The Unholy HAARP Doomsday Array
by Mark Lowenthal
April 3, 1995
BrotherBlue Website
recovered through
WayBackMachine Website
Part I
"Project HAARP: The
Military’s Plan to Alter the Ionosphere"
by Clare Zickuhr and Gar Smith
The Pentagon’s mysterious HAARP project,
now under construction at an isolated Air Force facility near Gakona,
Alaska, marks the first step toward creating the world’s most
powerful "ionospheric heater." The High Frequency Active Auroral
Research Project (HAARP), a joint effort of the Air Force and the
Navy, is the latest in a series of little-known Department of
Defense (DOD) "active ionospheric experiments."
Internal HAARP documents state:
"From a DOD point of view, the most
exciting and challenging" part of the experiment is "its potential
to control ionospheric processes" for military objectives.
Scientists envision using the system’s powerful 2.8-10 megahertz
(MHz) beam to burn "holes" in the ionosphere and "create an
artificial lens" in the sky that could focus large bursts of
electromagnetic energy "to higher altitudes ...than is presently
possible." The minimum area to be heated would be 31 miles in
The initial $26 million, 320 kw HAARP project will employ 360
72-foot-tall antennas spread over four acres to direct an intense
beam of focused electromagnetic energy upwards to strike the
ionosphere. The next stage of the project would expand HAARP’s power
to 1.7 gigawatts (1.7 billion watts), making it the most powerful
such transmitter on Earth.
For a project whose backers hail it as a major scientific feat,
HAARP has remained extremely low-profile -- almost unknown to most
Alaskans, and the rest of the country. HAARP surfaced publicly in
Alaska in the spring of 1993, when the Federal Aviation
Administration (FAA) began advising commercial pilots on how to
avoid the large amount of intentional (and some unintentional)
electromagnetic radiation that HAARP would generate. Despite
protests of FAA engineers and Alaska bush pilots, the final
Environmental Impact Statement gave HAARP the green light.
While a November 1993 "HAARP Fact Sheet" released to the public by
the Office of Naval Research stressed only the civilian and
scientific aspects of the project, an earlier, 1990, Air Force- Navy
document, acquired by Earth Island Review, listed only military
experiments for the HAARP project.
Scientists, environmentalists, and native people are concerned that
HAARP’s electronic transmitters could harm people, endanger
wildlife, and trigger unforeseen environmental impacts.
Inupiat tribal advisor Charles Etok Edwardsen, Jr., wrote President
Clinton on behalf of the Inupiat Community of the Arctic Slope and
the Kasigluk Elders Conference expressing their concern with the
prospect of altering the earth’s neutral atmospheric properties.
HAARP also may violate the 1977 Environmental Modification
Convention (ratified by the U.S. in 1979), which bans "military or
any other hostile use of environmental modification techniques
having widespread, long-lasting, or severe effects."
HAARP project manager John Heckscher, a scientist at the Air Force’s
Phillips Laboratory, has called concerns about the transmitter’s
impact unfounded.
"It’s not unreasonable to expect
that something three times more powerful than anything that’s
previously been built might have unforeseen effects," Heckscher
told Microwave News. "But that’s why we do environmental impact
Part II
No Man Hath It Unveiled
[compiled and synopsized from various Leading Edge articles]
In Gakona, Alaska a joint project of the US Navy, Air Force and
University of Alaska will soon be up and operational. The High
frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) has been portrayed
as a research project which will investigate the aurora borealis but
in reality is a military-industrial endeavor which will employ
renegade Tesla technology to alter the ionosphere in such a fashion
as to tactically affect weather patterns, block all global
communications and even effect planned earthquakes.
It is a bitter shame, IMO, that so much of
Tesla’s genius has been
corrupted and perverted to the point whereby it could become an
extremely negative influence in years to come.
Interestingly enough, a subsidiary of ARCO called APTI (ARCO Power
Technologies, Inc.) holds a
patent #4,686,605 which matches the
HAARP proposal dealing with transmitting extremely large amounts of RF energy into the ionosphere. The patent claims it has the
following uses:
" disruption of
communications over a very large portion of the
earth...disrupting not only land-based communications, but also
land-based communications and sea communications (both surface
and subsurface)...missile or aircraft destruction, deflection,
or altering solar
absorption...ozone, nitrogen, etc. could be artificially

An initial trial experiment will be
performed and, if "successful," will give the green light to a
massive antenna array which the military hopes to complete sometime
in 1997.
Although it has been recognized by the US Dept of Commerce, Natl
Telecommunications and Information Administration that global
communications will certainly be adversely affected by this
strategy, other risks are unclear in the literature related to this
Read on and you will discover why the proposed use of the HAARP
project is akin to removing a few fleas from your dog by pouring
gasoline on him then igniting it. Though the fleas are destroyed, so
in the process is your dog. This perversion of well-intended Tesla
technology will most probably have dire side effects on every living
thing in our entire biosphere and could conceivably lead to the
destruction of the entire planet.
Regarding the theory behind HAARP, Tesla was quoted in the
New York
Times (Dec. 8, 1915) as saying:
"It is not a time to go into the
details of this thing. It is founded upon a principle that means
great things in times of peace; it can be used for great things
in war. But I repeat, this is no time to talk of such things.
"It is perfectly practicable to
transmit electrical energy without wires and produce destructive
effects at a distance. I have already constructed a wireless
transmitter which makes this possible, and have described it in
my technical publications, among which I refer to
my patent
number 1,119,732, recently granted.
(click image right)
With transmitters of this kind we
are enabled to project electrical energy in any amount to any
distance and apply it for innumerable purposes, both in war and
peace. Through the universal adoption of this system, ideal
conditions for the maintenance of law and order will be
realized, for then the energy necessary to the enforcement of
right and justice will be normally productive, yet potential,
and in any moment available for attack and defense. The power
transmitted need not be necessarily destructive, for, if
distance is made to depend upon it, it’s withdrawal or supply
will bring about the same results as those now accomplished by
force of arms."
A later New York Times article (Sept.
22, 1940) stated:
"Nikola Tesla, one of the truly
great inventors, who celebrated his 84th birthday on July 10,
tells the writer that he stands ready to divulge to the US
Government the secret of his ’teleforce’ with which, he said,
airplane motors would be melted at a distance of 250 miles, so
that an invisible Chinese Wall of defense would be built around
the country.
"This ’teleforce’, he said, is based on an entirely new
principle of physics that ’no one has ever dreamed about’,
different from the principle in his inventions relating to the
transmission of electrical power from a distance, for which he
has received a number of basic patents. This new type of force,
Mr. Tesla said, would operate through a beam one hundred-
millionth of a square centimeter, and could be generated from a
special plant that would cost no more than $2,000,000 and would
take only about three months to construct."
In a press release by the USAF dated
Nov. 3, 1993, the military announced that the prime contractor on
the HAARP project was ARCO Power Technologies, Inc. and that the
first phase of the program was already underway to develop and test
a low-power high-frequency (2.8-10.0 MHz) prototype transmitter
A fact sheet issued by the Office of Naval Research and the
Laboratory about HAARP (Nov. 4, 1993) mentioned (among other
"Potential applications of the
research include developing DoD technology for detecting cruise
missiles and aircraft and for communicating with submarines.
Although HAARP is being managed by the AF and Navy, it is purely
a scientific research facility [yeah, right -d4]...
"...The beam would be several degrees wide, depending on
frequency, and thus would influence a region several miles in
diameter in the lower ionosphere, expanding to several tens of
miles in the upper ionosphere.
"As a result of a competitive procurement, the AF and Navy has
awarded a contract to ARCO Power Technologies, Inc. (APTI) for
the design and construction of the IRI and associated support
facilities...The current schedule anticipates construction at
the Gakona [Alaska] site (below) would begin November 1993 and conclude
the fall of 1994 with the demonstration prototype. Construction
for the full-size IRI is anticipated to begin early 1995 and
conclude late 1997."

Joint US/Soviet
Further research reveals that starting in the late 1960’s, US and
Soviet scientists began a series of joint efforts to warm up the
Arctic (documented in Lowell Ponte’s 1976 book, "The Cooling"). At
the 1974 Vladivostok Summit, US and Soviet leaders began weather
engineering operations. By the late 1970’s, the US joined in it’s
own weather-modifying ELF signals.
To improve joint electromagnetic weather-control actions, the US
brought a number of Russian scientists to work at the top-secret
Lawrence Livermore high-tech weapons laboratory. Although the
project was officially disguised as "environmental cleanup
research," the real purpose of the joint Russian/US project has been
kept secret from the American people.
The plan to use Russian technology was described in the 4/8/93
Journal of Commerce & Commercial Bulletin:
"During the Cold War, in the closed
research laboratory of the Gorky, Russian military scientists
developed the ’Gyrotron’; a high-energy microwave generator
designed to sweep the skies of Western warplanes [using Tesla
scalar-wave technology].
"Today, at the Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, American
military scientists are weighing a Russian proposal to use those
generators for a new mission -- cleansing the atmosphere of
ozone- depleting chemicals [CFC’s]. The Lawrence Livermore
scientists began collaborating with their Russian counterparts
last year, traveling to Russian research centers, engaging in
joint projects..."
The new HAARP weather-engineering
system, now under construction in Alaska, will have (among it’s
numerous functions) the clear capacity to zap pollution and will
also be able to increase or decrease upper atmospheric ozone levels
at will. In fact, the Lawrence Livermore Laboratory’s secret
21-member US/Soviet "Project Woodpecker" team in charge of the
project just won a special award from both the CIA and the NSA for
their efforts.
Hmm...sounds OK so far. So what’s all the fuss about?
Weather Engineering Project
Physicist Dr. Bernard J. Eastlund essentially "borrowed" Tesla’s
ideas and received a patent (#4,686,605 issued Aug. 11, 1987) for an
invention which employed the borrowed ideas. The patent was assigned
to ARCO’s APTI and on Sept. 6, 1987, National Public Radio reported:
"Dr. Eastlund stated that his new
invention could be used to change the weather by redirecting the
very high wind patterns... The invention uses an earth-based
power source to create electromagnetic radio waves and focus
them way up into the atmosphere. Dr. Eastlund says the invention
could steer the jet stream, but could also be used to disrupt
communications all over the world."
Among other things, the 1987 patent
"Large regions of the upper
atmosphere could be lifted to an unexpected high modification is possible, by for example
altering the upper atmosphere wind patterns (which is exactly
what the Russian Woodpecker ELF system does)."
A 3/88 OMNI Magazine article about
Dr. Eastlund’s invention stated:
"...Essentially what would happen is
a huge section of the [HAARP] charged atmosphere would be pushed
upward and outward from earth by this electromagnetic force. You
can, says Eastlund, virtually lift part of the upper atmosphere.
"Eastlund also says you could construct ’plumes of atmospheric
particles to act as a lens or focusing device for sunlight. By
being able to intensify and control light, one could heat a
specific part of the earth and learn to manipulate local wind
"What this means, he says, is that by controlling local weather
patterns, one could, say, bring rain to Ethiopia or alter the
summer storm pattern in the Caribbean" (as just demonstrated in
the July, 1994 Gulf storm that stood-in-place and flooded
Georgia, Florida and Alabama).
"Because of the publicity about these aspects of the Eastlund-Arco patent, the US Government suppressed all further news about
the invention’s weather-engineering features. Since about 1989,
the invention has been disguised as a device for conducting
"atmospheric research."
A hard-working environmental group, the
Cook Inlet Vigil, has uncovered shocking details about the severe
dangers posed by this new earthionospheric "zapping" system. The
12/15/91 Alaska Daily News carried a big article on HAARP:
"Electrical energy floats high over
Alaska, where it is visible as the aurora borealis, a shimmering
white, green and crimson curtain. These brilliant northern
lights are the product of a huge natural generator that produces
up to 10,000,000 megawatts of power as particles from the solar
wind crash into the earth’s magnetic field. There are
concentrated currents, called electrojets, that flow in the
ionosphere, and may sometimes reach millions of amperes. When
the electrojet touches earth, as it sometimes does during
magnetic storms, it can knock out telephone cables and power
The most powerful pre-HAARP ELF
ionospheric heating systems were constructed by the Soviet Union at
sites in,
Dushanbe (Tadzhikistan)
Western pre-HAARP ionospheric heating systems are located in,
Arecibo, Puerto Rico
near Fairbanks, Alaska
Platteville, Colorado
These systems together with the Russian
Woodpecker Tesla Magnifying Transmitters, have created a severe
alteration of global weather patterns -- beginning in 1976, but
intensifying through the 1980’s and 1990’s, as more ELF transmitters
were constructed.
The new Gakona HAARP project is only the beginning stage of a much
larger system. Later, the antenna array will be vastly expanded and
radiate power of 1.7 GIGAwatts (billions of watts), making it the
most powerful ELF transmitter in the world. As an aside, Tesla
researcher Sheldon Nidle mentioned in his 1994 book "You are
becoming a Galactic Human":
"...These events allowed me to study
some unusual
Tesla devices such as the wireless power
technology, called the magnifying transmitter, in greater
detail. This research gave me access to information as to how
Tesla’s theories were being used by both the Soviet Union and
the US to create a weather war that has continued from the
mid-1970’s to the present time."
Strange sky glow anomalies and weird
lightning and plasma-type effects have been seen all over the former
USSR, near the Woodpecker transmitter sites. For example, the
9/23/77 Washington Post reported that,
"a strange, star-like ball of light
was sighted over Petrozavodsk in Soviet Karelia, spreading over
it like a jellyfish and showering down shafts of light."
Similar plasma effects have been created
by the US ionosphere-zapping ELF transmitters, at the height of
1993’s great Midwest flood. The 9/24/93 Kansas City Star reported
that a research team from the University of Alaska’s Geophysical
Institute (which is involved in work on HAARP) discovered,
"mysterious flashes of light that
shoot from the tops of storm-clouds into the upper
atmosphere... over the Midwest during summer floods."
This sighting occurred when that area
was being hit with giant standing-wave, long-lasting
weather-blocking systems that were generated by a combination of the
Russian Woodpecker ELF waves and
US GWEN Tower VLF waves. The
newspaper reported that these mysterious flashes,
"resemble jellyfish. They are
brightest where they top out -- typically about 40 miles high --
so you have the jellyfish body at the top with tentacles
trailing down."
Additional information about the mystery
flashes over 1993’s Midwest flood appeared in the 5/27/94 Science
Magazine which reported: "Atmospheric Scientists Puzzle Over
High-Altitude Flashes" and certain recently released films taken
from the space shuttle (STS something-or-other) which caught the odd
plasma effects ["sprites" -d4].
Dangerous Earth Anomalies From ELFs
Within a short time after the start of US and Soviet through-the-
earth transmissions, this planet’s internal dynamo was affected. The
12/13/84 Washington Post reported that the earth had experienced a
sudden unexpected slowdown in rotation. Although the planet’s spin
had been gradually decreasing over a long period of time, this
anomaly was so unusual that the normal compensation by US Naval
Observatory scientists (via a leap second added to atomic clocks)
was not needed. The newspaper stated: "Why earth should have
slowed...isn’t wholly understood." Scientists at the US Naval
Observatory and at the Jet Propulsion Lab found that the "earth,
like an unbalanced washing machine," has developed "wobbles as it
spins." (7/15/88 Wall Street Journal).
The 7/90 OMNI Magazine reported that between January 24 to February
3, 1990, the earth’s rotation suddenly and unexpectedly slowed down
AGAIN. US Naval Observatory scientists reported that the slowdown
was more abrupt than usual. The 8/9/91 New York Times described the
causes of these unexpected sudden disruptions:
"Geophysicists suspect that
perturbations in the circulation of the hot fluid metallic core
contributes to the rotational changes...The irregular rotation
variations are the result of fluctuating fluid flow in the
underlying metallic core and the overlying hydrosphere and
atmosphere, and... also convection forces within earth and the
movement of crustal plates near the surface."
All of which are influenced by
through-the-earth ELF vibrations.
The 12/11/86 Chicago Tribune reported:
"Giant whirlpools, some nearly 60
miles wide, have been detected moving along Norway’s coasts at
speeds of up to 4 knots, posing serious threats to mariners.
These giant whirlpools have no obvious center and are difficult
to spot."
The newspaper reported that the mammoth
whirlpools were unheard of before 1980 (a period after the US and
the USSR began generating ELF waves).
Giant standing waves called "solitons," have been spotted near the
Strait of Gibraltar. The 4/30/85 New York Times reported the
discovery of massive internal waves in the oceans that do not appear
to any large extent on the surface. "A dramatic series of internal
waves has now been traced through the Strait of Gibraltar from
photographs" taken from a space shuttle in October, 1984. A map in
that newspaper shows a giant standing wave line on the western side
of the Strait.
Scientists measuring ocean waves reported that "the Atlantic Ocean
is getting rougher." Measurements taken since the 1960’s indicated
that during the late 1970’s (a period following the start of Soviet
and US ELF transmissions), "the waves did seem to get bigger." The
4/19/88 New York Times reported that British scientists have
discovered that waves in the northeast Atlantic Ocean "have
increased more than 20 percent since the 1960’s." Ocean researchers
consider this to be a "significant climatic phenomenon."
Earthquake Engineering Project
In a February, 1912 interview, in the publication, "The World Today"
Nikola Tesla said that it would be possible to split the planet by
combining vibrations with the correct resonance of the earth itself:
"Within a few weeks, I could set the
earth’s crust into such a state of vibrations that it would rise
and fall hundreds of feet, throwing rivers out of their beds,
wrecking buildings and practically destroying civilization."
The article, "Tesla’s Controlled
Earthquakes" (July 11, 1935 New York American) stated:
"experiments in transmitting mechanical vibrations through the earth
-- called by him ’the art of telegeodynamics’ were roughly described
by the scientist as a sort of ’controlled earthquake.’
He stated:
"The rhythmical vibrations pass
through the earth with almost no loss of energy. It becomes
possible to convey mechanical effects to the greatest
terrestrial distances and produce all kinds of unique effects.
The invention could be used with destructive effect in war..."
In January, 1978, Dr. Andrija Puharich,
M.D., LL.D. issued a detailed research paper titled, "GLOBAL
MAGNETIC WARFARE -- A Layman’s Viet of Certain Artificially Induced
Effects on Planet Earth during 1976 and 1977."
"Describing early Soviet work with
Tesla’s method of "controlled earthquakes," he stated: "Of the
many great earthquakes of 1976, there is one that demands
special attention -- the July 28, 1976 Tangshan, China
Puharich’s analysis is significant
because it describes airglow plasma effects created by the Soviet
Woodpecker system. Ionosphere heating ELF systems, like HAARP, can
generate similar effects.
He stated:
"The reason that this 1976
earthquake attracted my attention is that it was preceded
by a light flare-up of the entire sky over Tangshan. Also, this
earthquake occurred during the first month of Soviet Woodpecker
radio emissions...The most prominent effect was that when the
Soviet Woodpecker emission was on at full strength -- the sky
would light up like an ionized gas-lamp -- just as Tesla had
The 6/5/77 New York Times described the
great earthquake, which destroyed Tangshan, and killed over 650,000
"Just before the first tremor at
3:42am, the sky lit up like daylight. The multi-hued lights,
mainly white and red, were seen up to 200 miles away. Leaves on
many trees were burned to a crisp and growing vegetables were
scorched on one side, as if by a fireball."
These electrical effects are tied to
electromagnetic plasma and ball lightning and the strange array of
flashes which results from Tesla-style and HAARP-like transmissions.
As part of the secret 1974 Vladivostok US-Soviet artificial
global-warming agreement, the US began 30 Hz ELF transmissions from
a site in the Pacific northwest in Washington. Coincidentally with
the increase in Soviet and US ELF transmissions during 1980, was a
sharp increase in earthquakes around the world. The 1/30/81
Washington Post reported:
"The world sustained 71 significant
earthquakes during 1980, up from 56 the previous year, and the
world death toll climbed to 7140, 5 times the 1979 figure, the
USGS said."
On September 12, 1989, sensors called
magnetometers, (at Corralitos, near Monterrey Bay, California)
detected unusual ULF (between 0.01 Hz and 10 Hz -- the lowest ELF
frequencies) radio signals, "which grew 30 times stronger October 5,
and then weakened somewhat. At 2:00pm on October 17, the signals
grew so strong that they went off of the sensor’s scales. Three
hours later, the San Francisco Bay area shook violently as the
magnitude 7.1 Loma Prieta earthquake killed more than 60 people and
injured 3800 others. The catastrophic January 17, 1994 Los Angeles
earth- quake was also preceded by mysterious radio signals. Some
observers in Los Angeles reported hearing two loud "sonic booms"
(which are typical symptoms of Soviet Tesla weapons usage)
immediately before the earthquake.
That strange underground hum in the western US beginning to make a
little more sense now?
Typical earthquakes occur no deeper than 20 to 25 kilometers. A very
rare deep quake just took place. The 6/18/94 Science News reported
that on June 8th, ’a magnitude 8.2 quake emanated from 600
kilometers below Bolivia, punching the planet hard enough to send it
ringing like a bell. The quake was felt in much of North America,
even as far away as Seattle -- a fact that has puzzled
"This is the first time we know of
that a quake in that part of South America was felt in North
America,’ says Bruce W. Presgrave of the National Earthquake
Information Center."
A Grave Danger
to Earth
Demonstrating the grave danger to this planet’s geomagnetic
stability, the 1987 Eastlund patent (which is the basic design for
the HAARP project) stated that,
"The earth’s magnetic field could be
decreased or disrupted at appropriate altitudes to modify or
eliminate the magnetic field."
Quoting the 3/88 OMNI Magazine article,
"Richard Williams, a physicist at
Princeton, stated that he thinks the Eastlund (HAARP) might
become ’a serious threat to the earth’s atmosphere’ and ’could
cause irreversible damage...effects in the atmosphere cannot be
localized...the language of the patent indicates that it is
clearly intended to provide effects on a global scale’."
Quoting the 2/94 Cook Inlet Monthly Bush
"The late geomagnetic researcher
Lloyd Zirbes strongly opposed the technology utilized in the
HAARP system. He wrote, ’Disruption of the earth’s magnetic
field will complete damages to the planet’s balance done by the
government nuclear bomb blasts in the natural radiation belts
above the ionosphere. Earth’s magnetic field keeps the planet in
balance with the moon and sun. Disrupting the field will be the
last straw in sending earth into the sun or out into space’."
The combined effects of these
transmitters, including the Russian Woodpecker, the new HAARP
system, together with all the other ELF and VLF systems (such as
those in Michigan and the GWEN towers), are very dangerous. When
operating simultaneously and during times of geomagnetic storms,
they present a severe threat to the entire planet.
The disruption of the earth’s internal dynamo, and the disruption
and alteration of the upper atmospheric magnetic belts (which
constitute the external part of the earth’s natural dynamo system),
can create a premature reversal of the magnetic poles, worsen the
newly discovered wobble of the earth’s spin and possibly create a
total polar reversal or earth shift.
The 1/78 Specula Magazine described Woodpecker effects:
"An electromagnetic signal of
certain frequencies can be transmitted through the earth which,
when introduced into the earth at certain multiples of 30
degrees, will form standing waves in the earth itself. In
certain incidence angle cases, the standing wave also induces a
strange phenomenon: coherence to the standing wave is formed in
the molten core of the earth itself, and a tiny fraction of the
vast, surging electromagnetic currents of the liquid core begin
to feed into and augment the induced standing wave.
"At this point, one has established a sort of giant triode: the
inducing signal one is putting into the earth is the grid
signal, and the vast energy in the molten core of the earth is
the cathode and power supply. The established coherence serves
as an amplification factor for the grid signal, and much more
energy is now present in the standing wave than the miniscule
amount being fed in from the earth’s surface. By interferometer
type techniques, multiple ’giant resonance’ waves of this type
can be combined so that a ’beam’ or focused effect of very great
energy exists inside the earth.
"Depending on the frequency, focusing, wave shape, etc. one can
...induce a variety of effects such as earthquakes, induced at a
distant aiming point, severe disturbances in the middle and
upper atmosphere over the target area...and anomalous weather
effects. This is called the Tesla effect."
Unlike earlier periods, the earth is now
much more vulnerable to outside astronomical influences. Today,
powerful transmitters are interfering with, overriding and blanking
out earth’s natural magnetic field. For the first time in human
history, an ever-increasing number of artificial ELF and VLF
vibrations are disrupting earth’s natural internal and external
electromagnetic systems (which help to maintain planetary rotation,
balance and stability). The newly discovered planetary wobble and
sudden, abrupt slow-downs in rotation are only the beginning. The
chances are now greatly increased that any asteroid or meteorite
that hits the earth could set off such a destructive resonance that
the planet could split (as Tesla predicted) or suffer a total polar
The severe threat to global stability created by the combined
effects of the Woodpecker, HAARP, other ionosphere-heating ELF, long
wire ELF and GWEN tower systems was demonstrated in T.E. Beardon’s
book, "Fer-de-Lance":
"Any large collection of nuclei --
such as a star or a planet -- is a strong absorber and radiator
of scalar wave radiation. The Sun is a particularly strong
source of scalar wave radiation. This radiation penetrates the
earth deeply, interacting more and more with the deeper layers,
which under greater mechanical stress are more nonlinear. Most
of the heat in the molten core of the earth comes from the
dephasing of a portion of this absorbed scalar radiation from
the Sun, liberating ordinary electromagnetic energy as heat.
"The Earth also re-radiates scalar wave radiation back to the
Sun. The Sun and the Earth are thus coupled into a scalar system
in equilibrium or near-equilibrium. Each body in the couplet
possesses both a feed-forward and a feed-back loop."
Describing large electromagnetic weapons
(such as Woodpecker and HAARP-like systems), Bearden said:
"If significant scalar effects are
produced on Earth in a ’pulse’ mode, pulsed disturbances of the
Earth-Sun and Earth-Moon systems result. Here a danger exists
that one or more natural resonances of the coupled systems may
be excited. If too much or sharp stimulation occurs on Earth,
the coupled resonant response from the Sun could be disastrous.
The simplest Doomsday simulation would be for a violent
expulsion of solar electromagnetic energy and particles to
occur. If this were due to resonance, the expulsions of solar
electromagnetic energy and particles would continue during some
decay time. In that case, the fiery destruction of the Earth,
strongly indicative of Biblical prophecy, would result.
Particularly sensitive are the resonances of Sun-Earth,
and Earth-Moon systems.
"Note the abnormal influence of the Moon on tides -- tides of
both the Earth’s tectonic plates and oceans. If the Earth-Moon
resonant system were over stimulated, one might expect VIOLENT
earthquakes of extraordinary magnitude, and tremendous tidal
waves hundreds of feet in heights. (The potential connections to
legends of earth-destroying floods, scientific evidence of
extreme water levels in mountains, and legends of ancient
cataclysmic destruction of supposedly advanced technological
oceanic cultures is obvious). [Atlantis]
"Use of huge scalar electromagnetic weapons (including US
devices which interfere with God-given protective Van Allen and
other external magnetic belts) is a double-edged sword. Unless
carefully employed, use of the weapons could cause a terrible
backlash to the user (as the Soviets discovered when the main
power source for the Gomel Woodpecker transmitter at Chernobyl
exploded in 1986), as well as the victim, and even cause the
destruction of Earth itself.
scalar electromagnetic weapons, the consequence of a
relatively simple electronic failure can be catastrophic; not
only for the local nation but for the earth as a whole. If an
electro-gravitational pulse discharge happens to tickle the
Sun’s and Moon’s [natural scalar electromagnetic] feedback loops
the wrong way, you’ll get convulsions on the earth, and a
violent increase in the interior heat of the Earth’s molten
core, with a concomitant eruption of that core right up through
the Earth’s mantle."
Lovely, eh?