By Guy Cramer
As political and military experts on News talk shows discuss with all
seriousness, the potential for a tactical nuclear response from the
U.S. for the mounting bio-terror attacks, it should be pointed out
that geophysics warfare weapons such as HAARP are making nuclear
retaliation obsolete.
This military array in Alaska and others like it around the world have
the potential to deliver an equivalent nuclear detonation to a long-range
target without warning, without the missile and without the radiation.
One of 12 U.S. HAARP patents is titled: U.S. Patent 4873928: Nuclear-Sized
Explosions Without Radiation
HAARP was constructed under the SDI (Strategic Defense Initiative)
other wise known as "Star Wars”.
The High-frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) is a
congressionally initiated program jointly managed by the U.S. Air
Force and U.S. Navy. Using 3 gigawatts of power (3 billion watts) from
a 23-acre site in Gakona, Alaska, it is considered the most powerful
array on Earth.
Another ability of an array such as HAARP could be used to heat
radiate people within a large yet distant target, even a buried
underground bunker or cave network. This would minimize public and
international opposition to such a response as the effects, although
not as visual as tactical nuclear detonations, provides a similar
broad termination of targets. The world may not even realize anything
had happened and thus large-scale enemy losses in one location without
physical munitions detonations may be played down or passed off as
conventional combat or Special Forces action.
The trick to using such a weapon with underground targets is to find
the target in the first place. The same array that may be used to
deliver the effect can also be used to penetrate deep into the ground
to find the target. HAARP can in effect be used for Earth-penetrating
tomography, which can reveal the existence of underground
The HAARP complex consists of 180 towers, 72 feet in height, forming a
"high-power, high frequency phased array radio transmitter". Military
applications of HAARP include long-range ground penetration radar,
over the horizon radar, submarine communication…
The basics for Ground penetration or target neutralization is to use
the antenna array to target and heat the ionosphere in the upper
atmosphere to create a lens to bounce or reflect a signal off to a
target of great distance. Although some distances may be to far to
reach a target if it is on the other side of the globe.
Moon Bounce
In late 1998 and early 1999 the
monitored a daily
frequency from .9 to .95 hertz (pulses per second), the wavelength of
this frequency was approximately 319,877km or 198,711 miles. The
moon's distance is fairly close to the wavelength. The signal appears
to be a controlled signal transmitted from an unknown source at
approximately the same time daily except weekends. The signal is
strong enough to generate it's third harmonic which is 2.81235 hz. The
signal has a very quick rise time and a slower decay at the end, which
is usually indicative of an artificial source. A low pass filtered
showed the signal tracks very well with the magnetometers placed in
various locations around the planet especially those in the northern
Lets pick apart the data above. A Ultra Low Frequency signal in late
1998 through early 1999 from an unknown source which occurs only on
week days, powerful enough to create a third harmonic wave, with a
quick rise slow decay which tracks better with magnetometers in the
North and a wavelength approximately matching the distance to the moon.
The answer seems apparent HAARP or a similar array in the North is
bouncing signals off the Moon back to the Earth.
Why would you want to bounce signals off the Moon?
To reach targets around the world you could design a floating mobile
HAARP that would have to equal the surface area of five large aircraft
carriers or 8 super tankers tied together costing billions of dollars,
or you could use a stationary permanent array such as HAARP and use
the moon as a reflector to effectively bounce your signals anywhere on
Earth given mutual Moon visibility between the source and the target!
Ham radio enthusiasts call this reflection technique EME (Earth-Moon-Earth)
or Moonbounce, and have been utilizing the moon with High Frequencies
since the 1950’s to communicate around the world. HAARP can transmit
both Low and High Frequencies.
Israeli HAARP?
It is rumored that Israel has access to a similar array, which would
increase mutual moon visibility in the Middle East region for
Moonbounce transmission, but proximity to any targets in this area
might be close enough to an Israeli array that Ionosphere reflection
might be possible around the clock.
Tactical Nuclear retaliation by the U.S. during the War on Terrorism
is in effect obsolete, given that the Americans could Tactically
strike with a geophysics array producing similar damage associated
with nuclear detonation, without the long term detrimental effects and
downwind radioactive fallout. Other alternative uses of the array such
as radiating transmissions may provide similar biological target
termination without any blast effects. Moonbounce techniques also mean
that a stationary array can in effect target anywhere on the Earth.
Star Wars now seems an appropriate term for this particular Strategic
Defense Initiative using HAARP to utilize the Moon as a potential
Death Star!
Reference Papers: