from WeirVideos Website
**Plate-2 shows what George says is a site in The Sea of Tranquility filled with manufactured objects and some alien vehicles. The NASA photo used is 66-H-1612, as shown here from his book. It can be crossed referenced to, L.O. II. H-42. He says, the little round objects are "Oval" shaped and look artificial.
absolutely impossible
for this kind of irregularity. It is admitted that such shapes are
seen. Nevertheless, shadow and light can play weird tricks on the
eyes, and if the imagination is predisposed to looking for alien
machines, no matter what, the results can be deceiving.
**Other references show us quit different ’machines’, for we see in these more detailed photos that they are just piles of rocks, many of which form circular ring like patterns on the Lunar surface (image left); probably the results of ancient crater ongoing deterioration and erosion.
**The ‘Sea of
(click right image)
is another one of Leonard’s special areas for the alien artifact
hunter. The large area called a Mare or ‘Sea’ bed, as seen in
Gazetteer, Frames: 66-1, 73-1, 78-1, 85 is strewn with weird shapes
and objects. All crater and volcanic ejecta!
**Crater Tycho
(image right)
is also a hiding place
for Alien machines and construction sites. Tycho is located south
and a little east from the great Mare area we see with our eyes on a
Moon-light night.
**One of the USGS Quadrants (click image left) is named after Tycho. USGS I-713, Tycho Quad. Map. Leonard says that he sees many mechanical relics laying around the Crater floor in, out and in between the boulders and rocks. Gleaming white hemispheres?, domes?, irregular mounds with craterless at the peak?, round mound shapes that never vary from location to location? He says, they are 1/8 to 3/4 of a mile in diameter, or 400 yards, and usually never differ in size.
**Leonard’s sketches describe what he sees, p.61. He is also kind enough to give us the traditional scientific geological explanation for them; that these mounds are the results of the upward movement of magma which has warped the overlaying rock.
**What about GIANT Screw devices (click image right)? Or, better still, what about giant screw devices used to stitch together the ripped crust of the Moon’s surface? As suggested by this so-called large crustal rip. Could Aliens be trying repair their giant Moon Space ship with Screws? What a screw job that would be if it were true. Abandoned alien giant digging screws? Or, more volcanic activity?
**What about LAVA
(image left)
that has been forced
through a spiral opening and then solidified?
**In the highland areas north of Tycho (click images right), Leonard says there is an area seven square miles in size,... ALIVE with construction and activity." There is symbolic glyphs, and artificial objects, some power source plate with knobs and a cord, some gas sprays, etc. My God, it’s a Disneyland of Alien activity!