The complete arrangement of the Cydonia consists of five main structures.

All the structures are standing in a geometric- and arithmetically provable connection. This makes it possible to reconstruct the positions and the sizes of all the structures in a geometrical way. The fact, that it is possible to do with it, would mean, that they have been built up with full intention exact on this positions and this would be a prove of their artificially origin.

Out from the connection of the points CITY-SQUARE - PYRAMID in crater - THOLUS, a rectangular triangle will originate. This triangle is necessary to calculate the basis-datas of the orbit of EARTH. The possibility to do that with the structures is a prove for the correctness of the ancient Sumerian name of MARS as A.PIN, what means "there, where to set a correct course", according to Zecharia Sitchin.
















The CITY consists of a few pyramid like structures. One of them, one structure of this is called FORT, seems to be a pyramid, which has not been completed. Of interest here are the complete parallel running walls of it. Center point of the CITY is a place, which is marked nearly quadratic by four structures. It is named as CITY SQUARE. I named this point CP. Above of it there is to be seen a platform like structure. Out from this an observer would be able to look into all directions of the arrangement, to all the structures around without any barriers.

The CITY is the starting point of all the calculations. Out from the CITY SQUARE it is possible to take an axis into direction to the crater in eastern direction. The length of this line, which is ending in the pyramid in the crater is exact 55,96 km. This is identical with the shortest possible distance between EARTH and MARS in a scale of 1 : 1.000.000.

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D&M Pyramid

One of the most important structures of the Cydonia is the pentagonal D & M Pyramid. It has giant measures. Its sides have lengths from 1.934m to 2.735m, the height is approximately 1.000m. The center point of it is situated on 40,87° northern latitude. This is of a great importance in connection with the measurements of the Pyramids of Giza as Stargate to planet MARS.

The mirror axis of the D & M is aligned in the direction of the right eye of the FACE and into direction to planet EARTH under very special circumstances. The D & M is the second main actor of the arrangement as a pictorial representation of a ancient Egyptian myth, the fight between HORUS and SETH and the origination of the FLAMING EYE OF HORUS out of this.

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The most remarkable structure inside of the arrangement is the FACE. It is about 1.400 m long and about 450 m high. Humans always prone to see faces in every things. In clouds, trees, rocks and pizzas too. But all these faces do have something very important in common: they just even look LIKE a face, they aren't one!

But on the FACE in Cydonia even it is not the same. Its proportions are exactly the ones of a perfect human face. We probably never would have had found this arrangement if there would not have been a human face which attracted our attention. It is of a interest, that that the ancient Egyptian name of MARS was HORUS THE RED. The HORUS itself is a Latin word for the ancient Egypt word HOR, that means translated FACE. So the ancient Egyptian name of MARS was THE RED FACE.

We had to know, that the naming in ancient Egypt has had other meanings than today. A name always was a description of properties of things and persons. This fact also becomes of a great importance with the Pyramids of Giza too. So the FACE could be the other one main actor in the arrangement. It is the symbolical representation of planet MARS as THE RED FACE on which right eye the D & M axis is alignment.

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In north - eastern direction and in a distance of 48,5 km away from the CITY SQUARE we can see a wall-like object which has a length of 3,2 km, a high of about 30 - 50 m and a breadth of about 100m. It is sitting on the western foot-hills of the crater-material. On the enlargements of the images it is to be seen, that this wall is jet not simply only standing on the surface, but we can recognize a foundation like structure, the wall is standing on.

In addition to that this foundation itself is standing on the ejecta-material of the crater. This means, that the wall inclusive its foundation has been built up after the impact which forms the crater. So we had to suppose, that this wall has been built in full intention, that means artificially, on this place.

The line CLIFF - THOLUS is necessary to form the angle of 19,4517° in connection with the THOLUS.

The Crater
Inside of its wall, there is a remarkable structure, a quadratic pyramid. The crater itself forces to the introduction to me of a giant planet, which was drawn into the sand. So this crater could be the symbol of a planet. If that crater would be the symbol of a planet, so the pyramid in its wall could be the pyramid on the surface on this planet.

If we do assume, that the line CITY SQUARE - PYRAMID in crater would be the symbol for the shortest distance between EARTH and MARS, so this line would touch on the surface of each the planets a pyramid. We do remember to the drawing of the selections through the orbits of these planets. Here we can see, that this line is running through pyramids on the surfaces of these planets too. On planet EARTH it is the Cheops - Pyramid and on planet MARS it is the D & M pyramid. Because the line on planet MARS is showing the same situation, it is the real representation of this connection line.

This would mean, that the crater simultaneous is the representation of both the planets, by that he would have two meanings.

Out from the consideration, that this line is touching both these objects on MARS and on EARTH, the result would be, that the inclinations of the axis´ of these planets must have changed in past.

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  • The CLIFF is pointing exact to the center point of a conical shaped hill.

  • This hill is called THOLUS (=point T1)

  • Inside of the THOLUS there is originating an angle between the projection of the CLIFF and the line T1 - PY (=Pyramid in crater). With this angle it is possible to calculate the siderical rotation-times from EARTH and MARS in dependence with the diameters of each the planets

  • Because the angle is measured with approximately 19,5°, so it also can be of exact 19,4517°

The siderical rotation-times are:

  • diameter EARTH polar = ca. 12.714 km

  • diameter MARS polar = ca 6.760 km

  • out of this follows:

    • 12.714 / 360° x 19,4517° = 686,97

    • 6.760 / 360° x 19,4517° = 365,25

Did it is an accident, that the siderical rotation-times of both the planets are:

  • EARTH = 365,25 days of EARTH

  • MARS = 686,98 days of EARTH

So the angle could be a common constant from EARTH and MARS which refers to the polar diameters of each the planet.

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