by Mark Patrick Gibbons
ProjectProve Website
What Are Ley-Lines?
A ley-line is a straight fault line in the earth’s tectonic plates;
this is a scientific fact. What science though refuses to believe is
that through these, cracks in the earth’s tectonic plates the
magnetic energy released are very powerful indeed. In fact many
people have claimed to have felt the energy surge up their body, and
some of them claim that they have blacked out as the surge was that
How Long Have Human Beings Known About Ley Lines?
Our ancestors have known about these lines for many hundreds of
thousands years. Every race and culture on the planet has known
about these lines yet every one had different names for these lines.
Many people here in the UK tended to think that the druids found
these lines; this of course is complete and utter nonsense. All we
need to do is to look at the ancient cultures of the earth.
Take the
native Indians of the United States; they used to call ley lines
spirit lines and their Shaman’s used to use the electro-magnetic
energy in these lines to help them contact the spirits. They even
designed their medicine wheel on the spirit lines, as they knew that
these lines followed a straight round line. How did they know about
these lines and the energies that they give off? The answer’s
simple: the sky Gods told them.
Whilst here in Europe we are lead to believe that the druids called
them mystical lines, in Wales they used the same name as eastern
countries; they called them dragon lines. We know that Eastern
countries called them dragon lines as the sky Gods flew in
along these lines (I will draw on the Wales, Eastern connection in
the next sub-heading ).
aboriginal people of Australia called these lines dream lines,
once again they claim that knowledge was passed on to them from the
sky Gods.
Do Ley-Lines Emit Positive Or Negative Energy?
Yes, ley lines can give off positive or negative energy. "How?" I
hear you ask. Well if a coven have gathered and practiced black
rituals they can blacken the line from giving off positive energy to
negative energy. Is there any proof for this? Yes, in the nineteen
seventies, in the small Yorkshire mill town of Todmorden, a coven
practiced in a small woodland area in the district of Cornhome. The
woodland has four ley lines running trough it.
After the coven had
stopped practicing there, the wildlife had disappeared from the area
and did not return till nineteen ninety-six, after white witches had
performed several cleansing rights there. Also, the occult and
paranormal author Andy Collins in his book the Black Alchemist
claims that the people of hex are going round blacking ley lines.
And through them doing this lead to the gales and great damage that
ripped through the UK in nineteen eighty-seven.
This brings us back to why the Welsh call ley lines dragon lines.
The Welsh called them this as the white dragon represented all what
is good and wholesome in the world. Whereas the black dragon
represented all that is bad and evil in the world, which then in
turn brings us back to the Eastern philosophy of Ying and Yang the
dark and the light.
One interesting fact is that the Swastika stone on Ilkley moor in
Yorkshire is the oldest known depiction of a Swastika in Europe.

Swastika Stone
: Ilkley. Map Ref: SE09554696
Some think it likely, that the swastika was carved by one of the
Lingones Celts during the Romano-British period.
The cups in this
design align north-south and east-west.
The northern line
points directly towards Simon’s Seat on the northern skyline.
The eastern axis
points directly at Almscliffe Crag, above which the equinox rises
from here.
This is probably the
most famous carved rock on the moor,
the Swastika Stone is
generally considered to be later than the other carvings here and to
date from the Iron Age.
stone is believed to have over twenty ley lines intersecting through
it. A colleague of mine who reads Sanscrit claims that the Swastika
on the stone is actually an old ancient Sanscrit of a Star/Planetary
system map. That once again brings in the link to ley lines and the
sky. He also claimed that a Shaman would have used the rock in his
ritual and religious ceremonies, and that it, with out doubt,
predates the druids and their knowledge of ley lines.
How Does This Lead To The UFO/Abduction & Paranormal Connection?
As I now enter my twenty-first year of researching the UFO/Paranormal
phenomenon, for the past fifteen of those years, I have started to
notice how a lot of the phenomenon happens over areas saturated in
ley lines. At first I just thought it was all just coincidence. Then
we I looked at the data I were collecting, by interviewing witnesses
to these events. As well as during my research I read Maurice
Crosse’s findings on the Enfield poltergeist and how he found that
thirteen ley lines intersected the house. In his mind, that’s why
the family were experiencing the activity.
I went back over all my cases with a fine toothed comb, and ninety-
five percent of the sightings/activity all had taken place on ley
lines. How can I prove this? Well, since being a young child I have
been able to dowse for ley lines. For my own piece of mind I brought
in a gifted psychic whom I know, and took them to the sites to see
what they could pick up.
Before I knew they had picked up that there were several ley lines
running through the area, as they were in a trance like state, they
point the lines out exactly where I had previously dowsed for them
and found them. At no time did I tell them why we were going to the
area. The only information I gave was that several people had been
seeing an apparition at the site. They even gave the description of
the apparition, which had been witnessed there. We then went to two
sites where UFOs had been observed. Once again they were drawn
towards the ley lines first.
I also took them to places that didn’t have any ley lines and they
confirmed that there were no ley lines there, yet the witnesses had
observed something there. And they went into great detail as to what
they had seen, though it was not as prominent as the things
witnessed at the ley lines sites.
With this independent psychics’ findings, as at no time did I tell
them what I was looking for, it confirmed what I was already
beginning to suspect. Ley lines played an important part in what and
why people were reporting more UFO/Paranormal events over ley line
Then in nineteen ninety-six, when I began my research into the
abduction phenomena, I found the parallel between abductions and
lines. As most abductees seem to live on or around heavy ley line
sites, I began to look at my own abductions and contactee
experiences. I also noticed how I lived on heavy ley line sites.
At this time I was investigating the many UFO sites over the Scammonden area of Huddersfield in West Yorkshire, as many people
had reported seeing UFOs heading over to the area from the Todmorden
and Halifax areas. As my database grew, I decided to map out all the
UFO/Abduction and paranormal reports on a map, and where the ley
lines were. I noticed how they formed a perfect equilateral
triangle. From Scammonden to Todmorden through to Ilkley, I had the
report and findings published in UFO Encounters magazine. The
article was called The Yorkshire Triangle.
By this time my mind was made up strongly for the ley line link with
the UFO/Abduction and paranormal phenomenon. All what were left for
me to do was to find out why the phenomena are drawn to areas
saturated with ley lines. This is the first time that my conclusions
have been printed, due to the fact that when I have given lectures
on the phenomena and brought in the ley line connection, most of the
people have gasped in disbelief. I only hope that you are more open
minded to my ley line theory, than those who have heard it in the
past. I am not saying that it is a fact. Only that is a big
possibility that ley lines are drawing the phenomena to them as a
magnet does iron filings.
As stated when I first came across the ley line connection, I
thought it was coincidence for these things to happen where there
are ley lines.
I checked all the sites and data I had collected over the years.
Then I rechecked. I noticed that ninety-five percent of the
incidents I had investigated happened where there are a heavy
concentration of ley lines. I asked myself why this were so? I
realized how every ancient culture claimed that ley lines gave off
positive or negative energy.

Then I began to notice that a lot of abductions by the grays and
poltergeist activity where happening on ley lines that had been
blacked, by occult practices. I only found this out by going back to
the drawing board and researching incidents which been reported over
the centuries. As I did, I noticed how there were reports of
witchcraft taking place on or around these sites, and I was finding
too many reports for it to be coincidence. I even managed to track
down some of the people who had witnessed some of these events in
the last century.
Granted, a lot of them were old age pensioners but
they could still remember what they had witnessed. Then I remembered
the Alan Godfrey abduction, which happened in Todmorden in nineteen
eighty. The spot were he was allegedly abducted was on a blacked
line. It was one of the lines that ran from the woods in Cornhome,
which is about a mile and a half up the road from the spot were he
was abducted. The evidence then was just too strong for me to
dismiss the ley line connection.
I found the opposite with the contactee side of the UFO phenomenon.
I found that these experiences happened on ley line sites that were
not blacked and gave off positive vibes as my psychic friend put it
when they walked on positive ley line sites. This was unlike where
they began to feel pain and anger on blacked ley lines. On one
blacked ley line site in Todmorden, they fell to ground and lay
unconscious for ten minutes and refused to go back there until it
had been cleansed. There are also less paranormal appreciations
witnessed on positive ley line sites. If there has been a violent
incident on the ley line, it seems to be why appreciations are seen
on positive ley lines. They seem to be replaying the events which
occurred there.
The orange balls of light phenomena, that certain UFO investigators
such as Andy Roberts and Paul Devuox claim are earthlights, are from
my findings mainly seen over positive ley line areas. And
according to the witnesses I have interviewed, the earthlight
theory can be ruled out. The witnesses claim that they seem to be
intelligently controlled. The earthlight theory is an interesting
Ley lines do run on the earth’s tectonic plates fault lines,
which according to Roberts and Devroux release earthlights during
stress on the fault lines before an earth quake. If this was the
case, the Scammonden would not be here as the orange balls of light
are seen there often. Which now leads me to ask why these things are
attracted to ley lines. As I have explained, ley lines give off
positive and negative energy, the same as a magnet has a positive
and negative poles. Ley lines run on the Earths’ tectonic plates.
The blacked or negative ley line attracts negative experiences, and
apparitions as well as alien abduction experiences. Due to the
negative energy that the lines are emitting, it’s the same as how
negative people attract other negative people. I believe that they
all feed off each other, so the negative ley lines draw these things
towards them so that they can feed off the negative energy, which is
being put out by them.
I came to this conclusion as most people who have been abducted by
the grays claim that it has had negative implications in their
lives, as well as the experience on board the grays craft being on
the negative side. During my research, I found that around ninety
five percent of abductions with the grays happened where there are
blacked or negative ley lines.
On positive ley line sites, I found the opposite that ninety five
percent of the incidences that happen on these sites are positive in
nature. People who have spent time on these positive sites have had
positive things happen in and around their lives.
Take the Swastika, for example, on Ilkley Moor. Many of the people
who have visited the stone have felt positive energy’s surging
through their bodies. I know of a few people who have suffered with
pain walk up to the stone and stand on it. They have also felt
energy surge through they’re bodies and a few hours later, their
pain has rescinded and has not bothered them for a few months.
I also know that this has baffled their doctors, as a trough of them
suffer from arthritis. Even though it is extremely active in their
body, they should be in immense pain and should not be able to walk
as they are doing. I even know mediums that go up there to charge
their psychic batteries, so to speak. Once again most of the
contactee experiences happen where there are these positive ley
lines, and I believe yet again that the positive energy released
from them are attracting these positive beings so that they can feed
and recharge their positive energy.
The only proof I have for this connection is from the painstaking
and long years of research I have done on the subject. Further proof
comes from talking to the many witnesses to these phenomena, as well
as the occurrences on the sites. Most Paranormal, UFO and Earth
mysteries investigators say that there is no connection between ley
lines and the activity. All I can say in defense of my findings is
this; do as I did.
Recheck all the data you have gathered, then
collate it with known and unknown ley lines in the area. Then look
into what has taken place on the sites and then look into your case
files. You will find that all the negative reports and cases happen
on negative ley lines. And all the positive cases such as contactee
experiences happen on positive ley lines. That’s all what I did, and
the evidence I dug up confirmed what I had already begun to suspect.