"...the idea of the earth
as a geometric shape goes back in history at least to the Pythagorean school of thinking in ancient Greece. Its famous
adherent, Plato, wrote that ‘the earth, viewed from
above, resembles a ball sewn from twelve pieces of skin.’" [Bird]
The last twenty years or
so has generated a fleet of new grid theorists. A brief digest of
their contributions follows in more-or-less chronological order: |
Ivan Sanderson
The professional biologist who founded the Society for the
Investigation of the Unexplained in Columbia, New Jersey,
wrote "The Twelve Devil’s Graveyards Around the World" for
Saga magazine in 1972. Reprinted in Paradox, by Nicholas R. Nelson,
Dorrance & Co., Ardmore, Penn. 1980.
"... with several
associates, he set out to 'pattern the mysteries' by taking full
advantage of modern communication technology and statistical data
analysis. His success was startling. "The Twelve Devil’s
Graveyards Around the World," plotted ship and plane
disappearances worldwide, focusing attention on 12 areas, equally
spaced over the globe, in which magnetic anomalies and other energy
aberrations were linked to a full spectrum of strange physical
Highest on Sanderson’s statistical priority list was a lozenge-shaped
area east of Miami, in the Bahamas, on the western tip of the
Bermuda Triangle. This area’s "high profile" of
strange events,
Sanderson concluded, was mostly due to the enormous flow of
air/ sea traffic in the area. Other zones of anomaly, though less
familiar, were equally rich in disappearances and space-time shift
occurrences. ...
Another area of continuing disappearances and mysterious time-warps is
the Devil’s Sea located east of Japan between Iwo
Jima and
Marcus Island. Here events have become so sinister that the
Japanese government has officially designated the area a danger
zone. Sanderson
theorized that the tremendous hot and cold currents crossing his most
active zones might create the electromagnetic gymnastics affecting
instruments and vehicles. His theory is now being balanced against
several." - -Anti-Gravity
page 35.
(The Russian theorists
credit Sanderson [see below]).

Christopher Bird
in The Planetary Grid
[New Age Journal, May, 1975 pages 36-41] reported to America from
"On the last day of 1973,
Komsomol's Pravda, the official newspaper for the Soviet
Union's younger generation, ran a controversial article: "Earth,
What Are You Anyway?" The story suggested that, far from being a
simple spheroid, our globe started out as a crystal with angular
dimensions. Only after millennia of motion and the actions of many
forces did this crystal round itself into a ball.
Certain Soviet scientists are now maintaining that the "boundaries" of
the former crystal now lie buried and preserved within the body of
our planet. Some of them may protrude, however imperceptibly,
through its surface in the same way that parts of the skeleton
bonily project through the taut skin of a thin or emaciated human or
Nikolai Goncharov, a Muscovite historian enthralled by the
ancient world, knew nothing of these new and disputable theories. It
occurred to him to mark on a globe all the centers of earliest human
culture. Somewhere within him an "intuitive impulse," as the
Russian youth newspaper put it, suggested that there might be a
pattern, a geometric regularity, behind their genesis.
It was only after Goncharov met Vyacheslav Morozov, a
construction engineer, and Valery Makarov, a specialist in
electronics, that his vague impulse became first a suspicion, then a
hypothesis. After several years’ work, it appeared in Khimiya i
Zhizn’ (Chemistry and Life), the popular science journal of the
USSR Academy of Sciences
under the title: "Is the Earth a Large Crystal?"
The Russians also mention that Ivan Sanderson... has written
that the triangle is not the only infamous region on the earth's
surface but that there are nine others. The ten regions, says
Sanderson, are symmetrically situated around the globe, five
above, five below, at equal distances from the equator.
Had the American investigator thought to add two more points, at the
north and south poles, say the Russians, his scheme would have
precisely coincided with the model which they have adopted. (The
twelve points are 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 41, 43, 45, 47, 49, 61, 62.)”
Bruce Cathie
A retired military pilot in New Zealand, Cathie thought to plot
unidentified aircraft sightings on a map, and found a grid pattern
emerging. Author of Harmonic Conquest of Space, the latest in
a series of books on the harmonics of the world grid. His article,
Acoustic Levitation of Stones, appeared in Anti-Gravity. He has
developed software to calculate light harmonics of global distances,
called "Gridworks."
Bethe Hagens
with Bill Becker developed the EarthStar globe.
"... the Earth [is]
really a living crystal being with a geometric skeleton that
could be mapped in its patterns of energy flows... in ocean
currents, the winds, river systems, and distributions of precious
minerals. It even seemed that ancient humans had known this sacred,
hidden body of the Earth, and sited their civilizations to take
advantages of her very visceral powers.
"I found a picture of the world with a funny lattice work on it. It
looked an if someone had put one of Buckminster Fuller's domes over
the planet, and the design caught my eye. As I read the accompanying
article by Christopher Bird, I learned that was indeed what
had been done. Three Russians (an engineer, a
historian, and a linguist) had found that the dome-like geometric
pattern could be aligned on the Earth in such a way that the struts
of the dome mapped out major geologic features (such as mountain
ranges and river systems), and the connecting points for the struts
fell at the sites of important
ancient civilizations. There were many other correlations, and
the authors had numbered all of the corners so that information
could be collected and compared among a variety of researchers all
over the world."
Bethe’s research
pointed out that certain hand-held artifacts supported the world
grid model. Namely, the geometric carvings described in Zink,
wrongly called "bolas" [Rings]; and in two inscribed stones bearing
related angles but otherwise unrelated, known as the Flagstaff Stone
and the Clay County, Missouri Stone [Geostat].
Bethe showed that certain ancient maps were apparently based on
the same system [Anti-Gravity]. "Probably the most significant
discovery I made, though, involved great circles. A "great circle"
is an equator. It cuts a "sphere" exactly in half. At first glance,
the Earth crystal map appeared to me to be a web, like Spider
Grandmother, but in fact it was a perfectly symmetrical cluster of
fifteen great circles - or hoops - that created the illusion of one
hundred and twenty identical triangles. "It was not long after I
discovered that many Sioux tribes refer to life force of Earth as "the
fifteen hoops."
More recently, Bethe has realized the EarthStar
is a reflection of the sky.
"...One night, as I sat
(again) looking at a blank computer screen, I looked up at my
celestial globe, and began thinking about Plato. If it [the
world grid] really were a universal model of all creation, there
should be fifteen hoops in the sky. I found that I could use the
Earth’s path around the sun (the ecliptic) as the equator of the
heavens, and a fifteen-hoop structure could be anchored to important
places named in the world’s sky mythologies... the star Sirius,
Crab Nebula at the tip of Orion’s club, the Bear.
Most amazing was that the ring of the Milky Way (as we
see it in the sky) was exactly coincident with one of the hoops."
[From Plato to Pluto].
Barbara Hero
Her article, "International Harmony Based upon a Music of Planetary
Grid Systems," first published in the United States
Psychotronics Association 1985 annual Conference
Proceedings, and was reprinted in Anti-Gravity. Correlates the earth
grid system with specific musical notes, thus enabling one to find
harmonic relationships related to distances between cities and
countries. A chart of miles and corresponding musical notes is
included so that one can determine the musically harmonic intervals.
David D. Zink
Ancient Stones Speak: A Journey to the World’s Most Mysterious
Megalithic Sites (Dutton 1979) "Until the present work, however,
no one has pointed out the surprising number of megalithic
structures located at or near these intersections."
David Childress
Anti-Gravity and the World Grid, which brought together
articles by Cathie, Hagens, Hero,
Leviton and Zink; and distributes the
EarthStar globe and other titles of interest.
José Arguelles
assigned the twenty Mayan day
glyphs to the Earth in his Dreamspell game.
Krsanna Duran
writing in Perceptions
presents a system of mapping the earth using the 20 Mayan glyphs;
her system differs from Jose’s system. She divides the twenty points
into five inter-penetrating tetrahedra.
Dorothy Leon
Able to see the energy lines, her map of western North America "The
Wheel with Nineteen Spokes" she first released in Triangle from
Mountains under the name Katrina (now out of print). [She
sums up Triangle in Thirteen Steps of Ascension.] Her map
corresponds closely with world grid points 8 and 19. It was
redesigned slightly and published in 1995 by Aumear True
under the name, "EarthStar North America".
Peter Champoux
Inspirator for ArkHom, a geometric map of the eastern United
States, which nests within the earth grid. Peter is actively seeking
to install monuments at key sites.
Aumear True
Publisher of the EarthStar globe and EarthStar North
America. Aumear realized that Dorothy’s Wheel with Nineteen
Spokes plus the Grand Tetons at the center, equals 20, and he
correlated the 20 Mayan day glyphs to the Wheel.
Paul Devereux
One of the greatest contributors to the science of geomancy, just
retiring from 20 years editing The Ley Hunter journal. "Let
my last editorial statement on our subject area be to point out that
geomancy is in fact moving into a more modern, westernized area of
concern (the only way our culture will absorb the geomantic lessons
that have to be learned) that we could best describe as "cognitive".
It brings earth mysteries into the arena of consciousness studies (I
know this is a difficult transition for many people). [The Ley
Hunter #124, Winter 1995/ 96 page 1]. (Paul is not directly tied
to the world grid theory, but still merits mention here).