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Figure 1:
Vile Vortices
Overview - from Ivan Sanderson's 1972 article in Saga
"The Twelve Devil’s Graveyards Around the
plotted ship and plane disappearances worldwide, focusing
attention on 12 areas.
Is the earth a gigantic crystal that resonates at 7 Hz with harmonic
focal points at specific equidistant points?
One of the best summaries is "Anti-Gravity and the World Grid" by
David Childress.
Bermuda Triangle & Japan's Devil's Sea are considered anomalies,
where unexplained phenomena occur, such as disappearing ships &
planes, & radios & compasses that stop working.
Why are ancient Megaliths placed at specific equidistant points,
such as
Easter Island, Zimbabwe, and
Borneo, to name a few. Why are Positive Energy Vortices, such as in
the Himalayas, Sedona (AZ), & the Incan culture situated where they
If the Earth is mapped out as a icosahedron (or dodecahedron) Grid,
these are all equidistant geometric points (Vortices) of
intersecting (Ley) lines. Note that the Vortices appear to originate
from deep beneath the Earth's Crust, so they may be focused by
underground water or mineral deposits to vary slightly from the
exact dead center, sometimes with multiple surface areas of

The highest energy areas seem to center near the 31.7 degree
(Positive) or 25 degree (Negative) parallels - North and South:
There are 5 areas of the Northern Hemisphere near 25 North that may
be doors to other dimensions, often called "Vile Vortices" (Vile may
be too strong a term):
Bermuda Triangle (planes & ships
disappear in green fog)
Algerian Megalithic Ruins (South of
Karachi (Pakistan) [site of Mohenjo
Daro - Rama culture, the ancient origins of Hindu culture]
Devil's Sea Triangle (near
Iwo Jima, Japan) (planes & ships disappear - Japan officially
calls dangerous)
Hamakulia, S.E. Hawaii (heaviest
volcanic activity) - actually, the focal point is in the ocean,
more to the SE of Hawaii. It is in the Ocean, where some ships
and planes have disappeared in the past.
There are 5 areas of the Northern
Hemisphere near 31.7 North that are Positive healing Energy
Between Sedona, AZ & Sonora, Mexico
(31.7N 112.8W) - Hopi & Yaqui Indian, Hohokom waterworks, Sedona
Healing Vortex (& magnetic anomalies at Torreon, Mexico?)
The calculated Vortex Focus is near
the Papago Indian Reservation, W of Tucson, AZ, S of Pisinimo/W.
of Cowlic/Vamori/Little Tucson
According to Ken Eagle Feather, in
"A Toltec Path" p.11,
Castenada's Books on Don Juan (Matus) were
centered here (mid-Atlantic, Atlantis per Edgar Cayce - "the
position ... Atlantis occupied is between the Gulf of Mexico ...
and the Mediterranean")
Egypt - Pyramids (focus Energy)
Himalayas, N.E. of Lhasa (Tibet) -
Center for Tibetan Enlightenment - also, not far from Xi'an
Pyramids in China. Home of the Panda and ancient irrigation
systems and Midway Island
Further North, near 50 to 55 North, are
some well known Vortices:
Findhorn, Scotland: Key Celtic/Druid
Ley Line: Calendish megaliths, Loch Ness, Maes Howe, Ring of
Kiev (Ukraine, Russia) - Key Eastern
Orthodox Religious Site
Buffalo Lake (Alberta Canada), major
Indian Medicine Wheels
Hudson Bay, Canada north Magnetic
pole, Ugansk Bay, Eskimo Art, Chubb meteor crater
Lake Baikal (Northern Mongolia):
Meteor Crash? - unique soil, strange plant & animal genetic
In the southern Hemisphere, there are
also 5+5 areas, near 25 & 30 South, (most are in less-traveled ocean
areas), some of which are the:
Megalithic structures at Sarawak
Nan Madol (Pohnpei Island,
Incan Culture in South America
Easter Island - Megalithic Statues,
many of evil Cthulhu - culture degraded to cannibalism, then
Gabon (West Africa) [alleged
Atomic Reactor 1.7million yrs ago] / Zimbabwe Megaliths
List of Numbered Places
Numbered List of Vortices on World
Grid Map from Becker-Hagens

Key to symbols in Tables
= (balanced)
r (radiation)
d (diamond)
Northern 25-30 degree
N.E. of Hawaiian islands; d |
= 17. Hopi -between
Sedona (AZ) & Four Corners, Hohokom
waterworks; r, [wheel observed in Gemini photos]
Bermuda triangle - Bimini atoll, Bahamas [wheel
observed in Gemini photos], d |
= 19. Atlantis
Fracture in Mid-Atlantic |
Algerian megalithic ruins, Ahaggar ancient cave
art; w, d, fault line to Pakistan, #12; birds
over winter |
= 1. Great Pyramid
at Giza, Egypt; Mysteries, rites, Energy,
Egyptian Book of the Dead; r |
Karachi, Pakistan; Indus Valley, ancient Mohenjo
Daro culture; d, birds over winter |
= 13. Ancient Du
Jiang irrigation, home of panda [Between Lhasa
(Tibet-Himalayas) & Xi'an China Pyramids]
Japan's Devils's Sea- between Iwo Jima and
Marcus Island, seismic activity, Ships & Planes
Disappear |
= 15. Midway Island
Southern 25-30 degree parallel:
= 46.
Undifferentiated south pacific ocean
Easter Island megaliths; d |
= 48. Argentine Tafi
megaliths |
East of Rio de Janeiro; d |
= 50. Atlantic Ridge
L'uyengo on Usutu River in Swaziland, Great
Zimbabwe, site of earliest pre-humans; d, r,
birds over winter |
= 42. Intersection
of Mid-Indian and Southwest Indian Ridges
Wharton Basin (Deep Ocean) d |
= 44. South
Australia aboriginal land; Marilinga atomic test
site, Wilpena Pound huge meteor impact site
45. ???
Peruvian megaliths, UFO sightings; d
Northern 50-55 degree parallel:
= 7. Gulf of Alaska,
Exxon Valdez oil spill |
Buffalo Lake, Alberta, Canada; major
concentration of medicine wheels |
= 9. Hudson Bay,
north magnetic pole; Ugansk Bay, Eskimo art
complex, Chubb meteor crater |
Mid-atlantic underwater ridge to 37 |
= 11. Scotland;
northern British Isles, Maes Howe, Ring of
Brodger, Callenish megaliths; Loch Ness
Kiev (Ukraine, Russia) - Eastern Orthodox
religious Site - soil composition1 |
= 3. Tyumen oil find
Lake Baikal, N. Mongolia; unique 3/4 of plants,
animals & soil (1000 species), megaliths (Meteor
Crater?) |
= 5. Sea of Okhotsk;
major Soviet defense research site |
Amchita Island, Aleutian Islands, Bering Sea
= 30. Phoenix
Islands; Nova Canton trough; equator
Society Island; Caroline Islands, ecliptic
crosses here |
= 32. Mid south
Pacific; equator |
Clipperton Islands |
= 34. Galapagos
Islands; junction of Cocos and Carnegie ridges;
equator |
Lima, Peru; Lake Punrrun in coastal highlands;
boundary of Nazca plate, ice stones, ancient
Incan capital |
= 36. Amazonian
ruins, Yanomomo homelands; equator |
Guiana Basin, Vema Fracture |
= 38. Romanche
Fracture; equator |
Ascension Island |
= 40. Gabon, west
Africa; spontaneous U-235 atomic explosion 1
million years ago; equator |
Zimbabwe, Africa; Sudan, ancient Kush, recent
locust plague, near Khartoum, ecliptic crosses
here & #31 |
= 22. Somalia Basin,
equator |
Chagos archipelago |
= 24. Equator
25. Sea
of siam, S.E. of Bangkok, cf. Angkor Wat
= 26. Sarawak,
Solomon Islands, Borneo megaliths, equator,
center of spice trade, Toraja |
Gulf of Carpentaria, massive gold reserves
= 28. Ponapé,
Solomon Islands, equator |
Marshall Islands |
Ivan Sanderson
The professional biologist who founded the Society for the
Investigation of the Unexplained in Columbia, New Jersey, wrote "The
Twelve Devil’s Graveyards Around the World" for Saga magazine in
1972, plotted ship and plane disappearances worldwide, focusing
attention on 12 areas. Reprinted in Paradox, by Nicholas R. Nelson, Dorrance & Co., Ardmore, Penn. 1980.
"... with several associates, he set
out to 'pattern the mysteries' by taking full advantage of
modern communication technology and statistical data analysis.
His success was startling. "The Twelve Devil’s Graveyards Around
the World," plotted ship and plane disappearances worldwide,
focusing attention on 12 areas, equally spaced over the globe,
in which magnetic anomalies and other energy aberrations were
linked to a full spectrum of strange physical phenomena.
Highest on Sanderson’s statistical priority list was a
lozenge-shaped area east of Miami, in the Bahamas, on the
western tip of the infamous Bermuda Triangle. This area’s "high
profile" of strange events, Sanderson concluded, was mostly due
to the enormous flow of air/ sea traffic in the area. Other
zones of anomaly, though less familiar, were equally rich in
disappearances and space-time shift occurrences. ...
Another area of continuing disappearances and mysterious
time-warps is the Devil’s Sea located east of Japan between Iwo
Jima and Marcus Island. Here events have become so sinister that
the Japanese government has officially designated the area a
danger zone. Sanderson theorized that the tremendous hot and
cold currents crossing his most active zones might create the
electromagnetic gymnastics affecting instruments and vehicles.
His theory is now being balanced against several."
Devil's Sea Triangle
Bermuda Triangle & Devil's Sea
Another area of continuing disappearances and mysterious time-warps
is the Devil’s Sea located east of Japan between Iwo Jima and Marcus
Island. Here events have become so sinister that the Japanese
government has officially designated the area a danger zone.
Sanderson theorized that the tremendous hot and cold currents
crossing his most active zones might create the electromagnetic
gymnastics affecting instruments and vehicles. His theory is now
being balanced against several.”
-- from Anti-Gravity, page 35
The ten regions, says Sanderson, are symmetrically situated around
the globe, five above, and five below at equal distances from the
equator. Had the American investigator thought to add two more
points, at the north and south poles, say the Russians, his scheme
would have precisely coincided with the model which they have
-- Planetary Grid, Chris Bird, New Age Journal May 1975
Details on "Vile
(not really "Vile", but strong)
Bermuda Triangle (26.6N/76.8W):
An Impartial Geography link
tells us that weather disturbances are common here: it is
known for the sudden nature of its storms (Whiteouts &
strong winds in seconds). Most of the Ocean Bed below is
shallow, but some areas, like north of Puerto Rico, are
considered the deepest part of the Atlantic. An
"Anti-Current" below the Gulf Current complicate matters.
Magnetic North is the same as True North here
These anomalies alone would be sufficient to sink ships from
sudden storms. Most Hurricanes for that hemispheric area
originate in the Bermuda Triangle
In addition, ships and planes have reported periodic
disturbances that made compasses, radios, and even
instrument panels fail to function
Edgar Cayce stated that a gigantic Magic Crystal was
embedded in the Bermuda Triangle
Compare these anomalies with the almost identical ones in
the Devil's Sea Triangle, SE of Japan. Both areas are not
really a triangle, but a blob shaped area pitched at an
angle of 25 degrees SW to N
Some claim similar situations in the western Mediterranean,
NE of Hawaii, SE of Argentina, the Tasman Sea off Australia,
the east Indian Ocean, SW of Australia
Hawaii (26.57N/148.8W):
The Vortex Center is actually in
the Ocean, N.E. of Hawaii
Ship and Plane disappearances have been alleged here
The Hawaii Volcano at Hamakulia is said to have mysterious
SE of Rio de Janeiro: (26.6S/40.8W)
Easter Island (26.6N/112.8W):
"Hints of the old, hideous
shadow that philosophers never dared mention, the thing
symbolized in the Easter Island colossi -- the secret that
has come down from the days of
Karachi, Pakistan (26.6N/67.2E):
Near the ancient sites of
Mohenjo-Daro and Harappa, the source of Hindu civilization.
The gods Rama and Shiva are the focus here. The big question
here is what is a Vile Vortex? It is mainly an energy focus,
with potential multi-dimensional portals, and possible
focuses on the negative, as on the Hindu god Shiva, the
destroyer. If tapped properly, even a Vile Vortex provides
Positive Results.
Algeria (26.6N/4.8E):
Algerian megalithic monuments
and burial grounds at Djebel Mazala Salluste, Ahaggar
ancient cave art, etc are major indications of ancient
activity here. Additionally, there is a major earthquake
fault line to Karachi, Pakistan (see #12), and many birds
spend the winter here.
Diamonds deposits underground?
Some connect it to mysterious plane disappearances over the
Sahara Desert.
Zimbabwe (26.57S/31.2E):
Actually, near Swaziland, South
Africa. Above Diamond Deposits?
Positive Vortices:
Himalayas/China (31.72N/103.2E) :
Tibet, in the Himalaya
mountains, has always been viewed as a focus of meditative
energy. However, it is actually West of the Vortex.
The actual vortex is at 32N/103E, Chengtu, China. Just N.E.
of it are
the China Pyramids at Xi'an (Sian/Hsian)
Egypt (32N/31E):
Sphinx and Pyramids have
always been a focus of attention. Pat Flanagan has showed
that the pyramid shape focuses energy (energizes water,
makes wine better, sharpens razors, enhances ESP; maggots
leave meat energized in pyramids, because they only eat dead
Were the pyramids placed here to best focus the vortex
Findhorn, Scotland (58N/4.8W):
Scotland has always been a focus
of research on the Celtic Druids and Sacred Geometry. They
have focused on the Ley Lines that converge on their area.
Sites include the Callendish megaliths, Maes Howe, ring of
Brodger, Loch Ness. (58N/4.8W is SW of Inverness)
The Book "The Magic of Findhorn", by Paul Hawen details "40-poung cabbages, 8-foot
delphiniums and roses that bloom in the snow."
itself appears to be the actual center of the Vortex. Ley
Lines have been mapped by the Celtic Druids from here to
England's Stonehenge and Avebury, et al.
Kiev, in Ukraine (of the former Soviet
Kiev has been a major Religious
Site for the Eastern Orthodox church. The Vortex is just N.
of Kiev, S. of Gomel. (near Chernobyl)
Hrushiv (S.W. of Vortex) has been the site for 2 Apparitions
of Mary (1914 & 1987).
The 1987 Apparition was 1 year (to the minute) after the
Chernobyl Nuclear Accident
Buffalo Lake, Alberta, Canada
Alberta, Canada: Buffalo Lake is
considered by Indians to be a major concentration of
Medicine Wheels.
Hudson Bay (58.3N/76.8E):
Hudson Bay, in Canada, is the
source of the Magnetic North Pole. The Chubb meteor crater, Ugansk Bay, and an Eskimo Art complex are also present here.
Midway Island (30N/175.2E):
Midway Island is considered a
focus of Energy. More to come on this.
Sedona, Arizona may have been the legendary "Cibola".
In 1540 Francisco Coronado led an expedition to northern Mexico in
search of the legendary seven cities of Cibola.
"Seven Cities Of Gold. The
experience left a lasting impression and after their return
insisted that, "Even the sands were made of gold." 1
"speculation places them in two likely places; the Four Corners
area of Arizona and New Mexico and the now present-day location
of the City of Phoenix, The Valley Of The Sun."
"a comet's wrath that may have struck around 1680 AD. In his
opinion, what was destroyed was a fabulous, gold-laden Hohokham
city filled with mines, workers and fine artists of the precious
"Richard Dannelley, Sedona vortex authority says that a vortex
of earth's energy, "Allows power from the dimension of pure
energy to leak through into our dimension."
Vortexes seem to appear at
intersections of the earth's grid, or bio-magnetic field of the
earth. These intersecting strands of Earth's energy are also
known as ley lines. The symbol for a vortex is a cross in a
circle. (See diagram B)
Dannelley writes of this symbol,
"The cross is the symbol of the
union of cosmic forces, the coming together of the polarities
which create the world. A cross may be defined as a Vortex: The
intersection of angles. In the practice of geomancy a cross is
used to mark a place where the strands of the Web of Life join
together, thus forming a Power Spot." 8
"Water is also a key element and may
play a role in the disbursement of vortexian energies.
Underneath the Gobean Vortex is the largest aquifer in the
Southwest; three huge fresh water lakes, Coeur d'Alene and Pend
'Orielle in Idaho and Flathead Lake in Montana are located in
the Shalahah Vortex. "
David Hatcher Childress,
Lost Cities Of North & Central America
(Adventures Unlimited Press, Steele, Illinois, 1992) page 298.
Richard Dannelley, Sedona Power Spot, Vortex And Medicine Wheel
Guide (R. Dannelley, Sedona, Arizona, 1991) page 22.