is
just around the corner. Forget it folks; it’s never going to happen.
The Moon and Mars should have already been colonized.
In fact, they are already colonized!! They have not been
colonized by us; the general public. They have not been colonized by
the rich. They have been colonized by the super-rich and the
super-powerful. There have been secret launches into space and
believe it or not dear readers: People are walking on the Moon right
now! More unbelievable is the notion that secret bases are
already in place on Mars! The super-rich can leave the Earth any
time they choose. The Earth, the Moon and Mars are for THEM, not us.
Of course, the skeptic requires proof. It is a shame that there is
this prerequisite. Skepticism (to me) often functions as blinders
and an excuse not to really think or dream or discover. No, this
writer cannot provide actual proof of the claims within this
article. Sorry; I only have circumstantial evidence. Such as:
Why have the last 3 missions to Mars
(the Orbiter, the Explorer) been lost or malfunctioned?
If the ideas here are true, then it
is logical for these missions to have failed or have even been
purposely destroyed.
The Martian Explorer would have been
able to photograph details on the surface as small as 10 feet.
THEY cannot have such details be
known to the general public.
If objects like roads; buildings;
pipelines and other artificial structures were photographed on
Mars, then the Big Lie would be known.
Another good question is: When will
the Big Lie on the Moon and Mars be revealed?
Some people believe that our secret
Earth governments have been working hand-in-hand with the Roswell
aliens from the Zeta Reticuli star system. Bob Lazar
was briefed on this when he worked in
Area 51. In
William Cooper’s book ’Behold
A Pale Horse’ he wrote that ’human body parts’ were found
in the crashed ships at Roswell. From this point on,
a secret deal was struck between the grays and
our fearless leaders. Major Courson, advisor to a
number of American presidents, wrote a book on his deathbed which
essentially revealed that:
Technology, that we take for granted
today (transistors, computer tech), actually originated from
these gray aliens!
My point is: Our leaders
have been given advanced technology
for their silence. THEY cover-up the abductions and alien evidence
and are given technology for their participation in the con job.
Then, our leaders dole out this knowledge in small doses to
us. With assistance from the Zeta Reticulans... going to the Moon or
Mars is simply child’s play.
The actual origin of the word ’trilateral’ as in:
The Trilateral Commission... has to
do with a union between the two Earthly super-powers and the aliens;
which goes back more than 50 years.
There could EASILY be a Moon channel on our public cable television.
Wouldn’t that be cool? A robot rover with a camera going over one
Moon dune after another. It would be such art; such science and be a
fascinating thing to watch. We could have had this 20 years ago with
no problems. The reason we still do not have it is you might see
something you are not supposed to.
This writer does not have to see to believe. My only goal here is to
make you wonder: Why haven’t we returned to the Moon? (Do you
really believe there has not been one federal mission to the Moon in
the last 30 years?!) And: Why do our Martian probes keep screwing
up? Maybe there is something BIG going on out there in space that
they do not want us to know? Whatever it is; THEY are using our
money to accomplish it. This is the real reason the DEFICIT is so
huge. We have a right to know the truth. We’ve paid for that right.
How many people have died to keep the Big Secret?
It is not accurate that we will never know the truth. You can’t
really erase all the unofficial tracks in the moondust or
undo what has been constructed on Mars. One day, the truth
will come to light. When will the public ever get a piece of the
pie? As long as money does all the talking; as long as everyone bows
to the fascists that rule the world; as long as no one has the
courage to take on the evil empire; as long as power corrupts... we
will remain ignorant beings in ignorant times.