by Alfred Lambremont Webre, J.D.,
ExopoliticsRadio Website
For all generations – past, present, and future – and for gaga…
We cast this message into the
Cosmos… Of the 200 billion stars in the Milky Way galaxy, some –
perhaps many – may have inhabited planet and space-faring
civilizations. If one such civilization intercepts Voyager and
can understand these recorded contents, here is our message:
We are trying to survive our
time so we may live into yours. We hope some day, having
solved the problems we face, to join a community of
Galactic Civilizations.
This record represents our hope and
our determination and our goodwill in a vast and awesome
• President Jimmy Carter’s official statement
placed on the Voyager spacecraft
for its trip outside our solar system, June 16th, 1977

About the Author
As a futurist at The Center for the
Study of Social Policy at Stanford Research Institute, ALFRED
LAMBREMONT WEBRE served as Principal Investigator for a proposed
civilian scientific study of extraterrestrial communication, i.e.,
interactive communication between our terrestrial human culture and
that of possible intelligent Off-Planet Cultures.
This proposed study was presented to and
developed with interested members of the domestic policy staff of
the White House of President Jimmy Carter from the spring of 1977
until the fall of 1977, when it was abruptly terminated. A
Fulbright Scholar, Webre is a graduate of Yale University. He
earned his Juris Doctor from Yale Law School, where he was a
National Scholar, and completed the University of Texas Counseling
Program. He is a member of the District of Columbia Bar.
In addition to serving as a futurist at SRI, Webre was General
Counsel to New York City’s EPA and was an environmental
consultant to the Ford Foundation. He has taught Economics at
Yale and Civil Liberties at the University of Texas and is an
author. Webre served as a member of the Governor’s Emergency
Taskforce on Earthquake Preparedness for the State of California
(1980-82), a position Governor Jerry Brown appointed him to.
He produced and hosted The Instant of
Cooperation, the first live radio broadcast between the United
States and the former Soviet Union, which was carried live by
Gosteleradio and National Public Radio satellite radio in 1987. He
was elected a Clinton-Gore delegate to the 1996 Texas Democratic
Convention. Webre was a delegate to the UNISPACE Outer Space
Conference and an NGO representative at the United Nations
(Communications Coordination Committee for the UN; UN Second Special
Session on Disarmament).
Today, Webre is a space activist who works with others to prevent
the weaponization of space and to transform the permanent war
economy into a sustainable, peaceful, cooperative Space Age society
reintegrated with a larger, intelligent Universe society. He is the
International Director of the Institute for Cooperation in Space
(ICIS), available at
www.peaceinspace.com; is a founder of the No Weapons in Space
Campaign (NOWIS), a Canadian coalition to prevent the
weaponization of space; and coordinates the Campaign for Cooperation
in Space, available at
He is an On-Air Host on Vancouver
Coop Radio CFRO 102.7 FM, available at
www.coopradio.org, and is the
founder of Exopolitics.com: Politics, Government, and Law in the
an Internet resource for Exopolitical discourse and advocacy.
Webre lives with his spouse,
psychotherapist and psychic Geri DeStefano-Webre, Ph.D., in
Vancouver, British Columbia.
What People Are
Saying About Exopolitics
Review by Nick Pope
UFOs have been seen throughout human
history. Witnesses have included police officers, pilots, and
even presidents. The phenomenon has been the subject of
scientific study, and has been investigated by the governments
and the military of many countries around the world. The
evidence is compelling and includes UFOs sighted by pilots,
simultaneously tracked on radar, and anomalous radiation
readings taken where UFOs have been seen to land.
While there is much controversy over
many UFO sightings, these facts are not disputed and have been
confirmed by official documents released in response to various
Freedom of Information Act requests in recent years. Although
the study of UFOs is fascinating in itself, there is a bigger
picture. Most scientists in relevant fields now believe that we
are likely to share the Universe with a myriad of other life
Frank Drake, the scientist who
originated the concept of using radio telescopes to search for
evidence of extraterrestrial life, estimated that our own
galaxy, the Milky Way, might contain 10,000 intelligent,
technological civilizations. Recent scientific discoveries,
including those relating to extra-solar planets, have led Drake
and others to conclude that they may have underestimated the
figure considerably. How then should we view humanity in such a
crowded Universe?
This is where Exopolitics comes in.
I confidently predict that it’s a
word we’ll be hearing more of over the next few years. It
relates to the study of humanity not just as inhabitants of
Planet Earth but in the wider context of our position in a
Universe that we share with other civilizations. Racism,
nationalism, and self-interest may suggest that humanity is not
yet ready to deal in open contact with other civilizations. How
can we hope to get along with other civilizations when we cannot
get along with each other?
And yet, for all our problems, there
are hopeful signs that people are taking a less insular
perspective. A growing spiritual awareness and cross-cultural
concern about issues such as global warming and the
weaponization of space suggest that humanity is capable of
taking a wider perspective. This mindset goes to the heart of
Alfred Webre can be regarded as the founding father of
Exopolitics as a field of human inquiry. His involvement with
the study of the UFO phenomenon includes work with the Carter
Administration and with the prestigious Stanford Research
Institute, which are impressive credentials in this most
controversial of emerging sciences.
His book, Exopolitics, gives an
overview of the field and offers a blueprint for humanity as it
moves toward taking its place on a wider stage. It is a roadmap
to the stars.
• Nick Pope
UFO Desk Officer for the United
Kingdom’s Ministry of Defense, 1991-1994
Review by Command Sergeant-Major
Robert O. Dean
It’s been 40 years now since I first
became aware of the reality of the extraterrestrial presence on
planet Earth. Since that experience, my life has never been
quite the same. A fire was ignited within my very being. I
continued to learn, to seek, and to know more and more about
what I later came to understand is the most important issue in
human history. The issue is not that we are not alone, but that
we have never been alone.
I was to learn that the human race has had, and continues to
have, an intimate interrelationship with several incredibly
advanced intelligent races from other planets, solar systems,
and star systems within our galaxy – and that this relationship
has been underway for several thousand years.
These star-traveling civilizations are as far beyond humans on
planet Earth as modern America is beyond the head hunting tribes
of New Guinea. This is primarily why disclosure has not taken
place – and why disclosure is not contemplated by the
unacknowledged US government agencies that oversee this great
secret. I have always proclaimed that an understanding and
acceptance of the reality that we are not alone would bring with
it an expansion of human consciousness that will transform the
human species and guarantee our survival.
The whole story is literally 11
mind-boggling. The truth is shocking, disturbing, frightening,
and socially and theologically explosive. In my later, more
mature years, I have almost come to understand why the secret
government has kept a lid on this greatest secret of all time
for so long, and why they are so frightened to open Pandora’s
Box. You see, we simply cannot open Pandora’s Box just a little
bit. Once we open it, nothing will ever be the same. A major new
paradigm will come crashing in and our old world will come
crashing down. Religion, society, politics – all will be utterly
changed forever. Obviously, this is what the world’s governments
The final reality is that the story must be told and will be
told. Exopolitics is a logical, rational, and scholarly attempt
to clarify and present to the world the structure of an existing
reality that can become a valuable tool in educating and
expanding human consciousness. To this effort, I commend Alfred
Webre and other members of the Institute for Cooperation in
Space (ICIS) for their courage and dedication.
I give my full support and
encouragement to this endeavor, and I pray that it succeeds. If
we ever mature as a race, we must recognize our extended family
and reach out to them with courage and fellowship.
Exopolitics can show us the way.
• Robert O. Dean
Command Sergeant-Major, USAF
(Retired), who served as an intelligence analyst with Cosmic Top
Secret clearance, Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe
Review by Father John Rossner
Alfred Lambremont Webre defines
“Exopolitics” as a new discipline for understanding “Universe
society” through its politics and government. In such terms, it
would “…posit that the truest conception of our earthly
circumstance may be that we are on an isolated planet in the
midst of a populated, evolving, highly organized
inter-planetary, intergalactic, multi-dimensional Universe
This statement – whether one “believes” ETI or contactee reports
or not – should be highly interesting to historians of religion
and culture. The history of human cultures, East and West,
ancient and modern, is replete with accounts of encounters with
“beings from space worlds,” interacting with humans for varied
purposes throughout the ages. One might well ask why the
imagination of so many in cultures not in contact with one
another have come up with, and been captivated by, this
repetitive “myth” – one that often defies their accepted
New paradigms of science, and new models for understanding a
“multi-dimensional Universe” – in which consciousness,
intuition, and “non-local communications” are realities of
common experience – are already widespread today. In this
context, Webre’s championship of the new discipline of
“Exopolitics” is a very credible academic and scientific
His extraordinary qualifications as
a former researcher and a futurist at SRI’s Center for the Study
of Social Policy, and as an advisor to government on this
subject, contributes to this study’s significance as a
contribution to knowledge at the beginning of the 21st century.
• Father John Rossner, Ph.D., D.Sc., D.Litt.
President, International
Institute for Integral Human Sciences, Adjunct Professor,
Religion and Culture, Concordia University, Montreal, Quebec,
Review by Rabbi Dr. Nathan Lopes
As our globe gets smaller and
smaller, our eyes start to focus more and more on the many
worlds around us. It is not just that we need more physical
space for ourselves, but also existentially. We are
contemporaries of God and we are duty-bound to reveal more of
His greatness. Consequently, we must ask ourselves, how shall we
discover more and more of Him?
Alfred Webre’s book makes us realize
that this may be possible in ways we did not imagine some years
• Rabbi Dr. Nathan Lopes Cardozo
noted author, scholar, and
lecturer, Dean, the David Cardozo School, Machon Ohr Aharon
Review by Uri Geller
I urge everyone who has an open mind
to read this exciting and fascinating book, which is so thought
provoking that it breaks all barriers of logic and rationalism
and makes ancient theories tangible and real.
• Uri Geller
world-renowned psychic and
best-selling author
Review by Robert Nichol
Alfred Webre’s treatise, Exopolitics,
bodes well for those of us interested in the next step we must
take as a species to evolve as universal beings. Here again,
much will be made about the cover-up of our universal heritage,
but, in truth, we need to move beyond that controversy to an
awareness of the global significance of our arising
consciousness and our realization of a greater cosmic reality.
This, so aptly communicated in
Alfred’s work, is the needed direction to take and the role that
must be played by humanity at this time. Exopolitics is an
inspiration, providing for me a greater understanding of my own
evolving comprehension of the extraterrestrial presence and our
place in the Universe.
• Robert L. Nichol
filmmaker and educator, producer
of the award-winning documentary, Star Dreams: Exploring the
Mystery of the Crop Circles
Review by Linda Moulton Howe
Exopolitics – Politics, Government,
and Law in the Universe. That is a bold book title, given that
most of this planet’s human population is taught that we are a
unique life form alone in the Universe. But author Alfred Lambremont Webre speaks as a futurist with a background at the
Center for the Study of Social Policy at Stanford Research
Institute, and as the current International Director of the
Institute for Cooperation in Space. Alfred Webre makes many bold
assertions in this book that will provoke readers to argue that
his statements are opinion and speculation, not fact.
Perhaps at the same time, readers
will also feel an intuitive resonance with his premise that
Earth life cannot be the only life in the vast Cosmos. He points
out that a Gallup poll in 1996 “showed that 72% of the US adult
population believes there is some form of extraterrestrial life,
and 45% believes the Earth has already been visited by
extraterrestrial beings.” Anticipating a time in the future when
banner headlines will proclaim, We are Not Alone!, Webre
promises that “Transformation of human society will occur when
we reach a Universe-sensitive mass. With approximately 45% of Earth’s
population now extraterrestrial-conscious, can critical mass be
far behind?”
Despite many controversial contentions, including
the author’s thesis that the Earth is in a political quarantine
enforced by Someone Else’s universal law, Exopolitics
forces the reader to wonder what exactly would happen if this
round of humankind, with all its government-controlled
perceptions, was finally faced with the presence of ETs?
Exopolitics emerges at a time when
astronomers are finding many planets beyond Earth, and quantum
string astrophysicists even describe other universes parallel to
this one. If the Universe is filled with life, and even has
multiple dimensions, then numerous life forms and their various
agendas would inevitably mean “social food fights,” and, as
Alfred Webre describes it, would also require government and law
in the Universe.
• Linda Moulton Howe
reporter and editor,
Earthfiles.com, science and environment news contributor, Clear
Channel’s Premiere Radio Networks
Review by Honorable Paul T.
Alfred Lambremont Webre’s odyssey
into the realm of life in the vast Universe surrounding planet
Earth is indeed a fascinating journey if you read it with an
open mind. He postulates a Universe that includes many planets
sustaining life more advanced than our own – all subject to
universal governance based on the rule of law. Earth, he
suggests, is an exception.
Rather than being the center of the
Universe, as our ancestors believed, we are the black sheep of
the interplanetary community. We have been “quarantined” and
isolated from the “highly organized, interplanetary,
intergalactic multidimensional society,” presumably because our
culture has been strongly influenced by rogue planetary
leadership personified in the story of the Garden of Eden.
To end the “quarantine,” Earthlings
must advance morally and spiritually, while reestablishing
connection with inter-planetary society. Until recently, we
didn’t have the technology to do the latter, but increasingly we
do. Meanwhile, visits from our extraplanetary neighbors present
opportunities for peaceful communication and collaboration.
Webre posits that some UFOs are natural phenomena, while some
are top-secret military aircraft, but that others are quite
real. He maintains that
knowledge of their existence is being
suppressed by military intelligence organizations in the five
English-speaking countries known as the so-called “Echelon”
group – the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada,
Australia, and New Zealand.
For me, this is the least credible of the author’s assertions. I
strongly suspect that the US military holds information it has
not revealed, but I very much doubt that it has shared this
knowledge with its intelligence partners – certainly not Canada.
The US only shares information with other governments when it is
in its own best interests to do so.
Webre states that the alleged disinformation campaign about UFOs
is due to the close relationship between the military and
industry, the so-called “military-industrial complex” that
Dwight David Eisenhower warned us about in his
farewell address. They are the chief beneficiaries of the oil
economy. Tapping into the knowledge of the Universe would
ultimately lead us to higher forms of energy that would be
ecologically sustainable, but that would make the oil economy
God-fearing people will be relieved
to know that there is nothing in Webre’s thesis, despite the
considerable mind-stretch, that denies their fundamental
beliefs. If there were, I would not be a party to it.
To turn us in the direction of
re-unification with the rest of creation the author is proposing
a “Decade of Contact” – an “era of openness, public hearings,
publicly funded research, and education about extraterrestrial
That could be just the antidote the
world needs to end its greed-driven, power-centered madness.
• Honorable Paul T. Hellyer
Minister of National Defense
under Canadian Prime Minister Lester B. Pearson and Deputy Prime
Minister of Canada under Prime Minister Pierre Trudeau
Review by Jeane Manning
Alfred Lambremont Webre makes a
logical case for the assertion that “most of the story modern
human beings have been told about Earth and its outer space
environs is wrong.” He presents the hypothesis that Earth is a
quarantined planet in a populated, evolving, highly organized
inter-planetary, inter-galactic, multi-dimensional Universe
society of life-bearing planets – and that the quarantine, which
probably had a spiritual cause, may soon be ending. He argues
that before being invited “in,” however, our society will have
to kick its perpetual war habit.
His brilliant treatise, Exopolitics, forms a conceptual bridge
between the familiar, locked in, consensually limited thinking of
our terrestrial society and the expanded options that humanity
will enjoy in what Webre calls “Universe Society.” In light of
my chosen areas of interest and advocacy – especially,
socio-economic, environmental, geopolitical, and spiritual
awareness issues related to truly paradigm-shifting energy
inventions – I find that, for me, his insights ring true.
Exopolitics fits conceptually within the models provided by
frontier science that envision an endlessly creative Universe.
Instead of the 20th century model, in which entropy rules and
the Universe is dying and will run down someday, dissident
physicists, such as those aligned with the international Natural
Philosophers’ Alliance, point to ongoing creation as well as
dissolution as a principle underlying how the Universe is
As a journalist who has interviewed
heretical physicists and engineers for two decades now on
various continents, I have witnessed the testing of at least a
few prototypes of non-conventional converters that undeniably
tap into some previously unrecognized source of energy in the
Universe. I’ve met well-educated researchers who, over the
years, have put together laboratories containing used or
built-from-scratch equipment that would have cost more than a
million dollars; these were not stereotypical “garage
Some of them have the benefit of
advice from seasoned scientists who are open to seriously
investigating new (or rediscovered) ether-based science. They
refer to the new science as “zero-point energy,” a term that is
more easily accepted in today’s physics vernacular than the
supposedly disproved concept of “the ether.” Relatively few
academics (and even fewer members of the public) know that the
famous Michelson-Morley experiment of 1887, that
attempted to measure the Earth’s velocity, through the ether,
and didn’t, was conducted on the basis of a mistaken assumption
about the qualities of “the ether,” or background energy of the
Later experiments by Dayton
Miller and others yielded a truer picture, but that is
beyond the scope of this review. The website
www.aetherometry.com presents
evidence, 18 derived from experiments by Dr. Paulo and
Alexandra Correa of Canada, for a universal, mass-free
Having majored in sociology rather than the hard sciences at
university, I rely on experts with the requisite technical
background to interpret developments in the new science for me
and to judge the merits of energy-generating inventions. My
interest is in the social implications of clean energy sources
that have enough energy density to free humanity from its
perceived need for carbon-based fuels and nuclear fission. An
even stronger passion is the spiritual implications of the new
energy, which sheds light on the age-old insight of the great
sages and mystics that “everything is interconnected.”
On a technical level, the search to
understand an emerging science related to abundant energy
sources challenges independent scientists around the world. In
some cases, their energy-generating inventions seem to “have a
mind of their own” and will, practically speaking, most likely
be unreliable until the researchers have more complete knowledge
about the etheric energy (or other energy fields) that their
“cosmic windmills” seem to be tapping into.
Meanwhile, financial, corporate, and political interest groups
actively oppose independent efforts, so much so that in some
places, the relentless search for understanding has gone
underground. I’ve interviewed credible researchers who report
vandalized laboratories, threats on their lives, or, more often,
charming con men that promise funding that never materializes.
At best, they waste months of an inventor’s time in meetings and
unmet promises of funding. At worst, inventors have found
themselves enmeshed in financial difficulties or even put in
jail after innocently believing such individuals. We can only
speculate as to who or what unleashes such troublemakers onto
gifted but vulnerable inventors.
I have seen their revolutionary energy converters tap into a
cosmic source of energy and put out useable electric or thermal
power for hours at a time. Of course, these are only the crude,
initial efforts of a new technology. More sophisticated versions
are 19 rumored to reside in laboratories associated with the “Unacknowledged
Special Access Programs” (USAPs) of the
military-industrial-intelligence complex.
I have witnessed demonstrations of
various types of inventions, such as solid-state arrangements of
magnets and circuits, in which the Coefficient of Performance
was greater than “1” – where more output was achieved than was
invested from any recognizable power source. With a few
exceptions, such as the Patterson Power Cell, these
demonstrations were done in private. Shadowy groups have on
numerous occasions threatened inventors of revolutionary energy
devices, and over the years this has engendered a climate of
fear. As a result of this fear, as well as competitive
patenting, financial, and commercial factors, inventors have
become secretive and somewhat averse to publicity.
Despite these social constraints, “new energy” research and
development is progressing. Its progress has been halting and
painfully slow, because, in my opinion, the prevailing worldview
on Earth cannot embrace the concept of abundance. The prevailing
view is that our species is doomed to perpetual warfare over
scarce resources. There is ample evidence that ordinary humans
prefer to be cooperative neighbors instead of competent
soldiers, but that fact is too often overlooked.
The halting progress includes new
hydrogen energy production. The website
www.lenrcanr.org contains
numerous scientific papers about remarkable experimental
results, including the transmutation of elements. General
discussions for experimenters in all areas of new energy can be
found on the JLN Labs website. A source of breaking news is
Exopolitics states that we, the human race, are collectively the
exo-government, the planetary Universe society. This is also the
position taken by the emerging grassroots movement that is
pursuing new energy research and development. That movement is
in its infancy, but an organization called the New Energy
Movement, at
www.newenergymovement.org, is
dedicated to nurturing and sustaining it.
I highly recommend Alfred Lambremont Webre’s new book,
Exopolitics. It inspires hope for a better future, one in
which humanity progresses beyond its present addictions to
petroleum and war, and beyond its resistance to beneficial
change, toward a higher level of spiritual awareness.
My own experiences validate his
assertion that the Universe is ultimately a spiritual domain.
• Jeane Manning
author, The Coming Energy
Revolution: The Search for Free Energy
Review by Michael Mannion
Human understanding of the
extraterrestrial phenomenon has evolved gradually over the past
half-century. At first, there were arguments about whether the
UFO-ET phenomenon was real or not. Next, the discussion moved to
an exploration of the nature and purpose of the phenomenon.
Today, a conversation is beginning about initiating conscious
human interaction with the life forms – the expressions of
Nature –that we are calling “extraterrestrials.”
Exopolitics: Politics, Government and Law in the Universe
is an exciting new book by Alfred Webre, a former futurist at
the Stanford Research Institute, advisor to the Carter
administration on the extraterrestrial question, and Fulbright
scholar, who received his law degree from Yale. At present, he
is the International Director of the International Institute for
Cooperation in Space and founder of the No Weapons in Space
Campaign. He is an activist working to prevent the weaponization
of space and to transform our economy from one based on war to
one based on peace and sustainability.
This fascinating book introduces
readers to the subject of Exopolitics, which the author defines
as “how a highly populated and regulated Universe governs
itself,” as well as to the existence of an organized
interstellar “Universe society.” Webre envisions possible
conscious contact between Earth society and Universe society in
the near future. This direct contact can only occur if humanity
itself, not merely individual human beings, heals and undergoes
a transformation.
In Webre’s words,
To achieve such a radical shift in
our existence will require an open mind and a fearless
willingness to let go of long-standing errors that are deeply
embedded in our religions and science. Adherence to these
erroneous views blocks our ability to understand the true nature
of the Universe and how it functions.
The central aim of Exopolitics is to create a mass awareness of
the fact that we live in a Universe composed of many organized
civilizations. How does the author think that this can be
accomplished? He proposes launching a “Decade of Contact,” a
period of openness, public hearings, publicly funded research,
and education about the reality of extraterrestrial civilization
and our connection to it.
Webre believes that Earth has been placed under “quarantine” by
the Universe society but that there may now be an opening to
change that status. His social activism is an example of what
humanity needs to do to help end this quarantine. In his view,
Unfortunately, on our planet, war is
presently the organizing principle.
Take the time to listen to the message of Exopolitics. We all
have a lot of work to do so that humanity can re-enter the
cosmic community. Remember – you are the transformation that is
needed to make this possibility a reality.
• Michael Mannion
co-founder, The Mindshift
Institute, author, Project Mindshift: The Re-Education of the
American Public Concerning Extraterrestrial Life.
Review by R. Leo Sprinkle
Any review of a scholarly work
should address three questions: What is the stated goal of the
author? How well does the author meet that goal? How does the
book contribute to the literature of that discipline or special
The reader of a review should be given not only an intellectual
assessment of the book, but also some insights into the author’s
intents and achievements, as perceived by the reviewer. Thus,
the reader of the review can determine the bias of the reviewer
and then decide whether to buy and/or read the book.
The author of the book that you are about to read,
Exopolitics, both educates and exhorts the reader to accept
a bold and optimistic view of Earth and humanity. Well written,
and well edited, the book explores the status of an isolated
planet that is ready to join the cosmic community – “Universe
The author, Alfred Lambremont Webre,
has advanced degrees in law and applied psychology. He offers
his readers the results of many professional activities,
including his work as a futurist at Stanford Research Institute.
In 1977, he directed a project to develop an extraterrestrial
(ET) communication proposal for the White House staff during
President Jimmy Carter’s Administration.
Exopolitics provides an outline, or a model, for evaluating the
current status and possible future of humanity. The stated goal
is to provide a bridge between the current concept of Earth as
an isolated planet and the future concept of Earth as a member
of cosmic cultures, in a multidimensional Universe society.
Webre prepares the reader not only for changes in political
“realities,” but also for changes in scientific “realities.”
He emphasizes the principle of a
holographic Universe. Both spiritual and material dimensions are
ONE. Thus, spiritual and ethical, as well as scientific and
technical, development, are signs of a planetary society that is
ready for universal “reunion” in politics, government, and law.
Webre addresses a variety of questions:
Is the story of the Garden
of Eden a reflection of human origins in a cosmic
Is Earth isolated because of
quarantine by ET societies?
Is humanity’s history of
violence – and current plans for military weapons in
space – a significant factor in any quarantine by ET
Was there a rebellion by
Earth’s “gods,” or governors, against the administrators
of a larger cosmic community?
Is the UFO phenomenon an
indication of the strategy of an ET program?
Does the Disclosure Project
represent the means by which humanity formally
recognizes the ET presence?
The author offers the concepts of
“reflectivity” and “dimensionality” as methods by which humans
become aware of higher consciousness and higher truth. Thus,
both external (empirical) and internal (intuitive) methods are
emphasized for exploring and evaluating truth.
For example, Webre uses the results of various public opinion
polls as evidence to support dual hypotheses:
Webre states:
He calls for a Decade of Contact
prepare humanity for its alignment with Universe society.
In the reviewer’s opinion, the author has done well in
describing his goal, which is to present a model of Universe
politics, and an approach by which humanity might align itself
with the law and governance of a Universe society. Has the
author done well in meeting that goal? The reviewer recognizes
that there can be a variety of evaluations, depending upon the
attitudes of any reader.
The general reader might ask: How does the author know about
Universe laws and government? Observation? Intuition?
Information from ET societies? Persons of “enlightened” views
(from meditation, UFO and ET encounters, and advanced education)
are likely to applaud as well as agree with Webre. Persons with
“practical” concerns (e.g., job security, skepticism about
intellectuals, and fear of “aliens”) are not likely to read the
book or react to the model. Persons with certain affiliations or
“special interests” (e.g., scientism, religiosity, and covert
operations) are likely to discount the model and reject the
Perhaps the current “game” will continue, in which the dominant
culture maintains that “logical positivism” is the method and
“physical evidence” is the measure of the method. If current
conditions continue, then the UFO cover-up will continue, and
the dominant culture will continue to deny the ET presence.
Webre argues that conditions, however, are changing. There are a
variety of Earth conditions (e.g., pollution, global warming,
and extinction of plants and animals) and a variety of human
concerns (e.g., wars, cultural and religious conflicts, the gap
between the rich and poor, and suppression of free energy
technologies) that calls out for a new view of Earth and a new
view of humanity.
Does the model of Exopolitics provide that perspective? How does
the book Exopolitics contribute to the literature on Exopolitics?
The literature on Exopolitics can be grouped into four
Statements from writers of
channeled messages from extraterrestrial (ET)
or extradimensional (ED) entities, which
describe ET or multidimensional communities
Reports from persons who
describe encounters with ET/ED beings, and the messages
from the beings about their worlds
Reports from persons who
describe travels to other planets, or dimensions, and
their observations of those communities
Comments from writers who
analyze statements (e.g., “science fiction,”
speculation, and UFO/ET experiences) about various
topics of Exopolitics.
This review cannot summarize the
vast literature of ET contact (consider the Vedic traditions,
the writings of
Zecharia Sitchin, the Old and
New Testament), but it can give a few examples of recent
writings for comparison with Exopolitics. Members of the current
scientific community usually focus on the physical and
biological conditions that are needed for life to emerge on
other (distant) planets. They may be supportive of SETI
(the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence), but they
seldom view UFO reports as an indication of ET visitation.
That gap between many scientists and most UFO investigators may
be narrowing. For example, a recent article that explores the ET
hypothesis – “Inflation-Theory Implications for Extraterrestrial
Visitation,” Journal of the British Interplanetary Society, vol.
58, 2005, pp. 43-50) was written by James Deardorff,
Bernard Haisch,
Bruce Maccabee, and
Hal E. Puthoff, who are
mainstream scientists as well as UFO investigators.
Few psychologists and psychiatrists have participated in UFO
research. The death of John Mack, M.D. in 2004, however,
was the subject of several editorials, including Stephen
Basset’s “Exopolitics” column in the December-January 2005
edition of UFO magazine, pp. 16-18. - Dr. Mack a professor of
psychiatry at Harvard University, had authored two books on UFO
“abductees,” and he had founded the Program for Extraordinary
Experience Research (PEER).
Philip Krapf, a former news
editor for the Los Angeles Times, has described his visits
aboard ships of an ET civilization and their plans for contact
with nations on Earth. Courtney Brown, Ph.D., a professor of
political science, has described his sessions of remote viewing,
and his analysis of the political structure of an ET
civilization. C.B.
Jones, Ph.D. convened a group of international
speakers in 1995, at a conference called When Cosmic Cultures
Meet. The purpose of the conference, held in Washington, D.C.,
was to prepare both the public and government officials for
possible disclosure of the ET presence.
The Disclosure Project, directed by Steven Greer, M.D.,
has videotaped testimony from hundreds of former military and
government officials about their knowledge of the UFO cover-up.
Michael Salla, Ph.D., author of
Exopolitics: Political Implications of the Extraterrestrial
Presence, has reviewed international politics as influenced
by the ET presence. He attempts to evaluate the levels of
evidence for various aspects of the “politics of Exopolitics.”
Paul von Ward, author of Gods, Genes, and
Consciousness, analyzes evidence from various sources
(archeological, cultural, genetic, historical, and technical
knowledge) that ABs (Advanced Beings) have helped humans to
establish Earth civilizations. His focus on “religious”
traditions, and “scientific” traditions, provides an analysis of
factors that sustain wars and other conflicts among cultures and
nations. He offers an approach to ease the conflicts between
different cultures with different “gods.”
Ida M. Kannenberg has
authored a fourth book, Reconciliation, with the
assistance of high-level entities, THOTH and TRES. She analyzes
the argument that humanity is spiritually ready to reassess its
relationship with other levels of cosmic consciousness.
Lisette Larkins has authored three books on her
communications with ETs, emphasizing that anyone can
communicate, telepathically, with extraterrestrial beings. These
brief examples indicate that a wide array of literature is
available for any reader who wishes to evaluate the contribution
of Webre and his model of Exopolitics.
If the reader of the review has
doubts about intuitive processes for apprehending “truth,” then
the book, Power Versus Force, by David R. Hawkins,
M.D., Ph.D., can provide an empirical method for assessing
levels of consciousness or calibrating levels of truth. If you
have doubts about the UFO cover-up, then UFOs and the National
Security State, a history by Richard Dolan, can provide the
historical information needed to accept the reality of the ET
presence and the UFO cover-up.
In my opinion, the author of this volume, Alfred Lambremont
Webre, has presented to readers a small package that
contains a huge gift – a new vision of humanity’s place in the
Cosmos. Most books about Exopolitics are written from the
perspective of humanity, or from the perspective of the
individual writer. Webre has provided a perspective of universal
law and government that rises above the mundane politics of
humanity and Earth, and views humans not as Planetary Persons
but as Cosmic Citizens.
When the reader is ready, his Exopolitics provides an
individual and collective blueprint for developing a social
structure on Earth that assists humanity, in a Decade of
Contact, to join and participate in Universe society.
• R. Leo Sprinkle, Ph.D.
counseling psychologist,
professor emeritus at the University of Wyoming, distinguished
Ufologist and author
Review by Dr. Brian O’Leary
Exopolitics explores a possible –
and, if true, very important – cosmic view that the Universe is
governed by advanced beings in higher spiritual and physical
space, of which most of us on Earth are not aware or barely
aware. According to this view, a long time ago, powerful
Earthlings rebelled against the universal order, and we all got
quarantined, driven away, temporarily, from the Garden of Eden,
cut off from the richness of the interplanetary culture. Alfred
Webre argues that we might be getting closer to the time of
revelation and initiation.
Webre’s hypothesis of this greater reality mirrors a powerful
intuition, now shared by half of humanity, that we are not alone
in the Universe. Many of those, in turn, believe that we are
being visited and monitored to determine whether we should be
permitted to emerge from the intergalactic quarantine. But these
efforts are obviously being resisted by the plutocracy of vested
interests in perpetual warfare and unsustainable resource
exploitation – interests that suppress our transcendent truth
for the sake of consolidating their own greed and power.
Much of this book rings true. Certainly, our civilization cannot
go on as we have. We will need all the help we can get to lift
ourselves out of tyranny, genocide, and ecocide. So why not
reach out toward those who are clearly more wise? Undoubtedly,
more empirical evidence is needed to bolster the case for the ET
presence and intention. Some of this is to be found in the
excellent research of the late Dr. John Mack at Harvard. The
contactees that Dr. Mack worked with have repeatedly
reported the great sense of urgency that some off-planet
cultures feel towards reversing humanity’s destruction of
Earth’s environment.
In this work, intuition plus admittedly incomplete science
combine to form a very compelling case for understanding why we
may have been exposed to the UFO/ET phenomenon, yet at the same
time are so cut off from and confused about the extraterrestrial
realities that underlie the evidence.
• Brian O’Leary, Ph.D.
a former NASA astronaut, is the
founder of the New Energy Movement and the author of
Re-inventing the Earth: New Energy Sources, Future Sciences and
Search for Extraterrestrial Life in the Universe.
by Courtney Brown, Ph.D.
Courtney Brown,
Ph.D. is an associate professor of political science at
Emory University. He is the founder of the Farsight
Institute, a non-profit research and educational
organization dedicated to the study of the “remote
viewing” phenomenon. |
As recently as the first half of the 1990s, the dominant sense among
most of the scientific community, as reported in the mainstream
media, was that it is highly improbable that many other planets
exist orbiting stars other than our own Sun. That is, many
intelligent scientists held firmly to the view that Earth is a
galactic anomaly. Planets orbiting other suns were assumed to be a
rarity, and so Earth-type planets orbiting other suns were deemed to
be exceptionally rare. This, of course, was a prelude to the belief
that life in places other than Earth was doubtful in the extreme.
The unspoken fear among these same
scientists was that we might not really be alone in this Universe,
and indeed, there may not be that much special about us at all. From
a scientific perspective, the proposition that the phenomenon of
planets orbiting other suns would be a rare event has always been
ludicrous. We live in a solar system with at least nine known major
planets, a full-size asteroid belt, a host of comets, zillions of
meteors, and enormous quantities of dust, all of which orbit our
Moreover, most of the planets in our
solar system have their own systems of moons.
The only reasonable rule to draw from
our own experience with our solar system is that nature seems to
favor many bodies orbiting other bodies. Statistically, we have a
sample of one (that is, one solar system) about which we know a
great deal. Scientifically, we have no recourse but to establish our
sample of one as the expected mean (that is, arithmetic average) for
all solar systems – until additional data can be obtained and
averaged, thereby allowing us to modify our estimate of this mean.
We must also assume that there will be a distribution around this
mean, which requires that some solar systems will have more planets,
and other solar systems will have fewer planets.
More specifically, there will be an expected mean or average number
of planets orbiting each star, and the distribution of such planets
orbiting their stars must have a standard deviation. This is a most
basic application of statistics, and all scientists are wedded to
the underlying mathematical assumptions of such things. To assume
that our solar system is unique in our galaxy is to claim that our
sample of one is an outlier, an anomaly.
It is impossible to make this claim
without a prior knowledge of the distribution of planets around
other solar systems, since the idea of an outlier only makes sense
in the context of a distribution. To insist, nonetheless, that our
solar system is unique in the universe thus violates a widely
accepted approach to scientific thinking.
Viewed in this light, the claim of
uniqueness is an extreme position. Let us now consider the obvious
fact that our own solar system was created out of the same
collection of cosmic dust from which all other solar systems were
created in our area of the galaxy. It is doubtful that one would
find much difference in the chemical makeup of our solar system in
direct comparison with other solar systems within, say, a 100-light
year radius. Since we all came out of the same cosmic soup, it is
likely that there are many nearby solar systems in which planets
exist which support conditions favorable to the initiation of life.
Going back to statistics, we have a
sample of one planet (that is, our Earth) in which life is
phenomenally abundant and possesses tremendous variety. Life exists
in all sorts of environmental extremes on this planet. Moreover, we
finally have clear and unambiguous evidence that Mars also was once
a warm and wet world, and scientists now confidently claim that
meteors originating from Mars contain fossil evidence of Martian
microbial life. Thus, we have a sample of one solar system in which
life either exists or has existed on two planets.
This must be our initial guess of the
assumed expected mean for other solar systems, at least with respect
to those solar systems residing within our neck of the galactic
woods. There really is no alternative interpretation presently
available to science, at least not in the absence of additional
information suggesting something to the contrary. Now we must turn
to the topic of intelligent life. Intelligence is merely a matter of
degree. If life has enough time in its evolutionary calendar, it is
virtually certain that eventually 32 one species on each
life-supporting world will evolve in the direction of a larger and
more capable brain. This will increase that species’ ability to
compete with less intelligent animals for food and survival.
As is suggested by Edward O. Wilson’s
theories on the evolution of intelligence, bigger and more capable
brains constitute a physiological trait comparable to other evolving
physiological traits, and there is no evolutionary law prohibiting
the development of any particular trait. From my perspective, the
only reasonable and scientifically defensible conclusion that can be
drawn from all of the above is that warm and wet Earth-type planets
must be abundant, at least in our galaxy (although probably beyond
it as well), and that life must be common. Moreover, given that time
is the primary ingredient necessary for the evolution of
intelligence, it seems most likely that intelligent life surrounds
us as well.
Where is the evidence of such life?
Just 10 years ago most mainstream
scientists were asking the same type of question about the existence
of planets orbiting other suns. Recent astronomical discoveries
indicate that planets are much more common than was once thought,
and scientists are just now considering the proposition that planets
may indeed be ubiquitous. Similarly, I must argue that time will
tell with respect to the matter of life on other worlds. It seems
clear to me that the evidence of such life will eventually be found
without ambiguity. Indeed, many would suggest (as I have done
elsewhere) that ambiguity in regard to this matter is of our own
making, that extraterrestrial life has already discovered us, and
that our own governmental and corporate interests have prevented the
masses from recognizing the obvious.
Until this is resolved, doubting
scientists still need to wrestle with the contradiction implied by
their “convenient” dismissal of basic extrapolations of statistical
theory. From a statistical perspective, to claim that a sample of
one is an initial estimate of a mean is not extreme. To claim with
fervent certainty that the sample of one is an outlier is both
extreme and (at least in my mind) scientifically untenable. If such
scientists argue that life on Earth is unique, then they must offer
a compelling reason as to why we should not assume that life in our
solar system is a sample of one, and that our first approximation of
the average probability of life in other realms should not be drawn
from the known traits of our own solar system.
Following a similar logic, it seems clear to me that intelligent
life is a widespread reality in our galaxy, and we should begin to
address the political as well as the scientific implications of
this. Again, viewing our own planet as a sample of one, we have many
cultures residing on Earth. Organizations have naturally formed on
this planet, both as a means of defense from hostile neighbors and
as a way to foster economic growth.
As our planetary civilization has grown,
the general trend over the thousands of years seems to be in the
direction of avoiding war and building economies, although there do
seem to have been some notable short-term exceptions to this more
general historical trend. Thus, my suggestion is that we treat our
own experience again as a sample of one. Where there is intelligent
life in our galaxy, this life will most certainly tend to
Following this thought, we are not then
merely surrounded by intelligent life, but by intelligent life that
is organized into various groupings. Indeed, if our own planetary
civilization can come up with the idea of a United Nations, I am
certain that extraterrestrial civilizations would have no difficulty
finding use for (and then developing) their own interplanetary
versions of such an organization. I see no escape from the
likelihood that there is some type of organization that exists among
our nearby worlds that might as well be called a “Galactic
It is probable that there are natural limits to the size of
political organizations of extraterrestrial worlds. That is, if
there are, say, 60,000 planets in our galaxy that sustain
intelligent life at any given time, then it is unlikely that all
60,000 would find the need to participate in a so-called “Galactic
Federation.” Indeed, I would think it much more likely that much
smaller organizations would form which would serve the needs of
their member societies with a greater eye toward “local service.”
Thus, an organization that would
effectively serve our region of our galaxy may have only a few
hundred members.
More than that might prove unwieldy.
Should there be a need to defend the interests of one member of such
an organization from, say, the interloping activities of an outside
group, it seems hardly conceivable that the resources of the entire
galaxy would be required to defend those interests. A more
manageable number of participants in such an organization would more
likely be ideal – not so many as to be lost in the 34 deck, but
enough to offer a measure of collective security.
This brings me to the topic of Alfred
Webre’s new book on the topic of Exopolitics. Webre’s
perspective of how we should approach the issue of human
interactions with organized extraterrestrial life is one that needs
to be considered among the various alternative approaches. Thus,
this book really is essential reading for anyone interested in the
subject of intelligent extraterrestrial life. It seems to me obvious
that as soon as one realizes that intelligent extraterrestrial life
exists, the very next question is not a scientific one, but a
political one.
Moreover, one question leads inevitably
to another.
How does one interact with
this life?
How is it organized?
Does it belong to an
extraterrestrial organization?
Do such organizations form
for the purpose of planetary defense, or is there an
alternate rationale for their existence?
Are there interloping groups
or societies about which there are elements of concern?
Do extraterrestrial
societies interact competitively, cooperatively, or
What are the goals that
drive such societies?
Since it is reasonable to assume that
interplanetary societies would have no difficulty finding natural
resources such as water and minerals among any number of uninhabited
worlds, what currency would such societies find valuable? Would
genetic materials governing the variety of life be of ultimate value
to such extraterrestrial civilizations? These are the sorts of
questions that we simply cannot avoid any longer.
Webre bravely inserts himself into this
debate in its most formative stage of development. We all need to
consider what he has to say. Some may claim that Alfred Webre’s
views are utopian. This may or may not be true, and we will never
know until we probe further into such issues. Meanwhile, Webre’s
views are without doubt a valid “first take” on the overall issue of
how humans should interact with intelligent extraterrestrial life.
Noting Webre’s background, it may at
first seem odd that the matter of extraterrestrial intelligence
should be so quickly engaged by a person trained in matters of law.
But this is the nature of self-organizing intelligence.
Organizations survive because they embrace rules governing
individual and collective behavior. Lawyers are trained to first
understand those rules and then operationalize them. Science will
help us to recognize that intelligent life other than our own exists
in 35 this Universe. After that, the lawyers and politicians will
take over.
Webre sees this far in advance of most
others, and he wants to set the tone for the future political
debates that are as inevitable as they will be profound. This is a
book that we all need to have read before these debates become
widespread in our society, before we are gripped by a fear of the
new and the unknown that seems so readily to spring from within us.
I suspect that fear will play no useful role in our future
interactions with the extraterrestrials. We need to abandon fear.
Right now, if we could only get our species to look up with wonder
at the potential vastness of life and its inherent complexity, we
would be on a much better track than our current embrace of denial
offers us. Webre’s book is a hopeful and inspiring outlook
concerning our future as a species.
This is an outlook worth exploring in
its fullness.
by Paul Davids
Paul Davids was the executive
producer and co-writer of the film Roswell, starring Kyle MacLachlan,
Martin Sheen, and Dwight Yoakam, which was nominated for a Golden
Globe Award as Best Television Motion Picture of 1994.
TIME magazine has an annual practice of selecting The Man (or Woman)
of the Year. A more appropriate ritual for the new millennium might
be to select The Mind of the Year, and if that were so, Alfred
Lambremont Webre would rank high on my list of suggested nominees.
Among modern philosophers, Webre finds
himself one of a very select few at the center of the birth of a
discipline of critical importance for the future – Exopolitics.
Exopolitics is the name of a new field of knowledge, research,
philosophy, and imagination. Its purpose is to explore the
relationship of humanity – past, present, and future – to other
intelligent species originating from elsewhere in the Universe,
including beings that may exist in other dimensions of time-space.
Exopolitics shares a common inspiration with exobiology (the study
of extraterrestrial life forms) and exo-archeology (the study of
what might prove to be extraterrestrial structures and monuments on
other celestial bodies).
These disciplines are currently filled
with much speculation, because the so-called “hard facts” are not
yet transparent. One thing is certain, however, and that is that we
are living at the beginning of an upheaval in modern thought as
momentous as the Darwinian, Freudian, Einsteinian, and Watson-Crickian
scientific leaps of thought that shaped the last century. The
theories that underpin evolution, psychoanalysis, relativity, and
DNA all suffered a difficult birth. So shall it be with Exopolitics.
Just as was the case with each of these other cornerstones of modern
thought, the world has not yet woken up to the fact that the
intellectual ground is about to shift under our feet all over again.
In the case of Exopolitics, what lies ahead will be a cataclysm of
momentous concepts that will move “Heaven and Earth” – or at least
re-structure our thinking about humanity’s place in the scheme of
things. By this I mean much more than that our physical place in the
Universe will be redefined. Exopolitics expands the biological scale
upwards from where it now ends, with human beings at the pinnacle.
For centuries, man has declared himself King of the Universe. Webre
is a leader among those heralding the unpopular news that the King
of the Universe is about to lose his crown. So swiftly will we be
deposed, and such a blow will it be to the human ego, that there
will be, in many quarters, a reactionary rejection of Webre’s
central idea. That rejection is likely to continue for as long as
humanly possible and not a moment less. Paul Revere once said, “One
if by land, two if by sea.”
Alfred Webre declares, “One if by land,
two if by sea, three if from outer space!”
The British establishment had nothing
good to say about Paul Revere in the days of the American
Revolution. And the establishment of the so-called civilized world
today will probably have few niceties for the author of this book,
at least for the moment. As in past eras of history, there will
surely be a widespread desire to punish the messenger because of
disdain for his message.
But what is the message? It is an affirmation of what science,
politics and government have done their utmost to deny – that the
universe is vastly populated, throughout, by advanced biological
species that are so far beyond us, that in many cases we are mere
children by comparison. Arthur C. Clarke sounded the same message in
his landmark work of science fiction, Childhood’s End. In that book,
the arrival of other species from distant regions of space marked
the end of the intellectual childhood of the human race, and the
beginning of our first glimpse of biological reality on a universal
The book that you now hold in your hands
purports to be something quite different from science fiction: a
fairly precise outline of facts you may never have considered
before. It is a “treatise.” So was Sigmund Freud’s An Outline of
Psychoanalysis. Both share the trait that they are, more or less,
100 pages long. They also share the characteristic that they are
cornerstones of new thought. Brevity can move mountains when it
strikes its target like an arrow piercing the bulls-eye, and Webre,
like Freud, fully intends to move mountains, for the spirit of his
treatise is, Upon this Rock shall the Future of Humankind be
President Reagan once stood before the United Nations General
Assembly and wondered aloud about what the effect would be if the
human race were threatened by some alien civilization from “out
there.” For Webre, however, the issue is not one of a threat. It is
an issue of the true nature of the relationship between
interplanetary species. On a universal scale, he sets forth
purported interactions of beings from multiple worlds that are
tantamount to a sort of intergalactic diplomacy. That diplomacy, as
in Webre’s title, includes politics, government and law, but on a
universal scale. By contrast, the politics, government and laws of
Earth are seen as mere holograms of larger realities and cosmic
I was asked to write this foreword because I was principally
involved in the Showtime original motion picture Roswell, a film
that challenged the old order of thinking that still claims that no
contact with ET intelligence has yet occurred. This film raised the
specter of government secrecy and the desire of authorities to
refrain from revealing the facts about intelligent extraterrestrial
life forms to the public.
Roswell opened the floodgates on these
issues. It presented a rather relentless case that highly placed
officials and powerful institutions within the United States
government have secreted the hard-core, open-and-shut evidence of
advanced extraterrestrial life since at least 1947. It dramatized
the notion that the art of lying about what is secretly and
officially known about visitors from outer space has become an
institutionalized and ironclad policy. Roswell explores the theme
that not only has there been a never-ending policy of deceit and
denial, but there has been an effort to trivialize this subject of
paramount importance and to stigmatize those who take it seriously.
Efforts have been made to relegate
flying saucers, aliens, and space visitors who arrived on our planet
in ancient times to the realm of “fringe” subjects, the domain of
eccentrics and kooks. And why would such a policy have been
implemented? Jack Nicholson said it best in another film, A Few Good
Men, when he declared, “Because you can’t handle the truth!” But the
truth would not have been concealed with such effort merely to save
the majority of us psychotherapy bills. There would have been many
other advantages to withholding the 39 facts of extraterrestrial
contact. These included issues of political control and economic
A decade following the first broadcast of our movie, I can’t swear
on a stack of Bibles that its premise is fact. I wasn’t there when
the Roswell event happened. However, to accept the official view –
that nothing of consequence happened at Roswell – one has to
disregard the sworn testimony of dozens of military men and
civilians who were in Roswell at the time, and whose affidavits and
testimonials are all on public display at the International UFO
Museum and Research Center in Roswell, New Mexico. Hollywood and
science fiction novelists have long had the intriguing new field of
Exopolitics all to themselves.
Think back to 1950, and The Day The
Earth Stood Still, when Klaatu, the name of the alien
played by Michael Rennie, stood on the rim of his flying
saucer before the throngs of Washington, DC and gave a blunt
ultimatum to the human race.
To paraphrase his message of admonition,
he said,
“Abandon your war-faring ways, for
if you fail to do so, if you attempt to take your weapons into
space and thereby threaten other civilizations in the Universe,
you will be destroyed by powers that you cannot even imagine.
The choice is yours.”
That was one of the cinema’s first
dramatizations of Exopolitics.
In The War of the Worlds, which was one of four seminal
motion pictures producer George Pal contributed to the realm of
Exopolitics, based on the novel by H. G. Wells, the human
race had not even a choice about its ultimate fate. The choice had
already been made by land-grabbing Martians to annihilate us. The
same occurred once again in Independence Day, but they weren’t from
Mars. In Gene Roddenberry’s Star Trek, the universal Exopolitics
proved complex precisely because the Universe was populated with so
many species that had different agendas and goals.
In George Lucas’s Star Wars, we learned
that the Exopolitics of interplanetary relations began “A long time
ago, in a galaxy far, far away,” and that those relations were none
too friendly. In films such as Cocoon and Steven Spielberg’s
Close Encounters of the Third Kind, the aliens came for a
select few of us, and those few seemed to be promised a life of
harmony “up 40 there.” In Fire in the Sky, the aliens who abducted
Travis Walton seemed to have less angelic plans for his experience
in space, and they soon spewed him out, putting him back on terra
firma as naked as the day he was born.
In Forbidden Planet, the
Exopolitics of time and space came under the control of one
scientist, Dr. Morbius, who while stranded on the planet Altair 4,
mastered the advanced, secret technologies of a long-extinct alien
race, the Krell, which he offered to dole out in small bits and
pieces to Earth only when he, in his “infinite wisdom,” saw fit to
do so. So, to paraphrase the classic song, what’s it all about,
Alfred? I think it’s appropriate to pose that question to the
author, because Alfred Lambremont Webre is one of the few who may
have now actually answered the question, and in the very work that
His answer goes something like this:
We sometimes call ourselves “The
Children of God.” Indeed, even when we are elderly we are still
essentially like children, newborns in an ancient Universe, in
which biological intelligence has developed many times, in many
places across the vastness of space, a Universe in which one
species has begotten others, using the tools of genetic
engineering, again and again, throughout the eons of time.
In the Universe according to Webre, most
of the other neighbors in the Universe know one another. They have
formed what Webre calls “Universe Society.” They also know us, the
people of Earth. One problem has been that we do not know them.
Another problem has been that they have placed us under quarantine.
We are contained, like the lepers of Molokai in a previous century.
But the duration of our quarantine may be coming to a close, and
that will create both great opportunities and cause powerful shock
waves for humanity.
A third problem has been that a long
line of American Presidents, as well as the New York Times, TIME,
news anchors from Walter Cronkite to Tom Brokaw,
Senators and Congressmen, university science professors, directors
of NASA, and other authoritative voices about Who’s Who
and What’s What, have all denied that there is any proof that
intelligent extraterrestrial species exist and that they have
visited Earth. They have chosen instead to open the door just a
crack, by offering 41 fossil evidence of ancient bacteria-like life
forms from Mars, found in an ancient meteorite, and even that
evidence is hotly disputed.
For those of us who have dealt with this problem in earnest, who
have read every claim about alien-human contact, who have collected
every testimonial of the several astronauts and the few other people
of renown who have “talked,” the evidence for advanced
extraterrestrial life appears to be quite overwhelming. We can see
that the problem has been that the lords and the ladies of
establishment opinion have somehow managed to create an impenetrable
veil of illusion, in which neither they nor the public can see the
evidence that is right in front of our faces, nor even discuss
extraterrestrial life without smirks and ridicule.
If the emperor has no clothes, they are
certainly not admitting it. Fortunately, there are a few exceptions.
Check out the provocative appendix of this book for the views of
certain opinion leaders who do indeed believe that ET has not only
phoned home, he has visited ours!
In the end, hopefully the truth will win out, for its arc is as long
as the Universe is incomprehensibly vast. Pivotal works, such as
Alfred Webre’s Exopolitics, may play an important role in
preparing many minds to comprehend that down here on the planet
Earth, the handwriting – of the aliens – is on the wall.